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Supervisor Horvath tackles homelessness
• Wraparound supportive services for 22,130 permanent supportive housing (PSH) units, expanding the total inventory by 4,630 units, the County’s largest ever year-over-year increase. • PSH serves people who have the most complex needs, including chronic medical and/or behavioral health conditions.
• More than $60 million in time-limited rental subsidies to quickly house people who have recently become homeless and off er them services until they can gradually take on the rent themselves.
• 5,029 interim housing beds to bring people indoors from encampments as quickly as possible. This is in addition to about 20,000 beds funded by LAHSA, local jurisdictions, and other County programs overseen by the Departments of Health Services, Mental Health, and Public Health, among Increased homelessness prevention measures, including a ten-fold increase in funding for “problem solving,” which helps people identify viable temporary or permanent housing and other resources.
• A 40% increase in funding for programs to help people gain stability as they secure housing. These can include services to help them secure benefi ts they’re eligible for, as well as employment and income support.
The plan to reduce homelessness also relies on deepening collaboration with local jurisdictions, including the County’s 88 cities and local Councils of Governments (COGs). This budget includes $25.5 million to work with local jurisdictions to resolve encampments and co-invest in housing.
In addition to the FY 2023-24 budget of $609.7 million, the Board also approved $76.9 million to fund:
• A newly established ongoing Local Solutions Fund (LSF) that can be tapped by cities and COGs to help people move out of encampments and into housing in collaboration with the County. This year’s allocation is $20 million.
• An additional $5 million for the Cities and COGs Interim Housing Fund (CCOGIHS), which builds on an existing $10 million investment. Last year’s CCOGIHS allocation has already been awarded to seven projects so far to fund supportive ser- vices at interim housing sites.
• The Skid Row Action Plan, which aims to comprehensively address the needs of residents in Skid Row, includes interim and permanent housing, behavioral health and substance use treatment services, and more.

• The “Every Woman Housed” program, which is specifi cally designed to end homelessness for women and families residing on Skid Row.
• The RV Encampment program, which is committed to annually assist 300 people living in recreational vehicles to fi nd safer housing solutions and to dismantle inoperable RVs.
• Specialized outreach to people camped in high-severity fi re zones in unincorporated areas of the County.