THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2019
Food insecurity prevalent on college campuses BY AISLINN WALSH Editor-in-Chief “It got really hard when I was 11 because that’s when I noticed that we were food insecure because we were going to food pantries.” As a child, Daisy Rodriguez, senior political science major, struggled with food insecurity. When she was 9, she moved to the United States from Puerto Rico with her mother and five siblings. In Puerto Rico, her mother worked as a nurse. However, the language barrier made it difficult for her mom to obtain a nursing position. “We struggled a lot with it because she had to take a lower paying job… We would depend on breakfast and lunch from school and sometimes our meals,” Rodriguez said. “Like our dinners would be really light and sometimes I would notice that our mom wouldn’t eat as much.” Daisy’s story is not an anomaly. Currently, 12.3 percent of U.S households are experiencing food insecurity. The United State Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as “the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.” In a country where there is an overabundance of food, the concept of food insecurity can be difficult to fathom. The issue here is not with food-there is plenty of it, but rather a lack of accessible nutritious food. There is an evident socio-economic disparity concerning food choices in the United States. Typically speaking, healthy foods are more expensive than unhealthy foods. For example, a hamburger costs $1 at McDonald’s, but a salad costs almost $5. If a family is going to feed their children, it is more cost efficient to pay for the hamburger. The same principle applies to grocery stores. A bag of apples will cost more than two boxes of Kraft mac and cheese. With such a significant price difference, people with lower incomes are faced with a challenging task when food shopping: affording nutritious foods. No, this doesn’t include the $6 gallon of organic milk or the fancy grass-fed beef because it is “healthier” nor does it include buying boxes of sugary Tastykakes because it is the cheapest item and is loaded with calories. Rather, it is about affording food that helps the human body grow and flourish. And thus the issue with food insecurity begins.
Signs of Food Insecurity Professor Tom O’Donnell is an instructor for the “Food Insecurity” ECG 300 class and currently works for the Environmental Protection Agency. O’Donnell notes that one of the first signs of food insecurity is worrying about or skipping your meals to save money. “As soon as you start to worry that is the first indication of food insecurity…,” O’Donnell said. “Then if you say, ‘Oh maybe I’m just going to eat lunch for the next couple of days so I can stretch my money out’... if you are skipping a meal then you are very food insecure.” On a positive side, food pantries have been of great benefit and use helping those with food insecurity. Food pantries receive unused food donations from regional supermarkets, churches and donors. They allow those struggling with food insecurity to bring food home for free. Daisy’s family struggled with food insecurity for four years. For the first couple of years, Rodriguez’s family just tried to get by with the food they could afford. When she was 11, her mother started going to the food pantry at her church. That is when she first realized that her family was food insecure. “It was shocking at first because we came from a really wealthy family when we were in Puerto Rico,“ Rodriguez said. “because my mom had such a stable job.” During this time, Daisy and her family befriended a lady at the pantry named Ms. Garcia. She would pack Daisy and her sisters’ lunches for school and would invite her family over for Christmas dinners. They still keep in touch today. When Daisy was 13, her mother joined the army. She also passed the language test, which allowed her to begin working as a nurse. This launched her family into job stability and they were able to become food secure. Thankfully, Daisy and her family were able to overcome food insecurity within a couple of years. Unfortunately, for some people, they wage the war with food insecurity for years, even when they are in college.
Food Insecurity on College Campuses College is the home of the all-you-can-eat buffets, late-night fast-food runs and free pizza at club meetings. Yet, the very existence of food insecurity seems
rather hypocritical. How could it possibly exist on a college campus? O’Donnell notes that food insecurity on college campuses typically affects students who already come from food insecure households. “Commuters, they don’t have to [get a meal plan], so they come from food insecure households, they’re still commuting,” O’Donnell said. “They’re not on a meal plan, so does their life get better or worse in terms of eating?” Food insecurity particularly affects but is not limited to, students who commute to school via public transportation. If anything, college just amplifies the food insecurity problem. Students spend hours or more each day commuting on trains or buses. Their days are spent between classes, homework and jobs and then have to commute home. Where are they getting their food if they can’t afford a meal plan? The Wisconsin HOPE Lab published a study that surveyed 43,000 students at 66 colleges across the country. Their results found that 36 percent of college students are experiencing food insecurity. An October 2016 study done by Students Against Hunger found that 60 percent of food insecure students said “they couldn’t’ afford balanced meals” and 46 percent said that they have skipped meals or reduced their portion sizes because “there wasn’t enough money for food.” Even if commuting students do have a 14 or 19-meal plan, it doesn’t cover all of their meals. An additional survey reported that 46 percent of food insecure students who are on a meal plan ran “out of meal points before the end of the term.” Food insecurity does a lot more to a student than cause hunger, it takes a toll on their academic career. The Students Against Hunger study also found that “80 percent of respondents reported that their food insecurity affected their class performance.” An additional 53 percent missed a class because of it and 55 percent said that couldn’t buy a textbook. It is important to note that food insecurity is not something to be ashamed of. Rodriguez adds that it can strike anyone, even those who are employed. “Most people think that food insecurity happens to people who don’t have a job or just are homeless, but in reality 1 in 4 working class people are food insecure,” Rodriguez said. “ I know when I went to my pantry there were a lot of people who were… teachers and policeman. Some people do very important jobs, but they are not well paid and sometimes it’s a struggle when you have kids and you have to feed this many persons and your salary is not able to do that.”
