Valley Solar Solutions
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility Anyone thinking about solar panel installation has a great idea and needs to be congratulated. This is because with solar energy, you will be powering your house using clean and environmentally friendly electric power. However, you want to know whether your home is a good candidate for the best solar power solutions. The installation of solar panels requires a completely new and independent setup that will be integrated into your establishment and before any installation it is good for you to check for eligibility.
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility As a homeowner, you may not really know whether your home qualifies for solar panel installation; solar panel installers and providers have all the answers. However, you need to have a rough idea of what thy will be looking at even before they arrive so you can decide before you make that important call.
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility Roof orientation: Solar panel installation on your roof depends on the orientation of the roof; even though east and west facing roofs can be feasible, you are better off with a south facing roof if you want to get the highest amount of solar power. Roof orientation plays an important role in the functioning of your solar panel. The reason southern facing roofs are ideal is because they get maximum exposure to the sun for longer hours when compared to those facing east or west. The longer a roof is exposed to the sun, the greater the efficiency. In addition to the orientation, pitched roofs are better than flat ones when it comes to solar panel installations; you may do with a fat roof also but the solar panel will have to be tilted to the optimal angle.
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility Sun exposure: You will get as much solar energy as your solar panels are exposed to the sun; sun exposure is important and if there is anything that is blocking it will need to be removed. The ideal roof for solar panel installations is the one without any shade or very minimal at best. It is also possible for surrounding trees and buildings to interfere with exposure and as a result, you need to make sure there is nothing that will limit the sun’s exposure tour roof. Solar panel installation doesn’t need angled or complex roofs but rather flat or open roofs.
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility Roof condition: Apart from the orientation and the pitch, the condition of your roof is also a critical factor for home solar; the roof needs to be strong enough to hold the weight of the solar panel installation. A typical solar panel has a lifespan of about 20 years and as a result, you don’t want to put in on a roof that will be replaced in the near future; new homes are most ideal for solar energy solutions.
Solar Panel Installation Eligibility Adequate space: Last but not least, the roof will need sufficient space for the solar panel installation. Because solar panels come in different sizes, you need to make sure your roof has enough space for the amount of solar energy you hope to generate. Most typical solar panels come in sizes of between 300-500 square feet.
Valley Solar Solutions 1350 F Street Fresno, CA 93706 Phone: (559) 281-6947 Email: