Nov. 03, 2022 issue 02 Loquitur

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Monumental changes at Cabrini

THELOQUITUR.COMVol. LXIIII • Issue 2 Thursday Nov. 3, 2022
YOU SPEAK WE LISTEN The Loquitur wins 2022 Pinnacle Awards
Phillies split first two games of the World Series Page 7 Award-Winning Student Run Newspaper
Photo courtesy of Cabrini University
























The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media.

Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.

Community is everything

At a time when community has never been more important at this institution, and in our society, we at the Loquitur have a responsibility to inform and educate our readers on the news that matters to you. Whether it is the abundance of change happening within the university, the idea of being a part of something bigger than ourselves, or the upcoming election we all need to do our part.

Community is at the very root of our true nature and the human experience. From the beginning, we relied on each other to survive.

Community is about being a part of something bigger than yourself. It exists in a multitude of ways, whether it’s family, friends, people you might see passing through Cabrini’s halls, or even the neighbor you’ve never met.

The Loquitur is a microcosm of the larger culture, with all facets of race, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, and more. We maintain a community no matter our differences, which make us great.

Our newsroom is about community and collaboration. We work together to report on the facts that will keep the community we serve educated and engaged. We report on issues that are relevant to you, as that is our civic duty.

Sometimes the meaning of community can get foggy, and right now Cabrini University is undergoing a massive restructuring. The measures implemented within the institution will be felt from the very top of the university hierarchy to the student body, and beyond. It is imperative for us to remain positive and remember the true meaning of community while

dealing with these uncertain times. Supporting each other is vital to progress.

Inflation, education, and reproductive health are on the ballot on Nov. 8. Regardless of your personal beliefs, this election will affect people of different races, religions, and socioeconomic statuses. This election may also flip the leadership of our state.

You have a responsibility to use your voice and impact your community, for better, or for worse.

Issues of reproductive health also affect a larger community. Pennsylvania is currently a pro-choice state with access to reproductive health care, and that is up for elimination. Children and families in need of these services will be directly affected by the outcome of this election.

Education is at risk as funding will be increased or decreased based on a candidate’s preference for public or private education. Property taxes could potentially be eliminated, or we could see a boost in state education dollars. No matter the outcome, there will be a substantial adjustment in how schools obtain their funds.

Many vital issues on the table this election might not affect you directly but will have

First time voter’s guide

Voting for the first time can be scary, but there are a few steps to make in order to ease the intimidating voting process.

Registration is the first step to voting. The registration deadline recently passed on Oct. 24. Most states allow voters to sign up online, in person, or through the mail.

Students who did not register before the deadline are not authorized to vote in the upcoming election.Aarin McMahon, sophomore psychology major, said, “I was encouraged to vote by my mom, but it was up to me at the end of the day and as a woman, I knew how important these elections are due to the things at stake.”

Some parents heavily push their adult children to get registered to vote, but as Aarin said, it is not their decision.

see what’s true and what’s not.

Another very important step in the voting procedure is checking the state voting laws. Every polling place has different opening and closing times. If not in the vicinity of Cabrini, requesting a mail-in ballot is essential to vote on time.

Why vote?

Americans are motivated to vote for many different reasons. McMahon said, “I am passionate about voting because at one-point women were not even allowed to vote; so to me, it is really important to vote because people fought to get that right.”

Citizens may think their vote doesn’t mean anything to the election, but what would happen if everyone thought that way?

substantial consequences for more vulnerable communities. These groups rely on their neighbors to exercise their right to vote and show just what a sense of community can achieve.

Cabrini is a community that truly cares, and this feeling is palpable during just a short walk through the Cabrini communication department. Whether it’s people coming in and out of graphic design rooms or the radio studio, the department is always buzzing with activity and collaboration. Professors and peers are always available to lend a helping hand, and this translates into people being more inclined to participate in things bigger than themselves.

The Loquitur cherishes the responsibility of upholding this sense of community. We hope to represent Cabrini’s voices in all their diversity, and as our community, we hope you will engage with us. When you speak, we will always listen.

Why Is Voting Important to our Democracy?

Cabrini students and professors expressed their opinions to the Loquitur about why voting is important to U.S. democracy. Voting can be seen as one’s voice in the democratic process. Citizens’ rights are at stake if they chose not to vote; voting gives them a say in what those rights should be. Voting is a civic duty that everyone should take part in. Voter suppression is also turning into an issue within the United States.


The Loquitur accepts letters to the editor. The letter should be less than five hun dred words, usually in response to a cur rent issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submis sions for verification purposes. All letters to the editor must be sent via email to

Younger people need to get involved in elections because their futures will be affected in some facet, depending on who gets elected.

Figuring out your candidates

After being registered, being an informed voter going into the election is crucial.

With the advancement of social media, it’s possible to find thousands of resources about candidates at the click of a button. Also, it’s always an option to gain more knowledge by speaking to friends and family about different candidates.

Go through the list of candidates and don’t look at their political party; look at their stances on issues. Holly Smith, sophomore accounting major, said, “I watch a lot of sports on TV, so I have seen so many commercials for the upcoming election. I also see several different lawn signs when I drive out of campus or around my house.” Campaign ads are the least effective way to get your info, however, do your own research to

Smith said, “I’m not into politics, but I am excited to use my voice and cast my vote in the election to be a part of the voting community and have a sense of belonging to the citizens in my county.”

There is no reason why you should not already be registered to vote.

