A new form of racism: how racial prejudice has evolved
BY RENIN BROADNAX Perspectives Editor “I can remember going with my parents to Florida in the 1950s and I was just a little kid who always seemed to have to go the bathroom,” Dr. James Hedtke, history and political science professor, said. “On our way there, we stopped in North Carolina and I remember seeing a sign on the bathroom that said ‘whites only.’ Then, I’m looking at myself not knowing if I was white or not. So at 7-yearsold, I had to ask my father ‘am I white?’” “My father responded ‘yes you are white; you can use this bathroom.’ Then I noticed there was another sign that said ‘colored people,’and it had an arrow pointing to a field and I asked my father ‘then what is colored?’ There were only about two black families in the neighborhood and my Dad responded ‘that’s like the Thomas’s.’” While America no longer has segregated bathrooms as in the 1950s, many wonder if racism persists. Two Cabrini students have opposite views on whether racism remains. On one hand, one student feels it would disappear if we did not keep bringing it up. “I think racism is only a problem because people keep bringing it up. If we left it alone, future generations would just forget about it,” a Cabrini student who asked to remain anonymous said. On the other hand, another person believes racism will only be removed if the country consciously uproots it. “You can’t delete racism. It’s like a cigarette. You can’t stop smoking if you don’t want to, and you can’t stop racism if people don’t want to. But I’ll do everything I can to help,” Mario Balotelli, civil rights activist, said. Racism has been around in many different years and, rightfully, has caused much discourse and discussion. One of those topics of discussion is how we should tackle racism and has it grown over the years or has it just evolved into something more inconspicuous? One scholar believes that we have evolved to something like racism lite. “High school seniors are increasingly expressing a form of prejudice that sociologist Tyrone Forman calls ‘racial apathy’ – and indifference towards societal, racial, and ethnic inequality and lack of engagement with race-related social issues.” Racial apathy is a more passive form of prejudice than explicit articulations of bigotry and racial hostility. A Cabrini sophomore has experienced this kind of milder racism. “I have experienced slight racism but never in an aggressive way, more in an ignorant way,” Samar Dahleh, sophomore political science major, said. “Yes, I have. I have experienced it in various ways from microaggressions to overt racism. It usually happens be-
cause I am Latino and look different. People generalize stereotypes of Latinos,” Alex Sanchez, a junior psychology major, said. Is racism increasing now or just coming out in the open? Hedtke believes racism has increased in the last few years. “I feel like there is an encouragement to almost say anything. There is also an attempt to tear down everything that Obama did and I believe it’s because of the color of his skin, and I mean I can’t prove that, but I do believe that,” Hedtke said. “And it started with [Donald Trump] calling into question whether or not Obama was American or not and whether he was born in America or not you know that whole birth question and that was really a racial question. And it was perpetuated to a point that did not have to occur.” Another student, however, questions whether racism is increasing. A minority student leader offers his perspective on what it like to live in America during the Trump era. “How could racism still be a problem now when Barack Obama was president for two terms?”a junior Cabrini student who asked to remain anonymous said. “The President and those who support him have set the tone for ‘appropriate’ behaviors for all, even more so for the actions of those citizens who support him. His approach is to characterize immigration as a race issue, to demonize Obama and to claim equality of perspectives between Charlottesville’s racist marchers and the protesters who came to show commitment to civil liberties for all,” Dr. Kathleen McKinley, a sociology professor, said. “Trump’s rhetoric certainly has an effect which ramifies through local communities and empowers those who may have kept their racial, ethnic and religious prejudices hidden from public view,” McKinley said. “I do believe there is a correlation between the spike in overtly racist actions and hate-crime with our current president, who has enabled people that are racist to be more vocal about who and what they dislike,” Sanchez said. “Very much so. [I believe] Donald Trump has become a voice for bigotry in America,” Dahleh said. “When President Trump took office.” The FBI’s report released this month revealed that hate crimes had jumped an astonishing 17 percent from 2016 to 2017. And the targets? Sixty percent of the victims were selected because of their race, ethnicity or ancestry. More than 20 percent were targeted because of their religion. How does this affect Cabrini? Racism is a world issue and it affects everyone, everywhere meaning that Cabrini’s campus is not excluded.
