Loras College Magazine - Fall 2012

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The Loras College Magazine

Fall 2012

Loras Parkway

Mission Statement Loras, as a Catholic liberal arts college, creates a community of active learners, reflective thinkers, ethical decision-makers and responsible contributors in diverse professional, social and religious roles.


Volume 61 Issue 1 | Fall 2012

Contents 4

From the Hill to Offer MBA in Business Analytics n National Fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon Returns n Honored Archbishop both Commends and Challenges Alma Mater n Loras in Lisbon and Loyola n Media Studies Success Continues n New Neuroscience Program n Unique Experiences Await in Ireland n Loras Engineering and Computer Science Design Teams Place First and Second! n Biology Research Projects Funded by McElroy Trust n Team Fitness for Northeastern Iowa’s Health n Road to the Democratic National Convention


n Loras

15 19

Faculty/Staff News On the Cover Coming Soon – Loras Parkway


Leadership Level Donors

Athletic News n Discover.

Develop. Dedicate. Awards n 2012 Athletics Hall of Fame n Birds of a Feather, Bald Together! n All Iowa Conference Recognitions n 81 Special Olympians join Duhawks for Challenge Day n Dewey


Alumni News n Celebrate

your Reunion with Support Duhawks n GOLD Alumni n Schrunk Joines National Alumni Board n Heartfelt Thank You n Duhawk Sightings n Dedicated


Loras Legacy


Alumni Notes n Recognitions n Marriages n New


n Deaths


Stay Connected Loras College:


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Alumni: Community Site – alumni.loras.edu Facebook – facebook.com/LorasCollegeAlumni

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Lorian/LCTV: MyDuhawk.com

LinkedIn – alumni.loras.edu/LinkedIn

President James E. Collins (’84) Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Experiential Learning Mary Ellen Carroll, Ph.D. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Michael H. Doyle (’91) Provost and Academic Dean Cheryl R. Jacobsen, Ph.D. Dean, Campus Spiritual Life The Rev. William M. Joensen, Ph.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Omar Correa, M.Ed. Vice President for Organizational Development Gloria A. Regalbuto-Bentley, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students Arthur W. Sunleaf Publisher Gloria A. Regalbuto-Bentley, Ph.D. Managing Editor Sharon Rea (’92) Assistant Managing Editors Helen Kennedy, Jodi Cecil, Abbey Tjebkes (’14), Ruth Rea Contributors Jon Denham (’02), Sue Hafkemeyer (’87), Loras College Alumni Relations Office, Mike Gibson (MA ’91), Rev. William Joensen, Advancement Office Photography Mary Kay Mueller, The Loras Archives, Loras College Alumni Relations Office, David E. Jackson, Abbey Tjebkes (’14)


Design McLellan Marketing Group Mary Kay Mueller The Loras College Magazine is published twice a year for alumni, students, parents, faculty and friends of the College. The contents are selected to stimulate thought, opinion and discussion, to demonstrate the diverse interests and pursuits of the campus community and to provide news about the College and its alumni. Worldwide circulation is approximately 23,000. Editorial Office 30 Keane Hall 1450 Alta Vista Street Dubuque, IA 52001 Phone: 563-588-7140 E-Mail: Magazine@Loras.edu NATIONAL ALUMNI BOARD Carl P. Adducci (’63), Western Springs, Ill. Katie Bellendier (’06), Cedar Rapids, Iowa Amy J. Breitfelder (’92), Dubuque, Iowa William H. Callaghan (’74), Midlothian, Ill. Cari Campbell (’07), Dubuque, Iowa Richard M. Clayton (’87), Pleasanton, Calif. Jane F. Demmer (’76), Cedar Falls, Iowa Kathleen M. Giovingo (’76), Rockford, Ill. Kendall A. Griffin (’95), Forest Park, Ill. Kelly C. Walsh Hunt (’90), Rocky River, Ohio Kristine J. Melloy (’77), Saint Paul, Minn. Mark J. Meloy (’83), Madison, Wis. Kelly E. Moshier (’97), Plymouth, Minn. Eugene E. Murphy (’84), Chicago, Ill. John O’Brien (’84), Cumming, Ga. Thomas P. O’Brien (’82), Cascade, Iowa Thomas M. Onan (’57), Lake Forest, Ill. Autumn L. Pino (’99), Maquoketa, Iowa Brian R. Schermerhorn (’97), Alexandria, Va. James E. Smith (’56), Huntington Beach, Calif. Lori L. Thielen (’87), Bellevue, Iowa Luke J. Vandermillen (’88), West Des Moines, Iowa Todd T. Welu (’86), Naperville, Ill.

Dear Alumni and Friends: Looking out my second floor Keane Hall window, I recognize how blessed I am to have a beautiful view overlooking the Loras campus and the mighty Mississippi River not too far off in the distance. The bridges to Wisconsin and Illinois serve as a visual reminder of the relational bridges we must continue to build to ensure ongoing success. The theme of building bridges has many contexts for Loras College recently. This summer Loras was fortunate to participate in an international event called “Rivers as Bridges.” Loras was one of just a handful of colleges selected to host 30 students from China’s top high schools as part of a new initiative sponsored in part by the Wisconsin and Iowa Departments of Natural Resources. Loras Parkway now takes shape and will create a natural and seamless connector that bridges together our upper and lower campuses. This new amenity will serve as a symbol of our high priority to always build community and develop a welcoming campus environment, especially for our students. It will enable us to host many campus and community gatherings, while providing safe and quality access to our campus. Homecoming permits us to renew and build friendships through networking and by recalling our formative years at Loras. Please plan to join us as we celebrate Loras Homecoming on September 28-30, 2012. After years of discussion, I am proud to share that our faculty have approved and are prepared to deliver a new degree completion program for alumni who are within 15 credits of their Loras graduation. This program will be delivered entirely online and permit anyone who attended Loras more than five years ago an opportunity to attain their Loras degree in Liberal Studies. To learn more about this exciting and convenient program, please contact the Admission Office. This is a bridge that can serve as a great breakthrough for your future and/or as a fulfilled dream often thought about, but not yet pursued. Speaking of future, Loras is very excited to announce the unanimous faculty and board approval of a new, very distinctive program – an MBA with core coursework provided in business analytics/intelligence. The MBA will be up and running next fall. Be sure to read about some of the details in this issue and keep watching for even more exciting details about the MBA and a few other developments in our business program! Loras College is committed to excellence in faith, education and life. We are grateful for all the ways you support and advocate for Loras, but we especially appreciate your daily prayers and annual financial support. Pro Deo et Patria,

Jim Collins (’84), President


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Loras to Offer MBA in Business Analytics Building on the success of our strong undergraduate business programs, Loras College is proud to announce the establishment of a Masters of Business Administration degree focused on business analytics. Recent graduates and working professionals will have the opportunity to enroll in a graduate program concentrated on preparing professionals in the exciting and growing field of Business Analytics, which uses data management and analytical tools to evaluate and analyze performance to improve decision-making and business outcomes. There is an anticipated 1.5 million person shortage in the area of analytics nationwide, through the year 2018. The emphasis on business analytics in a new graduate program is an outgrowth of the collaboration among

Loras College offers graduate programs in the following areas: Psychology General Track Clinical/Counseling Track Criminal Justice Track Educational Leadership Religious Studies Convenient class times, online options and experienced instructors make Loras graduate courses a flexible option for quality education for working professionals or those entering graduate school from an undergraduate program. For more information, contact Scott Ellerbach at 563.588.7166 or visit loras.edu.


alumnus Rich Clayton (’87) and Loras College business administration faculty: Doug Gambrall, Ed.D., chair of the division, and professors Hugh Graham, M.B.A., Bill Hitchcock, M.B.A., Karen Sturm, M.A., C.P.A. and John Upstrom, M.B.A. Clayton, vice president of marketing for Oracle’s Business Intelligence and Performance Management products, provided access and contacts with Silicon Valley businesses during two January Term courses for undergraduate business majors. As a consequence, Loras now has the opportunity to leverage the success of alumni who are interested in sharing their expertise, providing internships and financially supporting a unique graduate program with a core in analytics. New directions for the graduate program will also enhance undergraduate business education. The graduate program will include an interdisciplinary core in business intelligence and analytics and infuse the curriculum with ethical decision-making as a value taught through the lens of our Catholic tradition. A unique consortium of leaders in the business analytics field have consulted on the core emphasis in the MBA degree program and in a Certificate program that is being developed as well. Thanks to Clayton’s extraordinary leadership and his professional relationships with business analytics leaders, the Loras College innovative MBA will be shaped by invaluable employer perspectives on program outcomes and experiences. “The primary goal is to increase the business analysis skills of the next generation of leaders. Working with industry partners there are great opportunities for bringing practitioners to campus, developing thought leadership programs to attract new students and creating project-based internship opportunities for existing students,” explained Clayton.

From the Hill | Fall 2012

National Fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon Returns to Loras College This fall will mark the return of Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) to the Loras campus. SigEp is the world’s largest fraternal “nationwide campus” of 15,000 men with a 3.1 GPA, an above average graduation rate, an above average alma mater gifting rate, over 200,000 living alumni including 400 from Loras, a foundation greater than $10 million, on 240 campuses across America with over 2,000 national volunteers. This fraternity will come back into existence at Loras thanks to the work of Tom Barton (’89), SigEp headquarters and campus leadership, all of whom are dedicated to seeing SigEp return, grow and thrive at Loras as a way for young men to make professional connections and friendships that will last a lifetime. Membership development will be the core focus of the program, with a concentration on personal development and leadership training. Any Loras SigEp alumnus interested in getting involved can contact Barton at tnttb@mchsi.com or stop by the SigEp spot at the 2012 Homecoming tailgate.

POINTS OF PRIDE State Results for Phi Beta Lambda Phi Beta Lambda participants in this year’s state competition in Iowa City received many honorable awards. Sixteen students competed, 11 qualified for nationals and two Loras students won national recognition. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit education association for students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. FBLA-PBL is the largest business career student organization in the world with postsecondary membership at over 11,000 college students. This is the first year for Loras College’s Phi Beta Lambda chapter. Students who won national recognition are: Dan McDermott (’12) (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), Integrated Marketing Campaign and Future Business Executive; Kelsey Smith (’12) (Gurnee, Ill.), Sports Management and Marketing; Chris Busker (’12) (Rockford, Ill.), Retail Management.


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Honored Archbishop both Commends and Challenges Alma Mater By Rev. William Joensen, Ph.D., dean of campus spiritual life The annual celebration of Loras Heritage Month was capped by an exceptional event displaying different facets of Loras’ mission. On March 23, Most Reverend John J. Myers, JCD (’63), archbishop of Newark, NJ, was awarded the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree at a celebratory dinner hosted by President Jim Collins (’84). Prior to dinner, Archbishop Myers presided and preached at the regular Lenten weekday Mass in Christ the King Chapel with the Loras community and other special guests, including members of his own family and John Saeman (’58). Taken “synoptically,” Myers’ homily and his dinner address related his profound gratitude for the academic and spiritual formation he received as a Loras student discerning his own vocation and his familiarity with the lineage of Bishop Loras and other religious founders in American history. Along with his appreciation, Myers showed his pastoral solicitude for the College by challenging it to embrace and extend its significant role in society and the Church. Myers noted the signs of the times in calling for a renewed desire to bring the Gospel to bear in a compelling, attractive way upon the lives of people who do not have the compass of faith to guide them. He took his lead from Pope Benedict XVI’s announcement of a “Year of Faith,” coinciding this Fall with the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. The Year of Faith is a further movement in the “renewed evangelization” that Benedict’s predecessor, Blessed John Paul II, inaugurated. Myers remarked while actions are always the most powerful form of witness, “no groups use words more often and hopefully more eloquently, than college professors and administrators.”


At the Friday evening dinner, following the proclamation by Provost Cheryl Jacobsen, Ph.D., of the credentials meriting the awarding of the honoris causa doctorate to Myers, he spoke more pointedly to his concerns that Catholic colleges and universities would serve as vital proponents of religious freedom by first upholding their own Catholic identity. He compared his own local situation as a shepherd of the faith to that of Loras: “The Church of Newark is a wonderful microcosm of the Universal Church.... Like the Archdiocese of Dubuque, it boasts of a diocesan university—Seton Hall University. Well, Seton Hall is comparatively young compared to Loras; it is merely 156 years old.” He then highlighted both the Loras Vision Statement and the Statement on Spiritual Life, which he commended to Seton Hall’s administration. He grew more passionate in referring to present political and social challenges to religious freedom: “Let us be very clear, a threat to religious freedom necessarily will impinge upon academic freedom, perhaps not today, but tomorrow.” Myers concluded by exhorting the Loras community as a whole to realize its providential calling: “To lose Catholic identity would actually be a disservice to secular universities that need the diversity of opinion to stimulate their scholarship, and who can profit from the proclamation of the necessity of the marriage of faith and reason that Catholic colleges offer. After all, they proclaim the necessity of free expression of ideas.... I pray that your commitment to truth will inform every activity of the college, from curriculum to residence life to faculty hiring. Keep the faith and look to the future with confidence in your Catholic mission.” Myers’ special appearance provided a stirring Lenten reflection upon the College’s mission by one of its own distinguished sons of the Church, while at the same time confirming the “marriage” of faith and reason that is the Loras heritage.

From the Hill | Fall 2012

Loras in Lisbon and Rome Loras College will launch another semesterbased study abroad program in spring 2013 in partnership with ISCTE-IUL (The Lisbon University Institute) in Portugal’s vibrant capital city. Students will have the unique opportunity to learn Portuguese and take a myriad of classes in English from a range of disciplines including history, business, marketing, political science, international relations, social work, economics and anthropology. Students will be housed in a recently renovated 17th century residence hall or apartments throughout the city with other international and Portuguese students, which will present them with opportunities to explore the city of Lisbon and country of Portugal. Loras in Lisbon builds upon a January Term program in 2011 led by Mark E. Kehren, Ph.D., associate professor of history and faculty director of study abroad. This new semester-long program aims for students to learn a language, take another course in contemporary Portuguese history and culture, as well as enroll in courses for their major(s) in English. According to Kehren, “Lisbon is a dynamic and eclectic capital city that is a mix of old and new world charm. Spending a semester in Lisbon and studying Portuguese will allow students to feel as if they are able to experience and understand the dynamics of Europe, Africa and the Americas because the city is truly at the crossroads of so many different societies and cultures. Furthermore, by learning Portuguese, students will become more globally marketable since Portuguese is the most-widely spoken European language in the world after English and Spanish.” The Loras in Lisbon program is an exciting addition to the College’s growing semester-long study abroad programs including Dun Laogahire Institute of Design and Technology in Ireland, the University of Botswana and the University of Pretoria in South Africa and the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

New Partnership with Loyola University Loras College has a new partnership with Loyola University (Chicago, Ill.) to offer Loras College students access to the John Felice Rome Center (JFRC), a fully-accredited campus and academic center of Loyola University located in Rome, Italy. This prestigious partnership will allow Loras students another experiential learning opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond the traditional classroom. According to Loras College President Jim Collins (’84), “This new partnership with Loyola University came about because of Loras’ strong academic reputation and our ongoing commitment to provide our students with opportunities to experience the world. When students are searching for a college, this partnership serves as yet one more example of how we provide distinctive, diverse and enriching educational opportunities to Loras students.” Students may choose from more than 40 academic courses each semester and will live together to form a tight-knit community in one of Europe’s largest and most captivating capital cities with considerable cultural and religious importance. At the JFRC, students can develop a schedule that meets their individual needs by staying for a summer, a semester or a full year.


