The Christian Walk with Jesus /2016/02/12/the-christian-walk-with-jesus/ Lorenzo
The Christian Walk with Jesus – By Lorenzo Williams
Today was an awesome day as I ran into two amazing people walking and talking the faith of God and his son Jesus. During the talk The Christian Walk with Jesus came up over and over. The talk started with a small conversation about being a father to our kids first. I told a story about a man I meet who was bumped because his son was into video games and was not interested in what they use to do together like fish, hunt and just be on the boat for hours talking. The man explained it was the video games that he played all the time. I asked has he engaged his son to learn about the video games and he said no. I just gave him a strong recommendation to engage his son and also they have a hunting game and a fishing game on the Xbox console. He stated that’s not the Christian way, I answered what is the Christian way? I said everything is the Christian way. The Christian Walk with Jesus is all around us. The life we have is God. The love we have is Love. The universe, the laws that govern the Earth and humanity’s evolution is all God. No matter the religion you choose to be apart of and worship, we are all apart of the same species of evolution. What is The Christian Walk with Jesus? It starts with the understanding that we are not perfect. We are all made of the same chemical elements and we all will leave the body we value today. Be a good steward is apart of the walk of life, communication and the opportunity to impact your local school, community, church and your family is walking in the light of Jesus. The Christian Walk with Jesus also has evolved and will continue to as long as we are here on this great and wonderful planet called Earth. A life filled with abundance is what is promised to all that take advantage of opportunities, development of self and the evolution of skills for future opportunities that may come our way. That leads me to a choice we all have to make to follow or be leaders in Christ. I recommend being both because you can’t lead until you follow him first. Leading becomes easy as we follow the laws of the universe. During our conversation we talked about how many people separate God and the Universe. There is no separation of the God because God is all and all is God. Are you open to opportunity, people, words, and life? If you answered YES to anyone of those choices, you are ready for evolution of the mind, body and spirit with us Six Figure Mentors. What is Six Figure Mentors? A community of like minded individuals who has taken a stance and has decided to live life to it’s fullest and more abundantly as the words of the storyteller tells us. In short I ask you this simple and powerful question? Will You Follow us to the new enlightenment and freedom that’s ahead. The Christian Walk with Jesus has been here for thousands of years and it will continue to impart knowledge and wisdom to all those who choose to follow with their hearts, tongue, mind and spirit.
I have been in places and I’m still here, no I’m not perfect and will never be. I have failed time and time again. I have been mislead and used. I still walk by Faith and not by Sight. The Christian Walk with Jesus is different for all of us and it has help us all get to a place of peace within. Are you Ready for the Secret that has been under your nose all this time?
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Thoughts to Live by – Change It, Do It, Move It Lorenzo Williams -The Christian Walk with Jesus