Adrienne Green, a reporter at The Atlantic, provided some statistics on how minorities are affected by racism on college campuses. “The study, whose analysis is based on critical race theory, explores how racism affects the ability of high-achieving black students to have healthy mental attitudes toward their work and college experiences. “We have documented alarming occurrences of anxiety, stress, depression, and thoughts of suicide, as well as a host of physical ailments like hair loss, diabetes and heart disease.” Hedtke added in some perspective on how prejudice may be present in his classes “In class sometimes you can see the latent racism, in the way students or faculty talk or in the presentations that they give or things of that nature,” Hedtke said. “But I personally have not seen any acts of overt racism, I mean there have been some here but I have not seen them first hand occur with own eyes there have been cases of aggressive racism here on campus but again I have not witnessed it first hand.” “I think that while racism makes it very difficult to be a minority, especially when it comes to having pride about it, it is characteristic of it, so it doesn’t necessarily make it “more” difficult, but is to be expected. When it comes to attending private or public education (such as college) it is difficult because racism may allow for people to deny you entrance or opportunities but once again it is to be expected,” Sanchez said. Another student agrees with this point of view. “I think being a minority in public or private schools makes it harder in a way where you interpret everything a little differently than the other students who are not minorities,” Dahleh said. “While you learn about these white historians and philosophers you may not see somebody who you can identify with and that makes the education just kind of different not necessarily harder but it’s like you have to kind of represent yourself within that field and figure out how your identity fits.” McKinley offers inside information on how Cabrini attempts to combat racism. “Cabrini does have an ‘Inclusivity’ council. This council runs programs to work with the faculty on issues related to diversity. There have been many ‘diversity’ initiatives over the years and several faculty development workshops on the topic,” McKinley said. “The best programs are always the ones with panels of our students telling us ‘like it is.’ These are so helpful and we should have more of those. We need to be informed on the real issues and where we can be helpful.” CONTINUE READING ONLINE
Accepting all religions:
A response to religious-based hate crimes A synagogue in Pittsburgh. A mosque in New Zealand. Both places of worship. Both targeted by terrorism due to their religious beliefs. Over the past decade, there have been over 25 attacks on places of worship for numerous religions. We live in a world that all too often persecutes people based on their religion. People came to America to seek religious freedom from those in Europe who imposed a state religion. They came here to celebrate their religion and, somewhere along the way from the pilgrims to now, we seem to have forgotten that religious freedom is the very foundation and core of what the United States stands for today. During this time of racial prejudice and division, the
amount of hatred people recieve for being different is beginning to increase. We should all practice inclusivity and try to be more tolerant people who come from different backgrounds. At the same time, we should try to learn from them and expand our knowledge. The reason some people are not accepting of other religions is ignorance. These people do not understand other religions and often fear what they do not know. Instead of being willing to learn about these religions, they turn that “fear” into a hatred or create stereotypes and biases based on their uncertainties. As people, we need to change this. Our society has to create a new reputation and accept everyone’s beliefs regardless of their religion. All religions have one thing in common and that is to spread peace and love. Religion stands
to bring hope to people who need it, and everyone should have the right to practice what they believe in because of that. Whether a person is religious or not, we are all taught to treat one another with dignity. Catholic, Jewish, Quaker, Christian, Muslim - everyone deserves respect. Accepting all religions is crucial to world peace since religion has been a leading cause of conflict, division and bloodshed throughout history. The more we open our hearts and minds to it, we can accomplish more than just peace. We can apply such thinking in everyday life, it can create tremendous advancements in society, technology, medicine, morality, philosophy and so much more. At Cabrini, we hold this to heart, because even though we officially identify as a Catholic in-
stitution, all are welcome and all are free to worship as they wish too. As Americans and Cavaliers, we should accept all religions because everyone should be free to worship as they would like. To see what happened in New Zealand, and what continues to happen in the United States is heartbreaking because mosques, synagogues and churches are supposed to be safe places. Although thoughts and prayers are helpful, it won’t ever get to the bottom of these issues. No words will ever replace the lives lost while in their religious spaces but it should be a message to all that this should never happen again. No matter what, no person should ever die because of what they believe in. No life deserves to be cut short due to violence.
The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the student editors.
Not all undocumented immigrants are criminals, contrary to Trump’s allegations BY AMY KODRICH Assistant Lifestyles Editor Editor’s note: The name of the subject in this article has been modified to protect her identity.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. They should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be e-mailed to loquitur@
Being an undocumented immigrant in the country of the free Imagine having to pack up your belongings and have to say goodbye to everything and everyone you’ve ever known. Imagine having to leave your home not because you want to, but because it is the only way to survive. 10.7 million undocumented immigrants have escaped their home country to live in the United States. Marie is one of those undocumented immigrants. Marie has been living in the United States as an undocumented immigrant for four years now. 44 percent of Mexico’s population lives in poverty and the families who suffer travel across the southern borders so they can give their family the life they deserve. They want to be able to provide for them, have an education and be able to flourish. “We arrived in hopes for a stable life and a better education,” Marie said. “It was difficult to adapt not just because we didn’t know the language, but also because, in the beginning, we didn’t know anybody.” Through the eyes of an immigrant Marie had tried to escape Mexico once before. She was nine years old when her mother first told her that they were leaving to go to the United States for a better life. They had traveled to Sonora where they would soon cross the border. “We were three days in a house where we waited until our turn (to cross the border). We had to pay three thousand dollars to cross the edge of the United States,” Marie said. “But the least expected happened, my father called the coyote [someone that helps smuggle
