May 7, 2021 issue 06 Loquitur

Page 1

New VP of Mission, DEI and Student Engagement responds to calls for change, page 4

As Asian hate crimes continue to increase, so does my concern, page 8

Reviewing the Cavaliers men’s and women’s tennis 2021 season, page 10






FRIDAY, MAY, 7 2021

Solidarity March echoes calls for change

Philosophy department cuts cause negative reactions BY LAYAL SROUR LIFESTYLES EDITOR

Photo by Gabrielle Cellucci

Student Armani Parker at the march.


Black Student Union led a solidarity march to unite campus and call on the Cabrini community to make campus safer for all students. Students, faculty/staff and alumni walked through campus, holding up posters and wearing all black on Wednesday, April 14 from 3:45 p.m. to 6 p.m. Attendees showed their support for change and a commitment to ensuring a fairer community. With the number of people who were in attendance, it felt like the community had seen the light. “There was a pretty big turnout,” Naiser Warren-

Robinson, Black Student Union president, said. “Seeing the baseball team, the basketball team, the soccer team and faculty all in attendance also meant a lot.” The walk was a tool used to show that it all starts with the individual. It only takes one person to take a stance on what is currently unfolding in our nation today. When one individual stands up to the matter at hand, it causes an uprise in the minds of others throughout the community. After the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd this past summer,

students have created open spaces to anonymously discuss their experiences with racism and bigotry on campus. The Black@Cabrini Instagram page has featured tons of testimonials from students and alumni, detailing the racism that has permeated throughout the community for decades. Since then, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council has been created by faculty and alumni. The DEI Advisory Council seeks to “advocate for true equity for students and a robust inclusivity infrastructure, in which everyone feels a sense

of belonging.” The council provides recommendations, goals, outcome indicators and accountability measures to Cabrini’s senior leadership team. Even though many significant changes still need to be made for all students to feel safe and welcome, the march reassured its participants that change is possible when the community comes together and stands as one.

See March, Page 3

University cuts departments, lets full-time professors go BY LAYAL SROUR LIFESTYLES EDITOR

Cabrini University made the decision in March to cut a number of faculty and staff positions and eliminate several departments and academic programs. Two departments that teach numerous courses in the core program, romance languages and literature as well as philosophy, were among those eliminated,

Photo via Cabrini University

Professor Melissa GonzalezContreras.

along with one of the two professors in each department. Each department has just one professor remaining. One romance language professor was in her third year and had just purchased a home and gave birth to a baby. “Now that I purchased a home in the area and have a baby, finding a full-time job in academia, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic, is extremely difficult particularly towards the end of the academic year,” Dr. Melissa GonzalezContreras, assistant professor and acting chair of the romance languages and literatures department, said. With an ever-growing deficit and the struggles of the corona virus pandemic, Cabrini University has made the decision to let go of some faculty and staff, as well as cut several departments. This is a common tactic at this

time among tuition-dependent universities. The Chronicle explained that universities facing a financial crisis “will respond by slashing discretionary expenditures: stop unnecessary travel, defer routine maintenance, freeze hiring, etc. This modest shortterm step slows cash outflow, but for severe crises, such as the one we now face, it seldom solves the problem.” Students, faculty and staff find it hard to understand why young faculty, who make an average of $57,704, are being cut while administrators like President Donald Taylor make six times as much. Taylor received bonuses while the university was running in the red. Taylor’s salary and bonus in 2018-19 was $346,362. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Cabrini is “eliminating 46 of the 250

positions, the bulk through voluntary separation agreements, but also including about 10 layoffs and some jobs that will go unfilled. 15 of Cabrini’s 69 programs have been tagged for elimination or change, including religious studies, philosophy and Black studies that will instead be offered as a minor.” “The department of Modern Languages and Literatures was eliminated,” GonzalezContreras said. “With this change the Spanish major and my position were also eliminated.” This decision has not only affected the students, but also made a huge impact, personally and career-wise, on the professors of those departments.

See Cuts, Page 3

The news of the elimination of the philosophy department hit students and professors hard. A few professors were disappointed and hurt by this decision, while some students were saddened and heartbroken by the news. Although the major will be discontinued for new students, the minor will still be offered as well as courses for core curriculum if students are interested. Current students majoring in philosophy will be able to complete all required courses and credits, even though most of their professors will no longer be teaching. The current Spring 2021 philosophy department consists of two full-time faculty members, Cimakasky and Bulcock, as well as two adjuncts, Romano and Schwarze. Both Romano and Schwarze have decided not to return to teaching in the fall. The changes to this department were decided to “stem a deficit and give the college a ‘sustainable path forward,’” according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. This also resulted in professors in several departments losing their position with Cabrini. Provost and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Chioma Ugochukwu stated the five criteria that went into deciding which departments and majors will be discontinued or combined. These criteria include: Distinctiveness • Return on investment • Internal demand Opportunities • Quality of inputs, processes, and outcomes

• •

“All Cabrini programs were evaluated and scored based on these criteria. The recommendations to restructure some of our programs were based on the resulting scores from these rubrics,” Ugochukwu said. See Reaction, Page 3





MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to

Loquitur Media

FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


A year filled with marches, initiatives and discussions, Cabrini has responded to national incidents of racism and broad inequalities. However, the institution has yet to change its privilege. Lack of Engagement

In the fall, Cabrini created the anonymous reporting system EthicsPoint, in order to receive feedback and communicate with students about issues and violations to Cabrini’s policy. This has allowed students, faculty and staff to report “criminal, unethical or inappropriate behaviors.” This reporting system was a response to the Black@Cabrini Instagram page, which was used to tell stories of racist incidents experienced by countless BIPOC students, faculty and alumni. Months later, a vast majority of students are not even aware that Cabrini created EthicsPoint. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council (DEI) was also started in 2020 and is made up of various community members including, students, faculty, staff, alumni and trustees. The council was created to improve the Cabrini community and make all students feel welcome. However, the majority of students are unaware of this new council. The institution’s long chain of emails regarding diversity initiatives are never followed up with promotional events or workshops. Cabrini has hosted many events in regards to race and other social issues, which have been advertised as deep intellectual conversations that students can choose to attend. Examples of these events include the Race in America Panel, Xenophobia in America, the Shirley Dixon Celebration of Urban Education Symposium and immigration book talks. Cabrini lacks a true relationship between white students and BIPOC students. Studentathletes repeatedly take part in picnic events provided by the athletics department. However, diversity initiatives have never included picnics for BIPOC students and white students to relax, talk and listen to one another. These promotional events are not utilized by the institution to welcome diversity,

but instead they are reserved for sports teams to receive free pizza and t-shirts. The institution’s long-standing mission has taken a backseat to various short-term priorities by students and faculty who do not understand the lack of BIPOC culture on campus. More Diversity

Almost half the student population cannot relate to the experience that Cabrini advertises. The photos of white and BIPOC students together throughout campus are artificial representations of students’ actual experiences. Even though Cabrini announced that they would mandate unconscious bias and microaggression training

programs,” President Donald Taylor wrote in an email to the Cabrini community back in August of 2020. “Although some initiatives have already started, this work will begin in earnest in August, and we will be providing progress updates to the campus community throughout the year.” Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Chioma Ugochukwu addressed in an email back in March that many of the stand-alone majors that are being cut will now be incorporated into the core curriculum at the university. The majors that are now part of the core curriculum are American Studies, Black Studies, Liberal Studies and Spanish.

All students receive emails relating to national incidents, but students should also be aware of the local incidents occurring within their community. Emails relating to on-campus incidents that provide an understanding of the event, while at the same time protecting those involved, would be one way to make students feel like Cabrini is making progress. The institution cannot keep viewing national news as isolated incidents of racism that cannot touch the community at Cabrini. With recent cuts made to departments including Spanish and Black Studies, students and staff have brought attention to the possibility of this affecting future enrollment. These departments made students feel they had a home on Cabrini’s campus. By making these old majors, now new minors, will campus continue to have a diverse enrollment? Even though cuts were made to these departments, Cabrini can incorporate Asian studies and Latino studies along with Black studies, in the core curriculum to continue to educate students.