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Media Studies Success Continues Media studies students earned some very prestigious honors this year in the realms of television, film and print journalism. This spring at the Iowa Broadcast News Association Conference in Coralville, Iowa, both of its television broadcast scholarships were awarded to Loras College students. Loras first year student Mareah Adolphs (’15) (Miles, Iowa) was awarded the $1,000 Grant Price Scholarship. This scholarship is designed to recognize outstanding promise at an early career stage. Adolphs is the fourth Loras student to receive this award.

Lauren and Jacob with their awards.

At the same festival, Man of Deeds was awarded the Silver Eddy Award in the Professional Documentary category. This documentary was produced by Craig Schaefer, M.A. (’89), professor of communication arts and director of TV studio.

The film is a heartfelt, inside look at the Dubuque Manasseh House, a housing support program for low-income women, built by Loras alum Michelle Mihalakis. The film features the stories of several women who have felt the positive impact of the Manasseh House.

For a complete listing of student winners, visit loras.edu.

DeWitt and Speikermeier both enjoyed their unforgettable experience at the Independent Film Festival. The film was produced in one of their courses and was also named Best Documentary at the NBNA Awards in Minneapolis.

Lauren DeWitt (’13) (Barrington, Ill.) and Jacob Speikermeier (’12) (Robins, Iowa) won the Gold Eddy Award for Student Documentary at the 2012 Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival for their documentary short film Manasseh.

POINTS OF PRIDE Congratulations to Loras College Dance Marathon! The 7th annual Dance Marathon raised over $155, 000 for the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital!


From the Hill | Fall 2012

New Neuroscience Program Loras College is pleased to announce a new academic program in neuroscience began in fall 2012. Neuroscience is a rapidly developing, interdisciplinary field that draws primarily from biology, biochemistry and psychology. It examines the interactive relationships between neurobiology (the structure and function of the central nervous system) and psychology (behavior, cognition and emotion). The Loras College program, introduced by biology and psychology faculty members, will offer a quality undergraduate experience in the major areas of neuroscience within the context of a liberal arts education. The new major will be a “gateway” to baccalaureatelevel employment in science laboratory positions (research assistants, lab technicians) or the first step in a progression toward careers as physicians, nurses, physical therapists, clinical and research psychologists, neuropsychologists, neurobiologists, neurochemists, neuropathologists, neurophysiologists, neuropharmacists, among others. Students in the program will have several career and graduate/professional training options, ranging from those in science laboratories to “people-oriented” practitioner professions. Thomas Davis, Ph.D., professor of biology, expressed his excitement about the neuroscience major. “It brings aspects of biology and psychology together in an interdisciplinary focus that will engage students

in the study of the brain, human behavior and the physiology and cell biology of the brain’s function. Students with this major will get hands-on research training as well as an opportunity to learn from several new neuroscience faculty members. Students who complete a neuroscience major will be good candidates for further training in biology, psychology and health sciences.” The program includes two new, doctorally-prepared faculty members with neuroscience preparation and experience – Michael R. Jarcho, Ph.D., assistant professor of neuroscience and Sara Bagley, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology. Loras College has a long history of providing strong science education within a liberal arts tradition. The College’s philosophy is that scientists with a broad, varied education will make better professionals than those with a more narrow curricular background. “We are very excited about the new neuroscience major at Loras from the psychological perspective because it brings together the science of the mind and the science of the body in a way that captures the essence of human functioning. This is a modern, cutting-edge perspective. The vocational applications of this major are very broad both in research and applied settings. Job demands in the neuroscience field are already growing significantly and the trend promises to continue to grow exponentially in the years to come,” said Mary Johnson, Ph.D. (MA ’81), professor of psychology.


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Unique Experiences Await in Ireland Loras College students have many opportunities to study abroad during their academic career. They choose programs in Spain, South Africa, Italy and other places around the globe. But perhaps one of the most unique study abroad programs that Loras offers is in Ireland. All current students are able to choose the study abroad program in Ireland, but its uniqueness is tied to another unique feature of Loras College—the Irish studies minor. All students enrolled to receive a minor in Irish studies are required to complete at least two credits through study in Ireland. Many choose the semester-long study abroad option, during which a Loras professor travels with the students and teaches an Irish-themed course. Over the years the professors and their courses have hailed from many different academic disciplines. Those same courses are often offered on the Loras campus for credit toward the minor.


with the United States to provide a basis for comparing many social and cultural issues, but at the same time, it’s different enough to provide a new perspective on those issues. Both the summer research projects and the semester study abroad program offer opportunities for our faculty and students to engage more extensively and directly in the cross-cultural analysis imitated in the classroom.” The spring 2012 course was taught by Kevin Koch, Ph.D. (’81), chair, division of language and literature and professor of English. “The Nature of Nature in Ireland” took students around the island to study archeological sites, ruins and the sometimes stark contrast of landscapes of the country, viewed from an interdisciplinary perspective, including literary depictions.

Andrew Auge, Ph.D. (’78), professor of English and

Loras provides other, more specialized travels to Ireland as well, helping to maintain its unique status among study abroad sites.

director of the Irish studies program, said, “One of the central premises behind the Irish studies minor is that Ireland provides an excellent opportunity for cross-cultural analysis. It shares enough traits

For example, John Waldmeir, Ph.D., chair, division of religion and philosophy, associate professor of religious studies and recent awardee of the John

From the Hill | Fall 2012

Cardinal O’Connor Chair for Catholic Thought, created a trip to Ireland for eight students to attend the Fiftieth International Eucharistic Congress, held June 2012 in Dublin. The purpose of the trip was to expose students to the spiritual life of the international Church, while at the same time concentrating on the Irish setting for the Congress. The students, selected by Waldmeir from disciplines including Irish studies, religious studies, Catholic studies, St. Pius X Seminary, the Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders and John Paul II scholars, spent 10 days in Dublin accompanied by Koch and David Cochran, Ph.D., professor of politics and director of the Kucera Center for Catholic Studies, and Sister Beth Driscoll of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary order in Dubuque. In addition to attending workshops and liturgical events during the Congress, Loras students attended presentations by Fr. John Littleton and Dr. Eamon Maher, leading scholars of the contemporary Irish Catholic Church, and informally interviewed Dubliners, other Irish individuals and fellow international travelers to gain insight into the Church today. They also had an opportunity to meet privately

with the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland, Archbishop Charles Brown, thanks to the introductory assistance of FOCUS CEO Curtis Martin and John Saeman (’58). To help students understand the significance of this Fiftieth International Congress, Waldmeir, Cochran and Koch arranged for students to complete a study of the event compared to a previous gathering which also took place in Dublin, the Thirty-First International Congress of 1932. “The students were struck by the vast differences between the contemporary Catholic Church in Ireland today and the 1932 Irish Catholic Church,” explained Cochran. The earlier Congress mobilized the entire nation, drawing close to one million people to the final Mass in Phoenix Park. By contrast, this Congress was much smaller, though no less important to a Church dealing with a wide range of social, cultural and political issues. The students will present their reflections at Loras College and at the motherhouse of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in late September.

POINTS OF PRIDE Another College Sport Research Institute Championship The Loras College team of Tim Kelly (’12) (Waterloo, Iowa), Katherine Wheeler (’13) (Glenview, Ill.), Kevin Walsh (’13) (St. Louis, Mo.) and Katherine Molony (’15) (Cascade, Iowa) won the College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) case study championship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Students were asked to submit a 1,000-word paper and give a 10-minute presentation discussing the financing of Division I college athletics and its relation to the traditional “college model”. The Loras team has now officially placed in the top three in the last six national case study tournaments they have participated in—the only college in the country to have such success.


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Loras Engineering and Computer Science Design Teams Place First and Second! Teams from Loras College took both first and second prize for their projects at the national Digilent Design Contest in Indianapolis this spring. Loras computer science seniors Nick Burek (’12) (Peoria, Ill.), Jake Regan (’12) (Decorah, Iowa) and Tom Griebel (’12) (Bellevue, Iowa) placed first with their project, GP-LaB: Graphics Processing-Like a Boss. They created a device that can be used to display widgets on a standard computer monitor. The device is designed to be connected to a small microprocessor such as those used to control home appliances to allow display of dials, progress bars and text. For more information about this team’s project, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW1r0AVbxTo. Loras engineering majors Dolina Maharjan (’14) (Dubuque, Iowa) and Shaun Hamilton (’15) (Evansville, Wis.) placed second with their Path Finder Robot that was able to traverse a simple maze.


The contest started in February when students submitted proposals for projects to Digilent, an electrical engineering products company based in Pullman, Wash. Digilent provided the electronic components for the students to use in their projects. The teams of students then presented their projects at the competition in Indianapolis. Projects were scored by a panel of engineering faculty and professionals on the technical complexity and core concept of the project, the written report and presentation and the marketability of the idea. Cash prizes were given for first, second and third places. This is the second year Loras College engineering students placed at the top in the Digilent Design Contest.

From the Hill | Fall 2012

Biology Research Projects Funded by McElroy Trust Several biology research students at Loras College were fortunate enough to receive funding for their research projects from the McElroy Trust. The students’ research results were presented at the McElroy Undergraduate Symposium at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa, in May 2012. Students who received funding from the McElroy Trust and their mentors are: Christopher Comstock (’12) (Jacksonville, Ill.), “Use of Remote Sensing to Predict Site Occupancy by a Declining Wetland Bird, Black Tern, Chlidonias niger,” $1,770, mentored by David Shealer, Ph.D., associate professor of biology; Meggen Elsen (’12) (Nekoosa, Wis.), “Allelopathic effects of

garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, on soil bacterial communities,” $1,160, mentored by Aditi Sinha, Ph.D., associate professor of biology; Kathleen Ehlbeck (’12) (Freeport, Ill.), “Shell-less Egg Culture and Calcium Deficiency in Chicken, Gallus domesticus, and Common Map Turtle, Graptemys geographica, Embryos,” $1,653, mentored by Tom Davis, Ph.D., professor of biology; and Brennan Tesdahl (’12) (Dubuque, Iowa), “PACSIN 2 Expression Patterns and Effects on Development in Zebrafish, Danio rerio,” $2,000, mentored by Kate Cooper, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology.

Team Fitness for Northeastern Iowa’s Health Loras College Division of Physical Education and Sport Studies will establish a Learn N Serve Iowa Team Fitness regional training center thanks to a $40,000 grant from the State of Iowa Department of Education. The center, which includes equipment that can be transported to various training sites throughout northeastern Iowa, will serve the community by developing and improving leadership in the area of health-enhancing fitness. The site will provide professional development, camps and related activities for educators, including teachers, staff in city leisure service offices, families, secondary education students, pre-service teachers, staff of early childhood care and assisted living centers, as well as at professional conventions.

assistant professors of physical education and sport studies. “The program is designed to work collaboratively with our surrounding communities, to get the populations back to fitness basics, including strength training, form and mechanics. We’ll start with elementary students and eventually bring the program to the adult population. We want to break through negative stereotypes of what fitness is all about and get people excited about fitness,” explained Riley. The grant provides one-year funding to purchase the initial equipment. The center will work closely with other centers in the state and with the Department of Education.

Managing the site development and training are Debra Sazama, M.S. and Heather Riley, M.A. (MA ’04),


From the Hill | Fall 2012

Road to the Democratic National Convention Politics majors at Loras are some of the most active students on- and off- campus. Students are involved in Loras College Republicans, Loras College Democrats, local elections, internships with local and state elected officials and leadership roles in organizations both oncampus and in the community. Riley Kilburg (’15) (Bellevue, Iowa), majoring in politics, international studies and Spanish, is a great example of a Loras student who is actively involved in the political process. Kilburg has been elected as a national delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., to represent Iowa’s First Congressional District in September 2012. “I fell in love with American democracy and am amazed by the peaceful transitions of power that take place in American government. At 15, I walked into a Dubuque campaign office to volunteer, expecting to be turned away. To my extreme surprise, they welcomed me and asked me to help make phone calls, knock on doors and record data for the upcoming 2008 caucuses. Over the last three years, I have been involved with the grassroots movement, responsible for the passage of healthcare reform, new financial regulations and student loan reform. Since then I have worked at the local level supporting state legislative candidates and federal congressional campaigns. In the summer of 2011, I left Bellevue for an opportunity to work at the Obama for America (OFA) Headquarters in Chicago as a staff member in the field department. I returned to Iowa and Loras College to continue my journey in politics; studying politics, international studies and Spanish. Before I left Chicago, I was offered the opportunity to join the Iowa OFA staff as a full-time organizer in fall 2012, which I intend to do. I


was also proud to accept offers from state-level elected officials to work for their campaigns during the 2012 election cycle. In January 2012, finally of voting age, I attended the Iowa Democratic Party’s caucus. I had the objective of making it to the state convention so that I could run as a delegate to the national convention in Charlotte, N.C. I ran and was elected as a delegate to the district and state conventions and then the national convention. I recently returned from the state Democratic Convention where I had the opportunity to meet with Loras graduate Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller (’66), with whom I will travel to Charlotte. I am hoping to run as chair of the Iowa delegation and thus have the opportunity to release Iowa’s delegates onto the convention floor. My liberal arts education at Loras has given me experience with public speaking, in-depth political instruction, a great appreciation for the diversity of the United States and the importance of strong leadership.” Patrick O’Grady (’13) a politics major at Loras, is also very actively involved in the local and national political landscape as president of the Loras College Republicans. O’Grady stepped in to resurrect the dormant club and has hosted caucus locations on campus for Dubuque precincts. He also coordinated oncampus speaking engagements by Newt Gingrich and congressional candidate Ben Lange.

Faculty/Staff News | Fall 2012

Faculty/Staff Recognitions Janine Kane, Ed.D., assistant professor of education, was selected for a 2012 Governor’s Volunteer Award by the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service for outstanding commitment and service. Jacob Heidenreich, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, gave two invited presentations at the University of Notre Dame: “Relative Stability Theory” in the UND Mathematical Logic Seminar and “Gaming the System: How to Engage Students in the Classroom” in the UND Math Teaching Seminar. Kevin Koch, Ph.D. (’81), professor of English, published a series of travel essays in the Telegraph Herald based on his semester in Ireland with Loras students. • “Walking the Howth: Historic and Geologically Imposing, the Cliffs Leave a Lasting Impression.” (reprinted in the Freeport Journal Standard). • “Connemara: The Beautiful Scars.” (reprinted in the Freeport Journal Standard). • “Wandering the Wicklows: Professor Takes a Detour to Hike the Irish Mountains.” (reprinted in the Freeport Journal Standard). • “Alive With History: Glendalough Serves As a Reminder of Ireland’s Golden Age.” (reprinted in the Freeport Journal Standard). • Read from his book The Driftless Land: Spirit of Place in the Upper Mississippi Valley (Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2010) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum on Thursday, May 24, 2012.

David Cochran, Ph.D., professor of politics and director, Kucera Center for Catholic Studies, published the cover story, “American Plutocracy,” in the February 10, 2012, issue of Commonweal. His 2009 Commonweal article, “Shifting Gears: Breaking our Addiction to Cars,” has been reprinted in The Reference Shelf: U.S. Infrastructure (part of a library reference series from EBSCO Publishing). He also published a short essay, “Religion and Freedom,” in the January 9, 2012, edition of Public Discourse: Ethics, Law and the Common Good, the online journal of Princeton University’s Witherspoon Institute. Craig Schaefer, M.A. (’89), professor of communication arts, director of TV studio, joined Opening Doors-Maria House and Teresa Shelter as a board member.

Valerie Bell, Ph.D., assistant professor of criminal justice, completed her Ph.D. Bell and Len Decker, Ph.D. (’74), professor of criminal justice, chair, division of behavioral sciences, implemented a research study for the Dubuque County Jail Diversion program in Summer 2012. Robert Keller, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, chair, division of mathematics, engineering and computer science, was recently appointed to the State of Iowa Scale-Up Review Panel, responsible for evaluating proposals for scalable projects aimed at improving STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in Iowa.


