2 minute read
Special forms
from Eloquent Javascript
by Drashyn Lord
than directly using promises. Even if you need to do something that doesn’t fit the synchronous model, such as perform multiple actions at the same time, it is easy to combine await with the direct use of promises.
This ability of functions to be paused and then resumed again is not exclusive to async functions. JavaScript also has a feature called generator functions. These are similar, but without the promises.
When you define a function with function* (placing an asterisk after the word function), it becomes a generator. When you call a generator, it returns an iterator, which we already saw in Chapter 6.
function* powers(n) { for (let current = n;; current *= n) { yield current;
for (let power of powers(3)) { if (power > 50) break; console.log(power);
} // → 3 // → 9 // → 27
Initially, when you call powers, the function is frozen at its start. Every time you call next on the iterator, the function runs until it hits a yield expression, which pauses it and causes the yielded value to become the next value produced by the iterator. When the function returns (the one in the example never does), the iterator is done.
Writing iterators is often much easier when you use generator functions. The iterator for the Group class (from the exercise in Chapter 6) can be written with this generator:
Group.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function*() { for (let i = 0; i < this.members.length; i++) { yield this.members[i];
There’s no longer a need to create an object to hold the iteration state— generators automatically save their local state every time they yield.
Such yield expressions may occur only directly in the generator function itself and not in an inner function you define inside of it. The state a generator saves, when yielding, is only its local environment and the position where it yielded.
An async function is a special type of generator. It produces a promise when called, which is resolved when it returns (finishes) and rejected when it throws an exception. Whenever it yields (awaits) a promise, the result of that promise (value or thrown exception) is the result of the await expression.
The event loop
Asynchronous programs are executed piece by piece. Each piece may start some actions and schedule code to be executed when the action finishes or fails. In between these pieces, the program sits idle, waiting for the next action.
So callbacks are not directly called by the code that scheduled them. If I call setTimeout from within a function, that function will have returned by the time the callback function is called. And when the callback returns, control does not go back to the function that scheduled it.
Asynchronous behavior happens on its own empty function call stack. This is one of the reasons that, without promises, managing exceptions across asynchronous code is hard. Since each callback starts with a mostly empty stack, your catch handlers won’t be on the stack when they throw an exception.
try { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("Woosh"); }, 20); } catch (_) { // This will not run console.log("Caught!");
No matter how closely together events—such as timeouts or incoming requests— happen, a JavaScript environment will run only one program at a time. You can think of this as it running a big loop around your program, called the event