Oct. 2, 2020 issue 01 Loquitur

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FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 2020


Coronavirus recap: Here’s what happened this week BY GABRIELLE CELLUCCI NEWS EDITOR

The Recap Cabrini University reported its first case of COVID-19 on campus only a week ago on Friday, Sept. 18. Since then, COVID-19 cases have steadily risen from one to currently seven active cases. Here is a recap of everything that went down this week. Cabrini’s first case of COVID-19 was reported on the school’s tracking site Friday morning. The university’s tracking site displays the number of active COVID-19 cases on campus and separates the number of active cases into three categories: students, employee and total number of cases. Cabrini’s first active case of COVID-19 was reported not only by The Loquitur but also a local news station as well. Later on that same Friday morning, an email was sent out on behalf of Dr. Stephen Rupprecht, who is the dean of students and COVID-19 Task Force chair. In the first of what would soon be multiple emails concerning COVID-19 cases on campus, Rupprecht advised the Cabrini community about the first positive case on campus, while mentioning that the student who tested positive was in isolation and contact tracing was being “conducted at the county level” along with Cabrini conducting its own contact tracing as well. The email continued to read how the university’s main focus is the well-being of its students, along with links to the COVID-19 tracking website and a reminder to students to wear their masks, wash their hands and stay at least six feet apart from one another. By the end of the day Friday, Sept. 18, the COVID-19 tracking site was updated again to read that another student had tested positive for the virus, bringing the total of active cases to two. Another email to be sent out, this time by Dr. Donald Taylor, the president of Cabrini University, on behalf of Rupprecht. This email explained how the university took the necessary measures to isolate and quarantine the two students who had tested positive for COVID-19, along with telling the

Cabrini community that these students would “have access to the appropriate medical professionals and can follow medical guidance as warranted.” The second email continued to read that the university’s first source of communication with its students is through the tracking site, which the university planned to update every day at 9 a.m. The email mentioned that most students who have tested positive had chosen to isolate themselves off campus, but seven other students, who had been in contact with them were now quarantining on campus. The email ended with a reminder that students feeling symptomatic should contact health services, an extension on guest restrictions in the residence halls, to keep checking the tracking site for updates, faculty being notified about students missing in-person classes due to having to quarantine, Cabrini not conducting its own testing but encouraging students to be tested by medical professionals, a reminder that students need to keep wearing masks and being socially distant and apologizing for the delays about extending the WiFi to be used outdoors. As the weekend came to an end, a total of four students had tested positive for COVID-19 as of Monday, Sept. 21. The following day, Tuesday, Sept. 22, the COVID-19 tracking site was updated once again to read that there were six active cases on campus, which were all related to students. A third email concerning the amount of active COVID-19 cases was sent out to members of the community to update them. The email addressed students’ concerns about the rising number of cases on campus, reassuring them that the university’s “established protocols are working well.” The email also updated the community that as of Tuesday, Sept. 22 only two students were quarantining on campus, while the rest were quarantining off campus “or has met the time requirement for self-quarantine.”

See COVID-19, Page 4

A poster by the elevators to remind students to be socially distant.


Race in America: It begins with a conversation BY GABRIELLE CELLUCCI & KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN

NEWS EDITOR, SPORTS EDITOR If you know better, you do better, according to one of the panelists who spoke at a panel discussion on Race in America. As discussed at the beginning of the panel by moderator Dr. Chioma Ugochukwu, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, COVID19 has revealed the racial disparities in America, especially within the African-American community. The discussion about race in America was held during the common hour in the Widener Lecture Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Three Black women from the Philadelphia area were invited as panelists to discuss the racial issues currently happening in America. Chief defender Keir Bradford-Grey; radio host, columnist and child advocate Andrea Lawful-Sanders; and assistant professor of teacher education Zakia Y. Gates were invited as panelists for the discussion about race in America, specifically relating to the Confederate flag, driving while Black, police brutality and the criminal justice system, “Karens,” COVID-19 and vaccines and hope for the future. Confederate Flag Keir Bradford-Grey, a chief public defender in Philadelphia, spoke about the meaning of the Confederate flag to African Americans. “Symbols are important. Why would people be fighting for symbolic expression if it wasn’t very important,” Bradford-Grey said. While Bradford-Grey is all for standing up for what you believe in, understanding why you believe in something is a critical component. Comments made about relatives or loved ones were brought to the

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surface to understand the logic behind her argument. “Justifying the fact that an uncle or a great-grandfather might have had this flag, I would have to face the ugly truths with my family that really supported what this flag stood for,” Bradford-Grey said. The heritage that families have blurred out behind this flag, for so many years is where lies the issue, according to Bradford-Grey. Remaining open-minded and remaining willing to be educated on this topic, is what the context of the argument boils down to, she said. Dr. Zakia Y. Gates, assistant professor at Cabrini University for education, chimed in on the topic of the Confederate flag as well. “I would like to speak on behalf of the context of the past,” Gates said. Gates brought into play the Holocaust and the Titanic, as examples of things we never forget. “Slavery, oh it was such a long time ago, just scoot over,” Gates said sarcastically. If slavery was so long ago and people want to forget about it, why is it acceptable to bring up the Confederate flag which was tied in to that period? The argument being portrayed by Gates, is all about fairness. Gates emphasizes everyone is welcome to speak about their ancestors and the past in general. Driving While Black: The topic of driving as a Black man or woman is a critical discussion that was addressed during the seminar. It was during the period October