Faculty/Staff News | Fall 2012

Rebecca Monhardt, Ph. D. associate professor of education and chair, division of education, along with Keller spearheaded a $400,000 grant project from the Iowa Department of Education that includes Loras College, Area Education Agency (AEA) 1 and AEA 9, as well as Dubuque Community School District, Bellevue Community School District, Dubuque Holy Family Catholic Schools and Postville Community School District. The purpose of this project is to provide professional development for middle school math and science teachers in northeastern Iowa. Roy W. Carroll, Ph.D., professor of music, performed as a guest recitalist (piano) at Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio, in September 2011. Together with his wife, Nancy A. Carroll, flute, he was also a featured performer (organ, piano and harpsichord) on Wisconsin Public Radio’s live web-broadcast “Bach Around the Clock” birthday celebration of Johann Sebastian Bach’s birthday, March 17, 2012, held in Madison, Wis. He continues in his role as principal harpsichordist and organist with the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra. Banished Messiah: Violence and Nonviolence in Matthew’s Story of Jesus, a book written by The Rev. Robert Beck (’62), professor emeriti, was selected by the Matthew Seminar Group of the Society of Biblical Studies for discussion by a review panel in the annual conference Joyce Meldrem, M.A., M.B.A., director of the Academic Resource Center and associate professor, presented “Maintaining a ‘Knockout’ Collection: Collaborating with Faculty through ‘Rounds of Weeding’” at the Iowa Private Academic Libraries Conference at Wartburg College on April 20, 2012, and collaborated on a presentation with librarian Julie Arensdorf, M.A.T., M.S.L.S., for the May 25, 2012, Iowa Association of College and Research Libraries annual conference at Luther College: “Screaming at the Library: Using Social Media, Food, and Toilets to Connect with Students.”


Heidi Pettitt, M.L.I.S., technical services librarian and instructor, delivered the presentation “Buried Treasure: How a Pile of Old Coins Led to a Valuable Partnership” at the annual Iowa Private Academic Libraries conference at Wartburg College on April 20, 2012. Julie Arensdorf (formerly Greenberg), M.A.T., M.S.L.S., instruction services librarian and assistant professor, delivered the presentation “Bridging the Design: Moving from IL Standards to Skills Through Tiered Instruction at Loras College” at the Information Literacy Summit at Illinois State University and at Moraine Valley Community College on April 30 and May 4, 2012. Andrew Auge, Ph.D. (’78), professor of English, signed a contract with Syracuse University Press for the publication of his book A Chastened Communion: Modern Irish Poetry and Catholicism. The publication date is tentatively set for 2014. David W. Eisinger, D.B.A., C.F.A., was named vice president for finance and administrative services at Loras College effective April 10, 2012. Eisinger previously served as vice president and faculty member at Aurora University Nathan Newman, M.S., instructor of physical education and sports studies and assistant athletic trainer, was named Educator of the Year by the Iowa Athletic Trainer’s Society.

Maggie Baker, M.A., service learning coordinator, was selected for a 2012 Governor’s Volunteer Award by the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service for outstanding commitment and service. Mike Gibson, M.A. (MA ’91), College archivist and director of the Center for Dubuque History, was re-appointed by Iowa Governor Terry Branstad to a three-year term on the Iowa Historical Records advisory board.

Faculty/Staff News | Fall 2012

Janine Marie Idziak, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and director of the Bioethics Resource Center, Ethics and Values Across the Curriculum and Catholic studies program, presented a workshop, “Ethics and Boundaries for social workers in the tri-state area,” in April and was appointed to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute in Iowa City, Iowa. Dedra Tentis, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice, participated in Worldwide Training for Air Force Inspector Generals in Virginia (April 2012); delivered military training for senior Air Force and Army investigating officers on “Changing the Culture of Sexual Violence” (May 2012); and conducted inspections of Army training units at Camp Ripley in Minn. (June 2012).

Michael H. Doyle, J.D. (’91) was named vice president for institutional advancement at Loras College. Doyle previously served as associate vice president. He received his law degree from Marquette University. Omar Correa, M.Ed., joined Loras College as the vice president of enrollment management on August 1, 2012. He previously served as vice president for enrollment management at Monmouth College.

James Pollock, Ph.D., associate professor of English, published a book of poetry, Sailing to Babylon.

Jim Collins (’84), president, was unanimously elected to serve as chairman of the Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities board of directors for the 2012-13 year in Des Moines. He was also elected to serve on the executive committee for the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) and as chair of its committee on tax policy.


Faculty/Staff News | Fall 2012

New for the Academic Year 2012-2013 Sara Bagley, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of psychology. Bagley received her Ph.D. from Saint Louis University. Bagley’s primary research interest is the physiology of emotions, especially the impact of stress on cognition. Prior to joining Loras, Bagley was a graduate assistant in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Stress Lab and the Cognitive Aging Lab. Susan Crook, M.S., joins the College as an assistant professor of mathematics. Prior to joining Loras, she was a graduate assistant in the department of mathematics at North Carolina State University. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the North Carolina State University. Benjamin Darr, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of politics. Darr received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. Darr’s dissertation dealt with the formation of Chinese nationalism; through China’s education system and in the media. He was previously a teaching fellow in the department of political science at Augustana College in Rock Island (Ill.). Michael Jarcho, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of neuroscience. Jarcho received his Ph.D. from the University of California-Davis. His research interests focus on how chronic and acute social stressors influence behavioral, physiological and immune responses. Prior to joining Loras, Jarcho was a NIMH-funded postdoctoral fellow at the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at the University of California-Los Angeles. Aryn Kruse, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of education. Kruse received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University. Her dissertation focused on understanding family and professional partnerships through times of transition. Prior to joining Loras, she was an early childhood consultant with the Iowa Department of Education as well as a graduate assistant at Iowa State University. Thomas Kult, M.A. (’97, M.A. ’99), joins the College as a oneyear assistant professor of physical education. Kult received both his bachelor of arts and his master of arts from Loras College. He also serves as the assistant track and field coach. Christoffer Lammer-Heindel, Ph.D., joins the College as a oneyear instructor of philosophy. Lammer-Heindel has previously served as an adjunct instructor at Loras. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa.


Biniv Maskay, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of economics. Maskay received his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky where he was a doctoral fellow. Maskay is an empirical macroeconomist with research interests in economic growth and development, open-economy monetary policy, financial development, international financial integration, international trade and foreign direct investments. Adam Moser, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of chemistry. Moser received his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota where his research focused on the catalysis of phosphate hydrolysis. Prior to joining Loras, Moser was a post-doctoral faculty fellow at Boston University. While at Boston, Moser investigated protein dynamics using computational modeling. Jennifer Swanson, D.M.A., joins the College as an associate professor of music. Swanson earned her D.M.A. from the University of Minnesota. She has extensive experience in opera, vocal performance and directing. Prior to joining Loras, Swanson was at Bemidji State University in Bemidji, Minn. She served as music department chair and as an associate professor of music. Hilarie Welsh, Ph.D., joins the College as an assistant professor of education. Welsh earned her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her dissertation focused on the shifting needs of and perceptions of novice teachers. Prior to joining Loras, Welsh was an instructor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Daniel Wenny, Ph.D., joins the College as a one-year assistant professor of biology. Wenny received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. He has served as an adjunct for the division of molecular and life sciences for the past two years. Wenny holds a master federal bird banding permit and serves as a community educator for the Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation. He was previously an associate research scientist at the Lost Mountain Field Station of the Illinois National History Survey. Garth Rubin, joins the College as a disability services associate in the Lynch Office of Disability Services. Rubin is a certified rehabilitation counselor who graduated from Southern Illinois University. Prior to joining Loras, Rubin was a learning disabilities specialist at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

On the Cover | Fall 2012

Coming Soon: Loras Parkway Loras College is working on a major project for students and for Dubuque—the creation of Loras Parkway. Cox Street was purchased by the College from the City of Dubuque with the intention of building an outdoor common area where students, faculty, staff and the Dubuque community can converge. Converting Cox Street into Loras Parkway will provide a safe pedestrian and bicycle recreational path as well as a scenic plaza and connector between Dubuque neighborhoods north and south of Loras Boulevard. This attractive venue is also adding another sustainability project to Dubuque, a community that is already a national leader in “green” efforts. The “green” renovation includes reforestation, which minimizes water runoff and makes use of water gardens, and is aiding air quality and livability

by creating a refuge for alternative modes of transportation, including a much-needed safe transit hub for students and the Dubuque community. The road reconstruction also is using eco-friendly materials and is incorporating the adaptive re-use of existing materials. “This attractive and “green” street will remove a safety hazard and serve as a model to other communities in eastern Iowa and the state. Additionally, this construction will create a mass transit hub for the area’s transit expansion plan, and will leverage private investments, cash and inkind matching funds to create jobs and economic growth,” explains President Jim Collins (’84). The parkway will play host to events large and small at three large performance spaces, and will be available for use by the over 100,000 tourists and visitors the College and the city of Dubuque


On the Cover | Fall 2012

An architectural rendering of the Loras Parkway construction project

annually attract. The central performance plaza will incorporate a large screen and stage area, capable of hosting audiences in excess of 2,000. The parkway will be available to the community for festivals and other special events.

Funds are being sought to ensure the vision of the final product, which is slated to include a fountain, retail building, welcome center and a veterans’ memorial with the names of Loras alumni veterans etched upon it, commemorating those who have selflessly served. The Loras Parkway project is a prime example of a community project coming to light using both public and private funding. Construction to date has been made possible by generous support from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Company, along with many private donors, with additional partners continuing to be sought. Assisting the College in facilitating the effort have been the City of Dubuque, East Central Intergovernmental Association and the Iowa Department of Transportation.


On the Cover | Fall 2012

“This is a unique opportunity for friends of Loras College to visually see the results of their gifts. It’s an important project in uniting the campus and further integrating Loras into the community in which it lives, as well as an interesting example of public and private funding coming together for a project that will benefit so many,” explained Mike Doyle (’91), vice president of institutional advancement.

The first phase of the project is slated for completion this fall. The campus and Dubuque community will be able to take advantage of the concrete parkway and mass transit hub at that time. As funds are raised, the next phases of the project will take shape—the veterans’ memorial, fountain, additional benches, bike racks, greenery, welcome center and retail space.

GLTArchitects, St. Cloud, Minn., developed the design concepts for the new Loras Parkway that included the surrounding buildings and amenities. Civil Engineers, IIW, produced the roadway documents for construction.


Leadership Level Donors | Fall 2012

Leadership Level Donors The following is a listing of leadership level donors who gave $1,000 or more during the 201112 fiscal year (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012). The complete listing of donors, including the alumni class listings, will be available online at a later date. Thank you to all our donors for your support.


$100,000+ Paul (’60) and Frances Breitbach William (’60) and Sharon Dougherty Paul and Mary Finnegan John (’65) and Charlotte Gavin John (’58) and Carolyn Saeman Thomas (’72) and Beverly Tauke Jim (’56) and Marita Theisen $25,000-99,999 Anonymous Carl (’63) and Antonia Adducci Rev. Msgr. James Barta (’52) Michael (’58) and Sharon Conlon Stephen (’64) and Lorrie Conlon Timothy (’67) and Christine Conlon James (’67) and Jacqulyn Davis Emmet (’54) and June DeLay John (’44) † and Jean Eckstein Harriet Fasselius Eldon (’49) and Marjorie Herrig Robert and Judy Klauer William R. Klauer (’65) Patrick J. Lillis (’71) William (’64) and Kathleen Lynch Rev. Thomas W. Rhomberg (’48) Thomas (’88) and Stacy Shey Andrew and Mary Pat Studdert A.J. Tarchinski Scott (’91) and Patricia (Wright ’91) Tarchinski Michael (’62) and Janet Valder Charles (’53) and Faustine Weepie $10,000-24,999 Anonymous (2) Vince (’80) and Kathleen (Buresh ’82) Berta Robert (’68) and Mary Bertch


Thomas C. Boeh (’81) William (’67) and Eileen Bolster Gregory and Connie Burbach John and Alice Butler Edward (’50) and Anna Dufek Robert (’56) and Barbara Frommelt Edward (’48) and Catherine Gallagher Jeffrey (’80) and Christine Gardner William (’68) and Connie Glynn Ramon (’51) and Beverly Green Barry (’67) and Irene Grenier Greg G. Gumbel (’67) Mark (’83) and Kathy (Hopinkah ’83) Hannan Theresa (Obermann ’81) and Timothy Hoffman Robert A. Holtz Arnold (’62) and Joyce Honkamp Dennis (’72) and Mona Houlihan Richard J. Kenney (’63) James (’68) and Nancy Klauer Mark (’74) and Mary Knabel John (’67) and Gloria Kromer A. E. (’53) † and Therese Lampe Rev. Msgr. Edward W. Lechtenberg (’47) Charles B. Lex (’72) Joy K. McCarthy Thomas (’63) and Ruthann McCarty Daniel (’79) and Lisa McHugh Mark (’85) and Maureen (Lynch ’85) Molo Eugene (’84) and Solita Murphy John (’69) and Jean Ann Ovel Dominic (’56) and Judith Paolella Anthony (’72) and Mary-Helen Reardon Stephanie K. Savage John and Donna Schmidt Janet (McDermott ’89) and Christian Silge Brian Smith (’77) and Patricia Ryan Donald (’58) and Sharon Ulrich Rev. William E. Wilkie (’50) Kathleen Wolfe $5,000-9,999 Anonymous (2)

James W. Bear (’67) Terry (’70) and Colleen Boffeli Jon W. Bormann (’92) William “Skip” Brennan (’64) Michael (’67) and Linda (Miller ’75) Budde Richard and Marlene Burgmeier Troy (’84) and Tara Cicero Alice M. Clark James (’84) and Lisa Collins Donald P. Dupont (’51) John (’75) and Eleanor Freund Thomas (’78) and Kathleen (Keller ’76) Giovingo John (’57) and Judith Glunz James and Becky Gustafson David (’65) and Carol Handel Most Rev. Jerome Hanus Kevin H. Heilers (’88) Rev. Msgr. John W. Hemann (’56) Robert (’88) and Terese Janik Robert (’67) and Karen Jensen Sally A. Kahle Robert (’55) and Patricia Kaliban Thomas (’61) and Marjorie Kehoe Gerald (’67) and Darlene Koppes Lawrence (’71) and Kimberly Kudej Jeffrey (’63) and Kathleen Ladd Timothy (’84) and Angelika Mackey G. John (’73) and Marlene Manatt Mark (’68) and Katherine McCarville Eugene E. Murphy (’57) Most Rev. John J. Myers (’63) Gerald (’50) and Monica Nilles Thomas (’57) and Harriet Onan Roger (’52) and Luanus Ott Joseph (’57) and Louise Ottavi Robert W. Owens (’39) M. Naser and Catherine Payvandi Phil (’91) and Tricia Platte Michael Reidy (’67) and Cheryl Moss Reidy Patrick (’58) and Alvina Runde Nicholas (’54) † and Maureen Savaiano Richard (’76) and Jean Scalise Mary Schmid Joseph (’88) and Becky (Leibfried ’88) Siech William (’61) and Patricia Skemp

