cP. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020
COVID-19 prompts cancellation of the university’s international travel programs Although she acknowledges that she might be sent home early, Goldstein is set to spend the entire semester abroad. “I understand if the school I attend here shuts down…however Cabrini can’t send me home unless CDC demands it or my school here shuts down,” Goldstein said. Had she canceled the trip, Goldstein would have been a whole semester behind in credits, ultimately threatening her ability to graduate on time.
BY AISLINN WALSH & ALEXANDRA MONTEIRO Editor-in-Chief, Perspectives Editor
On Tuesday, March 3, Dr. Donald Taylor issued a statement via email regarding the university’s position on the coronavirus outbreak, formally known as COVID-19. In the statement, Dr. Taylor noted that “out of an abundance of caution and as advised by the CDC, Cabrini is postponing or canceling University trips to foreign countries.” Cabrini is among several universities and colleges who have issued a statement concerning study abroad programs. On March 1, 2020, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a statement urging institutions of higher education (IHE) to “ consider postponing or canceling upcoming student foreign exchange programs. IHE should consider asking current program participants to return to their home country.” As of March 5, the CDC identified China, Italy, Iran and South Korea as a Level 3 risk. At this level, the CDC warns of “widespread community transmission” and suggests travelers “avoid nonessential travel” to the country.
How long will this last?
There is not a definitive time slot of how much far in advance the universitysponsored international trips will be canceled. Brian Eury, chief of staff and vice president for community development and external relations, noted that the university is monitoring and following the recommendations of the American College Health Association and the CDC. Future travel plans will also depend on COVID-19’s level of progression.
Who else does this affect?
Countries where the coronavirus is present “We don’t have a crystal ball…,” Eury said. “I can’t say we are doing an automatic six months, when in a month and a half from now, it may be subsided. ”
How does this affect students studying abroad?
Currently, there are only students in Argentina, Australia and England. There are no students In Italy or currently participating in the Semester at Sea program. According to Dr. Paul Wright, the study abroad coordinator and English professor, the university has not forced any student studying abroad to return home. They have left the decision up to the students and their families. “What we’ve done is shared with those students and their families all of the CDC recommendations and suggested to them that it might be wise to consider a return home at this time,” Wright said. As of March 6, Wright said that no students have chosen to return home.
Why have students chosen to stay abroad?
Sophia Scarpone, junior biology major, and Kailey Currao, junior education and English major, are both spending the semester in Fremantle, Australia. Having left in February, they plan on remaining in Australia for the duration of the semester. “We felt that this decision to stay was safer compared to coming home,” Scarpone said. “Especially if we were to be on three flights [to come] home.” Alexis Goldstein, junior criminology and sociology major and Spanish minor, received Dr. Taylor’s email a day before her scheduled departure to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Despite the warning, Goldstein proceeded with her plans to spend the semester abroad... She was determined to see it come to fruition, as the trip required significant preparation on Goldstein’s behalf. “There was no way that email was stopping me from going,” Goldstein said.
However, the news was disappointing to the faculty and students in the ENG 289 class On Stage: Live in London, who planned on visiting London in May. The course, co-taught by Dr. FillingBrown and Dr. Frenchie, have spent the semester studying British theater. At the cumulation of the semester, the class planned to travel to London for a study abroad component, which included live theatrical performances. The domestic portion of the course will be completed and students will receive credit, but the abroad portion is canceled. “For this course, most of the written work is completed throughout the semester and strongly consists of researching different aspects of the city of London. Because we are no longer traveling, we are now unable to visit the sites that we have been studying for the past few months,” Julia Taylor, criminology & sociology major, said. Taylor was planning on going to London to fulfill a minor requirement. “Although the subject matter is still interesting, it will diminish our ability to fully appreciate the different attractions that London has to offer,” Taylor said. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 2
How does salary of Cabrini’s president equate with that of comparable presidents? BY LAUREN GIANNONE Staff Writer
Editor Note: Since this subject is sensitive, some faculty have agreed to give their opinion but they felt compelled to remain anonymous. While the cost of colleges and universities has been rising, so have the salaries of university presidents. Private regional university presidents made, on average, 11 times the amount of the average Pennsylvania student loan debt accrued during the 2017-2018 school year. Cabrini University’s tuition was $32,775 for the 2017-2018 school year. The average Pennsylvania student who graduated in 2018 left school with a loan debt averaging $37,061, according to a report by the Institute for College Access and Success. Nevertheless, the president of Cabrini University made 13 times the cost of tuition. In 2017, the total compensation for the position held was $477,782, according to Cabrini’s 2017-2018 IRS 990 form.
