21 minute read
10 pm Getting ready for Prep
Choosing the right subjects for GCSE House Life
Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in February so that next year’s timetable can be blocked ILLNESS & MEDICINES and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at the end of this term. There is the opportunity to add IF YOU FEEL UNWELL OR HAVE HURT YOURSELF:any supporting comments on both initial and final option-choice forms if you feel particularly strongly about the choices that have been made. Once the final options form is submitted, the allocation of options will be made based on the information supplied on IN THE DAYTIME: Tell matron straight away. If you cannot find her, tell any member of staff. IN LESSONS: Tell your teacher, who may then send you to the Health Centre if necessary accompanied by a friend. AT NIGHTTIME: Wake up your dorm captain who will take you to the House Tutor on duty. the form. If you have been away and have missed work, find out what you have missed and make sure you Once choices have been made, the College reserves catch up quickly. the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient demand.MEDICINES • • • We try to accommodate all subject choices within the prescribed framework. However, subjects are sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will contact you to discuss alternatives. If you have any medicines, inhalers, creams, etc. Please hand them in to Matron to lock away for safe-keeping. If you need any tablets, inhalers or medication for the day, Matron will give these out at 7.15 am in the Medical Room. If you take regular medication and need a tablet at lunchtime, you need to organise this with
On the following pages, you will find more information Matron. • about each subject, as well as some useful advice from At bedtime, Matron will do any medications in the Medical Room at 8.45 pm. the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the HOMESICKNESS various factors involved in making the most appropriate choices. If you are feeling homesick, talk to Mr May, friends or to your tutor or Matron. Try not to ‘phone home immediately as this can often make you feel worse. Most of all, don’t worry about telling someone— people of all ages can feel homesick.
Stephen Badger
Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning)
Boarders can be arranged via Matron, or directly through the Health Centre. Doctor’s surgeries are held every Monday and Thursday afternoons. Day pupils and flexi boarders should see their own doctor at home unless they are registered with one of the school doctors.
GCSE Reforms House Life
• All GCSE subjects are now graded and assessed using the new 9-1 structure; HEALTH CENTRE OPENING TIMES • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; 9am—6pm (Monday to Friday) and 9.30am—5pm (Saturday) • In every subject, the content is more demanding and the assessment more rigorous than previously; • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types of assessment will JEWELLERY AND MAKE-UP be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak to the relevant Head of Department. • Make up is not allowed. Tiering of exams • Nail varnish is not allowed. The new GCSEs are only split into foundation tier and higher tier if one single exam paper does not give all students • Girls may wear only one stud or sleeper in the lower lobe of each ear, one discreet necklace, the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities. Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, one ring and one discreet bracelet, but not ankle bracelets. German, Maths, Physics and Spanish. • Boys may not wear earrings or other piercings but may wear a discreet ring, necklace or bracelet.
New grading structure
Current grading structure
9 A* 8 7 6 B 5 4 C 3 D 2 E F 1 G U U
9 is awarded to those pupils achieving what would currently be a top A*: perhaps at around 96%+
GOOD PASS (DfE) 5 and above = top of C and above Schools are no longer AWARDING assessed on A*-C 4 and above = bottom of C and above statistics, but on ‘9-4’ statistics.
MATRONS LOOK AFTER ALL THE LAUNDRY IN THE HOUSE • Please put your dirty clothes in the laundry baskets in the laundry. • Please follow the laundry guidelines posters closely. A • Matron will return your clean clothes when you hand in your dirty ones. Under the updated • structure, the ‘good Hand your sports kit in for washing every Wednesday and Saturday. You can collect a clean set for Saturday games from the laundry room. pass’ for Maths and • English is a 5, which is You are expected to change your bed linen every fortnight and towels every week. • Day pupils’ laundry should be done at home. on the border between a C and a B under the old system.