Food Pantries On-Campus As a response to student food insecurity, many college campuses have begun to implement their own food pantries on campus. As of September 2018, the national College University Food Bank Alliance (CUFBA) had officially registered 686 college campus food pantries. Cabrini University is one of them. In 2014, Cabrini in conjunction with St. Katherine of Siena Parish established the “Cabrini Cupboard,” an on-campus food pantry for students experiencing food insecurity. The food pantry is fueled by donations from members of the Cabrini Community and from St. Katherine’s parishioners. The program has grown in popularity over the last two years and now serve over 49 students per year. Recently, it expanded to offer personal hygiene items, such as soaps and shampoos. Carmel-Jo Madonna, the coordinator for the Cabrini Cupboard, welcomes students who are experiencing food insecurity. “It’s gotten more and more popular...we encourage students to come in,” Madonna said, “and speak with us so that we know what the needs are”. Currently experiencing food insecurity? Students are encouraged to speak with Caramel-Jo Madonna by emailing or by stopping Student Life Office in Grace Hall, Room 150.
Interested in helping end food insecurity? There is a need for quick “to-go” foods and personal hygiene items For those interested in donating items to the food pantry, please contact Carmel-Jo Madonna at 610-902-8416 or
MISSION The Loquitur student newspaper and website are integral parts of the educational mission of the Cabrini communication department, namely, to educate students to take their places in the public media. Loquitur Media provides a forum of free expression. All members of the university community may submit work to the editors for possible inclusion. Publication is based on the editorial decision of the editors.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Loquitur accepts letters to the editors. The letters should be less than 500 words, usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini University’s campus or community area and are printed as space permits. Name, phone number and address should be included with submissions for verification purposes. All letters to the editors must be sent via email to
THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2019
Millions of Americans struggle daily to access food, despite the surplus of food in the United States In a nation where grocery stores are filled with aisles of food and fast food joints are at the corner of nearly every intersection, hunger and food insecurity seem like an issue from the bygone era. How could it possibly exist in this day and age? Although rising obesity rates point in this direction, approximately 14.3 million U.S. households dealt with some form of food insecurity in the last year. According to, food insecurity is defined as “the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources.” It also includes a lack of access to healthy foods necessary for the growth and development of the human body. For households faced with the choice of paying the bills or shopping for food, the choice is clear. Paying the bills comes first. Food can wait. Despite living in a country with a surplus of food, one’s socioeconomic status restricts whether or not one can access healthy food. According to, 325,940 Philadelphians struggle with food insecurity. That is 21 percent of the population. Feeding America ranks Philadelphia as 10th in the nation with the highest number of food-insecure individuals. The reality is that its food insecurity can strike anyone in our community. It can affect our neighbors, classmates, our firefighters, our teachers, our colleagues, etc. Even if there is leftover money for grocery shopping, the question becomes “What can I buy with this money?”
Typically, there is very little correlation between affordable and healthy foods. The root of food insecurity in America is two-fold. First is the lack of affordable nutritious foods. Across the country, the prices of low volume healthy foods are higher than the prices of high volume junk food. Second is the presence of “food deserts” where there is no access to nutritious foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Food deserts typically occur in low-income neighborhoods where there are no large grocery stores. Unless residents want to drive or take public transit to grocery stores outside the city limits, their only options are convenience or dollar stores for grocery shopping. Local examples of food deserts include Chester, Pennsylvania, and Camden, New Jersey.
How you can help •
Double your grocery list. The next time you are at a grocery store, buy two of each item. Take one for yourself and donate the extra to a local food bank. Get involved with the Cabrini Food Recovery network, an on-campus organization that conserves leftover soup from the Cafe and takes it to local food pantries. Advocate for those struggling with food insecurity. Currently, the government is looking to cut funding towards food stamp programs, such as the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program. (SNAP) Write a letter or call your local representative. Tell Congress: Protect SNAP! Volunteer at a local food bank or pantry. Currently, Cabrini’s Wolfington Center has a volunteer partnership with Martha’s Choice in Norristown.
Moving Forward If you or someone you know is struggling with food insecurity, don’t hesitate to ask for help. To find a local food pantry in your area, visit Are you a student? Contact Carmel-Jo Madonna at or visit Grace Hall Room 150. PIXABAY
Alumni leaving a different kind of legacy BY JULIET JACOB Staff Writer
All alumni leave a legacy; some are bigger than others. Camilia Katkocin is a senior prelaw double major in political science and philosophy. Her and her family are orignally from Berlin, New Jersey. She is the daughter of two alumni, Ronald Katkocin, (‘80) and Rosemarie Battiato Katkocin (‘84). This makes Camilia a legacy student. Legacies are students and alumni who have a sibling, parent or grandparent with a degree from Cabrini. The Cabrini Legacy Program recognizes families for their continued support, provides networking opportunities and helps legacies stay connected through special programs and events. Both her parents graduated from Cabrini yet they did not meet until they
Camilia Katkocin and her parents at a formal event
were already alumni. They met when they both became members of the alumni board. Her parents ended up sitting next to each other at one of the alumni meetings. Not too long after that her father asked her mother out on their first date to the Gala. The Gala is a black-tie-optional celebration recognizing the men and women who embody the true spirit of Cabrini University and the core values of respect, vision, community and dedication. A year later her father proposed to her mother on campus. Cabrini has a lot of history for the Katkocin family. Her father Ronald Katkocin was an active student and the Editor-In-Chief of The Loquitur. “I was looking at a bunch of other schools but Cabrini was always top on my list.” Camilia Katkocin said. She talked about how she’s been coming to this campus since she was 7-years-old and it has always been a part of her life. “I just love that it’s a little tucked away place away from everything but also a part of something bigger.” Katkocin said. She talked about how once she came here she felt a part of something bigger but could still remain her individual self. “It’s crazy how much I live certain parts of what my parents did when they came here, so I’ve actually been working the Gala where my parents had their first date.” Katkocin said. She finds herself doing stuff here her parents were involved in as well. Yet she still remains her individual self. Legacy students receive a scholarship, along with other things. On move in, they receive a box full of Cabrini legacy and alumni gear. For graduation, there is also special seating for legacy students’
Ronald Katkocin (left) and Rosemarie Battiato Katkocin (right) parents. “It’s a really unique opportunity and experience for me to live here.” Katkocin said. Being a legacy student never slips her mind. People recognize her last name from her parents and she takes pride in that. For continuing the legacy, well that is up to her children. “I would love if my kids came here. That would be great. I’m sure they would love it too, I don’t want to push them in one direction or the other,” Katkocin said. Since this is where her family started she would love for them to come here. Time will tell if another generation of Katkocins come to Cabrini. “For me, my real family started here and then once I came here I got to build my own family, my Cabrini family.” Katkocin said. She is a part of the class of 2020 so she will be graduating next year. She will still be returning to this campus for alumni events just like her parents. JJACOB1432@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, NOV 14, 2019