Comparing Presidents' Salaries from Regional Universities 2017-2018 $800 ,000
$600 ,000
$431,070 $432,758
$477 782 $486,898 $489,349 $513,264 $535,380 '
$400 ,000
$200 ,000
Some Cabrini professors expressed displeasure with the size of the president’s salary. “There is something systemically wrong with the current financial system, with Cabrini and the debt of students in comparison to the current salary of the president,” one Cabrini professor said. Dr. Donald Taylor, Cabrini University president, said in an email communication, that the board of
trustees sets the total compensation for a university president. Total compensation includes bonuses, total reportable compensation, retirement and taxable and non-taxable income and benefits and deferred compensation. This can include retirement accounts and requirements for a president to live on campus. Cabrini’s 990 form also indicated that the president lives on campus. Therefore
the university pays for the president’s housing. Because Cabrini is a non-forprofit, the residence is not treated as taxable compensation. Housekeeping services provided for the home were also not treated as taxable compensation. Cabrini’s presidential compensation is almost half a million annually, but relative to other universities is not the highest. Two individuals occupied the presidential position at Neumann University and combined made 21 times the amount of the university’s tuition, $676,666 for the 2017 year, according to their 2018 990 form. Similarly to Neumann, Gwynedd Mercy University had two individuals occupy the presidential position and combined both made a total 10 times the amount of tuition, $535,380 for the 2017 year, according to their 990 form. Two individuals also occupied the presidential position at Eastern University and combined made 14 times the amount of tuition, $513,264 for the 2017 year, according to their 990 form. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 2
Women’s History Month: HERstory in the making WE ARE THE
MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to
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History months serve two purposes. The first is to celebrate the accomplishments and victories pioneered by a demographic of people. The second purpose is to create awareness of the inequalities and injustices that still need to be addressed. As Black History Month, which is annually observed during the month of February, comes to a close, Women’s History Month must now continue the momentum of combatting the erasure of history. The origin of Women’s History Month traces back to California. In March of 1978, the Sonoma County Educational Task Force made strides to incorporate women’s history into the curriculum with a “women’s history week celebration.” Sonoma County chose the week of March 8 as the eighth was already an existing holiday: International Women’s Day. Many communities and organizations caught wind of Sonoma County’s success and began celebrating women’s history week as well. Women’s History Week became so popular that in Feb. 1980, President Carter issued a proclamation, officially recognizing the week of Mach 8 as “Women’s History Week.” As the popularity of Women’s History Week continued to spread, in 1987,
Congress would officially declare March as Women’s History Month. According to CNN, besides International Women’s Day, the month of March holds the dates of several other significant milestones in female history. Despite the many glass ceilings shattered throughout history, the fight for equal rights is a battle that women around the world are still continuing to fight. Globally, many women are still fighting for equal rights, access to education, equal employment opportunities, reproductive healthcare/health rights. Equality movements around the world are also fighting to combat issues such as gender-based violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, female genital mutilation and arranged marriage. Although March is Women’s History Month, the celebration of female accomplishment should be year-round because of their significance in history and the contributions they’ve made to society. The month of March must be utilized to continue creating dialogues for the pressing social issues and we must actively continue seeking ways to make the world a more inclusive place for women.
WtMEN'S HIST tRY MARCH 3 The first major suffragist parade took place in Washington, D.C. in 1913. MARCH 4 In 1933, Frances Perkins became the first female member of the U.S. Cabinet. MARCH 22 The Equal Rights Amendment , was passed by the Senate in 1972. MARCH 31 In 1888, the National Council of Women of the U.S. is formed.
MARCH 1 Title IX, was passed by the Senate in 1972 MARCH 4 Jeannette Rankin became the first female member of Congress in 1917. MARCH 17 In 1917, Loretta Perfectus Walsh became the first woman to enlist in a military role other than a nurse MARCH 31 Abigail Adams penned her famous "Remember the ladies" letter to her husband John Adams in 1776.
COVID-19 prompts cancellation of the university’s international travel programs (continued from page 1) Brittany Romano, junior social work and gender and body studies major, was very disappointed, but not surprised to hear the news. She foresaw it coming during spring break when several colleges and universities started pulling their students out of programs in Italy. Her suspicions were confirmed after receiving Taylor’s email. My initial reaction was shock...,” Romano said. “I wasn’t really surprised, but more so shocked in an ‘I can’t believe this is happening right now’.” Although Romano acknowledges that the trip cancellation is in the best interest of the students, she’s nonetheless disappointed. “This was my one chance to study abroad, and I’ve wanted to study abroad in college ever since I was little, and now that opportunity was taken from me so suddenly and quickly...,” Romano said. Hopefully, though, I’ll make it to London eventually, now just wasn’t the time I guess.” Filling-Brown, dean of the school of humanities and social sciences, expressed sadness about the trip’s cancellation. She
was especially sorrowful because students would miss out on an opportunity to study abroad. “I studied abroad when I was an undergraduate student and it was such a powerful experience for me,” FillingBrown said. “All I want to is to give that to our students.” In the midst of disappointment, she stressed the importance of students’ safety. “I know that we are making the right choice just for the safety and health of our students,” Filling-Brown said. In lieu of London, Filling-Brown hopes that she and Frenchie could take students on alternative co-curricular activities, such a local theatrical performance. All of these plans are contingent on the domestic situation. The university cancellation of international trips goes beyond student academic programs. Fr. Carl Janicki, director of campus ministry, noted that their immersion trip to Ecuador in May and the pilgrimage
to Lourdes, Paris and Oberammergau in August had also been canceled.
Moving Forward
Eury noted that the university has been monitoring COVID-19 since January. In response, a task force has been created to establish a plan in the event that the virus would spread to campus. Aside from this plan, the university has already established an emergency operations plan. Despite the risk COVID-19 poses to the health of the Cabrini and the surrounding community, Wright reminds the Cabrini community to not let fear control how they treat others. “We don’t want to create a climate of being less welcome then we ought to be,” Wright said.
How does salary of Cabrini’s president equate with that of comparable presidents (continued from page 1) The president of Wilkes University, retired as of July 2019, made $489,349 for the 2017 year, 13 times the cost of tuition, according to their 990 form. Alvernia University has a similar enrollment and tuition to Cabrini, yet their president made 14 times the amount of tuition, $486,898 for the 2017 year, according to their 990 form. Two individuals occupied the presidential position at Arcadia University, combined made 10 times the cost of tuition, $432,758 for the 2017 year, according to their 990 form. The president at Mercyhurst University, made $431,070 for the 2017 year, 11 times the cost of tuition, according to their 990 form. The Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, allows any person the right to request to view federal agency records or information with a few exceptions. Under FOIA laws, the federal IRS rules require that all nonprofit organizations, including many private schools, make their annual tax returns available.
Because of these laws, many schools will post a 990 form. This form generally lists where an organization’s money comes from and where it goes. Any individual can access these forms and find out information about an organization, for example the five highest paid employees at a private school and their salaries. A 990 form can provide individuals not only with certain employees’ base salaries but also other forms of compensation. For the purposes of this comparison, the total from columns D and E were referred to on the universities’ 990 forms. “I think you will find many academics who believe that corporate culture has infected academia,” Dr. Joseph Cimakasky, philosophy and liberal studies professor, said. “We are following a corporate model. It is no wonder that the CEO, who is the president essentially, that their pay would reflect the corporate model too.” In comparison to Cabrini’s president, Cabrini professors, who perform the
education students are paying tuition for, made significantly less. Faculty also received a decrease in retirement compensation and only received a one percent cost of living increase, two professors confirmed. The average salary at Cabrini for full professors was $83,548, $66,770 for associate professors, $58,337 for assistant professors and $57,580 for instructors according to a 2017 study by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Cimakasky went on to say, “This is the last bastion of democracy here. This campus culture, academia, if it falls here then I think we are in trouble. This has often been the source of social change. If we are just going to be one corporation amongst many others then it is over.”