immigrants into the United States] and told him that if he helped us pass, he would send the police.” Marie had little to no connection with her father when she was younger. He controlled all aspects of her life, however, telling them when they can and when they cannot live in their own home. After her father made that call, they were forced to go back. Two months later, Marie’s mother left to go to the United States and Marie was forced to stay in Mexico with her sister, who was five at the time.” That day was the saddest of my life because I felt that they were scavenging me, but I had to be strong for my sister,” Marie said. Her mother realized how unhappy they were and told them to come to the United States. Marie was 14 and her sister was 10. They took four buses in total to get to the southern boarders. ”During the road we saw many poor people, some people were lying on the grounds already dead. The only thing we ate was burritos but what I did not understand was that my mom paid a lot of money so that we would not suffer and that we would get right in but it was the opposite,” Marie said. When they arrived in Agua Prieta, the coyote separated Marie from her sister. They told her that only she could pass without getting caught. That night, Marie and her sister were separated. Marie was left alone for about a month before she crossed. “I only walked five minutes and they caught me and sent me to jail where all the immigrants are,” Marie said. “The prison was cold and they did not give you anything to eat or blankets to cover you. They gave us plastic cover, and I remember wearing a low cut blouse. They did not feed me, they mistreated us and they pushed us.” After spending three nights there, she was taken to an immigrant shelter in Phoenix, Arizona. In a week, Marie had a social worker who was helping her to communicate with her mother. Marie was going to be reunited with her mother after four years. By traveling to Pennsylvania, Marie had a risk of deportation. CONTINUE READING ONLINE
Housing options change for the 2019-2020 school year BY MIRANDA SMITH Staff Writer As the spring semester continues on, next year’s housing applications are beginning to be distributed. With the new dorm being built, students all over campus have been wondering just what is in store with housing next year. Upperclassmen will have another housing option next fall as the new dorms are expected to be completed by then. “There is no other information regarding these topics,” Meghan Junor, assistant director of Residence Life, said. “Currently, there are no plans to take any other houses offline.” Another change for the 2019-2020 academic year will be the removal of the Valley Forge Military College (VFMC) apartments. These apartments housed two double rooms for a total of four residents. There were many mixed feelings about these apartments. “It was hard for me living at Valley Forge because I didn’t have a car,” Kelsey Crnkovic, junior member of the swim team, said. “I never had a reliable way to campus especially for 6 a.m. practice. The shuttle was unreliable and public safety sometimes would refuse to get me in the mornings.” Something new being implemented this year is the Senior Living Experience. This experience is for seniors in the Cabrini Apartment Complex. There are five person apartments with a single and two double rooms, six person apartments with three double rooms and four person apartments with two double rooms. “Our goals are to allow seniors to have secure housing for the year, to allow seniors to live with other seniors, to allow seniors to participate in programming that is focused on senior transitions and to give seniors the opportunity to connect with campus resources such as job
preparation, financial management and Cabrini alumni networking,” Junor said. The application for the senior living experience has already closed. Room selection was planned for the week of March 6, 7 and 8. Random lottery numbers were revealed on the MyHousing portal on March 4 but only students with a group of roommates were able to select housing. The lottery numbers also included a time slot for the selections. On each day, room selection open at 7 a.m. and close at 11 p.m. On March 6, students were able to select an apartment during their time slot if they had enough roommates to fill the room. All roommates had two hours to accept the request. If they failed to do so they were kicked out of the room. March 7 was for any pair of students to fill rooms. On March 8, any individual student could fill the remaining rooms in the apartments. There is a $300 housing cancelation fee for anyone who cancels their housing selection. First-year student housing will remain the same. Residence life has decided to keep roommate questionnaire as their method for pairing students. First-year students are generally placed in East Residence Hall, Woodcrest Hall and Xavier Hall. There is the option of a double room or a triple room which students will be placed into. Sophomores have the option of six houses. These houses are Maguire, Dixon, Infante, McManus, Casey and Sullivan. Some houses may be co-ed by floor or single sex. A few lucky sophomores may be able to get into West Residence Hall or the new building due to the small amount of students able to fill the houses.
Informational ad provided by Residence Life MIRANDASMITH@GMAIL.COM
Sodexo food service given a low rating by students BY KATHRYN TAYLOR & GREY STEPHENS Assistant Social Media Manager & Staff Writer Among Cabrini University students, the majority strongly dislikes the food service provider Sodexo. But why? On average, Sodexo is compensated about $3,000,000 a year from Cabrini, but students say the quality of food is not what it should be. This is a common issue among all grades and across different colleges and universities. At Cabrini University specifically, in a survey of about 70 students, they consider Sodexo on the bottom of the food chain of food service. Many want changes not only concerning the quality of food, but also more diverse options, taste and most of all expenses. Sodexo is a national food service founded and headquartered in Paris. In North America alone, the company employs about 160,000 people. Cabrini University is 1 of 13,000 clients here in the United States. The business is known for improving the quality of life through nutritious meals and healthy lifestyles. In 2017, in a survey of 3,000 schools, Sodexo was chosen by The Daily Meal to put on its list of Best Colleges for Food. According to this survey, Sodexo was recognized for their sustainability practices, diverse and healthy food options and efforts to educate students about healthy eating. “Every institution’s meal plan structure is different based on the needs, wants and budgets of the institution. While there are certain common factors such as flex dollars (which may be known under different names by different schools but function the same way) every program is different,” Tracy Eells, general manager of dining services, said. When students were asked on a survey if the food served and the quality of it is worth Cabrini paying Sodexo an average of $3,000,00 a year, all 70 responses said no. One student claims there are not many food choices in the cafeteria. “Absolutely not. There is a limited variety and hardly any options for those with eating restrictions. Vegetarians can hardly find a meal at some points,” the student said. “We offer gluten-free options such as gluten-free pasta, gluten-free bagels and rolls and gluten-free pizza shells. I am happy to work with all students who have individual dietary needs to create a plan that suits their dietary needs,” Eells said. For Sarah McCarron, junior criminology and sociology major, her eating experience at Cabrini was especially difficult since developing celiac disease her senior year of high school. “Having to avoid gluten has gotten easier over the years but in the beginning, it was hard to find food that I could eat. Now I find it very easy to pick out things I can eat without having side effects. Having to avoid gluten affects my eating at Cabrini very heavily.