Choosing the right subjects for GCSE House Life
Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in February so that next year’s timetable can be blocked If you think you have lost something, first have a good look around the place where it should be. and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at the end of this term. There is the opportunity to add Most things which go missing at Junior have normally been put down in the wrong place! If it is any supporting comments on both initial and final named properly with your name and house it usually finds its way back. option-choice forms if you feel particularly strongly about the choices that have been made. Once the final After you have had a good search (look in the house lost property and the lost property box at school) options form is submitted, the allocation of options report it to a member of staff. Make sure you say that the item is ‘missing’ rather than ‘stolen’. will be made based on the information supplied on the form. If you find something which you think somebody else may have lost, please return it to them straight away. If it is not named, hand it in to Matron.
Once choices have been made, the College reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is Most importantly—use your lockers and padlocks! insufficient demand. We try to accommodate all subject choices within MATRONS the prescribed framework. However, subjects are sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing Matrons are on duty from Monday to Friday from 8.00am—9.00pm and on Saturdays from 8.00am— prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will 6.00pm. contact you to discuss alternatives. They:
On the following pages, you will find more information • look after your laundry about each subject, as well as some useful advice from • will usually be your first port of call for any medical issues the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon • are responsible for the domestic side of the house so expect to be chased by them if your
Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the room is dirty/untidy or if you haven’t made your bed! various factors involved in making the most appropriate choices. Most importantly they are: • a friend • a listening ear • a shoulder to cry on and • someone to be a mum if you need it.
Stephen Badger
Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) Matrons have their own email address which is: junmatron@lordwandsworth.org
MINIBUS (link with Hook Station)
A minibus is available to take pupils to Hook Station on Saturdays at 12.00pm or at 4.30pm on Fridays on exeat or half term weekends.
GCSE Reforms House Life
• All GCSE subjects are now graded and assessed using the new 9-1 structure; A minibus also picks up from Hook Station at 7.25 pm on Sunday evenings. • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; If you wish to use this service you need to sign up with matron by Friday lunchtime, or by Thursday lunchtime for an exeat/half term weekends. • In every subject, the content is more demanding and the assessment more rigorous than previously; • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types of assessment will This service is also available at the start and end of each term. be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak to the relevant Head of Department. MONEY AND HOUSE BANK Tiering of exams The new GCSEs are only split into foundation tier and higher tier if one single exam paper does not give all students You do not need to have any money in school - we are cashless. the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities. Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, German, Maths, Physics and Spanish. At the beginning of each term your parents/guardian will need to deposit some money in the House bank organised by the matrons, via BACS. Weekly or full boarders should deposit £50 and day or flexi boarders should deposit £10 in the house bank. If you need any money you should ask tutors or matron. Our House shop sells toiletry items which can be charged to the House bank. School’s Resources department sells most stationery items.
New grading structure
Current grading structure
9 A* 8 7 A 6 B 5 4 C 3 D 2 E F 1 G U U
9 is awarded to those pupils achieving what would currently be a top A*: perhaps at around 96%+
GOOD PASS (DfE) 5 and above = top of C and above Schools are no longer AWARDING assessed on A*-C 4 and above = bottom of C and above statistics, but on ‘9-4’ statistics.
POST Any letters sent to you are given out at supper time. Under the updated structure, the ‘good If you write any letters or cards, give them to Matron who will make sure the postman collects them. pass’ for Maths and English is a 5, which is on the border between If you are a boarder you should try and write to your friends and family regularly —everyone likes to receive a letter or card in the post! a C and a B under the POSTERS old system. We like you to bring posters and pictures to liven up your dorm and desk area but please make sure you only pin them to the notice boards provided - do not blu-tack or sellotape any to the walls .
