THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020
Exiled turkish journalist, Sevgi Akarcesme, speaks about the “Death of Media Freedom” in homeland BY AISLINN WALSH Editor-In-Chief Democracy can fall quickly, so pay acute attention to government affairs, journalist Sevgi Akarcesme said to faculty, staff and students during the “Death of Media Freedom” lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 12 in Grace Hall. “The government regime took away my job, my career and… my family,” Akarcesme said, in regards to fleeing her homeland. Akarcesme shared her first-hand experience of the fall of democracy in her home county, Turkey. Up until March 2016, she was the editor-in-chief of Today’s Zaman, one of the largest independent Turkish newspapers. On March 4, 2016, the paper was overtaken by the government, who wanted to censor the news. Two days later, she fled Turkey for Brussels, Belgium, to safety. Akarcesme noted that 10 years ago she would have never imagined for these events to unfold. “A decade ago, even myself, I could not have imagined Turkey becoming a dictatorship. I never thought I would have turned into a political asylum seeker in Europe.” For decades, Turkey was a multiparty democratic country with dreams to join the European Union. However, the country has been heavily polarized in recent years. In 2003, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then
Sevgi Akarcesme speaking mayor of Istanbul, was elected prime minister of Turkey. Initially, Erdogan was well received and liked by many Turks for his inclusive political philosophy. He sought “civil rights” for everyone regardless of religious beliefs or ethnicity. Turkey also saw significant economic growth under his leadership. His popularity persisted and went on to win subsequent elections. However, by 2013, Erdogan’s power began to take on an autocratic nature. In 2014, he was elected the President with a new constitution granting him increased
authority after a nation-wide referendum. According to Akarcesme, 2013 marked the “beginning of the end” for Turkish democracy. During the summer of 2013, the government sought to demolish Gezi Park, a popular park in the heart of Istanbul. Locals gathered to peacefully protest. However, the government responded by using violence, such as tear gas or beatings, to dispell the crowd. “Turkey witnessed the first and most important series of street revolts…Seemly it was a protest of a demolition of a park” Akarcesme said, referring to the Gezi
Park protest. “But of course there were frustrations with Erdogan’s increasing oppression.” By December, corruption charges unfolded against prominent figures in then-Prime Minister Erdogan’s cabinet. They were under investigation for receiving bribes from an Iranian-Turkish businessman, Reza Zarrab. The situation became complicated after Erdogan placed the blame for the investigation on the Gulen Movement whom he later declared to be a terrorist organization. “He declared the investigations as a coup attempt against him,” Akarcemse said. According to BBC, the Gulen Movement, founded by Fethullah Gulen, “promotes a tolerant Islam which emphasizes altruism, modesty, hard work and education.” The global network also focuses on interfaith and cultural dialogue. To hold on to power, Erdogan tightened the reigns on the country. “The first target is always the media,” Akarcemse said. Zaman Media Group, the parent company of Today’s Zaman, was persistent in covering the corruption scandal. This decision put them in a perilous situation. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 3
Education students cannot Cabrini sophomore to participate in the new Common Hour release second rap album due to field experience requirements BY LEO MELANCON Assistant Visual Managing Editor
BY AMY KODRICH Writing Managing Editor With the implementation of the new common hour, Cabrini education majors are unhappy that they will not be able to participate in this new campuswide event. “I am disappointed that I will not be able to participate in the common hour... it is frustrating that they made the common hour on Wednesday, even though it is known that education is one of Cabrini’s most popular majors,” Tamara Rutkoski, sophomore early childhood education major, said. Beginning sophomore year, students participate in a full-day field experience at local schools in the surrounding area. Senior year they begin student teaching, which takes place throughout the week. Field experience is a requirement for all education majors in the department. The idea of the common hour was brought to fruition by Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chioma Ugochukwu. The common hour is a time for faculty, staff and students to participate in campus activities. “The point is that we will use the hour to build community at Cabrini,” Ugochukwu
announced on Dec. 4 via email. “As you can imagine, trying to create a common hour for the entire university community (faculty, staff and students) is an involved process,” Ugochukwu said. “We first had to work with the Registrar to identify an hour that is the least disruptive to classroom instruction.” Ugochukwu added that the university needed to find a time that would not impact the schools Carnegie Hours, because every institution must maintain a certain number of instruction hours each semester. However, education students are still baffled as to why the university would pick a day that so many students cannot participate in. “If it’s [common hour] for the whole university, it doesn’t make sense to me that they’d do it when Ed majors are at field, especially since there’s a decent sized education department,” Kaylie Bereda, junior early childhood education major, said. The proposal was brought to the President’s Cabinet for discussion and approval. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 2
Marcus Collazo, also known by his stage name, Kxng Charisma, will release his second rap album, “House 10/23,” this spring. Collazo, a sophomore communications major, is dedicating the album to two important people in his life who died on the same day, Oct. 23, 2019. The album, which will be produced by Collazo’s independent company Blood Brothers Entertainment, will be available on all major music platforms soon. Music is a family legacy for Collazo. “My family has a long, long history, way beyond 50 years, in terms of music,” Collazo said. “My grandfather, he did black radio for 29 years in Philadelphia... My dad and my uncles, they all became part of a really, really legendary underground hip hop group. So seeing them travel the world when I was really, really young, that made me want to go that route as well.” Collazo’s father Mario and his Uncle Marcus were part of a duo called Outer Space. His Uncle Vinny formed a group called Jedi Mind Tricks, and started the hip hop group Army of the Pharaohs. His younger brother, also named Mario, performs solo and with Kxng Charisma under the stage name Elemxnt.
