Spectrum Dental Group
Important things you need to know about dental implants Dental implants can be quite expensive at the onset but for those who know, this is something that can save you money in the future. There are many studies conducted that have shown how beneficial dental prosthetics are and that in the long run, oral and maxillofacial professionals prefer them since they are more affordable than traditional tooth replacement methods; they are also more durable and last much longer. Dentures and dental bridges are being replaced as the most popular choice by the day and there are good reasons for this change:
Important things you need to know about dental implants Longer lasting: People today are living longer than they used to and this is making dental implants more popular. Dentures were deemed acceptable in the past because people had to wear them for only a short period of time. With lifespan of these implants being anything like ten years, patients will prefer them to anything else. Affordable: There is no doubt today that dental implants are more affordable than any other form of prostheses; this is especially true when you are replacing a single tooth. Dental bridges are more expensive and can be quite troublesome in cases where only one tooth is being replaced; they increases risks of gum disease and may damage other teeth.
Important things you need to know about dental implants
Easy maintenance: When compared to dentures, dental implants are easier because one doesn’t have to remove them. This is a form of permanent tooth replacement and you can only take care of it the same way you care for your natural teeth. The protection regime involves flossing, brushing and cleaning them regularly; this means that they require the least amount of maintenance when compared to all other prostheses. However, you must always remember to have a regular checkup with your dentist so that your implantation is also checked.
Important things you need to know about dental implants Clearer speech: Most people often realize too late that dentures have a way in which they affect a person’s speech. This happens even when they fit well because they will affect the way you pronounce particular words. Dental implants are normally screwed directly to the gum line and they fit like your original teeth hence no risk of unwanted sounds or difficulty speaking. Eat anything: Bridges, dentures and other forms of tooth replacement will restrict your enjoyment of certain foods. This happens especially in relation to harder foods that could easily dislodge the prosthetics. Because implants are permanent replacements they are not likely to move or shift or get affected in anyway when you eat hard candy or tough nuts. Keeps your smile: Dentures are worn to fit over your gums As a result they affect the shape of your smile and in effect your face; this also applies to all other tooth replacement apart from dental implants. This is because they are customized and fit your jawline.
Regain your smile with the help of orthodontics You may be a victim or has seen some people who will avoid splashing a smile at whatever cost or maybe, there are those others who will try to smile but cover their mouths using their hands. In most cases, this is the result of the embarrassment they face as a result of misshapen or crooked teeth that they are usually afraid of displaying when smiling. Orthodontics is a line of dentistry where additional training is taken; this forms of dental practice involves the removal or insertion of different types of dental braces. An orthodontist is able to realign crooked or misshapen teeth and replace missing teeth such that a person can once again have a pleasant smile without fear.
Regain your smile with the help of orthodontics An orthodontist is a normal dentist by training but upon graduation they take specialized additional training after which they get registered to practice orthodontics. You could compare them to a general physician who takes specialized training to deal with heart problems. Everyone who practices orthodontics is therefore given a special license to do so by the relevant regulatory body. The greatest work done by orthodontists is basically rectifying a ‘bad bite’ also known as malocclusion. This dental surgeon will help straighten any teeth that are misaligned and also improve your bite by correcting the way teeth come together; they make use of dental aligners and braces so as to move your teeth gently.
Spectrum Dental Group Spectrum Dental Group 14976 Sand Canyon Ave. Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 788-0088 info@spectrumdentalgroup.com www.spectrumdentalgroup.com