Graphic by Faith Pitsikoulis

for all faculty and staff, white faculty and staff significantly outnumber BIPOC faculty and staff. The best way to welcome diversity is to employ educators who understand the students’ perspectives and cutting diverse faculty/departments is definitely not improving the experience that students of color receive. Over the course of the semester, the university has announced that many departments will be cut, which will cause certain majors to be reduced to minors. Some of the majors that are being cut include Black Studies, Spanish and Gender and Bodies Studies. However, prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year, the administration sent out an email stating that the university was actually planning to expand these majors in order to increase diversity on campus. “We will work with the faculty to update the core curriculum and ensure appropriate investment of resources in academic programming like Black Studies, Latin American Studies and Gender Studies

Though the university has made steps towards being more diverse on campus, students have taken more initiative than the administration has. The Solidarity March that recently took place on campus was organized by the Black Student Union. The university as an institution still needs to strive to be more inclusive and diverse in order to improve the environment on campus. Recognizing Pain

Looking forward, this is not the time to be satisfied or complacent with actions taken by Cabrini. Although previous steps have been taken towards equal opportunities, we need to keep moving forward by bringing awareness to the community. At the end of the day, the question is why does this lack of awareness remain throughout the Cabrini community? The university is taking positive steps in the right direction, but why do more students not know what is going on within their campus?

There must be more talking. It is not up to BIPOC students to initiate these conversations. White students, faculty and staff need to have these conversations and continue to educate themselves on how to move forward together. Cabrini will not be able to please everyone if it is truly willing to stand for those calling for equality equal representation, equal opportunities and equal rights. If you would like to make an anonymous report to Cabrini University, please follow the site listed below. FAITHPITS4@GMAIL.COM MEGANFEE17@GMAIL.COM GCELLUCCI14@GMAIL.COM SOPHIAGERNER06@GMAIL.COM





Students, faculty and staff walked in the Solidarity March

Photo by Gabrielle Cellucci


FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


Reaction In an email to the Loquitur, Ugochukwu said, “Cabrini spent time evaluating programs. The decisions were hard. Given the higher education landscape, it is hard to sustain programs that have had an average of three students over the past four years. We will continue to offer Philosophy courses in the core for all students and as a minor.” While current students will finish out the courses they need in these majors, “Black Studies, Philosophy and Religious Studies will be moved into Cabrini’s Core Curriculum so that these disciplines influence the academic journey of every student,” according to PR Newswire. “A new major focusing on cultural studies will combine elements of American Studies, Black Studies, Liberal Studies and Spanish.”

words, ethical questions, e.g., how should I live? What is happiness and the good life? Would seem to be especially relevant to Cabrini’s social justice mission,” Cimakasky said. “Our students tend to discover philosophy rather serendipitously, but in my experience, this discovery often leads to a genuine appreciation for philosophy as a way of life.”

have no idea; this is really heartbreaking,” Juan CastroCaro, a senior computer science major and philosophy minor, said. “Actually getting my degree will be possible because of him, that’s the level of how much he helped me with his advocacy, that’s why I’m shocked. He plays a big role in the fact that I’m graduating this semester.”

Several students looked up to Cimakasky and the way he taught philosophy and how it resonated with them.

Dr. Jennifer Bulcock, assistant professor of philosophy, chose not to comment on the university’s decision to eliminate the department and cut positions.

Even though not many students enter college with the idea of pursuing a major or minor, Dr. Joseph Cimakasky, assistant professor of philosophy, still believes that it is an important course and the elimination will go against Cabrini’s mission.

“Cimakasky should not lose his job over this. He is one of the most profound teachers I’ve ever had. He truly cares about his students as equals. He doesn’t deserve this. He actually cares as a professor,” Brian McAnulla, junior political science major, said. “I understand why the university is doing it but I think it’s a poor choice. Religion and philosophy are what make up Catholicism. Not really sure how a selfproclaimed Catholic university is going to not offer those areas of study as majors.”

“Philosophy is understood generally as an attempt to answer life’s ‘big questions,’ so presumably the elimination of the department and major will have an adverse effect on mission fulfillment. In other

“Dr. Cimakasky played a big role in my education throughout my college journey. His classes were inspirational, intriguing and always kept me engaged. He was my minor adviser and he supported me so much you

Dr. Sharon Schwarze and Dr. Joseph Romano, who retired as full-time professors, but still work as adjunct professors, found the decision to be unfair and did not think it aligned with Cabrini’s mission as a Catholic institution. “Cuts and layoffs are hard, harder still when they happen to people you know and admire. Harder still when some of them may have been preventable,” Schwarze said. She believes that students who are exposed to philosophy become attracted to it and the lessons they learn using critical thinking. It helps to make us the people that we are and develop life-long skills. She also does

not think it will have a huge impact, because not many people major in philosophy, but rather minor in it. However, Schwarze thinks it will impact alumni support, because of the positive memories they had. Romano agreed. “How can an institution of higher learning not have a philosophy department – a department that costs very little money to sustain. The elimination of the philosophy department was decided mainly on the number of majors we have in philosophy. This is nonsense. The main value of philosophy is to be the heart and soul of a liberal art’s core curriculum. We have had and still have successful majors in philosophy,” Romano said. “Philosophy is a guide to life from which all disciplines have been born and without which no discipline will question and grow.” “Professors like Joseph Cimakasky, Joseph Romano and Jennifer Bulcock had a strong influence in my education as a person and a scholar. Philosophy is more than an academic field, it provides us with the essential elements every professional should have: critical thinking, analysis, logic and most importantly question everything and going in depth,” Castro-Caro said.

It was a hard pill for her to swallow, because in the three years that she has been at Cabrini, she became very close with her students, colleagues and Cabrini’s mission of the Education of the Heart. “The faculty that I have met in these three years at Cabrini are the ones that really live out the Education of the Heart mission through their commitment to their students,” GonzalezContreras said. “I can assure you that all faculty that have been involuntarily separated from the institution are no exception.” The elimination of this department, GonzalezContreras believes, goes against what Cabrini was trying to move towards: the promotion of diversity, inclusion and equity. She also mentioned that her students were the first ones she thought of when she got the news. “They don’t understand the rationale behind Cabrini becoming a Hispanic-serving institution with these changes,” Gonzalez-Contreras said. “As the days go by and I continue to talk to my students, particularly to my Latinx students, they feel let down because the Spanish

major has been eliminated and because they are losing a faculty member that represents them.” This termination came at the wrong time for GonzalezContreras, personally impacting her work, life and family, especially during the pandemic. “The number of positions that are published after March are very few and I don’t have the same flexibility I had when I first arrived at Cabrini, now that I purchased a home in the area and have a baby,” GonzalezContreras said. “I also thought of all the work I have done for the institution and my department. Finding a full-time job in academia, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic, is extremely difficult particularly towards the end of the academic year.” Although Dr. Sharon Schwarze and Dr. Joseph Romano of the philosophy department were not personally impacted, they still had very strong, personal feelings about the decision to eliminate the philosophy department and let one of the two full-time faculty go. Romano, who retired from full-time teaching in 2013, continued to teach two courses each semester part-time. The philosophy department also received news that it is being eliminated as a major, but will be offered as a minor. “I am deeply offended by the school’s actions. Not only has a member been let go, but

there is no more philosophy department,” Romano said. “Yes, I am saddened. Personally, Cabrini has just told me that 60 years of teaching have been a waste of time and money.” Schwarze, who also retired as a full-time professor and now works as an adjunct professor, said, “I am angry, however, because [these cuts] come because of earlier poor decision-making on the part of the administration. Now faculty and staff pay the price. So do the students who will have fewer choices going forward, especially in the humanities.” She went on to say that she and Romano were “both very severely impacted, however, in our love and respect for Cabrini University. We both no longer want to teach philosophy at Cabrini.” On the evening of Friday, March 12, Dr. Joseph Cimakasky, a philosophy assistant professor, received a phone call from President Donald Taylor that the philosophy and liberal studies department was getting cut, as well as his position. Cimakasky has been teaching college-level philosophy courses for 13 years, six at Cabrini, loving every aspect of it. When he got the news, he expressed that he was “disappointed. It stung. I admire teachers, so having the opportunity to become a teacher myself was a dream come true. I will miss it. Nevertheless, I

“Dr. Romano is one of my favorite professors at the university, along with Joe Cimakasky. I think philosophy is something everyone can learn valuable life lessons from like how to accept the things life throws at you and turn negatives into positives,” Samantha Hamalak, a junior political science major, business management and philosophy minor, said. “It honestly upsets me that other students will never get to experience the classes I love.” Moving forward, philosophy courses will only be offered as a minor and classes will be limited for current students. During the current Spring 2021 semester, seven philosophy courses are offered. As of April 28, 2021, the course master schedule shows just one philosophy course for Fall 2021. Ugochukwu said the master schedule is not final: “Given the changes made to programs, we are still working on our fall schedule, so it is premature to suggest that students will only have one Philosophy course in the fall.” LAYALSROUR00@GMAIL.COM

Cuts On Thursday, March 11, one day before the President’s update to faculty and staff, Gonzalez-Contreras received the news about the elimination of the department as well as her termination, from the dean and representative from the Human Resources office.