David W. Spahn (’71) Nicholas (’84) and Nita Stanek Barbara Sullivan Woodward (’72) and Bob Woodward Robert and Judith Tucker James (’66) and Lea Virtel Kevin and Jane White $2,500-4,999 Kevin (’97) and Colleen (Colgan ’98) Bakker Jacob (’97) and Cora Boyle Rev. Thomas E. Braak (’55) Mark Blaser (’82) and Nancy (Briggs ’82) Blaser David (’63) and Marian Burke Michael (’69) and Jean Burkhardt William Burns (’62) and Judith Dennis-Burns Thomas (’60) and Jacqueline Cashman Richard (‘81) and Sharon Cody Jeffrey (’84) and Kathryn Cohen Jane (Noonan ’76) and John Demmer Luigi and Giuseppina Di Pasquale James I. Duff (’57) Maris Enright-Hajek John (’54) and Sheila Farrell William (’74) and Nancy Callaghan Joseph and Ann Fitzgibbons Thomas (’56) and Bernadine Fox John (’60) and Kathleen Frasco Joseph (’78) and Monica Fudacz Carolyn K. Gantz John (’58) and Virginia Geelan Bernard (’52) and Arlene Gillis Jeffrey Gustafson (’76) and Debra O’Connor Gustafson (’76) Theodore (’72) and Dianne Haas John (’74) and Julie (Leytem ’85) Hartmann Joseph J. Harzich (’84) Rev. Msgr. Donald P. Heineman (’44) Robert and Marilyn Hoefer James and Rosanne Hopson Timothy (’66) and Sandra Johnston David P. Keltner (’67) Michael (’59) and Rita Klein James (’52) and Jolene Knochel

Leadership Level Donors | Fall 2012

James (’68) and Celeste Kramer Douglas Kremer (’74) and Cari Murray-Kremer Jeanne Lauritsen William (’80) and Sylvie LeClair Daniel (’96) and Jamie Lekki Robert J. Loch (’77) Michael (’60) and Jane McDonough Rosemary D. McGovern Helen Molo Kelly (Stevens ’97) and Mark Moshier Jeffrey (’75) and Janet Mozena Ann M. Muehlenbein (’85) Michael (’84) and Rima Murphy Thomas J. Murphy (’84) Robert (’56) and Rita Murray Jason (’01) and Sarah Nemmers Lois A. Noel John (’61) and Gloria Nolan Bernard (’52) and Janice Offerman Grant (’74) and Jean (Mitchell ’74) Ohlson Rev. Lloyd Paul Ouderkirk (’55) Fred (’69) and Janet Pilcher Phillip (’58) and Barbara Quillin Patrick (’58) and Ruth Rea Steven J. Reiter (’74) Benjamin and Silma Reyes Larry and Cindy Richey Albert (’69) and Martha Ruffalo James (’69) and Sara Sauter James (’92) and Andrea Siepman James (’56) and Audrey Smith John (’50) † and Terry Ternes Jerry Thoma (’69) and Margaret Auth James (’60) and Mary Jeanne Trosky Miriam I. White $1,000-2,499 Anonymous (2) Mario (’57) and Rita Abate Terrence (’63) and Marcia Allen Leonard and Donna Amari Rev. David J. Ambrosy (’79) Admirela (Balic ’96) and Alain Ancion Margaret Anderson (’77) Sheldon (’66) and Pam Anderson Nicholas J. Bach (’63) † Ken and Judith Balaskovits Thomas J. Barloon (’71) Thomas (’89) and Barbara Barton Richard and Judy Battalini

Donna Bauerly Tricia M. Behnke (’98) David (’77) and Julie Bellendier Thomas (’50) and Margaret Benda Raphael (’49) and Ann Beresford Joseph and Suzanne Bernardi Joel V. Blatz (’85) Michael (’66) and Suzanne Blouin James (’67) and Roberta Bodensteiner Eric Boffeli (’94) and Cristina Badea Rev. Charles P. Bormann (’54) Joseph (’76) and Mary Beth Bouska Kevin (’79) and Patricia (Kisting ’79) Boyle Thomas (’55) and Trudy Braig Maurice (’58) and Bette Brashaw Timothy (’91) and Amy (Deluhery ’92) Breitfelder James (’71) and Deanna Brems Duane (’52) and Eileen Bruening Greg Bruening Rev. Msgr. Walter L. Brunkan (’52) John (’51) and Edna Brunkhorst Raymond and Anna Bukszar Jeffery (’88) and Melinda Burds Randall and Claudette Buresh Francis (’58) and Beth Butler Robert (’71) and Stephanie Byrne James (’54) and Joan Cahill Paul (’88) and Kelly (Waters ’88) Cain Peter (’66) and Valerie Callahan Daniel (’72) and Barbara Callan Robert (’60) and Mary Jo Cardelli James (’61) and Mary Kay Carr James (’78) and Jane Carroll Mary Castrogiovanni John (’53) and Mary Ann Colloton Dennis (’60) and Donna Cook James (’61) and Mary Costello Leo (’92) and Lori (Lubbers ’94) Costello Robert G. Cox (’51) Vincent and Joanne Coyle Thomas (’83) and Diane Crowley Joseph (’81) and Laura (Dvorak ’82) Cullen Clarence (’62) and Lili Darrow Michael E. Degen (’89) James P. Dillon (’67) Charles and Marilyn Doherty William (’60) and Mary Downes

Michael (’91) and Martha Doyle Patrick (’67) and Frances Driscoll James (’58) and Kathryn Duncan Robert Duwa (’89) and Christy Noland Michael (’85) and Gay Early David and Carol Eisinger Jerry Enzler (’73) and Katherine Fischer (’85) Rev. Msgr. John J. Enzler (’69) Donald (’44) and Rita Erusha Denis (’57) and Jill Faber Patrick (’78) and Lola Feeney Michael (’75) and Susan Fereday John (’60) and Deborah Fialka Patrick J. Flaherty (’93) Christopher (’71) and Leslie Fleming Helge and Dolores Frank Lillian Freund Don (’61) and Jan Freymann Paul (’56) and Betty Frommelt Christopher (’76) and Sandra Frost William (’66) and Karen Gahr Daniel (’78) and Linda Gantz Thomas (’92) and Peggy Gantz Robert (’43) and Lucille Germain James (’49) and Phyllis Gibson Jack L. Gilardi (’52) Jay (’64) and Virginia Gloede Jerome P. Glunz (’86) Mark Goedken (’92) and Holli Kautzman James (’73) and Heidi Grafft John (’59) and Mary Ellen Graham William (’57) and Lois Graham Rev. Robert W. Gralapp (’60) Charles (’68) and Carolyn Gregorius John W. Grimes (’46) John and Mary Gronen Joseph (’00) and Stacy Grunnet Richard A. Guaccio (’64) Joseph (’37) and Marcella Guccione Elizabeth (Graham ’02) and Matthew Gullone Joan (Finnegan ’92) and Blair Guyer Dennis Haerle (’65) and Susan Melinette Haerle Harry (’60) and Alys C. Hart Siobhan O’Connor Hartsell (’84) and William Hartsell Robert (’60) and Djehane Hauge

Jeffrey (’74) and Cinnamon Hawks Joseph (’86) and Trisha Hearn Gregory A. Heilers (’91) Kevin Heitz (’86) and Desiree Anderson-Heitz (’87) Norbert (’59) and Suzanne Hemesath Janet McGivern (’84) and Todd Hoffman Matthew P. Horsfield (’97) George and Bernadine Hossfeld William (’61) and Barbara Huck Joseph and Katharine Huemann Charles W. Isenhart (’81) Cheryl Jacobsen John G. Jaworski (’59) Jennifer (Kolck) Jensen (’78) Melissa (Schmit ’96) and Ross Jensen Brian (’81) and Kathleen (Stuermer ’81) Jirak Rev. William M. Joensen John (’52) and Joan Joyce Donald (’62) and Erm Kahle Daniel J. Kaiser (’75) Thomas (’81) and Beth Kane Phillip (’73) and Janet Kapraun Steven (’97) and Aimee (Tibbett ’97) Kelchen John (’59) and Viola Kerr Gerald (’91) and Johanna Ketoff Kim (’75) and Katharine Keuter Robert (’59) and Mary Lou King Timothy and Nancy Kintner James (’66) and Margaret Kircher Roger F. Klauer (’44) Rev. James F. Kleffman (’56) Delbert (’62) and Janet Klein Richard (’60) and Prudence Klimisch Ronald (’70) and Carla Klosterman Richard (’65) and Judy Koob Charles (’76) and Christine (Steffen ’76) Korte Kenneth W. Kraus (’57) William and Nancy Krause Very Rev. John R. Kremer (’55) Cory J. Kruse (’96) Elizabeth (Elsbernd ’08) and Ryan (’09) Kruse Richard (’62) and Mary Beth Kuhn Patricia Kurt (’78) and George Weyer Bruce (’71) and Jean Kyles James E. Lalley (’51)


Leadership Level Donors | Fall 2012

Leon (’58) and Rose Marie Lammers Edward (’55) † and Jo Lang Rev. Michael T. Larkin (’64) Kathryn (Kazmierski ’98) and Ed LeFevour Joseph (’94) and Staci Leineberg James (’68) and Christine Lentz William (’77) and Jane Lesch David D. Linzmeier (’10) Richard (’51) and Mary Locher Keith (’60) and Luz Loebig Paul (’71) and Jodean Logli Kathryn Lombard Byars (’83) and David Byars James (’62) and Sharon Low Thomas (’60) and Sue Lowenberg David (’72) and Ann Ludovissy Neal P. Mahoney (’72) Anthony (’83) and Piper Manatt Roger (’66) and Judith Manderscheid Juan and Claudia Marban Harry (’62) and Geri Mares Daniel (’74) and Julie Marr Mark (’91) and Cynthia (Schoenwald ’94) Marschitz Michael J. Martin (’64) William (’80) and Karen May Michael McCarville (’58) and Delilah Weese Rev. Msgr. John R. McClean (’53) Michael McCrea (’88) and Ann Marie Uselmann John (’75) and Stacy McDermott Joseph (’80) and Patricia McDermott Rev. Paul F. McDonald (’47) Rev. Msgr. Bernard O. McGarty (’45) Joseph (’63) and Patricia McGee John (’64) and Judith Meade Richard (’68) and Patricia Meehan Kristine (Heissel ’77) and Steven (’86) Melloy Mark (’83) and Lynn Meloy John (’72) and Linda Mertz Elmer (’54) † and Karen (Theisen ’68) Michels Harold (’68) and Georgia Mihm Robert (’72) and Susan Miller Roger (’71) and Sarah Mohr Charles (’56) and Patricia Montgomery Leonard (’62) and Susan Mriscin John (’62) and Mary Mulholland Edward (’66) and Susan Munno


John (’52) † and Connie J. Murphy John (’93) and L. Jennifer Murphy Betty L. Murray Chip (’74) and Julie Murray David (’62) and Teresa Murray James Murtaugh (’65) and Martha Tarpay Thomas (’63) and Lindsey Nakashima Robert (’60) and Margaret Naughton Amy M. Neill (’93) Kay G. Noonan (’84) Richard (’97) and Katherine (Whalen ’97) Novak John (’84) and Sherrie O’Brien Patrick (’61) and Rosalie O’Brien James (’58) and Nena O’Connor Charles A. Oehler Margaret (Kaiser ’89) and Brent Ohl William (’55) and Marlene O’Meara Edmond (’71) and Mary Kay O’Neill Michael Otto (’94) and Sushmeeta Nanda Joan Pauler Joseph P. Peters (’91) Louis (’61) and Carol Pfeiler Randall and Susan Pflum James Pfohl and Elizabeth O’Shea Pfohl Ann Pfohl Kirby Mary R. Pommerich (’90) Robert (’69) and Rose Mary Pratt Erin G. Ptacek Lynn Quigley Anthony (’62) and Deloris Quint Michael (’75) and Debra Rahm Dolores A. Reihle Roger (’71) and Barbara Reilly Rev. Richard R. Remmes (’58) Mary (Snider ’73) and Robert Reuland David (’79) and Barbara (Wiederholt ’79) Reynolds Roger (’49) † and Janet Rhomberg Chris and Lisa Riegel Veronica A. Riepe (’93) S. Joseph Rigney (’42) Nikki Robertson Geoffrey (’71) and Nancy Rosean Ann (Ludwig ’95) and Steven Rossigno Robert (’60) and Mary Roth

Donald F. Rowland (’83) Donald (’58) † and Carol Runger James J. Ryan (’54) Very Rev. Marvin C. Salz (’60) Paul (’65) and Mary Ann Sands Richard (’56) and Barbara Sankovitz Dennis (’77) and Carla Schemmel Brian (’97) and Brooke Schermerhorn Emmett (’53) and Mary Ann Scherrman David (’81) and Melissa Schlader Joseph (’81) and Barbara (Ping ’82) Schmall Rev. Phillip E. Schmitt (’52) Thomas (’55) and Joyce Schneider Joseph (’74) and Kathleen Schoening Natalie and Scott Schramm Ann E. Schreiber (’81) Nicholas (’77) and Carrie Schrup Richard (’66) and Kathy Schuster Deirdre Segerson Stuart (’65) and Dianne Seim Rev. William J. Seipp (’59) Christopher (’89) and Mary Ann (Doyle ’89) Shey Daniel (’86) and Michelle Shey Jacob and Mallory Shireman Joan S. Skurnowicz William (’81) and Wendy (Nicholson ’81) Solawetz Michael (’99) and Jennifer (Johnson ’00) Specht Michael (’69) and Dorothy Stallman Leonard (’68) and Dianne Stecklein Michael and Susan Steele Charles (’64) and Mary Steffens Rev. Msgr. Paul T. Steimel (’48) F. Charles and Denise Steinhauer Clark and Ingrid Stevens Frank (’74) and Susan Stork Karen (Schroeder ’76) and Peter (’77) Streit Richard (’52) and Patti Sulentic John (’58) and Sandra Sullivan Mary M. Sullivan Theresa (Coleman ’81) and David Thompson David (’62) and Joanne Tigges Richard (’86) and Leslie Tighe Eugene (’57) and Germaine Till Regis (’66) and Donna Trenda James P. Trunck (’67)

Joseph and Lucia Turk Thomas (’81) and Jodi (Waller ’83) Ullrich Patrick (’90) and Wendy (Huinker ’90) Vance Luke (’88) and Dawn Vandermillen Stephen (’64) and Margaret Vanourny Glen and Kathleen Villano Robert (’76) and Mary Ann (Beck ’80) Wagner Robert (’61) and Donna Wahlert James (’69) and Susan Wahlert David (’71) and Alice Walsh Rev. Douglas O. Wathier (’78) John (’70) and Judy Watson Daniel (’91) and Tracy (Galvin ’92) Welsh Todd (’86) and Karen Welu Mary Jo (Murphy ’81) and Shawn Werner Matthew J. Whalen (’83) James (’55) and Pauline White Richard and Susan Whitty Joseph (’68) and Lee Wiewel Joseph (’84) and Debra Winkle Timothy E. Wozniak (’96) Johnny Wright (’99) Rev. Louis C. Zee (’55) Larry J. Zettel Paschal (’59) and Janet Zuccaro


$25,000-99,999 American Trust & Savings Bank ARAMARK Corporation Catholic Foundation for the Roman Catholic Church in Northern Colorado Conlon Construction Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund General Electric Foundation Iowa College Foundation Roemer Machine and Welding Company, Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Shey Systems $10,000-24,999 Anonymous AY McDonald Charitable Foundation Barnes & Noble Berta Family Foundation Bob & Lamee Holscher Charitable Trust Butler Family Foundation

Leadership Level Donors | Fall 2012

CB Lex Farms Dubuque Bank & Trust Company Florence Lindsay Trust Goldman, Sachs & Co Klauer Mfg Charitable Trust Loras Network of Dubuque Molo Companies Pella Rolscreen Foundation Prodigy LLC Trace Enterprises Wells Fargo $5,000-9,999 Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Best Western Plus Dubuque Hotel/Champps Americana Bird Chevrolet Co. Brad Deery Motors, Inc. Catholic Community Foundation CS Packaging, Inc. Galena Chrysler Intermountain Gas Industries Foundation John Deere & Company KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation

Kruse-Warthan Motors Lockheed Martin Corporation MulticultuReal Pro-Stainless, Inc. Prudential Financial Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark Charitable Trust Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Selway Foundation The Village of Homewood Tri-State Travel Verizon Foundation Wahlert Foundation $2,500-4,999 Abbott Laboratories Fund AEGON Transamerica Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Burkhardt & Burkhardt, CPAs Dubuque Area Swimmin’ Hurricanes Dubuque Stamping & Mfg., Inc. Frasco & Caponigro Grecian Delight Foods, Inc

Henry Bros. Co. IBM International Foundation Premier Bank Spahn & Rose Lumber Company State Farm Foundation Ternes Family Trust The Chicago Community Foundation $1,000-2,499 Act for Alexandria Alliance Data Services Alliant Energy American Endowment Foundation Amsted Industries Foundation Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Bankers Trust Belle Plaine Scholarship Fund Bernardi Investment Services Capital Technology & Leasing LLC Commercial Flooring Company Crescent Electric Supply Co. Downtown Resource Group Family Physicians of Cedar Rapids Grainger

Gronen Properties/Gronen Restoration, Inc Holy Cross Church Krause Gentle Foundation Langworthy Dental Group Lombard Family Foundation Loras Network of Waterloo Ludovissy & Associates Mathis-Pfohl Foundation Metlife Foundation Modern Piping, Inc. Paulson Electric Company Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Salm Partners LLC Securian Financial Group, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas The Procter & Gamble Fund Xilinx, Inc.

