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e o City Coun i votes to a our sheriff’s positions
At a regular West Hollywood council meeting, on Monday, May 15, the city council voted to refund Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies positions during a discussion on the semi-annual community safety update.
West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tem John Erickson made the motion that was seconded by ayor Sepi Shyne.
City Council voted on the motion regarding citywide community safety contract staffing levels. The City Council voted 4-1 (noting the no vote of Councilmember yers to approve a motion to add four positions to the City’s budget for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s epartment services, as follows: two (2) nonsworn Public nformation Officer Community Liaison positions one (1) Entertainment Policing Sergeant and one Sheriff’s eputy.
The approved motion additionally provides direction for the City Council to consider adding another one Sheriff’s eputy following the City Council receiving its next Semi-Annual Community Safety pdate in ecember .
The budget for these additions will be incorporated into the City anager’s ecommended udget for, which will be on the agenda for the regular meeting of the West Hollywood City Council on Monday, June 26, . The agenda will be posted in advance of the meeting at www.weho.org councilagendas.
The City Council of the City of West Hollywood received its Semi-Annual Community Safety pdate as part of its regular meeting. The City’s community safety partners, which included representatives from the Los Angeles County ire epartment, the lock by lock Security Ambassadors program, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s epartment LAS est Hollywood Station, provided the City Council with detailed updates about the City’s community safety activities.
The Semi-Annual Community Safety pdate, tem . ., contains details. The item is posted as part of the meeting agenda and the meeting is available for viewing on the City’s eHoT ouTube channel at www.youtube.com wehotv.
“The safety and well-being of our community is the City of est Hollywood’s top priority. e’re seeing that crime is trending downward in from levels. e’re deeply committed to continuing that trend and making sure our city is safe,” said ayor Shyne. “ e are continuing to work proactively with our community safety partners. There are more Block by Block security ambassadors than ever before and our Sheriff’s community policing team is out during days and our entertainment policing team is out at night so that est Hollywood is a safe place to live, work, and visit around the clock.”
As background, in June the City Council of the City of est Hollywood approved changes in community safe- ty as part of its approval of the - City budget. Changes included an increase of Block by Block Security Ambassadors by positions to perform foot patrols in residential neighborhoods adding one Sheriff’s eputy assigned to the Entertainment Policing Team maintaining existing funding levels for LAS Supplemental Patrols for the fiscal year and decreasing the number of LAS eputies by two within days. uring the second half of , the City’s lock by lock Security Ambassadors program was expanded by personnel for a total of security ambassadors. lock by Block Security Ambassadors work in collaboration with the est Hollywood Sheriff’s Station to provide supplemental safety services. or anyone with public safety concerns, please reach out to the Sheriff’s Station at - . n an emergency, always call . or additional information about Community Safety programs in est Hollywood, visit www.weho.org publicsafety.
Expansion of the program aims to provide an additional public presence to proactively reduce crime and the City will maintain expanded staffing levels for its lock by lock Security Ambassadors program.
The lock by lock Security Ambassadors Hotline provides access to free, support by phone at EHO- - or by phone and text message at - . or additional information, visit www. weho.org bbb.
The City of West Hollywood contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s epartment for law enforcement and the Los Angeles County ire epartment for fire protection.