2018 to September 2019, in which Bradford-Grey’s legal team examined 309,000 traffic stops. Of these stops, 73 percent were made up of Black individuals. “You are using this policing as an effective tool to promote crime or to solve crime or promote public safety and how effective has that been for you?” Bradford-Grey said. Bradford-Grey expanded on how the Black culture is supposed to react. When the statistic about Black drivers appears, Black individuals are bound to resist arrest out of fear for their lives. Police Brutality and Criminal Justice System “How do we explain notions like ‘Defund the Police’? What does that really mean?” Bradford-Grey asked. According to Bradford-Grey, this phrase is getting to the heart of what police departments are doing that are not promoting safety but actually agitating citizens and causing situations to escalate especially with the Black community. When researching the history of racial inequality and mass incarceration in the United States as according to the documentary, “Thirteenth,” Ugochukwu stated that the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, actually had a loophole in it. That loophole was for the punishment of crime. “So basically, the states can use you as a slave, if you committed a crime,” Ugochukwu said. “People started arresting Blacks for minor offenses like loitering, vagrancies.” Bradford-Grey commented that writing in a codified language that a person can be used as a slave if they are incarcerated is unthinkable and should just be taken out. “If this is about punishment and rehabilitation, then let it just be about that,” Bradford-Grey said. “The minute you bring industry in it, you start to have corruption.” Bradford-Grey believed that the purpose of having a large number of inmates coming into the system with nonviolent crimes against them shows that it is all to protect the business of the prison industry. She continued to say that a simple Google search can reveal which businesses have contracts for prison labor. According to BradfordGrey, in Pennsylvania, there are 935 legislative actions that are able to exclude people from being able to partake in certain aspects of life for committing a crime or having a criminal offense against them, which resorts to these same people having to find work at low-paying jobs and keeping the leaders of the big corporate industries rich.

- - RACE IN ---- ...... ---- AMERICA







‘We can’t breathe’: Racism won’t go away until the system that allows oppression does


MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.


EDITOR-IN-CHEIF, WRITING MANAGING EDITOR, MEDIA MANAGING EDITOR The editorial staff at The Loquitur stands with black students, faculty, staff and alumni of Cabrini University and condemns the racist murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and countless other unknown black Americans. We are shocked, horrified, angered and saddened at the racial injustice and brutality experienced by black Americans at the hands of those sworn to protect and serve. As the voice of the student-run newspaper we pledge to objectively report facts. We stand firmly against racism and are committed to social justice. We call upon our readers to check their biases and to educate themselves and to do better. History of racism and oppression in the United States Racism has plagued our land since Africans were first kidnapped from their homes, sold to the highest bidders and brought to America in 1619. Ever since the slave trade began, African Americans have been marginalized. Slaves were forced to change their names, traditions, religions and customs. They were counted by law as three-fifths of a person and endured whipping, lynching, rape and separation from their families for 246 years. After the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This freed all slaves and was followed by the ratification of the 13th amendment, which made involuntary servitude unconstitutional. However, the positive changes of Reconstruction were undermined by Jim Crow laws and practices that imposed racial segregation were enforced and barred black people from the majority of their civil liberties. Black Americans were counted as “separate but equal.” In order to vote, poll taxes and literacy tests were required. Schools, professional sports, neighborhoods, restaurants and hotels were all segregated. Black Americans received dirty water fountains, underfunded schools and sport leagues and old and beaten down hotels and neighborhoods. “Separate but equal” quickly became understood as a lesser interpretation of black Americans’ right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to loquitur@cabrini.edu


@Loqwitt er



Statistics and systematic oppression Racism has been an ongoing issue in the United State and it is one that presents itself every day in several different forms from subtle acts of microaggressions to the extremes of slanders to murder. Racism impacts every aspect of black Americans’ socioeconomic status and has a negative ripple effect of repetitive injustices and the cycle just continually repeats over and over again. People kneel in the streets, holding signs to protest against racism and police brutality. The protest took place in King of Prussia. Photo by Chardanay White. According to the NAACP, the number of people incarcerated from 1980-2015 increased from 500,000 to 2.2 million. Black Americans are now counted as crimwinals kept in captivity for their non-violent actions. Black Americans are incarcerated at five times the rate of white people, and if black Americans and Hispanics were arrested at the same rate of white people, the prison population in America would decrease by 40 percent. According to Statista, in 2017 through 2020 alone, over 755 black Americans were killed by police with 223 deaths in 2017, 209 deaths in 2018, 235 deaths in 2019 and 88 deaths as of June 4, 2020. Sadly, the number of deadly police shootings against black Americans in the United States have risen as they make up 30 deaths for every million people according to Statista. According to MappingPoliceViolence there were only 27 days in 2019 where police didn’t kill someone. Call to action Cabrini University continues to uphold the Education of the Heart mission statement. As a Catholic and values-based university, Cabrini implements its mission statement to welcome “learners of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds and prepares them to become engaged citizens of the world.” Similar to the readings found in the Bible, God created the world and all mankind equally without labels or names. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Cabrini University also demonstrates a “commitment to social justice” as also stated in the mission statement. Students are seen taking a stance in their own ways to allow their voices to be heard. Some donate, some peacefully protest, some share their experiences on social media. However one wishes to choose to take a stand, the students of Cabrini University proudly show their “leadership and a commitment to social justice.” One of Cabrini’s core values is rooted in seeking justice for those who are marginalized and oppressed and to act in solidarity as all people are entitled to basic human rights and shall be treated with respect. The fact of the matter is that racism will not go away until the system that allows oppression does. Everyone should uphold the value to preserve dignity and justice of all human lives and no person should be treated differently or die because of the color of their skin.


Loquitur Media

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed during the Civil Rights Movement, and that legislation banned discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. However, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both assassinated and the movement was ultimately suppressed. Three decades later, President Bill Clinton passed the three-strikes law, which increased prison sentences for felons who previously committed two other crimes labeled felonies. Although the bill was intended to protect communities and stop violence, many victimless drug charges were called felonies. This interpretation of the law landed many young black men in prison with disproportionate sentences for drug use. Therefore, the incarceration rate among black people skyrocketed and punished those arrested for non-violent crimes. In the land of the free, captivity is more present than anywhere else in the world. Since 1619, America has provided white people with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for over 400 years. Black people have spent over 400 years on this land serving the dreams and aspirations of white people. They have been portrayed as no better than incompetent workers, uneducated criminals and innately inferior to those of a different skin.