Adaptive sports could help level the playing field at Cabrini BY LAUREN GIANNONE Staff Writer Adaptive or para sports programs run parallel to varsity sports. They allow for reasonable modifications to the game so athletes who have varying disabilities can participate fairly. Currently, less than one percent of colleges nationally have an openly advertised adaptive sports program. Cabrini University does not offer any specific program, club or team dedicated to student-athletes who have physical disabilities. However, the Dixon Center and its facilities are ADA compliant, which allows for a more inclusive opportunity for physical activity. Edinboro University, nationally ranked for accessibility and services, has the only active collegiate adaptive sports program in Pennsylvania. Their program of over 35 years, offers activities depending on student interest and currently has wheelchair basketball. In years past, Edinboro offered swimming, bowling, exercise programs and snow tubing. Edinboro’s campus models an
inclusive environment for students who wish to participate in sports but who may not have otherwise had the same opportunity as others to do so. Given Cabrini’s mission to social justice and concern for those in need, could an adaptive sports program create a similar experience for the campus and its surrounding community? “It doesn’t cost anything to be of help to someone in need and by reaching out and offering assistance in a respectful way, it speaks volumes,” Kathleen M. Johnson, director of the Disability Resource Center, said. Johnson pondered what it would be like to have an adaptive sports program that welcomes the community to play alongside students. “Why not start to develop something at least community-wide, perhaps an adaptive club sport,” Johnson said. “This may start the conversation around accommodating students with mobility, hearing or vision challenges in the context of sports. Maybe prospective students looking for these accommodations will
The pool at the Dixon Center and Nerney Field House provides accessibility by offering an access ramp and access lift
The Dixon Center doors open by use of an activation push button, allowing individuals to enter using little exertion google that aspect of a college in their search box and be pleasantly surprised that a small school like Cabrini will offer that.” There are students on campus who would benefit from a program like this. John Doughty is a freshman graphic design major at Cabrini with spina bifida, a condition that affects the spine. He currently participates in the Pennsylvania Center for Adaptive Sports. “I personally think that adaptive sports should be marketed more than they are because it is a chance for people with special needs to do things that maybe they don’t think are possible, and it’s also a chance to boost their confidence,” Doughty said. “There are a lot of people with special needs who aren’t really treated fairly and I think adaptive sports are a really good outlet for the special needs community to express who they really are, rather than who people think they are.”
Some common reasons universities say that they can’t have an adaptive sports program is because there is not enough student interest, financial support or facility space. According to Brad Koch, the director of athletics and recreation, the Cabrini campus simply does not have the space to occupy any more recreational activities both outside on the fields and inside the Dixon Center. “You don’t need to add facilities, you just have to be able to reserve them for a few hours a day to have these programs. If you have a gym that’s separate from your athletic facility, then why can’t you use that after classes? The problem is people don’t think there is a need for it, but because of the law they actually have to offer the opportunity,” James Glatch, head wheelchair basketball coach at Edinboro University, said during a phone interview. LGIANNONE@LIVE.COM
Students living in South residence get a spook during the Halloween season BY MARIA LATTANZE Staff Writer Students living in the new South Residence Hall have felt a haunting presence as unusual events have taken place in their suites. As Halloween quickly grew near, students have reported paranormal activities that have made them feel uneasy with the University’s newest addition to Residence Boulevard. “I am scared as all s**t,” sophomore education major Nicole Bydalek said. “It was around 3 a.m which is devil’s hour.” Bydalek lives in suite 206 in South Residence Hall and has witnessed more than one instance of paranormal activities, four of which occurred in one night. With her roommate gone, Bydalek saw a shining light on her roommate’s bed as well as a ghost figure floating above the bed. When she flashed her flashlight over toward the objects, they disappeared. “It was as if a kid was covered with a sheet over their head,” Bydalek said. Bydalek then heard her name distinctly and clearly called right next to her. She looked into the hallway but did not find anything and her suitemates were asleep. After calming down she went back to bed but saw something out of the corner of her eye and when she turned she saw a “demonic face” right in front of hers “as clear as day.” “Imagine “The Ring” girl, Scream from the “Scream” movie and a zombie mixed,” Bydalek said. “I looked away in fear and I did not turn back around for a bit. I slept with my roommate’s wall lights on the rest of the night.” Similarly to Bydalek’s story, Caitlyn Huebner, a communication graduate and former blogger of Cabrini University,
wrote about paranormal activities on campus as well as her own personal experience. “I was spending time in The Commons one afternoon during a break between classes,” Huebner said. “While sitting on one of the lawn chairs alone, I heard my name shouted from right behind me. I turned and looked everywhere but there was nobody there.” Bydalek’s suitemate, sophomore undeclared major Michelle Piccone, has experienced the same occurrence twice between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. With her
roommate and two suitemates fast asleep, Piccone heard footsteps in her dorm. “I was trying to get some sleep and I felt footsteps right up against my bed,” Piccone said. “It literally felt like a person was walking back and forth in my room.” Two roommates living down the hall from Bydalek and Piccone in suite 203 have experienced two paranormal activities since moving into the new building. Sophomores Alexa Spritzler and Hannah Burke did not feel any presence or disturbance when entering South for the first time but now feel their suite is
haunted. The first occurrence happened during the first week of the first semester. “I have this little stick figure guy on the window ledge,” Spritzler said. “One night it just fell over and the window was not open. It was underneath my bed. There was stuff in front of it and nothing else fell over.” The second occurrence happened on Friday, Oct. 13 when their full-length mirror fell from the wall. After three weeks of being secured on the wall, it fell mirrorside down but did not shatter. It has not fallen since. Both Spritzler and Burke were shaken by these instances. Grace Adams, a senior resident assistant on the second floor of South Residence, has answered students’ issues and concerns, such as maintenance, by listening and connecting them to any resources or assistance the campus has to offer. Adams has not yet heard of any complaints or issues regarding paranormal activities. “I am very surprised,” Adams said. “This is the first I have heard anything about any paranormal activity. In this situation, all I could really do is say ‘I am sorry you feel that way, I am sorry that happened, what can I do?’” There have been reports on the first floor of South Residence of paranormal activities as well as numerous reports of paranormal activities on campus. There has not been any action by Residence Life or Public Safety since these reported paranormal activities, only scaring others by retelling the detailed stories.