“We spell things with x’s because we think we’re cool,” Collazo said. Influenced by his family, Collazo began writing music at age 6 and recording at age 13. In addition to his father and uncles, his musical influences include Black Thought, Kool G Rap, Big Pun, KRS-One and Eminem. “The people that really shaped me into the artist I am today are old-school artists, old school lyricists, that really pioneered a different level of lyricism in hip-hop,” Collazo said. “Those are the people that I’m most inspired by because I take lyrics more seriously than anything. It’s cliche but for me it’s bars over everything.” Tariq Mines, Jr., a sophomore digital communications major, is a friend of Collazo’s who serves as a kind of “beta listener” for his new music. Mines thinks it is the blend of old and new styles that makes Kxng Charisma’s music unique. “Nowadays, everybody sounds like a SoundCloud rapper, everybody sounds the same,” Mines said. “Marcus has a different top, a different type of music going over. I told him if he was born 20 years ago, and he was rapping like in the ‘90s or early 2000s, he would have blown up by now.” CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 5
The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020
Climate change is already here: Now is our last chance to fight it Works of climate change
Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising and emissions continue to climb. Yet, there doesn’t seem to be a sense of urgency? In 200 years, the global average surface temperature has risen 2 degrees. It might not seem like a lot, but it means a significant increase in accumulated heat. That extra heat is driving temperature extremes. We have seen polar ice caps melt, which in return increases sea levels. It is predicted that sea levels will rise 3 feet by the end of the century. These increased sea levels result in destructive storms, intensified rainfall and flooding. Not to mention that climate change is drastically affecting the ability to produce sustainable crops. Although we are only a few months into the new year, we are already in the midst of witnessing significant changes. January 2020 was the hottest month in modern recorded history, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The global land and ocean surface temperature was the highest on record for the month at 2.05 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th-century average, surpassing the record set in 2016. Also in the month of January, Antarctica reached its highest temperature ever recorded at 64.9 degrees Fahrenheit on Feb. 6 2020. Another extreme natural occurrence is the bushfires that are still raging across
Australia. These fires have burned over 42,000,000 acres, killing 89 civilians and destroying over 6,500 buildings.
A major reality check
Climate change, which was previously known as global warming, is continuing to see a shift in vocabulary. The serious consequences of climate change have escalated to the point where it is being referred to as the climate crisis by activists and scientists. This evolution in terminology is intended to accommodate and acknowledge any major breakthroughs in research and technology. Without major reductions in emissions, the increase in annual average global temperature could reach 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The only way to reduce the increase would be to make revolutionary changes to society, meaning stop coal and oil production. The United Nations warns us that if we don’t make these revolutionary changes now and cut global carbon pollution in half in the next ten years, the damage we have made to our planet will soon be irreversible Climate change is a multidimensional problem that requires multidimensional solutions. One of the solutions is education, and learning exactly how detrimental climate change is. Climate change has been internationally recognized since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) formed in 1988. Yet many global governments continue to disagree
on their perspective on climate change. The United States is the second leading emitter of greenhouse gasses behind China. Still, President Donald Trump has pulled the United States out of the Paris Agreement, which is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that became effective in 2016. “The agreement brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so.” The Trump administration has undone most of the work the Obama administration has put in place to regulate climate change. He replaced Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which set limits on carbon pollution from U.S. power plants. Obama’s plan was leading the U.S in the right direction, however, to push the U.S to make revolutionary changes, laws need to be put in place to see change, rather than just regulations. The state of emergency that our climate is facing is no longer on the horizon. The crisis we are facing is now looming directly overhead and will continue to rapidly accelerate unless there is direct intervention from local, national and global leaders. Without committed activism and proactive changes in policy and societal behavior, the temperatures will continue to rise until we have achieved planetary damage that is effectively irreversible.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to
Education majors cannot participate in common hour (continued from page 1) BY AMY KODRICH Writing Managing Editor Then the vice presidents were asked to get feedback from their areas to ensure the program and time would work best for the faculty, staff and students. “We discussed with all the school deans, whom we asked to share with their schools to get faculty members’ feedback in order to ensure that classes would not be disrupted,” Ugochukwu said. For example, the Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Allied Health shared that a previously proposed Tuesday/Thursday schedule was going to negatively impact lab times. They came to conclusion that Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. appeared from all indications to be the least disruptive hour.
Junior early childhood education major Tori Vernon admits that she is not bummed out on missing the common hour because she loves field since it is part of her career. However, if the common hour was another day, she would partake. “We regret that the Wednesday time slot has not been ideal for some of our education majors. We are looking into all the feedback to see if further adjustments can be made to the time without creating new conflicts for another group,” Ugochukwu said. Finding an hour that would work for everyone on campus proved to be challenging. This is the first time Cabrini is trying to implement a common hour on campus.