There really aren’t any gluten-free options unless I’m getting a salad or eating fries,” McCarron said. On top of her gluten intolerance, McCarron used to live on campus and had a 14-meal a week meal plan with a $200 flex but only found herself eating on campus two or three times a week unlike many other students. Our survey found that most students were eating on campus three to five days a week at 40 percent. Behind it followed one to two days at 32.9 percent. Third place held 0 days and last was a full week including seven days. “My two years of living on campus, I can’t remember them ever offering a gluten-free option of pasta, bread, etc. I don’t think I’m the only gluten-free Cabrini student so I think Sodexo could do better accommodating to those with different allergies,” McCarron said. Gluten-free options along with other special eating needs are not always advertised during dining times, which makes students unaware that there are even options for them. This steers them away from eating on campus and in the dining hall. “If I am paying for a meal plan, I expect to have options for lunch and dinner other than salad and fries,” McCarron said. Among many unhappy students, commuters find that Sodexo does not accommodate their needs as well. The survey results suggested that students either had a meal plan or they did not. The most popular meal plan at 44.8 percent was the 14-meal plan with a $200 dollar flex, which is extra cash students can use to buy food during the year at The Cabrini Bean or Late Night. The next biggest percentage was students with no meal plan at 38.6 percent. “The meal plans are not worth the money. I find that the school food is too expensive, does not offer a selection that I want and has lines that are too long when I have only 10 minutes between classes. I would like to be able to get lunch in Cav’s Corner because it is take out friendly but is too expensive and has limited options and unfriendly staff that seem unapproachable,” junior digital communications and social media major and commuter Amanda Zacharias said. Zacharias does not have a meal plan and packs her lunch every day. “I don’t think commuters are limited to what we can eat on campus, I think everyone is limited,” Zacharias said. As for a possible solution for the food and service, “I would like to see a wider variety of food options with staff that seems willing to help me when I need it,” Zacharias said. KATHRYNTAYLOR@GMAIL.COM
Gentrification: The most controversial topic you might have never heard about BY DYLAN ASHCRAFT Staff Writer
neighborhood at a higher price.” Arguments can be made that gentrification is commonly confused for another term that is brought up in urban development, economic displacement. This can be defined as the “loss of assets or access to assets that leads to loss of income sources or means of livelihood.” This seems to coincide with the ramifications of an area being gentrified with how their livelihood ends up being affected. A study done in 1982 found that a small percentage of Americans, around one percent, as well as five percent of families (with eight and a half percent of urban families as well) suffered from economic displacement due to aspects such as neighborhood changes, sale, eviction as well as a few other reasons. This shows that there is some sort of connection between gentrification and economic displacement. Whether or not the connection is due to it being one and the same with gentrification or being a cause-and-effect sort of relationship is undetermined.
“When I think about gentrification, the first thing I think about is the people who are forced to move out of their homes,” education major Eric Soll said. “And it’s Have you ever taken a walk through West Chester, not like they choose to move; they typically don’t even Northern Liberties or Manayunk at night? Full of bars, have that option. When you gentrify a neighborhood art galleries and nice restaurants with plenty of young such as Fishtown; you force these people to leave and people walking around. What about Norristown, either have to find a new home that they can finance or Kensington or North Philly? they end up being forced onto the streets. Philadelphia Not exactly the nicest places to go for a nightly stroll. has an incredibly high homeless rate, it’s one of the There might be excessive trash, needles on the ground highest, if not the highest, in the entire country. When at parks and some incredibly shady areas. Both sets had we take people who are already struggling yet have the similar beginnings, where the towns were popular with ability to have a roof over their head and force them out blue collar families and had rich industries. Looking onto the street, you’re making another problem worse. specifically at Norristown, the seat of the Montgomery For those who move to a new area and find somewhere County, where at one point in time it was a hub for to live, it’s usually in an area similar to the one you government, banking, industrial services and more. moved away from prior to the gentrification. This means Now what is the difference between the first set that you will potentially be forced out by gentrification of towns and the second? The second half has not in the future. It happened in Fishtown, a decent portion experienced gentrification. of the people there moved to Kensington and now they Here is a are dealing with scenario for those the issue again. It reading: Imagine is a terrible cycle you and your that gets imposed family are living by gentrification. in an urban area You either get and have been displaced onto there for roughly the streets or you 10 years. Out of move into a new nowhere, new area where the people keep same thing can moving in around happen again you, people who and you end up seem to be more resetting the affluent than you, cycle.” then one day A lot of your rent begins things come to increase. After with the topic of a bit more time, gentrification, a your family can’t lot of discussion afford the rent about whether or and has now not it is a morally been forced out just thing to do. of your home. However, the This is what conversation that is commonly does not seem to referred to as come up all too gentrification. often is: Is there Gentrification a way to have an is a controversial area go through topic when it a renaissance comes to politics without forcing MATT BROWN ATTRIBUTION GENERIC (CC BY 2.0) and urban out those who renovation. The word is so controversial that just Gentrification has become a very controversial topic and has forced many people out of their homes already live there? saying it tends to cause an emotion within people. “Over the According to Merriam-Webster, it is defined as last couple the “process of repairing and rebuilding homes in a “To me, economic displacement is a part of years I have been working with some people in the deteriorating area accompanied by an influx of middlegentrification or is a result of (gentrification),” Malm Norristown community to find some alternative paths class or affluent people.” said. to community development that include residents in However the concept of gentrification is not limited Part of the discussion about gentrification and a local community instead of excluding them,” Malm to the physical aspects done to a neighborhood. In its controversy is whether or not it is ethical. One of said. “We have been looking at models that might theory, gentrification is also about the renaissance of a the viewpoints in regards to gentrification (as well as include cooperative ownership and other models that community to increase economic sustainability. economic displacement) is that it is necessary for a allow members in a local community to find ways to However, the reason the topic is controversial is city/town to become better and have more economic at least approximate home owners as a neighborhood because when you renovate an area and bring in more sustainability. improves and provides an opportunity and incentive to affluent people, the people who lived there beforehand “People get confused by a ‘moral compass’ they help in that process. Everyone wants a safe community, are forced to leave. While no one actually tells them to would have you believe it’s wrong to move the poor everyone wants decent housing, there are good elements leave, the increased rent eventually forces them out of out of a neighborhood,” gentrification advocate Erik of neighborhood improvement but part of the ethical their homes and onto the streets. Goodwin said. “But I would argue that it’s not wrong. question is the way in which local residents are treated “In terms of how that process plays out, and some Most of the time these neighborhoods are dangerous and how they fare. There are ways, not typical but, ways of the the things that are a little controversial about,” areas. Dangerous areas to live aren’t fixed by new that process can happen that include those people Eric Malm, the chairperson of Cabrini University’s upholstery, it’s fixed by getting those people out of there. instead of excluding and displacing them.” business department, said. “One is the notion that If you look at what’s happening in Kensington right now, somebody might go into somebody’s neighborhood they are trying to fix a broken neighborhood through and decide I want to change somebody’s neighborhood. gentrification, moving the junkies, the homeless and Every neighborhood has issues, challenges, pluses and the poor out of there so they can make room for affluent minuses but one of the things that’s a little controversial people. If making a neighborhood safer, more pleasant about gentrification essentially is outsiders coming and more aesthetically pleasing is wrong, then what’s into a neighborhood and trying to change it. With that right?” intention is also an implicit belief that the neighborhood On the other side of the coin are the people who that’s there now isn’t very good...Gentrification usually believe gentrification to be an unethical process. This happens when real estate speculators come into a argument tends to be focused on the people being ASHCRAFTPRODUCTIONS@GMAIL.COM neighborhood, buy up a number of properties, fix them affected by gentrification instead of the neighborhoods up, and hope they can kind of resell and repackage that themselves.