Father and son protest together as they stand in the street with a sign that reads “Black Lives Matter.” The protest took place in King of Prussia, PA.




RACE IN AMERICA Bradford-Grey commented that writing in a codified language that a person can be used as a slave if they are incarcerated is unthinkable and should just be taken out. “If this is about punishment and rehabilitation, then let it just be about that,” Bradford-Grey said. “The minute you bring industry in it, you start to have corruption.” Bradford-Grey believed that the purpose of having a large number of inmates coming into the system with nonviolent crimes against them shows that it is all to protect the business of the prison industry. She continued to say that a simple Google search can reveal which businesses have contracts for prison labor. According to Bradford-Grey, in Pennsylvania, there are 935 legislative actions that are able to exclude people from being able to partake in certain aspects of life for committing a crime or having a criminal offense against them, which resorts to these same people having to find work at low-paying jobs and keeping the leaders of the big corporate industries rich. “When you’re able to label people where you are legally able to discriminate against them, you leave them subjected to the corporate interest that everyone knows feeds what the prison system feeds,” Bradford-Grey said. Gates entered into this discussion by stating that she dislikes the term “mass incarceration” because of the disproportion between people of color in prison compared to white people. There is a much higher proportion of people of color in the American prison system and a very low number of white people who are incarcerated. “When I saw [“Thirteenth”], I started to see these little elements explaining how slavery did not end,” Gates said. “It was just transformed and transferred to other institutions and entities and prison is one.” Gates continued to list other institutions that slavery was transferred to, such as schools and the music industry. She said this is where she sees Black bodies be used for labor. Gates also mentioned that in another documentary by Crazy Bone that Crazy Bone exposes the music industry and explains how rap and hip-hop artists have changed to be more gangster and violent and how that leads to money, economics and prisons. Lawful-Sanders then added with her own experiences that she and her sons have had with police officers. She mentioned how she had to fight to get her son into the honors program at his college and to fight a traffic ticket he had received for a violation that did not exist. “When we sit on these panels and we are having discussions about what the marginalization of Black and Brown people look like, we can give you all the data in the world, but those stories make all the difference,” Lawful-Sanders said. Lawful-Sanders continued to say how her adult sons call her once a week to tell her how some of the situations that they experience as African-American men are traumatic. She mentioned how she has white co-workers who do not understand the trauma that Lawful-Sanders has experienced as a Black woman in America who they ask for her help to be anti-racist. “It’s common sense. There’s just some things you shouldn’t do,” Lawful-Sanders said. “If you have a good moral code and you have a conscience about the things you say or do, then you would stop doing half the things, and you wouldn’t turn a blindeye to the kinds of things that are going on around us out here.” Ugochukwu then turned to the topic of the excessive use of force by police officers and the need for police reform. She explained that each time this topic is brought up, that people think it is about being anti-police, but it is actually about police reform. She brought up the examples of Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald and Jacob Blake in which they were harmed or murdered by police officers using excessive force. Gates commented about the fallacy behind the “Black-on-Black crime” argument. “I realize that when people are losing the argument of police brutality, then they bring up the ‘Black-on-Black crime’ fallacy argument,” Gates said. “‘Black-on-Black crime’ does not exist. It’s just called proximity crime, [which is] where you live.” Gates continued to say that by bringing up the “Black-on-Black crime” fallacy is essentially justifying police brutality due to the notion that Black people commit crimes against each other. She said that the police job is supposed to be about protecting and serving the community and to prevent people from committing crimes against each other despite the police officer’s own race. Bradford-Grey brought up that African-American boys are seen as more violent and more aggressive, which causes people to be afraid of them. She continued to say that police officers, who swear to protect and serve people, do not spend enough time around Black communities to understand their behavior, mannerisms and habits. She says that part of the problem is that people have a pre-conceived image of AfricanAmerican men from the media, particularly in rap culture, because it distorts their understanding of the Black community. Bradford-Grey believed those entering the police force should be asked character questions such as how many Black people they have engaged with throughout the duration of their life as well as the questions that are asked when they take the Civil Service Exam because it would help ensure that incoming officers would not treat one community differently than another community due to biases. “Now we are seeing legislation happening across the country,” Bradford-Grey said. “That is banning the use of choke holds because it’s been so callously used against us, even when you see us struggling for our last breath.” Lawful-Sanders then discussed that the first time an African-American child has access to law enforcement officers is when they are in school by a teacher. She mentions that according to the UNCF, those children begin to be seen as adults by the age of 10 and are visualized as grown men. Lawful-Sanders mentioned that 98 percent of educators are white in the school system and has helped to train white educators to be anti-racist because teachers are usually the first point of contact with law enforcement. She encourages anyone who is planning on becoming an educator to study other cultures and their families for this reason. “Karens” The term “Karen” has become popularized over the past few months and is used as a visual archetype for the privileged, middle-aged, white woman. Ugochukwu asked the panelists to discuss if the “Karen” archetype is sexist, useful or does any good at all. Lawful-Sanders discussed her experience as an anti-racist trainer and discussed how a group of white women had confided in her that they thought no woman should become the president of the United States or have that much power. She said that they had discussed this with their husbands and families and told them that they would vote for a female president but do not believe that a woman should hold that much power. Lawful-Sanders continued to say that many Black women feel the same way that women should not hold a lot of power because that is what their church leaders tell them. However, Sanders did mention that white women feel alarmed that Black women because they feel Black women have a sense of authority. White women feel that Black women can do certain things that they cannot do, so they cry and pretend to be hurt and offended and say that Black women are too aggressive or too passionate. Lawful-Sanders said that white women understood that those were weapons that they used for many years and continue to use them as weapons now. “Unfortunately for them, whether you call them a ‘Karen’ or an ‘Amy’ or whatever else, Black women have been sitting in our living rooms and fighting [in] amazing ways to work around, through, over and under. Before it became public knowledge,” Lawful-Sanders said. Lawful-Sanders continued to say that she would simply tell these “Karens,” who weaponize their femininity to hurt other people, is to grow up, face the consequences of their actions by acknowledging when they are wrong and to use mediocrity to get to where they need to be. “There are Black people, Black women, who have PhD’s, double masters and everything else in between that have found themselves working for these white women; some of them who have held them back from getting into positions,” LawfulSanders said. Lawful-Sanders explained that these “Karens” are weaponizing their femininity and whiteness to stop things from progressing forward. Gates then recalled her own “Karen” experience from years ago, where she applied to work at another charter school. Shortly after she was interviewed and sent