The goal remains to ensure that regardless of the hour, that the university maintains classroom instruction hours, and that the hour selected remains the least disruptive to the academic calendar. The first event held during the common hour, Field Day, received many positive impressions. The most recent event was held on Wednesday, Feb. 19 celebrating the relaunch of the Nerney Leadership institute. “I am happy in the meantime...We want everyone to be able to participate; that is why the common hour was developed; to create a time for all of us to come together as a community for mission-centered activities,” Ugochukwu said. AMYKODRICH@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020
Exiled turkish journalist, Sevgi Akarcesme, speaks about the “Death of Media Freedom” in homeland (continued from page 1) BY AISLINN WALSH Editor-In-Chief Akarcesme, who at the time was a reporter, noted that he was released a week later. Just over a year later, Akarcesme’s life was about to take a drastic turn. “March 4, 2016, I think it marked the end of my life as I knew it,” she said. At 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 4, 2016, editor-in-chief Akarcesme and her staff published their final uncensored issue of Today’s Zaman. The front cover was completely black with the words, “SHAMEFUL DAY FOR FREE PRESS IN TURKEY ZAMAN MEDIA GROUP SEIZED” in white text. Shortly afterwards, the government raided the paper with the intention to seize it. “There were counter-terrorism forces outside the building. They literally broke into the building…” Akarcesme said. “ They forced us to go out of the building. They almost detained some of us.” Meanwhile, a large contingent of loyal Today’s Zaman readers protested peacefully outside of the office. Police responded by firing tear gas at them. Within days, Today’s Zaman’s digital archives were deleted and the government implemented a staff of their choosing. “In a way, they are rewriting history,” Akarcesme said, “according to their liking.” Just two days later, March 6, 2016, Akarcesme packed her bags and flew to Brussels, Belgium. She is fortunate to have escaped the country, as most of her colleagues are currently in jail, hiding or have been exiled. “[Turkey]is the largest prison for journalists at the moment,” Akarcesme said. As for the present state of Turkish
media outlets, Akarcesme notes that “not a single independent media channel exists.” The entirety of the Turkish press is under Erdogan’s power. The government crackdown is not limited to media entities. Erdogan also eliminated all those with ties to the corruption investigation.
“The government regime took away my job, my career and... my family.” According to Akarcesme, this resulted in the removal of “tens of thousands of judiciary members, judges, prosecutors and also security forces, police officers who were part of the corruption investigations.” Later, they were arrested and put in jail. Anyone associated with the Gulen movement was at risk of being arrested. For example, if you were a teacher at a Gulen supporting company, you could be arrested despite having a clean record. These arrests did not become widespread until the “so-called coup attempt” in July 2016. On July 15, 2016, the streets of Istanbul were held captive by tanks and the Turkish military personnel entered into the streets of Istanbul. Nearby, Turkish jets bombed the Parliament. However, Turkish residents were quick to respond to the event. Through the use of social media, they gathered in the streets, protesting and climbing on tanks, before distinguishing the coup. However, this success came at a cost. 249 people were killed. In the months following the coup, Akarcesme said that media companies and educational institutions were shut
down. She explained that the attempt was part of Erdogan’s plan. “Erdogan knew that it was actually coming… it was a perfect pretext for him to complete his massive purge.” Erdogan was so serious about purging the country of critics that he liberated 34,000 criminals to make room in the prisons.
Sevgi Akarcesme Even though it’s been three years since the July 2016 coup, the future looks bleak for the imprisoned. “You don’t have the right to see your lawyer after a certain point…most of these journalists or critics who have been jailed actually are not convicted,” Akarcesme said. “They are pending trial.” Akarcesme also noted there are approximately 17,000 women and more than 800 babies are currently imprisoned. The “so-called coup attempt” was eye-opening for Akarcemse, who gained an appreciation for the life she had in Turkey.
“Up until that time I took so many things for granted. I took my passport for granted, my rights, my constitutional rights for granted… I was a bureaucrat, I was a journalist, I had no problem traveling,” Akarcesme said. For example, after moving to Brussels, Akarcesme had planned a trip to the United States. Just as Akarsceme was about to board the plane, her passport was revoked. According to the Turkish government, she was seen to be a terroristic threat. Fortunately, her passport, along with 50,000 others, was reinstated by the Interpol. “[They] realized that this is a fake attempt of the government to silence and punish dissonances and critics,” she said. In 2017, legislation was passed that would remove the prime minister position, increasing President Erdogan’s power and permit him to remain in office until 2029. Akarcesme sees Erdogan as a “dictator,” rather than a president. She now resides in the United States. However, the thought of returning to Turkey is more of a dream than a reality. “They would detain me right away on the plane,” Akarcesme said. In closing, Akarcesme noted the importance of speaking up and holding others accountable to prevent the fall of democracy. “We have to be vigilant and pay attention and raise awareness…” she said. “Because dictatorship is contagious.” SCAN HERE TO WATCH VIDEO COVERAGE:
Space Force logo looks like Star Trek logo, students say BY GABRIELLE CELLUCCI Assistant News Editor President Trump revealed the logo for the new military branch known as the Space Force and it looks strikingly similar to the Star Trek logo, according to Cabrini students interviewed.
What is the Space Force?
The Space Force is a new military branch of government that President Trump created to take over the Space Command, which was a major command within the United States Air Force. The Space Command’s responsibilities included the procurement and operation of military space technology such as spaceplanes, satellites and rockets. The Space Command was also in charge of programs like the Global Positioning System (GPS), the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program and the Space-Based Infrared System Program. President Trump first proposed the Space Force in 2018 to take over the role of the Space Command because he believed that the United States Military’s space technology needed more protection against foreign threats. According to Forbes, “The Trump administration proposed that this new military branch the ‘Space Force’ - sit within the Air Force, just as the Marine Corps sits within the Navy.” As of Dec. 20, 2019, the Space Force officially became the sixth military branch of the United States military. The United States is the only country in the whole world to have a Space Force.
