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An Update From: The Development Office

Thank You for Your Support Throughout 2021

Sam Corfield, LWC’s Development Director, would like to say a huge thank you to all Sternians who supported the College across another extraordinary year.

That support came in a number of ways...

ATTENDING EVENTS Obviously, our normal events programme was hampered again by covid for most of the year.

However, it was wonderful to see Sternians and LWC parents come together and get involved in a variety of LWC Focus talks and Donor Club events via Zoom. We were so grateful to all those who hosted an LWC Focus talk during one of the lockdowns - people tuned in from all around the globe to watch a wonderful series of interesting topics, thank you.

In person events began again in September and it was fantastic to see so many of you at different venues throughout the Autumn term from the Young Sternians at the Leavers events to the Over 60s lunch, and everything in between.

VOLUNTEERING Firstly, a massive thank you to The Sternians’ Association Committee members for giving up your time and energy for the membership and the College. You helped the team shape the events plan and the direction the Association is travelling, attended virtual and in-person events and supported all our efforts. We are sure the whole Association join us in being grateful for the work that you do.

Thank you too to those who have helped our pupils with careers advice – whether you have hosted a Roundtable session for pupils interested in a particular industry sector, offered work experience opportunities, or have started to mentor pupils or young Sternians, your help is much appreciated. We know others have already signed up for events in 2022, so thank you in advance.

If you would like to volunteer in some way, whether that be with Sternian events and initiatives (especially with the Centenary around the corner), joining the Committee or helping with careers support, then do get in touch with Justine. SUPPORTING ONE OF OUR CAMPAIGNS For those of you who have read our latest Supporter Update, you will have already seen a report about fundraising income for the academic year of 2020/21.

We were delighted to have raised almost £640,000. This showed a 15% increase overall on 2019/20, and a 30% increase in donations from individuals. This was truly incredible particularly in light of the pandemic. Income from Trusts & Foundations and Legacies , however, were down. We are so grateful to the whole LWC Community (Sternians, LWC parents, staff and friends) for everyone’s continued support of the College and our endeavours. Read on to hear more about each campaign.

Fundraising Income 2020/21

£637,148 raised

LWC Foundation Aspirations Covid-19 Appeal


Trusts & Charities for Foundationer Fees


LWC Foundation

Covid-19 Appeal Aspirations


Performing Arts - Theatre Other £637,148 £231, 238 £405,910 £195,910 £47,000 £163,000


£140,000 £12,000

The Foundation continues to remain at the heart of LWC. We are so pleased that Pete Maidment, LWC Chaplain, took on the additional role of Foundation Tutor in September 2021 to help support the pastoral needs of Foundationers and their families. We also welcomed Georgina Dainton as LWC’s new Admissions and Foundation Manager in July. Together, Georgina and Pete are working hard to ensure our Foundationers continue to thrive.

Seven new Foundation pupils joined us in September 2021. Five went into Junior House and two into the Sixth Form. We said farewell to four Foundationers as they embarked on the next steps of their journeys beyond LWC. We are so proud of them and wish them every success in their future endeavors.

From a funding perspective, last year was a tough year for The Foundation with 2020/21 philanthropic income down significantly (38%) compared to 2019/20. This was partly due to donors supporting other campaigns e.g. the COVID 19 Appeal and Aspirations. However, significant numbers of our traditional donors, including some who make major gifts, understandably needed to reduce or in some cases suspend their donations completely as their personal circumstances had changed, or they needed to support family members whose jobs have been affected by the pandemic. We hope that you and your families are all well.

Thank you to everyone who has been able to support the Foundation – it is greatly appreciated. We are sorry we couldn’t thank you in person as we weren’t able to hold Foundation Day last year. However, we do hope you enjoyed hearing from some of our Foundation pupils by watching their mini films via the interactive poster we sent in the July Supporter Update (reprinted overleaf). It was wonderful to have an insight into their lives.

2021/22 has also started a little slower on the donation front than usual. We really hope that as the country opens up even further that there will be a little more certainty and the LWC Community will feel able to lend The Foundation their support again. As Sternians, you will all have either experienced the value of The Foundation yourself, or have witnessed its impact on your own friends, so you will know how crucial it is for the Foundation to continue to thrive in order to benefit Foundationers now and in the future. If you would like to make a one-off gift or become a regular donor and help support the education of Foundationers at LWC, do get in touch with Sam or Kate.

Theatre: £140k


We launched Aspirations in 2021 as our umbrella campaign for projects across the College that we aspire to move forwards with but need to fundraise for to make them a reality.

CCF: £11k


We have been delighted with how well these have been received. Thank you to everyone who has lent their support to our first Aspirations projects.