There have been numerous reports of paranormal activity in the new residence hall, South, located on Residence Boulevard.
THURSDAY, NOV. 14 2019
‘Bite’ app from Sodexo personalizes student dining experience BY TYLER SEABROOK Staff Writer
Has there ever been a time when you’re told about something and wonder if it’s worth it? This question could cover a wide variety of subcategories in life. Some examples could include restaurants, particular clothing brands, applications over a wide range of platforms and many more that people could be telling you about. Sodexo created an app called “Bite” in 2016. Within this app, students can view what is being offered during the different meal periods on a given day. This can be helpful for students who might be in a rush for a class or if they have time to kill. The app lists the food options that are being offered at each location in the cafeteria and the necessary nutritional information that students want to know about. This consists of the calorie count for the particular food. It provides food icons to indicate what is inside of the food to prevent someone from getting an allergic reaction. Edna Tees, senior education major, doesn’t currently use the app because sometimes it wasn’t updated on the food that the cafeteria is offering. She also doesn’t have any recommendations on how the app could be changed. She enjoyed how it showed
the nutritional information of the food offered. “My main issue with the app was the format of it,” Tees said. An article done by the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown’s student newspaper provided information about this app. It can be linked to FitBits and other trackers that do personal health information, such as calorie and fat intake. Devyn Levy, a junior psychology major, provided her insight on the app.
Bite app feature customizes the type of meal for students
The last time that she used the app was when she was a freshman. She doesn’t use it currently because she can’t remember if she still has the app on her phone or not. She did find it useful when she was a freshman. Levy liked the app because you can look at the different meal options ahead of time, so you can plan your meals accordingly. Her main concern about the app is that the data provided on the meals being offered wasn’t always accurate. “I would recommend that Sodexo should increase the visibility of the screen that the app projects on,” Levy said. People might find this helpful in their food selection on a particular day. It shows you how vital nutrients are gained within the human body. Another tool that can be used by students and their food selection, is called menus.sodexomyway. This is very similar to “Bite.” It could be an alternative if students don’t have this app already. Carmen Jones, a junior marketing major, has provided her impressions on the app “Bite.” She uses this app to know what the cafeteria is offering on that specific day to see if it’s something she would like to eat. Since she is on the cross country team, she wants to make sure that she is eating properly to better enhance her fitness. Jones’ pro for the app is that it gives
Nutritional information under each food listed helps students track calories you the menu for that day with all the nutritional facts. The con that Jones came up with is that the cafeteria sometimes doesn’t match with the app is saying. “My only recommendation on how the app could be changed is if there was an option to make a last-minute change to what is going to be offered,” Jones said. TYSEABROOK99@GMAIL.COM
The Center for Career and Professional Development helps students at all stages BY PETER POTTORFF Staff Writer The Center for Career and Professional Development at Cabrini University is committed to helping current students and alumni advance their careers. In order to accomplish this, the CCPD encourages students to frequently visit their office on the second floor of the Widener Center throughout their academic careers at Cabrini. They describe it as a way for students to grow their academic careers and not simply as a resource for juniors and seniors. “We see the office as a tool to be used by the students for the entirety of their career at Cabrini and beyond,” James McLaughlin, a career service specialist, said. “We want to create a network of successful graduates who give back to the University.” The CCPD hosts networking events, workshops, career counseling sessions and resume review sessions in order to give students opportunities to further prepare themselves for the professional world. Those who do attend these events range from freshmen to seniors. “The biggest event we hosted this semester so far was the Networking Night on Oct. 23,” McLaughlin said. “We had around 70 plus students and 23 registered vendors at the event.” A service the CCPD is promoting is the use of Handshake. Handshake is a system that allows students to register for events, make appointments and apply for internships and jobs. All students have an account as being part of the university.
attributes, the CCPD hosts various events throughout each semester. These range from networking nights to workshops on interviews to career exploration workshops. Office hours for the CCPD are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and there is always the possibility of scheduling an appointment outside drop-in hours. “If you wait, you waste opportunities,” Kelly said. “We want to start to have a conversation about your future now.”