‘Contention’: a movie by Cabrini students BY EVA SOLER AND KATHRYN TAYLOR Staff Writer & Assistant Social Media Manager
now he is directing it. He’s not doing it to fulfill a class requirement; rather, he is doing it because he wants to experiment with a format he hasn’t worked on before,” Tunagur said.
Expected this spring, “Contention” is a movie created by Rahmere Griffin, senior digital communication and social media major, about a struggling student. The plot revolves around interracial relationships, friendships, police brutality and many more controversial issues occurring today. Griffin created the concept of the movie in his script-writing class during the spring semester of 2018. There, they were taught to write for stage plays. Griffin wanted to do more with it though. “I always had a vision to turn that script into a movie or short film of sorts,” Griffin said. “Cabrini’s script-writing class has taught me to develop a script, putting ideas down on paper. Also, now I’m in Usame’s short film production class and that has simultaneously taught me things while I’m creating my film, like we would have a lesson in class on Wednesday and then on Sunday night I would have to use what I learned in filming some of my scenes.” Usame Tunagur is an assistant professor in the communications department, teaching classes like video production and short film production. Tunagur says that Griffin is a student who goes out of his way to fulfill his dreams, The filming of Contention in West Residence Hall. making him a go-getter and self-starter. “He’s interested in writing and directing a short narrative film. So, he wrote on his own and This is Griffin’s first time directing. He has only done
YouTube videos and skits in the past. “This whole process has been a complete new experience for me, but it’s something that I’ve taken on with an eager attitude,” Griffin said. Being his first time directing, he has been challenged with some things. Griffin says he has struggled to get out of his own head. “I’d be lying if I said doubts about this whole project haven’t come up, especially with me being [a protectionist], but I had to learn to not overthink and overanalyze,” Griffin said. “Another difficult part has been scheduling, but this whole process has taught me to be way more organized.” Griffin chose his coworkers easily. His assistant director is senior communications major Seneca White. His art director is communications and black studies major Xavier Taylor. Working with them before made it easy to find them, knowing their skills and how well they work together. As of right now, the film is about half way done, and Griffin expects to be done filming by the end of the month. The final edit should be done by April. “I want this film to be seen by anyone and everyone, and spark dialogue about the issues the film highlights,” Griffin said. @CONTENTIONMOVIE
How Cabrini students have been handling the schedule-picking procedure BY DYLAN ASHCRAFT Staff Writer
For some freshman, such as Taylor Barker, registration wasn’t too difficult because of classes Everyone has picked she’s already taken at Cabrini classes before and University. sometimes it can be “It was stressful but I knew difficult. I’m sure we have there was enough space in the all had a time where we classes I wanted to register for tried to get a class we and our COL (college success) wanted and then we did class demonstrated the process not because either it was clearly,” Barker said. full or it was a full-year The process of picking classes course that you did not at Cabrini is done typically know about. Making a online through the Cabrini portal schedule is a complicated and making use of the Cabrini process. Term Master Schedule which You look at the classes showcases the catalog of courses you need for your major, as a student can pick from. well as general core classes. “I’d like if the web registration After you gather your opened up at the same time as initial idea, you typically the registrar’s office and it would go find your adviser and be nice if it made being enrolled show them what you’ve got in a course a bit more obvious” and they either accept it Elise Fiore, a freshmen biology or revise it. No matter the major, said. amount of times that one’s Designing a schedule can registered for classes, it’s always be difficult the first go PIXABAY almost always an ordeal. Making a schedule can be challenging but staying organized using a planner will help immensely. around and even for those who Eric Soll, a mathematics major said, have done it before. It’s one of “Me and my two apartment-mates always do the same one of those difficulties of freshman year that eventually the most important aspects of college. thing every semester. We kinda suck at waking up early gets better once you go through the process. But what so what we do is stay up all night, hanging out playing is the process like for the first time, how do people feel video games and just talking. Then we register at 7 A.M. about not getting their classes and etc. and usually try and get some sleep afterwards. Always a Joe Cicalo, a freshman studying computer science, fun time.” said, “I got to register a little early because of a family But picking classes for your first time can be pretty issue but it wasn’t that bad of a time. The system was ASHCRAFTPRODUCTIONS@GMAIL.COM intimidating, what do you do, who do you go to and why kinda easy to use but I was not able to get all of my should you take X class instead of Y? Schedule picking is classes which sucks a bit.”
