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Copper Cabling Troubleshooting Handbook

Table of Contents Introduction


Troubleshooting Basics


Link Models


Finding Cabling Faults


Troubleshooting Flowchart


Escalation Procedure


Using Advanced Troubleshooting Diagnostics






Introduction Today’s cabling installation professionals must know how to troubleshoot and diagnose high-performance cabling systems. Structured cabling systems have changed dramatically since the TIA-568A and IS11801 cabling standards were published in 1995. The revised and updated standards no longer recommend the Cat 5 cabling system – and instead support Cat 5e or Cat 6 installations. Why the need for advanced diagnostics? These high-performance cabling systems must be tested and certified in the field with new test parameters, new link definitions, more data points, higher bandwidth, tighter margins, new connector types, as well as patch cord requirements. The importance of component compliance and excellent workmanship during installation has risen accordingly. Due to the increased complexity of these cabling systems, determining the cause of failure and quickly restoring suitable performance has become a challenging task. This handbook has been written to guide you through troubleshooting of advanced structured cabling systems, so you can increase your productivity and deliver better value to your organization.



Troubleshooting Basics Copper cabling failures are most commonly caused by one of the following: 1. Installation errors (especially wiremap and pair twisting; always keep the “original twist” in wire pairs as much as practical) 2. Bad connectors 3. Inappropriate tester set up 4. Bad cable 5. Bad patch cords* 6. Cabling effects not accounted for in the link model (e.g. reflected FEXT) *Patch cords would be higher on the list, except that they are only tested in the channel configuration, and the vast majority of tests are of the permanent link.

Before you begin testing, you should verify the basics: •

Has the appropriate autotest been selected?

Has the correct link model been selected?

Are you using the appropriate adapter with a plug that matches the jack in the TO or patch?

Are you using the most current version of tester software?

Is the NVP set correctly for the cable under test?

Is the tester within its operating temperature range and in calibration?


Link models For meaningful results, it is essential to choose the appropriate autotest and link model. The Basic Link is now obsolete, and the majority of all field tests should use the Permanent Link model. The impact of this change is to move the reference point for the measurements from the tester interface to the far end of the test cord (as shown). In a practical sense, this means field testers must be much more sophisticated, because they must subtract all of the test cord effects for each measurement. From an installer’s perspective, the change from Basic to Permanent Link also means a loss of approximately 2 dB of NEXT margin at 250 MHz, which can lead to more failures and marginal results on Category 6/Class E links. When performing Permanent Link tests, take special care to ensure you are using adapters that are appropriate for the cabling under test (especially for Category 6/Class E links). Patch Panel

Consolidation Point

Telecommunications Outlet

Permanent link adapters Beginning of permanent link

End of permanent link

Channel measurements are typically done when restoring service, or to verify cabling for application support. It is uncommon to perform channel tests during normal installation, since the patch cords are rarely available at that time. Correct channel measurements must cancel the effects of the mated connection in the tester’s the channel adapters. Patch Panel

Consolidation Point

Telecommunications Outlet

Beginning of channel


End of channel


























User patch cords


Finding cabling faults For each of the required TIA and ISO structured cabling measurements, you will find troubleshooting tips to help quickly pinpoint the cause of failures when they occur. In some instances, you will find suggested reasons why the measurement does not fail in cases you would expect to see a failure.

Wiremap Test Result

Possible Cause of Result


• • • • • •

Wires broken by stress at connections Cables routed to wrong connection Damaged connector Cuts or break in cable Wires connected to wrong pins at connector or punch block Application-specific cable (e.g. Ethernet using 12/36 only)


• • • • •

Improper connector termination Damaged connector Conductive material stuck between pins at a connection Damage to cable Application-specific cable (e.g. factory automation)

Reversed pair

• Wires connected to wrong pins at connector or punch block

Crossed pair

• Wires connected to wrong pins at connector or punch block • Mix of 568A and 568B wiring standards (12 and 36 crossed) • Crossover cables used (12 and 36 crossed)

