Summerfield House Handbook

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Choosing House Life the right subjects for GCSE CARS Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in From the Summer Term in timetable Lower 6th, Formers may be allowed to bring their cars to school if they February so that next year’s can6th be blocked have been granted permission by the Senior Deputy Headmaster. Permission forms are available from and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at thethe VLE. end of this term. There is the opportunity to add any supporting comments on both initial and final You may not travel carfeel driven by another pupil unless we receive written (or email) permission from option-choice formsinifayou particularly strongly your parents and the parents of the driver. about the choices that have been made. Once the final options form is submitted, the allocation of options Your permissionsupplied for youon to travel with the parents/friend of another pupil. Organise willparents be madehave basedto ongive the information this in good time. the form. Once choices have been made, the College reserves COMPUTERS/EMAIL the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient demand. The four house computers are for academic work only. We try to accommodate all subject choices within Please do not fiddle withHowever, any of subjects the computer settings – if there is a problem please report it to a the prescribed framework. are member of staff. sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing prevents additional classes. If this is the case, we will Save youryou work on to the school network - you will then be able to pick it up on any computer in school contact to discuss alternatives. - or at home! On the following pages, you will find more information about subject, welldevice as someto useful advice You mayeach bring youras own school butfrom it is your responsibility to look after it. the Head of Careers and Higher Education, Sharon Ink and paper are expensive - please do not waste them by printing out unnecessary stuff! Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the various involved in making thethe most Access tofactors your email address and College network: appropriate choices. Your username for the school network will be your surname followed by your first initial. e.g. Joe Smith = smithj. First and second initials are used in cases where the username is already in use by another pupil or staff Stephene.g Badger member. James Smith = smithja Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) Houseparents will be given a list of usernames and passwords for their pupils for the start of the academic year by the IT Office.

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