Fourth annual Women’s March celebrates intersectional feminism and female accomplishment BY SIERRA DOTSON News Editor
Year of the Woman
On the morning of Jan. 18, an excited group of Cabrini students huddled in the snow, signs in hand, watching as the train pulled slowly into Radnor station. Upon boarding the train, they were greeted by the familiar sight of posters and pink knit hats. As the snow relentlessly fell on the streets of Philadelphia, a small but dedicated crowd of demonstrators confidently shuffled their way towards the great columns of the Art Museum. The distant sounds of chants and drummers made it easy to become immersed in the extensive sea of signs and banners. For Samar Dahleh, a junior political science and philosophy double major, the 2020 march on Philadelphia was her first time attending a women’s march. She described her experience as “empowering.” “It was very lively and I cannot wait to do it again,” Dahleh said. “It meant so much to see all kinds of women being represented in such a positive light.” “Gender equality is a really important issue to me,” Dr. Caroline Nielsen said. Nielsen, an associate professor of biology and environmental science, has attended all four Philadelphia marches with her family. “The march has come to encompass a wider variety of issues in opposition to the current administration in Washington. But for me as a parent, another really important reason that I march is to show my daughters that direct participation in democracy is important. That getting out there and making our voices heard and
The Philadelphia Women’s March official website gives a brief description of this year’s theme: “This is our 4th year of the Women’s March on Philadelphia and truly does mark the ‘Year of the Woman!’ After record-breaking elections of women (specifically women of color and LGBTQ candidates), it is time to celebrate what we’ve accomplished and come together again in solidarity to proclaim what we will continue to fight for!” Many who attended the 2020 march wanted to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage when women in the United States were first given the right to vote. However, this small victory still excluded millions of people of color as the Voting Rights Act, which outlawed racial discrimination in voting, wouldn’t be passed until nearly half a century later in 1965. Many of the speakers that attended this year’s march drew attention to this issue, addressing the heightened need for intersectionality within the feminist movement. Intersectionality is defined by USA Today as, “the understanding of how women’s overlapping identities — including race, class, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation — impact the way they experience oppression and discrimination.” “In my opinion, you can’t talk about feminism without talking about intersectionality. Feminism is nothing without it,” Brittany Romano, junior social work and gender and body studies double major, said. “Without it, trans women, disabled women, women of color, immigrant women, queer women and so many more types of women and people aren’t recognized. Some people even fall into two or more of those
Caroline Nielsen with her family during the 2020 march in Philadelphia making our opinions known is our job as citizens in a democracy.” Nielsen’s daughter was interviewed by FOX29 about her homemade sign which read, “I’m marching for justice, equality, and pockets.” The video interview can be found on FOX29’s video coverage of the event, around the 1:05 mark. “One of my favorite things about the march is watching my daughter learn the chants. By the time she was five, if you said ‘Show me what democracy looks like,’ she knew how to say ‘this is what democracy looks like,’” Nielsen said.
‘categories’, and I think that within itself shows how important intersectionality is. You can’t simply fight for yourself. As a white woman, I cannot just fight for white women... I know that I can use my privilege to help give these women a voice and to defend these women, just as an example.” “I think the treatment of Muslim women is something I hold very personally and it was a big reason why I wanted to march, and to give that representation,” Dahleh said. “I don’t know the name of the woman who was
Many Cabrini students attended the 2020 march. (From left to right) Samar Daleh, Grace Adams, Brittany Romano, Julia Smith, Jemmy Medina speaking at the march but when she used the Islamic greeting “Salaamu Alaikum” it meant the world to feel genuinely included.”
The First March
The Inauguration of President Donald Trump sparked a massive outcry among protesters around the country. The day after his inauguration, Jan. 21 2017, more than 4.2 million people nationwide took to the streets to demonstrate. These crowds broke records, with many media outlets claiming it to be the largest recorded single-day demonstration in U.S. history. “The first march was definitely a standout and different than the past three marches,” Romano said. Romano attended the New York march during the 2017 inauguration and has since annually attended the following 3 marches in Philadelphia. “I think it was so different because the date of the first march was the first official day of Trump’s presidency, so emotions were high. Since I was in NYC we also were able to end the march at Trump Tower.” The Women’s March on Philadelphia is not officially affiliated with the national Women’s March that historically takes place in Washington D.C. However, sister marches exist nationwide so that those passionate about the march’s initiatives still have the opportunity to participate. states on the same day as the original 2017 march on Washington, there were sister marches taking place in all 50 U.S. states as well as 30 foreign countries, including Zimbabwe and Antarctica.
