April 25, 2019 issue 12 Loquitur

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Proposed changes to Title IX exclude transgender students BY SIERRA DOTSON Assistant News Editor Author’s Note: The name of the subject in this article has been modified to protect his identity.

Defining Gender Starting your first year of college already comes with its own set of fears and challenges. Lee has aspirations to triple major on top of already being an honors student. But unlike his peers, he must now also fear for the loss of his Title IX protection. Lee is an FTM (female to male) transgender student. During the final months of 2018, the Trump Administration, in collaboration with the Department of Justice and the Department of Education, proposed a new law that would change the definition of the word “gender” in the Title IX policies. Title IX is a policy that was put in place to prevent sex-based discrimination in any federally-funded educational program or institution. Since it is currently based on self-identification, Lee is protected. “A lot of trans people in my generation discover they’re trans at a much younger age because access to so much information on the internet.” Lee said. “In middle school and high school, we discover who we are then a lot of us immediately try to start identifying that way in public, in school. It can be difficult. You can be misgendered on purpose. Trans people are often subject to bullying, harass-

ment, discrimination and a lot of schools don’t take it very seriously. If we lose title IX protection, it’ll just worsen a thousand percent.” In 2016, the Obama Administration published a letter titled Dear Colleague to clarify that despite Title IX using the word “sex” in its policies, that it also recognizes students’ individual gender identities. This meant that the Title IX protections were inclusive of transgender and non-binary students. The letter acknowledged that there was a distinction between sex and gender, stating that “Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender. A person’s gender identity may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth,” and that denying equal opportunities to transgender students goes against what Title IX stands for. However, new proposals made by President Trump contradict this sentiment. The new proposed policies intend to force students to only be recognized as the sex they were assigned at birth. For students who are cisgender (someone whose gender identity is the same as their birth sex), these new policies will have little to no effect. However, if a student self-identifies as transgender or non-binary, the new proposed policy will no longer accommodate that. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 2


Students react to Miss Philadelphia Organization scholarships BY ALEXANDRA MONTERIO Assistant Perspectives Editor Cabrini students have had mixed opinions when they being a social justice school, to be so diverse, but our two learned that two women were receiving full rides to the symbols of full scholarship academic girls are white womuniversity on Saturday, March 26. en,” Alvarez-Mapp said. On Jan. 18, Cabrini announced their partnership with Harsh feelings aside, students also believe that these the Miss Philadelphia Scholarship Organization where young women did earn these scholarships because beauty the winners of the pageant are offered full scholarships to pageants are a lot of work. However, they agreed that there the university. should be more scholarship opportunities for students However, students were not ecstatic when learning that that already attend Cabrini. the two winners were receiving full scholarships. The Miss Philadelphia Organization was looking to “One of my closest friends had to drop out because she partner with a university. They had previously been sponcouldn’t afford it and pay for schooling and I feel like if sored by Drexel University so for years Drexel provided a she knew she would be infuriated and let down because matching scholarship and they use to have the competiCabrini prides itself on being a Hispanic serving institu- tion on Drexel’s campus. The partnership started to distion,” Alexander Sanchez, junior psychology major, said. solve after there was a transition of power. “I think on Cabrini’s part, it’s not right because these opportunities are not held for any other minority groups… or anyone else for that matter. The people who participate in these pageants are women, predominately white, so they mean for it to be or not, it is geared towards a certain demographic. If they deserve these type of opportunities, then everyone else should too,” Sanchez said. “I get it, I get it’s a great marketing ploy, it’s a great way for Cabrini to get on the map, it’s a great way to get people to recognize Cabrini and how great Cabrini is, but it’s a little disheartening and a little disturbing how we are known to be this school of diversity, and the two pageant winners got a full ride,” Nia Alvarez-Mapp, a senior philosophy and writing major, said. MICHELLE GUERIN/VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR Alvarez-Mapp also pointed out that many students here who actively work on this campus are still struggling Miss Teen Philadelphia and Miss to pay for student loans, who are food insecure and are Philadelphia’s Outstanding Teen still worried about if they’re coming back for next semester because they can’t afford it. Dr. Michelle Filling-Brown, the acting dean for the ”I’m not saying that they don’t deserve it, they proba- school of humanities and social sciences, the chair of bly worked hard for it, it’s just a sad moment for us. In the the department of English, started to be involved when terms of its whiteness of it all, a lot of beauty pageants do she learned that the organization was looking for a new have a controversy of white women, it’s ironic for Cabrini university partner and approached different universities

in the area seeking that kind of sponsorship. They eventually reached out to Cabrini and then people from enrollment management, admissions, financial aid and vice presidents were involved in the conversation to develop a sponsorship. In an interview with Filling-Brown, she stated that every young woman that competes has a platform, something for which she is truly passionate about and that they are serving as an advocate. In that regard, these women are talking about Cabrini wherever they go, they’re going to be ambassadors for the city of Philadelphia and Cabrini as well, so any opportunity the university can take to build Cabrini’s brand is a good thing. Dr. Filling-Brown also wanted to encourage students to keep talking to their advisors and financial aid to find and apply for the scholarships that accommodate students on campus. Although it does not help everyone, and many students feel neglected from not receiving this type of financial aid, there are many scholarships out there for students. To defuse one part of the conversation of race is that the competition is open to young women of all backgrounds. Filling-Brown pointed out that some of the former Miss Philadelphia’ are underrepresented women. “Just because this year’s two winners happen to be white women, doesn’t mean that’s the case forever. Historically, it has not been that way in the past as many black and Hispanic women have won previously,” Filling-Brown said. “I can understand the frustration and the stigma that involves pageantry, absolutely,” Filling-Brown said. “It’s great that we can provide scholarships to younger people, especially young women. I understand the frustration by students, but I also think that if we can give scholarships to young people in the Philadelphia area, that is awesome. The more we can have an awareness of who we are, what we do and what we stand for, the better.” ALEXCMONTERIO88@GMAIL.COM





