Can Fresh Eyes and Ears Help a Business Grow

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Can Fresh Eyes and Ears help a Business Grow Lorenzo

February 27, 2016

Can Fresh Eyes and Ears Help a Business Grow? – By Lorenzo Williams

Today was very interesting; I had the pleasure of being asked to be apart of a security company’s business meeting. I was asked can fresh eyes and ears help a business grow? The meeting was held in Kissimmee Florida and the office staff was all there. At the meeting were the President, the Vice President, the assistant and I. The meeting was all about how to move their business forward or shutdown. The topic of communication was the main subject. The problem was that communication was not being received in a manner that was productive both going and coming. Story Time

I was a business that repairs coach buses and the parts assistant was very courteous and extremely professional. I asked the parts supervisor how long has she been with the company. The supervisor said two years, one as a temp employee and one as a full time employee. The parts supervisor said she landed Health and Safety Trainers one of our largest accounts to date. I said how? He said with her customer service and calming voice. The contract was up for renewal with another company and the representative called and spoke with her and she was so informative and pleasant those two weeks later the representative gave the contract based on her voice and professionalism. I shared this story with the security company and calmness came over the room.

Can fresh eyes and ears help a business grow? During the meeting employees came up and how to get the best through the door to work. Age, gender, social groups, ethnic groups were all discussed. It was my time to give recommendations based on what I heard from all involved. I started by asking that everything I say is just a recommendation. I recommend thinking about what you say to others before you speak over the phone, in person and even during office conversations. Words that were being used like, told him to, not being listening to me, disrespecting me. All I said was professionalism. The professionalism has cost you money, time and profits. Can Fresh Eyes and Ears Help a Business Grow? Can Fresh Eyes and Ears Help a Business Grow?

I’ve been in areas and saw a plain view hazard and the person working with the equipment or process cant see the hazard because they are immune based on their eyes seeing the hazard over and over again. It’s no different than when you go see a friend and you say to yourself it smells like smoke in here and they cant smell it because they have become immune to the odor.

nbsp; After a few recommendations the meeting was over and the outcome of the future is still in the hands of the other three people at the table. I gave one last recommendation and it was team-building exercises. I gave a few examples to get the ball rolling on building a team within the security company. In any business, online opportunity and community involvement you have to be apart of a team. Can Fresh Eyes and Ears Help a Business Grow I joined a team in November that has shown me a new way to learn new skills for the future. I have been learning Facebook, Blogging, Youtube and how to own and run my own business. It’s been work and I look forward to the next week as my skills grow and I teach what I have learned. The owners of Six Figure Mentors Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross have put together a system that can be used day one. The learning and skills you build in Six Figure Mentors is priceless. Click the link now > FREE VIDEO SERIES on our community. JOIN US TODAY I recommend Six Figure Mentors as the online business of choice. Why Six Figure Mentors? Six Figure Mentors gives you the latest and greatest online marketing platform. Six Figure Mentors has a different approach than most online businesses. The first thing is you’re in control of your business. You build your business by short decisive actions that are manageable for your time. Six Figure Mentors allows you to hit the ground running with a system that has been tested and used by people earning six figures right now. Six Figure Mentors has a step-by-step system that if you put it together it would cost you millions to just get to the starting point. The system is designed to allow you to learn in bite size chunks of information.

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Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross

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Lorenzo Williams

Home Business Coach, Entrepreneur Digital Marketer, Speaker

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Thoughts to Live by – Success is the Sum of Each Small Effort Over Time

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