Patti Stocker, assistant to the school of humanities and social sciences, said, “It really doesn’t make any sense to me; why wouldn’t anyone be registered? Especially during the midterms, which everyone thinks isn’t important because they aren’t voting for a president. The local candidates that you are voting for in the midterms are going to directly impact your life a lot more than the president.”

Visit Pennsylvania’s government website for more information and resources to vote in this upcoming election.

Within a democracy, everyone gets a say in who they want to lead their state or country. Many people around the world would love the opportunity Americans are given to participate in the democratic process without fear.

Another point of view of why it is so important is that historically, women and people of color had no say in who our future leaders should be. It is only relatively recently that all U.S. citizens received the right to choose who they want to represent our nation or state.

No one who is able to vote should take that right for granted. In a democracy, power should flow from the people up, not from the top down.

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Photo courtesy of Andrew Stovenour

The search for Cabrini’s next president

While no one is certain who the new leader will be, faculty, staff, and board of trustee members have stressed the need for someone who will benefit Cabrini while being communicative and engaging.

Amy Persichetti, chair of writing and narrative arts said, “Any leadership we get at this point would be an improvement from what we’ve experienced. I don’t want to be negative, but [Donald Taylor] just didn’t do his job. … Our new president needs to have real knowledge of the workings of the campus.”

Searching for the most capable candidate is underway. The cochairs of the Presidential Search Committee are hoping to select a new president by the 2023-2024 school year. Until the next president’s inauguration, Helen Drinan serves as Cabrini’s interim president.

Update on the search for a new president

In Feb. 2022, when Cabrini announced its need for a new president, the board of trustees selected Andrew Brady and Mary Beth Sanke wicz to be co-chairs of the Presidential Search Committee. They are directing the operation alongside an outside consulting company.

“We’ve selected a recruiting firm. We chose Storbeck Search, after an extensive process. Right now, we are identifying the committee. Once that happens, we’ll be able to move into that next phase, which is having on-campus meetings, surveys, setting up a position profile, campus interviews, and then we’ll get further into it,” Brady said.

The Presidential Search Committee will be seven trustees, two faculty, one cabinet, one staff, one alumnus, and the student government association president. These 13 people and Storbeck Search will select potential candidates and provide reports to the board of trustees. It is the responsibility of the trustees to appoint the president.

Cabrini’s presidential suite is located in the mansion.

Throughout the search, the group will seek an individual who dis plays leadership, encourages morale, has fiscal sensibility, renews a sense of community, confronts the challenges of our times, and enhances the university. It will take time to find a perfect match, but the co-chairs are committed to completing the task swiftly.

Dr. Paul Wright, associative professor and faculty assembly chair, said, “Every last person on campus needs to be patient with the process because it is not always easy, and it takes a lot of work. … There are a lot of twists and turns in this process, and it can take longer than you think.”

The outcome of the extensive search will affect Cabrini’s future. Wright, Dr. Richard Thompson, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Persi chetti, Brady, and Sankewicz all said the university is ready for a change that will align with Cabrini’s mission.

Educate the hearts

Cabrini University was founded by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over 65 years ago. The order was founded by Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini who encouraged her followers to “educate the hearts.”

“Education of the heart” has been identified in the core values of respect, vision, community, and dedication to excellence. The ad ministration, faculty, and staff follow these values to ensure every student’s success.

“Whether it is the faculty or the folks in the student support areas, everyone is really focused on the mission. The most fundamen tal part of that mission is helping our students to succeed,” said Thompson.

Plenty of factors will affect the search process, but one that’s non-negotiable is a president who encompasses the goals of the Cabrini mission.

Why Voting by issue instead of political party matters

Dr. Courtney Smith, professor and chair of the history and politi cal science department, said, “It’s important for voters to know where candidates stand on various issues so that they can make informed judgments when they go to vote, either vote by mail or vote on Election Day. Getting informed about where candidates stand on various issues is critical to being an engaged member of American civic society and to effectively using your political voice.”

But where exactly do Oz and Fetterman stand on the central is sues facing the United States?

In a Washington Post poll, 27% of voters believe the most impor tant issue in this upcoming midterm election is the economy; the U.S. economy is still recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Education, inflation, immigration, and abortion are other controver

sial issues steering voters.

Digging into the issues

“People are concerned that we may be headed into a recession if we’re not there already. So, there’s the concern about job losses. I see the economy as a pressing concern,” Smith said.

Fetterman said he wants to ensure that big companies and wealthy Americans are taxed fairly and that we build an economy that works for everyone. Oz, on the other hand, believes that fixing the economy begins with reversing “Biden’s failed agenda.”

Smith said, “I think many people are still upset about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling. That may be driving some people’s voting preference come November.”

Fetterman’s website says, “A woman’s right to make health care decisions is sacred and non-negotiable.” As a senator, he promises to vote to ensure access to safe and legal abortion. Oz states on his website that he “knows how precious life is and is 100% Pro-Life.”

Regarding education and schools, both Fetterman and Oz agree on some critical issues. They both believe we need to improve the public school system and make college more affordable to stu dents. Fetterman specifically wants to make community colleges tuition-free and reduce the burden of student loan debt.

Immigration is another popular issue

Fetterman, whose Brazilian-born wife Gisele arrived in the United States as an undocumented immigrant at age seven, believes in building a safe and humane immigration system. He said he wants to work to modernize the U.S. visa system and asylum programs.

He believes “immigration is what makes America, America.”

Oz’s website says that the solution to fixing the immigration sys tem is securing the U.S. border with a physical wall, or patrolling borders using technological advances.

How students are approaching the election

Some students refer to their political parties and issues affecting them when voting. Students at Cabrini are no different.

“I used to vote by [political party] because I’m a Republican, but now I go off of track record and logistics,” Alex Perez, sophomore pre-med major, said. “There are a lot of candidates that preach to the choir instead actually doing what they promised.”

Aaron Ellis, senior social work major, said, “I think I’m leaning to ward Fetterman, mainly because I’m a Democrat but also because a lot of his views align with mine.” Ellis mentioned that Fetterman’s views on abortion were one of the issues he agreed with.

The Pennsylvania Midterm Elections will take place on Nov. 8, 2022. Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.

A common question surrounding Cabrini since President Donald Taylor resigned is, “Who will be the next president of Cabrini University?”
On Nov. 8, Pennsylvanians will go to the ballot boxes to vote in key elections for Pennsylvania. In particular, the Senate race between former Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz will be tightly contested. Photo courtesy of digital Element5 from pexels Photo courtesy of Izabella Cipresso Photo courtesy of Izabella Cipresso Photo courtesy of Fetterman campaign

Voting demographics; changes and impacts

Every election has many factors that dictate results. In recent years, the ever-changing voting demographics in American Politics have had a major influence on election results. These changes lie primarily in the number of women voting and the voting tendencies of minority voters.

Dr. Jim Hedtke, political science and history professor, said, “One of the things we’ve seen is that we have more women voting, and a greater number of women voting than men.”

Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics said that women in the United States are registered to vote at higher rates than men. The same trend is true for non-presidential elec tions as well, with more women than men voting since 1986. Certain racial demographics have changed as well. “You also see that there are more African American voters,” Hedtke said. “This is beginning to make a change in some of the southern states like Georgia, and I think you’re going to see changes in North Carolina.” President Biden won the state of Georgia in the 2020 presidential election, while Barack Obama won in North Carolina in 2008.

Speaking specifically about Florida, Hedtke said, “Republicans have made some inroads with Latino and Latina votes against the Democrats, and that’s a big deal in a state like Florida. They have a large number of electoral votes, and a large number of members of the House of Representatives.”

Hedtke said, “Florida, which used to be pretty much a given for the Democrats, has now flipped to the Republicans, and it’s not just the white voters and the older voters, it’s the Latino and Latina votes there.”

There are also differences in how people vote based on where

they live within a state. Speaking about Pennsylvania, Hedtke said, “If you’re in the Philadelphia area, it’s going to be Democratic. If you’re in Pittsburgh, it’s going to be Democratic. The rest of the state is going to go Republican.”

Looking ahead to November

The 2022 midterm elections are bringing several major issues to the forefront. Among them are the economy, public safety, and abortion rights. Pennsylvanians will vote to replace outgoing Republican Sen. Pat Toomey, as well as to elect a new governor replacing Tom Wolf, who is nearing the end of his second term.

Running for Senate are Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Democrat John Fetterman, the current lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania. Republican State Sen. Doug Mastriano will face Josh Shapiro, the current attorney general of Pennsylvania, in the race for the governorship.

Abortion rights will likely be fresh on the minds of Pennsylvania voters, especially women, following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June.

Why is voting important?

In the 2020 presidential election, voter turnout among people 18-24 was the lowest of all age brackets. Ages 65-74 had the highest voter turnout of all age brackets.

“I think it’s important to vote because I think participatory democ racy really works. We have, in most elections, 70 percent of people who don’t vote, while 30 percent of the people are getting just what they want. The 70 percent are out there moaning about what they’re not getting,” Hedtke said, “[voting is] the easiest way to express what you want.”

Emma Law, sophomore history and political science major, said, “When you think about the people that have struggled and fought, why wouldn’t you go out and vote? There are so many people around the world who would give anything to vote in their country, and a lot of people in the U.S. just don’t.”

A phenomenon in U.S. elections occurs between how many people vote for president, versus how many vote in elections for lowerlevel positions. “If you look at Presidential elections, turnout’s somewhere between 49 to 62 percent. But if you look at this [midterm] election, probably somewhere between 30 to 40 percent of the people are going to vote in 2022,” Hedtke said.

Fans and city ready for Red October

The 2022 Philadelphia Phillies team will be remembered as one of the best in franchise history, and the coveted championship parade down Broad Street is well within grasp. However, as the possibility of a celebration looms, concerns over safety are once again com ing to the forefront.

Phillies supporters have enjoyed a once-in-a-lifetime experience thanks to a roster of energetic, entertaining, and likable players. The Fightins are making an appearance in this year’s World Series for the first time in 13 years, and are facing off against the Houston Astros in the Fall Classic.

The Astros, who are heavy favorites, hope to cement their legacy with one of the best runs by an MLB team in decades. The Astros have been a juggernaut, as this is their fourth World Series appear ance in the last six seasons. The Phillies are the underdog story of the year, and against all odds, they are three games away from bringing the city of Philadelphia a championship.

Life in Philly

It is the classic David vs. Goliath story leading up to a potentially big moment for all Philadelphians. Fans can’t wait to take to the streets to celebrate. This generates major concerns about Philly’s safety, as well as the lasting impact a Phillies’ parade may have.

Nicole Marotta, a Philadelphia police officer who works in the 17th district, explained what it is like to be working in the city during such a crazy time.

“Working as a Philly cop right now is pretty awesome. You know you have to protect the fans of the opposing team, however, it has not been too much of an issue in my experience. Fans are happy so it makes the job a little easier,” Marotta said.