A letter from the 2018-19 editorial staff

2018-2019 Editorial Staff

Being an editor for a college news organization is no easy task. As the editors of Loquitur’s 60th year, we learned the many trials and tribulations that come with these positions. Although we had our fair share of challenges, we had many triumphs as well. Throughout the year our staff became closer and closer as we spent a majority of our Monday and Tuesday nights together for layout. However, the work was not just limited to those two nights. As a campus news organization, this truly is a 24/7, 365 days a year operation. Loquitur Media has been a part of our lives now for half of our college careers whether it has been our time as a staff writer or an editor. The two-year exposure to this program has given us all hands on opportunities that only an organization like the Loquitur could give us. From late nights in the communication wing, to learning how to write and edit in AP style, being a member of the Loquitur staff has truly helped us to hone our skills. Although many people on campus may believe that we are just another organization, we strive to much more than that. Our role of covering Cabrini University day in and day out, unbiased to the best of our ability is a job we take pride in. JERRY ZUREK While some may agree with us and some may share differences, we relentless- The 2018-2019 Loquitur Staff (Missing: Chrissy McCollum, Renin Broadnax, Emily Miller) ly work to provide the facts and cover what truly matters on our campus as well as in the ciety. At this time, many journalists are seen to go down the path of journalism or not, surrounding communities. We recognize as the enemy but that should not be the case. being a part of our campus news organizathe fact that there will be people who may Journalists are here to report out what needs tion has taught us so many lessons that are not always agree with what we have to say, to be reported on. We recognize the fact that applicable to a variety of careers and life exbut without that voice of reason, we would not all stories will be agreed upon, but the periences. not be doing what we do. public has the right to be informed. Thank you to everyone who supports us At the end of the day, being a student Due to the hostile circumstances that through our website, print editions, social journalist has taught us many valuable les- are seen around the world towards journal- media platforms and YouTube channel. sons on-campus, but it has also taught us to ists, we have learned the true importance of We know as student journalists we have pay more attention to the world around us. the role that journalism plays in our society much room to grow, but without an audiIn an ever changing world, journalists throughout our time as editors. ence like ours we would not be able to do play a huge role to the narrative of our soWhether the members of our staff chose just that.




The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the student editors.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. They should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be e-mailed to loquitur@ cabrini.edu

Proposed changes to Title IX exclude transgender students (cont.) “If the new Title IX goes into effect, it’ll just make things worse for many trans people across America, especially younger trans people who are still reliant on their parents,” Lee said. “This was the first election that I was really old enough to pay attention to and understand. I knew that Trump and Pence both had history of anti-LGBT+ views and if they were elected these issues would pop up. As soon as the trans military ban was brought up, I knew it was just a matter of time before me and millions of other Americans would have to fight for our civil rights.” A memo was created by the Department of Health and Human Services defending the Trump Administrations sentiment, “Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth … The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.” “A lot of the reason why they’re doing this is just bigotry and hatred,” Lee said. “They don’t see trans people as a whole and they think we’re making this up or doing it for attention or going against the bodies that were given to us. They’re trying to retaliate against trans people coming out, especially trans children. Since they’re basically trying to erase trans people from existence, this situation is just an exaggerated version of what we already deal with now.” If these proposed policies were to eventually pass, Lee’s biggest fear is that someone may find out he is no longer protected and take advantage of that. Lee has come out to a lot of people on campus and worries that people who dislike the fact he is transgender may feel empowered to harass him under the assumption there would be no consequences. “People are okay with trans people being discriminated against because there’s this weird idea of what trans people are,” Lee said. “They think trans women are ‘perverts’ who want to harass people. Especially with the bathroom situation, nobody ever thinks about trans guys using the guys room. If the rules are based on birth sex, then you’re going to have men, like myself, forced to use the women’s restroom.”

Living with Dysphoria When one is transitioning or intends to transition, transgender people experience something known as Gender Dysphoria. Those who suffer from Dysphoria may often experience feelings of distress, discomfort and dissatisfaction as a result of their birth sex or outer appearance not matching their gender identity. Not having the resources to transition and being referred to as the incorrect pronouns are things that may trigger feelings of dysphoria. “My dysphoria is very bad but I’ve somehow managed to get by without the hormones and the surgeries yet even though I do want to get them,” Lee said. “It’s a sticky situation because I’ll be on my parents insurance until I’m 25 and they don’t really understand that I am trans even after I came out to them two years ago.” Despite identifying as male, Lee currently lives in a female dorm room on campus. Despite this, he still feels welcomed by Cabrini and that if he were to ever be discriminated against, that the university would take it very seriously. “My dysphoria has gotten better since I’ve been in college because I’ve been able to live here as a guy. I’m out to a lot of people on campus and they try their best to remember to refer to me with he/him pronouns. Even if they mess up, they’re super apologetic and I understand because I know they’re not doing it on purpose. The only thing I can’t do is live in the guy’s dorms but with what I’ve been able to do on campus it’s certainly helped dealing with the dysphoria.”