Split pair

• Wires connected to wrong pins at connector or punch block

Length Test Result

Possible Cause of Result

Length exceeds limits

• Cable is too long check for coiled service loops and remove in this case • NVP is set incorrectly

Length reported is shorter than known length

• Intermediate break in the cable

One or more pairs significantly shorter

• Damage to cable • Bad connection

Note: Standard practices dictate that length be defined by the length of the shortest pair. NVP varies per pair, meaning each pair could be reported with a different length. These two conditions can result in a cable with three of four pairs over the length limit, yet the link result is a Pass (e.g. a channel with 101, 99, 103, 102 meters for the four pairs). A Pass in this case is the correct interpretation.


Delay/Skew Test Result

Possible Cause of Result

Exceeds limits

• Cable is too long Propagation delay • Cable uses different insulation materials on different pairs Delay skew

Insertion Loss (Attenuation) Test Result

Possible Cause of Result

Exceeds limits

• • • • •

Excessive length Non-twisted or poor quality patch cables High impedence connections Use time domain techniques to troubleshoot Inappropriate cable category e.g. Cat 3 in a Cat 5e application Incorrect autotest selected for cabling under test



Test Result

Possible Cause of Result

Fail *Fail, or *Pass

• Poor twisting at connection points • Poorly matched plug and jack (Category 6/Class E applications) • Incorrect link adapter (Cat 5 adapter for Cat 6 links, or incompatible Cat 6 adapter on Cat 6 links • Poor quality patch cords • Bad connectors • Bad cable • Split pairs • Inappropriate use of couplers • Excessive compression caused by plastic cable ties • Excessive noise source adjacent to measurement

Unexpected Pass

• Knots or kinks do not always cause NEXT failures, especially on good cable • Incorrect autotest selected (e.g. “Bad” Cat 6 link tested to Cat 5 limits) • “Fails” at low frequency on NEXT graph but passes overall. When using the ISO/IEC standards, the so-called 4dB rule states all NEXT results measured while insertion loss <4dB cannot fail


Possible Cause of Result

Fail *Fail, or *Pass

• Patch cord impedence not 100 ohms • Patch cord handling causing changes in impedence • Installation practices (untwists or kinks of cable – the original twists should be maintained as much as possible for each wire pair) • Excessive amount of cable jammed into the Telecom Outlet box • Bad connector • Cable impedance not uniform • Cable not 100 ohm • Impedance mismatch at junction between patch cable and horizontal cable • Poorly matched plug and jack (Category 6/Class E applications) • Use of 120 ohm cable • Service loops in telecommunications closet • Inappropriate autotest selected • Defective link adapter

Unexpected Pass

• Knots or kinks do not always cause return loss failures, especially on good cable • Incorrect autotest selected (easier to pass RL limits) • “Fails” at low frequency on RL graph but passes overall. Due to the 3 dB rule, whereby all RL results measured while insertion loss < 3 dB cannot fail.


Likely Cause of Result

Fail *Fail, or *Pass

• General rule: troubleshoot NEXT problems first. This normally corrects any ELFEXT problems • Service loops with many tightly coiled windings

Resistance Test Result

Likely Cause of Result

Fail *Fail, or *Pass

• • • • •

Excessive cable length Poor connection due to oxidized contacts Poor connection due to marginally attached conductors Thinner gauge cable Incorrect patch cord type


Overview troubleshooting flowchart Category 6/Class E Failure • Has the Cat 6 test been selected? • Is the testers’ software up to date? • Has the correct Link Adapter been used? • Verify installation/termination quality • Is it a channel test? Do you have the correct adapter? Must use Cat 6-rated channel adapter

• Is it a permanent link test? Draft 6+ limits will cause more NEXT failures than Draft 5 due to less margin available by switching to permanent link from basic link.