Safety concerns

In the midst of such an ecstatic atmosphere, safety concerns are still the city’s chief worry. With a possible Series win on the hori zon, Philadelphia officials are taking precautions to keep fans safe.

The primary concerns are the hours immediately following the winning game and during the Broad Street parade. Older fans will remember the scene in 1980 at Veterans Stadium when Philadel phia Mayor Frank Rizzo demonstrated a massive show of force.

Rizzo lined the field with Philadelphia police officers on horses and others on foot with leashed German Shepherds just before the final out. Rizzo’s intention, intimidating fans from running onto the field after the final out, was overkill, but effective.

Past sports celebrations

During the city’s more recent experience after the Eagles won the Super Bowl in 2018, almost a million people showed up to the parade. The night the Eagles won the Super Bowl, fires were set, poles were toppled, and store windows were broken.

The Eagles parade cost the city over $3 million in police overtime and property damage. In addition, there was one recorded fatality during the parade. It is safe to assume that should the Phillies win the Series, every police officer in the department will be on duty during these two events.

“The police department has already sent out orders to all the districts for the possibility of deployment for our officers once the Phillies reach that third win,” Marotta said. “So that will put a lot of officers on the street in their assigned district to answer 911 calls, and the officers who were scheduled off will be assigned to the major areas that fans are known to go to.”

Crime and trouble

While city residents prepare for the chaos that will ensue in the wake of a Phillies victory, they are currently enjoying a surprising lull in crime as Philadelphians unite over baseball.

Sofia Presenza, student at Temple University, said that being a resident in North Philadelphia has never been easy. Students always have their guards up and their phones never stop buzzing with constant alerts of nearby crimes. She said she was surprised to find that right now is the safest she has felt in Philadelphia in a long time.

“I think it’s because I feel like everyone is just happier and more excited and we all just share something in common right now which is our passion for the Phillies and our city,” Presenza said. “I know this is a very exciting time for the city, and therefore people are getting super excited about everything, which can lead to some unwarranted risks happening, but right now I’m just trying to live in the moment and not worry too much about it and just have fun.”

Rutherford said the stadium gets electric during each home game.

“When fans are excited and drunk they don’t tend to put much thought into their actions. But I honestly feel really safe in Philly right now and I am not expecting too much trouble in the event of a win.”

He added, “I read online the other day that we have gone four straight days without a homicide. Philly is so united right now, real crime has actually gone down. I am very happy to be wearing red right now.”

One thing is clear, this Red October gave the city of Philadelphia a united front. The fans are ready to celebrate. The city is ready in its preparation and response.

Fans are safe Matthew Rutherford, Cabrini student and lifelong Phillies fan, is a firsthand witness to the Phillies’ insanity as a publication vendor at Citizens Bank Park. Photo courtesy of Samantha Taddei Photo courtesy of Chris Perri

Social media meets politics

In the past 15 years, the social media world and politics have become increasingly intertwined.

In 2008, almost three-quarters of Internet users went online during the election to get news or information regarding the campaigns. More recently, former President Donald Trump’s active participa tion on Twitter demonstrated how the U.S. commander in chief can express ideas directly from their thumbs to the public.

For some, social media is a place to share pictures of fun things they did last weekend. For others, social media is a platform to elevate their business or an outlet to express their beliefs. For ev eryone, social media has become a vital aspect of the “digital age.”

“I think social media became so popular in terms of our daily news interactions for business purposes or just interpersonal com munications. … It was an easier way to communicate two-way with multiple mediums and media,” Dr. Nune Grigoryan, assistant professor of communication, said.

Grigoryan explained that technological advancements allow acces sibility to connect with more people despite geographic limitations.

“We are both creators and consumers … and that was not the case before social media,” Grigoryan said.

Social media’s role in politics

Grigoryan said, “For the most part, there are three different goals that social media is used for in politics: political campaigning [raising awareness around campaigns], fundraisers, and engaging volunteers.”

Around Cabrini, social media has played a critical role in the Penn sylvania elections for governor, lieutenant governor, U.S Senate, U.S House of Representatives, and local government. “We now consume most of our news and information about campaigns and otherwise, all from social media,” Grigoryan said.

Another solution Grigoryan proposed would be having platforms making decisions regarding how political campaigns and content will be produced and consumed. In 2020, the Twitter manage ment team announced they would not accept or post any political advertisements from candidates.

“As a user, you could share something from YouTube and they were not going to block it,” Grigoryan said. “Making a decision as a platform of what political content you can post and what not can be another point of compromise.”

A final solution Grigoryan voiced was the use of moderators and the improvement of media literacy. Grigoryan acknowledged that human moderators may be biased in their fact checking based on views, Grigoryan said.

Looking ahead

Social media has an immense influence on society and can be used to depolarize voters and eliminate the current hostility in the political sphere.

By discouraging fragmented information on platforms and promot ing different perspectives on political issues, social media users can find commonalities with others of different political beliefs. Commonalities are the foundation for bridging differences in all spheres of public life.

Wolfington Center increases voter engagement among students

Often, when it comes to voting, college students cannot make it to the polls or have not yet registered.

Aaron Ellis, political and interfaith programming intern for the Wolfington Center, set up a voter registration table in Founders hall from Oct. 11-24.

There, students could learn about the importance of voting and participating in the upcoming general election.