march could die by the same presidency it was inspired by. However, others firmly believe that they should continue to march regardless of the election since the mission of the march is to advocate for Women’s rights and other related issues. “Next January, if we’re inaugurating a new president, there may be less necessity for this particular march. However, I certainly hope that if all that activist energy isn’t going towards a women’s march in January, that it’s going towards other forms of activism.” Nielsen said. “Even if we get a progressive, or even female president, there are always intersectional issues that need raising up.” According to the FAQ section of the official website for the Philadelphia Women’s March, “...the inequality we face goes far beyond [Donald Trump] and his presidency -- it is a societal issue that has been brewing for centuries. Our March is focused on the positive messages of inspirational women, and how they have persisted even in the face of adversity!” “I think marching is important because it’s so inspiring. In a time when the news can be disheartening for those of us who care about things like women’s equality, getting together with thousands of people and marching through the streets of Philadelphia reminds you you’re not alone and you’re part of a movement that’s bigger than yourself,” Nielsen said. “That, I think, is part of what really keeps me going.” SCAN HERE FOR A FULL SLIDESHOW OF PHOTOS TAKEN AT THE WOMEN’S MARCH
Paving the Way
“I’ve noticed though that each year there’s less and less people,” Romano said. “Whether that’s because people are giving up, or because of the fact that the weather has been kind of bad the past two years, I’m not really sure.” Depending on the outcome of the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, many activists are divided about what the future holds for the Women’s March. Many believe there’s a possibility the
Survivor of domestic violence recounts the moment she knew she had enough BY ANGELINA HALAS Staff Writer
Editor Note: The name in this story has been changed at the subject’s request
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women experience intimate partner violence Madelyn Gold is many things. She’s funny, loving, caring and she’s always smiling. Despite what’s seen on the surface, she’s been fighting a battle for quite a while within her family. Gold’s journey started out locally at Upper Merion Area High School. While at Upper Merion, Gold was a cheerleader, a lacrosse player and a softball player. In her free time, Gold was a typical teenager. She hung out at Angelo’s, the local pizza shop and went to the Friday night football games. All of these activities that were a daily routine for her, would soon come to an end. Gold’s world that was focused on one person, now had to be focused on two. During the beginning of Gold’s senior year of high school, she became pregnant. She did her best to hide it, by wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants to school. She hid it from her friends and teachers for eight months. “I found out I was pregnant two weeks into my senior year,” Gold said. A month before she was due, she had to go on bed rest, but was ashamed of the fact she had to tell her teachers she was expecting because she thought it sounded “trashy.” Despite the challenge, she did graduate high school the same day everyone else did, but Gold missed her prom, missed senior week and was forced to grow up very fast. “I was living a lie. It was this big secret I was hiding, it was really difficult. My friends didn’t even know. It was weird. I was sitting in class and would feel this thing inside me,” Gold said.
Despite being upset about missing out on life with her friends, Gold has no regrets because she loves being a mom and she adores her child. Now, Gold is 39 with two boys (20 and 14). She has nothing but love for her children. Five years after the birth of her first son, she married his father. Everything seemed romantic, but matters deteriorated. Gold had battled leaving her husband of 12 years five times between Nov. 2015 and Sept. 2016. “I finally left my children’s father after 19 years. It was hard,” Gold said. “I had tried going back for my kids, I had never been away from them. But I’ve learned that living with a monster, didn’t make me the mother I should have been for my kids.” Gold’s oldest son was heading to college soon after these events, so he stayed living with his father, but would often stay at his girlfriend’s house instead. The youngest lives with their father, but gets to see Gold twice a week and every other weekend. Every time Gold would go back to that house, she would become depressed. Her husband wouldn’t let her go out and he was physically and verbally abusive towards her. Gold’s problem worsens when she explains how her husband affected her life.
“Don’t stay for all the wrong reasons because it doesnt get any better” “I had been brainwashed for a long time. I had lost contact with my friends and family. I lost the relationship I had with my mom because he was jealous of that. I became a hermit because I was never allowed to go anywhere. I was a person that I didn’t want to be, I lost myself,” Gold said, while also admitting she lived in a world of fear every day with her soonto-be ex-husband. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, after surveying 164 female survivors of domestic violence, 82 percent said their abuser damaged, destroyed or took their personal property. This has happened to Gold. “What was the worst was when he burned everything,” Gold said. “Once I finally left, he burned all of my clothes and personal things that I had there, like pictures of my family.” Gold continued to describe how his behavior affected her while at work. “He stole my car from the parking lot at work one time,” Gold said. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research advises that change needs to be made and workplaces should enable a “safe-time” policy: “Enact policies that enable survivors to take the time they need to address the effects of abuse without
placing their jobs at risk, such as paid sick and safe leave policies that survivors can use to recover from violence, seek help addressing it or care for family members that have been victimized.” Gold thinks that this is something that should be implemented as it would be beneficial to other victims and survivors as maybe she would have spoken up sooner. However, not every sad story has to have an unhappy ending. Gold is never going back. She knew there would be a rough road ahead, at least financially, but mentally, she was and is in a much better state and has been taking on the challenge ever since she left. Gold hopes her kids realize that she’s in a much better place now than she’s ever been with him. Her oldest son understands the situation, and swears he will never be like his father. The youngest doesn’t know every detail, but can acknowledge that his parents both love him but are better apart. “It’s okay to admit you married the wrong person. I was never in love with him, I just did everything he told me to do,” Gold said. She came to realize that telling the truth makes things much better instead of just holding it in. “Once I told my oldest son everything, I felt so much better and I knew it was time. I also knew though that if I would have told my family the truth months before this whole ordeal, it would have been so much better,” Gold said. A new man, who has shown Gold “what a normal relationship should be,” is treating her properly. It’s completely different than anything she had experienced before. “He has shown me that he loves me for who I am and treats me on the same level he treats himself,” Gold said. “Being in this relationship really made me realize how not normal of a relationship I was in before.” The advice Gold wants to give to women in similar positions is, “Don’t stay around for your kids and don’t wait too long until it’s too late. Be honest with your friends and family and get the help you need. Don’t stay for all the wrong reasons because it doesn’t get any better.” Madelyn Gold is many things. She’s funny, loving, caring and she’s always smiling, and now, she’s happy.
Helpful tips to avoid getting sick amid COVID-19 and flu outbreaks BY MEGAN FEE Assistant Lifestyles Editor With so many contagious viruses, especially major respiratory illnesses such as the coronavirus and the flu, it is important to take precautions to stay healthy. While it is important to remain calm amid increasing exposures, it is also important to know what things to look out for so that you can take care of yourself and those around you.
1. Wash your hands
explained that you should wash your hands with soap and warm water for about 20-seconds. She also added that if soap and water are not available then to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains that hand-sanitizer should have at least 60 percent alcohol as an alternative for when soap and water are not available.