Debra Kelly and James McLaughlin pictured in the CCPD office “We want to have Handshake to be seen as more than a way to make appointments,” Debra Kelly, a career service specialist, said. “It’s mainly used only for making appointments right now.” A highlight of the service is that it is used by other major universities in the area such as Rutgers, Villanova and Temple. The other major features of Handshake includes an easy way to filter and search for positions both on the local and national level. “The CCPD has helped quite a bit,” Robert Castellano, a senior accounting major, said. “They helped me in revising my resume, finding a job and getting set up on Handshake.” The Career Closet is a recent and quite helpful addition to the CCPD. The closet is where students can go try on
formal clothes and accessories to wear for interviews and even keep them if they like them. All of this is done free of charge to the students. “We never want a student not to attend an event because of lack of dress attire,” Erin Gabriel, director of the CCPD, said. “The closet right now is filled to the brim and we almost need a second closet.” The CCPD also tries to prepare students according to the standards of the National Association of Colleges and Employers. The NACE has eight attributes they look to find in students and recent graduates: critical thinking, oral/written communication, teamwork, digital technology, leadership, work ethic, career management and international fluency. In order to help students with these
Important upcoming event this month hosted by CCPD office
THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2019
Job opportunities near campus for students to make some money BY FAITH PITSIKOULIS Staff Writer Students at Cabrini have many opportunities to find jobs outside of class, athletics or other activities they may be involved in around campus. Target in King of Prussia is always hiring to fill cashier positions and offers flexible hours for different class schedules. Walmart is another flexible cashier job. Many students are able to shop for clothing, school supplies and groceries after they are done their shifts. Chick-fil-A and Wendy’s both offer fast food jobs that work around class schedules,drug stores like Rite Aid and CVS do not require much commitment. These chains are good jobs for students who are looking to make money, but do not want a stressful schedule. Starbucks gives employees an abundant amount of benefits for their hard work. Students would receive a 30 percent discount on all merchandise, food and beverages from Starbucks and a free premium Spotify subscription. The King of Prussia Mall is full of employment opportunities too. “I work at Yankee Candle in the mall,” Victoria Lepore, sophomore business management major, said. “It’s quite slow, but I like it. I get there by taking the shuttle.” The mall is a great place for discounts on clothing, food or sportswear. Students have the opportunity to receive discounts at stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods and American Eagle. Students who live nearby campus or know the area well can look into pet sitting. There are plenty of dog walking jobs throughout neighborhoods in Wayne.
Wag! is the most popular dog walking app that allows people to book dog walkers on-demand. The app can be found on Google Play and requires completion of an application process. Students must pass a quiz on dog safety and a test on the different harnesses used for each dog in order to start walking.
Trader Joe’s grocery store at Gateway shopping center
Wag! app on Apple App Store If students have friends who need help with a class, the Radnor Library is a prime location to go and tutor people. Tutoring can also be beneficial for tutors themselves, because it allows students to review the same material they might be tested on as well. Grocery stores can be very helpful due to various jobs that need to be filled. Students who are social and like interacting with people can be upfront as cashiers, while those who are more introverted are able to put out
produce and stack shelves. Cabrini is in close proximity to stores like Acme, Wegmans and Trader Joe’s. Multiple jobs at a time can sometimes be stressful, but other times both jobs can be well managed. Employers who offer flexible hours and understand the daily workload of a college student will make for an overall positive work experience. “I have two jobs off campus,” Joe Nguyen, sophomore marketing major, said. “I work at Superdry, which is a retail store in the mall, and I work at a gym called Lifetime Fitness.” Nguyen continued to discuss the benefit of working out for free after his shift at the gym. An example of one of the many perks students can earn while working during a semester. “It’s not really stressful working two jobs, because I’m very good at my time management skills,” Nguyen said. “always set time aside to do work.” FAITHPITS4@GMAIL.COM
How extracurricular activities help a resume stand out BY AMANDA ZACHARIAS Staff Writer Internship application season is upon us! As students are planning out their next semester courses, internships play a big role in decision making. To ensure that your resume makes it to the top of the pile it is suggested that you get involved in extracurricular activities. Being involved both on and off-campus builds skills that can make a resume pop, as well as provide you with much-needed experience and skill training. Specifically, career readiness skills are important to pay attention to when being involved as they are keywords that should be added to your resume and talked about during an interview. For a full list and examples of career readiness skills, visit the NACE website. “It tells me that if you were involved in college with activities there’s a good chance as an employer you are going to be involved with us as well,” said career services specialist Deb Kelly. Kelly wants Cabrini students to understand the importance of showing initiative by getting involved and gaining an abundance of new skills that cannot be learned from sitting in a classroom.
By getting involved you can also better learn what you like and what you dislike. You don’t want to spend all this time and money on an education for a job field that you don’t like. By the time you get to the job, it’s already too late because you spent all the effort on something you didn’t like. By getting involved early on you can hone in on what it is you are truly passionate about and make a career out of it. “Colleges are great testing grounds to make sure that what you are studying is what you want to do,” Kelly said. There are so many benefits to getting involved in the community, both on and off-campus. What employers want to see are examples. “For every point you have on your resume you should be able to back it up by an example,” Kelly said. These activities will give students more chances to practice problem solving so that when it comes up in an interview there is proof you can do it and that carries much more weight than just your words. “Employers want to know how you specifically assisted, and it’s more of a show me, don’t tell me,” Kelly said.
