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Guidelines for Elective Choice

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Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Apart from core subjects, there are very few subjects that require study in Years 9 and 10 for further study in Years 11 and 12. Only Languages and Music must be studied in Years 9 and 10 for study in Years 11 and 12, as a Continuers course. There are Beginner’s courses in both Music and Languages available for study in the Senior School.

Students should also choose subjects that will ensure they experience different skills and learning modes to add variety to the school day.

There are several criteria when choosing courses for Years 9 and 10.

• choose subjects that you are interested in and enjoy learning

• ensure that you keep a balance of subjects

• look to subjects where the student has demonstrated success

Be aware that subjects such as Visual Arts, Textiles Technology and Design & Technology have practical components. Choosing three practical subjects will make great demands on time.

In order to protect students from frustration and disappointment resulting from inappropriate subject choices, the school reserves the right to prevent students selecting subjects in Year 9 in which they have not demonstrated sufficient mastery in Year 8.

Loreto Normanhurst does not guarantee that classes will be formed in all courses that are offered.

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