2. Avoid touching your face
In addition to proper hand-washing, the CDC also recommends not touching your face as the mouth, nose and eyes are some of the easiest entry points for the virus to go through. This may sound like an easy task, but people subconsciously touch their face multiple times during the day so it is important to be aware. “Don’t touch your eyes, your nose or your mouth,” Fitzgerald said. “If you try to do that for an hour you’re going to be surprised how hard that can be. We’re always touching our faces.”
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most important and easiest things that you can do to prevent the virus is washing your hands. Handwashing should already be a daily routine and should not be something new for people. It is crucial to make sure that you wash your hands very well, especially after coming into contact with other people and objects. “First and foremost, we should all wash our hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizers if soap and water are not available,” Dr. Fuller-Espie, PhD. DIC 3. Sanitize and clean commonly used and biology professor, wrote via email. Sue Fitzgerald, the director of student health services objects and surfaces and member of Cabrini’s coronavirus task force, also It is also very important to clean off and disinfect expressed the importance of washing your hands and frequently used objects and surfaces using wipes, cleaning
sprays and bleach depending on the item. This kills any germs on those objects and prevents the virus from traveling. Fuller-Espie explained that the average person comes into contact with several objects throughout the day and that those items may be a potential way to spread the virus. “We touch many different common surfaces as we go about our daily activities including doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, desks, water fountains and others that may have been contacted by infected people who are shedding and depositing the virus on those surfaces,” she added.
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Growing autism rate creates need for more student support services BY LEO MELANCON Assistant Multimedia Editor “The largest problem is dealing with loneliness. That comes from the lack of social skills that we possess, being on the autism spectrum. People automatically assume that there’s something wrong with us and don’t want to associate with us.” Like many students on the autism spectrum, Daniel Merkh, junior history and political science major, is smart enough to handle the academic challenges of college, but struggles with the social and emotional aspects of college life. “The hardest thing about being on your own in college is how to maturely deal with conflict, and how to resist certain mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, how not to give in to those thoughts and feelings of, ‘I’m lonely and life is terrible.’” Merkh reflects how students with autism spectrum disorders struggle with feelings of isolation and “social blindness” that make it difficult for them to succeed in college. In fact, people with autism are more prone to anxiety and depression than their neurotypical (or non-autistic) peers. Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a range of conditions that are characterized by problems with communication, social skills and neuroprocessing. ASD is called a “spectrum” because it has different subtypes, and the abilities of people with ASD can range from highly intelligent and skilled to severely challenged and non-verbal. Around 44 percent of people with ASD, however, have average or above average intelligence, making college a realistic option for them, with appropriate support. And yet, there is still a stigma associated with autism that makes students worry about acceptance. “At first I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable disclosing my disability to some of my friends. I was a bit anxious to tell people that I was on the spectrum, because sometimes I feel like there aren’t many people that are understanding of autism or any sort of invisible disability,” Joseph Brennan, junior English major, said. “I was nervous that the professors weren’t going to be respectful towards me and my disability.” Ironically, autism still has a stigma attached to it, and is widely misunderstood, despite its rising prevalence in the population. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that one in every 59 people in the U.S. is affected by autism. The autism rate has tripled since 2000 (see chart), causing the CDC to label autism as a “public health crisis.” It’s a crisis for higher education, as well. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides “reasonable accommodations” for students with disabilities so that all students have equal access to education. However, those basic accommodations do not provide the complex blend of academic, social and mental health support that students with autism need for success. Over the next decade, an estimated half a million students will be entering college, straining the ability of colleges and universities to support their unique needs. ADA accommodations provide a foundation of support for students on the spectrum. Both Brennan and Merkh disclosed their autism spectrum disorder to the Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) when they enrolled at Cabrini,
was taking these classes and meeting all these great professors, I realized this really wasn’t bad,” Brennan said. “I don’t know what I was nervous about, because here at Cabrini they really do a good job in being respectful to all their students, whether or not they have a disability.” “I participate in the chess club–I’m actually the vice president of the chess club–and I also have participated in the activities that are usually scheduled out by SEAL and CAP Board,” Merkh said. “I have found friends who I can relate to and who are willing to put up with my weirdness.” Their experience is not typical, however. Fewer than 20 percent of students with ASD graduate after five years. One reason is insufficient support services, but a big factor is the continuing stigma of autism. “I would just like to encourage people, especially young college students, to not be overly judgmental of others, of their peers, who may present with different behaviors; to seek out the individual to try to understand them, rather than jump to perhaps an inappropriate conclusion about who they are, what they are,” Johnson said. “My hope is that students and faculty become more and more open to understanding that we all have different strengths and challenges. And rather than jump to inappropriate conclusions, to get to know someone. Because everybody has something important to contribute to Cabrini.”
MENTll HEALTH CHlllENGES FOR PEOPLE ON TIEamsM SPECTRUM • 30%.61"ofpeople,thASDlsoh V Attntlon Defici t Hyprac 1vity Dsordr IADHD)compared to7%intheneurotypical popu lation. • 11%42"ofpeople1th ASD suff rfrom anxitydisorders-compared to15% ofneurotyplcal adults. • 26% ofadultswi hASO suffrfrom d prssloncompared oonly 7%ofneurotypi I duls. are28timesmorelikely tohavesuicidal thoughts andactions • PeoplewithASD • ASD co-occurs withotherdevelopmental, psychiatric, neurologic, andgenetic dlagnos s onthespectrum. in83%ofpersons • More than50%ofpersons withASO havechronic sleepproblems.