Legacy Giving at Loras College Legacy gifts are the cornerstone on which Loras was built—and they continue to play a vital role at the College. “I believe in Loras and its strong moral tradition. I want to be a part in helping to educate young men and women.” - Father Tom Braak (’55), member of the Monsignor Foley Heritage Society. For more information about legacy gifts, such as beneficiary designations of a retirement plan or life insurance policy, or bequests made in a will, please contact Eric Solberg, director of major and planned giving, at Eric.Solberg@Loras.edu, or visit us at Loras.edu/plannedgiving.

Father Tom Braak (’55)



Athletic News | Fall 2012

Discover. Develop. Dedicate. The NCAA Division III motto over the last few years has been ‘Discover. Develop. Dedicate.’

Pfantz said. “It was amazing what it did for me, it helped me on the mat so much.”

The three tenets of the NCAA’s largest Division are alive and well on the Loras College campus with our student-athletes.

Pfantz will continue his education at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, this fall where he will continue to discover more about the industry. Among the things Pfantz discovered about himself was an asthma diagnosis which prevented him from joining the Iowa National Guard full-time. He moved on to discover that he could support his dream by acting as a de facto recruiter for the National Guard. He has ushered teammates Erik Hanson (’13) (Lansing, Ill.) and Matt Holmes (’13) (Lake Villa, Ill.) toward the Guard. The Loras wrestling team also spent time in the preseason training at the local National Guard site in Dubuque.

Discover Pat Pfantz (’12) (State Center, Iowa) embodies the “discover” tenet of the NCAA Division III motto with all that he discovered in his Loras career. Pfantz knew a little bit about Loras College in 2007 as he searched for colleges to attend. His cousin was a student-athlete with the Duhawks and an athletic training major, and former Duhawk wrestler Jay Figgins’ (’08) grandparents live in State Center. During his time at Loras, Pfantz was a member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, a sports science major and secretary of the Kinesiology Club – he also discovered a lot in his time at Loras. He began with a primary interest in a biology major, focusing on a pre-med curriculum. After his sophomore year, he discovered a more specific passion with the anatomy portion of his class work and shifted to sports science to focus his aspirations on chiropractic care, a field that directly helped him compete at a higher level as a student-athlete. “Your body takes a beating over the course of the wrestling season, your neck and back especially,”


The Duhawk wrestler clearly smiled when reflecting on how much he ‘discovered’ in his time at Loras. “I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know anyone when I came to Loras. I was able to meet a bunch of new people. I’ve grown and really found myself,” he said.

Develop Dan McDermott (’12) (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) “developed” greatly in his time at Loras, making him a great example of that NCAA Division III motto segment. For a cross country and track and field team member, there really is no offseason during the academic year. For the student body president at a college of 1,550 students, there is

Athletic News | Fall 2012

rarely a trip across campus that doesn’t result in an important conversation. Put those two people together, and you have Dan McDermott.

make the leap to the collegiate level in more than one sport. Even fewer go their full college careers dedicated to more than one sport.

“In my time at Loras, I developed more of a passion for running after working with Coach Schultz. With his guidance, I also grew to better understand the importance of eating right, sleeping more and being in the weight room,” McDermott explained.

And “dedicated” truly describes Rivera.

He began running nearly 100 miles per week – a commitment he made as a result of the “environment that allows us to push each other.”

“The fact that I can do both here is a major part of why I chose Loras,” Rivera said. “All of the coaches are supportive.”

An Academic All-American who carried a 3.6 GPA, McDermott’s development as a student-athlete at Loras College paid major dividends.

If there’s one thing she is dedicated to in both sports, it is defense.

Last fall, McDermott was the first person to the finish line in a Duhawk uniform in every race he participated in. As captain of the team, he led the Duhawks to their first Iowa Conference Championship since 1997.

When it is all said and done for the Duhawk senior, she will have played in over 100 softball games and 100 basketball games.

“Defense is a big part of what I do in both. I enjoy the challenge and keeping the other team from scoring in both sports,” she said with a half-smile. Rivera takes the same intensity and dedication into her pursuit of an elementary education degree.

McDemott was also one of 15 members of the College’s first Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders program, where he developed as a leader. “Life skills like attention to detail, work ethic, team building and relationship building have all been a part of my time here,” McDermott noted, “I learned how to build a rapport with others on campus. Within the team setting, I worked hard to reach out to others to learn about their strengths and weaknesses so we could reach our goals.” McDermott graduated in May with a double major in finance and management.

Dedicate Two-sport athlete Niki Rivera (’13) (Sterling, Ill.) embodies “dedication” in how she thrives at Loras – in the classroom, on the basketball court and on the softball field.

She fills up her calendar with preseason workouts, inseason practices and games and observation hours in the Dubuque schools. She has executed lesson plans during the day and executed game plans at night. “I love working with kids and do it in the summers, with camps, too,” she explained, “Balancing my time with practice and school was big from the get-go.”

Most high school athletes go to college focused in whichever single sport was their strongest. Very few


Athletic News | Fall 2012

Dewey Awards As the 2011-12 seasons came to a close in May, Loras College’s student-athletes, coaches, athletic trainers and administrators gathered in the Alumni Campus Center to hand out the department’s eighth annual ‘Dewey Awards’. The ceremony, which hands out 23 separate awards in wide-ranging categories, is orchestrated by the StudentAthlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). At the ceremony, Loras also added a wrinkle. Beginning with the class of 2012, the department closed the event by awarding letter winners who competed for the Duhawks in every year they were eligible with a blanket. The purple blanket includes a gold letterman’s “L” in the center, the student-athlete’s name, the years they competed and any conference, regional or national awards they garnered during their careers in a Loras uniform. Let’s all cheer for a successful 2012-2013!

Dewey Award winners in the 23 categories this year were: Team GPA of the Year: Women’s Cross Country Female Student-Athlete of the Year: Teresa Manion (’13) (Algonquin, Ill.) - Cross Country/ Track and Field Male Student-Athlete of the Year: Ryan Coon (’14) (Clive, Iowa) Basketball Inspirational Athlete of the Year: Anna Wernimont (’14) (Atlantic, Iowa) - Volleyball

Female Strength and Conditioning Athlete of the Year: Rachel Drees (’14) (Dyersville, Iowa) Basketball Male Strength and Conditioning Athlete of the Year: Travis Olson (’12) (Hiawatha, Iowa) - Baseball Contribution to Loras Athletics: Jim Naprtstek (’13) (Plainfield, Ill.) Best Upset of the Year: Softball over #16 Coe, 6-2

Female Team Player of the Year: Rachel Weglarz (’13) (Woodridge, Ill.) - Tennis

Individual Performance of the Year: Kaity Frost (’13) (Waterloo, Iowa) - Volleyball

Male Team Player of the Year: Kevin Walsh (’13) (Kirkwood, Mo.) - Basketball

Moment or Play of the Year: Men’s Cross Country wins IIAC Championship over Luther College in Decorah

Comeback Athlete of the Year: Katie Chambers (’12) (Sleepy Hollow, Ill.) - Women’s Soccer Coaching Staff of the Year: Men’s Cross Country


Student Athletic Trainer of the Year: Nicole Dunn (’13) (Libertyville, Ill.)

Record Breaking Performance of the Year: Jake Bridenbaugh (’15) (Metamora, Ill.) - Men’s Swimming and Diving

Female Underclassman of the Year: Katie Langmeier (’14) (Cuba City, Wis.) - Basketball/Track and Field Male Underclassman of the Year: Jake Bridenbaugh (’15) (Metamora, Ill.) - Men’s Swimming and Diving Female Career Achievement Award: Kate Young (’12) (Roscoe, Ill.) - Women’s Soccer Male Career Achievement Award: Dan McDermott (’12) (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) - Cross Country/ Track and Field Team of the Year: Men’s Cross Country Female Athlete of the Year: Genna Kinley (’13) (Waukee, Iowa) - Cross Country/Track and Field Male Athlete of the Year: Austin Brown (’11) (Peosta, Iowa) Baseball

Athletic News | Fall 2012

2012 Athletics Hall of Fame On September 8, 2012, five more former Duhawks were entered into the Loras College Athletics Hall of Fame. A ceremony was held at halftime of the Duhawks’ football game against Rockford College. This year’s inductees are:

Jim Brophy, Class of 1996 – Wrestling He simply just kept winning. He won in duals and at tournaments. He won regular season matches and post season matches. His preparation wouldn’t allow him to differentiate between the style, strength or heart of his opponent. For four seasons on the mat, Brophy built the best career any wrestler has had under Head Coach Randy Steward. For 12 years, he remained the winningest wrestler to don a Loras singlet. He had his hand raised in victory a record 122 times. During his illustrious career Brophy won three Iowa Conference individual titles. Following both his sophomore and senior seasons, the Ingleside, Ill., native reached the All-American stand in seventh place and third place. He is one of just three Duhawks to average 30 wins per season. Brophy earned his degrees in finance and economics as a double major and followed with an M.B.A. from Keller School of Management. His coaching career and influence on young wrestlers included significant stops beyond the Loras wrestling room. He contributed to the high school programs at St. Edwards (Ill.), Carmel (Ill.) and both North Central and Elmhurst Colleges.

Brophy is a finance manager and currently resides in Columbia, S.C., with his wife, Shannon, and their four children – Jimmy, Patrick, Katie and Taylor.

Carl Burbach, Class of 1956 – Football Before the days of 300-pound linemen and 4,000-yard passers, there were hardnosed and athletic young men ‘in the trenches’ on the football field. They carried the same gritty reputation, but less weight. Burbach was one of those tackles – happy to run you over on the football field on a Saturday afternoon and then offer to take you out to lunch on Monday. Burbach was a part of 24 wins in his career, including three seasons above the .500 mark and some of the highest scoring teams in the program’s history. At a time in the sport when 20 points or three touchdowns were rare, the Duhawk offenses, accompanied by Burbach, eclipsed the 20-point plateau 21 times. The team also reached an Iowa Conference playoff game in Burbach’s final two seasons. Individually, Burbach earned All-Iowa Conference first team honors. He added two other national awards to his resume when he was named to two separate honorable mention teams. He was both an All United Press Little College Honorable Mention All-American and an AllCatholic Honorable Mention All-American. Upon concluding his career, he entered the business world and was a notable local partner to many, delving into both charitable and civic opportunities. The


Athletic News | Fall 2012

Dickeyville, Wis., native’s family includes Michele, Jeffrey, Chris, Kurt, Karla, Barbara, Matthew and Amy. Burbach continues to live in Dubuque.

Jenny (Richey) Herting, Class of 1999 – Cross Country, Track and Field If Oprah Winfrey made running marathons cool in the mid1990s, then Richey made running cross country and track and field at Loras College in the late-1990s even cooler.

country coaches and was a 1999 member of the CoSida GTE Academic All-America team. She gained a post-graduate scholarship and was a nominee for the NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ in 1999. Richey took her sports science degree from Loras and parlayed it into a master’s degree in physical therapy in 2001 from Mayo School of Health Sciences. She works in outpatient physical therapy and specializes in women’s health and currently resides in Marion, Iowa, with her husband, Brian, and their three children – Alex, Wyatt and Macie.

Matt Rivera, Class of 1986 – Football, Baseball For Rivera, three letters and one group of teammates weren’t enough. The Muscatine, Iowa, native slipped on both a football and baseball helmet in his time with the Duhawks from 1982-1986 for six seasons of

Her school records are many, and her All-American honors are equally impressive. In cross country, she was a member of the All-IIAC team each season and her final two seasons were especially notable. She won the league’s cross country title each year and was named the IIAC’s Most Valuable Runner as a result. In 1997, she was the Central Region meet and regional MVP. That season she earned All-American honors with a 19th place finish at the NCAA Division III championships. She was captain of the team in her final season as well. On the track, she earned All-American honors a total of seven more times in three events – the 3,000-, 5,000- and 10,000-meter runs – over three calendar years and championships. Six of her seven AllAmerican performances were in the top five slots in the events. She swept all three outdoor events in the Iowa Conference in each of her final two seasons and was named the IIAC’s MVP in the spring of 1999. She left with five school records, four of which still stand. Richey also dominated in the classroom where she was a member of the All-Iowa Conference Academic team each year she was eligible and made the cut for Loras College’s Dean’s List in each of her eight semesters. She also was recognized by the United States cross


impact for Loras College. Around the time the Chicago Bears were writing the words of the Super Bowl shuffle, Rivera was writing many of the return and receiving records in Loras’ football record book. When the weather broke every year, Rivera used his speed and soft hands to receive fly balls in the outfield and get himself on base for the baseball team. As a co-captain and record holder, few have performed at the level Rivera did as a two-sport athlete at Loras. He left with two receiving records and five kickoff return records for the football team, scoring 16 touchdowns in his senior season. He built a baseball career on speed, defense and very productive swinging of the bat, topping out with a .471 batting average during his junior season. He was a NAIA All-District selection in both sports.

Athletic News | Fall 2012

Rivera finished his Loras career with a degree in physical education with a minor in history. He spent over two decades coaching high school baseball and continues as a teacher and coach in Muscatine, Iowa, where he lives with his wife, Susanna. They are the proud parents of Barry, Brance and Benjamin.

Schroeder played two sports in her time at Loras. One started in the first semester on campus, the other ended days before she earned her diploma in her final semester. In between, Schroeder made herself a household – or dormhold – name on the Loras hillside both on the volleyball court and softball diamond.

Rivera has been awarded an Excellence in Education teacher award and is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).

The skill set to lead a volleyball program in digs, be a threat on offense and display steady leadership is a unique one. To bring similar leadership skills and a threatening bat to the field position of catcher – and do so while building an All-Iowa Conference career in both sports – makes it clear why Schroeder is now listed as a member of the Loras College Athletics Hall of Fame.

Kim Schroeder, Class of 1989 – Volleyball, Softball About the time Title IX was being enacted, Schroeder was a young girl entering the school age where women’s sports were on the verge of exploding. A decade later, she was in her home town doubling up on her

Schroeder earned her degree in biology. She continued using the leadership and athletic skills she developed at Loras as a member of the Navy Reserves and was mobilized to Afghanistan in 2009. While with the reserves, she earned a Sailor of the Quarter award in 2010. Today, Schroeder works as a physical therapist in Bradenton, Fla.

opportunities as a collegiate athlete.