Fail Length

Check NVP/Cable setting

Fail Insertion Loss on all pairs

Check length • If failure on only one pair: re-punch that pair at both ends • Use time domain return loss analysis or time domain reflectomerty (TDR) to look for events


Using OMNIScanner: • Perform S-Band diagnostics • Is connection within the bands? If not, connection out of limits • If connection OK: - bad cord or cable (see time domain plot)

Note: High RL can cause NEXT failures via reflected FEXT

Fail Return Loss

Using OMNIScanner: • Perform S-Band diagnostics • Is connection in the bands? If not, connection out of limits • If connection OK: bad cord or cable (see time domain plot)

Still Fails? Go to Escalation Procedure



Category 5E/Class D Failure • Has a Cat 5e test been selected? • Is the testers’ software up to date? • Verify installation/termination quality

Using DSP 4X00: • Perform HDTDX – Locate fault and correlate NEXT event(s) with cabling to find source of failure

Using DSP 4X00: • Perform HDTDR – Locate fault and correlate RL event(s) with cabling to find source(s) of failure • Check for presence of service loops – If service loop present, remove tie wraps and spread out coils


Escalation procedure 1. Be able to answer “Yes” to the following questions: •

Do the cable and connectors used in the installation match the performance rating of the autotest selected?

If a Category 6/Class E installation, are all components matched appropriately?

Has the appropriate autotest been selected?

Has the correct link type been selected?

Are you using the appropriate adapter for this test?

Are you using the most current version of tester software?

Is the NVP set correctly for the cable under test?

Is the tester at ambient temperature and in calibration?

Have you carefully reviewed the installation quality of the terminations, re-punched where necessary, and ensured the cable is not snagged or kinked?

Wiremap passes?

2. Does the link fail with no marginal results (those marked with a *)?


If so, it is likely a bad component or cable, and any “tuning or tweaking” is not likely to get you to a Pass.

Verify your results and methodology with your senior troubleshooting specialist. Use time domain analysis techniques to attempt to isolate the connection, cable, or patch cord as the source of failure.

Save all test results with full swept frequency data and record the tester’s serial number and software version.

Contact the appropriate supplier, share your test results with them, and work to resolve the problem.

3. Does the link fail with marginal results? •

You may be able to restore a PASS condition. Isolate the measurement(s) with the * results. Find the worst-case result.

If possible, physically inspect the location of the fault. Refer to “Finding Cable Faults” above for tips on failure causes.

• The following suggestions may assist in improving the performance of a marginal link: – Re-punch connections – Replace connectors – Replace patch cords (if a channel test) – Remove or loosen any tightly binding cable ties – Remove or loosen any service loops of cable in the wiring closet


Using advanced troubleshooting diagnostics Fluke Networks’ certification testers include advanced troubleshooting diagnostics tools. The DSP-4300 and OMNIScanner®2 provide a unique window into the cabling link. If these tools are properly utilized, they can dramatically improve troubleshooting productivity and help to restore service quickly.

While both are DSP-based digital testers, and both show both frequency and time domain representations of the cabling, they approach troubleshooting from slightly different perspectives. In order to get the most out of each tool, it is important to understand these differences so that you can interpret the information displayed correctly. While slightly different, each approach is equally viable. DSP-4300 Schematic diagnostics display


Shows crosstalk vs length



Shows NEXT vs length


Shows NEXT phase information


Shows impedance vs length


Shows return loss vs length


Includes pass/fail S-Bands


Time domain plots can be saved


Magnitude and phase information can be exported


Advantages of the DSP-4300 include: •

Fault Info button shows the failures by parameter and wire pair or wire pair combination as shown in example below

Schematic diagnostic display provides easy to understand overview of problem

Crosstalk vs. length means it is easier to isolate faults further down the cable

Plots can be stored for later analysis

Advantages of the OMNIScanner2 include:


S-Bands make it easier to see if connections meet connector standards

NEXT vs. length means all anomalies are shown in proportion to the effect they have on the FAIL result

NEXT phase information (useful for connector interoperability analysis) can be exported to PC-based applications

To access advanced diagnostics on the DSP-4300, run an autotest and press the “Fault Info” key. Alternatively, under “single tests” on the rotary knob, select HDTDX for NEXT analysis or HDTDR for Return Loss analysis.

