Oct. 10, 2019 issue 02 Loquitur

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THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019

Tarana Burke: It’s a movement, not a moment BY AMY KODRICH & ALEXANDRA MONTEIRO Writing Managing Editor & Perspectives Editor Victims of sexual assault and rape are only obligated to heal. Just because you choose not to tell your story does not mean you lack courage. It is your story, your gift. This is the message a prominent spokesperson on sexual violence told an audience at Cabrini University. “I’m a survivor of sexual violence, but I don’t let it define me,” Tarana Burke, founder of the ‘Me Too’ movement, said. Each year the history and political science department recognizes a woman who has made notable contributions to improving the climate and conduct of public affairs and who has made a noteworthy impact in her community. Because of her contributions to civil rights, this year Cabrini University awarded Burke The Ivy Young Willis and Martha Willis Dale Award. This year Burke stood out to the committee members who make the decision. Her contributions to the civic life of her community are “head and shoulders above the rest,” Dr. Darryl Mace, chair of the department, said. Burke captivated the audience with her stories and goals to stop marginalizing sexual violence. Everything the ‘Me Too’ movement stands for caters to the marginalized people first. The ‘Me Too’ movement helps survivors, particularly black women and girls and other young women of color from low wealth communities, find pathways to healing. “We will not be able to serve everybody if we don’t start with the people in the margins,” Burke said. Burke has been working for over a decade advocating for survivors. She has been working on providing resources and utilizing her platform to help survivors and educating people. “Her theory of using empathy to

empower survivors is changing the way the world thinks about and engages with survivors,” Provost Chioma Ugochukwu said before presenting Burke. “Her belief that healing isn’t a destination but a journey has touched and inspired millions of survivors who have previously lived with the pain, shame, and trauma of their assaults in isolation.”

A movement, not a moment In a separate interview, Burke discussed the importance of women being recognized for notable contributions in the area of social justice and public affairs. “I think particularly awards that are about women making contributions are important because we don’t really highlight the contributions of women, particularly how we built this country and contributed to moving this country forward,” Burke said. “We don’t honor those things very often so I’m always honored to accept awards that speak to that and highlight that.” With many people speculating that the ‘Me Too’ movement has lost its way after #MeToo blew up, she wanted to remind people of the roots of the movement. “The movement hasn’t lost its way, it’s finding its legs. Our vision is starting to become clear,” Burke said. “This is a movement that’s about healing and action. Even if you take my work, prior to the viral moment, off the table, this movement was never about taking anybody down, it was never calling people out. It was a movement for the people whose lives were affected by sexual violence to have a safe space. To say it, to stand up and be counted, to be seen, to be


Chioma Ugochukwu, PhD, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (left) with Tarana Burke (right)


heard, and to find community.” Burke also wanted to make it clear that the ‘Me Too’ movement isn’t a “women’s movement” but a survivor’s movement. Sexual violence affects all demographics. “Sexual violence does not discriminate.’’ She explained how no one is exempt from it. It is not dependent on race, where you live or your gender; sexual violence touches everyone. Burke has been working on expanding her website. “It’s a very robust website that speaks to the needs of survivors, those who want to support survivors and those who want to end sexual violence,” Burke said. When discussing her thoughts to an audience of about 500 faculty and students, Burke talked about fixing and solving the problems of sexual violence. She mentioned that there are many holes in the laws and policies concerning sexual violence. “Laws and policies could help but more than anything, a culture shift has to happen in order for people to feel safe to come forward,” Burke said. Burke made it clear that there’s no law preventing people from speaking up, from telling, from reporting but what people have seen is that they can do that and have no recourse. “You can go and do all the things people tell you to do; you can report it to the police, have a rape kit done, file a report, go through an investigation and what do we have: a backlog in this country of thousands of rape kits that haven’t been tested; rape and sexual violence has the lowest conviction rate of all major crimes.” For some people, speaking up, when they know that information and they

know that everything that’s going to take for them to speak up, go through all of these hurdles, prevent them from doing that. She led a powerful discussion addressing those who are survivors and those who want to support, accommodating to all the alternatives that could play a role in sexual violence, as promised. Audience members were inspired and touched by her words. Many sat in awe, others nodded in agreement and some were even brought to tears. Burke shared her own story of being molested at just 6 years of age as well as the narrative of learning her daughter was sexually assaulted. She said it is important to look out for your children and ask those questions. “My daughter is a survivor and I failed to get that information for five years,” Burke said. “Fear is not useful.” Her final thoughts were to encourage survivors to heal. It’s easy to tell a victim to just “tell your story,” but living with it is hard enough. “Your story doesn’t need to be public, doesn’t have to be validated by anyone... and if you can’t articulate your story, that doesn’t mean you lack courage. You survived a hard thing to survive. Getting up every day and living and breathing is courageous enough,” Burke said. “Your only obligation is to heal.” ALEXCMONTEIRO88@GMAIL.COM AMYKODRICH@GMAIL.COM





MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to loquitur@cabrini.edu

THURSDAY, OCT 10, 2019

Sexual assuault and violence victims should not be silenced Editor’s Note: This article contains the topic of sexual assault and rape. The following may be triggering for some readers. In light of the recent event awarding Tarana Burke for her work in social justice, it is imperative to continue to shed light on the topic of sexual assault and violence. The topic of sexual assault is something not talked about very often, it is something that likes to be kept unheard of and hidden. However, it is important that sexual assault and violence are talked about because not talking about it encourages a culture of silence. RAINN.org, a website dedicated to sexual violence awareness, states that every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Sexual assault can take many different forms and be defined in different ways, but one thing remains the same: it’s never the victim’s fault. Burke encourages that telling your story is part of the process of healing. However, victims are often blamed when they come forward. Victim blaming is an act that occurs when the victim of a crime is held responsible for the crime that has been committed against them. The stigma that ‘women are asking for it’ is a form of blame shifting; it is a way to push the blame towards the victim rather than

hold the abuser accountable. This can often discourage survivors from coming forward, thus why people do not speak up about their abuse. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, rape is the most under-reported crime with 63 percent of sexual assaults going unreported to police. For female college students specifically, RAIIN states that only 20 percent of female student victims, age 18-24, report to law enforcement. Rape is constantly portrayed a certain way in the media, in the courts and on college campuses and can even go as far to say that it is normalized in society. Due to mild treatment of perpetrators and abrasive treatment of victims within the judicial system, consistent depictions of sexual violence against women in popular culture, and the continuation of assaults on college campuses, sexual assaults, rapes and the ongoing violence against women have become normalized in the United States. If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, you are not alone. Sexual assault is a worldwide epidemic. It is an invasion of a person’s body. National Sexual Violence Resource Center also states that in the U.S., one in three women and one in six men

experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime. Being sexually assaulted can be extremely difficult to talk about, let alone come to terms with. However, if you are not able to speak about it, you do not have to. If you see someone who looks like they need help, it is important to: Steer clear of judgment: It is not easy to speak out about an assault, whether it occurred years ago or days ago. It takes time and trust for someone to speak openly about their stories and relive their trauma; do not take advantage of it. Believe their story. Check in with them every now and then: Sometimes survivors can re-open their trauma and it can be difficult to fully heal from their experience. Just check up on them and let them know that they are safe and cared for. Know your resources: Guide them to seek help if need be. There are many organizations available both on and offline, therefore, it is important to send survivors towards the right direction. The National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673) is available as well as Tarana Burke’s website, metoomvmt.org, provides a healing resource library for survivors.

Students and librarians complain about outdated computers and printers at the library BY ANGELINA HALAS Staff Writer At the Holy Spirit Library, the computers in the library are outdated and the printers barely function. Students and staff across campus have expressed their issues with the technology. Considering it’s 2019, you’d think that college libraries would have up-todate technology, such as fast running computers and working printers. Freshman biology major, Kristine Tsiouras, is extremely affected by this problem. She is a commuter and finds it difficult because sometimes it can be hard to make sure she has everything before getting to school, and sometimes she needs to print right before her class but she can’t. Tsiouras finds the fact that the cafeteria and the parking garage got updated but the library doesn’t to be unfair. “People use the library for academics,” Tsiouras said. “I don’t mind the parking garage and the cafeteria being updated, but if there is that money to be used for updates, some of it should go towards the library because we’re here for academics.” If she could update the library, she would want all the computers to be able to print, because recently, the issue has been that you can only print from certain ones. The technology needs to be updated and taken care of. These updates are important because you need what you need to go to class. You need to be prepared, and right now, the library, something that’s supposed to be helpful to students, isn’t helping that much. Recently, Berkeley has added “lowslung couches and futuristic nap-pods” to two of their floors, because they no longer contain books. This is a trend happening all over the globe, “University libraries across the country, and around the world, are seeing steady declines in the use of the books on their shelves,” according to Vice Provost for Information Collaboration at Northeastern University,

Dan Cohen. Junior business management major, Lexie Edwards, agrees with Tsiouras on the fact that updates need to be made because the library is a place for education and academics, what students are at college for. Edwards wishes this library would become more high-tech like Berkeley. “I feel like many people don’t read the books here anyway, unless it’s for a class,” Edwards said. “My boyfriend goes to Temple and they just built an entire new library and they have an option to go up on the roof where there’s chairs and grass. They have a robot that gets their books for them, but the books are only for their classes. So, yeah, I think we should change.” The staff that work in the library have their own opinions as well. Building Circulation Manager, Christopher Jones, immediately showed all of the suggestions from the suggestion box, which almost all of them said, “fix printers.” Jones sees that students aren’t necessarily frustrated with the computer and printer situations, but they’re disappointed. Many students expect Wi-Fi printing from their laptops, which makes sense since most were able to do that in high school. Jones doesn’t look at the parking garage and cafeteria getting updated as unfair, but he still believes the library needs its updates eventually. “It’s a budget issue, it’s always a money thing, but it’s a matter of necessity,” Jones said. “This is a commuter college, we

need more parking spots for students. In the grand scheme, of course the library getting updated is important, but with Blackboard, it’s not dire.” With acknowledging that Cabrini students have their online systems to hand in homework, he does think that the library definitely needs faster computers so it can become more efficient. Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian, Adam Altman, agrees simply that he does see students getting frustrated, most due to the printers being “wacky.” Altman finds that most students don’t understand what a library does. It’s not just books, it should be a “learning commons,” something similar to a student union. “We don’t want a 1965 building for a 2019 landscape,” Altman said. He wishes that students knew what a library really is, which consists of tutoring, writing, virtual things connected to the library, it should be able to be remote. He points out that updates are needed to help the perception of the school, “outdated computers and printer problems are not helpful to those looking to come to college.” Altman thinks that Cabrini should update the library to be more like Berkeley, where we’re more into tech and have space for technology to grow. The library is supposed to be an “all inclusive” space, so it’s not cool to have just the MacBooks for those who take something like graphic design and they’re the only ones who can use it. ANGELHALAS18@GMAIL.COM


THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019



Education majors upset over field placements BY MARIA LATTANZE Staff Writer

Students studying education at Cabrini University were assigned field placements this past week and some are upset with where they are placed and how far they are traveling. Placements are as far as Chester, Pennsylvania, and others are as close as Radnor, Pennsylvania, and students are blaming the field placement adviser. Over the course of the next two years, education majors looking to student teach must complete a certain number of hours in the “field,” that way they have experience and know what to expect if they choose to student teach. Every semester, each student will receive a new field placement at a different school. However, some students are not confident for the years to come regarding placements. “I feel like this year, I don’t want to say, they are not prepared,” sophomore education major Anthony Frasca said. “The people running the education department, I feel like they are still learning.” Frasca is one of the many education students traveling at least 40 minutes away from Cabrini every week. The school he will be attending for fieldwork is in Chester, Pennsylvania at the Chester Community Charter School, 20 miles away from Cabrini University, meaning he must be on the road by 7:00 a.m. in order to be at school by 8:00 a.m. “I wish it was a little closer,” Frasca said. “I wish that we had a say on our fields a bit, instead of placing us wherever. I wish they asked us how far

the students are willing to travel.” Nicole Bydalek, sophomore education major, works with 2nd graders at a school in Norristown. The commute doesn’t bother her, it’s where she was placed for field. “The location is not the best,” Bydalek said. “Just because it’s in Norristown, but it’s decent. I could have more stress like the students who have to go to Philadelphia.” The new field adviser, Donald DiPaulo, is aware of these inconvenient placements, but it is all with good purpose. Diversity, over the course of the two years of field placements, will give each student a sense as to where they would like to student teach in the years to come. “We try to give as diverse of a setting as possible so that when they start to student teach, they know what they want to do,” DiPaulo said. “We need to give them experience in a public school, we need to give them experience in a suburban and urban setting, we need to give them experience with charter or religious school, so the goal over the four courses is to provide diversity so that they can choose where they want to student teach.” In a perfect world, all field placements would be within 10 to 15 minutes from the university, but in order to allow for diversity, DiPaulo needed to expand and look beyond this suburban area. “In an effort to give those diverse experiences, we have to cast a wide net,” DiPaulo said. “I try to accommodate

every single request I get and I have been able to do that. Out of the 105 students, the vast majority are well placed in a good spot.” Amanda Lynn, a junior studying Pre-K through 4th special education, has a year off from field because of her work during the summer; she taught classes that fulfilled her requirements for field. For her sophomore year, Lynn’s field placement was at Ithan Elementary school in the Radnor School District; a 15-minute commute and was rarely stuck in traffic. “Overall, I was very impressed,” Lynn said. “When I went to Ithan, I loved my field placement. I just really liked the fact that my teacher was very helpful, so I got to see from that perspective (2nd graders) and what that was like.” All students were informed in a meeting about the field assignments

at the end of last semester and why there will be long commutes for some assignments. However, not many students attended the two meeting dates. Even though students are upset about their placements, they will not always have a far commute each semester. DiPaulo is aware of how far he is sending his students and looks to work with them in the future and is happy with how the first week of field played out. “Even when students come to me and say ‘this is kind of far’ I say ‘I know, I promise you that next semester I will put you in Radnor or close by within 5 or 7 minutes,’” DiPaulo said. All field placements have been assigned and students are working in the field once a week. MLATTANZE1199@GMAIL.COM

Education major student ambassadors at Open House




THURSDAY, OCT 10, 2019

From then…to now; Cabrini Night at the Phillies BY AMANDA ZACHARIAS Staff Writer Cabrini night at the Phillies started off as a marketing tactic that has evolved into a student event many look forward to year-after-year. This yearly tradition has turned prospective students into students and alumni. Starting in 2007, Cabrini Night at the Phillies was designed to give Cabrini College exposure on a regional and national level. Building off of an already strong foundation, the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team, a partnership was formed to gain exposure. A team member of the group who first initiated Cabrini night at the Phillies, and now instructor at Cabrini, Gene Castellano describes the marketing idea as a way to associate Cabrini with an already strong and reliable brand in the region. “We were looking around at strong brands and saw sports teams. With the Eagles you get maybe eight home games. And with the Phillies you get 80 home games that are family oriented and recognizable throughout our region,” Castellano said.

When constructing this marketing plan the team had to consider enrollment. Through the use of an outside marketing agency that just so happened to also work with the Phillies, a great partnership was formed. Some of the highlights of the original marketing plan and partnership were the sponsorship of dance with the Phanatic atop the dugout of the Phillies every game for eight games, President Antoinette Iadarola throwing out the first pitch, a knit cap was given to all fans 15 and over with the Cabrini logo and Phillies logo, cheer and dance team performances as well as other performances throughout the season. “The Philly Phanatic would be at move in day to welcome students and get them excited for not just the game, but the whole partnership experience,” Castellano said. Gaining recognition was a key takeaway from the tactic to boost enrollment for the college. “We had people calling us up and saying ‘I saw you at the Phillies last night, I saw Cabrini!’ It was wonderful. And students and parents who went to the game would say things to us,” Castellano

said. 2018 graduate, american studies and history major, Samantha Williams went to the game all four years of her time at Cabrini. Her first experience freshman year was the start of a great tradition. As a member of the voices of justice club on campus she was excited to make new friends and see how it went. “It was great. We went every year after that,” Williams said. “That sense of belonging and having a fun night as a big friend group… riding the bus with everyone and sitting together and just hanging out where you don’t have to worry about anything else,” is what brought Williams back year-afteryear. During Williams’ first game an alumna came up to her and her friends saying that she too was a member of the voices of justice club at Cabrini. The alumna said that she and her friends continue going to the game and that gave hope to Williams that she too would have ever-lasting fun and memories as part of this experience. Current student Alexis Sharp was at this years game on Friday, Sept. 27, 2019. Sharp is an orientation leader that works

with freshman and first-year transfers. She enjoys the fun of being around all the Cabrini students. Sharp is a junior who has been to three years of games, when asked if she will be coming to her final game as a senior next year she said, “Of course!” Looking out for future students, Sharp has a piece of advice, “I would say make sure you bring money. It is a little expensive here. And also to just have fun and don’t worry about where you are going to sit because you are going to see your friends regardless.” What started off as a marketing tactic to boost enrollment and build brand recognition has turned into a student event that creates memories for all involved. Families attending the game that see the Cabrini community having a fun night create a lasting relationship. Students are able to have a fun and worry-free night. Cabrini night at the Phillies is a highlight for students year-after-year.