• Two-thirds ofpeople ontheautismspectrum havebeenbullied byage15. Source: https://www. utlsmspe fault/fil s/2018 C'IJ/ utlsmndhealth report.pdf Figure 1 Mental health challenges for people on the spectrum and receive support tailored to their challenges. “For me personally, sometimes concentration can be a problem, because when I’m hearing the professors talk, I’m trying to process everything and it can be challenging to memorize everything that they’re saying while also taking notes,” Brennan said. “That’s why I have my Livescribe pen; it helps me take notes on things that I missed the first time.” A student’s accommodations under ADA are outlined in a document called a VISA; if the student needs an accommodation in a class, they provide the VISA to the professor. Merkh’s accommodations include prompting professors to give him extra time to answer questions. “I do have a slight processing delay, getting the words out of my mouth, rather than when I’m processing the information in my brain,” Merkh said. “I’m also allowed to record lectures and I’ve been granted a single room as one of my accommodations for housing.” Non-classroom accommodations such as single rooms are important for students on the spectrum, who often need an escape from social interactions. “Living in a single dorm has certainly helped my mental health,” Merkh said. “I don’t want to say that I can’t live with other people, but I have not had a good history with roommates at college so far.” The social skills challenges that affect students with ASD in the dorm can affect their classroom performance, as well, when class participation and group projects are part of the grading equation. “Group work, the dynamics within the group, may be challenging at first, because of the different personalities in a group, the different work ethics of people in the group,” Kathy Johnson, disablity resource center director, said. “Because they [students with autism] have set a high level of expectation for themselves, and therefore they assume other people will have the same work ethic, which isn’t always the case.” “One thing about being autistic is that, generally, we can be very selfdependent,” Merkh said. “We don’t like to necessarily rely too much on others, because there have been experiences that I’ve had where teamwork generally has been, I’m trying to think of a better word, than unreliable, but basically I can’t depend on my teammates to do what they’re supposed to do. And then it’s either, the task is not done or I have to do it.” Accommodations, such as professors’ selection of group members and
supervision of group discussion, can help students with autism handle group projects better. Support for students on the autism spectrum isn’t just about accommodations, however; it’s also about the environment for students with ASD. For example, research has shown that students with autism have much higher graduation rates from smaller colleges that value diversity and are close to home; conversely, they tend to struggle in larger universities far from home. “Our classroom sizes tend to be smaller, so therefore, students have more of a voice. Professors have the opportunity to truly get to know their students because of the smaller number,” Johnson, said. “A large university may be a bit overwhelming for a student on the spectrum who doesn’t necessarily cope well with large, noisy, crowded environments.” For Brennan, school size did matter in the college selection process. “I only considered smaller schools because for me, it helped when I was in a smaller-sized classroom. It helped me concentrate, as opposed to being in a large auditorium filled with hundreds of kids at a big school,” Brennan said. “One of [Cabrini’s] pillars is respect, and that was one of the many things I was looking for in a college, was to be in an environment where people are understanding of you and treat you like a normal person.” Even in a supportive environment, students with ASD can still struggle with mental health issues. Stress from chronic sleep issues, social issues and the effort of maintaining academic focus can contribute to anxiety and depression, even suicidal thoughts, in students with autism. The availability of on-campus counseling services is another factor that goes beyond ADA accommodations, yet many colleges have insufficient staff to meet the needs of their students. “This school year I started seeing CAPS [Cabrini’s Counseling and Psychological Services],” Merkh said. “They have excellent counselors. I see one of them every Tuesday morning now. The counseling has helped me tremendously. It’s given me an outlet to express thoughts and it helps provide perspective to resolve any conflicts or issues that are problematic.” For the most part, Merkh and Brennan have had positive experiences at Cabrini, in and out of the classroom. “When I started at Cabrini and I
Increasing rates of Austism spectrum disorder in U.S. from 2000 to 2018
Reasons to go cruelty-free with your toiletries BY LAUREN KELLEY Assistant Social Media Manager I still recall the first time I learned about animal cruelty and testing cosmetic products on animals. In 2012, a demonstrative advertisement was put out on YouTube by LUSH, a cruelty free and natural cosmetic company. This socially experimental advertisement highlighted how cruelly test animals are treated. For those unaware, some of the most common test subject animals include monkeys, rabbits, cats, dogs and small rodents. The LUSH advertisement showed a human-being undergoing the tests that a typical animal test subject goes through. According to PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 219 animals are killed in test labs in the United States every minute. The test subject was a woman and she was displayed in a storefront window. She was naked, chained down to a table, blindfolded and gagged. Products were put on her body and sprayed into her eyes and mouth. Her eyes and mouth were held open by metal hooks and chains. Her hair was dyed and then shaved. She was screaming in agony. I found the nature of the video to be too disturbing to share. Perhaps the most disturbing piece of the video is the ending. When the test subject is spent, she is wrapped up in a garbage bag and thrown into the trash. This is what poor, innocent animals go through on a daily basis in testing facilities across the globe. LUSH works hard to spread awareness about animal testing and putting an end to it. This storefront window stunt was an act to get
LUSH’s website banner that supports animal crulety-free products that they produce people to sign a petition to put an end to off and her hair thinning. She found fund more animal cruelty. Today, some cosmetic testing on animals. that there are other DevaCurl users of my favorite cruelty-free brands are This video shook me to my core. I suffering from the same hair damage. In Milk Makeup, ColourPop Cosmetics, Too still remember it so vividly, even eight fact, DevaCurl has a class-action lawsuit Faced and Drunk Elephant. years later. Seeing a human endure against them for these hair issues. One brand, although it is cruelty free, what test animals have to go through, Ayala now uses the app, “Think Dirty,” has come under major fire on social although on a more PG-13 level than to make sure that the products that she media in the last few weeks. DevaCurl, what actually goes on behind the closed is interested in are cruelty free and safe a globally popular haircare brand, has doors of animal testing facilities, was caused hair loss and hair damage in a for her. She says that although she cares horrifying. It made me seriously question about animals and doesn’t want her number of its users. Many (now former) why big companies think that testing products to be tested on them, the choice DevaCurl fans had been using the their products on animals is ethical to go cruelty-free is more personal. Ayala products for several years and are now or necessary. In my mind, if you are wants her haircare, skincare and makeup struggling to find products that match creating a product that you know could to be cruelty-free so they don’t damage the effects that DevaCurl products be potentially harmful to humans, why her body. provide for them. produce it anyways? Why test it on an Gabriella Ayala, political science PETA has a petition on their website innocent animal when humans and for those wanting to “help keep the major, says that DevaCurl products are animals are completely different beings? pressure on those responsible for cruel the only products she used to use on her After watching this advertisement I tests” conducted on animals. You can hair. Thanks to some Googling, Alaya decided to do a little research about the pledge to be cruelty-free amongst many discovered that DevaCurl hair products products I regularly used. If you know other animal lovers across the globe. are the cause of her baby hairs breaking me, you know I love everything beauty and skincare. Google told me that more than half of the products I used to use on a daily basis were tested on animals. I was shocked, to say the least. Some of the most surprising brands that still test on animals included Maybelline, Neutrogena, Origins and Clinique, just to name a few. Since seeing the LUSH video, I no longer purchase cosmetic items that are tested on animals or contain animal DEVACURL.COM DevaCurl products are one of the many options that are cruelty-free products because I refuse to give my money to these brands to help further LAURKELL11121@GMAIL.COM
The good, the bad and the ugly of policing BY EVAN LYNN Staff Writer
I remember growing up and being taught both in school and at home to always respect authority figures. This includes police officers, but in recent years there has been a shift in the public’s perception of those who wear uniforms and pledge to protect and serve. Questioning authority (or anything) isn’t always a bad thing. It can shed light on a gray area and raise awareness about topics not discussed enough. In recent years, there have been numerous articles and TV news stories about police not acting in the best interest of the public, specifically with people of color and minorities. These stories are real and deserve every ounce of attention they garner but that does not mean all those in law enforcement are bad people.