To access advanced diagnostics on the OMNIScanner2, run an autotest, and then press the “doctor’s bag” icon (meaning “diagnostics”). Alternatively, from the main menu, press the same icon (which is softkey #3) and select TDNXT for NEXT analysis or TDRL for Return Loss analysis.

Examples The following examples illustrate NEXT failures. Similar results can be seen using Return Loss time domain diagnostic techniques. The first example is of the DSP-4300 display, followed by a comparison of the same NEXT cable fault using both the DSP-4300 and the OMNIScanner2. The last example illustrates a faulty connection. These examples should help to clarify the differences in appearance of faults and diagnostics techniques of each product.

Example 1a: Category 6 link with good connection but bad cable DSP-4300 schematic display suggests cable may be bad over distance shown.


Example 1b: Both DSP-4300 and OMNIScanner2 time domain displays show NEXT at connection is low, but cable has high NEXT throughout its length.



On this magnified view, note that both testers see a high NEXT event nine meters into the cable.

Note that the magnitude of NEXT events remains roughly constant on the DSP display because it is showing crosstalk vs. length, while on the OMNI2 display the magnitude is gradually attentuating because it is showing NEXT vs. length.


Example 2: Category 6 link with good cable, but bad connection. In this case, the DSP-4300 clearly shows the largest event at 1.2 meters from the tester (which you should know is the length of the adapter cord). Note also a smaller event 3.7 meters down the cable. Cursor Maximum magnitude of event (~35% ov scale) Secondary event

The OMNIScanner2 testing the same link with the same personality module provides similar information. You can see that the connector response barely exceeds the allowable limit for Category 6 connectors (as indicated by the S-Bands), and there is the same secondary event 3.7 meters down the cable. Cursor Maximum magnitude of event (1.06 times the Cat 5e connector limit) Secondary event at 3.7 meters Positive NEXT indicates inductive coupling Negative NEXT indicates capacitive coupling S-Bands indicate connector limits. S-Band limits are angled in because NEXT attenuates with distance


Conclusion Despite good products and careful installation procedures, some failures are inevitable when testing Category 5e and 6 cabling. By knowing the nature of typical faults, and how they are represented in your testers’ display while troubleshooting, you can significantly reduce network downtime and restore service quickly. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your test tool will be a modest investment that pays for itself many times over.

For the latest information on cable testing standards, news, and issues, visit www.cabletesting.com


Partner with Fluke Networks Fluke Networks provides the most comprehensive line of premises network test solutions for the inspection, verification, certification and documentation of high-speed copper and fiber cabling systems. Advanced certification for premium network testing The DSP-4300 and OMNIScanner2 provide superior vision into high-performance cabling systems. These advanced cable test solutions certify and troubleshoot Cat 6/5e links to 300 MHz using an extendible digital platform that ensures unprecedented Level III accuracy, delivering repeatable accuracy no matter how many times you retest a link. With superior diagnostics, Cat 6 Permanent Link and Channel support standard and comprehensive test results management software, they are the preferred testers by cable installers and network owners worldwide.

For more information about Fluke Networks’ copper and fiber cabling solutions go to www.flukenetworks.com.


N E T W O R K S U P E R V I S I O N Fluke Networks, Inc. P.O. Box 777, Everett, WA USA 98206-0777 (800) 283-5853 Fax (425) 446-5043 Western Europe 00800 632 632 00, +44 1923 281 300 Fax 00800 225 536 38, +44 1923 281 301 Email: info-eu@flukenetworks.com Canada (800) 363-5853 Fax (905) 890-6866 EEMEA +31 (0)40 267 5119 Fax +31 (0)40 267 5180 Other countries call (425) 446-4519 Fax (425) 446-5043 E-mail: fluke-assist@flukenetworks.com Web access: http://www.flukenetworks.com

Š2002 Fluke Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 10/2002 2029409 H-ENG-N A

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