POINTS OF PRIDE Loras Students Show Low Default Rate Loras College’s official Cohort Default Rate is just 2.3%, while the national average is 8.8%. With 95% of graduates employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation, Loras students have an advantage in paying off their loans. Loras College has regularly been cited as having one of the lowest default rates among not only Iowa colleges, but across the nation. Loras students also graduate with less overall debt than students at other private colleges.


Athletic News | Fall 2012

Birds of a Feather, Bald Together! In April, the Loras College baseball team, in conjunction with Capri College and Coe College, participated in a St. Baldrick’s Foundation BaseBald event at Petrakis Park.

members and guests were in the hair-cutting chairs set up behind home plate to have Capri staff and students shave their heads in the name of childhood cancer research.

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-driven non-profit 501 c-3 organization “committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives.”

Headlining the list of shavees was eight-year old Dubuquer Rita Jones, who led all participants with nearly $2,000 raised on her own. Jones was the first to sit in a chair, joined by her father shortly after.

Following Game 2 of the doubleheader between the Duhawks and the Coe College Kohawks, members of the Loras and Coe baseball teams, their coaching staffs and multiple members of the faculty and staff at Loras took their turns sitting in the chair while the good folks at Capri turned on the clippers and shaved the participants’ heads for a great cause!

Coaches and staff members from Loras followed, and then players from each team took their turns in the chairs. Loras and Coe far exceeded their goal of $4,000 and raised over $10,000 for the cancer research charity.

The group of 20 original ‘shavees’ began as a St. Patrick’s Day challenge between a small group of friends who were trying to raise $17,000 on March 17, 2000. They raised over $100,000 that day and began what is now the world’s largest volunteer-driven fundraising program for childhood cancer research – raising over $117 million since their inception! They note their five guiding principles as integrity, efficiency, transparency, pioneering spirit and sense of fun. Following a doubleheader, Loras and Coe put the cherry on top of their BaseBald fundraising efforts for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Over 75 players, coaches, staff

All Iowa Conference Recognitions Winter: Women’s Basketball Lindsey LaBadie (’12) (Burlington, Wis.) Melissa Herrmann (’13) (Hinckley, Ill.) Men’s Swimming and Diving: Jake Bridenbaugh (’15) (Peoria, Ill.) Andy Pape (’12) (Sherrill, Iowa) Grant Duncan (’15) (Pleasant Valley, Iowa) Tom Graziano (’15) (Park Ridge, Ill.) Matt Bogen (’15)(Rockford, Ill.) Tyler Beauchamp (’15)(Muscatine, Iowa)


Ryan Momberger (’13) (Roscoe, Ill.) Ricky Lukacs (’12) (Mundelein, Ill.) Women’s Swimming and Diving: Alex Proctor (’12) (Tipton, Iowa) Katie Callaghan (’14) (Lemont, Ill.) Renee Beach (’15) (Grinnell, Iowa) Jillyn Gerken (’14) (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Stephanie Czarobski (’13) (Lansing, Ill.) Abbey Tjebkes (’14) (Waverly, Iowa) Evayn Roper (’14) (Orland Park, Ill.) Laura Danay (’12) (Muscatine, Iowa) Gabby Gaulke (’13) (Des Moines, Iowa)

Athletic Notes | Fall 2012

81 Special Olympians join Duhawks for Challenge Day The Loras College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and department of athletics hosted a Challenge Day for Special Olympics Iowa athletes in early 2012 inside the Athletic and Wellness Center. During the four-hour event, Olympians, volunteers and student-athletes came together to participate in a series of adapted games and activities. The day included opening and closing ceremonies, torchpassing, the national anthem and award ribbons at each station the Olympians completed. “I thought the event was excellent,” Associate Director of Athletics Denise Udelhofen (’90) said following the event, “I thought the volunteers and student-athletes were phenomenal throughout the day. I think our student-athletes gained a whole new perspective on Special Olympics athletes. They were able to brighten each other’s day with the interaction and cheering.” Udelhofen worked with Kathy Irving, director of athlete initiatives with Special Olympics Iowa, to coordinate the event.

Spring: Baseball: Will Petrosky (’15) (Hanover Park, Ill.) Devin Kass (’13) (Solon, Iowa) Jeremy Gerardy (’14) ( Dubuque, Iowa) Softball: Kellie Klein (’13) (Dubuque, Iowa) Men’s Golf: Sam Herrmann (’13) (Mount Vernon, Iowa) Men’s Track and Field: Josh Goerdt (’14) (Dyersville, Iowa) Michael Meersman (’14) (Chicago, Ill.)

The 2011-12 academic year was the first in a long-term partnership between NCAA Division III and Special Olympics. The partnership is designed to improve the lives of Special Olympics athletes through their involvement with Division III studentathletes and to foster a mutual learning experience between Division III student-athletes and Special Olympics athletes.

Austin Steil (’13) (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Rob Howe (’15) (Wood Dale, Ill.) Jerry Olp (’14) (Wheaton, Ill.) Sam Ross (’13) (Epworth, Ill.) Ryan Piche (’14) (Marion, Iowa) Sean Campbell (’12) (Victor, Iowa) Women’s Track and Field: Emily Sotelo (’15) (Iowa City, Iowa) Katie Langmeier (’14) (Cuba City, Wis.) Caitlin Groeper (’13) (Lombard, Ill.) Rachel Kolbeck (’13) (Richfield, Wis.) Bridget McQuillan (’12) (West St. Paul, Minn.) Laura Wondra (’14) (Chanhassen, Minn.) Meggen Elsen (’12) (Nekoosa, Wis.) Kirsten Schultz (’14) (Prior Lake, Minn.)


Alumni News | Fall 2012

Celebrate your Reunion with Support Loras College’s Homecoming is a special weekend for the entire Loras community. Homecoming is especially significant for our reunion classes. This year we celebrate the members, accomplishments and generosity of the classes of 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007. Reunion classes reconnect with one another during Homecoming and have fun remembering their time as students. A reunion year is also important because it offers alumni an opportunity to renew their commitment to and support of Loras College. Celebrating a reunion milestone is a perfect time for alumni to think about increasing their support to Loras or making their first gift to their alma mater. Reunion classes are encouraged to support the Loras Fund in honor of their time at Loras, and in gratitude


for where their education has taken them. The Loras Fund supports the College’s top priorities including, but not limited to: financial aid, academics, campus ministry, athletics, the arts, faculty development and the College’s daily operations. With income from our Endowment providing less than 5% of Loras’ annual operating budget, support to the Loras Fund is critical. Gifts to the Loras Fund can be made during Homecoming weekend and also online at loras.edu/donate. All classes celebrating a reunion are encouraged to come back for Homecoming and to give back. To learn more about class-specific initiatives or to volunteer to help with your class’ fundraising efforts, please contact Jacob Shireman, coordinator of annual giving, at 563.588.4985 or jacob.shireman@loras.edu.

Alumni News | Fall 2012

Dedicated Duhawks… Meet the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Recipients In 1989 the National Alumni Board created the Loras College Distinguished Alumni Awards as a way to recognize the many dedicated Duhawks making a difference in their communities. This fall during Homecoming we will honor these five individuals who have been identified by their classmates, former students and family members as exemplifying the characteristics of this award. Join us on Saturday, Sept. 29, and celebrate with these Duhawks!

Christian Service & Volunteer Work Libby (Whalen) Birky (’97) Denver, Colo.

Recipients are identified as having met the following criteria: • Significant achievements in chosen field or particular endeavor • Reflects honor on the College through personal or professional activities • Contributes to the College in outstanding ways or made significant contributions to the community at-large • Demonstrates particular professional accomplishment and exemplifies the educational Mission of the College • Shows excellence in contribution of time and talents to benefit the community either on a local, state or national level • Shows exceptional personal commitment involving time and effort while at Loras College • Displays Christian ideals in daily life put forth by the College Nominations are currently being accepted for 2013; please log on to alumni.loras.edu and click on Networks and Boards. You can help us honor a professor, mentor, classmate or friend.

Professional Achievements & Contributions Made Skip Brennan (’64) Monroe, Wis.

Service Provided to Loras by Faculty, Staff or Administrator Don Freymann (’61) Dubuque, Iowa

Young Alumni Award Wendy L. Schrunk (’07) Chicago, Ill.

Contributions Made in Public Service Doug J. O’Brien (’92) Takoma Park, Md.


Alumni News | Fall 2012

GOLD Alumni: Easier Giving The GOLD Participation Class Challenge that spanned the 2011-2012 fiscal year (June 1, 2011May 31, 2012) was a great success! Thank you to all the donors from the following classes: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Three hundred and twenty-four GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Duhawks demonstrated their Loras College pride by donating over $30,000. This is a 10 percent increase in dollars raised by young alumni over our previous fiscal year. Special congratulations to the Class of 2006 and to the Class of 2011 for having the highest alumni giving percentages within GOLD. Alumni giving participation affects Loras College’s rankings and reputation. A healthy alumni giving percentage among GOLD classes sends a strong message that young alumni are thankful for their Loras experience and education and, most importantly, care about the future of Loras College. Every dollar that is raised from GOLD alumni affords an opportunity for current students to experience Loras College. HOMECOMING 2012 • September 28, 29, 30 This year, we would like to focus on encouraging all GOLD alumni to give through a monthly recurring gift. Why are recurring gifts beneficial to you and to Loras College?

Let’s face it, your life is busy and you don’t always All GOLD alumni are remember to make your annual Loras Fund gift. invited to the inaugural Loras wants to make it GOLD Reception on easier for you to make Friday, September 28 from your yearly gift. Forget 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Mason the checks and stamps. Dixon (163 Main St., in With a monthly recurring Dubuque). Complimentary gift your credit card will appetizers will be provided be charged automatically with a cash bar. To learn on a monthly basis for as more or to RSVP please go long as you would like. to www.loras.edu/alumni. Giving a little each month allows you to support your alma mater, without a noticeable effect on your bottom line. Recurring gifts can start as low as $5 a month. Recurring gifts also help save the College money. Alumni who give through a recurring gift are removed from Phonathon and direct mail lists. This fall, members of GOLD will receive a mailing regarding the recurring gift opportunity. If you are interested in learning more or signing up for a recurring gift, please contact Jacob Shireman, coordinator of annual giving, at 563.588.4985 or jacob.shireman@loras.edu.

2012 Homecoming September 28-30 alumni.loras.edu/ Homecoming 2012 36

Alumni News | Fall 2012

Schrunk Joins National Alumni Board Originally from LeMars, Iowa, Wendy Schrunk (’07) graduated from Loras with degrees in economics and finance. During her time at Loras, Schrunk was involved in many aspects of the Loras community ranging from serving as a resident advisor to involvement in campus ministry and student government. After graduation, Schrunk began her career in the Investment Management Division at Goldman Sachs. In her current role as an associate within Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), Schrunk is a team lead and acts as a client service manager for institutional bank, hedge fund and corporate clients who utilize Goldman Sachs’ mutual funds. In 2012, Schrunk was chosen to participate in Women’s Career

Strategies Initiative, a six-month cross-divisional career management program designed to provide a number of developmental opportunities for a select group of associate women at Goldman Sachs. Schrunk has stayed connected to and involved in the Loras community by serving as a member of the board for the Loras Alumni Network of Chicago for the past four years. In particular, Schrunk has focused on increasing connectedness between the College and young alumni. In spring 2011, she helped reinstitute a Loras tradition and organized a group of Chicago area alumni to walk in the downtown St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Heartfelt Thank You My name is Zachary Benson (’16) (Upland, Calif.) and I would like to give a truly heartfelt thank you to the National Alumni Board for selecting me as the 20122013 scholarship recipient. It is because of this award that I am able to attend Loras College, and without it, I would have had to go to college somewhere else. I am from Upland, Calif., a small suburb about 45 minutes away from Los Angeles, so Dubuque will certainly be a big change of scenery for me, which I am very excited about. I attended Rancho

Cucamonga High School, and graduated with a class of almost 700 seniors! In high school, I participated on the swim team as well as my local club team. On my high school team, I won the 200-yard individual medley and the 100-yard breaststroke, and I also moved on to place 16th and 25th respectively in both events at my CIF meet, which included high school swimmers from all throughout Southern California. I am excited to swim for Loras and everyone I met on the team during my visit was very hospitable and friendly, and they are the second biggest reason I am coming to Loras. Thanks again to all the alumni for making it possible for me to attend Loras and making my dream of moving out of state to attend college come true. I feel that Loras is the perfect fit for me academically and athletically, and will give me the best skills for the job world. I can’t wait to move in and begin my four years as a Duhawk!


Alumni News | Fall 2012

Duhawk Sightings


Hitting the hardwood at the Alumni basketball game (l to r): Tim McMahon (’98), Jack Schrandt (’58), Robbie Stran (’02).

Young alumni in Bankston, Iowa, enjoyed some wine and networking (l to r): Kelsey McElroy-Anderson (’10), Digger Kurt (’10), Leslie Crandall (’09), Elizabeth (Lampe) Kurt (’10), Jenna Muller (’09) and Michelle Goebel (’09).

Alumni basketball players recognized during a game are (l to r): Carrie (Smith) Kennedy (’98), Cortney (Kettmann) Kueter (’05), Lindsay Bava (’10), Natalie Pucci (’08), Kelly McIntyre (’08) and Mackenzie Roth (’09).

Leading the Duhawks at the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade is the Noonan family (l to r): Ryan, Courtney, Dewey, Katie, Mary (’90) and Sean (’91) Noonan.

Susan Marshall (’92) and President Jim Collins (’84) enjoy the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Winter Social with more than 100 other Duhawks.

The Alumni Track and Field Meet attracted a great group of Duhawks. (l to r): Elliot McAllister (’10), Mallory (Gryp) McWilliams (’09), Nick McWilliams (’08), Scott Steepleton (’08) and Geoff Kaiser (’07).

Alumni News | Fall 2012

Duhawk Sightings

Front row (l to r): Kayla Walleser (’14) (Cascade, Iowa), Jordan Stecklein (’15) (Dubuque, Iowa), Patricia Klauer (’13) (Dubuque, Iowa), Becky Derr (’13) (Dyersville, Iowa), Miranda Heiar (’13) (Bellevue, Iowa), President Jim Collins (’84).

Thanks to (l to r): Kenn Nemec (’76), Beth (Ryan) Nemec (’79) and Mark Cloghessy (’80) for hosting and presenting at the Loras Chicago Economic Forecast reception.

Second row (l to r): Brooke Pasker (’14) (Dyersville, Iowa), Bethany Melvin (’13) (Dubuque, Iowa), Sarah Link (’14) (Sherrill, Iowa), Tassie Crews (’13) (Dubuque, Iowa), Morgan Meyer (’15) (Dubuque, Iowa), Ben Berning (’14) (Cuba City, Wis.). Third row (l to r): Hans White (’15) (Dubuque, Iowa), Steven McDonough (’14) (Dubuque, Iowa), Andrew Kelchen (’13) (Cascade, Iowa), Michael Rubel (’13) (Bellevue, Iowa), Cassie Crabill (’13) (Dubuque, Iowa), Casey Wilgenbusch (’13) (Dyersville, Iowa).

Atlanta alumni enjoy a spring social. Front row (l to r): Bobbi Earles (’88), Sherrie O’Brien, Alejandra Monroy (’09), Julie Marr, Joe Kitchens (’91). Back row (l to r): Pam Gerard, John O’Brien (’84), Amy (Meyer) Merry (’87), Chris Burds (’86), Dan Marr (’74), Chuck Lanphear (’69), John Thomas (’77) and Peter Vogt (’78).

