1 minute read
Script data set
from Eloquent Javascript
by Drashyn Lord
function max(...numbers) { let result = -Infinity; for (let number of numbers) { if (number > result) result = number;
} return result;
} console.log(max(4, 1, 9, -2)); // → 9
When such a function is called, the rest parameter is bound to an array containing all further arguments. If there are other parameters before it, their values aren’t part of that array. When, as in max, it is the only parameter, it will hold all arguments.
You can use a similar three-dot notation to cal l a function with an array of arguments.
let numbers = [5, 1, 7]; console.log(max(...numbers)); // → 7
This “spreads” out the array into the function call, passing its elements as separate arguments. It is possible to include an array like that along with other
arguments, as in max(9, ...numbers, 2).
Square bracket array notation similarly allows the triple-dot operator to spread another array into the new array.
let words = ["never", "fully"]; console.log(["will", ...words, "understand"]); // → ["will", "never", "fully", "understand"]
The Math object
As we’ve seen, Math is a grab bag of number-related utility functions, such as Math.max (maximum), Math.min (minimum), and Math.sqrt (square root).
The Math object is used as a container to group a bunch of related functionality. There is only one Math object, and it is almost never useful as a value.