Logo Similarities
President Trump posted on Twitter Friday, Jan. 24, what the logo for the Space Force was going to look like. “After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military,” President Trump wrote in his Twitter post. Many people were quick to comment on the logo, comparing the logo to look highly similar to the Star Trek logo. One of the biggest critics about the similarities between the two logos is George Takei, who played the character Hikaru Sulu in the original Star Trek series in the
Instagram poll in color
1960s. Takei reposted President Trump’s post about the Space Force logo with the caption, “Ahem. We are expecting some royalties from this…” Both the Space Force and Star Trek logos are dark blue circles with giant arrow-like shapes in the center with a star swooshing in front of them, while surrounded by tinier decorative stars. The main differences between these two emblems are the colors. The Space Force logo being dark blue and silver, while the Star Trek logo is yellow, blue and red. Also, the Space Force logo reads “United States Space Force, Department of the Air Force,” while the Star Trek logo reads “Starfleet Command, United Federation of Planets.” However, many people were quick to defend the Space Force emblem by saying that it was actually inspired by the Air Force seal. John Noonan, a conservative national security commentator and analyst, tweeted a side-by-side comparison of the Air Force seal and the Space Force logo with the caption, “For those excitedly tweeting that Trump stole the Star Trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing Air Force Command logo. The same one I wore as a Lieutenant in 2005.” According to Space, Space Force officials came out with a statement about the meaning behind the design of the logo. “The creation of the U.S. Space Force seal pays tribute to the newest Armed Service that organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force,” Space Force officials wrote in a Facebook
post on Friday, Jan. 24. Star Trek logo designer Michael Okuda, who was hired by NASA and created multiple logos for missions and programs, took to social media to respond to the design of the Space Force logo. “Well, they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!” Okuda wrote.
Students’ Thoughts
Since the Space Force is so new to the United States, the majority of students didn’t know what exactly the Space Force was or even heard of it. However, there were a handful of students who knew what the Space Force was about. “I believe [the Space Force is] a military plan that Donald Trump put through basically,” Jared Delisa, senior international business major, said when asked if he knew what the Space Force was. Along with being asked if they knew what the Space Force was, students were also asked to identify which logo they believed was the Star Trek logo when shown a picture of the two logos side by side. Many students were able to guess correctly, but some students did manage to mix up the two logos. SCAN HERE TO HEAR STUDENT’S THOUGHTS ON THE LOGO
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2019
Cabrini sophomore to release second rap album (continued from page 1) BY LEO MELANCON Assistant Visual Mangnging Editor Kxng Charisma’s first album, “Dungeon with Serpents,” was well-received, according to Collazo. It contains his best-known song, “Focus,” as well as “Loyal,” featuring Elemxnt, “Dedicated,” featuring Fabreezy and one of his personal favorites, “Kiss of Death.” “It’s basically a song about a very, very triumphant moment that got me what I wanted and basically turned my life around in my freshman year of college,” Collazo said.
Collazo says his music is inspired by what’s going on in his life, and his new album, “House 10/23” definitely fits that description, as it is about the pain of loss. “On Oct. 23, 2019, I suffered two losses in one day. My grandfather was in hospice care,” Collazo said. “As he was dying, I got a call from some of my friends up here that a great friend of ours, Deshawn Price, had also passed away in a car crash. I’m going to dedicate this next album to the loss of those two. . . very critical components to my life.” Collazo hopes that this album, with its personal message and raw emotion, will help him build his fan base. He hopes to do more live performances like the one he recently did at Kung Fu Necktie in Philadelphia with Elemxnt and Fabreezy, opening for Elijah the Boy. “He has talent. He got lyrics–his lyrics are something ridiculous, his flow is ridiculous,” Mines said. “I just went to his show last week and people came out for it.” Collazo is using the skills he is learning as a communication major to get his music heard, from creating a presence on social media, to producing music videos. Although he gets frustrated by how difficult it is to become known within the music industry, it won’t stop him from making music. “I like to be creative. My music is emotional music,” Collazo said. “What I’m most inspired by is when I’m going through things in real life that I can put into music.”
Scan to listen:
Kxng Charisma (Marcus Collazo) during a studio session
The new rock climbing club creates excitement and adventure for students BY AMERICA LOPEZ-SANTIAGO Assistant News Editor A new club as of the Spring 2020 semester is the Rock Climbing Club. This club was founded by Max Silverman, freshman communication major, and David Tilton, freshman special ed and elementary education major, during the fall semester. It started when Silverman and his parents were looking at colleges and the clubs they offered on campus during his senior year of high school. Silverman believed that the university was offering a rock climbing club and decided that he wanted to study here. Though once Silverman got to campus, he found out that there was no rock climbing club and then decided to start up the club himself.