Resumes that stand are more likely to be noticed by employers
Skills gained through clubs and activites
Junior, biological science major, Viola Maya Varfley is using her resume to land an internship. Varfley is involved in three very diverse clubs on campus. She takes part in the iCAVS Step Team, Black Student Union and NEXTSTEP Ameri Corp. Serving on the executive board as the community service coordinator for iCAVS Step Team and as a mentor to a freshman for the Ameri Corp, Varfley has gained different skills from each organization. “I’ve gained time management, great communication, being an outstanding team leader, creativity and more,” Varfley said. These skills have already helped her get a job while in college and she hopes to continue to develop her skills further through internships. Be the one that stands out from everyone else. When applying for internships and jobs there can be 50 or 100 other applicants, make sure that your resume will make it to the top of that pile. A great way to do that is with these extra activities that show your dedication to being involved and life long learning. For students who may not have a club directly related to their major to gain field specific experience it is still important to get involved in any way possible. “Get involved in community work, it doesn’t have to be related to your major but there is always something,” Kelly said. On that same note, don’t join just to join, do it because you want to get something out of it. There are so many benefits to being involved that go beyond resume building. AZACHARIAS360@GMAIL.COM
THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2019
Autism through a brother’s eyes BY EVANS BAKER Staff Writer One of the most influential parts of my life was the day I learned I was to become a big brother. I was three years old. I always had an idea in my head what a little brother would be. I thought I was going to have somebody to watch “Star Wars” with and have epic sword duels. That was not the case. My brother Aidan, who is the middle child of our family, was just like any other baby in the world when he was born so it was too soon to tell that he had autism. But according to Autism Speaks, 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with autism so this can happen to any family. My brother was that 1 in 59 kids, but
little did I know that only a year later that my life would change even more when I found out yet again that I was going to have another brother. This time I had an idea of what he might be like if he was also diagnosed with autism. However, God also had other plans with my younger brother Kieran. When Kieran was born, he too was another 1 in 59 kids that have autism but as I said before, every person is different. Kids with autism can have many different types of ways that challenge their daily lives like communication and social behaviors according to the Autism Society. Just like every other person in the world, every person is different and acts
Evans and his two brothers
in their own special way and my brothers are no exception. While Aidan can speak, he does not talk like you and I. If Aidan would like something, he would say my name and say I want and he would say the name of the object he would like. Aidan is learning more conventional ways of asking for things like “may I have this” and phrases that are similar. However, Kieran, the youngest in our family, is nonverbal. Nonverbal means he can make sounds and he can laugh and cry but cannot really say words. So the question arises; how does one speak if they cannot say any words? The simple answer is with his iPad. Kieran can communicate by showing a person words through an app that can say and pronounce words like “I want this or that” and this is his way of communicating so he never goes anywhere without his iPad. However, he is learning how to pronounce simple words like “mom” and “bye” so this is a really big deal for him. Despite all differences in brothers, they are still people, no different from anyone else and they are also still my brothers. For almost 18 years, I have learned many things that I could have only dreamed of if I did not have my brothers to help me understand. I have been able to learn patience and how to look at another person’s perspective through their eyes and knowing how hard it must be for someone who cannot speak at all express their feelings and emotions. I have also learned that helping someone goes a long way and can show them life lessons. Every day, I help my brothers with some of their daily tasks and after
Autismn awareness symbol watching me for so long they begin to do it themselves, making me kind of one of their teachers. In a way, I think I teach them some things here and there without me even knowing I taught them. Even though my brothers have this disability, that doesn’t stop them from having the time of their lives. Aidan loves to dance and never wants to stop and Kieran loves to go outside and play and just have a good time and these have taught me something as well. The lesson is that even if one is having the most miserable day, there is some sort of upside to that situation that we can always turn to for happiness. Even though my brothers have this disability, that doesn’t stop them from having the time of their lives. Even though they can get on my nerves sometimes. EVANS.TANAKA.BAKER@GMAIL.COM
From hitting rock bottom to feeling better than ever BY ANGELINA HALAS Staff Writer
Editor’s Note: The following article touches on aspects of self-harming. According to the University of Portland, one in four high school girls intentionally hurt themselves by cutting or burning their skin. In 2017, 41 percent of high school girls reported feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for two or more weeks in a row, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. It’s crazy to look back and believe that I was a part of those statistics. When I was in elementary school, I was convinced I was going to be the next Hannah Montana, despite not being able to sing or dance. I dreamt of becoming a rock star, even though I couldn’t play an instrument. I went to the park every day, rain or shine and laughed as hard as I could with my friends. Then I became a teenager. I lost sight of trying to become the next Hannah Montana. I began to
Words that could take over a person
become concerned about matching my hair ties to my outfits. My friends got highlights in their hair, then I wanted highlights in my hair. My friends loved going to the mall every day, so I loved going to the mall every day. Those laughs and trips to the park turned into scrolling through Instagram comparing myself to models, caring about how many likes I got on a picture, and praying to get a Snapchat back. I started to see that many other people were enjoying their life much more than I was. I would look in the mirror and all I saw was what they had and I didn’t. I started to believe that I was never going to be good enough. I thought I was ugly, I thought my grades weren’t great even though I had A’s. I thought that no matter how hard I tried, I was never going to amount to anything. Due to the constant sadness and the focus on my insecurities, all I could think about doing was hurting myself and punishing myself. Punishing myself for not being good enough at everyone else’s standards. I would cut myself as often as I could because I was just that unhappy. I felt that I was constantly being judged for everything I wasn’t doing right. I would become sad with just the drop of a pin. I started to believe that everything wasn’t going to be okay. I could never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to realize the pressure I was under and all I saw were the negatives. I couldn’t bare to get up in the morning because I hated the way I looked and lacked the energy I needed to get through the day. When I was a freshman in high school, my dad would constantly pick me up because I couldn’t focus in class and I was having multiple anxiety attacks a day and I was just horribly sad.
According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, 1.9 million children, ages three to 17, have diagnosed depression and 17.3 million adults, 18 or older, suffer from depression One day, I cut really deep and I became terrified. I used to look at hurting myself as not a problem because who cares? But at that moment, I felt horrible about it and realized I needed help.
“I would look in the mirror and all I saw was what they had and I didn’t.” With the help of my friends and family, I began to get back on my feet and get back to who I used to be. I began seeing a therapist, who diagnosed me with depression and anxiety but found ways to work through it. According to Help Guide, when dealing with depression and anxiety, you want to find the people that support you, not be afraid to talk about your feelings
and come up with ideas that would boost your mood, like watching a movie or going on a walk. I figured out what I actually needed in my life, what friends I wanted to stay around, what I would actually put up with and who I wanted to be as a person. I knew I didn’t want to be the person I was freshman year forever. To the people hearing this, who might be going through something similar, everything is going to be okay. Take it from me. Take it from the girl who can now wake up in the morning energized, the girl who can smile in the mirror and the girl that can finally see the good in herself.
THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2019
Student-athletes provided with plenty of healthy food options BY BRENDON FISHER Staff Writer
Athletes must maintain his or her diet to perform every day at peak level. A healthy diet changes the way an athlete feels during their sport, in the classroom and while resting. When talking about a healthy diet, everyone has their own opinion. ‘Eat more protein, don’t eat red meat, don’t eat beef, stay away from carbs.’ However, what are the best foods to eat at Cabrini? College students who work part-time jobs don’t have the money to go get fresh food at the grocery store each week.