The Loras Network of Waterloo/Cedar Falls welcomed (l to r): Roger Kueter (’64), Barb Kueter, the late Rev. Everett Hemann (’67) and President Jim Collins (’84) to the Winter Social. Tom Cashman (’60) and Bill Lynch (’64) attend the Loras Network of Chicago Spring reception.


Alumni News | Fall 2012

Duhawk Sightings

Joshua Feldhaus (’16) (Rockford, Ill.) receives the Loras Network of Rockford scholarship from Kathy (Keller) Giovingo (’76) at the annual luncheon.

Thanks to Kevin Heilers (’88) and John Tursi (’91) for their help on the Loras Network of Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Golf Social.


Alumni, parents and friends gathered at a Des Moines Winery. (l to r): Molly Cain (’14), Carol Schaefer, Kelly (Waters) Cain (’88), Carol Peterson, Scott Peterson (’76), Larry Schmitz (’63), Paul Cain (’88), Dr. Joe Schaefer (’62).

Standing (l to r): Jeff Supernaw (’09), Kyle Harris (’09), Don Hemmesch (’75), Tom Keenan (’92), Sean Ryan (’92), James Keefe (’92), Steve Vlcek (’90) (with his daughter, Hailey), Adam Atkins (’04), Bob Carlevato (’84), Chad Remakel (alum), Nick DeStefano (’02). Kneeling (l to r): Ben Thompson (’09), Jeremy Ellis (alum), Drew Arensdorf (alum), Rick Callahan (’05).

Our Dewey student-callers will soon be dialing once again. We appreciate you taking the time to speak with our students and for pledging your support to the Loras Fund. Phonathon calls will be made September 2 through October 18. Last year’s Phonathon resulted in 3,252 pledges and $373,874.23 pledged. Thank you for making it a success! If you would like to make this year’s gift before receiving your Phonathon call, you may do so online at loras.edu/donate. Greg Gumbel (’67) and his granddaughter Riley Cecilia in her Loras gear!


Loras Legacy | Fall 2012

Loras Legacy The Upper Gymnasium (Fieldhouse) was constructed in 1924 at a cost of approximately $150,000. The basement housed automobile garages; the second floor dressing rooms, showers, lockers and a handball court; the third floor had a 50’ x 94’ hardwood gym floor and fourth floor a balcony, a running track, boxing and wrestling rooms plus offices. The seating capacity was 1,600 on the main floor and an additional 900 in the balcony. On Saturday, Feb. 21, 1925, 87 years ago, the first collegiate basketball game was played in the Fieldhouse when the Columbia (Loras) College Duhawks under coach Eddie Anderson, who would later go on to coach at the University of Iowa, hosted Valparaiso. The Duhawks came up short 24-14. There have been 19 head men’s basketball coaches at Loras since 1925, including names like Eddie Anderson, Elmer Layden, Fr. Dan Coyne, Vince Dowd, Jim Berry, Bob Mullen, Brad Soderberg,

John Lembezeder, Chad Walthall and currently Greg Gorton. Just a few of the all-time outstanding players to wear the purple and gold include Mickey Marty (’49), Jim McCabe (’51), Jack Frasco (’60), Mary Goedken (’87) Alicia (Davis) Kapp (’05) and Natalie Pucci (’08). The last official (non-tournament) men’s game played in the Fieldhouse was on Feb. 17, 2007, as 1,123 fans witnessed the Duhawks beat Buena Vista and go on to win the Iowa Conference Championship. The new Athletic and Wellness Center (AWC) is now the home of the Loras Duhawks.

The Loras College Archives, as well as the Loras College Center for Dubuque History, are interested in collecting Loras College and Dubuque memorabilia including photographs, postcards, letters, diaries, etc. Contact Mike Gibson, archivist, at Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista St., Dubuque, Iowa 52001, or call 563.588.7163 or email michael.gibson@loras.edu


Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

Recognitions 1940s Rev. Gerald Wingert (’44) celebrated his 65th anniversary of priesthood. Rev. Edmond Adams (’49) celebrated his 60th anniversary of priesthood.

1950s Jim Theisen (’56) was inducted into Junior Achievement of the Heartland’s Tri-State Area Business Hall of Fame.

1960s Harry “Bud” Hart (’60) was nominated for the 2012 Living Legend of Alexandria award. Msgr. Frank Bognanno (’61) was nominated by Gov. Terry Branstad for a seat on the Iowa Board of Medicine. Russell Kuennen (’64) was elected to the board of directors for DuTrac Community Credit Union Board. Rev. Patrick Walsh (’65) retired from his position as president of Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools after 43 years of serving in education. Tom Miller (’66) Iowa attorney general, has been named as one of the national co-chairs for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. Jesuit Rev. John Schlegel (’66) assumed the role of publisher and president of America Press Inc., the Jesuit-sponsored magazine and website in Nov. 2011. Sister Marjorie Rosenau (’69) celebrated her 60th jubilee on June 5, 2011, at Good Counsel in Mankato, Minn. Greg Purnell (’69), former Linn-Mar football coach, was inducted into the Linn-Mar Athletics Hall of Fame. He


coached at Linn-Mar from 1981 until 1999 and won three state titles.

1970s Jim Scholten (’70) is the new student service specialist at Northeast Community College in Nebraska. Louis E. Bassler (’71) qualified for the 2012 Million Dollar Round Table. Jim Herrig (’72) was appointed executive vice president along with retaining the position of chief compliance officer at HK Financial Services. Chip Murray (’74) was elected to the First Community Trust board of directors. Sam Fiorella (’75) was inducted into the Illinois High School Wrestling Hall of Fame for his contributions to the sport. Jeffry Mozena (’75) was re-elected to the Premier Bank board.


Joseph Hearn (’86) transitioned to president and chief executive officer of Dupaco Community Credit Union. David Kapler (’86) joined the Kintzinger Law Firm, PLC, as an attorney. Jim Neyen (’87) was promoted to director of sales and business development for CS Technologies. Tim Remy (’88) joined First American Credit Union as a branch manager. Timothy Woodcock (’89) will serve as vice president of Webster Capital Finance for clients in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana as part of the company’s expansion. Tom Barton (’89) was designated as a member of the Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network’s Premier Advisors Program. Becca Krapfl (’89) joined the Dubuque Convention & Visitors Bureau as marketing program manager.

Debra Domeyer (’81) was named the new co-chief executive officer of oversee. net and elected to Oversee’s board of directors.


Bill Duffy (’81) was named senior vice president-investment officer by Wells Fargo Advisors for the fifth consecutive year.

Timothy Kunkel (’90) was re-elected to the Premier Bank board.

Richard Heim (’84) was appointed to president of Advocate South Suburban Hospital. John Luksetich (’85) was involved in preproduction of his second independent feature film. Lisa Reiter (’86) was named the new director of campus ministry at Loyola University Chicago.

Tim Wuebker (’90) wrote a novel, 2017 Third Term.

Dan Allen (’90) received his Ph.D. from Loyola University in April 2012. Kevin Shelton (’91) has been named 2012-2013 High School Principal of the Year by the Illinois Principals’ Association. Pete Moris (’93) was named assistant athletics director/communications at the University of Oklahoma.

Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

Eddie Moore, Jr. (MA ’95) received the 2012 Ally Award for his contribution in creating dialogue and professional conferences on race relations and his work with youth from the Center for the Healing of Racism. Moore was also awarded the 2012 Border Crossers Award at the Border Crossers Springtime Gala. Bill Specht (’96) was promoted to systems analyst at Flexsteel Industries. Holly (Stoffle) Wille (’97) received her educational administrative endorsement through the Iowa Principal’s Leadership Academy in December 2011. Debra Engler (’97) was promoted to assistant vice president-credit administration at Heartland Financial. Lynn (Portz) Cases (’97) graduated with a masters in health informatics from the University of Minnesota in May 2012 as the recipient of a UP-HI scholarship. Cases was also selected to be a representative of the U of M at the International IPIHIE conference this summer, focusing on a project for creating innovation using human centered design. Scott Steiner (’98) was promoted to senior vice president and chief lending officer at East Dubuque Savings Bank. Jeremy Wulfekuhle (’98) was named the director of information technology at Medical Associates in Dubuque. Tom Foley (’98) joined The Professional Convention Management Association as senior director, member services and business development. Tim Albores (’98) was hired as the assistant principal at Plainfield Academy in Plainfield, Ill. Aaron Plein (’98) was promoted to vice president, branch manager and service delivery for the Dupaco Cedar Rapids, Iowa, branch.

Ben Muller (’98) was hired as the new principal of Southeast Elementary School in Ankeny, Iowa. Karla (Welter) Digmann (’99) received the NSF Presidential Award for Excellence.

2000s Erin Hefel (’00) was promoted to senior designer at Peninsula Gaming. Irina Ouahbi (’01) was promoted to assistant vice president-credit administration at Heartland Financial. Shannon Zimmerman (’01) was promoted to account administrator team supervisor at Cottingham & Butler.

Shelby (Perleth) Schumacher (’05) received the Women of Achievement Award in the category of “Growth & Accomplishments in Personal Life.” This award was presented by the Women’s Leadership Network. Nathan Ripperger (’05) was featured in an article on the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed for his creative one-liner posters featuring “crazy things he says to his kids.” Matthew Klaren (’05) has passed the Certified Public Accountant exam and is employed with Honkamp Krueger & Co, P.C., as a staff accountant II.

Scott Kenny (’01) opened a new business, Integrated Physical Medicine, in New Lenox, Ill.

Michael Dolphin (’06) was selected to give the student remarks at his graduation ceremonies from St. Thomas Law on May 12, 2012.

Brian Kallback (’02) was named the 2011-2012 Volunteer of the Year by the Dubuque Chamber of Commerce.

Mike Ressler (’06) was promoted to manager of corporate accounting at Flexsteel Industries.

Kory Tuescher (’03) received the Northeast District Assistant Coach of the Year award after helping the Dubuque Wahlert Golden Eagles to one of their best seasons in several years.

Todd Boeckenstedt (’07) attained his life insurance license for the state of Iowa.

Chris Lenart (’03) joined Happee Smith Productions as an editor and videographer. Steve Lukan (’03) was appointed by Governor Branstad as the director of the Office of Drug Control Policy. Anthony Everman (’03) joined the Arkansas State Red Wolves baseball staff as an assistant coach. Ted Kraft (’03) was appointed to vice president, credit administration at Heartland Financial USA. Sandra Gonzales-Denham (’05) is serving as president of the Greater Tri-State Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 2012.

Tasha Willman (’08) received her D.D.S. from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and joined the office of Complete Dentistry which is owned by Roger Murray, D.D.S. Megan Stralow (’09) was recognized at the year-end Jaycee convention as the Top Local Director of the Year. Ryan Burbach (’09) was promoted to staff accountant II at Honkamp Krueger & Co., P.C. Michelle Goebel (’09) was named marketing assistant at Eagle Ridge Resort and Spa. RoseAnne Taphorn (’09) was awarded “2012 Woman Business Leader of Tomorrow” by the Rockford Chamber of Commerce at the Women in Business Expo and luncheon.


Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

2010s Hannah Spina (’10) performed in The Importance of Being Earnest at Theatre Cedar Rapids in early 2012. Lauren Milam (’10) received a first place award in the Delta Epsilon Sigma national undergraduate writing contest, Creative Nonfiction: “Till Then, My Jimmy, Goodbye.” Milam’s essay was published in Delta Epsilon Sigma Journal, Spring 2012. Matt Romkey (’10) joined the Children’s Miracle Network National Sponsor Development at Beaumont Health System as an associate director. Michaela Gray (’11) received a second place award in poetry: “By An Abandoned Train Track.” Lexie Hemesath (’11) joined Dupaco Community Credit Union as a marketing services associate. Jennifer Smith (’11) began working at Honkamp Krueger & Co. P.C., as a tax staff member. M. Clare (Horst) Chapman (’11) was accepted into the University of Minnesota-Mankato to pursue a master’s degree in collaborative piano studies.

Michelle McDonough (’11) joined Enterprise Rent-A-Car as a management trainee. Kevin O’Brien (’11) joined Loras College as a special projects manager. Ryan Engelman (’11) joined Loras College as an admission counselor. Christopher Lehr (’11) joined Celtic Marketing Inc., as an account manager, client services. Andrew Gall (’11) joined the business advancement team at BR Printers. Patience Chiles (’11) joined Association Management Center as an account administrator. Om Gurung (’12) presented his senior paper “Finite Element Analysis” at the Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium at Simpson College. Max Brunclik (’12) joined River Valley Capital Group as a truck insurance consultant for the insurance division. Alex Kimbro (’12) joined River Valley Capital Group as a vendor relations representative for the finance division.

Jake Pfohl (’12) interned as a software engineer at Cartegraph. Nicole Myers (’12) began her career as manager of St. Luke’s Children’s Miracle Network. Abigail Schmitz (’12) joined Wells Fargo Home Mortgage as a loan document specialist. Maggie Burbach (’12) began her career at Honkamp Krueger & Co., P.C., as an e-marketing specialist. Andrew Hall (’12) is working at Honkamp Krueger & Co., P.C., as a staff accountant. Bhavna Grewal (’12) joined Yasmesoft, Inc., as a business development manager. Chris Comstock (’12) joined Loras College as an admission counselor. Jordan Stukenberg (’12) joined Groupon as an account manager. Kelsey Smith (’12) joined HealthCheck360 as an account manager.

POINTS OF PRIDE Fair Trade Resolution Loras College has signed a resolution designating Loras as a Fair Trade College. The designation comes as the last stage of an application process which is governed by the certifying organization Fair Trade Colleges and Universities. With this resolution, Loras will look to use fair trade items wherever and whenever possible. Led by Loras students Kate Russell (’11) (Woodstock, Ill.) and Yvette Anderson (’11) (Aplington, Iowa), who applied for and received a Catholic Relief Services grant of $5,000, Loras College has worked toward this goal as a sign of our commitment to respect all human life and work.


Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

Abbey (Lewis) (’99) and Aaron Higgins, a daughter, Lucy Ann, on May 4, 2012.

Nicole Nattsas (’04) to James Watson on March 8, 2012. Troy Zalaznik (’04) to Jennifer Noel on May 26, 2012.

Annie (Kinsella) (’99) and Chuck Hilby, a son, Charles, on May 14, 2012.

Justin Peck (’06) to Meredith Marlow (’08) on May 12, 2012.

Jim Davis (’67) to Jacqulyn Schneithorst on March 17, 2012. David Meyers (’72) to Susan Burn in Feb. 2012.

Troy Rabbett (’06) to Justine Kuboushek (’11) on June 9, 2012. Valerie Flynn (’07) to Ethan Winn on March 30, 2012. Lauren Squires (’08) to Scott Ready on April 21, 2012.

Ryan (’99) and Carola Gogerty, a daughter, Mathilde, on May 29, 2011. Kyle (’86) and Barbara Cox, a son, James D., on Jan. 12, 2012.

Matt (’00) and McKenzie Timmons, a son, on April 15, 2012.

Dave (’91) and Amy Flanagan, a daughter, Keira Lynn, on June 21, 2012.

Scott (’00) and Mary Jo (Scordato) LeGrand (’00), a daughter, Catherine, on April 18, 2012.

Mark Domeyer (’80) to Stacee Beauchamp on June 6, 2012.

Melissa Fritz (’09) to T.J. Wagner on May 5, 2012.

Richard (’85) and Christine Brauer on April 18, 2012.

Ryan Burbach (’09) to Raquel Herber on June 16, 2012.

Lara Rosenthal (’92) to Michael Levens on April 27, 2012.

Daniel “Digger” Kurt (’09) to Elizabeth Lampe (’10) on July 7, 2012

Susan (Andrukaitis) (’96) and Kendall Schwartz (’97), a son, Amos Jude, on April 24, 2012.