Many students are sad to hear the news, because it is a class they have all enjoyed so much and learned a lot from.

March consider myself lucky.” “As strange as it may seem, I leave Cabrini with a deep sense of gratitude,” Cimakasky said. “Plus, who knows if this wasn’t a blessing in disguise? I am reminded of Socrates’s final words from Plato’s Apology: ‘Now the hour to part has come. I go to die, you go to live. Which of us goes to the better lot is known to no one, except the gods’.” Hillary Chybinski, adjunct professor and instructor in the social media marketing certificate program, was not personally impacted since she was on a contract-basis position. However, she was disappointed, but understands the decision to discontinue the program. “I feel confident that the decision to discontinue programs was a business decision. Not an easy one, I’m sure,” Chybinski said. “As a parent of a current student and an alumni, I want to see the university do what it needs to do to remain strong through this and come out better on the other side. I am sad for the Cabrini professors and staff losing their programs and their jobs, that’s never easy.” “I trust them to make difficult business decisions with the grace, heart and honor that is part of being Cabrini.”

During the solidarity walk, Warren-Robinson felt a sense of pride. “The walk gave an opportunity to bring the Cabrini community back together,” Warren-Robinson said. For the unprecedented events that took place this past year with police shootings, this became a way to show solidarity within the community. “Obviously with everything that happened in 2020, there was no way to have an event like this,” WarrenRobinson said. “The hope is to see more engagement in diversity groups, and to increase student participation.” Cabrini is in the midst of integrating Black Studies into the core curriculum as part of its changes to various majors/ minors. Black Studies will soon be a general requirement for all students beginning Fall 2021. Elements of Black Studies and Spanish will also be integrated into a new major, which will focus on cultural studies. Attendees of the march are hoping that more changes will soon follow ­— changes that will further highlight diversity and inclusion. “It takes one match to set a village on fire,” WarrenRobinson said. “It all comes back to the individual standing up for what he or she believes in.”





FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021

New VP of Mission, DEI and Student Engagement responds to calls for change BY FAITH PITSIKOULIS MEDIA MANAGING EDITOR

Dr. Angela Campbell will return to Cabrini as the Vice President of Mission, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Student Engagement.

extraordinary honor. It’s a gift, and I know it’s a gift from God. It’s the place where I was able to grow, develop and shine my light, and now lead.”

The VP of Mission, DEI and Student Engagement, which is an expansion of the Vice President of Student Life role, is dedicated to supporting and uplifting diversity throughout the institution. Even though Campbell starts her position on May 10, she already feels at home.

Campbell’s main goal is to translate the institution’s vision and values into how it serves its students. Her hope is for all students to be fully engaged in academics, student life and in service to others. She believes the first step in this process is supporting President Taylor’s vision and sharing her gifts with the school community.

After receiving her doctorate from the urban education program at Temple University in 2013, Cabrini hired Campbell as a full-time assistant professor. During her tenure from 2013-2018, Campbell developed the Center for Urban Education certificate program in the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, and served as the Assistant Dean in the School of Education. Her background dealing with issues of equity and education began while she was teaching English at an urban charter school in Philadelphia. This is where Campbell noticed the various inequities that exist in urban education. Cabrini’s mission is what brought her back to the institution. “The mission of Cabrini is so in sync with my life purpose that work became effortless,” Campbell said. “I always had opportunities at Cabrini to grow. I was able to develop and become the coordinator of that certificate program. Through the relationships that I’ve had at Cabrini, it only made sense for me to heed the call that came from DT [Dr. Donald Taylor, the university president] to serve in his cabinet- an

“Equity and justice in education is a long-term initiative. It’s a marathon race, not a sprint. We are in a moment. This is not forever and at this moment, decisions have been made in order to create room and space for longer-term success and sustainability of our programs.” Campbell is referring to the recent cuts made to Black studies and Spanish as majors, along with many other cuts made to faculty and departments. However, she made sure to mention the possibility of these majors returning in the future. “If the institution is able to attract new sources of revenue and interest in these programs, we could potentially sustain these cherished programs We’re at intersecting global and national crises: a global pandemic and a long-awaited reckoning to realize authentic racial equity and justice. Tough decisions have been made. I’m coming in to help us move forward with faith and trust in Cabrini’s mission as a gift to the world. I’m going to work with what we have right now, and lean into this moment of renewal and possibility. We have a great opportunity to

Dr. Angela Campbell is the first VP of Mission, DEI and Student Engagement.

confront our fears, remove our ignorance and heal our wounds. Let’s bring out the best parts of ourselves in this work. Let’s re-imagine better days ahead. Let’s be the change we want to see, together.” Diversity has the potential to be Cabrini’s biggest strength when facing the long road ahead.

With BIPOC students making up almost half of the student population, Cabrini can pave the way for universities across the nation. “That’s a miracle. I don’t know of many schools that can boast that statistic, and I want to start my leadership by saying this is a miracle in the United States.

Photo via Cabrini University

In many schools, you know you don’t have real integrative racial diversity. You have either majority this group, or majority that group. Cabrini has a wonderful opportunity here. We want more students to see and feel the power of inclusive excellence, the beauty, benefits and depth of real diversity, beyond tokenism, in an equitable, multi-racial democratic society. Cabrini has, alongside its issues, extraordinary strengths. Each one of us is a miracle walking with a story yet to be told! I’m telling you Cabrini will be a miracle on the hill that other schools will look up to and say, this is what an inclusive, multi racially just America really looks like,” Campbell said. She is also urging the community to think about its diversity and how all members can learn and grow together, which requires recognizing when progress is being hindered and taking accountability for shortcomings with courage, humility, compassion and respect. She leaves us with these words, “Let’s live, learn, teach, lead and love with purpose.” FAITHPITS4@GMAIL.COM

Dr. Campbell previously served as Assistant Dean of Educational Policy and Leadership at Cabrini