Fighting back Homophobia and Transphobia are not the only issues within the LGBTQ+ community. Many identities, commonly bisexuality, asexuality and transgender/non-binary, often struggle with erasure. Erasure is defined as the societal tendency to minimize or ignore the existence of a group of people. One of the biggest examples of this was the Stonewall Riot. While it is commonly remembered that this was a movement for gay rights, historians have often erased the fact that the leaders of Stonewall were transgender black women. CONTINUE READING ONLINE




Commencement ceremony permanently moved indoors due to accessibility, weather and lack of funding

Photos from past Cabrini University graduations


BY ARIANA YAMASAKI AND BRIELLE TOFF Lifestyles Editor and News Editor When college students are starting their final year of school, some of them are thinking about the remaining classes that they have to take, others could be thinking about their senior projects and most students are spending their time counting down the number of days they have left until commencement. When thinking about commencement, most people think of it being outside under the blazing May sun. In years past at Cabrini University, the location of commencement was determined by the weather. For instance, if the weather outside was nice, commencement would be outside. If by chance it were raining or storming, commencement would be held inside. There are both ups and downs to the two different locations of commencement. When commencement is outside, there is obviously no maximum capacity. That being said, students can bring whoever they want to commencement. When commencement is inside, accommodations can be made for people who are handicapped. This year, the university made a permanent decision that they were no longer going to have commencement outside on the upper athletic field but instead inside the Nerney Field House in the Nerney Pavilion. Students will only be allowed to bring five guests to commencement because of the change in venue. The seats will be first come first serve upon entry. That being said, it is a possibility that a student would not be able to have their entire family attend the commencement ceremony. According to Cabrini University, “the ceremonies were moved indoors to ensure the comfort of our guests despite any potential issues—including weather and field conditions—and keeps the focus on our graduates’ accomplishments.” Brian Eury, chief of staff at Cabrini University said that there are a few reasons that commencement was permanently moved inside. Reason one was the unpredictability of the weather, especially to storms, rain and thunderstorms. Having it inside is a much more controllable environment and there is also the point of accessibility because of it being on the

lawn and it being on the grass anyone with any type of disability will have a very unique challenge to getting on to the area,” Eury said. “And I am not going to lie there was also a financial factor. That tent is very expensive to have.” In previous years, when commencement was held outside, the ceremony took place under a ginormous tent no matter rain or shine. When asked about the different issues that could arise for the university with commencement being permanently moved inside, Eury explained that he knew that there would be some initial complications to the process, but once everyone involved figures out the kinks it would go smoothly. “There is going to be concern for the students especially for those seniors. Now having it outside was very nice, we never had problems before with tickets but now that we are moving it inside, as much as we put up the banners and the drapery, it is still the Dixon Field House and not outside,” Eury said. “We just have to get used to it and we hope hopefully the logistics of it and everyone will finally understand why [the decision was made].” Students will only be given a total of five tickets for the commencement ceremony due to the limited space indoors. There will be viewing rooms set up around campus for people who would like to view the commencement ceremony but do not have a ticket. Olenka Hladky is a senior Spanish and psychology double major. Hladky believes that an outside ceremony would be nicer than an inside ceremony. “I think that outside would be nicer because I feel like the point of commencement is being set free into adulthood,” said Hladky. “Instead we are going to be in a claustrophobic indoor area packed with a bunch of people.” Hladky is not particularly worried about the fact that she is only going to receive five tickets because most of her family lives far away. She explained that the moving of the commencement ceremony does not have much of an effect on her. “I do see how this could worry other people because they may have bigger families who are more local,” Hladky

said. On the other hand, Hladky does have different concerns about the commencement ceremony being moved inside. “My only concerns are that it would be hot and smelly during the ceremony and that it would be more noticeable to chit chatting inside of the gym.” Hladky said Erin Roche, senior human resources major, finished classes in December but is walking in commencement this May. Roche is concerned about commencement being inside opposed to outside. Roche said in previous years she has watched her friends graduate outside and it was beautiful and nicely done. Roche would like for her friends and extended family to be able to see her walk at commencement as well. “When I watched those before me graduate I always had a vision of myself graduating outside in the middle of the beautiful campus that is Cabrini,” Roche said. “I feel inside will be loud and stuffy and not what I pictured when dreaming of this day.” Roche also voiced her concerns about the space that is provided in the Nerney Field House. “I don’t want to feel cramped in a loud gym where there will be a lot of people and the sound in the gym travels. I don’t want them cramping family members into the gym either,” Roche said. It will take time to get used to the fact that commencement will now be held inside the Nerney Field House instead of outside on the upper athletic field. “When it was outside more family members could attend standing in the back and alumni and current students always went and stood in the back. It’s upsetting that some will miss out on this proud moment due to lack of space,” Roche said.