From left to right: Keir Bradford-Grey (Cheif Defender, Defender Association of Philadelphia), Povost Chioma Ugochukwu, Andrea LawfulSanders (Radio Host, Columnist and Child Advocate), and Dr. Zakia Gates (assistant Professor of Teacher Education.)

in her references, she received a call from an HR representative that the principal at the school she applied to work at was not sure to hire her because he was told from the principal of the school she was currently working at that time Gates was not a very good teacher and a slacker. However, Gates had worked at that school for four years and had a great record at that school. She was upset by this new information and tried to handle this situation herself, but her instincts told her not to because it would impact her health and she has a daughter. She then made the decision to call the assistant of the CEO later that night and explain the entire situation to him. He then called the CEO and asked Gates to then tell the CEO the situation. The CEO then said that he would handle the situation. The next day, the CEO called Gates to let her know that she was hired for the job at the charter school and the principal at her previous school was fired. Bradford-Grey believes the behaviors of a “Karen” deserves a label because it needs to stop due to the impact that it has on the lives of African Americans. However, BradfordGrey noted that not all white women that behave this way, but the privileged white women that do behave like “Karens” are not the only ones to act this way. Privileged white men behave this way as well. She believed that only discussing the behavior of privileged white women and not privileged white men is sexist, but does believe that this behavior needs a label for everyone who acts like a “Karen.” Lawful-Sanders then commented that in her experience many white men have been helpful to her and her peers. She explained that it is usually white men that have helped her further herself in her career. Sanders continued to say that many other women have told her that it was white men that have helped them reach higher positions in their careers as well. COVID-19/Vaccine The topic of discussion in regard to vaccination was addressed as well by these women. “I am not trying to tell people of color to not get a vaccine for Covid-19,” BradfordGrey said. “However, I would like people of color to do their research before following through with getting the vaccine themselves.” With advertisements and commercials calling for volunteers for the Covid-19 vaccine, Bradford-Grey is aware of

this message strictly being pushed towards poorer communities and to those of color. Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who grew up in Jamaica, was surrounded with only black doctors. “Everybody, including all of the doctors and teachers, they were all Black when I was growing up,” Lawful-Sanders said. When Lawful-Sanders came to this country, she was not afraid to fire doctors who she believed were misunderstanding her or wronging her, there were no issues with moving along. “I choose to work with people who choose to understand my body and what I am going through,” Lawful-Sanders said. Hope At the end of the conversation, Ugochukwu asked the panelists what gives them hope for the future. Bradford-Grey was the first to respond by stating that the people of various races were in attendance at the event and were willing to listen to these conversations in an open and honest manner is what gives her hope because she believes that a conversation and a level of understanding is where everything starts. Lawful-Sanders said that knowing that so many young people are not content with doing business as usual like their parents gives her hope because she sees the way that young people have been helping to change things, and she can see that change is coming. Gates said that seeing the young people attending the event to discuss race in America and protesting in the streets gives her hope because they are becoming more conscious about the politics and social issues surrounding race in America. “The system is broken and it’s going to take the young people to fix it. We need new ideas and new life,” Gates quoted Prince. Bradford-Grey encouraged people to do research and educate themselves because it is hard to discuss race in America if someone does not know the history of racism and how it evolves. “Listen more, empathize and hear what is coming from people,” Lawful-Sanders said. “Ask how you can help and then do it.” GCELLUCCI14@GMAIL.COM KHMCLAUGHLIN25@GMAIL.COM

COVID-19 The email also updated the community that as of Tuesday, Sept. 22 only two students were quarantining on campus, while the rest were quarantining off campus or “or has met the time requirement for self-quarantine.” The second half the email served more as a reiteration of the university’s expectations and rules for students to follow such as reporting COVID-like symptoms to health services, remaining six feet apart from one another and guest restrictions in residence halls, which if broken, could possibly result in students losing their on-campus housing. The email also read that the university was now considering having COVID-19 testing available to students on campus. It also addressed that having six-foot-spaced desks in classrooms were working well, the identity of those who tested positive for the virus would not be revealed and, at the time, was not considering a shift to be completely online. However, the number of active cases on campus continued to rise to seven as of Thursday, Sept. 24. Though the Loquitur has been keeping track of the number of cases on campus, the editors notice a lag in the website on that same day. Though the website appeared updated to the current number of seven active cases to some of the editors, it also did not update for other editors. The COVID-19 tracking site was updated again the morning of Friday, Sept. 25, and it said that there were six active cases on campus. However, it was last updated at 2:20 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25 and read that there were seven active COVID-19 cases on campus. The Loquitur reached out to ITR about the tracking site lagging. They have yet to respond back. The latest email sent to students addressed that the seven students with COVID-19 were currently quarantining off campus; therefore, all quarantine-designated housing is currently empty. The email further explained that the university would never force students to isolate off campus and always be willing to provide housing for students needing to quarantine. According to the email, a total of 10 students needed to be quarantined, but only seven students have tested positive for COVID-19. As of right now, no faculty or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. The Loquitur reached out to Rupprecht to answer further questions concerning the overall rise in active COVID-19 cases on campus. He has yet to respond back. Students’ Take on the Situation