Rock climbing flyer that is around campus
“I then decided that I had nothing to lose and started the club,” Silverman said. “I put some posters around some of the dorms and buildings, and I got a few interested, one being from Tilton, who helped me start the club, and then I found out about Rachel. The three of us have worked to start the club.” Tilton and Rachel Hetrick, freshman graphic design majors, met while working as lifeguards at Dixon Center. Hetrick had mentioned to Tilton that she had gotten into rock climbing during the summer, and Tilton informed her that he and Silverman were starting a rock climbing club. Since then, all three members have started connecting with other people who might be interested, and they also got an adviser, Orlin Jespersen, associate director of athletics, recreation and community engagement. During the Involvement Fair for the Spring 2020 semester, they were able to get a table and even got 70 signatures of people who were interested. “Right now, the direction of the club is just to keep things simple, you know just climb what we feel comfortable with and really get people interested in it,” Tilton said. “Our future goal is to get more serious with it; maybe even do outdoor climbing and do it weekly.” Rock climbing is a good and unique way to exercise while also meeting new people. Rock climbing is a great environment and full of people who want to help even when you might not think you can make it to the next hole. It’s a club where you can see if you are interested in rock climbing. If not, then one can say they at least tried something new. “If you do it once and don’t like it, that’s fine we just want to find the people who are really into it and want to be involved, so that we can grow and have a good group of people that really love it,” Hetrick said. As of right now, the club meets the first and third Fridays of every month at Gravity Vault from 7:00 p.m to 9:30 p.m. Silverman, Tilton and Hetrick are certified to work the ropes and will help if anyone needs help. The equipment and transportation will be provided for
One of the high walls at the Gravity Vault students. Students need to pay the $8 fee and sign up by noon on the first and third Thursday at the Dixon Center’s front desk. For more information please contact Orlin Jespersen at, Max at, David at and Rachel at rh10447@ AMERICALOPEZ1156@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2019
Think before you drink: the longterm effects of a DUI BY VICTORIA BOLAND Assistant Multimedia Editor
Editor’s Note: Names have been changed to protect privacy. The name of source will be changed to “Steve Smith.” “Driving under the influence has affected my life by prohibiting me from jobs, taking up time with completing community service and it overall negatively impacts my life.” At the age of 37, Steve Smith made a decision to drink and drive. This decision changed his life forever. After Smith had a night out with some buddies drinking roughly five bottles of beer, he decided to drive home. After this bad decision, he was pulled over for not having control of the vehicle. “I figured I was fine but my alcohol consumption showed up as 0.10 percent, which meant otherwise,” Smith said. The legal maximum blood alcohol concentration in most states is 0.08 percent. That is the cut-off point for what is considered safe for driving. The more alcohol one consumes the more impaired an individual will get. The amount one consumes can vary. Alcohol consumption will show up differently among individuals due to height, weight, and gender. “You can still get a DUI even if you
are under 0.08 percent if you are believed to be not in control of the vehicle at the current time,” Aston police officer Matthew Curry, said. Driving under the influence (DUI) is not a responsible action. No matter what, there is no excuse for drinking and driving. There is always another option. Drinking can slow down your reaction time, give you a lack of coordination, decrease your vision and inhibit your judgment. “Through my decision of drinking and driving, I lost my license for 90 days and I had to complete 40 hours of community service where I had to pick up trash. It really affected my mental state, putting me in a dark place. I had to depend on others to drive me around. It was embarrassing and I felt like a burden,” Smith said Smith isn’t alone in his poor decisions. The drunk driving prevention website states that “About 1.5 million people were arrested in a given year for driving under the influence of alcohol or drug.” Options like Uber, Lyft, friends who aren’t drinking and even the cops are different routes to go before stepping in the car after drinking an alcoholic beverage. A January 2015 study conducted by Paul J Gruenewald, Fred W Johnson and
Andrew J Treno reported that “Increased restaurant density is strongly related to higher rates of both self-reported driving after drinking and drinking frequency.” “No matter how expensive the Uber is, it’s still cheaper than a DUI because in the end fines can go up to $10,000.00 and no Uber ride will be that expensive,” Curry said.
The Addiction center states that “ people between the ages of 21 to 25 years old are the most likely to drunk drive”
On top of these expenses, Smith stated that his insurance bill went up to $150.00 more than his normal bill. A June 2009 study conducted by Ralph W. Hingsoayn and Wenxing Zha in the journal, Pediatrics, found that
delaying the age you begin to drink will likely decrease the chances of injuries to oneself or others due to intoxication. It is helpful because when one is older they tend to have more self-control. “More than one-third of those injuries occurred when respondents 25 years of age were under the influence, although only seven percent of respondents were 25 years of age. Persons other than respondents experienced 20% of those unintentional injuries, more than onethird of them in traffic,” the article in Pediatrics said. Many consequences come from drinking and driving and individuals should know it isn’t just their life that is at risk but also could impact someone else’s life through one mistake. “If an individual wants to go out and have fun, make sure to have a clear plan with a friend or family member who isn’t drinking that could drive you home. It is better to be safe than sorry,” Smith said. The National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration states every day is a lifechanging experience. On a normal day within the United States on average of 30 individuals are in a fatal crash resulting in more than 10,000 deaths a year. “Just don’t drink and drive. It can be very pricey and ruin your life,” Curry said. VICTORIABOLAND22@GMAIL.COM
Social media: The danger it poses on body image BY LAYAL SROUR Assistant Multimedia Editor “No matter how many hours I spent at the gym and how healthy I ate, it wasn’t enough and I wasn’t losing the weight as fast and I felt everyone wanted. So, I felt that I had no other choice.” Justice Ross, sophomore biomedical engineer major at Drexel University, suffered with bulimia for a few years and she believes that social media and body image pressure played a major role in her eating disorder. “I was bulimic on and off for about 3.5 to 4 years. However, it didn’t get bad until the summer of my sophomore year and throughout my junior year of high school. During this time I was taking modeling more seriously and I wanted to do it nationally and more professionally,” Ross said. “Although I was the thinnest I had ever been prior to it, agencies and who I was working with kept telling me that they wanted me to be smaller.” Bulimia is an emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging or fasting. She also started using social media as a positive outlook on body image by following curvy models and becoming more comfortable in sharing pictures of herself and the way she looks. “However, now that I’m a little older and the modeling industry has become more accepting I make sure to also follow curvy models.” Justice, as well as many other celebrities, have suffered with an eating disorder due to the pressures of social media and wanting to have the “perfect” body. Bulimia and other disorders are prevalent in both men and women of all ages, including the celebrities we see everyday on our screens. Celebrities, such as Demi Lovato, Paula Abdul, Russell Brand, Elton John, Princess Diana, and many more, opened up about their struggles with eating disorders and how social media had an effect on them,
along with the stereotype of “skinny is beautiful.”
