1 minute read
Nasreen Daniel SL is standing tall in Pakistan with the Loretto Community's support
Blessed are you ...
Nasreen Daniel SL teaches a seminary class in Pakistan. Photo courtesy of Nasreen Daniel SL
By Nasreen Daniel SL
Luke: 1: 41-42
Ioften find myself the only woman on the seminary staff or the National Education Commission, and this inspires me to change the gender in Luke’s verse to “Blessed are you among men.” Pakistan has a very strong patriarchal society where women are considered insignificant and taught to think less of ourselves. The cultural attitude sneaks into religious communities as well. Women inside and outside of religious communities are lagging behind in all spheres of life, be it education, health or other settings. I, a sister of Loretto, am the only religious woman with a Ph.D. in Pakistan. I am asked to join the seminary staff and the education commission because of the degree. Whenever I am invited to join a commission, I think, “I have enough on my plate,” but then I remember that I am the only woman they’ve asked, so for the sake of my fellow women I accept. As the sole woman in these groups, I feel uncomfortable, awkward and at times unwanted. The trust of the Loretto Community helps me hold my ground.