Though not many students were surprised that there are active cases on campus. Many students believe it was bound to happen, especially with other schools in the area such as Temple University, St. Joseph’s University and other colleges and universities having reported multiple cases of students testing positive for COVID-19. “I feel like it could have maybe been more controlled if people were responsible with their actions,” Nicholas Kilroy, junior business management major, said. “I think that the way [Cabrini] is handling it right now with the quarantining and keeping people in specific location; I think that they’ll be able to keep the cases down for right now.” Though students think it was inevitable that there would be some students testing positive for the virus, many students believe that Cabrini is handling the situation well given the circumstances. “I’m glad how they’re keeping it under control,” Naim Taylor, sophomore communication major, said. “I heard some students moved off campus, so, I mean, it’s kind of scary at first, but, you know, you just got to adapt to it...You just got to adapt to it and keep going.” However, a fair amount of students believe that students should hold themselves responsible for their actions as well as be more aware of the rules that the university has put in place for students’ safety and health. “I think it’s more of an issue with guest policy. I think that’s the biggest thing,” Alisa Takala, junior secondary education and English major, said. Takala is a resident assistant (RA) on campus. “I think [Cabrini is] trying their best...I think it would be a good idea to test their students, especially ones who have had some kind of contact with people who have tested positive.” Though the university plans to remain open until Thanksgiving break, a fair amount of students are unsure whether Cabrini will actually stay open that long. “I’m hoping that they stay [open] until Thanksgiving, but as long as everyone follows the rules [then] we should be fine...I’m not really sure yet,” Kaitlyn Wagner, freshman exercise science major, said. Overall, students think that the university is handling the rise in COVID-19 cases well and are hoping that the school remains open until Thanksgiving break. GCELLUCCI14@GMAIL.COM




How teachers are working through the pressure of online teaching BY ANNA SCHMADER

Is this the end of Tik Tok? LIFESTYLES EDITOR

However, for Lisa Franks, French adjunct professor at Cabrini University, it’s been smoother sailing with online learning. In the past, Franks has taught an online course so there’s a background understanding. By using Zoom instead of Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, more faces can be seen to keep the students engaged. “It’s important to see faces,” Franks said. Another way Franks has kept the student-teacher relationship open is with office hours and emails. Through this, students with learning disabilities are open to individual help. There are students who have learning disabilities where they need more tools in order to stay on track. Some students don’t want to put the camera on. Some go so far as to create a video loop to make it appear they are present when in fact… it’s a lie. Carrie Grabowicz, biology adjunct professor at Cabrini University, puts 10+ hours into her lesson plans to accommodate for students with learning disabilities. “I set up my classes so students don’t have to even ask for what they need,” Grabowicz said. By doing this work, she makes the work accessible so students don’t go on a scavenger hunt for materials. Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Microsoft Teams, eVision, Youtube, Wacom and mirPod are the many tools among others that have made teaching online tolerable. Although no matter how many gadgets and tools there are, nothing comes close to an in-person class. It’s obvious that online schooling isn’t the most accessible. Some say they learn better online at their own pace. Then helping students with learning disabilities has its obstacles. But these teachers and professors put in hours on hours of work to give their students the education needed. Even though today’s world is not at all normal, “being able to see the kids play like normal kids during recess is so refreshing,” Guerin said. ANNASCHMADER1324@GMAIL.COM


Young student focuses with animal crackers

How universtiy greek life is adjusting to COVID-19

President Donald Trump has made an executive order to ban the viral app in 45 days if the Chinese-parent company does not sell to an American company. If an American company does not buy TikTok, the app will be banned in America on Sept. 20. The reason for this ban is because President Trump says, “TikTok is a national security threat because of its owner,” but TikTok says the app has not shared U.S. information to the Chinese government. In an article in the Washington Post, more information has came out on the decision to ban the viral video app. On Aug. 6, Trump signed an order that relies on “the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which prohibits any business or person in the United States to legally transact with TikTok.” Although this order will result in the app to no longer being downloaded by users and will be taken off both Apple and Google stores, the users who currently have the app will still be allowed to use it. The only downfall about this aspect is that users will not get the app’s updates, which will eventually break down the app, causing it to not work anymore. In a blog post sent out by Microsoft, they have confirmed their talk of possibly buying TikTok. In the blog post, Microsoft has said, “This new structure would build on the experience TikTok users currently love, while adding world-class security, privacy, and digital safety protections.” TikTok began in 2018 when an app called Musical.ly, similar to TikTok, started in 2014 was bought out for $1 billion by a Chinese tech-company called ByteDance, which was already the owner of TikTok. By August 2018, ByteDance decided to merge both apps and go by TikTok. The app has over 800 million users with one-minute videos of dancing, comedy, lip-synching, etc. Currently, this app has users ranging from 18 and younger to 64 years old. TikTok has been used as an opportunity by many people on the app to build a name for themselves and use their platform for both fun and as a way to spread positivity and highlight important social issues on their pages. Many of these users are now seen as social media influencers on the app and have created content houses just for those aspects of building a brand. The major content houses consist of Hype House, Sway House, ClubHouse, etc. The users within these content houses range from 18-23. With such a large following across all social media platforms for each of the content houses, as well as their individual pages, the TikTok ban will not help them grow their brand. Since all the talk of the app possibly getting banned, these influencers have began to turn to different networking opportunities while still on the app. For example, the Hype House has turned to reality television and are in the process of having their own show called The Hype Life. The show was approached by Wheelhouse Entertainment and is going to feature the members of the house and show both the business and content side to creating TikTok videos. The other content houses are in similar works but have not announced anything yet.