The Role of Social Media in Body Image
The rise of plastic surgery in millennials begins with social media. Media such as Instagram and Snapchat produced by celebrities have an influence on the way young adults perceive themselves. When celebrities like the Kardashian/Jenner sisters, Chrissy Tiegen, Zac Efron, Ryan Gosling and Patrick Dempsey get any plastic or cosmetic surgery done, it gives a false advertisement of a natural look. Maddie Werndl, sophomore marketing and advertising major said, “We look at social media and we want to change ourselves to mimic the models, actresses and stars we see on TV and social media.” Social media shows photos of women with their hair done, full-face of makeup and a “barbie-like” body type consisting of a small waist, curves and long legs. On the other hand, men are portrayed as tall, muscular and with little-to-no body fat. “Social media also and still does play a role in my body image and how I view myself. During that time, I had followed a lot of models and I used to think to myself, maybe if I was that thin I could be able to book more jobs,” Ross said. The article, “The Media and Body Image: How it Impacts Your SelfEsteem,” mentioned that, “The way men and women look in the media creates an unrealistic image of what we think we should look like. Only around 5 percent of society resembles the images portrayed in the media.” In the article “Social Media Detrimental to Self Esteem,” senior communication student Sydney Lynch said, “There is a sense of unrealistic expectations that are built up by social media, creating a feeling of selfconsciousness and low self-esteem” because “we don’t see what is really happening in a person’s daily life.”
Body Image Coalition reminds people to be comfortable in their own skin
Gender and Body Enhancements
Does gender have an impact on how men and women look at themselves compared to others? What makes them want to change or alter the way they were born? Plastic surgery helps combat any insecurities and body dysphoria young adults feel, but to tamper with your body at a young age can only harm you as you get older. Men and women are expected to look a certain way to feel confident in their own body- their own skin. This leads to an increase in cosmetic surgeries to feel more accepted in society and to make people feel more confident to be on social media and post pictures of themselves. There is this ongoing concept that men have to look like Zac Efron, Jason Mamoa or Chris Hemsworth and have abs, muscles, tan skin, and be tall. On the other hand, women all over social media are getting body-shamed if they don’t look like Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Catherine Paiz or any runway or Victoria Secret models with slim waists, long legs,
makeup and curves in the “right places.” Allison Clark, adjunct professor of gender and body studies shared her thoughts about body enhancements. “I thought about getting my stomach clipped so that I could lose weight faster...I’ve thought about getting breast enhancements. It was only after I started getting tattoos that I began to feel more comfortable in my body,” Clark said. “I felt as though a big shift in my body weight would distort the images that I’ve put on my body and I love them and that’s helped me begin to love myself.” Although body image is an issue for both men and women, we tend to see more campaigns and models about body positivity in women more than men. As of 2018, it was reported that women had an overall larger number in cosmetic procedures than men had. Women had a reported number of 14, 676, 921, while men had an overall number of 1,306, 844. Gabe Cano, a junior early education major, said, “Definitely women because how media portrays the perfect body for women is so harsh and that is it hard being a woman in today’s society because there are many different definitions of what a “beautiful” woman is.” People should feel comfortable in the way they look and be able to post pictures of their bodies without feeling like they are going to be shamed for it. To learn more about body image and body positivity, join the Body Image Coalition at Cabrini University. This is a student-led group that teaches the campus community about a lifestyle “rich with body acceptance, wellness and support.” It was founded in 2007 and the club “addresses issues and attitudes in our society related to eating habits and body image that can exert undue pressure to conform to the thin or “perfect” ideal.” Students can follow Cabrini’s Body Image Coalition on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020
Confidence is contagious BY MORGAN FAZZINI Staff Writer
Playing sports my whole life has taught me a lot about how the world works. I have learned lessons through games and practices that I am able to use throughout my life. I played basketball in middle school, and my coach would always say, "confidence is contagious." By saying this, he meant that if one player showed faith in herself, the rest of the team would have faith in themselves as well. I decided to take this saying and put it in everything I do. Confidence can be contagious from one person to another, but it can also be contagious from one activity to another. It started with my school work. I would walk into exams telling myself I
was prepared. Even though the pit in my stomach from anxiety would remain, I would be able to push through it by keeping my mindset positive. Not every exam, test or quiz would go well, but it was about staying consistent with the confidence in preparation. Keeping myself calm, cool and collected was key. If I did poorly, then I would prepare even more for the next assignment and continue trusting that I was ready. "Walk with confidence." This is another saying that I would hear a lot growing up. I used to walk with my shoulders slouched and my head down. I learned that if I walk like this, it looks as though I am sad or weak. My aunt taught me that when walking with confidence, especially in public, it keeps predators
“Walk with confidence.” Another way to grow confidence