Photo via Cabrini University


FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


May 1












1. Control 7. Brisk


11. Enact

14. Ancient Greek city


15. Region

16. Water closet

17. Constellation 18. Place to rest 19. Weapon

20. Impressionist painter 22. Parents and children 24. Accountant


27. Sun’s name 29. Totals


30. Professional football team

32. Underground well necessity 35. Steep


37. Eye liquid

38. Morning moisture


41. Season after winter 42. Come out 44. Remit

45. Ocean movement 48. Mother _____ 49. Shout of joy 51. Old


52. Homeless person

55. Congressional vote 56. Pigpen


57. Source

60. Legends


64. Sticky black substance

65. Less than usual in size, power or character


67. Lubricators


71. Limited (abbr.)

1. Chinese seasoning

24. Brisk

47. Foes

3. Surface to air missile

26. Cupboard or pantry

50. No

2. Imitate

72. Double-reed instrument 73. Opp. of singular

25. South American plain

4. Prune

74. Affirmative 76. Stabilize

49. Shoat

28. Tell a tall tale

5. Volcano

75. Optical device

52. ___ disputed

31. ___ Lanka

6. Precipitation

53. Speak in public

32. Armor plate

7. Exiled (2 wds.)

54. Winged animals

33. Matador’s passes at bull

8. Unrefined metal

58. Movie star

34. Writer Bombeck

9. Green part of tree

59. Northeast by east

36. Preposition

11. Chilly

61. Crests

38. Medicines

12. Might

62. Sword handle

39. Heron

13. Frozen pizza brand

66. Day of wk.

40. Overgrown

21. Lawyer’s title

68. Time period

43. Estimated time of arrival

23. Deface


69. Radiation does

46. Mother’s ____

70. Cunning

Answers to Last Issue’s Puzzles Easy

7 9 1 2 5 4 3 8 6

3 6 5 8 7 1 9 4 2

2 4 8 3 9 6 5 1 7

8 7 3 5 1 2 4 6 9

9 2 6 4 8 3 1 7 5


1 5 4 9 6 7 2 3 8

6 1 9 7 4 5 8 2 3

4 8 2 6 3 9 7 5 1

5 3 7 1 2 8 6 9 4

Puzzle by

6 1 8 5 7 9 4 3 2

3 4 7 8 6 2 5 9 1

9 5 2 1 4 3 7 8 6

7 3 6 9 5 1 8 2 4

1 2 4 7 3 8 9 6 5

5 8 9 6 2 4 1 7 3


8 7 3 2 1 5 6 4 9

4 9 5 3 8 6 2 1 7

2 6 1 4 9 7 3 5 8

Puzzle by

4 9 1 5 7 3 6 2 8

2 7 3 4 6 8 5 9 1

5 6 8 9 2 1 3 7 4

3 4 7 8 5 9 1 6 2

1 5 9 6 4 2 8 3 7


6 8 2 3 1 7 9 4 5

7 3 5 1 9 4 2 8 6

8 2 6 7 3 5 4 1 9

9 1 4 2 8 6 7 5 3

Puzzle by

6 9 5 7 4 2 8 3 1

1 7 3 9 5 8 6 4 2

2 8 4 1 3 6 5 7 9

7 2 8 4 6 9 1 5 3

3 5 9 2 1 7 4 8 6

4 6 1 5 8 3 2 9 7

9 1 6 8 7 4 3 2 5

8 3 2 6 9 5 7 1 4

5 4 7 3 2 1 9 6 8

Puzzle by



FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021

Victoria Vernon: More than just a friendly face at Cabrini


resident assistant in a freshman dorm during her sophomore and junior year. “Being the first to welcome new students and create close-knit communities was amazing and rewarding,” Vernon recalled. Throughout her time at Cabrini, she served as a leader for various learning communities, and she thoroughly enjoyed supporting other students in their studies.

Victoria Vernon is the 2021 Cabrini University valedictorian.

This year's valedictorian is Victoria Vernon. She finished up her studies last semester and is graduating from Cabrini University with an English and secondary education degree. Vernon is a true testament to the Cabrini name and is becoming an engaged citizen of the world. She wishes to educate the hearts and minds of her students. Family life

“By believing in myself and the plans for me, I can confidently navigate the highs and lows by enjoying each season of life.” Vernon learned to appreciate all of her experiences and find value in them. Achieving her goals has always been of importance. She learned how to be resilient and stay positive at a young age. Her parents divorced when

Photo by Victoria Vernon

she was only 7-years-old, and her father raised her and her two brothers. Paving the way for their younger sister, brothers Drew Vernon (2017 graduate) and Trent Vernon (2019 graduate) also attended Cabrini. Originally from Collegeville, Pennsylvania, each sibling took up a different field of study. Vernon was excited to make her family proud when she became a first year English education student. Time at Cabrini

As a freshman, Vernon decided to dive in feet first by getting involved in student government. If that was not enough for a first year student, she decided to join the cheer leading team as well. By sophomore year, she became a member and the president of Alpha Lambda Delta honor society. Vernon was also a

Cabrini gave Vernon countless opportunities to grow as an individual, a leader and an educator. She was honored to be awarded the “Rising Leader” award in 2018- a leadership and involvement award bestowed upon new students at Cabrini University. Being engaged in extracurricular activities on campus enhanced Vernon as a leader. She is humbled and proud as she reflects on her time as a resident assistant. She enjoyed hosting numerous events for her residents and encouraging new students to meet others.

honors and is thankful to have graduated in only three and a half years. She is proud to be part of the English and Education Honor Societies too.

This makes Vernon feel accomplished, as her passion for teaching is constantly reassured.

As one might guess, Vernon’s greatest accomplishments are centered around teaching. By observing various schools and creating positive connections, she felt motivated to make a difference in the lives of her students.

Vernon is currently an aide/ substitute teacher at an elementary school in California. Next fall, she will be teaching middle school English Language Arts and is looking forward to sharing her love of learning with her students.

She strives to maintain a welcoming environment for her students, whether virtual or in person. Establishing positive connections with students and teachers alike is very important to Vernon. “When I would teach a lesson to a group of students during field, I would always feel accomplished,” Vernon said, “Whether the lesson went as planned or differently, I felt as if I could always find ways to improve and appreciate the opportunity.”

What’s next?

Vernon will also be marrying her college sweetheart, Dillon Staples, who she met “next door” at Eastern University. In the near future, she hopes to pursue her master’s degree in school counseling. Vernon appreciated all aspects of student life during her time at Cabrini. She thanks her family and countless teachers who inspired her to give back to her students by supporting them wholeheartedly. LAURKELL1121@GMAIL.COM

It was these opportunities and her commitment to her education that made her feel accomplished. Vernon feels confident, prepared and eager to apply all that she learned during her time at Cabrini. She is grateful for teachers, staff and students alike who played important roles in her college career. Teaching

Vernon completed her student teaching experience with

Photo by Victoria Vernon

Graduation 2019: Drew Vernon (brother), Andy Vernon (father), and Victoria Vernon.

Why the hashtag #notallmen fuels the fire for women


These days more than ever, women are living everyday life in fear. Women are constantly making the conscious effort to not be abused, or abducted all the time. Adjusting their daily lives, whether that may be only running errands during the day, wearing comfortable clothing and shoes in case they need to run, constantly holding keys in their hand or avoiding going out in public alone. All in hopes of protecting themselves from being attacked by a man. The trending hashtag #metoo stems from a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The movement broke the silence for all women who have survived and wanted to speak out about their abuse. Many men felt personally attacked by the #metoo movement, rather than focusing on the actual issue, which is violence against women.

As a result, along came another trending hashtag, “#notallmen.” The hashtag was the latest response on social media after the body of 33-year-old Sarah Everard was discovered in a Kent woodland after she disappeared while walking home alone in south London and was murdered. This story hit home with women because Everard did all the things you are supposed to do: wore bright clothing, took the main road and called her boyfriend. Yet, she still lost her life to a man. The #notallmen hashtag is a response to men arguing that it is “not all men” who are violent towards women, proclaiming that they are not like these other men. This has ignited anger within both women and men. The hashtag insists that not all men attack women and it twists the narrative of those women who chose to speak out about their assaults and/or harassment.

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i 's no a lmen ho are uns f , b its all omen hof el unsafe

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Alexandra Haddow’s response to the hashtag and why it should be #allwomen.

Women are now sharing the precautions they take when they walk alone. It has sparked uncomfortable conversations, with hopes that men will listen. Actor Justin Baldoni posted a Twitter thread on the topic along with an Instagram post. “We tell women to stay at home or have curfews because it is unsafe instead of telling men. Women have to go above and beyond every single day

just to try and feel safe in this world,” he said. “So instead of saying #notallmen when we hear women share, we should shut up, listen and respond with empathy and compassion while acknowledging that the issue isn’t that #notallmen are bad guys or rapists. But that #fartoomanywomen will be raped in their lifetime. It’s not on women to fix this, it’s on men.”

Screenshotted by Cierra Southard.

