1 minute read
Mandevillian Goes Online
Update Your Details
For some time now, the School has been considering the migration of our biannual printed Mandevillian to a digital online version. This obviously represents a significant cost-saving to the School and is in keeping with our environmental impact policies.
With the financial impact of COVID-19, we have made the decision to commence this immediately with our present edition. Our school community will receive a link to the digital copy to all for whom we have an email address.
To ensure that you continue to receive your copy of the Mandevillian, please ensure that the information held for you at Loreto Toorak, including your email address, is current and up to date.
If you do not have an email address, and would still like to receive a copy of the Mandevillian, please contact us as a small number of printed copies will still be available upon request.
To update your details, please contact: Danielle Lord (Field, 1985), Engagement Officer – Alumnae danielle.lord@loretotoorak.vic.edu.au +61 3 9823 8148