From community service to frat parties, Greek life is considered the pinnacle of college life. But with Cabrini adjusting to a new way of the college experience due to COVID, how will that impact the only sorority on campus, Delta Xi Phi? Delta Xi Phi is a national multicultural sorority dedicated to upholding its five pillars: Friendship, sisterhood, community service, advancement of women through higher education and multicultural awareness. Like with everything else on campus, Delta Xi Phi has had to adjust to new circumstances under COVID. Starting off, for those who do not know, rushing is a process in which undergraduate women and men join a sorority or fraternity. This process usually involves many fun planned events and activities. Interested, potential new members learn about each sorority/fraternity and get to know other members. However, due to social distancing guidelines, recruitment processes had to adjust. Because of this, the members of Delta Xi Phi have decided that there will be no fall rushing this year. Alexis Sharp, early childhood PreK-4/special education major and current president of Delta Xi Phi Chi chapter, said, “We actually decided amongst our chapter that we were not going to do fall recruitment.” Despite having no fall recruitment this semester, the sorority does have plans moving forward to get things back into shape. Alexis Sharp says, “The plan moving forward is that we are going to do a spring recruitment…majority of the recruitment will be online.” What makes Delta Xi Phi’s Chi chapter unique from other typical sororities is that there is no active Greek house on campus, so living arrangements among sisters is not a worry. However, there has been a slight decrease in the women in the associate member (AM) process. Starting around January to February, the sorority held a spring recruitment, involving them in certain activities as part of the recruitment process. However, once COVID started, the entire process was moved online, allowing the associate members to decide if they wanted to continue the process or wait until things

got back to normal on campus. Sharp says, “The girls decided that they wanted to continue their process through virtually.” Alexis Sharp says, “The plan moving forward is that we are going to do a spring recruitment…majority of the recruitment will be online.” What makes Delta Xi Phi’s Chi chapter unique from other typical sororities is that there is no active Greek house on campus, so living arrangements among sisters is not a worry. However, there has been a slight decrease in the women in the associate member (AM) process. Starting around January to February, the sorority held a spring recruitment, involving them in certain activities as part of the recruitment process. However, once COVID started, the entire process was moved online, allowing the associate members to decide if they wanted to continue the process or wait until things got back to normal on campus. Sharp says, “The girls decided that they wanted to continue their process through virtually.” Alexis Sharp says, “The plan moving forward is that we are going to do a spring recruitment…majority of the recruitment will be online.” What makes Delta Xi Phi’s Chi chapter unique from other typical sororities is that there is no active Greek house on campus, so living arrangements among sisters is not a worry. However, there has been a slight decrease in the women in the associate member (AM) process. Starting around January to February, the sorority held a spring recruitment, involving them in certain activities as part of the recruitment process. However, once COVID started, the entire process was moved online, allowing the associate members to decide if they wanted to continue the process or wait until things got back to normal on campus. Sharp says, “The girls decided that they wanted to continue their process through virtually.”

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A few members of the Hype House, a content creating house based in Los Angeles

TikTok star Charli D’amelio, who is the most followed user on the app with over 80 million followers, has collaborated with Orosa beauty to create her own nail polish pack with her sister, is in talks of having her own reality show with her family and collaborated with Hollister jeans. Addison Rae, the second most followed with over 60 million users, has collaborated with American Eagle, started a podcast with her mom and recently dropped her own makeup line called Item. In light of the TikTok ban possibly going into effect, members of the Sway House have began posting more on another app called Triller, as well as using TikTok while it is still available. Josh Richards, one member of Sway House has been named chief strategy officer. Members Griffin Johnson and Noah Beck have become part of the executive team. While they are still on Tik Tok, they started turning to Triller due to feeling more welcome as content creators and better user security. Triller is very similar to TikTok but they are “focused on bridging the gap between viral video and music streams, allowing users to pull full songs, not just 15 seconds as on TikTok from their personal playlists.” The app currently has 65 million users, but may increase if TikTok does get banned for U.S. users.

Megan Marley, junior early education major, said, “It makes me sad honestly because I go on TikTok so much and use it as a stress relief. However, I think it would be funny to see the hype house or other accounts similar to them as a reality show since they are around our age even younger.” In an Instagram poll that I have created, out of 93 people who viewed the poll, 16 people said they will not get Triller, while two people said they would. The two that said they would get the app is mainly for entertainment purposes. Alumna Michelle Guerin, digital communications and social media major, said, “With Reels on Instagram being the same as TikTok I wouldn’t try Triller. I feel like companies try to copy so similarly but can’t do it exactly the same so it isn’t as fun to use.” Anna Schmader, junior digital communications and social media major, said, “I just hate Tik Tok in general so I wouldn’t ever intentionally download an app to replace it.” The latest development is that the American tech company Oracle would partner with TikTok as a potential way to prevent the Trump administration allegations that TikTok is a national security threat. Prominent Republican senators are still fearful of even the partnership. LAYALSROUR00@GMAIL.COM



Cabrini University’s Delta XI Phi Chi chapter members.




Online teaching has made developing personal relationships difficult between the teacher and the student. Seeing the other person through a screen doesn’t have the same feel that in-person does. When the camera or mic stops working, the internet shuts down or the student can’t afford the internet, it leads to more issues. Three teachers, from kindergarten to university, shared their struggles with Loquitur. From kindergarteners to college students learning online, there’s a struggle in every crevice. The internet has been the biggest issue and the biggest bully. By shutting a student out, lagging for half the class, reconnecting and overall inconsistency, sometimes it feels like it’s not worth the trouble. The mental and physical frustration these teachers and professors go through can go unseen. But educators will always put in more work than perceived to create lesson plans on various platforms to give the students all the material necessary. “Kids are getting cheated from their education,” Michelle Guerin, a 2020 digital communication and social media graduate, said. Guerin works as an educator for kindergarteners at Right At School in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Here, Zoom is used in the classroom through an iPad. There have been difficulties targeting education plans for this younger group. “Specifically in kindergarten, they don’t know how to tell time,” Guerin said. This has further made it difficult for the kids to concentrate and accommodate, so Guerin uses animal crackers as a focus tool. Logging into the class then waiting 20 minutes for webcams to turn on, mics to work properly, to share the screen without technical difficulties takes up time. There’s even been a “life hack” where keeping your camera off helps the microphone. The conclusion is that these small technological issues add up.




A few Sway House members indlucing Bryce Hall, Josh Richards, Blake Gray, Noah Beck, Quinton Griggs and Griffin Johnson (picture left to right)


Charli D’Amelio, left, and Addison Rae, right.