Jaeden Dungee, former senior business management major, said that men also need to have a voice towards women’s safety. CIERRASOUTHARD@YAHOO.COM



FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


36 seniors receive the Who’s Who award


Shannon Agnew Major: Early Childhood Education PreK-4 with Special Education PreK-8 “My most significant contribution at Cabrini was to the athletic department. I was a member of both the women’s field hockey and lacrosse team, a member on the student athletic advisory committee, and was a team caption for field hockey for my junior and senior season.” Rakayat Alam Major: Political Science Minor: History and Philosophy “My most significant contribution at Cabrini was being able to create a new MSA (Muslim Students Association) because there wasn’t one ever on campus. Creating this club helped students become more understanding of their fellow Muslim friends, their culture, religion, and it made the Cabrini community to come together stronger through all the events and dinners we held.” Fabiola Alfred Major: Political Science and Philosophy Minor: Criminology “The greatest contribution I have given while being at Cabrini is starting an urban farm at a homeless shelter. I have done so much within four years however this feels like one of my greatest achievements, not only as a student but as a Pierce Fellow.” Nuresebah Alkadir: Major: Psychology and Political Science “I would say the most significant contribution at Cabrini is being a part of the DEI task force. I love advocating for people of color on campus so this was a great opportunity for me to make a change within.” Gabrielle Ayala Major: Political Science and Black Studies Minor: American studies. “I believe that my most significant contribution to Cabrini University was when I organized the Solidarity march on campus.” Brianna Blair Major: Early Education and Special Education “The best things Cabrini has given me have been lifelong friendships with my teammates, coaches and professors.”

Joseph Brennan Major: English Minor: Writing

Nadya Gibson Major: Marketing Minor: Sports Management

Amanda Lynn Major: Elementary Education with Special Education

“My most significant contribution was working with the editors of the Woodcrest Magazine to develop “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” section.”

“I think being able to help others no matter what has been the most valuable part of being in all of these clubs/ organizations. Being so involved on a small campus is how I’ve developed into a strong leader.”

“I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was being able to help the underclassmen and leading by example like many others have done for me.”

Alexis Caputo Major: Elementary and Special Education “The most important gift that I received during my time at Cabrini is the relationships I have made with my peers and professors.” Juan Castro-Caro Major: Computer Information Science Minor: Philosophy and Mathematics “The most important gift I have received is a great relationship with students that became friends and professors that helped me with my own development as a scholar and a person, as well as great financial support from Cabrini due to my immigration status.” Natalia Chiriaco-Sousa Major: Secondary Education and History Minor: American Studies “I guess this is the teacher in me, but I love seeing other people grow. I love the whole concept of shared learning, and I think that’s super important.” Kailey Currao Major: Secondary Education and English “My most important contribution has been my service hours. During my time at Cabrini, I completed over 500 service hours, which was a massive goal of mine.” Sofia Domingot Major: Writing Minor: English and Spanish “The most significant gift that Cabrini gave me was the opportunity to study abroad in Argentina. It was absolutely incredible, and I was able to meet family members from my mom’s side because my mom is from Argentina.” Sierra Dotson Major: Digital Communication and Multimedia “My most important contribution has been my work as an ambassador in admissions. I made it my personal mission to pay that forward and give the future generations of Cabrini students that same great experience that I was given.”

Rocio Gonzalez-Rojas Major: Political Science and Philosophy Minor: Spanish and Latin American studies “At the beginning of my time at Cabrini, I have been serving many of the Hispanic community. Of course, advocating for the immigrant community has always been present throughout my four years, and before that and I foresee that continuing to be present.” Maria Hagan Major: Early Education PreK-4 with Special Education PreK-8 “My most significant contribution to the community was being a part of organizations that were bigger than myself, groups like Team IMPACT and CFEC that give back and advocate for people with special needs, and Cav-AThon that raises funds to help childhood cancer research at CHOP.” Amy Kodrich Major: Digital Communication “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was being able to create content, tell meaningful stories, and educate others through the Loquitur and building for senior convergence.” Alyssa Kuryluk Major: Criminology and Sociology Minor: Psychology and Philosophy “Whether it was other students I met in classes or my professors, meeting the people here has been one of the greatest gifts ever.” Kaitlyn Lannon Major: Elementary and Special Education “The most important gift I received during my time at Cabrini was support. College has been some of the best years but also some of the hardest. Cabrini always had supported me when I needed it most- it was my home away from home.”

Kathleen McCauley Major: Writing Minor: Gender Studies “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was refounding the Spectrum Club in 2018.” Jemmy Medina Major: Criminology and Sociology “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini would have to be my involvement in student organizations. I had the pleasure of becoming involved with several groups that have made significant contributions to Cabrini itself like Pura Vida, Orientation, and SGA.” Alexandra Monteiro Major: Digital Communication and Social Media Minor: Business Management “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was my time as an Editor for The Loquitur. I was able to write stories close to my heart, and I have met so many amazing people through that position.” Luisanna Mora Major: Psychology and Spanish Minor: Latin American Studies “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was serving as an example that contradicts the stereotype of Latinx students in higher education. Also, sharing my knowledge and experiences with those around me to expand their cultural knowledge about the Latinx culture.” Ceonna Moris-Hayes Major: Social Work “I feel that my most significant contribution to Cabrini was creating the Night of Encounter event with the Norristown Coordinated Homeless Outreach Center.” Mary Scafidi Major: Criminology and Sociology “I have learned more about myself in the last four years about who I am and where I want to go in my life through the experiences that I have been lucky to have,”

Paulina Repollet Major: Psychology “I never really had a stable group of friends whom I trust with my life until I came to Cabrini, we are like family. I found forever friends here at Cabrini and I am truly grateful.” Brittany Romano Major: Social Work and Gender and Bodies Studies “Through the Social Work Club, I have been able to participate in community service and I also have been able to educate people on campus about the profession of social work!” Ashley Tutzauer Major: Early Childhood Education and Special Education “I think the relationships I have built with professors is a gift that not all college students get to experience,” Julia Smith Major: Criminology and Sociology “As Vice President of SGA, I was given the opportunity to listen to the needs of my fellow peers and make effective change throughout Cabrini’s campus.” Aislinn Walsh Major: Digital Communications “The greatest gift I’ve received during my time here at Cabrini is the opportunities. As I look back on my last four years, I’m blown away by all the opportunities Cabrini has given me to travel, serve, and push myself to grow. It’s truly been remarkable!” Alexis Sharp Major: Educational Studies “The most important gift that I have received from my time at Cabrini University is my education. I know this is a cliché answer, but I am so appreciative of the education I have received here at Cabrini. Cabrini’s education program has given me the tools and opportunity to be the best future educator. I am so thankful for the wonderful professors and faculty, that have pushed me to reach for my full potential and be the version of myself.” Other winners of this award include: • • • •

David Hare Maria Khan Evarlyne Ndeti Brittany Purdy




FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021

As Asian hate crimes continue to increase, so does my concern BY ANNA SCHMADER ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR

For years I felt silenced and minimized. Receiving texts and calls from random friends asking if I was okay was both calming and terrifying. In the beginning, I did not know what was happening. I believe a piece of me didn’t want to know because I had the intuition that the silence and hurt I was repressing for years would explode. I was right. On March 23, 2021 21-yearold, Robert Aaron Long opened fire at three spas in northeastern Atlanta killing eight people; six were Asian. Initially, reporters said it was too early to confirm the shootings were racially motivated so they diverted the reason for the murder was potential sex addiction. After this news broke, social media platforms created the hashtag #StopAsianHate to bring further awareness. This brought me so much relief and happiness to know people do believe it was racially motivated, Asians are sexually fetishized and Asian hate crimes have been occurring for longer than perceived.

I can easily describe to you the number of times I have been sexually fetishized and targeted as an Asian-American. I have grown up with a tolerance believing it was normal and I had nothing to worry about. Clearly, my judgment had been clouded for years by the lack of education I was provided and the environment I was set in. Knowing this event had happened and watching my phone sit in silence for the first 24 hours with no concerns was a shocker. My close-knit friends are aware of some accounts where I have felt uncomfortable around people who have sexually fetishized me. It hurt to notice the people I felt were the most significant in my life did not think to ask how I was doing. For years upon years, I was minimized and told it’s not a big deal, or to not worry about my race being a targeted factor of negative comments. It is terrifying to know there is a person who went out and murdered these women to “eliminate the temptation.”

By Tedeytan

Stop AAPI hate, it’s not a new hot topic, it’s been happening for centuries. “2021.03.22 Stop Asian Hate, Washington,” (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Please understand someone’s ethnicity does not equal a virus“DSC09282” (CC BY-NC 2.0)

My friends and family know that I am a physically small person who has had more than one account where I could have been kidnapped or trafficked. The idea of going to a spa for one day of relaxation, and I rarely ever relax, is something I will never look at the same because of Mr. Long. I will always be scared for my own safety to go anywhere alone especially now considering this tragic event has happened. According to CNN, Asian and Asian-American women are perceived as submissive, hyper-sexual and exotic. It is incredibly unfortunate that reading this did not surprise me. I have had too many accounts where men have asked me to dress like their favorite anime character, doing something with them to “check it off their bucket list,” have a chance with an oriental woman or experience the “Asian persuasion.” Frankly, it’s disgusting.