away. For example, if I am walking the streets of New York City, alone, with my head down, there is a much bigger chance of something happening to me. I took this advice and realized that I should walk with confidence and my head high in any situation. It shows that I am proud of myself and my guard is up for anything to happen. Walking with my head up also lets me see people. This gives me the opportunity to exchange a "hello" to anyone that passes me, which I enjoy doing. I think it's a Pennsylvania thing. I like to spread my confidence to my decision making. Making a decision halfcertain about what the consequences are is immature and can cause problems. With every decision comes a consequence, whether it is positive or negative. I take this with everything I do as well. This can help with either quick decisions or ones that need a pros and cons list. Even if it isn't a smart decision, at least I am fully aware of the possibilities of what can happen. But I only make smart decisions, so that isn't something I have to worry about. Once the confidence is there, it isn't difficult to keep. It is the gaining of confidence that is difficult. I feel it is different for everyone the way that they can gain it. It can be through exercising more, eating better, or just taking better care of mental health. For me, I had to stop comparing myself to other
Gaining confidence doesn’t just happen overnight, it takes time people, especially when it came to body image. Almost every girl wants to look like another girl. I know I have felt this before, but I learned that since everyone feels this way, it is unnecessary to even think it in the first place. Maybe someone wants to look like me. Maybe someone wants my personality, my mental health or my body. Gaining confidence isn't something that happened overnight. It took me about nine months. I still struggle, but like I said, everyone does. There are good days and bad days, just as everything else. As long as I keep my head high and shoulders back, I know that I look confidence which makes me feel confident.
Is virtual healthcare becoming the way of the future? BY MEGAN FEE Assistant Lifestyles Editor
I checked out Teladoc as a last-ditch effort because I was sick and getting to my family doctor was going to be a really big hassle. My schedule was booked solid because of my classes and homework deadlines. I just really wanted to feel better and to know that I was doing everything that I could to help the situation. I was doubtful that it would work, but I figured I would give it a try because it was not going to cost too much. Having options for the delivery of healthcare has been somewhat limited to going to your primary care doctor or a specialist. The patient has to call the office, schedule an appointment, which typically is at least a two-week waiting period, and then has to travel to the doctor’s office and usually wait alongside people who may or may not have a contagious illness. With telemedicine, help is only a call or click away and can be faster than ever before.
Technology is always growing and advancing in today’s world, providing
Now doctors can communicate with patients pratcially anywhere
new and exciting ways to do things. This is no exception for the world of medicine, where innovative ideas are constantly welcomed and trialed. The idea of technology, medical services and the manner in which they are combined together and delivered has been addressed utilizing virtual health. With the climate of today’s world growing more and more digital every day, this raises the question: Is telemedicine the wave of the future? The idea for telemedicine reduces these situations by using the technology of our cell phones or computers to get expert care from licensed doctors. Although it is not for emergencies, it does provide a convenient way to access care in a faster and more affordable way based upon your insurance coverage. In my experience, creating the account took the most time but the operators were very helpful. My co-pay was even less than it would be at my primary health provider’s office. It was so incredibly easy and I did not even need to leave my dorm room. Telemedicine is an alternative to how people can access traditional health care by providing healthrelated services remotely through telecommunications technology such as phone calls, videos and apps. On the Teladoc site that I used, it explains that they are “a missiondriven organization successfully transforming how people access and experience healcare, with a focus on high quality, lower costs, and improved outcomes around the world.”
Scenes like this might become a rarity in the future with new medical technology
The use of telemedicine is a game-changer to the medical field as they have health care professionals working around the clock with all day and night care 24/7. A licensed medical professional can evaluate and diagnose for a variety of issues ranging from minor colds and injuries, call in prescriptions to your local pharmacy and offer advice and other information concerning your health. eVisit explains there are five healthcare specialties leading the way in telemedicine: pediatrics, mental health, urgent care, pain management and some conditions that require frequent check-ups like gestational diabetes. According to HealthWorksCollective, in the age of new technology and digital doctors coming about, medical professionals can use these developments to “view scans, assess diagnostic reports, monitor symptoms and physical progression of a medical condition remotely.” As a result, the patient and doctor can communicate and get the information they need without having
to make a trip to the doctor's office, which directly influences the line of the waiting rooms. Even patients on Medicare have access to telehealth if they so choose. According to, “Medicare Advantage Plans may offer more telehealth benefits than Original Medicare,” all from the comfort of your own home. I believe that virtual health and telemedicine will be the fastest trend in healthcare in the future. This is not to say that you should not see your primary doctor but it is always nice to have a plan B for cases when you just can not get to the doctors. Medicare even endorses the concept because it fulfills the needs of the elderly and not having to get transportation. This can also be helpful for college students who are further away from home and who need medical expertise. I also think that this generation is becoming an on-demand society and virtual healthcare fits those needs. While this service is not for emergent situations, virtual health can fill the gaps and needs of many people.