In a world where everything is digital and people are quick to pull out their phones to record events, it’s difficult to be a police officer. I’ve seen on Facebook countless videos of people getting pulled over for speeding, going through a red light or even failing to stop at a stop sign and pulling out their phone to record the incident to add to the hate culture currently being placed on law enforcement officers. They will often talk back to the officer in attempts to capture a quick buzz-worthy moment. “At least 85,000 law enforcement officers across the USA have been investigated or disciplined for misconduct over the past decade,” John Kelly and Mark Nichols, writers for USA Today, wrote. “Officers have beaten members of the public, planted evidence and used their badges to harass women. They have lied, stolen, dealt drugs, driven drunk and abused their spouses.”
That number may look large but there are currently over 900,000 police working throughout the United States. Almost 22,000 police officers have been killed in the line of duty since 1786. An officer dies every 55 hours or 158 a year. In 2017, there were 60,211 assaults of various kinds against police officers causing over 17,000 injuries. Dr. David J. Thomas, a former police officer and senior research fellow at the Police Foundation, wrote about police culture and how in a way, it is very isolating. He also acknowledged police don’t always do the right thing and there needs to be better protocols in place for offenders. He believes police need to work to regain the publics’ trust because of past indiscretions. “We work for the citizens in our communities, and we do not have the luxury of selective policing. Such thinking is destructive, and we are no
There is a constant tension between police and civillians which has caused a strained relationship
Police are important to keep the community safe
more entitled to respect than the citizens that we serve. “Our actions have cost us something far greater than the respect of the communities we serve; we have become indiscriminate prey for those who are looking for a reason to attack us,” Thomas said. “The greatest challenge that we have is regaining the trust of those that we serve. This is the challenge and unfortunately, it has become our job.” Are police always justified in their actions? Absolutely not. Do people sometimes antagonize the police? Of course. Are there bad cops? Yes. Sometimes the system is broken and needs to be restored. Many go into this profession for the right reasons and I believe it’s important to out the bad ones but to also share stories of the good ones. Everyone in the country should feel safe and protected by those in law enforcement.
Why exercise plays an important role in your health BY TYLER SEABROOK Staff Writer “Early on in my life, I got a lot of the necessary exercise I need without even noticing,” Josh Cunningham, junior exercise science and health promotion student, said. “Exercise came in various forms, such as playing with my friends, riding my bike, swimming in the pool and playing soccer.” Exercise is important for people to know about at a young age. It can be very beneficial for people when they start to age to know the impact of exercise on one’s health. People need to understand that your health is extremely important to take crucial care of. Exercise and physical activity surely play a key role in this aspect of one’s life. The government website says that young people need to be provided with the opportunities and encouragement to participate in physical activity that is appropriate at their age. They group these activities into three different subgroups, which are aerobic, musclestrengthening and bone-strengthening. “Preferably start with something you enjoy,” Scott Gavin-Wisniewski, fitness center coordinator and women’s rowing coach, said. “It is optimal for someone to exercise three-four times a week. This should be at an interval of 40-60 minutes each day, that involves moderate to intense levels of exercise.” Gavin-Wisniewski also commented about how aerobic exercise is quite impactful for a person’s health. He shared that it will impact your body weight, heart health, stress levels and improve sleep quality and duration. According to a diagram that Gavin-
Moderate-intensity aerobic activity *
Muscle-strengthening activity
Anything tha t get s your heart beat ing faster counts .
Do activ ities that make your muscles work harder than usual.