Missing classes in college: does it really matter? amount of free time for the rest of the day. Get the information/ notes from a friend in the class with you. The more you stay on top of what you missed the less behind you’ll be. At that point, it’s like you’ve been to class with minimal consequences. Just keep in mind you can’t ask your notes any questions, a good reason why you shouldn’t skip class if the topic is more challenging for you conceptually.
Most college students have debated at some point in their academic career whether to skip a certain class or not. BY CHRIS GIACOBBE Staf f Writer
Missing or skipping classes in college? Everyone has done it at one point or another. Everyone has their first. It’s not always a good feeling or for a good reason but it happens to everyone. It could be your calculus class, your biology class or your history of hip-hop class that you don’t understand why you are taking in the first place. However, does missing class really impact you as much as you think? A wise comedian John Mulaney once said, “It’s so much
easier not to do things than to do them. That you would do anything at all is totally remarkable.” He couldn’t be more right. Although that does not necessarily mean you should be skipping classes left and right. You may be gaining a few extra hours of sleep or getting done work that you were backed up on. Unknowingly, you just may be causing more problems for yourself. Such as playing catch up in your courses to see what you missed. The most obvious answer of all that most class-skippers have heard a million times: “It’s a waste of money.” Which
undoubtedly it is. Is there a right way to do it? You may be thinking, “Well some days you just need that off day,” which is perfectly fine. If you’re working around the clock and over-stressed, it’s totally acceptable to skip your class for that day. Just remember that timing is everything. If you choose the right time and place to skip then you can technically s u c c e s s f u l l y s k i p c l a s s . For starters, you just have to keep in mind that you’re always going to be missing some content no
matter what. It’s also important to keep in mind that you can’t always count on teaching yourself the content better than your professor. The best way to avoid falling too far behind would be skipping days that would work best for you. By that I mean if in class you’ll be going over content you’re familiar with or content that has been covered already. Make sure the reason you’re skipping class can’t just be taken care of at another time. It can be the worst feeling in the world sometimes when you skip class and end up having a crazy
How to avoid skipping class. The tough one. It takes a lot of motivation and a lot of willpower sometimes, as silly as it sounds. Sometimes just swinging your legs over the side of the bed is a monumental effort. Believe it or not, there are ways to get you out of that bed and into class as distasteful as that may sound sometimes. If your problem is waking up for class my personal solution is charging your phone just out of reach from you before bed. What I do next is set a bunch of alarms for every five minutes. It’s terrible... but it does the trick. After hearing the first alarm go off I jump out of bed to stop the next 12. The hardest part is just getting up and getting your foot out the door.
Behind the camera: my photography experience
Photography is a great creative outlet and can lead to many job prospects if seriously pursued.
BY ANGELINA CAPOZZI Assistant News Editor
From March 14 to March 17, I had the opportunity to go with Professor Panetta to Baltimore for the USA Olympic field hockey event. While I was there, I got a chance to shoot photography and some videography. The days consisted of rooms holding dif-
ferent speakers and activities. All of these events needed to be covered and sometimes there was four happening at once. The crew consisted of Panetta, two graduates of Cabrini, one graduate of Eastern and two undergraduate students, Ashleigh Carby and myself. Carby and I are enrolled in Panetta’s photography class and were invited to come on this trip to gain experience and
knowledge. “I grew a close bonds with a wonderful team of hard workers,” Carby said. Event photography is nothing like portrait photography, which is what I am used to doing. When doing portraits, you get full control of your model and can tell them how to position and where to look. Event photography can be more difficult to get a good
shot because the speaker is talking and moving around much more. When people are giving presentation their facial appearances can seem unpleasant. To get one good photo you may have to take 70-100 photos of that person. I learned an immense amount on this trip and overall it was a great experience. I never talked to the people in my class and when I roomed with Carby we instantly became friends. We were running from shoot to shoot and each day we got better and more confident. I felt connected with each speaker as they gave their presentations. “I thought the trip was nothing short of an amazing opportunity,” said Carby. “It was everything I expected to be: busy and a little hectic at times but it exceeded my expectations at the same time.” One of my highlights of the event was getting to shoot the USA Olympic players running some drills. This was set in a ballroom in a hotel which was turned into a field with turf and nets. I got to take really cool shots of them playing the sport and teaching younger athletes how to do some drills. Also in the ball room was a blown-
up field where anyone got the chance to play hockey. I watched and took pictures of intense games played by players, coaches, referees and average people. This event gave me real-life experience I will remember forever. Now I feel way more confident in my photography skills. I am so thankful for this opportunity and had a great time. I really recommend if given the chance, to take any opportunities that professors offer because this is something that will carry with you and help you with future jobs. At the end of the week, the crew was all in the equipment room and talked about the whole weekend and how we got everything done. Of course, things are going to go wrong but when you have people behind you to help it makes everything a whole lot easier. If given the chance, Carby and I would both do it all over again.