A photo of an outdoor Cabrini University commencement ceremony next to an indoor Cabrini University commencement ceremony CABRINI UNIVERSITY FLICKR




Cabrini student overcomes the obstacles of being a parent and full time student



The ultrasound of Jy’ion when she found out she was pregnant.

BY ALLIYAH MADURO Social Media Manager

Having to juggle becoming a first-time mother while entering your junior year of college can be one of the hardest challenges but it is not something that cannot be overcome. Being a full-time college student has its challenges all by itself, and so does being a firsttime mother. A full-time college student is required to take between 12-18 credits per semester. Most of the college work-load tends to lean on the heavier side. Being a mother, especially for the first time, has its own challenges as well. This is what criminology major and Camden, New Jersey resident Alyssa Clark had to face during her sophomore year at Cabrini. On Jan. 18, 2018 Clark was experiencing heavy chest pains which led her to go to the emergency room. What she thought was just a personal health issue, turned out to be that she was pregnant. Although other women would have been excited with the news, Clark had different emotions. “I was so scared I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know who to tell so I just came back to the university and thought about it,” Clark said. During her pregnancy, Clark faced a few conflicts between attending her monthly check-ups and going to school. Being pregnant, Clark had to attend multiple doctors appointments throughout the week, making her unable to go to classes. “I had so many appointments that I was missing so many classes a week including labs,” Clark said. “I went and sat down with my adviser, Dr. Vivian Smith, who told me ‘It was okay to withdraw and school will get tough,’ so, with her help, I made my decision.” For the rest of her sophomore year, Clark, who loved studying at Cabrini, decided to withdraw from the university, which was a difficult choice she had to make but she and her child’s health came first. While attending her appointments, doctors transferred her to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Jy’ion post-surgery, only a few days old.

because of a nasal mass [cyst] found on the baby’s nose. As doctors continued to check her and the baby’s health at the appointment, Clark received appalling news. “At the end of the appointment I was told my son wasn’t going to make it and I should terminate my pregnancy,” Clark said.“ They realized his heart wasn’t connected and then he would need extensive surgery.” Carrie Grabowicz, an adjunct professor who teaches Health and the Human Body at Cabrini University, said, “Babies [in utero], have a ductus arteriosus since they do not use their lungs yet. This vessel connects the pulmonary artery to the proximal descending aorta and

properly. “The parathyroid gland is important in maintaining the calcium levels in our blood,” Grabowicz said. “Its main cause is because part of chromosome 22 is missing.” Alongside the DiGeorge Syndrome, the baby did not have a place where he was able to release the waste from his body, requiring him to use a colostomy bag, which is when the doctors create a hole in the lower abdominal area to remove the waste from the body. This requires him to be on numerous medications which the caretaker would continually need to be on top of. “I can’t miss a dose or I’d be screwed,” Clark said. On Sept. 9, 2018, Clark gave birth to her son Jy’ion Malik Clark. She managed to have a good and fast recovery. Baby Clark’s first surgery was the following day in his stomach area. “I didn’t know about that until I had him and his open heart surgery was at six days old,” Clark said. While being in the hospital through her son’s surgeries and her recovery, Clark had to begin her junior year doing online classes. “It was so hard. He lived there [the hospital] for two months and so did I but I had the support of my friends,” Clark said. Today Clark and her child who is six months now -ALYSSA CLARK are doing well. Baby Clark attends physical therapy every week. “He is doing great,” Clark said. Although it was a tough year for Clark she is looking forward to coming back to Cabrini as a fullallows blood from the right ventricle to bypass the lungs.” time student in Fall of 2019. With the help of her family Doctors told Clark that her newborn baby boy would and child’s caretakers, Clark is determined to graduate on have a disorder called DiGeorge Syndrome which her expected graduation date in May of 2020. requires open-heart surgery as soon as he was born. According to Primary Immune, the DiGeorge Syndrome, also known as DGS, occurs when the developing baby in the uterus has an abnormal formation MADUROALLIYAH@GMAIL.COM of certain tissues cells. This diagnosis affects the immune system and the ability of special immune cells to mature

“I was so scared I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know who to tell so I just came back to the university and thought about it.”




When you say you are starving, are you really? BY ARIANA YAMASAKI Lifestyles Editor

There are many people in this world who grow up with nothing. Children around the world are starving and living off one meal a day or less. Peter Mumo was one of those people. He grew up with little to no food according the World Food Programme. The World Food Programme interviewed Mumo about his life and how it was growing up in poverty. Mumo said they were very poor and grew up in a family of eight. “My father was a primary school teacher. This is one of the lowest paying jobs in Kenya,” Mumo told the World Food Programme. “We used to live on a single meal per day that consisted of a boiled mixture of maize and beans.” Those who grow up in poverty do not get the right nutrients that they should through their meals. They usually have food that is full of carbs and nothing else. They do not get to have their vegetables and protein that are need for growing children. According to the Food Aid Foundation one in seven people are hungry. With that being said one third of the world’s food is wasted. Global hunger is not caused by there not being enough food for everyone on this planet. According to DoSomething.org, “The world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people, but those who go hungry either do not have land to grow food or money to purchase it.” When thinking about the United States people think about how unhealthy it is becoming. The average weight keeps going up and the population is becoming over weight and obese. According to Gain Health, two billion people are suffering from malnutrition and 1.9 billion people are suffering from obesity.