The CCF now have incredible new ceremonial items that looked fantastic at the Banner Blessing Ceremony in October (more details on page 41/42) and again on Remembrance Day, thanks to your generosity.

The Performing Arts department have a beautifully refurbished studio theatre, The Nadine Uppal Theatre, for music, dance and drama. The pupils are so delighted with their new venue and guests have been enjoying an immersive theatre experience from the moment they step through the doors. Read about the Official Opening on page 41.

Teaching in our new Science Centre began in January 2022. It is a stunning building with an extremely calming interior environment, an incredible new teaching and learning space. Thank you for your support of this project already. There are still a few bits outstanding and certainly more donor opportunities if science is your thing.

Other activities e.g. DW and elements of girls sport also received support in 2021.

As projects are completed, we will continue to add new ones to our Aspirations list – some will be large, others small. All these projects have a real impact on pupils now and in the future, enriching their LWC experience. Over time, we hope there will be an opportunity for you to support something that is important to you.

If you would like to support Science or any other aspect of College life, do get in touch with Sam or Kate.


This Appeal has now closed, but over the last two years we were able to raise over £60,000 to support families whose incomes were suddenly hit by the pandemic. Thanks to everyone who supported this campaign, LWC was able to award 56 bursaries worth over £90,000 and help relieve the financial burden some families were facing. This meant that these pupils could remain at LWC with as minimal disruption to their education as possible. Families in receipt of these bursaries were extremely thankful.

quote-left This has been an enormously stressful time with sleepless nights worrying about how we could maintain our child’s place at the school. LWC has shown us nothing but humility and understanding. We are enormously grateful for the support extended to us. quote-right TEAM NEWS

We were delighted when Justine Lammin joined the Development team as Alumni Relations Manager in July. Justine has brought a breath of fresh air to the team, has had a huge impact and is excited to help develop more events and initiaitveis for all Sternians, whatever stage of life you are at.

Nicola Hirst joined LWC in May as our Head of Futures, working with pupils across the College as well as with our team one day a week to ensure we can provide young Sternians with the tools and advice they need to move on to the next stage in their careers.

Clare Faherty has recently been appointed as our Centenary Project Co-ordinator to help ensure our year of celebrations runs smoothly. Clare comes with a wealth of experince and is looking forwad to meeting you all soon.

Registered Charity Number: 1143359

Thank You!

THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Become a Member of One of Our Clubs

We have a number of clubs already set up for Sternians to join. However, if you would like us to set up a new club do let Justine know what you had in mind and we will look to do so.

Scan the QR code to sign up to LWC Connect Less of a club, more of a networking platform, but it is great to see so many Sternians signed up already and offering help to pupils and other Sternians. However, there are groups within the platform for you to join, to help you connect with Sternians and LWC parents in your industry and area of interest.

We have a growing number of members, with almost 700 now signed up to the platform! Whether you are looking for a new job, hiring for your own company or seeking general careers tools and resources, LWC Connect offers you an engaged network of individuals who all have an affiliation to LWC. Group features allow you to home in on a particular industry or networking group, the directory allows you to search other members and connect with them directly and the resources tab has an abundance of helpful careers guidance, no matter what stage of your career you are at.

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to our growing resources area so far. If you have any advice, hints and tips, or would like to send us a video review of your university or course, please do get in touch with Justine.


Please see page 18 for a full update. We would love to see this club continue to thrive. Join the club and hear about new adventures planned. Contact Justine for more information.

We are also keen to hear from Sternians as to whether this club is extended further to incorporate walking in other circumstances e.g. coastal or river paths and other less mountainous trails, for instance. Also, would we like to consider inviting LWC parents to join in too as we have for the LWC Golf Society? Food for thought – do let us know.

Sternians and parents at LWC enjoyed the most fabulous afternoon of golf in September 2021 at North Hants GC in Hampshire (see page 32). Our next golf day is at Bearwood Lakes GC, Berkshire on the 11th May at 12pm and will be followed by dinner and drinks. Please do join us as it is set to be a fantastic afternoon at a beautiful green. More events will follow in different locations in the UK to try and make it accessible to more golfing Sternians.

Golfers of all abilities are most welcome to join and membership is free. Contact Kate for more information.

Donor Clubs

It has been wonderful to see membership of our three donor clubs increase throughout 2021. It was good so connect with members via Zoom in the early part of the year and at events such as the opening of the Nadine Uppal Theatre and the Blessing of the Banners in the Autumn, and look forward to seeing many of you again at Foundation Day. May we take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of LWC, whether it is for the Foundation or one of our Aspirations projects. Your gifts have made a real difference in helping us in our endeavours.

For an accumulation of gifts of £5,000 or more. For those who have pledged to leave a gift in their Will For donors who pledge to make a gift regularly (monthly, quarterly, annually)

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