Something that continues to bother me is that it genuinely feels odd to explain how I feel about how the Atlanta shootings have affected me. I have felt so silenced and small for so many years that I have become used to it. I ask the questions, why do you care now? Do you only ask because I’m older and more educated? Do you want to be accounted for the few people who’ve asked me just for your own reassurance that you asked? It is amazing and daunting to me the questions I haven’t been asked. Ever since the pandemic, Asian hate crimes have been on a continuously increasing trajectory of abuse. Businesses, verbal harassment and physical assault have been significantly worse with no end in sight. In my recent ex-relationship, I was asked by an older adult if “[I] had any questions or comments if I had COVID-19.” Usually, when someone asks an inappropriate racist or sexist

By Professional Association of Milwaukee Public Educa

question I can physically feel it not sit right. This was that type of question. Out of respect for the older adult and the relationship, I responded courteously with “no, I actually have not.” Only a few could understand the weight of how uncomfortable that felt on me. As I grew up in my community, my tolerance to take racist comments grew. I was able to laugh off an ignorant remark and keep pushing. This is no longer the case. I will continue to stand up for myself and my community even if I stand alone. I will continue to advocate and educate the people around me, no matter how disrespectful and incompetent they may be. I will continue to be a better version of myself every day. ANNASCHMADER1324@GMAIL. COM

Dear my fellow men, feminism means equality and not female superiority BY CHRIS SCHALLER ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR

Feminism means the advocacy for women on the basis of equality, which has been misconstrued by men in today’s world. The word feminism in a good portion of male circles has a negative connotation. If a man says that he is a feminist, he will be viewed as having homosexual tendencies and will be also referred to as a simp, which means a male that is submissive to women for sexual advances. There is nothing wrong with being a feminist, because it means advocating for men and women to be equal. The main force behind the masculine misconception is toxic masculinity in itself. The idea that men have to be alpha males, stereotypically muscular, tough and big. There is somewhat of an expectation for a woman to be submissive and obedient to a male when it comes to theories of toxic masculinity. An old fashion and conservative sexist trope is that

the man goes out and works to provide for his family, while the woman cooks, cleans the house and takes care of the kids. Society, being very patriarchal, has added to the misconception of feminism. Men, especially white straight men, have the highest position in society. If you are the most privileged part of society, you do not want to hear about the ones who do not have the same privileges. For example, whenever the wage gap is mentioned and that women make 82 cents to the dollar that men make, the common male rebuttal is, it’s about how hard someone works; it’s not about gender, men don’t want to hear about the things they benefit from in society. If you believe that men and women should be on the same basis of equality then by definition you are a feminist, whether you are male or female. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth

Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth and William Lloyd Garrison were all prominent feminists. Feminists in the late 1800s and early 1900s were viewed as pioneers and heroes. Why aren’t prominent feminists now such as Tarana Burke and Barbara Smith viewed the same way? Advocating for reproductive rights and equal pay are essential rights to women just like suffrage was. The portrayal of a feminist by a population of men is basically a deranged, angry woman who dislikes men and advocates for extreme measures of gender rights. That is simply not the case with the feminist movement. What may seem extreme to men are reasonable and measurable rights and desired privileges to women. Whether it is sexual harassment and assault allegations being pushed aside or silenced, woman sports’ receiving inferior amenities or restrictions on the female reproductive system. A feminist, either male

or female, would stand up when something is wrong on the basis of gender equality. What does it mean to be a feminist as a man? It means wanting women to have the same amount of equality that men have. Pointing out flaws in our system and in society that discriminate against women should not be ignored. However, it should be pointed

out and fixed. That can only happen if men understand that feminists are advocating to be on an equal basis as men and not superior to men. Many aspects of patriarchy and getting pleasure out of societal dominance are the main catalysts towards male misconceptions about what feminism is. SCHALLERC23@GMAIL.COM

First Women’s March in Washington D.C. back in January 2017.

Photo by Liz Lemon


FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


Why I became vegetarian BY HANNA HYLAND STAFF WRITER

I made the decision four years ago to go vegetarian and I have never looked back. I constantly get the question, “Do you ever miss eating meat and will you ever eat it again?” The response to all of these questions is a simple “absolutely not.” People choose this lifestyle for all sorts of reasons. For me, my initial reason was for animal rights. Over the past four years, I have educated myself even more and could now give you an entire page list of all the

reasons I will never go back to eating meat. I have always been considered “the animal lover” and the thought that “over the next year, more than 50 billion land animals will be raised and slaughtered for food around the world,” is heartbreaking, according to Livekindly. Animal rights is something very close to my heart and I personally do not believe that these animals should lose their life just for me to have a chicken sandwich or a

cheeseburger from McDonald’s. There are many health benefits of cutting meat from your diet. Several years ago everyone focused on the positives of eating meat, but now more and more people are educating themselves on all the reasons eating meat is bad for both the environment and themselves. It has been studied and proven that being vegetarian reduces risks of chronic illnesses, certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. With that, it has taken me time to figure out what I need to eat that will keep me healthy all while still avoiding meat. Being vegetarian definitely has a “stigma” around it that I have noticed first hand. I often receive comments from those around me stating their opinions on my “diet.” They tell me I am not getting proper nutrition, I need “real” protein and that my eating lifestyle is too expensive and not flavorful. Although these comments bother me sometimes, it does not change how I feel and what I eat. I now have been vegetarian for several years and have learned a lot throughout the process. I know the supplements I need to take, like iron pills everyday, and what foods can give me the protein my body needs.

A vegetarian meal on my Instagram

Photo by Hanna Hyland Instagram

Luckily, being vegetarian has become a much larger trend over the past few years. Now it

Eating a vegetarian meal on my Instagram

feels that almost all restaurants I go to have some form of vegetarian options, which is very much appreciated. It has been studied that up to 10 percent of all Americans follow a form of a vegetarian diet. Another reason I feel strongly about this topic is that eating meat is killing the environment. Livekindly. co shares “Beef production is particularly harmful to the planet; it requires 160 times more land and produces 11 times more greenhouse gases than staple plant-based foods such as potatoes, wheat,

Photo by Hanna Hyland

and rice.” Besides that, beef production is resulting in a lot of deforestation caused by cattle farmers. Producing just one hamburger takes the same amount of fossil fuels being used as driving a small car 20 miles. I know there are many people who probably disagree with me on this topic but being vegetarian, I feel like I am doing my part in not only helping my own health but also keeping the environment healthy. HANNAHYLAND6@GMAIL.COM

Maybe we should watch our spending rather than eliminate important programs BY CIERRA SOUTHARD ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR

It was out of the blue. Students were not talking about the deficits that had been happening since 2013. We pay so much in tuition, so what do you mean, “deficit?”

After the story was released, it was then that Cabrini decided to reach out to the students.

Black studies, religious studies, philosophy and Spanish majors have been eliminated. As well as gender and body studies, human resources management, liberal studies, nutrition and secondary education certifications in biology and chemistry. These courses will continue as minors and will be incorporated into the core curriculum.

Even though these departments and faculty cuts do not affect me personally, they affect the campus environment, and to me, that is important. Peers that I sit with in a classroom can potentially be affected, and they have become my friends.

I never would have anticipated that majors and faculty would be cut due to overspending and upgrades on the university’s part. The department and faculty cuts broke out as a news article before Cabrini had even released a statement to students and faculty. I do not believe that there was enough transparency between the Cabrini administrators and the students. In my opinion, it does not look too good when students, parents and faculty have to find out that Cabrini is making major cuts as they are catching up on the evening news.

Thank you, Cabrini. For one email.

In the light of the world and society today, cutting departments such as Black studies and Spanish seems to be counterproductive. Now more than ever I think students would be more attracted to those majors due to the social justice issues relating to both. I am honestly surprised Cabrini is not facing more backlash for demoting these majors as a liberal arts school.

