Supporting our Give a Girl a Dream Fund
Vale Dora O’Sullevan
Dora O’Sullevan, an alumnae of Loreto Ballarat and Loreto St Albans in the United Kingdom, died on 26 March 2018; four months before her 100th Birthday. Her sisters are past pupils of Loreto Toorak: Rita André, (1941) and the late Natalie O’Sullevan (1943). Their mother, Isabel, was a student of Loreto Ballarat and their aunt was one of our first six students at Loreto Toorak. Their father, Frederick, was a Senior Captain with The Orient Line, hence the moves to England and back.
Dora was a person of strong determination and generosity of spirit, who spent much of her life serving Red Cross in an honorary capacity. There was a large contingent of Loreto past pupils who volunteered to support Red Cross early in the second World War which Dora joined. Afterwards she stayed on to head the transport division for many years in an entirely honorary capacity. The Australian Red Cross advised of their honorary life member’s passing in The Age; “A dedicated and tireless supporter of the society. A great loss to the humanitarian community.”
It is with great appreciation that we share the news that Dora’s sister, Rita André, has made a substantial donation from Dora’s estate to the Give A Girl A Dream fund, towards providing assistance to girls who would not otherwise be able to attend Loreto Toorak. We applaud the generosity of the O’Sullevan sisters and acknowledge the many opportunities this creates for future young Loreto women.
Bequests to Loreto Toorak
Unless otherwise specified, Bequests are directed to our Give a Girl a Dream fund to help provide an education to girls who, without this support, would be unable to attend Loreto Toorak. It is the School’s vision that we remain accessible, inclusive and diverse. Please let us know if you have provided for Loreto Toorak in your Will and we will ensure you remain informed on our progress towards this vision. In recognition of your support, you will be invited to be a part of the Silk Society, named in honour of the silk wall hangings in the Reception Room of Mandeville Hall. Membership will ensure you are kept informed of achievements and activities of the students of Loreto Toorak and receive invitations to all important school events.
Silk Society Luncheon
Our second annual Silk Society Luncheon was held on 27 July 2018 at the Alexandra Club. We were thrilled to acknowledge a real growth in our members; our group is diverse across varying ages and connections which ensures engaging chatter amongst like-minded friends, wonderful stories involving Loreto connections and an opportunity to hear our Patron, Dr Susan Stevens, report on the School and its achievements. Our Bequestors form a significant role in the future of our School and we delighted in the opportunity to hear our Chair of the Board, Mr Gerard Dalbosco, share the Board’s plans for the continued successful development of the School.
Silk Society
Should you wish to have a confidential discussion regarding our Silk Society, please contact: Louise McNamara (Whelan, 1982) Development Officer – Bequests & Endowments +61 3 9823 8149