Pte academic exam preparation

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PTE Academic Exam Preparation – 5 Most Common Mistakes That People Make When Taking the Exams

PTE Melbourne has administered the PTE exams to so many students over the years. With each group of students, there are mistakes that have been seen to be recurring and that can potentially cause the students good scores in their PTE exams if not corrected early enough. The following are five most common exams that anyone intending to take PTA academic test should watch out for. 1. Use of wrong tenses PTE examiners are very strict on use of grammar. Grammatical errors involving use of wrong tenses will contribute to low scores and potentially cause you to fail your PTE academic test. When describing tests, one should use a present continuous tense instead of using a present simple tense. Moreover, in describing past or future events, you should employ past and future tenses respectively. 2. Over using fillers Fillers are connective words that don’t have much meaning. During the speaking test, fillers can help keep the microphone on since it will automatically switch off if you’re quiet for more than three minutes. You should however not use too many fillers and instead be prepared with a format for answering questions so that PTE examiners don’t consider you unprepared. 3. Using false starts, hesitations, repetitions and pauses The PTE academic test Melbourne has many modules to be tested, and every module is an important contributing factor to the overall score. The PTE speaking exam therefore requires that you’re adequately prepared. Use of too many false starts like “umh”, will make the examiners bored with your speech. Also repetitions and pauses are a sign of not being adequately prepared and will cause the examiners to take off some marks from your scores. These mistakes when made for your speaking exam can potentially spill over to reading and written exams. You should thus avoid them as much as possible and the best way to do this is to have adequate preparation prior to the exam day. 4. Mis-use of the preposition ‘About’ Most students mis-use the preposition ‘about’. During mock PTE tests, PTE Melbourne study center trains students on alternative words to use in place of the word ‘about’. In our observation, most students that over-use the word ‘about’ only do so because they lack sufficient vocabulary. 5. Unregulated pace of speaking in PTE speaking exam For some weird reason students always think speaking fast equals being fluent. On the contrary, some PTE examiners will feel that you’re speaking fast because you’re nervous or tense and will therefore downgrade you. It’s important that you practice on breathing skills so that you can regulate your breathing and as a result speak in a regular speed. PTE exams are not as challenging as people make them, if you can only be cautious not to commit these mistakes then you will be in a more advantageous position to ace your tests.

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