Cabrini University’s chapter of Catholic Relief Services held their first Food Fast during Unity week in April. The student ambassadors of this organization created and prepared for this event. Ixchele Ortiz, a freshman education major, is an ambassador who helped create this event. During the meetings the group split up into different committees to get ready for the event. Ortiz was a part of the education committee and researched what global hunger is, who is affected and why it is happening. The conversations that were had within each class

gave an understanding of what global hunger is. The higher class was given a well-rounded meal with extras like sparkling cider and a waiter, the middle class was given lettuce wraps and rice with a soda, and the lower class was given rice and tortillas with water as stated before. It seemed that the lower class had the most indepth conversation. “We always have the option to change our food preferences depending on how we feel like eating. The people in the lower class don’t have this option. What is available to them is all they have,” Ortiz said. “They have no choice to whatever food they can afford. We tend to be picky at most times, but these people have actually bear to their lifestyle and consider themselves grateful with whatever’s set on their table.” The lower class was given the worst treatment. They did not have plates to put their food on or silverware to eat the food. “Eating with our bare hands concerned a lot of us with sanitary issues. A lot of the people from the lower class don’t really have access to clean water to wash their hands,” Ortiz said. The Food Fast is held to create awareness for global hunger because it is a cause not a lot of people think or talk about. “By being more aware of what’s going on around the world is important to me. My experience from this food fast helped me spread the awareness on my own. It also helps me reflect more on causes like this and to involve as many people as I can,” Ortiz said.


Church drop-out: Why students stop attending church BY ARIANA YAMASAKI Lifestyles Editor

Growing up in a household that has a strong faith usually means that you are going to attend a religious service at least once a week. When those children grow up and go to college, are they going to continue going to church on a regular basis? According to Lifeway Research, 70 percent of young adults who attend college stop attending church on a regular basis. Every Sunday Rosa Altomare woke up, put on her favorite church attire and went to church with her family. Altomare is the Campus Minister here at Cabrini University and she was raised to go to church every Sunday. “As a child, church was an obligation. We never missed mass unless we were very sick,” Altomare said. When children go to church they do not grasp what is happening and why they are there; they just go because their parents make them. “My favorite part of mass was the music, but otherwise

I often thought it was boring,” Altomare said. Having an understanding of what faith is and knowing what going to church or a religious service means to a person can make a difference in how they perceive church or the service. “I liked getting to spend time with my grandparents at church. I did not understand much about why we went, but if I had understood that better, I think I would have liked it more,” Altomare said. Do children who go to church every week when they are younger end up going to church when they leave the nest and go to college? For Altomare that seemed to be the case. “At college, I continued to go to mass every Sunday until my junior year. At that point, my faith started to change and I only went to mass when I wanted to. If I didn’t go, it was usually because I felt that my time could be better spent doing homework. When I did go, my favorite parts were the community that I found at mass, the music, and the homilies that were always relevant to our experiences as college students,” Altomare said.

According to Lifeway Research, 24 percent of students stopped attending church because of their work responsibilities. “Going to church, especially daily mass, helps me to strengthen my prayer life. It brings me peace, and when I don’t go, it is because of how busy I am,” Altomare said. 31 percent of those who stopped attending church on a regular basis while in college start to come back attending at least two services a month according to Lifeway Research. “As I have grown up and taken ownership of my faith, I have found many other experiences that also enrich my spirituality and make me feel closer to God, and those often happen outside of church,” Altomare said. CONTINUE READING ONLINE



Bruckmman Chapel of Saint Joseph.




Behind the scenes of being an RA: What this experience taught me


Resident Assistants aid first year students in getting adjusted to life on campus and become more acclimated.


As the 2018-2019 academic year at Cabrini University comes to a close and everyone is making plans for the future, I find myself reflecting on the rollercoaster that this past school year has been. It was quite the adventure for me as a member of the editorial staff for the Loquitur, a writing tutor, a student and, of course, a resident assistant. Even though I feel as though

I never get to sleep, I would not change this year for a second as it has taught me so much about myself, has allowed me to grow as a person and has set up a lot of opportunities for my future. One of my biggest teachers was not in the classroom. It was the role of RA on Cabrini’s beautiful campus. I was lucky enough to earn a position on the residence life staff for this year and from the start I was given unique opportunities I would not have had otherwise. Over the summer, I was one of a few RAs who was asked to be a part of the hiring process

of a brand new professional staff that is currently working at the school. It was exciting to be a part of that process and to see what they have been able to do in their first year. I was also placed on a floor of more than 30 residents in East Residence Hall for the year, as the only RA of the floor, but with support from five other RAs in the building. My job is and was to create programs, floor meetings and an overall positive community and atmosphere for these students. I was terrified. I quickly learned how to not be intimidated by the 30 residents staring

blankly at me at floor meetings and was able to use my platform of planning programs to teach self-love and promote diversity or to cheer residents up by putting inspirational sticky notes in the hallways to get them through finals week. Cabrini Residence Life. An RA’s job is never finished and you are never really off the clock. It’s not all fun and games either. There are situations while on duty or in general that I had to step in and not be the “good guy” and enforce policy or mediate between friends or roommates. There were also nights where I wanted to cry because residents were struggling and I could only do so much. But through those difficult situations, I was able to put my training from Residence Life into practice and learned that my insecurity of not being able to handle the role was easy for me to overcome and I was able to help my residents. Now going into my second year as an RA, I feel even more proud to say that I am one and I am ecstatic to see that not only do I get to continue my journey next school year, but I get to share my experience and knowledge with residents of mine who will be stepping into the role alongside me and my fellow current RAs.