Following in the footsteps: the thousand point sisters Sports Source: Phillies Expectations BY JAMES KELLY Sports Editor
The Philadelphia Phillies are set to take the field for the first time this season against the Atlanta Braves. As the Phillies take on their NL East rivals, expectations are sky high for the team going into opening day. The Phillies are the first team in MLB history to add three all-stars from the previous season to their roster in one offseason. Those additions being JT Realmuto, Jean Segura and Bryce Harper. Harper was the most known addition to the media throughout the country. Harper is a former NL rookie of the year and MVP. Harper was the biggest free agent, and it took a lot to get him to Philadelphia. It took all of 330 million dollars to get him to play for the Phillies. Andrew McCutchen also signed a contract with the Phillies in the offseason. McCutchen is another former NL MVP joining the roster. Although he is much older than his MVP playing days, he can still contribute to the team in the leadoff spot. With the additions of all these names, plus the core group of players that are returning from last season, expectations are high. The Phillies should win at least 85 wins this year, if not more. I also expect the Phillies to win a playoff series. With all the players that have come in here in free agency, then add Rhys Hoskins, Jake Arrieta and Aaron Nola; an NL East division pennant is in the future. Nola finished third in Cy Young voting last season in the National League, while Hoskins can easily hit 40 home runs batting behind Harper. This team has a lot of potential, but Maikel Franco, Odubel Herrera and Cesar Hernandez have to step up at the bottom of the order. These three key players are going to see great pitches due to the top half of the order being so dominant. I could see this team playing in the NLCS.
BY ANGELINA CAPOZZI Assistant News Editor
Before Nomi Washington could even remember, she was playing basketball. Her love for the sport drove her to spend endless days practicing. This practice led Washington to score 1,000 career points on New Year’s Eve 2018. Washington is a 5’7 senior and plays a guard position. With a double major in criminology and sociology, Washington chose Cabrini because her sister also graduated from there. What made scoring 1,000 career points even more special was that her older sister, Amber, was the last to also score 1,000 career points. The sisters never got to play at Cabrini together but have played in a few tournaments in the past with each other. When Nomi scored that 1,000th career point she shared a special moment with her family, boyfriend and Renee Oliver who also played at Cabrini. “It was very important to have them at this game because they are my support system and I hold each one of them close to my heart,” Washington said. Her teammates were also there to celebrate with Washington. They were all very excited when she accomplished this goal. The team grew so close throughout the years and when senior year hits, the players begin to realize they are leaving soon.
“It’s hard when teammates graduate because they grow so close with you and even after they leave the relationships still last,” Washington said. The women’s basketball coach Kate Pearson pushes her to be better. “She reminds me of where I have been and where I can go,” Washington says. Washington is inspired to always want to be the best. She knew how good she was but she wanted to do more and be more. When Washington scored that 1,000th point it was a moment of overwhelming excitement. “I felt completely amazing. It was something that I had not had the chance to do in high school. Getting it in college, a place where only few can ever say they have done this, was huge for me,” Washington said. The game was played against Moravian. Even though the team lost that game, Washington said, “It was a bitter-sweet moment and it turned into such a huge accomplishment, I put the loss aside and celebrated with my family.” The team had a struggle of not winning their first conference championship. “We put up a good fight and in the end I am lucky enough to say that I ended my career with two conference championships plus all the NJCAA tournament wins,” Washington said. The team ended with 11 conference wins out of 12.
Nomi Washington and her sister holding their 1,000 point basketballs Washington has these wins under her belt plus being named CSAC player of the week (20162017), All-Atlantic Region Third Team, CSAC defensive player of the year, first team all-CSAC, defensive player of the week, CSAC player of the week (2017-2018), and named second team all-conference (2018-2019). “I just wanted to thank Cabrini for giving me the chance
to both play the sport I love and further my education. I got the chance to meet so many incredible people and learn more than I ever thought I would. It has been a true blessing,” Washington said.
How does recruitment work at Cabrini athletics? BY DYLAN ASHCRAFT Staff Writer
For high school studentathletes who are looking into prospective colleges, there are more things to consider than the ordinary student. What division is the school in? Does the school have the particular sport I play? Is that sports team even good? Making that choice about where to spend your undergraduate years can be difficult as it is. Some of this stress can be alleviated by the athletics recruitment process that colleges go through. This is when a university sports coach contacts a student through a variety of ways and expresses interest in the student attending their college and playing on their team. Getting recruited is something that high school athletes talk about and potentially dream about, being recruited to play for a school. Even having interest shown by a college coach can be incredibly meaningful to an athlete. “It made me feel like someone actually cared about my preference other than my parents,” Cameron Mousley, a Cabrini swimmer, said.
Spring season can be a perfect time for Division III schools like Cabrini to look and find potential candidates for its sports teams. This is when college coaches are either wrapping up their initial selection process or beginning a new search to fill slots on their team. Coaches can go about watching highlight reels of particular players, browsing recruiting websites (and profiles) and even attending games/meets to watch the prospect compete. “It varies from sport to sport, coach to coach, but more of the processes are probably pretty similar when it comes to identifying a student-athlete. Through either watching them play at a high school level, some are self-initiated the recruit might contact us, ask us to watch them and make an evaluation.” Steve Colfer, assistant director of athletics, said. “Once we make the athletic evaluation and obviously part of that process is determining the fact that they’re a right academic fit for our university.” When looking at prospective students, there are several things that factor into whether or not the student would make a good fit with the university on
both an academic and athletic level. It’s not just as simple as a coach offering out a recruitment opportunity, there’s give and take on both sides. “The first thing we ascertain as coaches is an athletic fit. Are they capable to play at this level in our program? Then obviously once you meet with the recruit and engage with their family, you start to get a feel for their personality. Are they going to be a right fit for our program, are they going to be the right fit for the university? Then also they’re feeling us out also, do we have the right majors, is it the right size, right location, what’s the student life environment. There’s a feeling out process on both sides, it’s not just ‘hey we want this recruit lets get them to go to Cabrini,” Colfer said. Another important aspect that goes into the athletics recruiting discussion is the freshman retention rate. The freshman retention rate is the rate at which students return to the university from freshman to sophomore year. Cabrini’s retention rate is around 72 percent which falls below the national average of 78 percent. However with studentathletes there tends to be a
higher retention rate. “Our student-athlete retention is higher than our non-athlete retention across the board. I think last year we were somewhere in the 85-86 percent in terms for our freshman retaining as sophomore as athletic recruits. And that generally only goes higher from that point on, from freshman to sophomore year. Some years it’s closer to 90 percent and it kinda fluctuates from that mid 80’s to low 90’s percentage range from year to year, “ Colfer said.