Cabrini student section on Friday, Sept. 27, 2019

5 things you need to do to get ready for fall BY OLIVIA SCHAFFER

popular for their trip to Pumpkin Land. Pumpkin Land includes activities such as hayrides, train rides, pony rides and face painting all while live entertainment and music is being performed. Pumpkin Land is also known for their giant display of over 100 tons of pumpkins, in all different shapes and sizes. Linvilla Orchards also provides apple picking, fishing at Orchard Lake, corn mazes and fun music festivals!

Staff Writer

2. Decorate your dorm/ apartment


Students on campus consider Linvilla’s a fan favorite fall spot Since fall is just around the corner, here are 5 things that will ensure to get you ready for fall:

1. Visit Linvilla Orchards

Located at: 137 W Knowlton Rd, Media, PA 19063, Linvilla Orchards is a fan favorite that is guaranteed to put you in the autumn mood. They offer several family friendly activities but are most

The perfect way to get yourself ready for fall, is to decorate your living space accordingly. There are easy, simple ways to decorate your room without putting a significant dent in your wallet. Walmart has a great selection of cheap but cute fall decor perfect for spicing up your room. All you need is a couple fake pumpkins to put on your desk and a couple strands of fake fall leaves to hang around your window or down your door. These few simple decor changes will put you right in the mood for this fall season.

3. Get spooked by the Eastern State Penitentiary: Terror Behind the Walls The Eastern State Penitentiary is located at: 2027 Fairmount Ave,

Philadelphia, PA 19130 and is a top attraction around the Halloween season. Each Halloween the already haunted prison, built back in 1851, turns the prison into a fright fest. With 6 different themed wards of the prison, some including the “Infirmary” and the “Blood Yard”, you are almost guaranteed to scream. They even give you the option if you. would like to be pulled or grabbed by the facility actors for an extra scare. “I think it’s definitely more worth it if you choose to get grabbed by the workers,” said sophomore marketing major Emely Taveras. If getting scared is a priority for you to get in the fall spirit, the Eastern State Penitentiary is definitely a must.

4. Try Starbucks new seasonal drinks

demand, it does not look like it’s leaving anytime soon.

5. Put away your summer clothes and get out your sweaters and boots!

With fall occurring within the next week, the temperature will begin dropping as fast as the leaves fall from the trees. This meaning we can begin putting away all our our shorts and tank tops, and begin to take out our favorite sweaters, sweatshirts and boots to prepare ourselves. You do not want to be stuck in your summer wardrobe once the temperatures begin to drop to the 50’s and below.

Having a delicious fall festive drink in your hand is an essential to get ready for fall. Starbucks has just recently came out with their brand new “Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew”. The new beverage includes Starbuck’s original cold brew, flavored with vanilla and then topped off with a pumpkin cream cold foam made from real pumpkin. Their new drink has definitely been a hit for most, but if the cold brew sounds too complicated or complex, don’t worry they still have their original, and fan favorite, the Eastern State Penitentiary PSL. The pumpkin spice latte is back for its OLIVIASCHAFFER88@GMAIL.COM 16th year at Starbucks, and due to popular



THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019


Ghosting: a new trend in ending relationships By Layal Srour Staff Writer Lightweight,mid weight and heavyweight: the three levels of ghosting. Ghosting has been the new way of ending a relationship with someone by ending or withdrawing from all communication suddenly and without explanation. In an article by the New York Times, Wendy Walsh, a psychology professor and whistle blower of the #MeToo movement, explained the different levels of ghosting. Walsh described lightweight ghosting as “An argument with a friend and the friend stops texting back.” Walsh said mid weight ghosting happens when “you have met the person a handful of times and then engages in deep avoidance, which hurts the feelings more.” The third level, heavyweight ghosting, occurs when “a person enters a sexual relationship and you leave, blindsiding the other.” A study was done by the dating site “Plenty of Fish” and reported on the Bustle site about the percentage of millennials who have been ghosted by their partners. With a yes or no question of “Have you ever been ghosted?” it was reported that 78 percent of millennials said yes, while the remaining 22 percent said no. However, if a person is in a relationship, communication between one another may differ with each couple. Some prefer to talk every day, all day, a few days per week or only a few hours. The question is, how long is okay to not talk to your partner? Enajah Williams, sophomore business management major, said it does not bother her if her and her partner go without talking. “I don’t care how long we go without talking, but as long as you check in with each other because we both have our own lives and I am not clingy, so I do

not have to talk every second or every minute of the day,” Williams said. St. Mary’s College of Maryland professor Gili Freedman explained that people ghost because of their vulnerability to their own feelings and their conscious feeling that the person they are talking to is not the “one.” In the New York Times article, Freedman discussed that telling people “no” might be harsh, but it is better than leaving them in the dark and ghosting them. Kei Jordan, junior business administration major, said people ghost each other based on their personal emotion or connection to that person. “People ghost others because they are not feeling a vibe with that person or they might not be what they are looking for,” Jordan said. Although that might be the case where there are no mutual feelings, the person ghosting the other might not feel anything by it, but the one who got ghosted acquires an emotional reaction to it. Ghosting begins to play with a person’s emotions and has them questioning their self-worth and wondering what they did wrong or start blaming themselves. When a person has been ghosted, they typically would not go back to that person in fear that they will be ghosted again, and it will hurt more than the first time. However, there were two different responses to this idea. Katherine Alvarez, sophomore biology major, said her opinion on whether she would go back to someone who has ghosted her. “It depends on how we left off and why you ghosted me,” Alvarez said. Joey DiAntonio, junior criminology major, explained his thoughts about speaking with someone again after they have ghosted him. “No, I would not go back to someone