Bringing the supermarket to me: making my own Whole Foods of my own foods. Not only is this financially effective, but it definitely has an impact on my environmental footprint.

My “co-workers”


Growing my own food taught me hard work dedication BROOKE FERTIG Staff Writer

If there is anything I have learned from 2018, it is to stop thinking and start doing. That is precisely why I began to use the resources I have in order to grow many

My horses provide me with thousands of pounds of allnatural fertilizer each year. Having hoards of fresh horse manure comes with the territory of living on an equine farm. You can either choose to complain about the smell, OR use it to your advantage as fertilizer! In fact, many backyard gardening sites and books actually recommend individuals to locate local horse “fertilizer” for their own crops. How lucky am I to have access to this naturally? For those who do not have horses who produce this fertilizer naturally, find a local farm that does. Often times I give horse manure away in reused feedbags to backyard gardeners. Next on the list is the hens. Not only do these chickens cultivate the soil and fertilizer, but they maintain healthy pest levels. Essentially, they keep the land from being over-run by insects that are attracted to our crops. In addition to being phenomenal workers, the ladies lay up to a dozen eggs a day. These eggs I can then consume myself, store at room temperature for weeks on end, give to family and friends, or give back to the chickens so that they are able to re-digest the shells. Got weeds? No problem. Our “clean-up crew,” the goats, will take care of that for you. While you have to be sure to not allow the goats access to the crops themselves, they are the most efficient way to rid your property of weeds. Additionally, crops that have spoiled I often times give to our goats for their hard-work.

What do I produce?

Currently, I have a consistent flow of eggs, stevia,


Sustaining your own farm or crops is a great way to save money as well tomatoes, kale, broccoli, strawberries and cucumbers at my finger tips. By next spring, I would like to have mastered the art of producing and maintaining goat milk for yogurt, butter and cheese. My ultimate goal is to be able to provide and sell my crops to my community.

Why do I produce my own food?

I believe it is extremely important to know where your food is coming from. It is even more important when you are purchasing a product such as eggs. If you do not know the chicken that laid the egg and what they ate, why even consider consuming it?





Are athletes worth their contract? BY JAMES KELLY Sports Editor

Sports Source: Phillies biggest issue BY JAMES KELLY Sports Editor

The Philadelphia Phillies started off with the best start in baseball obtaining a record of 4-0. However, they have hit a rough patch and have recently dropped a few games. The offense has been an issue, but it is not the issue with the Phillies. The issue with this team is the depth of pitching and it is obvious. The starting rotation and bullpen has been the issue thus far into the season. Aaron Nola, who came in third in CY Young voting in the National League last season, has been the biggest disappointment so far into the season. Nola has given up seven home runs in five starts this season already. Last season he gave up five home runs in his first 20 starts. In order for this team to go deep into the postseason, Nola has to be the number one pitcher in the rotation like we saw last season. Jake Arrieta has not thrown badly yet this season, but expectations for him are high after coming off a down year last season. After Nola and Arrieta the rotation is wide open with Zach Eflin, Nick Pivetta and Vince Velasquez. Starting pitching has been an issue as of late because the bullpen is not good enough to withstand poor starting pitching. The Phillies need to make moves as the trade deadline approaches down the road. Craig Kimbrel is the closer the Phillies need to pay. If Kimbrel is not a Phillie, it is going to be tough to win postseason games with the current bullpen situation. The Phillies need Nola to snap out of the pitching slump he is currently in, and find a certified third starter in the rotation. Marcus Stroman should be their top trade target when the time comes. Stroman is on the Toronto Blue Jays and could really help the Phillies out by becoming that third starter for the postseason. It is obvious the Phillies need pitching help in the future. Kimbrel and Stroman are two guys that need to be targeted if they want any chance at winning a World Series.