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020
Cabrini’s women’s lacrosse team is preparing for their upcoming season BY TYLER SEABROOK Staff Writer It’s that time of year when the women’s lacrosse team is preparing for their upcoming 2020 season. The team had a successful season in 2019. They finished with a record of 14-8, which is a 63.6 winning percentage. They were 5-1 in conference games. Other highlights from their season was becoming the Atlantic East Conference champions. To do so, they avenged a loss to Marywood University earlier in the season by beating them 216. This was a huge turn of events because the prior battle against Marywood ended in a losing effort, with a score of 15-14. Another accomplishment that women’s lacrosse achieved last year was Eastern College Athletic Conference Division III Tournament champions. They competed against three teams. They were DeSales University, Fairleigh Dickinson-Florham and Drew University. They beat Drew University in the final by a score of 15-10. Coaches and players are enthusiastic about the 2020 season. “Always looking to do better than the year before,” Julie Cross, assistant coach of the women’s lacrosse team, said. “Based off of what I saw what the team did last year, I’m looking to have a similar exceptional season.” Cross’s mindset for the team is to constantly look to get better. She doesn’t want the team to be complacent in how
J.T O’CONNOR The team opened the season on Feb. 18 with an 18-13 win over Albright College the team works but wants the team to focusing on one game at a time.” always work hard to continually improve Neary’s mindset for her team is to throughout the season. always work hard, remain competitive, Games against The College of New work together and support each other Jersey and Marywood University are ones through the season. They are currently that Cross is looking forward to facing within their second week of preseason. this year. Due to Cross’s prior knowledge After the team gets back from spring of Division III, this is feedback from the break they will have a better feel for each players on the team about opponents other and really get “digging” deep into that they are ready to compete against. what the team’s identity will be. Cross is ready to see how Dana Neary views each game as being Carlson, sophomore attack player on equally important to the season. This the team, plays this year. The reason is doesn’t matter if it’s a non-conference or that Cross wants to see how Carlson uses conference foe. her Atlantic East Conference Rookie of It seems that there is always the Year status during the season. Cross pressure on the upper-classmen. Neary knows that Carlson will always put the knows that they are expected to show necessary work in to help the team in exceptional leadership on and off the any capacity. field. “The team’s approach is more short Neary said, “Starting jobs can be won term,” Jackie Neary, head women’s or lost on any given day.” lacrosse coach, said. “This is based on Neary mentions that the key to the
team’s success historically is the constant inter-squad competition. This also plays to the idea that there is ultimately always unspoken goals handed down to each team as we approach each new season. “Senior year, so she is excited to work the hardest because it’s her final year of eligibility,” Mattie Porter, a defender on the team, said. “Everyone wants to win, so they know what to do to make the goals happen.” Porter is looking forward to playing Colorado College because they are a new opponent for them. This will be a good game to push themselves. Porter doesn’t look at the record, but prefers to have “a hard loss, over an easy win any day.” That is a quote that the team hears repetitively from coach Neary. “I’m really excited to have my final season,” Sarah McCarron, attack player on the team, said. “No matter if it’s by putting in the hard work at practice or during a game.” McCarron knows that the team is entering the season with an open mind. She is aware that the team will put the necessary work to excel. McCarron is ready to face Marywood University because they are always competitive games, and face Albright College due to them being a new foe.
Dixon Center membership available to community members
along with coffee and bakery items. A highlight of the Cav’s Shack is fresh fruit smoothies offered for sale. The offerings are healthy and perfect for on-the-go trips.
BY AMANDA ZACHARIAS Staff Writer The Dixon Center has much to offer for students, faculty and community members. While students and fulltime faculty receive free memberships, community members and alumni can purchase a membership. With 100,000 square feet of space there are many opportunities available. Offerings include full gym access with treadmills, ellipticals and weightlifting equipment. There is also a full-size basketball court available when not being used by the athletic department. Pool use is also included in the membership. Those interested in obtaining a membership can call the front desk at 610-225-3901 for more information or download the membership application. Front desk operator Melissa Casey said, “It is pretty easy for someone from the community to get a Dixon membership. All they need to do is come into the Dixon center and ask someone at the front desk.” Cabrini Recreation’s website has hours posted that should be checked often as they are updated frequently when school-related events are being held that may interfere with availability. Regularly, the facilities are open starting at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday. Hours on the weekend vary with 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. For community members the operation hours conclude at 1:00 p.m. on Monday
Prepackaged healthy options are available for purchase through Friday, 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. Hours also change during the summer months. Multiple membership types are available for purchase. The individual annual pass is priced at $275. Household memberships include spouse/partners and dependents 23 or younger and must share the same address. The household membership is priced at $700 for the year. The Dixon Center is a welcoming environment for all. Casey said it’s about 50/50 in terms of student to community members using the facilities on a given day, however weekends tend to have more community members. With a variety of services available,
community members are encouraged to take advantage of the many offerings. The Dixon Center also holds many fitness classes and student events. “I think it is valuable that they (community members) are able to use the facility with having an all included membership with classes that are offered at the gym with no additional cost,” Casey said. The 25-yard competitive pool has diving boards, kick boards, and other amenities available for use. Locker rooms are available for use as well. When not exercising, a café is located within the building as a shared social space. The Cav’s Shack has grab-and-go items such as sandwiches and snacks
Students and community members excerise in the Dixon Center
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2020