Troy Thiele (’98) to Lissa Schuman on April 2, 2012.

Nicole Kutsch (’10) to Alexander Miller on Dec. 23, 2011.

Terry (’97) and Emily Kruse, a son, Aaron Henry, on Jan. 6, 2012.

Brandon (’98) and Josephine Verderber on April 24, 2012. Jason Nemmers (’01) to Sarah Thurston on Jan. 21, 2012. Dustin Derflinger (’02) to Callie Christensen on March 10, 2012. Jason Lenz (’02) to Elizabeth McClain (’02) on May 11, 2012. Catherine Veth (’02) to Robert Hart on Oct. 15, 2011 John Welsh (’03) to Meryl Eckermann (’05) on Feb. 22, 2012.

Melissa Joy (’11) to Bradley Huekels on April 28, 2012. Andrew Gregory (’11) to Veronica Stierman on June 15, 2012. Hope Baumgartner (’12) to Daniel Dobson (’11) on May 4, 2012. Emily Buss (’12) to Bren Watson on May 12, 2012.

Matt (’95) and Jodie McDermott, a daughter, Cloie Lynn, on April 2, 2012.

Jennifer (Seipp) (’97) and Douglas Send, a daughter, on Feb. 26, 2012. Scott (’98) and Rachel Steiner, a son, on Feb. 28, 2012. Joel (’99) and Sarah (McManimon) Reicks (’01), a daughter, Bozena Clotiel, on Feb. 28, 2012.

Erin Lightfoot (’12) to Clayton Rife on May 26, 2012.

William (’99) and Corinne Otting, a son, on Jan. 6, 2012.

Kelsey Hlavin (’12) to John Hendrickson on June 23, 2012.

Tim (’99) and Kristen Berning, a son, Ted William, on March 13, 2012.

Aaron (’01) and Meggan Healey, a son, on Jan. 27, 2012. Jim (’01) and Molly Anderson, a son, Jonas Ronald, on March 10, 2012. Chris (’01) and Dr. Anna (Kramer) Miller (’01), a daughter, on March 17, 2012. Ryan (’01) and Abby (Ellingson) Foley (’02) a daughter, Lauren, on March 31, 2012. Robyn (Chase) (’01) and Gabe Lucas, a daughter, Aubrey Eileen, on Sept. 4, 2011. Jeff (’02) and Michelle Vogler, a son, Colin Jeffrey, on Jan. 8, 2012. Jerod (’02) and Jeana Driscoll, a son, on Jan. 30, 2012. Nick (’02) and Abbey DeStefano, a daughter, Evie, on Feb. 12, 2012.


Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

Brooke (Griebel) (’05) and Darren Johnson, a son, Fischer Lee, on Dec. 24, 2011.

Matt (’02) and Jennifer Spahn, a son, Henry, on March 13, 2012.

Tyler (’06) and Jaclyn Knopp (’07), a daughter, on April 19, 2012.

Ken (’03) and Kate Kurt, a daughter, Nora, on March 27, 2012.

Matt (’06) and Angie (Hancock) Murray (’06), a son, Riley, on June 6, 2012.

Jeff (’03) and Pam (Orris) VeDepo (’05), a daughter, on June 3, 2012.

Tommy (’07) and Kate (Gross) Lange (’08), a daughter, on Feb. 18, 2012.

Nick (’04) and Danielle Rubel, a son, Logan, on Feb. 26, 2012. Laura (Schwitzer) (’04) and Nick Ludwig, a daughter, Autumn, on March 20, 2011. Molly (Campana) (’04) and Tom Hein, a daughter, Chloe, on April 24, 2012. Katie (Von Ah) (’04) and Mark Giese, a daughter, Lilah, on June 2, 2012. Mike (’04) and Anna (Sink) Lind (’04), a son, Loras Christopher, on Sept. 1, 2011. Arthur (’05) and Jessica Bradford, a son, on April 19, 2012. Abbey (Rodham) (’05) and Zach Kass, a daughter, Chloe, on May 27, 2012. Michelle (Welter) (’05) and Luke Hartmann, a son, on June 22, 2012. Steven (’05) and Dani (Pline) Campbell (’05), a daughter, on June 23, 2012.


Jerry (’07) and Becky McGrane, a son, on Feb. 29, 2012. Ashley (DeCook) (’07) and Patrick Schmidt, a daughter, Lily, on May 18, 2012. Tiffany (Hancock) (’07) and Nick Goedken, a son, on June 5, 2012. Stacy (Bahl) (’08) and Joshua Rissman, a son, on Feb. 15, 2012.

Luke (’11) and Morgan (Good) Hoffmann (’12), a daughter, Lexi Renee, on Feb. 1, 2012.


Brendan (’03) and Zoe Houlihan, a son, Sean Alexander, on March 6, 2012.

Harold McMahon (’34) on Oct. 12, 2011, in Dubuque, Iowa. The Rev. Msgr. Charles Blecha (’36) on April 2, 2012, in Menomonie, Wis. John Keane (’39) on Jan. 22, 2012, in Naperville, Ill. George Meyer (’39) on Feb. 1, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. John McKay (’43) on May 25, 2012, in Palm City, Fla.

Eugenia (Palazhenko) (MA ’08) and Everette Locklear, a daughter, on April 23, 2012.

John “Wally” Grimes (’46) on Jan. 3, 2012, in Greensboro, N.C.

Andrea (Griswold) (’08) and David Runde, a son, on May 2, 2012.

Paul Meyer, M.D. (’46) on March 20, 2012, in San Diego, Calif.

Kassy (Kilburg) (’08) and Jayden Herrig, a daughter, on May 15, 2012.

Robert “Luke” Lucas (’47, A ’39) on March 17, 2012, in Arlington Heights, Ill.

Ryan Burbach (’09) and Raquel Herber, daughters, Norah and Madeline, on Jan. 12, 2012.

Dean Gaffney, D.D.S., (’48) on April 26, 2012, in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Jennifer (MA ’09) and Cal Burr, a daughter, on June 22, 2012.

Edward Collins (’49) on Feb. 1, 2012, in No. Augusta, S.C.

John Dalton (’49) on Sept. 18, 2011, in Empire, Mich. Roy Ortner (’50) on March 30, 2012, in Waterloo, Iowa. John “Chuck” Luther (’50) on Feb. 27, 2012, in Waukon, Iowa. John “Jim” Kelly (’51) on June 25, 2012, in Tucson, Ariz. Richard Jaeger (’51) on Jan. 24, 2012, in Geneva, Ill. The Rev. Richard Bergman (’51) on Jan. 28, 2012, in Johnston, Iowa. Donald O’Brien (’51) on May 7, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. John “Dan” Murphy, M.D., (’52) on March 24, 2012, in Peoria, Ill. Dale Blichmann (’52) on Jan. 5, 2012, in Iron Mountain, Mich. Jerald Hickey (’53) on June 18, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. Elmer Michels (’54) on June 8, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. Robert Scalise (’55) on May 30, 2012, in Mason City, Iowa. Edward Lang (’55) on March 18, 2012, in Port Aransas, Tex. Thomas Curoe (’55) on Feb. 23, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. James Beggin Sr. (’56, A ’52) on May 15, 2012, in Freeport, Ill.

Alumni Notes | Fall 2012

Roger Doughan (’56) on July 22, 2012, in Hampton, Iowa. Abbott David Geraets (’57) on March 2, 2012, in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Brendan Heintz (’57) on April 3, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. The Rev. LeRoy Seuntjens (’57) on May 10, 2012, in Sioux City, Iowa. Cyril “Cy” Potts (’57, A ’53) on June 11, 2012, in Manchester, Iowa. John Dell (’58) on Feb. 18, 2012, in West Palm Beach, Fla. Donovan Ochs, Ph.D., (’60) on Jan. 18, 2012, in Solon, Iowa. Paul Koloc (’60) on Feb. 17, 2012, in Silver Spring, Md. James Brinkman (’60) on Feb. 25, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. Thomas Maudsley (’61) on June 17, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa. Roger Conry (’62) on April 25, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. The Rev. John D. Furlong (’62) on March 17, 2012, in Pompano Beach, Fla. Michael Rosecky (’62) on Feb. 26, 2012, in Ellison Bay, Wis. Timothy Herlehy (’62) on March 24, 2012, in Batavia, Ill.

Richard Haas (’62) on May 7, 2012, in Portland, Ore. Nicholas Bach (’63) on May 28, 2012, in Cedarville, Ill. Michael McElwee (’63) on Dec. 11, 2011, in Des Moines, Iowa. Brother Charles Bisenius, C.S.P.X., (’65) on March 14, 2012, in Cascade, Iowa.

Stephen Bender (alum) on June 17, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Donald Christ (A ’49) on May 6, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Bernard Staver (alum) on June 8, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Paul Runde (A ’51) on March 5, 2012, in East Dubuque, Ill.

Robert Schuster (alum) on Jan. 16, 2012, in Hopkinton, Iowa.

David Hutter (A ’53) on Feb. 7, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Louis Loes (alum) on Jan. 19, 2012, in St. Cloud, Minn.

Richard Dix (A ’61) on March 23, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

The Rev. Everett Hemann (’67) on April 24, 2012, in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

John Lammer (alum) on Oct. 7, 2011, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Larry Feltz (’67) on May 9, 2012, in Humble, Tex.

Earl Lilly (alum) on March 1, 2012, in Oelwein, Iowa.

William “Mike” Cramer (’67) on May 7, 2012, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Raymond Kosinski (alum) on April 1, 2012, in Dyer, Ind.

Gregory Schaedler (’72) on Jan. 30, 2012, in Byrnes Mill, Mo. Patrick Dolter (’72) on April 2, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. Michael Honsa (’77) on Feb. 29, 2012, in Yelm, Wash. Suzanne Wall (’84) on Feb. 19, 2012, in Des Moines, Iowa.

John “Jack” Schmitt (alum) on March 3, 2012, in Ballwin, Mo.

Kenneth Zehentner (A ’62) on May 23, 2012, in Bisbee, Ariz. Robert Neuwohner (A alum) on Jan. 21, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa. A = Loras Academy

Robert Hobson (alum) on May 1, 2012, in Oak Forest, Ill. Robert Baltes (alum) on April 24, 2012, in New Hampton, Iowa. Stephen Smith (alum) on April 18, 2012, in Elmwood Park, Ill.

John Mikel (’90) on June 20, 2012, in Lombard, Ill.

John Burbach (alum, A ’51) on May 1, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

Sister Veronica Gorman, RSM, on Jan. 20, 2012, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Richard Weber (alum, A ’59) on Feb. 22, 2012, in Fort Myers, Fla.

The Rev. William Devine (alum) on May 31, 2012, in Eldora, Iowa.

Clement Mullen (A ’38) on May 24, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa.

This tree was planted in memory of Suzanne Wall (’84) thanks to the generosity of several of her Loras classmates. Shown are her husband Brad and daughters Grace and Emma. May this autumn maple tree represent the strength, courage and grace that Bonz (Suzanne) possessed and provide a lasting memorial for all of us who knew her and loved her like a sister. Excerpt of a prayer written and read by Margaret Osborn (’84) at the tree planting ceremony.


| Fall 2012

Welcome to the New LORAS.EDU! You’ll notice a new look at LORAS.EDU. We’ve made some improvements to help users navigate the site and find the information they are looking for much more easily. The website’s updated look matches other Loras College materials, helping users understand the Loras brand. “We worked very hard to make the site reflect Loras in a way that aligned with our brand identity and helped potential students, alumni and followers find what they were looking for efficiently,” explained Senior Director of Marketing Sharon Rea (’92). New features include streamlined categories with access to the entire site from every drop-down menu, and a consistent look and feel. Watch for new features throughout the year.

We hope you enjoy the new site and welcome your feedback! You can send feedback to webmaster@ loras.edu.

POINTS OF PRIDE Loras Receives NCCI Award Loras College has been selected to receive a Leveraging Excellence Award from the National Consortium for Continuous Improvement (NCCI) in Higher Education. As one of seven colleges successfully completing and winning the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)/Lumina Foundation’s Excellence in Higher Education Challenge 2010, Loras is being recognized for the design and implementation of its Organizational Effectiveness Process, focused on strategic planning, outcomes measurement, continuous improvement and managed change. Loras College’s Organizational Effectiveness Process was designed by a task force representative of staff and faculty. Its goal is to increase alignment around the College’s mission, vision and strategic plan through the implementation of a full cycle of planning, objective-setting, performance feedback, assessment and professional development.


Why Loras? We are nationally recognized as a strong academic institution: Loras earned the 13th spot in the Top Tier among Best Midwest Regional Colleges in the 2011 edition of “Best Colleges” by U.S. News Media Group. We serve locally and globally: Loras College ranks 12th nationally for service among all baccalaureate U.S. colleges and universities by Washington Monthly. This is the second consecutive year Loras has ranked nationally. We produce strong outcomes: Loras College has a more than 95% graduate placement rate. Within six months of graduation students are employed or enrolled in graduate school. Unlike other institutions, we do not count graduates who go unreached as placed. We encourage students in experiential learning: Over 90% of our students study abroad work internships and participate in service trips or service learning. These experiences are principally facilitated by six fulltime professional staff in the center for experiential learning and seven full-time campus ministry staff members. We are affordable: Loras is one of only 240 schools nationally that is consistently listed in Barron’s Best Buys in Education underscoring the affordability of a Loras College education. We are one of the best places to learn, to grow and to succeed: Loras College was again designated as a College of Distinction for 2011-2012. We have outstanding teams and coaches: 2011 Men’s Cross Country and Women’s Soccer were Iowa Conference Champions 2011 Men’s and Women’s Soccer were Iowa Conference Tournament Champions 30 All IIAC selections in seven sports 2011 Coach of the Year Awards – Dan Rothert (’96) for women’s soccer and Bob Schultz (MA ’94) for men’s cross country Loras Men’s Cross Country and Loras Men’s and Women’s Soccer are all ranked in th Top 20 of the NCAA III in the 2012 preseason national polls.


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Upcoming Events September 21 26 28

Day of Peace Speaker Rajmohan Gandhi Hypnotist Jim Wand Heitkamp Planetarium presents THE GREAT BEYOND: OVER 50 YEARS OF SPACE EXPLORATION 28-30 HOMECOMING

October 7 9 11 12 13 16 26-28 26

International Dinner Seattle (Wash.) Alumni Social Holy Family Choral Festival Heitkamp Planetarium presents BLACK HOLES DON’T SUCK Second City (comedy) Wind Ensemble Fall Concert Loras Players present ADDING MACHINE: A MUSICAL Junior High Honors Band Concert

November 2 2 3 5 17

Magician Peter Boie Heitkamp Planetarium presents DIVERSITY IN THE WINTER SKY Dessert Pops Concert Cultural Fiesta Loras Players present GUILD OF ST. GENESIUS 24-HOUR THEATRE PROJECT


December 1 2 2 7 7 8

January 17

February 8

8-10 10 17

March 8 9 16 22

Loras Players present ‘TIS THE SEASON MYSTERIES OF CHRISTMAS Festival of Lights Celebration Chicago (Ill.) Holiday Social - Cubby Bear Heitkamp Planetarium presents THE CHRISTMAS STAR Sounds of the Season

Loras Network of Dubuque Board Meeting

Heitkamp Planetarium presents UFO – NO LONGER UNIDENTIFIED Loras Players present SCRATCH PLAY Waterloo (Iowa) Alumni Winter Social Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Winter Social

Heitkamp Planetarium presents SPACE CONSPIRACY Wind Ensemble Winter Concert Chicago (Ill.) St. Patrick’s Day Parade Music Honors Day Concert

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