This makes it harder for college athletes, whose jobs are to perform each day at their sport and to maintain a healthy diet as well. Most athletes rely on the Cav’s Corner for their meals, however, what is best for an athlete to eat from the cafeteria? “Sodexo has a different health option each week,” Dustin Malandra, Cabrini’s strength and conditioning coach, said. “It’s a matter of if the student-athlete chooses the right thing to eat each meal.” The easy thing to do is grab a burger and fries with a Pepsi and have a nice meal, but for a student-athlete, this
Campus locations such as Cru5h have plenty of healthy options to choose from
might be the worst meal to eat. With the high-intensity workout, an athlete must compete at each practice and game, foods like a burger and soda can make an athlete feel slow and sluggish. “[Sodexo] has their own app on the phone where you can see what they will be serving each day,” Malandra said. “For those who don’t have a meal plan, going out and shopping for your food is much better than eating fast food. You don’t have to make full meals either. Pasta, pre-packed chicken and seafood fill the daily intake an athlete should need to be productive in their sport.” With strength and conditioning being a big part of an athlete’s life, recovery is as well. Just because an athlete is injured doesn’t mean they can eat whatever they would like. Rachel Flanders, the head athletic trainer for Cabrini, commented on the topic as well. “There are definitely healthy options available in the cafeteria for studentathletes,” Flanders said. “The bigger issue is choosing a better decision from what is available. Student-athletes should eat a very balanced diet including healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins.” Cabrini has done an excellent job of providing plenty of healthy options for their student-athletes in their cafeteria. With carbohydrates being the main source for energy for athletes, Flanders believes the cafeteria has those to give. “Carbohydrates are an athlete’s main source of energy during a workout. Some examples are pasta, bread, fruits, and vegetables to name a few,” Flanders said. “High-quality proteins, which are important for sustaining healthy
Jarren Abad putting up a shot in a game against Eastern University muscles, are also important and are available in the cafeteria.” With strength and conditioning and athletic therapy, both believe that Cabrini’s cafeteria has the essentials for a student-athlete. However, they aren’t the ones who eat there on a daily basis. Jarren Abad, a senior exercise science and health promotion major, plays basketball for Cabrini and has an interesting diet. He explained how his diet is affected by what is served at the cafeteria. “I don’t eat red meat. Chicken, seafood, and salad is what I get from the [Cav’s Corner],” Abad said. “Doesn’t seem like much, but that is what I work with. I don’t eat or drink dairy also, but overall the [Cav’s Corner] is better than other colleges I’ve been at.” B11FISH11@GMAIL.COM
Women’s basketball nears start of new season BY NATALIE FRITZ Staff Writer
The women’s basketball team is preparing for their upcoming season. Coaches, as well as players, have been putting in time during the offseason all hoping it will show on the court just in time for the start of the season. Head women’s basketball coach, Kate Pearson, has been getting her team as ready as she can for the season. She said every girl has been bringing a lot of energy into the gym during the preseason and how much improvement she has seen from each of her players. She explained how she is not only working physically with the players but mentally as well. “We are preparing by working hard at practices on our fundamentals as well
Ashley Tutzauer driving for a layup in the ECAC Championship game vs. NYU
as working to execute our game plan at both ends of the court. We have also worked to identify our team standards and core values so that we are all on the same page,” Pearson said. She emphasized how she wanted her players to be in the best mental and physical state they can be in. It will help them individually as well as a team if they all work on it. The women’s team lost some core players from last year but have players that are stepping up and ready to fill in their positions. Incoming freshmen and transfers have been a great addition as well. “The new players already bring lots of energy and have been pushing our veteran players to raise their level of play,” Pearson said. Pearson is ready for the new season and a new journey that every season comes with. Her main priority as a coach is making every season memorable for everyone involved, especially the seniors because this is their last go around. “I am excited to see our seniors rise and how the rest of the team rally around them,” Pearson said. Not only is Pearson ready for the season but the players cannot wait to step out on the court. Ashley Tutzauer, junior early childhood and special education major, is eager for the season to begin. She said how well the team chemistry has been going so far and that is showing on the court. While Tutzauer, who is a three-sport athlete, had been taking any free time she had to be with the team during preseason, she feels that her team will succeed this season.
Women’s basketball opens the season on Nov. 14 at Elizabethtown College “At the conference, the hardest team we will face will be Marymount, we lost to them in the championship last year but this year we are excited about revenge,” Tutzauer said. She hopes to win the conference as well as at a large bid to the NCAA tournament. Cassidy Gallagher, senior psychology major, is taking in everything in preparation for her final season. She said how the expectations for the team this year are limitless. In practice, they have all been working very hard and it has paid off. Gallagher said how they all hold each other accountable and push each other every day in practice, it is the only way they are going to get better as a team. “Major changes would just be
the number of new girls we have and adjusting to playing with new and different people,” Gallagher said. Gallagher explained how the freshmen and transfers need to learn and practice the plays that they have implemented on the offensive and defensive side but are getting right up to speed. The women’s basketball team is ready to face their first opponent in their season opener away, against Elizabethtown College, Thursday, Nov. 21.