The importance of voting

“The importance of voting matters enough, but there are other reasons why students on a college campus need access to a voter registration table. There are a lot of first-time voters on campus, and this is the audience we want to impact the most,” said Ellis.

“Letting them know that they have this newfound power we call ‘voting’ and informing them about it is important. The people that they are choosing to vote for may have a huge impact on students because those same students will be the next generation of adults. Also, simply educating any student about their registration status, and about how they can get registered is just as important as registering them.”

Ellis took the time to help students, registering a total of seven, and signed up eight students for voting training. But he wasn’t worried about quantity.

“While the number may not seem like much, it is not the number I focus on, but the impact it made on how many people registered to vote,” said Ellis.

While the Wolfington Center hosted a voter registration table, the Cabrini students believe colleges and universities could do more to increase voter engagement. Many students are 18 to 29-years old with the majority first-time voters. This group may have only seen voting on television or social media during previous elections.

Voting is power

Amirah Bailey, junior accounting major, is one of many with an opinion on what could be done to increase student votership.

“I am personally not going to vote for this upcoming election and I think that it has to do with colleges and universities not promoting the upcoming election or registering to vote enough. There were a couple of emails that were sent out and a table to register to vote but I feel like there could have been more education for why voting is important, especially for my generation and different times for students who are in class or who have to work,” Bailey said.

“Students should try to meet voter registration deadlines and vote during the next election because voting is power, and if you have something that you care about, you will go out and vote. Voting is how change occurs, and change is important when it comes to un just laws and regulations. But if you vote and choose a candidate that aligns with your morals and values, you can see change occur in a positive and impactful manner,” Ellis said.

There are many different challenges voters and non-registered citizens alike face when they want to vote.

Moving forward, colleges and universities must do all they can to continue to educate and help students understand how important it is to be engaged in civic life.

Podcast Editor Photo courtesy of Cecilia Canan Photo courtesy of Cecilia Canan Photo courtesy of Wolfington Center Photo’s courtesy of Emily Rowan


Do political advertisements work on young voters?

Political campaigns are as American as apple pie. Since the birth of our country, politicians have rallied supporters through posters and slogans that evolved into the modern election campaign we all know today.

Political organizations spend much of their time formulating cam paign strategies to help their candidates get elected to local, state, or national government offices. A major part of these strategies come in the form of campaign advertisements. Nearing the voting window for the 2022 midterm elections, battleground states like Pennsylvania are prime locations for organizations pushing ads and attempting to swing votes from across the aisle.

“You see these ads all the time,” said Michelle Chambers, junior exercise science major. “They’re there every time you turn on the TV, at least five times a day.”

With such a major focus on these ads, Chambers is not the only one bombarded with campaign commercials daily. It’s a new normal the modern electorate has gotten used to, but are these ads worth the money?

History of political campaign ads

The presidential election of 1800 gave America its first glimpse of a true political campaign. President John Adams was pitted against his vice president, Thomas Jefferson. The two would soon introduce the American public to dirty campaigning. Jefferson and Adams published articles and posted leaflets around the country slandering each other in the hopes of winning votes.

From there, candidates embraced the campaigning mindset and used different strategies to win over public opinion and defeat their opponents. Americans saw clever, catchy campaign slogans emerge throughout the 19th century that could spread the candi date’s name, accomplishments, and goals across the country.

Slogans were quickly joined by the rise of political cartoons, giving Americans their first printed visual propaganda.

In the 20th century, access to television changed not only how au diences perceived candidates, but also how candidates presented themselves. “More attention is given to the image of candidates than issues,” said Dr. James Hedtke, professor of history and politi cal science at Cabrini. “It’s more about who people think you are than looking at specific policy stances.”

Hedtke’s point is exemplified by the Kennedy-Nixon debates during the 1960 election, where viewers watching on their televisions at home overwhelmingly favored Kennedy’s youthful looks and calm demeanor.

“People didn’t really listen as much to what the candidates were saying in the debates as they were looking at the images of the two candidates,” said Hedtke. “Nixon may well have won the issue battle, but Kennedy won the image which ended up propelling him to the presidency. Since then, people now pay attention to the im ages versus the issues being discussed.”

Swaying the electorate

An estimated $9.7 billion will be spent on campaign ads in 2022, highlighting their importance to candidates running for office. The major role ads play in modern elections requires every campaign staff to spend a lot of time creating effective messages audiences will remember.

“Ads need to be succinct,” said Hedtke. “Any ad over a minute is bad because of the short attention span that audiences have. The ads need to spark an emotional appeal. You’re not going to spark any issue questions in 30 to 60 seconds.”

“I prefer ads that focus on the candidate,” said Calvin Rollins, senior computer science major. “When I see those ads, I respect it more than an ad that [talks] about the other party or attacking somebody else. I want to learn more about what the candidate is going to do to help the community rather than what the other person is not doing.” Chambers agreed with Rollins in caring more about the candidate than their opponent. “I like the ads that are from the perspective of the candidate talking about their goals and

what they want to do,” said Chambers. “I just want to know what you want to do and what your goals are. The img_0129.jpeg ones where they are attacking somebody else don’t work for me. Most of them are just lies and based on nothing.”

Rollins points out that campaign ads are only one part of swaying his vote. “I don’t focus too much on the ad itself because it’s only 30 seconds to a minute. If you really want to figure out who you’re going to vote for, you have to do research and validate that. The frequency of an ad is what might point me one way or another. If I keep seeing a candidate over and over, that is going to lead me to do more research about them.”