Choosing the right subjects for GCSE House Life
PREP (Homework)
Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in February so that next year’s timetable can be blocked During the week you will be given work by teachers which has to be done in the evenings. There is a and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at timetable for this, but you will usually have 3 different subjects to do each evening. the end of this term. There is the opportunity to add any supporting comments on both initial and final Time is allocated for this work every evening between 6.15 pm and 7.15 pm option-choice forms if you feel particularly strongly about the choices that have been made. Once the final If you are a day pupil and want to stay at Junior to complete your prep we are very happy for you to options form is submitted, the allocation of options do so. will be made based on the information supplied on the form. All boarders and those day pupils who regularly stay at school to complete their preps have their own desk and locker for books. You will sit here to work without disturbing anyone else by moving around Once choices have been made, the College reserves or talking. the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient demand. You should make sure that your work is neat and that each piece of work has a date and title. Always We try to accommodate all subject choices within underline these with a ruler and draw a neatly ruled line across the page after every piece of work. the prescribed framework. However, subjects are sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing If the piece of work is on a separate piece of paper you should also make sure that you put your name prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will on it. contact you to discuss alternatives. On the following pages, you will find more information SAFETY about each subject, as well as some useful advice from the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon Here are some important things which we ask you to do so that you stay safe:
Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the various factors involved in making the most Before you go home each day you must sign out with matron or the House tutor on duty so that we appropriate choices. know that you are leaving. Do not walk along the cinder track on your own. If you need to return to Junior at any time during the day, ask Mr May for permission and s/he will phone the Matron to tell her you are coming. Always use the footpaths.
Stephen Badger Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) Do not accept lifts from anyone. When your parents come to collect you, they must meet you inside the house not out on the road. Please do not run around indoors; the corridors can be slippery and it might be dangerous. Please ensure that doors are closed behind you.
GCSE Reforms House Life
Girls should access via the girls’ entrance and boys should use the boys’ entrance.
The front door is for parents (with pin code access) and visitors. If a visitor comes to the door then take them immediately to Matron’s Office.
• All GCSE subjects are now graded and assessed using the new 9-1 structure; • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; • In every subject, the content is more demanding and the assessment more rigorous than previously; • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types of assessment will be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak to the relevant Head of Department. Tiering of exams The new GCSEs are only split into foundation tier and higher tier if one single exam paper does not give all students the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities. Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, German, Maths, Physics and Spanish. New grading structure
SATURDAYS It is the expectation that all pupils take part in a Saturday morning activity. Pupils with external commitments who need to miss Saturday morning activity can stay at home and will be logged as ‘staying at home’ on the system. However, they will still need to come in for their Saturday sports fixture / training. Day pupils who choose to come in on Saturdays need to arrive for registration by 9.00am. You will sign up for different activities each term; some of the fun things usually on offer are cookery, trampolining, climbing, dance, football, golf and squash. Once you have signed up for an activity, we expect you to commit to the whole term. If you need to miss a Saturday morning activity, please email Mr May in advance. Current grading structure Lunch is from 11.15am in the main school dining room. There are usually matches each Saturday morning or afternoon either at home or away. Matches are compulsory for all those selected. If you have elected to stay at home on a Saturday morning, you must still come in for your match. If you are unable to play for some reason, then permission needs to be granted by the Headmaster at least two weeks in advance. A If you are in a match, you can go home after the match tea. You should always stay and host our visitors when matches are at home. If you are not involved in a match you can go home at either 11.15am (before lunch) or at 12.15pm (after lunch). Don’t forget to sign out with matron!
9 A* 8 7 6 B 5 4 C 3 D 2 E F 1 G U U
9 is awarded to those pupils achieving what would currently be a top A*: perhaps at around 96%+
GOOD PASS (DfE) 5 and above = top of C and above Schools are no longer AWARDING assessed on A*-C 4 and above = bottom of C and above statistics, but on ‘9-4’ statistics. Under the updated structure, the ‘good pass’ for Maths and English is a 5, which is on the border between a C and a B under the old system.
SLIPPERS/SLIDDERS Any pupils who are boarding are expected to have a pair of slippers or sliders (needed, for example, in the case of a fire alarm). Shoes must not be worn at any time upstairs in the house.
Choosing the right subjects for GCSE House Life
Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in February so that next year’s timetable can be blocked The staff at Junior are approachable and always willing to help with any problems you may have, but it and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at is important to: the end of this term. There is the opportunity to add any supporting comments on both initial and final • Be polite to staff at all times and never argue with a member of staff. option-choice forms if you feel particularly strongly • Wait until you have their attention, do not interrupt. about the choices that have been made. Once the final • Address them as Mr …, Mrs …, Sir…, Dr … or Miss options form is submitted, the allocation of options • Always look directly at the person you are speaking to and make sure you speak clearly. will be made based on the information supplied on • Remember to say please, thank you and excuse me. the form. • If you are asked to do a small job around the house, do it quickly and without fuss. You’ll probably earn a merit for it!