THURSDAY, NOV 14, 2019
The men’s basketball team is getting ready for the upcoming season
BY MEGAN FEE Staff Writer
The Cabrini men’s basketball team is preparing for its upcoming season which begins on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Wells College two-day tournament. The team, who has been practicing for about two weeks now, will have its first scrimmage on Friday, Nov. 1 and will have their first local game against Eastern University in the Battle of Eagle Road on Tuesday, Nov. 12. The players are very excited about this year’s basketball season to begin and have been taking the time to prepare for less than two weeks before the season starts. The team has been working hard and is very hopeful for this season. “I’m pretty happy with our efforts so far,” head coach Tim McDonald said. “I think we’re putting in a lot of new stuff [and] mixing in a lot of new players, which I think is kind of bringing a freshness to the team, kind of a new beginning for us.” McDonald added that one of the big themes for the team this season is to be present and to concentrate during practice. He’s also said to lock in on what the players can do better during practice so that they will be ready both physically and mentally for when the first game comes. According to Keith Blassingale, a senior marketing major and forward, the team is working through new defensive drills, which was an area in need of improvement last year. “We’re just trying to work as hard as we can right now, get conditioned and
try to just get everybody on the same page trying to make sure that we’re clicking when the first game comes and give all the energy that we can this year,” Brice Parks, a junior business management major and shooting guard, said. With the new season quickly approaching the team has many expectations and goals that they hope to meet. “Our expectation every year is to come in and compete to try and win our conference championships so that’s our goal and really just taking it by a game by game basis,” McDonald said. Blassingale hopes to have a strong season and wants to make the Atlantic East Championship and hopefully make a run in the tournament. Parks hopes to win as many games as possible this season, try to win the conference championship and make a rebound this year. McDonald is very pleased with the effort the team has been giving at practice and is excited about the new additions and those returning to this year’s team. He explained that the team has 10 new players and that he is very excited for the Blassingale’s return, who transferred to Rosemont College last season after two seasons at Cabrini. He believes that Blassingale with have a big impact this season, seeing as he was the team’s second-leading scorer two years ago and has already racked up over 1,000 points in his career. “Adding someone that can score
TYLER O’CONNOR Men’s basketball opens the season on Nov. 9 at the Wells College Tournament players coming off of injuries will be like him is certainly going to really help very beneficial to the team because the us that way and then a couple more players are used to working alongside transfers and our six freshmen are really one another and already have strong going to help us this year and add that team chemistry. new freshness and energy that we need “Injury always affects us but I think to get everyone else going,” McDonald we’ve been pretty healthy for the most said. part,” Blassingale said. “We have a good group of guys “When everybody’s healthy and returning that are kind of learning as everybody’s back it’s a good mix of guys,” well and growing up into better roles,” he Parks said. said. “It’s definitely nice to get new additions,” Parks said. “Keith coming MEGANFEE17@GMAIL.COM back this year is going to help a lot.” Parks later added that returning
Humble Hays: Eagles win second straight, 76ers hot start continues
BY GRIFF HAYS Sports Editor
The Eagles grabbed a big win on Sunday, the 76ers capped off a 5-0 start with a thrilling buzzer-beater win in Portland on Saturday night and the Flyers continued their inconsistent start during a slower week in Philly-area sports.
The Eagles jumped ahead early against the Chicago Bears on Sunday and stayed there, holding off a late comeback attempt for a 22-14 win. Jordan Howard ran for 82 yards and a touchdown on the day to lead the charge against his former team. This was a promising game for an Eagles team that has underachieved so far this season. The offense moved the ball almost at will against one of the top defenses in the league, and the defense held the Bears to under 165 yards of offense for the game. That said, there were some issues. The offensive line allowed four sacks, Jake Elliott missed an extra point and going 8-18 on third-down-conversions is a bit underwhelming. Either way, the win allowed them to keep pace with the Cowboys, who crushed the Giants on Monday night. Tom Brady and the Patriots await after the bye week. Up next: Bye week
Penn State
The off-week came at a perfect time for the Nittany Lions. Well rested and well prepared, they now head
to Minneapolis to take on the #13 Minnesota Golden Gophers. Earlier in the season, this would be a worrying matchup for Penn State fans, but now with big wins over Iowa and Michigan under their belt, it might be overlooked with a big Ohio State game looming. Which is exactly why this should be a worrying game for Penn State fans. Minnesota will be fired up coming into this game because a win puts them in the drivers’ seat in the Big Ten West. If the Lions come out flat and get caught looking ahead, they will get run over. If they do come out ready to play, expect them to get it done, and all that will stand between them and a Big Ten Championship game berth will be Justin Fields and the Buckeyes. Up next: 11/9 @ #13 Minnesota, 12:00 p.m./ ABC
The Sixers are red hot to start the year. After a 2-0 week to open the 2019-’20 campaign, Philly survived a tough road tilt with the upstart Atlanta Hawks, beat up on the Timberwolves at home (literally) and split the first half of a tough west coast road trip. This team is looking the part of a title contender, albeit very early in the
season. They took care of business against a young, explosive Atlanta team and survived a matchup with Damian Lillard’s Trail Blazers on a late Furkan Korkmaz three-pointer. The latter of the two came without big man Joel Embiid, as he is currently suspended for four games following his brawl with Minnesota’s Karl-Anthony Towns last week. They may not have been the most convincing wins of all time, but finding ways to win in tough road games is what carries into the playoffs. Up next: 11/8 @ Denver, 9:00 p.m./ NBCS Philly 11/10 vs. Charlotte, 7:00 p.m./ NBCS Philly
The Flyers have been the most confusing team in the NHL through the first three weeks of the season. They win the first two games of the year… then lose four straight. Runoff a three-game winning streak… then lose three out of four including a 7-1 blowout from their archrival Pittsburgh Penguins. If that trend is GRIFF HAYS anything to go by, the Flyers are due for a pretty good week. Friendly home matchups with Carolina and Montreal definitely help their case for such, but they have a tough weekend
looming with road games against the Bruins and Maple Leafs. Going 2-2 over that stretch might be a best-case scenario. Up next: 11/7 vs. Montreal, 7:00 p.m./NBCS Philly 11/9 @ Toronto, 7:00 p.m./NBCS Philly 11/10 @ Boston, 7:00 p.m./NBCS Philly
The Owls had a week to rest up and recover after a blowout loss to UCF, and now look to bounce back against a middling South Florida squad on Thursday night in Tampa. Up next: 11/7 @ USF, 8:00 p.m./ESPN
The Good, The Bad and the Weird
Good - Washington Nationals The Nationals made history last Wednesday when they finished off a 6-2 win in game seven of the World Series to clinch their first title in franchise history. They also became the first team to