Choosing House Life the right subjects for GCSE PREP (Homework) Your son/daughter will make initial GCSE choices in Prep time is time foryear’s individual work. February soathat next timetable can be blocked and staffing planned. They will confirm their choices at You should all the stationery and equipment ready to start prep on time. the end of have this term. There is the opportunity to add any supporting comments on both initial and final Throughout prep time youfeel should be working at your desk or on one of the house computers. option-choice forms if you particularly strongly about the choices that have been made. Once the final It is a quiet time and you should not be chatting or wandering around the house. options form is submitted, the allocation of options 5thwill and 6th Formers can play music on stereos be made based on the information supplied on as long as it is not audible outside your room. the form. Make sure you record your prep tasks so that you don’t have to wander around to find out what work choices hasOnce been set. have been made, the College reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient LAUNDRY demand. We try to accommodate all subject choices within MATRONS LOOK AFTER However, ALL THEsubjects LAUNDRY the prescribed framework. are IN THE HOUSE sometimes oversubscribed and availability of staffing Boarders—you should takeIf this youris dirty clothes prevents additional classes. the case, we willevery day to the laundry room and make sure you put things in the correct baskets. contact you to discuss alternatives. Onwill the find following pages, you on will the find named more information You clean clothes laundry racks in Matron’s room. about each subject, as well as some useful advice from the Head of Careers andall Higher Full boarders may put theirEducation, clothes inSharon for washing. Allmark. These will help you when weighing up the various factors involved may in making Weekly/Flexi boarders put the all most school uniform, underwear and games kit in for washing. Casual appropriate choices. clothes should be washed at home at the weekend. Day boys’ laundry should be done at home. Washing and drying machines are for use by Matrons and resident staff only. 6th Form pupils may apply to Matron if they wish to do their own laundry. Stephen Badger Deputy (Teaching & Learning) Any itemsHead for dry cleaning should be handed to Matron who will arrange for them to be cleaned.
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