if they ghosted me,” DiAntonio said. Communication in a relationship differed back than, as opposed to how they are today because of technology and social media. Many years ago there was not the same technology available as we have today, so ghosting was not as common and ending a relationship was mostly done in person. Dr. Kathleen McKinley, a sociology professor, discussed the difference in relationships today compared to years

so you had a different time scale with which to deal with it,” McKinley said. Going along the same route as Alvarez, McKinley discussed the likelihood of going back to a person who ghosted you, and she mentioned that it also depends on the situation and the status of the relationship. Mentioning TV shows, such as “Catfish,” where ghosting and using others is shown a lot. However, she explained that in relationships where it might have included stalking, abuse or fear, then ghosting is completely acceptable. An article done by Psychology Today explained the difference between destiny beliefs and growth beliefs of individuals and how they view ghosting as acceptable or unacceptable. Those who have destiny beliefs, “think people are either meant for each other or they’re not, the more they tend to think that ghosting is an acceptable way to end a relationship.” Individuals who have growth beliefs, “think people can work through challenges in their relationships, the more they tend to reject the idea that ghosting is an acceptable way to end a long-term relationship.”


ago. “Today the 24/7 texting makes communication direct and instantaneous and it is strange when we do not hear back. But years ago it was still embarrassing and hard to break up with someone but it was a bit easier to seem to “miss” a phone call or be out and


Students express feelings about classroom attire By Matthew Santangelo Staff Writer In high school, the way that students dress is often the subject for debate, controversy and many demerits. In college, however, the student dress code is a topic not often discussed. It is important to establish what students already wear to class before the discussion can be made about what should be worn to class. “Normally I will dress moderately casual to relaxed,” Leon Crawford, a chemistry major, said. “What I generally see in class is some people will dress up a little bit, they will put on pants or kakis… or jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing like, oh you’re getting super fancy but you’re also not looking like you just rolled out of bed.” The typical student dresses casually in school, but the real question is: should there be a limit to how casual a student can dress? What is deemed as

inappropriate? “You should still be conservative in a sense… because you are at school,” Juliette Zervanos, an undeclared sophomore, said. Zervanos gave examples of inappropriate dress as,

Students in class wearing comfortable clothes

“short shorts and belly shirts.” She also said that she ultimately believed that students should be able to wear what they want to class. Eric Zohn, senior computer science major, felt that students should be able

to dress in whatever manner they want because it is college. He said there should be no form of dress code at all. It would seem that students enjoy having the right to dress as they please, though some find more outfits inappropriate than others. On the other side of the same coin, it is really the professors who control the classroom in regard to student conduct and behavior. So, what do the instructors think? “My students… are really overwhelmed and busy in internships every other day… and have to get dressed up… so we really embrace being casual and comfortable here,” Professor Johanna Crocetto, social work professor, said. “I’m on the fence about [dress codes], I really prioritize students’ comfort and choice around that,” Crocetto said. “So, for my opinion, it should be more of a collaboration where each individual department or instructor collaborates with students in each class about expectations.” With no dress code in place, it is really up to the individual to decide what to wear to class. MAS864CABRINI@GMAIL.COM




THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019

Too soon to say goodbye BY VICTORIA BOLAND Staff Writer The last words he ever spoke was “I love you, peanut.” On Sept. 1, 2019, my father passed away unexpectedly. I saw him perfectly happy and healthy that morning. I still can’t comprehend that he is gone. As a child, I always believed my father would be with me forever. He was my coach, my mentor and my best friend. We shared endless amounts of memories going to concerts, sporting events and fancy dinners. I loved receiving his calls before I went to bed. They gave me a sense of safeness. My life will never be the same.


Victoria and her father with the Disney charcter

Getting in the as if nothing happened. car, coming home I learned quickly that it from the hospital won’t work. This article with my dad not written by Damian sitting by my side Marlow explains left me feeling grieving through his empty, hopeless and struggles. Marlow oddly with a sense explains grief is different of peace. A million for every individual, but thoughts swarmed it’s part of the process. in my head. Trying Grieving is okay and to comprehend if you are suffering a how I can live a loss don’t think you normal life without can’t grieve because it my dad, I didn’t is completely natural. want to become the According to HealGrief person who would “Many people have cry when they see a heard of the five stages little girl holding her of grief (denial, anger, father’s hand, but bargaining, depression I am. and acceptance).” My father did Another tip to cope VICTRORIA BOLAND/ STAFF WRITER everything: he paid with grief is just talking Victoria’s fater’s memorial card the bills, he grocery about the loved one. This shopped, he took has helped me the most. I my family out and he was always there have learned it is okay to cry. for me to have a shoulder to cry on. A If you are struggling with the loss daughter can never imagine having the of a loved one in college know you are center of her universe ripped away. My not alone. A fact that stood out to me normal routine has been broken but it on Resource Center was that “Across is okay. I have learned life moves on, studies, we see that 35 to 45 percent of people come and people go. college students are within two years I have been questioned endless of the death of a family member or a amounts of times on how my father friend,” Heather L. Servaty-Seib wrote. passed. It originally started with a This really showed me how many paragraph explaining in detail. Now others are in the same boat. I have I simply respond with he had a heart learned to never assume something attack. Speaking to peers over and over about an individual until you know again reliving the worst night of my life their backstory. Try to be there for one leaves me in shock every time. another, it can really help someone when I didn’t want to grieve, I still don’t. I they’re having a bad day. Know life will wanted to pick up where I left off and act be okay one day.