at least
2 days a week HEALTH.GOV
Recommended exersise guidelines Wisniewski provided, the number one benefit of exercise is to help increase the duration and quality of sleep. According to, if you exercise during the morning or afternoon, that you will impact your sleep quality by raising your body temperature by a few degrees. The website also shared that exercising in natural light is very helpful for your body to establish a good sleep-wake cycle. Cunningham started to notice that he was gaining more weight than other kids his age, even though he was exercising consistently. So he decided to focus on how to improve this aspect of his life. Cunningham attempted doing this by watching “6-packs in five-minutes” videos on YouTube. According to a Center for Disease Control and Prevention article, the majority of times that weight loss happens for someone is due to a decrease in caloric intake. The number of calories you burn off and combined with a reduced number of calories you eat, actually leads to a “calorie deficit” that results in weight loss. “While in high school I started to take an interest in how exercise really affects the body and why I was fluctuating in
Kate Lannon reaches 1000 points in basketball career
weight so much,” Cunningham said. Because of his desire to improve his soccer skills, he found exercise improved his physical skills. Dr. Maria Elena Hallion, chair and professor of health and exercise science, was thrilled to provide her thoughts regarding how exercise impacts one’s health. Hallion wants to first start off by sharing with people the difference between physical activity and exercise. She said that physical activity is whenever a person is doing something that gets them moving. This would consist of taking a walk, raking your lawn, walking your dog around the neighbor and so much more activities that produce someone just simply moving their body. Exercise to Hallion is a form of physical activity that people can do to help their body’s health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also provided bullet points that are ways physical activity impacts someone. Hallion and Gavin-Wisniewski both recommend that you should be aiming for a total of 150 minutes per week of physical activity to help improve one’s health. This should be targeted to be
The women’s basketball team wrapped up their season on March 8, as they captured the 2020 Eastern College Athletic Conference title. While this was a team effort, one player in particular was a force to be reckoned with for the Cavaliers this season. Recently this current player who has been leading on the Cavs is Kate Lannon. On Feb. 1, she had reached her 1,000 points milestone against Neumann University. Lannon, junior forward, has been reaching and going at this milestone for three years now. On that night, Lannon was magnificent on the court scoring 17 pts, 8 rebounds and 1 block. The junior star felt amazed after her achievement. Overwhelmed with happiness, she and her teammates shared in those final few seconds when Lannon scored. As the ball went in the basket, the team ran on the court. The game stopped and everyone stopped what they were doing to give praises for her milestone. Growing up in Aston, Pennsylvania and attending Sun Valley high school, coming into Cabrini the basketball star has played in all 30 games throughout her first two seasons. This is Lannon’s third season for the Cavs and she has reached her 1,000 point milestone. “Lannon is a player that everyone would want on their team. She is a forward who has the range of a guard. To me, that is one of the best attributes you can have as a player because playing against other teams you will always have a mismatch,” Caitilin King, junior
On Dec 4, 2017, 5-year old Jillian Massey lost her fight against brain and spine cancer. According to her parents she had very strong beliefs in miracles. Each year in the United States alone, children between the ages of birth and 19 will be diagnosed with cancer. In the world, every 3 minutes, parents are told their child has cancer. Jill’s tragic end made the fight against cancer even stronger in fundraisers and medical studies. By 2018, Cabrini University had joined the fight to help children with cancer in the form of a dance marathon fundraising event called, Cav-A-Thon. This event was inspired by the popular dance marathon at Penn State University, THON. Between the years 2017-2018, 90,000 student volunteers hosted 283 million mini-THONs in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges across the United States. Recently they have raised over seven million dollars for the Four Diamonds organization. For only three years now, Cabrini University’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee has hosted Cav-A-Thon to raise money for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and people fighting pediatric cancer. All students, faculty and alumni are allowed to participate in this event. Throughout the evening from 6 p.m. to midnight, the attendants can participate in activities such as, pie eating contests, lip sync battles, tug of war and many other backyard
exercise major guard, said. King had praised her teammate. Lannon’s teammates were watching her play and were counting down the number of points she needed to get. As she was playing, the team mentioned they could tell Lannon was feeling the pressure of getting her last bucket to make her mark before the time ran out. The last seconds counting down before the buzzer Lannon released the ball from her hands. There was nothing but joy and excitement. The team was happy for Lannon’s 1K night and said it was welldeserved. “Kate is like an older sister to me who I love so much. She is one of the strongest people I have ever met. With the challenges, she faces on and off the court, she always pushes through and gives 110 percent. She is hardworking, loving, sweet and smart and strong.” King said. The team is not looking towards one person to do it all for them, but Lannon is a huge factor for the Cavaliers. Lannon is one of the most needed leaders on the team. TARIQMINES4@GMAIL.COM
benching, squatting and doing sprints. Cunningham is able to find the time that is necessary for him to exercise. The number one obstacle that Hallion mentioned though about people not exercising is the lack of time. Her second main reason is that people do not fully know what to do as a form of exercise. Now that Cunningham is a collegiatelevel athlete, he knows that if he isn’t achieving enough time during his sessions, he will feel disgusted afterwards. However, he feels energized if he exercises on a consistent basis. “Everyone needs to move more,” Hallion said. “If they want it to be more structured or rigorous type of exercise, that’s when someone should consult with someone.” Cunningham is happy to learn new aspects of his body and reinforce skills he knew beforehand. His goal now is to continue to exercise consistently and to slow down the aging process. Gavin-Wisniewski’s final thought for the reader to understand is that if you are a college student, all of the classes being offered through your gym will impact your health. The classes can be as focused as one wants to get. Hallion’s final message for people is to find something that you can do comfortably and enjoy doing. This in her opinion will be beneficial to everyone’s health, when it comes to exercising. TYSEABROOK99@GMAIL.COM
Cav-A-Thon continues the fight against cancer
BY TARIQ MINES JR. Assistant Social Media Manager
Lannon is the 13th player in Lady Cav’s history to record 1,000 career points
done about three to four days a week. For Cunningham to keep up with the pace of his expected amount of exercise, he started to do new types of exercise that work different body parts compared to the ones he worked on at a younger age. These examples of exercise were
activities. It is the SAAC’s goal to raise more money than the year before. In 2018, the school had raised over 19 thousand dollars for the Children’s Hospital. The major success encourages the students and faculty to continue to host Cav-A-Thon and raise more money in the future. There was a small decline in the 2019 THON, as the school only raised over thirteen thousand dollars due to the fact that only 100 people attended. “We set our goal at $10,000 every year,” Brittany Runyen, coordinator of athletics student programming, said. “We’ll see how we can get their this year but at the end of the day all that matters is that there is some number behind that dollar sign.” “We’re always planning to achieve a higher number than the year before but we are always grateful for what we end up with in the end,” Kelly Jonell, current Cav-A-Thon leader, said. On Feb. 18, Runyen hosted a meeting to not only share information about Cav-A-Thon but to also inspire students to join the leading staff, to help pitch new ideas and help make the event better.
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Misericordia U
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Congratulations to the women's basketball team!