All you need is ganas

Cabrini athletes speak out against racism





Students are always taught to go to college after high school. If they want job stability, career satisfaction and full integration into society, that is. Growing up, I never knew that my immigrant status would affect my decision to continue my education after high school. The specific immigrant status I hold is known as an “undocumented immigrant.” I do not agree with this label. I have multiple forms of legal documentation that identify me. Therefore, I am not undocumented. After high school and applying to many colleges and universities, I learned two things: continuing my education after high school will not be easy and, schools and states will charge anything possible to make graduating more difficult for me. After high school, I was accepted by many local colleges and universities. One of the first schools I was accepted by was Rosemont College. Here, I realized that many injustices ran through Rosemont’s pipelines. When I was accepted to Rosemont College, I let themknow that I could not fill out Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) forms because of my undocumented immigrant status in the United States. Rosemont College was going to charge me an international tuition rate because I am not an American citizen in the United States. Thanks to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), I could argue the fact that I am not an international student because I showed the school I have a social security card in the United States. After this experience, I did not go to Rosemont College. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 38 states have approved in state tuition rates for undocumented students. Arizona, Georgia and, Indiana do not allow in state tuition rates for undocumented immigrant students. Alabama and South Carolina prohibit any undocumented immigrant student from enrolling in any public postsecondary institution. California, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas and Washington, allow undocumented immigrant students to recieve state financial aid. Senior Education major Grecia Mireles is against Georgia’s take on undocumented immigrant students who want to continue their education after high school. Mireles could not afford to go to college because she was going to be charged at an unfair tuition rate in comparison to her American citizen classmates. Throughout her journey to find schools in Georgia, Mireles searched for online schools, affordable schools and schools that offered financial aid. No schools were applicable for her because she is an undocumented immigrant student. “I eventually moved to Kansas from Georgia because Kansas is school friendly to undocumented immigrant students and, they charge me out of state tuition,” Mireles said. Yeny Romero, an Alvernia University graduate and, campaign member of Pennsylvania’s Tuition Equity and Inclusion Campaign further explains, “often higher education institutions unknowingly discriminate against undocumented students by charging them unfair tuition rates even if their home has been in the United Sta-tes for most of their lives.” Many undocumented immigrant students can’t even afford to go to school without the advantages that many American citizens receive such as Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarships, and student loans. Yet, undocumented immigrant students have proven that it is very much possible to graduate from colleges and universities. I will be graduating from Cabrini University in the fall of 2021 with a degree in digital communications. Grecia Mireles will be graduating from Butler Community College in Andover, Kansas. In the fall of 2021 as well. I want undocumented immigrant students to know that it is very much possible to graduate from colleges and universities. People will think we belong behind dishwashers and, that is not true. Once said by Jaime Escalante, “all you need is ganas.” *definition of ganas, “need/want/dedication/will”

Many have made their voices heard in the fight against systemic racism is recent months, and athletes are no exception to that. As the Black Lives Matter movement came to the spotlight following the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others at the hands of police, a countless number of people have spoken out against racism in the United States and across the world. Athletes at Cabrini have used their voices to bring attention to their experiences and to bring awareness to the cause. Junior men’s basketball player Voshon Mack recently said that he has felt the impact of racism in many places and times as a Black person, including at Cabrini. “I feel like I’m discriminated against almost every day,” he said. “Yes, I had a situation on campus where I felt discriminated against.” In an effort to combat this kind of racism and discrimination, Mack encourages people to fight for the causes they believe in, since these are still issues that are very much prevalent today. “Over the past few months, I feel that people are waking up and seeing that racism still exists in this country,” Mack said. A senior on the women’s soccer and basketball teams, Brianna Blair issued a statement on Cabrini’s website last month regarding racism and ways to fight against it. She provided information about racism and her experiences, as well as educational resources and opportunities to donate to the cause. “I guess I just want to help make students — whether it’s at Cabrini or in general — feel safer ... but also to educate people that might not know that they’re doing something wrong,” Blair said as to why she wanted to speak out. In addition to making that statement, Blair, who is biracial — her father is African American and her mother is white — has participated in video calls with both sides of her family to talk about race and their experiences. Blair also attended a local protest and started a book club with friends where they are reading “So You Want to Talk About Race.” Keith Blassingale, a senior on last year’s men’s basketball team, said that Black athletes and Black people in general have many extra challenges they have to go through because of racism. “We are at an overall disadvantage and have to work 10 times harder just to get where we want to get to in life,” Blassingale said. “It’s been like that for decades, but we understand that and all of us are up for the challenge and embrace it.” Blassingale also called for everyone to realize the problems that exist in today’s society, and to come together to solve them. “I was naive and numb to my surroundings too. That’s in the past now,” he said, “and now it’s time to come together and become stronger than ever. “Time to educate the ones around us and not be afraid to step on people’s toes and lose friends. Time for people to understand the meaning of why everything is going on right now, and why we need justice and reform.” tYDAUBERT@GMAIL.COM


Photo of soccer player Brianna Blair

Rachel Hetrick: Rowing’s Leader COVID-19 cases linked to sports BY KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN





Graduation from Delaware County Community College (DCCC) on May 16, 2019.

What it is like being the only Mexican family in a predominantly white neighborhood BY ANGELICA LARA STAFF WRITER



Angelica Lara and her younger brother Moises at a dance performance.