accounting major at Cabrini, believes the difference in sports contracts is due to the Contracts in sports have been value of the sport the athlete a highly debated topic in sports is playing. media. There is a lot that goes “Basketball players into a contract for an athlete and make a lot because there they have been evolving. Even are only 12 people on each though NFL players take the most team, football has a 53 beating and the biggest threat to man roster then a practice their lives, they do not have the squad,” Healey said. “So biggest contracts. I understand where that Bryce Harper just signed difference in the contracts the largest contract in North comes into player, but American sports history, while football players take so much Mike Trout signed an even beating on their body, they larger contract extension with deserve a big contract as the Los Angeles Angels. Trout’s well.” contract is a 12 year deal worth In football, wide receivers $430 million in total. Baseball make more money than WIKIMEDIA COMMONS contracts are much more than running backs do, but Sidney Crosby getting ready to take a faceoff. football contracts, but there is running back contracts are much more physical beating on trending upward as of a few football players bodies. years ago. In 2017, Atlanta Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh players have control of their Gerald Healey, a junior Falcons running back Devonta Penguins. Crosby is one of the contract for the first year and Freeman became the highest league’s most prolific players and maybe the second year according paid running back in the has won two Stanley Cups in his to Yahoo Sports. Longer contracts league with a contract of career. in the NFL help the team out, $8.25 million per year. However, a decent role player while longer contracts in the NBA That number within in the NBA could easily make help the players out. In the NBA, the last year has been what Crosby makes at $15 million the players have the control of crushed due to Todd Gurley per year. their contract because if they get and LeVeon Bell signing Nicholas Louis, a junior a five year deal, it is guaranteed contract extensions. Bell exercise science major at Cabrini, to be five years. That is not the and Gurley both believed believes that evaluating a players case in the NFL. they were worth more than worth is tough for a team to “All athletes have worked $8.25 million because they determine. really hard to get to that point saw wide receivers make $16 “In most cases an athlete in their career, I believe teams million per year, yet Bell and gets paid what their value is, but should pay athletes what they Gurley produce on the field teams hesitate to give them a lot deserve based on what they more than those players. of money because they could produce or could produce for There is also different mistake their value,” Louis said. that team,” Louis said. values in contracts between The security of the contracts WIKIMEDIA COMMONS the four major sports in and players is the largest Todd Gurley takes the handoff up the the United States. The fifth difference in value between JAMESEJKELLY@GMAIL.COM middle of the field. highest paid NHL player is the NFL and NBA. In the NFL,

Athletes face tattoo restrictions in collegiate and professional sports BY TROI PATRICK Assitant Sports Editor

The successful guard recently got a tattoo of popular brand Supreme on his leg. The word Athletes, either professional supreme spreads across his calf or collegiate, may be restricted in big bold lettering. Smith went doing certain things while on Instagram and said that the playing sports. Cleveland league is making him cover his Cavaliers J.R Smith is a prime tattoo or else they will fine him example of an athlete that is each time it is shown on the being restricted of on and off the court. “NBA rules prohibit players court. from displaying any commercial logos or corporate insignia on their body or in their hair,” NBA spokesman Mike Bass said. However, Smith is not the first NBA player to tattoo a brand. Houston Rockets Carmelo Anthony has a Warner Brothers tattoo on his shoulder. Sacramento Kings, shooting guard Iman Shumpert shaved an Adidas logo into his hair back in 2013. He was required by the league to remove it. Fortunately, the restrictions that professional athletes face generally don’t apply to college athletes. CABRINI ATHLETICS There are more restrictions Zania Brown headshot in the professional leagues. “As an athlete, I feel like

it would upset me but it’s not going to kill me,” Zania Brown, sophomore biology major, said. “Like for Cabrini, when I row, I’m only allowed to wear Nike. I can’t wear Under Armour, I can’t wear Adidas. That’s just because were endorsed by Nike. It’s not anything that, you know, I can do about it. So, I don’t feel like it’s a big deal just to follow suit, to follow the code.” WIKIMEDIA COMMONS “If I was restricted by J.R. Smith dribbles past a defender Cabrini I will feel targeted because of the way I being discriminated against by like to express myself through the way they are expressing and tattoos but I also feel where representing themselves.” the university is coming from,” The 6’2 forward has ten tattoos senior black studies and criminal that he is extremely proud of. justice major Anthony Wright On Cabrini’s sports teams, Downing said. “They are trying to whether it’s lacrosse, soccer, protect their name. It’s all about basketball or baseball most a business reputation so they will athletes have tattoos. do what they have to do to keep a good name for themselves. Nowadays many college players TROIMONEMUA@GMAIL.COM have lots of tattoos that shows an image of themselves but they are




Why are NCAA student-athletes not compensated pay for play? BY CONNOR TUSTIN Editor-in-Chief

Being a college student in the 21st century is a roller coaster ride consisting of many twists and turns. The constant ups and downs, whether it is academically or socially, can be a challenging roadblock to overcome. Each person has their own, unique college expense. For some, they are barely making it through each day, living minute by minute. Others look at college like it is the best time of their lives, partying the four years away. But one thing that can be agreed on between most college students is the struggle to make money during the long, drawnout semesters. For the thousands of NCAA student-athletes across the United States, this problem is most prevalent when the athletic season rolls around. In the spring of 2018, the NCAA men’s basketball tournament made $771 million alone. But how much of the $771 million actually went to the student-athletes that played in the tournament? The answer to that question is zero dollars. One of the more controversial topics in recent history regarding college athletics is the reasoning behind why student-athletes do not get paid. Both sides of the argument present intriguing points, but neither have come to a valid agreement on why exactly athletes should be paid. Early morning practices, full days in class and long nights of homework can certainly take its toll on any student. When student-athletes are in the thick of their sports season, free time is hard to find. Being a student-athlete entails hours of required practices, study sessions, and commitments that need to be met. But what is lost in all of this is the need to make money. Being a college student in