However, what about the faculty that is being cut? I am concerned about what that might say about our education. It is unfair for Cabrini to penalize faculty jobs or the students’ education because of reckless spending. I do not have a clue on how to run a university or know any logistics. But, what I do know, and what the IRS Form 990 tells me, is that the President is not taking a budget cut. Why is it at the expense of the students and faculty to make Cabrini what it is today? I understand why cuts were made in low enrollment areas.

However, this is the students’ education we are talking about not strictly business. The students that chose these majors also chose Cabrini. To me, demoting these majors to minors diminishes Cabrini’s value of their student’s education. I just hope that low enrollment in majors being cut does not translate to low enrollment as a whole to the university. I feel terrible for the 43 faculty and staff members that have lost their jobs. I can’t imagine what it is like being in education during this time. Not only are we still in a pandemic that is

heavily affecting the operations of education, we are in a place where many other institutions are also cutting positions. There are little to no job opportunities. Money is a very powerful driving force within this world and it cannot always be strictly business. People’s education and lives have been affected at the hands of budget cuts. What happens if these cuts aren’t enough to cover the debt we have accumulated. Then what? CIERRASOUTHARD@YAHOO.COM

Eliminating these majors that directly coincide with Cabrini’s mission of “diversity, equity and inclusion,” does not sit well with me. Apparently, students who are now enrolled within these majors being cut will be able to finish out their degrees.

Cabrini is going to be facing a lot of changes for the next academic school year.

Photo by Cierra Southard.



FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021

Reviewing the Cavaliers men’s and women’s tennis 2021 season BY CHRIS SCHALLER ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR

In a rather odd setting for spring sports this year, Cabrini prepared their sports teams to play. Lacrosse, baseball and softball were the headliners. Many students, faculty and staff disregard the fact that there is a tennis team as well. The Cabrini men’s tennis team has had two matches so far and are 2-0, with two meetings remaining. Cabrini’s women’s tennis team is 0-3 with one match remaining. The first meet for both teams was canceled, which was supposed to take place at Cairn University, in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. Given their current record, the women’s tennis team has been struggling. They have not won a match yet, nor have won a singles or doubles match in the three matches thus far. The three losses have been to Gwynedd Mercy University 0-7, at Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania, 0-9 against Marywood University, in Scranton, Pennsylvania and 0-9 against Cabrini’s arch-rival, Immaculata University, at the Dixon Tennis Courts. They have one more match against Neumann University on April 30th. Their efforts so far have been contributed by Miranda Smith, senior, Raechel Aviles, junior and Sydney Kesselman,

sophomore. Depth provided by Natalie Bell, sophomore, Kara Bradl, freshman and Paulina Repollet, sophomore. The men’s tennis team is 2-0 so far, having defeated Gwynedd Mercy 5-4, at the Dixon Tennis Courts. Their last match was against Marywood and they defeated them 7-0. The match was held at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Their victorious efforts in both meets were led by seniors: Dalton Roberto, Ben Mead and Max Schneider. The men’s team is rounded out with depth from Ryan Calderaro, junior, Mason Bennetch, sophomore and Tien Tran, sophomore. The men’s team will compete in the postseason Atlantic East Conference Tournament. Every team from the Atlantic East Conference will be participating in the tournament. The tournament is located at the Legacy Youth Tennis Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The women’s team despite being 0-3 qualify for the Atlantic East Conference Tournament as well. There will be singles and doubles events in the tournament between the members of the conference. “Only having conference

Photo by Chris Schaller

The tennis team practicing on the courts

matches instead of having non-conference matches, made the practices this season more significant and increased the amount of pressure,” Smith said. Fortunately for the women’s team, they still have a shot at winning the conference through the tournament. In a normal season, there are about 12-13 regular-season meets for both the men’s and women’s teams. Adding onto the regular-season games there is an early-season invitational and the post-season Atlantic East Conference tournament. “The matches do feel more

significant because we only have a limited amount of opportunities this season,” Calderaro said. Cabrini’s men’s match meet against Neumann University, scheduled for April 21st, was postponed. More information will be revealed on why it was postponed. As of now, the women’s match is still scheduled to take place on April 21. Tennis matches start off with three match ups of doubles play. They then move to six singles match ups. A minimum of six

players are needed to have a complete match. If a team does not have the required number of player they will forfeit the points from the doubles and/ or singles match they can not provide a player for. While both parts of the same program, the men’s and women’s teams have had very different results so far this season. Despite both of the team’s records, they both will be competing to win the conference tournament in May. SCHALLERC23@GMAIL.COM

Cabrini Women’s Lacrosse is ready to step back on the field BY SYDNEE REDDY ASSISTANT MULTIMEDIA MANAGING EDITOR

Cabrini’s women’s lacrosse team was only able to play three games during the 2020 campaign. 2021 becomes a new journey for the team. With an unprecedented cut to their 2020 season because of the pandemic, Cabrini’s Women’s lacrosse team is ready to start the 2021 season. The team is currently 0-2 with losses against Jefferson and The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). In a normal spring season, the women’s lacrosse would

Women’s Lacrosse practicing on the field.

normally start at the end of January, and they would have about four weeks of preseason and would even travel to Florida to spring training. However, due to COVID-19, the university was forced to go fully virtual for the first three weeks of the semester. It just wasn’t possible to accomplish this. The normal season would have 17 games, but because of the pandemic they currently only have six games scheduled, not

including the Atlantic Eastern conference tournament games. Women’s lacrosse hasn’t played a game in a year and like most teams, coming back has been a little hard. “The hardest part to me has been trying to get back to my fitness level before the pandemic,” Kathleen Emche, senior early education major, said. “Even though as a team we trained together in the fall and I worked out on my outside of practice during the summer.”

Photo by Sydnee Reddy

With having only played three games when the pandemic hit last year, they didn’t know what to expect for the rest of the 2020 season. “When schools shut down, we were in shock,” Jackie Neary, head coach of women’s lacrosse, said. “we thought we’d be back in two weeks. We had no idea that it was going to continue this long. I think we all just did the best we could.” When the pandemic continued to happen throughout the summer, members of the team stayed in shape as much as possible, even with COVID-19 restrictions. “Training for this season at home has not been easy. Gyms and fields were offlimits for a while, so it was just about getting out running. Even getting together with teammates has been a challenge,” Emche said. “I tried to keep my stick in my hand and do some wall ball or call a friend to play catch, I also try to find time to get to the field and practice shooting.” With COVID-19 still around, there are rules the team has to follow to play. Although the team gets mandatory COVID testing once a week and during practice, they are required to wear masks.

Even with the setbacks they faced with COVID-19, the team is excited and to get back on the field. “I feel prepared for this season but not as prepared as years past. During past years, we would have had more outof-conference games to help prepare us for the conference play,” Shannon Angew, junior early childhood education major, said. “Due to COVID regulations, this season we only had a few out-of-conference games scheduled, and some were canceled. Playing harder teams out of our conference helps us to play better and helps prepare us for conference games later in the season.” The team has high hopes and is excited for what the season has in store for them. “COVID has taught me, it’s ignited my flame and my desire to be a coach and at Cabrini. I missed it so much last spring. And I lost that like I lost my identity. So I’m just so grateful to be back at Cabrini and coaching,” Neary said. SYDNEYREDDY824@GMAIL.COM


FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021


Celebrating the career of Dr. Jerry Zurek BY MARIA LATTANZE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Associate director for student media and media center at Cabrini University, Jillian Smith recalls a similar time when she was a perspectives editor for the Loquitur from 2007 to 2008. “I remember I was assigned a profile article on the woman who ran the cafeteria and who had just battled breast cancer,” Smith said. “I was nervous to write the article but handed it in and I remember JZ telling me that it was a great story and that I was finally becoming a reporter and not just someone who writes.” Zurek’s superpowers when on the Loquitur, as explained by Yungmann, is being able to see where the evolution of technology is taking communications. He is also on the cusp of everything, always one step ahead, before any other colleges were doing anything.