Once choices have been made, the College reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is Be cheerful, polite, honest and positive, and your time in Junior House will be a happy one. insufficient demand.
We try to accommodate all subject choices within the prescribed framework. However, subjects are TELEPHONES/MOBILES sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will Mobile Phones (Should be labelled, sticker on the back works best.) contact you to discuss alternatives. If, for any reason, you need to bring one into school, always hand it in to Matron for safekeeping. Day pupils can collect them at the end of the day. Boarding pupils can ask for their phone after prep if On the following pages, you will find more information they need to send a message / text or make a call but are not allowed to have them freely for the about each subject, as well as some useful advice from evening. the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the Boarders are allowed their mobile phones at the weekend, but they need to be handed in at supper various factors involved in making the most time on Sunday evening for safekeeping. appropriate choices. House Telephones There are two telephones in Junior for you to use but you will need to have a phone card. There is a phone card in the telephone box for use in an emergency if required. Stephen Badger You can get a phone card from Matron and you should leave it with her for safekeeping.
Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) When you are waiting to use the telephone, please respect the privacy of the person using the ‘phone. Remember that there are usually others waiting to use the ‘phone; please don’t hog the line! A Skype iPad is available for boarders and can be booked in matron’s office. Priority for this will be given to pupils whose parents are overseas.
GCSE Reforms House Life
• All GCSE subjects are now graded and assessed using the new 9-1 structure; TUCK AND FOOD • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; • You can eat your own tuck in the evening after prep time (7.15pm) on Thursdays and after games on Saturdays. • In every subject, the content is more demanding and the assessment more rigorous than previously; • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types of assessment will • Full or weekly boarders may bring a tuck box but it must be a lockable one and is stored in the be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak boarders tuck box room. to the relevant Head of Department. • Tuck and other food should not be taken into the dorms. Tiering of exams The new GCSEs are only split into foundation tier and higher tier if one single exam paper does not give all students • There is a tuck shop in Junior which is open at 7.15pm on Tuesdays and periodically during the the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities. Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, week for those with tuck tokens. German, Maths, Physics and Spanish. • No chewing gum or NUT products in the House, please. • The house kitchen is for staff use only so we don’t expect to see you in there, unless you are with a member of staff.
New grading structure
Current grading structure
9 A* 8 7 A 6 5 4 C 3 D 2 E F 1 G U U
9 is awarded to those pupils achieving what would currently be a top A*: perhaps at around 96%+
GOOD PASS (DfE) 5 and above = top of C and above Schools are no longer AWARDING assessed on A*-C 4 and above = bottom of C and above statistics, but on ‘9-4’ statistics.
WEEKENDS FOR FULL BOARDERS We try to make weekends very relaxed and more like being at home. Under the updated There is always a trip out of school, such as shopping, to the cinema, bowling, water park, trips to London. structure, the ‘good pass’ for Maths and B You can visit friends at weekends if we receive permission from your parents and from the parents of the friend you want to stay with. There is a form on the VLE for this. English is a 5, which is on the border between a C and a B under the old system.
Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in February so that next year’s timetable can be blocked and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at the end of this term. There is the opportunity to add any supporting comments on both initial and final option-choice forms if you feel particularly strongly about the choices that have been made. Once the final options form is submitted, the allocation of options will be made based on the information supplied on the form. Once choices have been made, the College reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient demand. Make the house a pleasant place to live for all the members of the community—both staff We try to accommodate all subject choices within and pupils the prescribed framework. However, subjects are sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will contact you to discuss alternatives. On the following pages, you will find more information about each subject, as well as some useful advice from the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the various factors involved in making the most appropriate choices. We want you to be safe so you should not be out in the dark on your own Stephen Badger Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning)
Keep quiet after 10 o’clock—other people might need their sleep!
Respect one another’s property; this includes not helping yourself to other people’s possessions and clothes Treat others as you wish to be treated We don’t like to hear bad language