Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors? Part 5

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Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors? Part 5 lorenzo-williams.com /2016/03/13/join-six-figure-mentors/ Lorenzo

Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors? – By Lorenzo Williams

5. Join Six Figure Mentors requires an investment in YOU. The investment of money is always apart of any improvement YOU have to make. The investment is not about the money it’s about your commitment to changing your lifestyle. Are YOU willing to invest in your commitment to YOU is the question?

Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors (SFM)? Lets look at the world and how we don’t invest into our future and want a different result year after year. When are you going to invest in YOU? When are you going to stop and for once invest in something that YOU can create more of what you want instead of the right now instant gratification.

Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors This business model has ridiculously small start-up costs. Most ordinary businesses or franchises with this kind of income potential take hundreds of thousands of dollars/pounds to start and require huge Why You Should Join SFM loans. What will your start-up cost be with The Six Figure Mentors? It costs $29.95 to submit your application. Then starting with Module 1, you can test out the system, get on the phone with a coach and have all your questions answered. Then for the full business system, which is optional, for just $1364 for the first year. Lets break it down. Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors The system for the first month is $297. The second month is $97 dollar after the first month. What do you get in the system? You get a website, hosting, auto responder and step-by-step video training recorded. You also get access to the live webinar training done weekly.

Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors Lets breakdown the cost of the products you get in the Six Figure Mentor system. 1. Auto Responder value 29.99 a month 2. Website and Hosting value $20.00 a month 3. Recorded Video Training value $100.00 a month 4. Webinar Training value $100.00 a month 5. Exclusive Community value $100.00 an month 6. Platform for Creating Landing Pages value $100.00 a month


7. Website Tracking System value $100.00 a month 8. Access to Consultants to Ask Questions value 300.00 a month 9. Total value $849.00 a month 10. Yearly value of other systems $10,000 SFM system yearly value is $1364 the cost of a college class today. The difference is that a college class can’t and want teach you how to change your lifestyle, replace your income or use the information to help you earn income. Six Figure Mentors system is designed to help and it will. Invest In YOU

The truth is, the community offers great support and I love the fact I get to interact with other like-minded members. You can literally ask the simplest of questions and get back a comprehensive, well thought-out response that you can tell other members have taken the time to put some serious thought behind. Rarely will you get a generic or rushed response. The owners of Six Figure Mentors Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross have put together a system that can be used day one. The learning and skills you build in Six Figure Mentors is priceless. Click the link now > FREE VIDEO SERIES on our community. JOIN US TODAY I recommend Six Figure Mentors as the online business of choice. Why Six Figure Mentors? Six Figure Mentors gives you the latest and greatest online marketing platform. Six Figure Mentors has a different approach than most online businesses. The first thing is you’re in control of your business. You build your business by short decisive actions that are manageable for your time. Six Figure Mentors allows you to hit the ground running with a system that has been tested and used by people earning six figures right now. Six Figure Mentors has a step-by-step system that if you put it together it would cost you millions to just get to the starting point. The system is designed to allow you to learn in bite size chunks of information. Six Figure Mentors Motto is simple “Learn – Do- Teach”.

Why You Should Join SFM

Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross

Learn how to blog, market online and learn new skill sets to help improve your life. Click here to get access to Digital Bloggers and Digital Business Lounge platform so you can start your own blog today. Get positioned now with Six Figure Mentors. Founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek are just like me they put together a system to help you achieve success. How do I know this, I’m apart of Six Figure Mentors and I didn’t even know how to blog three months ago. I Learn about the digital economy and now look at me > click the link below to learn about the new rich. Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors


Digital Business System >>> Learn how YOU could partner with two of the world’s most successful online marketers, and get to use an exact model of their cutting edge proprietary> Click here now “Digital Business System”, to work less and make more! Click the link below to get the free information today. Lorenzo Williams Home Business Coach, Entrepreneur Digital Marketer, Speaker Digital Economy is Waiting

Contact Information Email About Me Six Figure Mentors Personal Page Affiliate Link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/personal? id=speaktouslorenzo Six Figure Mentor Corporate Personal Affiliate Link: https://thesixfigurementors.com/?id=speaktouslorenzo Digital Bloggers Personal Affiliate Link: https://speaktouslorenzo.thesixfigurementors.com/blog Six Figure Mentor Application Signup Affiliate Link:

Lorenzo Williams

https://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/signup/application? id=speaktouslorenzo Simple Lead Capture Page Affiliate Link: http://simpleleadcapture.com/?u=speaktouslorenzo Free Seven-Day Boot Camp Video Series Affiliate Link: http://thesfm.com/speaktouslorenzo/?pg=entrepreneurs-unleash&t=mlb_default Thoughts to Live by – Success is the Sum of Each Small Effort Over Time

Lorenzo Williams – Why You Should Join Six Figure Mentors


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