Reaching a new generation

While voters like Chambers aren’t fans of attack ads, Hedtke does not see these leaving the campaign trail anytime soon.

“The trend has been, and I assume will continue, with negative campaigning,” he said, citing how effective they have been histori cally in impacting public opinion on major issues. “There will also be more dependence on social media, and I think you are going to continue to see a downturn in voter turnout as a result.” While there has been a decline in voter turnout throughout the 21st cen tury, recent pushes for voter registration have awakened a younger generation eager to have their voices heard. Both Rollins and Chambers say that they are registered and plan on voting during this midterm election.

Knowledge is the best way to fight voter supression

With the midterm election coming up on Nov. 8, be cautious of voter suppression. Voter suppression is when there is strategic planning to stop certain groups from voting. Some targeted groups include young and elderly voters, voters of color, and people with disabilities. These underrepresented communities have all dealt with some form of voter suppression.

Mail-in voting risks for students

Strict voter registration laws have historically been established to limit mail-in or absentee voters. College students who can’t go home to vote in person make up a large portion of absentee voters.

On an absentee ballot, if instructions are not followed correctly, the vote will be discarded. Some of these strict rules include not writing anything on the ballot election envelope, turning in an unsealed envelope, and signing and dating an envelope. Mistakenly turning in incorrect ballots can result in disqualification. Even if all steps are done correctly, mail-in ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

The impact on communities

More than 400 anti-voter bills have been introduced in 48 states, yet not many students are aware of all the ways people are being hindered from voting.

Strict voter ID laws are one way in-person voting has been sup pressed. These attacks on voting equality have a direct impact on underrepresented communities. Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have a valid ID that can be used at polling stations. Twentyfive percent of African Americans do not have a valid photo ID.

Cathy Yungmann, vice president of communications with the League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County, said, “In the same county as Cabrini University, the city of Chester has long been plagued by environmental racism with a concentration of industrial polluting facilities. In the past, the residents of Chester haven’t had a strong influence in passing laws that would prevent the clustering of pollution near their homes.”

However, a coalition working with the League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County is working this year to register more vot ers and get representation for these vulnerable communities.When

the Supreme Court dismantled the Voting Rights Act in 2013, this allowed states to enact voter ID laws. Many of these states already had a history of voter suppression toward underrepresented com munities. After the Voting Rights Act evaporated, 23 states made laws to hinder voting.

Students had mixed knowledge of what voter suppression entailed or about the many people it can impact, even though it directly affects the community around them.

Olivia Sims, senior education major, said, “I don’t have any knowl edge of voter suppression. Just by the context clues, it is someone not allowing others to vote.”

“I know that voter suppression affects the potential results of an election,” said Abby Van Houten, sophomore psychology major. “I have heard some conspiracies about voting by mail. Some

conspiracies I’ve heard were dead people voting and voter fraud. I will be voting in person this election,” Houten said.

Fighting voter suppression

To help combat voter suppression, voters can vote in person, vote early, and most importantly, know their rights. Get to the polls early to avoid lines. If you are in line before the polls close, it is the voter’s right to cast their ballot. During federal elections, people who have disabilities or need language translations have the right to assistance as well.

Yungmann said, “A better approach for students to learn about voter suppression is to learn about your voting rights, so that stu dents will be able to counteract attempts to stop them from voting.”

It is crucial for an individual to know their rights and plan to cast a ballot. The key to fighting voter suppression is knowledge of its history and awareness of the challenges faced by many voters in this country.

With Election Day looming on Nov. 8, the true efficacy of these ads
“I know that voter suppression affects the potential results of an election,” said Abby Van Houten, sophomore psychology major.
Photo courtesy of Max Silverman Photo courtesy of Paige Bowman Photo courtesy of Paige Bowman

Cabrini adds men’s volleyball as 20th sport

The school is currently searching for a candidate to fill the head coaching position.

Cabrini’s current women’s volleyball team has 18 players on its roster.

Their current overall record is 19-11, with a perfect 6-0 record in the conference, and a current home record of 10-1.

An easy decision

Orlin Jespersen, Cabrini’s senior associate director of athletics for operations and external affairs, said, “For a few years now we’ve looked at some different programs that could be added.”

Other universities in the Atlantic East Conference offer men’s vol leyball.

Since other schools offer the sport, Cabrini felt adding it would be ideal.

“We want to be strategic about any sports that we add. We look at a lot of different factors when we consider a sport in terms of what kind of resources are going to be needed. I think over the past several years, those things pointed to adding men’s volleyball,” Jespersen said.

Factors that played into adding a men’s volleyball team were “high school programs in the area that kind of feed into it, we’ve got an

existing facility and equipment. So, it wasn’t going to take a lot to add it,” Jespersen said. “We don’t have to build a stadium or any thing significant, so it made it a little bit easier to add a program.”

Regarding the search for a coach, Laura Patton, Cabrini’s associ ate director of athletics, said, “You want somebody that’s going to come in, they’re going to be ambitious, they’re going to be heavily recruiting over the first year to make sure that we’re getting stu dents who are the right fit for Cabrini, and Cabrini athletics.”

The head coach of the men’s volleyball team will have an important job in finding student athletes who want to be part of the new sport.

Now is the time

“It’s [also about] enrollment. We want to continue to bring students to Cabrini and to this campus. It kind of draws us from a different pool of athletes than we’ve had. Financially, facility wise, support staff wise, we are at a point where we can handle and take this on. It’s time,” Patton said.

Patton has a few goals in mind for the men’s volleyball team.