today’s world is not cheap. Whether it’s dropping $200 on a textbook or drowning in debt, students struggle to make enough money to make ends meet. For student-athletes, this problem can be a harsh reality. When a person’s life is already dedicated to their team and classwork, there isn’t much time to go and work even a part-time, minimum wage job. The severity of this problem can certainly differences between the three separate divisions of play in the NCAA, but most student-athletes would tend to agree that the issue exists. Andrew Sennett is a senior and captain of the Cabrini men’s cross country team. He believes that his current situation does grant him enough time to get what he needs to get done, thanks to the flexibility of his sport. “I do feel like I have enough time for academics, athletics and a paid job,” Sennett said. “I have done it the past few years, but it is easier for me than other sports because I can go out and run or workout on my own time if I need to. Other sports need to practice together to get better as a team, so they may have to work around a set practice schedule.” However, each studentathlete and sport comes with different requirements. Brittany McCullough, a senior on the Cabrini women’s soccer team, “believes finding time can be stressful.” “I feel like finding time for all three [academics, athletics, and a job] does get stressful, but it is possible with the right schedule,” McCullough said. “For instance, I work at the Dixon Center and the shifts are much shorter only two to three hours, so I am able to fit multiple shifts in during the week and make some money.” Although McCullough believes the situation would be much more difficult if she wasn’t

lucky enough to obtain an oncampus job. “If I had to work an offcampus job with longer shifts, I feel like it most likely would not work out in my favor, especially in season.” Division I student-athletes have many more commitments compared to those of a Division III student-athlete. In Division I, the student-athletes travel nationally, sometimes even internationally. At the Division II and III levels, student-athletes tend to travel much less, staying in more of a local vicinity to their college or university. Due to the largely noticeable differences across the three divisions, it makes matters hard when deciding how athletes can be fairly compensated across the board. For example, most Division I football teams have a significantly higher attendance rate compared to those of a Division III school. Coming with a higher attendance also means thousands of people watching on television. Therefore, clearly the Division I athlete is helping to bring in more money compared to the Division III athlete. Although she competes for her school just like Division I and II athletes, McCullough believes that if studentathletes were to get paid, those competing at a higher level deserve to make more. “Playing a sport for a D1 school is like having a job,” McCullough said. “It is expected that you perform at your highest, at all times, and show up for multiple practices a day. There is also a very short off-season for them. In all, it really is a job for them when they have to show up, play sports with high competition, and maintain high enough grades to continue to be academically eligible; the time to maintain a part-time job for them is impossible.” There are also issues when it comes to paying male versus female sports teams. Division


Sennett running in the Atlantic East Conference Championships

I men’s basketball teams hold the Final Four in large football stadiums that can fit upwards of 100,000 people. Meanwhile, the women’s teams only get the opportunity to play in a regular arena, seating somewhere around 20,000 people. CABRINI ATHLETICS Clearly, Andrew Sennett headshot an additional 80,000+ people should get paid, the conversation would help to rake in more remains to be heavily favored by money than a sold out women’s those who oppose it. In a 2013 Final Four game. survey, 69 percent of people On the other side of the said that they were opposed argument, there are plenty of to student-athletes receiving people who strongly believe compensation for play. that NCAA student-athletes In that same survey, up to already have enough benefits. 53 percent of people claimed The biggest argument that can they would stop watching be used against student-athletes and attending college games getting paid is the scholarships altogether, depending on the they receive. rate of pay athletes would be Some student-athletes are receiving. getting a college education with Student-athletes are given a high discount, or sometimes plenty of opportunities each even for free, in return for and every day to help better play. The average full athletic themselves on and off the field. scholarship at an NCAA Division Even if money is not an option I university is about $65,000 to pay student-athletes, there for a college with higher-end are other ways that they can be tuition. This scholarship includes compensated. $45,000 for tuition fees, $20,000 “I believe that college athletes for room, board and books. should not be paid a salary like However, the amount professional athletes. But I do each student-athlete receives think athletes should get food, continues to dwindle thanks to scholarships, equipment and factors like school enrollment other academic resources,” and which NCAA division each Sennett said. school stands in. Division III After speaking to an NCAA athletes do not even get the employee, who prefers her name opportunity to receive any kind remain anonymous for security, of athletic scholarships. NCAA student-athletes will McCullough believes that most likely not see any kind of no matter the division, studentcompensation for play in the athletes should all have access to near future. athletic scholarships. “Over the many conversations “Athletes should be I’ve had with various NCAA staff compensated for their play members across all levels, the through scholarship no matter general consensus is that no what level they play for,” student-athlete will be paid,” McCullough said. “As studentan employee of the NCAA said. athletes, we bring the school “Do they work hard for those revenue in ways that they championships? Absolutely. Do wouldn’t receive otherwise, they help fund so much? Yes. But whether it be donations, your job as a student-athlete is to fundraisers, selling sportswear, be a student because getting an etc.” education is the most important The other argument that is part of the NCAA.” posed is a simple one. StudentWherever you may stand in athletes have made the decision the conversation, one thing is themselves to dedicate their for sure, it doesn’t seem like time to be an NCAA athlete. there will be a solution any time No one is forcing them to soon. This topic may be widely sacrifice the ample amount addressed by the public and of time it takes to compete at student-athletes themselves, the collegiate level. Therefore, but it is not a concern within the why should student-athletes offices of the NCAA. be compensated for something they voluntarily do? Although it may seem like TUSTIN.CONNOR1013@GMAIL.COM many think student-athletes

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