Attending Cabrini University has been my first experience of diversity. Throughout elementary, middle and high school my brothers and I were the only Hispanic kids in our classes. My graduating class consisted of 280 students. 28 of those students were Black, and I was the only Latina. My parents wanted to give my brothers and me the best education they could and decided to move to a nice community closer to my dad’s work. My parents were fortunate enough to move us to a predominantly white area, near a school with a good education department. On average, Latino families only make up around 12 percent of white communities. My family and I moved to Aston, Pennsylvania, when I was 6. Thankfully, I was never picked on in school because of my race. I can only assume it is because I grew up with everyone in my class. The only experience I had with being left out because of my nationality was when I wasn’t invited to one of my classmates’ birthday parties because she “wasn’t allowed to invite Mexicans.” That made me extremely depressed as a kid. I didn’t even want to go to school anymore, but eventually after about a month the feeling passed. Growing up in a predominantly white town meant I only really knew how to act like the people around me. My parents would take my siblings and me to parties with relatives that were my age and, as parents do, encouraged us to hang out with our cousins. I was never comfortable. I didn’t know the same slang as my Mexican family members, and I didn’t have the same interests as a lot of the other kids at the parties. While I listen to techno or electro swing, my cousins listen to Vicente Fernández. My parents always brought up how “white” my brothers and I sounded when we spoke Spanish compared to my cousins. While my family members are fluent in writing, reading and speaking Spanish, I was only taught how to speak Spanish.

I felt the most comfortable around my peers and friends. If you took one look at my friends and me, you probably wouldn’t guess that I had been friends with these classmates for over a decade. I got along with all my classmates and no one cared about how I looked, but I never fully felt like I really fit in either. While the other girls in class were learning ballet and tap, I was learning traditional Mexican Folklorico. My friends would refer to me as “the Mexican.” I had one friend who would joke about calling border patrol, getting me deported, and regularly asking what it was like to “jump the wall.” I always laughed and played along because I knew it was all a joke, but it still made me feel hurt and scared. Looking back now, I can really see how racism can come from even the closest of people even if it’s unintentional. I never felt like the odd one out until the day of my graduation. I remember looking around and feeling overwhelmingly sad, not because I was graduating, but because I realized how alone I felt the entire time in school. I was just supposed to be happy that I was graduating from high school surrounded by friends and family, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had missed out on everything I was supposed to have learned in my Mexican culture. I wouldn’t change the life I was given for the world. I appreciate every opportunity I was given, but that didn’t make growing up Mexican in a white community any less isolating. I’m sure many children who are kept away from their culture and raised somewhere that is completely different, feel just as isolated from relatives. Like me, they might not notice the feeling of a lack in diversity, but as you get older it’s harder to ignore. Even though I still struggle with my identity and who I’m supposed to be, coming to Cabrini and having the opportunity of being in classes with people who look like me for the first time reminds me how proud I am to be Mexican-American.


Photo of Hetrick competing in a childhood cancer race.

At least six cases of COVID-19 on campus have been linked to a varsity sports team

Rowing will take place this season. The leader of the team, Rachel Hetrick, is prepared to work for positive results. The expectations for the season are currently unknown. “For this year, I’m honestly not sure what the season will look like,” Hetrick said. As important as success throughout the season is for her, the relationships that will be made is what is most important. “My hope is that the team will form a bond that will ultimately help us in the years to come and continue to build the rowing program,” Hetrick said. Even as a leader, Hetrick is still working on her growth as a teammate this year. Improving herself and doing anything she can for her teammates is what she demands. “I hope to show my teammates that we can continue to grow together, improve together and learn from each other,” Hetrick said. Since joining the team at Cabrini, Hetrick believes it is one of the best decisions she has ever made. “It has helped shaped me into the teammate and person I am today,” Hetrick said. Scott Gavin-Wisniewski, head coach of the team, spoke highly of Hetrick and expressed the confidence he has in her as a leader of this team. “I am expecting her to help unite our squad for this year, along with getting her teammates to meet on a personal level,” Gavin-Wisniewski said. Gavin-Wisniewski spoke on behalf of the trust that is needed in this role. Hetrick needs the trust of her teammates to stand up and lead in the best way possible. “Earning the trust of the team is the most important thing with her role on this team,” GavinWisniewski said. There are obstacles that must be overcome during the season and Hetrick is more than willing to confront and battle them. Staying positive and upbeat can be difficult when things are not going well. For Hetrick, this is understood and her goal is to keep the same mindset all year long. “Attitude and mentality is an obstacle that we will face this year,” Hetrick said. As a leader, Hetrick will provide all she can and stay confident so that her teammates will see there is always hope. “My hope is to encourage each other to stay positive and make the best decisions that we can,” Hetrick said. Hetrick is ecstatic to meet her new teammates and to get back to business. “I look forward to meeting everyone and being in the boat again,” Hetrick said. Getting back into the water is what Hetrick is what she is mostly looking forward to. “The water is so beautiful and I cannot wait to have that feeling again,” Hetrick said.

At least six cases of COVID-19 on Cabrini campus are linked to one varsity sports team, COVID Task Force chair Dr. Stephen Rupprecht confirmed in an email sent to the campus community on Tuesday. An additional positive case was reported to the COVID Case Tracker on the university’s website the morning of Thursday, Sept. 24. It is not clear if that seventh case is connected to the team as well. Loquitur previously reported that members of the men’s lacrosse team were asked to self-quarantine for 48 hours when it was suspected that someone on the team may have contracted the coronavirus. The positive cases have now all been isolated, Rupprecht said, and other team members were given further instruction on how to prevent another spread of COVID-19. The entire team is being addressed with extra mitigation strategies to help reduce potential spread, and everyone involved remains understanding and cooperative,” Rupprecht said. Athletic director Brad Koch said that the team has been participating in “captain’s workouts and general conditioning” at the school’s facilities. Other teams that have started their non-traditional fall seasons will continue as planned, even after the spread of the virus within one team. “… [W]e are proceeding with workouts/practices of other programs following established department and NCAA guidelines,” Koch said via email. Koch deferred to “University metrics” when asked what it would take for team activities to be considered unsafe. Rupprecht’s announcement from Tuesday said that a shift to something like remote learning “is still distant” based on the number of cases. At this time, it appears that team activities will continue taking place with hopes of avoiding another spread of infection. “We are doing everything we can and following all guidelines and protocols in order to provide an environment that is as safe as possible to carry on with Athletics-related activity,” Koch said.







Junior Maddie Werndl shows off her Atlantic East Conference championship medals

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