Nothing I or the doctors could have done would have saved my dad. I am thankful for the almost 20 years he was with me. I am glad my father had an impact on so many other individuals on this planet. This year will be a journey but I know he will be watching every moment of it. This terrifying experience has made me a stronger individual. If you have lost a parent or a loved one know you aren’t alone. Someone else lost a friend, a child, a sibling or a parent. There will always be someone who will listen to you. Don’t be afraid to speak up and start a new journey.


Victoria with her mother and father in New York City VICTORIABOLAND22@GMAIL.COM

How I struggled not letting my undocumented status define who I am BY AMERICA LOPEZ-SANTIAGO Staff Writer Never let someone tell you who you are because you write your journey. Don’t let yourself get defeated by a small obstacle. You can succeed once you embrace the problem. Growing up, kids at school would ask me if I jumped over the border to get here or if my parents jumped over. I would always say no, and that I was from the United States. I never really asked my parents because I didn’t want them to know that kids would mess with me because of my skin color. I also didn’t take it too seriously because I thought we were just joking and laughing, even though it started to bother me and make me really think about my status. As I got into middle school, I found out that my dad came to the United States illegally and that he decided he wanted to move my family out to the United States. I didn’t know how to feel, whether I was more mad or upset. I felt mad because we were here undocumented and didn’t understand why we didn’t come here legally. I was upset because I realized all those kids were right and that we did “jump the border.” I didn’t like that they were right because I felt like they were right about who I was as a person. After processing everything, I realized that the way we came was more accessible than “getting in line.” While I did know we weren’t documented, I thought we could still do everything other people did whether it was to get a job or go to college. Little did I know that I was wrong and that we technically weren’t allowed to do simple things. When Barack Obama became president in 2009, I didn’t know how much it would change my life. Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, commonly

called DACA, in 2012. This program allowed people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children to work and be able to go to college. When the program became active, I was so happy for my brother and couldn’t wait to turn 15, so I could apply. Since then, it has been a struggle dealing with whether they are going to cancel the program or keep it. My family and I have prayed that they keep the program or decide that they will make all DACA recipients legal citizens. I remember being scared during the 2016 campaign because Donald Trump’s campaign revolved around making a border wall and getting rid of DACA. I recall when they announced he was elected president, I cried and cried. I thought this is it, the place I consider my home was going to be ripped away from me. However, the Supreme Court denied Trump’s effort to end DACA. Along the way, I learned how to appreciate my parents. They gave up everything so that they could give my siblings and me a better life. They always say how even though it was hard, they wanted us to get a better education than what we would have gotten back in Mexico. Not only do I appreciate them emotionally, but I also appreciate them financially. Being on DACA means that I can’t apply for student loans, so my family and I have to pay out of pocket, which gets hard with everything else we’re paying. Paying out of pocket for college gets harder and harder for some people. A statistics that caught my attention from the American Council on Education site was that “Only five to 10 percent of DACA recipients enroll in college.” This makes me upset because I know some people can’t afford to go to college, so they stay home and work. Some emotions that I have dealt with since becoming a DACA recipient have

been sadness, happiness and scared. I’m happy because DACA opened doors for me that I wouldn’t be able to have without the program. I can work and go to school, which are two essential factors in my life. Not only am I happy for myself but my parents as well because all their hard work has gotten me to where I am now in life. I get sad because there are days that I want to leave and go back to Mexico. I want to be embraced by the culture and my family, but I know it’s impossible to go back without staying there forever. I wouldn’t mind visiting, but I feel as though the United States is my home and all I know. I’ve been scared because I wasn’t one to tell people that I was a DACA student because I never knew how people would take it. My sister and brother would tell a lot of people that they were on DACA and I didn’t understand how they could do that and not be scared of what someone would do with that information. Then I talked to my sister, Ahtziri Lopez Santiago, about how I was afraid of what people would do and how I didn’t understand how she could so do it with

such ease. “It’s not easy for me to tell people that I’m a DACA recipient. It’s scary what someone can do with that information. Though I would rather people be aware that someone they have known for so long is dealing with this issue. They hear about it on the news, but they don’t care until they find out someone they know is undocumented. It’s an eye-opening experience for them, and it makes them more aware,” Ahtziri Lopez Santiago said. After talking, it made more sense why she was so open with her status. I also read an article written by Kok-Leong Seow, where he talks about how people need to feel our pain as DACA recipients to understand us in a deeper way. It wasn’t until last year that I started to be more comfortable telling people that I am undocumented. I can’t let fear take over my life and can’t let a status define me as a person. I am more than my citizenship status. I want other recipients to know that you don’t have to be scared. Go to college, pursue your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you.