“First, to get students here and involved. After that, you want to win, obviously, but it’s about building that team culture, getting the name out there of Cabrini’s men’s volleyball, and then drawing more prospective students in in the future,” Patton said.

Building a good culture can help bring in student athletes.

The AEC also motivated Cabrini to add men’s volleyball.

“It’s been really pushed by our conference for schools to add men’s

volleyball. We’ve been talking about it for years now, and the timing is right,” Patton said.

Patton believes adding a men’s volleyball team at Cabrini is impor tant because, “It’s more activity on campus, more students coming to Cabrini, it’s a new sport that’s intriguing to students to come here for. So, it kind of widens our net for prospective student athletes.”

Phillies split first two games of World Series

The Astros were in a familiar spot, as the 100-win team boasted a 56-26 record at Houston’s Minute Maid park.

In an unprecedented six-year run, the Astros are playing in their fourth series.

The 2017 champions hadn’t lost a game this postseason.

Battling back

It didn’t take long for the Phillies to show off the resilience that got them to the Series.

Right fielder Nick Castellanos’ fourth inning single to left field brought home first baseman Rhys Hoskins to get the Phillies on the board, and they did not look back.

A two-RBI double from Bohm earned two more runs.

In the fifth, J.T. Realmuto hit a double into left field, which brought in two more runs.

Heading into the sixth, the game was knotted up at five a piece.

With two outs and a runner on third, a routine ground ball could not have appeared harder as Alec Bohm rifled the ball to first in the nick of time to secure a game one victory.

Coming back home

The improbable comeback was complete and left the baseball world stunned heading into game two.

The Astros came out firing once again in game two, as this time a 5-0 lead was insurmountable for the Phillies.

Another late comeback fell short, as the Phillies left Houston with the series tied.

Setting the stage for game three, the city of Philadelphia is eager to welcome back the red pinstripes to Citizens Bank Park for three final home games in this historic 2022 campaign.

“I didn’t expect them to win any games in Houston,” said Michael Fioravante, sophomore business management major. “Now the Astros are in trouble because we don’t lose in Philly.”

In an instant classic, the Fightin’ Phils fought their way back from a 5-0 deficit in the third inning to steal game one in extra innings.

“I couldn’t even hear myself think,” said Nate Mazurek, junior communications major. “All I could do was celebrate and watch everything unfold.”

J.T Realmuto had a career day, with three crucial RBIs, including a game-winning home run in the top of the 10th inning.

This game one victory sets the Phillies up for a three-game homes tand, with a chance to secure a World Series at Citizens Bank Park for the first time since 2008.

A tough start

The Astros started the series with a Kyle Tucker home run in the second inning.

This sparked the first of five unanswered RBIs, giving the AL cham pions a 5-0 advantage heading into the fourth.

In the Philadelphia borough of Conshohocken, Cabrini students watched anxiously as the game stayed tied in the bottom of the ninth.

Nick Castellanos came up big once again, sliding in for a game-saving catch that gave the Phillies life going into extra innings.

With no outs in the top of the 10th, Realmuto launched a deep fly ball over the head of Astro’s right fielder Kyle Tucker for the lead, sending Cabrini students watching at home into a frenzy.

With their first lead of the night, they entered the bottom of the 10th with an opportunity to seal the victory.

The Astros would not go down without a fight.

The Phillies had a winning record at home during the regular season, but the Astros experience poses a challenge as the red

Kate Corcoran, Cabrini’s director of athletics and recreation, announced the addition of a 20th sport for the 2023-24 academic year: men’s varsity volleyball. The Philadelphia Phillies’ Cinderella run continued Friday night, as they handed the Houston Astros their first loss of the postseason by way of a 6-5 victory. Photo courtesy of KeithJJ from Pixabay. Photo courtesy of Sophia Gerner. Photo courtesy of Samantha Taddei.

Much at stake during midterm elections

After recent attacks on healthcare, LQBTQIA+ rights, and threats to the education system, it is more important than ever to show up at the polls. These challenges to our rights make this year’s midterm election one of the most important in recent memory.

Midterm elections, which occur in the middle of a presidential term, usually see the lowest voter turnout. I believe these elections hold more importance than presidential elections, because not only do the midterms decide who will be elected into the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, but governors and lieutenant governors are on the table for each state, as well as local officials, mayors, and state legislative seats.

Many people do not realize the impact local officials have on their daily lives, from education funding to reproductive health, and taxes. Most legislation is passed at the state level, and when these positions are on the ballot, that is when you have the most at risk. Although people have not been been as engaged in past mid terms, more and more younger voters are showing up to have their voices heard at the polls.

A fight for change

I have participated in voting ev ery year since I was registered to vote at 18 years old. Voting is one way I know that I will have an impact on the issues that matter to me, and to my community. Younger people are fed up with the post-COVID-19 world we are living in and the fight for change is greater than ever

A young women holding a sign that reads “first they came for

women’s rights they won’t stop there.” Women’s rights are on the ballot this election. Generation Z and younger millennials are the most racially and ethnically diverse generation, and are on track to be the most highly educated. Growing up with both the highest record of school shootings and the Internet has made us more out spoken on political issues such as human rights, climate change, and gun control.

They’ve found their voices on social media and at the polls. While social media activism can be problematic at times, it forces these younger groups to be more involved in politics, fight against threats to our democracy, and start to demand change.

