GCSE HouseReforms Life and before bed time. • All GCSE subjects are now graded and assessed using the new 9-1 structure; Please have your own battery powered alarm clock. • 9 is the highest grade, awarded to the very best candidates in the subject. The official definition of a grade-9 candidate is that they will be ‘in the top 20% of those achieving grades 7-9 in the subject’; POST •Post In every subject, the is more demanding andbe thesigned assessment more rigorous than previously; is delivered tocontent the House daily and must for in Matron’s office. The “out tray” for post is on the foyer table—the postman will collect post each day. You can buy stamps and in letters • The assessment will be mainly by exam. In some subjects such as Drama and Art, other types ofhand assessment will to post at the main College reception. be used only where they are needed to test essential skills. For further information about assessment, please speak to the relevant Head of Department. Tiering of exams POSTERS We new like GCSEs you toare bring pictures liven uptier your dorm but please make youallonly The only posters split into and foundation tier to and higher if one single exam paper does sure not give students pin them to the notice boards provided do not blu-tack or sellotape any to the walls or furniture. the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities. Consequently, exams are tiered in Biology, Chemistry, French, Prospective staff and other visitors will often be shown around the house and therefore German, Maths,parents, Physics and Spanish. any posters you put up must not cause offence to anybody. If a member of staff thinks a poster is unsuitable you will be asked to remove it. Posters containing the following should definitely be avoided; racism, nudity, sex, bad/crude language, blood and gore, anything which sets out to shock. New Current grading structure grading structure SATURDAYS 9 is awarded on to those Attendance Saturday morning is encouraged to enable you to take advantage of the varied array achieving what 9 take place over the two 50 minute sessions. Attendance is ofpupils additional activities and clubs which A* would currently beexpected that all those who board on Friday night optional but it is will wish to benefit from the 8 a top A*: perhaps at programme and day girls will appreciate the later registration time of 9.15am advertised Saturday A around 96%+ must attend). You may (full boarders afternoon 7 go home after your last activity if you have no Under the updated commitments. All girls must stay on Saturday afternoon if they are required for a structure, school commitment. the ‘good 6 GOOD PASS (DfE) B pass’ for Maths and 5 and above = top of C and above TAXIS 5 English is a 5, which is Schools longer You mayare notnohire a taxi without permission. The cost of taxis may be put on youron school bill ifbetween your AWARDING the border C and above = bottom of C and above assessedagree—you on A*-C parents should collect a4taxi4slip from Matron. a C and a B under the statistics, but on ‘9-4’ D old system. 3 statistics. E 2 F 1 G U U
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