America and her sister, Ahtziri, advocating in Washington, DC, for the Dream Act




THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019


The women’s soccer team continues their hot streak this season BY MEGAN FEE Staff Writer The Cabrini women’s soccer team has gotten off to a strong start this 2019 season. The Lady Cavaliers are no stranger to success, as they have won 10 conference championships since 1994 and made nine NCAA tournament appearances since 2003. The team is currently 7-2-1, with their most recent win being against Penn State Abington with a score of 2-1 on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The team believes that the reason for their success has been because of their teamwork and ability to work well with one another, along with their shared enthusiasm for the sport. “I think for our team, we have been playing with a lot of heart, so every year that’s not something that we tend to struggle with,” Marissa Portelli, exercise science & health promotion major, team captain and senior back, said. “Our team does a really good job of playing our hardest all the time, even if the score may not reflect that. We always give it our all when we’re out there on the field, so I feel like this year, in particular, [that] we’ve been playing as hard as we can every single game that we’ve been out there.” Maddy Wojton, early childhood and special education major, team captain and senior back, believes that the team has been doing a good job with their

out-of-conference play and that their schedule is a good balance of being just competitive enough to push them, but also gives them games to work on the things that they need to improve on. “I think we’ve been doing a good job with our out-of-conference schedule and like really stressing the importance

The 2019 women's soccer team of that, and making those games count,” Wojton said. Both Portelli and Wojton agree that there is room for improvement in

certain areas, such as scoring, but that with practice they can resolve these difficulties. “We can’t win the game unless we score,” Portelli said. “That and probably just our touches and like the simple little things that you can clean up are probably our big areas right now that we could


work on.” “Definitely scoring, definitely our little touches,” Wojton said. “I guess like on the field, like moving off the ball too,

that’s always a big one.” As for the team’s strengths, Portelli believes that the team’s strong suits are playing with passion and being resilient. “I think one of the best strengths we have right now is our team chemistry,” Ken Prothero, head coach, said. “They work hard, they get along well on and off the field and you can tell by the way they play that they can just connect with each other, and I think the team chemistry has to do a lot with our success.” “I think we have a veteran team and we’ve got a couple young players that are really starting to add to what we’ve been doing the last couple years,” he said. Rebekah Cunningham, an undecided major and freshman back, believes that the team is really close and connected to one another which helps in how they play. “We all love each other,” Cunningham said. “We go out together, we go to get food together, we hang out with each other whenever we can, like we really all are just a bunch of friends that love the sport.”


Krug becomes latest Cav to join pro ranks BY GRIFFIN HAYS Sports Editor On the night of Tuesday Sept. 17, Cabrini alumnus Jordan Krug was picked by the Philadelphia Wings in the fifth round of the 2019 National Lacrosse League (NLL) entry draft at Xfinity Live! in Philadelphia. During his four years at Cabrini, he became the school’s all-time leader in goals (233, tied with Casey Grugan), points (355) and games played (84), among several others. To go along with the stats he’s also a three-time allAmerican, two-time conference player of the year, 2019 Division III offensive player of the year and perhaps most notably, 2019 NCAA champion. Now, he

can add professional athlete to his evergrowing list of accomplishments. “It’s pretty surreal, I don’t know if it’s fully sunk in yet,” Krug said. “I’ve still got to work my way onto getting a roster spot and hopefully getting some time, as of right now, but it’s pretty amazing.” Getting drafted by the Wings carries special significance for Krug. A native of South Jersey, playing for Philly means his home games will be a mere 15 miles from his hometown. “Being a local kid, from the other side of Philly, in Jersey, I’ve always been a Philadelphia fan since I was born,” he said. “The fact that I can potentially become a Philadelphia professional athlete is unbelievable.” Krug came to Cabrini as a freshman

in 2015. Over the next four years, the Cavaliers had a 71-14 win-loss record, going 27-0 in conference play. In 2019 alone, the Cavs outscored their conference opponents 166-31, including the Atlantic East Conference playoffs. “He’s a good friend of mine, so I want him to succeed and I’m proud that he accomplished a goal that he’s wanted for some time now,” Tommy DeLuca, junior business management major and defender, said. “On a more selfish note, it’s also great for the school, great for the program with more recognition, just more advertising for the Cabrini lacrosse team.” Even with the on-field success, his teammates and coaches make it clear that his biggest influence was most felt

away from the field. “He led by example, he was one of the hardest working guys on the team,” DeLuca said. “I always knew that I could turn to him with any advice or any sort of mentorship that he could provide.” “He was a leader, a captain, a hard worker, a very skilled player, one of the more humble players I ever had with his skill set,” Steve Colfer, men’s lacrosse head coach, said. “The impact that he had was tremendous, well beyond the playing field and we will miss that.” He also added that while Krug isn’t the first Cavs player to make it to the pros, it’s always special nonetheless. “It’s always special to have guys, after they graduate, get the opportunity to stay in the game and play,” Colfer said. “For him to be drafted by a local Philadelphia team is obviously pretty cool.” While it’s still lacrosse, the NLL game is completely different from the college stage, even down to the size of the playing field. Instead of playing outside on a large field, the games take place in arenas. The Wings, for example, play at the Wells Fargo Center and the game at the pro level almost looks more like hockey than traditional lacrosse. “I say to a lot of my family members it’s like hockey, just up in the air, you’re following the ball,” Krug said. “It’s real tough, just like hockey. There’s fighting, there’s bashing guys, there’s big body hits and checks, everything like that.” Of course, if asked whether getting drafted or winning the national championship was better, he has a simple answer. “Definitely holding the trophy up in the Linc,” he said. “When I was able to do that with a group of guys who I’ve been working with for four years now, day in and day out, pushing each other and busting each other’s ass every day, that was just an unbelievable moment.”