Alumni return and take positions of leadership as tennis coaches BY BROOKE FERTIG Staff Writer
Terra McHenry graduated in 2016 and is now the head coach of the women’s team. Elena Conway graduated in 2017 and partnered with McHenry to be the assistant coach. Sean Jaeger also graduated in 2017, with Conway, and is now the head coach for the men’s tennis team. McHenry and Conway coached their first game on March 17, 2018 for Cabrini against Immaculata University. Jaeger’s first game was Sept. 15, 2018 at a tournament. Terra McHenry
became a coach in January 2018. This marks McHenry’s second year coaching the team, but is the first official year as the head coach. Last year, McHenry was considered interim and stepped up due to the previous head coach taking a medical leave. When McHenry was a studentathlete, she accomplished many feats. In 2012, McHenry was named most valuable player (MVP) at NJCAA Div. III National Championships. In 2015, McHenry was able to achieve Scholar Athlete by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA).
Sean Jaeger during his athletic career at Cabrini University
“I am happy to be coaching where I played due to the fact that I get to see the women’s tennis program improve on the tennis courts and grow by recruiting and seeing the next generation of teams,” McHenry said. “Even trying to re-connect tennis alumni that I had the pleasure of playing with and those that have come before me to support the current team.” Sean Jaeger became head of the men’s tennis team after Stephen Parker retired in CABRINI ATHLETICS 2018. Jaeger played for four Terra McHenry as an athlete at Cabrini University years as a student and then tennis player. Sithara said. decided to Elena Conway became a Sithara also said that Conway become a coach in 2018 after successfully is a pleasure to be around on the member playing for the team. Conway court or in conversation. of staffing. was able to earn all eight “With her encouragement, Jaeger was All-Colonial States Athletic she also gave the best advice a transfer Conference honors. too,” Sithara said. “Whether it’d student from Lattana Sithara is a junior be about playing tennis or school Chestnut international business major and work.” Hill College, a finance minor. She was on the where he tennis team with Conway when quickly was she was a freshman. Sithara has able to insert fond memories playing with BROOKERFERTIG@GMAIL.COM himself as a Conway, as she describes her as prominent “supporting and encouraging.” CABRINI ATHLETICS “Even if she was number one, she was there for everyone,”
The importance of student-athlete’s mental health BY MELISSA CASEY Staff Writer
Mental health can be considered a big topic due to how it impacts people’s health. Many do not consider how mental health can affect athletes as well. The NCAA, national collegiate athletic association, aims to upgrade the access of quality mental healthcare. When a student-athlete gets injured from a game or practice, there is an emotional reaction from the player that is injured. The possible reactions are: • Isolation • Lack of motivation • Frustration • Sleep disturbance • Irritation • Sadness • Anger • Disengagement • Changes in appetite Injuries are not the only factor of affecting student-athlete’s mental health. If a player had a bad game or the pressure coming upon the athlete from school work, practices and if they have a job can also be factors. Many schools do not participate in a screening for athlete’s mental health or hold guest speakers who are experts in the field of mental health. In the beginning of the school year, athletics held a seminar for student-athletes where a sports
psychologist came in and talked about the importance of mental health. Taylor Dimmerling, sophomore exercise science and health promotion major, is a part of the women’s lacrosse team who also has a job during the season as well. “Mental health is an important aspect for anyone’s life, but should be taken seriously for a student-athlete,” Dimmerling said. “When the speaker came in to talk to all of the student-athletes, it really opened our eyes as to how cautious one should be about his/her health.” 30 percent of female studentathletes who were surveyed showed the signs of depression. Male student-athletes come in at an 18 percent with the shown signs of depression. Many student-athletes struggle with the transition from high school level athletics to collegiate athletics. University of Pennsylvania athlete Madison Holleran was struggling with the transition from a small town to collegiate athletics. In 2014, Holleran committed suicide from her battles of depression. “Balancing lacrosse and school isn’t easy, sometimes it feels too much or over whelming,” Jake Klein, junior secondary education and history major, said. “It would be helpful
if there was a sports psychologist available to studentathletes who could be dealing with anxiety, stress, depression or over whelmed.” Eugene Hong, associate dean of College of Medicine at Drexel University, surveyed athletes from different sports at the school of depressive symptoms. In an interview Hong had with Inside Higher Ed, he talked about how the study of student-athlete’s mental health can be similar to the general population of college students. “This study shows that the rates of depression among athletes are probably comparable to rates in the general college population,” Hong said. “It highlights the need for increased mental health screening for athletes as part of standard sports medicine care.” Track and field is the highest percent for women to have depressive symptoms in a division one sport. Shaiann Lyde, sophomore health science major, is a
member of the women’s cross country team at Cabrini. “Mental health in athletes is really serious and should be taken very serious,” Lyde said. “Due to the fact that being an athlete in itself is stress when coaches expect you to be perfect on and off the field.” Many student-athletes struggle with depression and may not know where they can go for help. At Cabrini, students can go to the counseling and psychological services if they need help or to talk since there
isn’t a sports psychologist on campus.