The rise of progressive candidates

With younger generations becoming eligible to vote there is also a push for more progressive candidates on the ballots. Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is running for U.S. Senator. Fetterman en dorses policies such as protecting reproductive freedom, securing LGBTQIA+ rights, legalizing can nabis, guaranteeing healthcare as a fundamental right, and taking a more progressive stance on crime.

He believes that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and wants to see quality affordable healthcare for all. Fetterman also wants to fight for gun safety laws to help prevent mass shootings as well as criminal justice reform.

John Fetterman stand with his hangs in front of him in a black shirt in front of a grey backdrop.Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is on the ballot for the Pennsylvania senate.In this midterm election, the gover-

nor’s seat is also up for grabs in Pennsylvania. Democratic Gov ernor Tom Wolf has held the seat since 2015 and has put public education, reproductive health, and voting issues front and center.

In the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, access to abortion is now up to the states, and the candidates running for governor have drasti cally different stances the issue. Josh Shapiro, the Democratic candidate, says abortion is healthcare and he will defend reproduc tive health if elected. His opponent, Republican Doug Mastriano, has made it clear he will end funding to Planned Parenthood and sign the Heartbeat bill into law.

Shapiro believes in workers’ rights, Black economic equity, and voting rights. He believes in the right to vote and will defend our democracy. Shapiro has also prioritized safe, affordable housing, and recognized that Black Pennsylvanians are disproportionately affected by the current recession. He and his running mate for Lt. Gov., Austin Davis, know when Black communities prosper we all prosper.

Shapiro’s and Mastriano’s positions vary greatly when it comes to education. Mastriano believes in school choice and wants to drastically cut funding to our public schools and place a ban on classroom conversations about race and gender. Shapiro believes every child deserves to have a quality education, no matter race, socioeconomic status, or address. He will ensure access to equi table education for all and plans to fully fund Pennsylvania schools, put children’s mental health first, and ensure that a vocational path is a viable option.

This November our human rights are being challenged. Hopefully, we will see a higher turnout of voters looking for progress. I will be at exercising my right to vote on Nov. 8 so my voice will be heard, will you?

Taking a break from these damaging social media platforms

In Dec. 2021, I did the unthinkable. I took a monthlong break from Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. I deleted them from my phone, and the only apps I had left were YouTube, Twitch, and Discord. I never thought I’d need to take this break, but it was one of the better decisions I’ve made.

Number four is Twitter. This is personally my favorite app. The laughs I’ve had scrolling through my Twitter feed don’t compare to any other app. Twitter is great for entertainment, news, and social networking. Sharing random thoughts with your followers is something done on a whim, and it’s not taken seriously if nobody engages with your tweets.

Some issues with Twitter occur because almost anything can be posted, without restriction. People can say and share anything without much consequence. When the company bans prominent figures, such as former President Donald Trump, it sends a good message, but leaked videos and misinformation still spread like wildfire, so it can be hard to deal with all of that at once.

TikTok finds itself in the number three spot. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t the biggest fan of TikTok when it first came out. There was no reason for me to download an app just to watch people do simple dances. But when my friends started sharing funny and creative content that users were coming up with, I had to join.

I was inspired to do this by one of my favorite YouTubers, Nathan Zed. In 2018, he took a four-month break from all social media plat forms, including YouTube. When he finally returned to the digital world on Jan. 14, 2019, he talked about how much better he felt being away from all the likes and algorithms.

We live in a society where social media is at the forefront of many people’s lives. Every day, people wake up and open their favorite social media apps to see what they missed on their timelines while they were asleep. But how healthy is that routine? And how healthy is the use of social media as a whole? These are the thoughts that started to come to my mind after a conversation with some of my close friends about which social media apps are the most damag ing to society.

Ranking the apps

Data Overhaulers ranked the 11 worst social media apps, but my focus is just four: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.

The problem with TikTok lies in its design. The algorithm is made to push content based on your likes. This leads to what I like to call the “infinite scroll problem.” The app is designed so you never stop scrolling. You might be on the app for five minutes, and the next thing you know, an hour has passed. I had to start setting a timer for myself when I used the app. It eats away at so much of your time, and you won’t even notice.

The Meta-owned apps

Numbers two and one are both Meta-owned social media plat forms: Facebook and Instagram. I think Instagram is much more damaging, but it could go either way. Both apps constantly steal ideas from other platforms, whether they are Snapchat stories or scrollable videos from TikTok.

Some studies have shown a link between Facebook addiction and obsessive-compulsive traits. It wouldn’t surprise me if Instagram is the same way.

The purpose of Instagram is to show the highlights of your life. People obsess over minuscule things, such as their likes and if their crush saw their story, I know I’ve been guilty of this in the past. Today the app is much more influencer-focused. You’ll see

so many sponsored posts from influencers before you see a post from a friend or family member. YouTuber Amanda Maryanna, in a video titled, “let’s make Instagram casual again,” talks about how the app isn’t user-friendly and encourages the idea of perfection with unrealistic standards of beauty and life.

After the break

What happened after my monthlong break from social media? It felt good to be away. I thought I’d miss it much more than I did, but it was freeing to be away from the check-ins with my timeline every five minutes. I got used to not engaging with it, so now I turn on the focus option on my phone starting at night until I’m done getting ready in the morning, to avoid the constant beckoning of social media.

Without the distraction of likes and updated feeds, I’m able to speed up my morning routine, get adequate sleep at night, and give myself the much-needed break from my small screen.

Photo courtesy of Kerde Severin via pexels Photo courtesy of Isaiah Dickson Photo courtesy of Edmond Dante via Pexles

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