The #55 jersey has drawn attention of everyone on the field for the last four years




THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 2019

Humble Hays: That was just the warmup BY GRIFFIN HAYS Sports Editor

In football, carrying a good record into October is usually a good sign. Carrying a good record through October, however, is a completely different challenge in itself. The schedule gets tougher, the lights get brighter and seasons can be made or broken by a single play. Eagles The Eagles are heating up. After a big 34-27 win over the Packers two weeks ago, they followed it up with a complete domination of the Jets on Sunday. Nathan Gerry took an interception back 51 yards for a score, Orlando Scandrick took a fumble to the house and the front seven sacked Jets QB’s 10 times on the day. There were negatives, however. Carson Wentz was very pedestrian, completing 17 of 29 passes for 189 yards and was sacked eight times himself. The run game only mustered 84 yards on the day just a week after running wild in Green Bay. The schedule gets tough for the next two weeks, with trips to Minnesota and Dallas, respectively. If they get through those games 2-0, this team is real Penn St. I previously said not to be disappointed with a Pinstripe Bowl appearance from the Nittany Lions. Now, I’m starting to think I may have jumped the gun on that take. The defense shut down a Purdue offense capable of scoring a lot of points is not a lot of time. Sean Clifford had

three touchdowns through the air and another on the ground and the run game blew up for nearly 200 yards on the day. The burning issue is ball security, Penn State turned the ball over three times against a very sub-par defense. Their next two games are against Iowa and Michigan, who boast the #3 and #16 scoring defenses in the country, respectively. Penn State is #2 in that regard, but the offense has to hold on to the ball and score points for that to matter. They follow that with a tough game at Michigan State. Go 3-0 in those games and all that will be standing in the way of a Big Ten title game appearance will be a road tilt against Ohio State. Good luck with that. Up next: 10/12 @ Iowa, 7:30 p.m./ ABC Temple These next few weeks will probably decide whether or not Temple is worthy of the Group of 5 bid to a New Year’s Six bowl game this winter. They opened conference play last Thursday with a 27-17 win over East Carolina that wasn’t as close as the score suggests. QB Anthony Russo threw for 208 yards and a touchdown, Re’Mahn Davis ran for 157 yards and a touchdown and the defense held the Pirates under 300 yards of offense until the last three minutes with the game already in hand. The Owls now run the gauntlet in the American Athletic Conference, with #23

Memphis visiting this week, then they go south to Dallas to play #21 Southern Methodist before returning home to take on a stumbling, but still dangerous Central Florida team. Run the table and the conference is theirs to lose. Anything less and an appearance in the Military Bowl, Birmingham Bowl or Frisco Bowl, among others, looks increasingly likely. Flyers The Flyers played their first regular-season game on Friday, beating Chicago 4-3. Travis Konecny scored twice, Oskar Lindbolm and Michael Raffl added goals of their own and Carter Hart stopped 28 shots in the win. It was a promising showing in new head coach Alain Vigneault’s first game at the helm, but there are 81 more this season, so only time will tell if this team is ready to contend for a Stanley Cup yet. Up next: 10/9 vs. New Jersey, 7:30 p.m./NBC Sports Network 10/12 @ Vancouver, 10:00 p.m./NBC Sports Philadelphia 76ers The preseason tips off on Tuesday against the Guangzhou Loong-Lions of the Chinese Basketball Association, with games against the Hornets and Magic coming this weekend. There will be a lot of eyes on Ben Simmons, who showed up in a video this past week draining three-pointers before their preseason intrasquad game.Assuming health, this team looks fun.

3 Highlights: MLB Playoffs Edition Dansby Swanson, SS, Atlanta Braves Swanson has struggled in his twoand-a-half years in the big leagues, with a pedestrian .245 batting average for his career and injuries taking parts of both of his full seasons in MLB. So, when the 25-yearold shortstop stepped up with the Braves down to their last out in game three of the NLDS at St. Louis on Sunday night, most fans thought the game was in hand. Then he hit a ringing double off the left-field wall to tie the game, left fielder Adam Duvall singled to score him and Rafael Ortega, and the Braves stole a 3-1 win to take a 2-1 series lead over the Cardinals. Gerrit Cole, P, Houston Astros With Houston looking to take a 2-0 series lead over the Rays Saturday night before the series shifted to Tampa Bay, Cole took the mound and put on a show. The 29-year-old right-hander was absolutely dominant, striking out 15 batters in 7.2 innings pitched, and hitting 100 miles an hour on his fastball as late CONTINUE READING ONLINE


More than just performing: What goes into cheerleading BY VICTORIA BOLAND Staff Writer


The cheer team practicing to lift in the Dixon Center Cabrini’s cheerleading team has just begun their cheer season. A lot goes into being a cheerleader, more than their performances. “I am looking for girls who have spirit, sharp motions and dedication,” Gabby Tinoco, head cheerleading coach, said. The sweat, the effort and the confidence a cheerleader has are truly

one of a kind. Qualities such as good stamina, a strong core, good time management and a positive mindset are what helps to excel at the sport. The team has two-hour-long practices three nights a week. That doesn’t include games and other on-campus events that they have to attend. The cheer team’s normal practice is a busy night for the group. During one cheer practice, the cheerleaders do warm-ups, stunts, jumps, dances, cheers and conditioning. A lot of time goes into being a cheerleader. “Because of the role I have on the cheer team I don’t have time to be Many hours a week go into cheerleading reckless since that will jeopardize my cheerleading team is active for various position that I worked hard to achieve,” hours during the week, Hefferan offers a Ashlee Hofner, a member of the team, few suggestions. said. “Drink loads of water to stay hydrated This season is Hofner’s second year and I recommended it’s best to eat fruits on the team and she is determined and vegetables throughout the day,” to attend every practice to have her Hefferan said. members back. The cheerleading team expressed Cheer captain Melissa Hefferan the importance of working together expressed her concerns about the as one to execute their routines. The high endurance sport. With all sports, cheerleaders explained that they need nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are key to to have complete trust between one excelling in physical activities. Since the


another. They need this trust to help pick each other up when there is a mistake made, to lift them for a stunt, or to help a member when they fall behind. Hofner expressed that cheerleaders are a strong, hard-working group who deserves recognition, due to the effort put forth every week. Anyone can get up in front of a crowd and do a dance and cheer. It takes a lot to be a cheerleader. “Cheerleading is not only a strength sport but a true passion,” Tinoco said. VICTORIABOLAND22@GMAIL.COM

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