Gosden House Handbook

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GCSE Reforms Boarding Principles & Aims At LWC, we focus on the needs of each of you as an individual, ensuring that people look out for and that youare look out for others. LWCusing is anthe environment in which you’ll be encouraged to push •you All GCSE subjects now graded and assessed new 9-1 structure; yourself by going beyond where you are comfortable in and out of the classroom, knowing you have • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 the support and guidance of your friends and the staff. We will encourage you to work on a range of candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; skills, such as sharing your strengths, keeping going even when things are tough, being curious about •your In every subject, content houses is more demanding assessment moreplaces rigorous than previously; world. Ourthe boarding are one ofand thethe most important for you to thrive and develop, and it is our aim to provide an environment in which each of you can do this. • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types of assessment will be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak • to the I will be courageous in doing what is right relevant Head of Department. The community will maintain an atmosphere where positive behaviour and relationships are Tiering of exams promoted by ensuring all voices have the chance to be heard. The new GCSEs are only split into foundation tier and higher tier if one single exam paper does not give all students • opportunity I will respect myself, andand theabilities. environment the to show theirothers knowledge Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, The community will provide a safe, supportive environment in which all individuals are able to German, Maths, Physics and Spanish. thrive; by fostering one of trust and mutual support which is relaxing, comfortable and suits the needs of all the boarders. New Current grading structure grading structure • I will encourage others to be who they are The community will support and encourage choices and diversity of others. We will preserve 9 is awarded to those the environment where people trust and help one another to become better people by pupils promoting achieving what 9 and communal responsibility within the house. a spirit of teamwork A* would currently be 8 A*: be perhaps at of and inclusive of others • a top I will aware A aroundThe 96%+ community will promote7openness and equal opportunities by celebrating Underthe thecultural updated diversity of the boarding community at LWC and by providing appropriatestructure, opportunities and the ‘good 6 GOOD PASS (DfE) activities to support this. B pass’ for Maths and 5 and above = top of C and above 5 English is a 5, which is Schools are no longer AWARDING on the border between C 4 and above = bottom of C and above 4 assessed on A*-C statistics, but on ‘9-4’ statistics.

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a C and a B under the old system.

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