Photo by Cabrini University

Dr. Jerry Zurek, professor in the communication department retires after 50 years

Professor at Cabrini University, for nearly 50 years now, Dr. Jerry Zurek, “JZ,” has seen it all and lived it all. He is the spitting image of the university’s mission and the heart of the Loquitur. Background

Zurek’s journey at Cabrini University started in 1971 after he received his undergraduate in English, philosophy, Latin and Greek at Fordham University in 1967, his Masters in English in 1968 and his Ph. D in English in 1975 both at Bryn Mawr College. Working at Cabrini University, Zurek was the chair of the then-combined English and communication department in 1983. When the departments separated, he stayed with the communication department because he was the visionary leader of digital communication. He was then later named the U.S. Professor of the Year in Pennsylvania in 2005. The Loquitur

During his time at Cabrini, Zurek worked closely with the school’s student-produced newspaper, The Loquitur. Zurek digitized most of the newspapers that can be found on the Loquitur’s website, dating back to 1959. Witnessing the very first computers being made and hand gluing the pieces of the newspaper together, Zurek watched as the technology advanced and evolutionized. Zurek took over as the Loquitur’s advisor in 1978. “It was the transition between literally cutting and pasting the newspaper together,”

retired adjunct professor Cathy Yungmann said. “Before that, they [the staff] would type out the stories and use hot glue to glue the stories down on a page to put the paper together. Then they started using very basic beginning word processing, called WordStar. He really integrated all that technology and kept ahead of it. He saw the potential of it, and wanted students to learn it.” Zurek believes that journalism storytelling was not solely about what was written in the text, but also includes visual and oral communication as well as still photography. With this, the university’s communication department became one of the leading places in the country that practiced multimedia storytelling long before most other universities started.

Associate professor and chair of the communication department Dawn Francis recalls a time when she was the managing editor of the Loquitur from 1991-1992. “I remember Dr. Zurek’s emphasis on being voracious and critically aware consumers of journalism,” Francis said. “If we, as staff writers and editors, wanted to be responsible practitioners of the craft, then we needed to study how others did it. I recall dissecting all these elements in classroom conversations with him and my peers, and it really taught me so much about journalism.” Working six out of the seven days of the week, Zurek works constantly on the school’s newspaper by finding stories, working with the staff and editing student’s articles. “He would watch his kids play sports in high school and college,” Yungmann said. “And while he was watching the game, he would grade journalism stories.”

Photo by Jillian Smith

2017, Jill Smith graduated with her masters in science in leadership and now works closely with Jerry Zurek

Senior digital communication major, Aislinn Walsh, worked as the Editor-in-Chief of the Loquitur in 2019-2020. “When I was on the Loquitur, he’s always taking the time to discuss an issue, even a minor one with me at any time of the day,” Walsh said. “In dealing with crises or issues, he always encouraged me to think independently through ideas while giving me the right amount of guidance.” Connection

Zurek has impacted many students, staff and faculty during his career at Cabrini. During his 50 years at the university, he has taught his student’s students, has been invited to student’s weddings and guided and helped students through their college journey’s. “I am lucky enough that I got to spend the past four years with JZ as a professor, advisor, and mentor,” Amy Kodrich said. “He has made such a large impact with not only me, but Cabrini’s entire campus. He is so caring, generous and willing to help any student.” “Thank you for everything you have done for me. I have had so

many opportunities made and I don’t think I would have gotten to the place I am today without him,” Monterio said. “Thank you for all the support I’ve received from you these past four years,” Walsh said. “I’m so grateful that you’ve not pushed me to develop my skills in digital communication but have given me an opportunity to exercise my talents to benefit the Common Good.” “Jerry, thank you so much for being a wonderful professor and a mentor who I now consider family,” Smith said. “Cabrini will not be the same without you but it’s a better university because of you. I hope you and Sue travel the globe in your retirement!” “He has been my professor, mentor and friend for over 30 years,” Francis said. “He’s irreplaceable, and all of us at Cabrini will feel the impact of his retirement profoundly. We will work hard each day in the communication department to carry on your tremendous legacy.” MLATTANZE1199@GMAIL.COM

Through this, Zurek found ways to integrate the university’s mission on social justice issues in journalism articles and the courses in which he teaches. “He believes that talking about social justice issues, equity and Human Rights is part of every student’s education,” Yungmann said. “He integrated this into journalism which made him really one of the first people to make this part of the curriculum.” Senior digital communication and social media major with a minor in business management Alexandra Monterio worked for the Loquitur in 2019-2020 as the perspectives editor. “He honestly motivated me to be such a strong social justice advocate,” Monterio said.

Photo by Cabrini Communication Department

Cabrini Communication Department. Left to Right: Jillian Smith, Dawn Francis, Usame Tunager, Nune Grigoryan, Jerry Zurek



FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021

Hey JZ! It has certainly been fun having you as my professor for many classes at Cabrini. I can’t imagine finishing my senior year without you. You have truly been a huge motivation for me to try new and different things and have my voice be heard. I absolutely loved ECG 100 with you and the LC. Journalism has also been a journey but I have to say, you have taught me so much with being an efficient journalist and leader on campus. Thank you for everything JZ, and I wish you well! — Maria Lattanze JZ it is so sad to see you leave Cabrini after 50 years of being a full-time professor. Since freshman year to now, I have learned so much from you, not just as my advisor and professor, but as a person and mentor. You have helped me a lot during my time here at Cabrini. I am looking forward to continuing CRS one last year with you! You were the best professor, advisor and mentor I can ask for. Journalism was the best experience and it won’t be the same without you. We had a lot of laughs and talks that I am grateful to have had with you. Thank You! — Layal Srour Dr. Zurek, 50 years of teaching is an amazing accomplishment and you are a legend at Cabrini! I consider myself blessed to have had you as an instructor and advisor. You absolutely helped make journalism one of my favorite classes because you have the knack of entertaining while teaching and you kept everyone on their toes! I have a lot of laughter filled memories and thank you for that. I have enjoyed all of my classes with you and have learned a lot over the years from you, whether it was in the ECG learning community, journalism or professional development. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to know you. Thank you for everything that you’ve done! — Megan Fee JZ!!! We’re going to miss you so much. You’ve changed so many people’s lives, and I hope you know how much I appreciate the impact you’ve had on mine. I feel like every single thing I’ve learned at Cabrini, I learned from you. That’s probably because I’ve had almost every class with you, so thanks for putting up with me over the years, and thanks for teaching me to just be a good human. I hope one day I’ll be able to say I learned half as much about the world as you have, and I cared half as much to help change it. Congrats on an amazing career! See ya around! — Faith Pitsikoulis I am so glad I took all of the classes with you I possibly could, while I could. After two years of Journalism and a semester of ECG 300, I can confidently say that you are the most influential professor I have had at Cabrini! I want to thank you for pushing me to apply to be an Editor. As a commuter student, I never really felt like I was a part of something on campus. Now, I am so proud of what the Loquitur team and I have accomplished this year (despite COVID-19 complications). I truly hope we cross paths again in the future. Thank you for everything! — Lauren Kelley JZ, I may have only known you for two years, but how have you changed my life within those years. Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. I truly appreciate that you encouraged me to apply for an editor position. One of my favorite things about you is how brutally honest you are, and you tell people how it is. Thank you for helping me find my voice, and I wish you the best. — America Lopez-Santiago JZ! It’s been great getting to know you and being taught by you over the past few years. You’ve helped me a lot with my future career as a journalist. I can’t thank you enough for helping me become a better leader and writer. It’s still sometimes weird to think that I have had a teacher that also taught my mom, but it’s been great to have you as my professor at Cabrini. We’re all going to miss you. Good luck and thank you for everything! — Gabrielle Cellucci JZ, thank you for not only making me a better man in the classroom, but on the outside as well. I’ve never had a teacher who inspired me more than you have the past few years and I am eternally grateful. I will forever cherish the memories we all have together from our LC. To say that we will all miss you is an understatement. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and Cabrini. Take care and please be sure to stay in touch! —Kevin McLaughlin JZ, I most importantly wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me since I joined Loquitur in 2019. You instilled confidence in me as a journalist early on, and helped make me believe that it was something I could find success in. Your lessons in reporting, paying attention to the details, ethics, fairness and finding the truth are ones that I’ll take with me both in a potential career and in my day-to-day life. I really wish the last few months would have gone differently and I had been able to serve as editor this spring, but just know that it’s only because working with you and the Loquitur staff has been so rewarding. Congratulations, JZ. We’ll really miss having you around. Hope to talk with you soon. — Ty Daubert


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