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Former NBA star: LGBTQ+ the most unfair group walking the planet
CHATSWORTH, CALIF. — Retired pro basketball star Gilbert Arenas told an interviewer he believes the LGBTQ+ community is “the most unfair group walking the planet right now,” and when it comes to pronouns, “You’re making it up as we go.”
The three-time NBA All-Star talked with VladTV about transgender inclusion in sports, public accommodations as well as what he sees as the weaponization of words, cancel culture and racism.
“I think it’s the most unfair group walking the planet right now. They have a playbook that only they’re playing by. No one else gets to see this playbook, but we’re being judged by everything that’s in this playbook,” said Arenas. “But we don’t know it. So, there’s no open dialogue about what is appropriate and what’s not. We only find out after we fuck up. That’s unfair. That’s fucking unfair. You can’t do that. How do I know something’s wrong until you give it to me?”
When asked about pronouns, the former Washington Wizards point guard sounded exasperated.
“Just words, phrases. Like ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘it,’ ‘they’… How do we know? You’re making it up as we go,” he said. “There’s not like there’s this fucking dictionary of updates, and we can sit there, click it and say, ‘All right I can’t say… they took this out. They added this in.’ We’re just learning, right? That’s really unfair that you can cancel somebody on a playbook that only you have.”
Arenas conceded transgender people are “humans and deserve to be treated well,” and expressed sympathy for trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney regarding the Bud Light controversy.
But when it comes to trans women using the bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identity and competing in women’s sports, Arenas said, “you’re creating a situation that’s disproportionate to the size of the group. He complained about “the extra work in order to make that half percent (of the world’s population) feel comfortable.”
Arenas said he believes trans women are “invading space” reserved for women who are not transgender, mistakenly referring to them as “straight women,” who he says ought to have the “say so” in terms of accommodations and inclusion.
“If Kevin Durant wore a wig and started calling himself female,” Arenas said, confirming he does not understand gender identity, “he couldn’t play for the NBA anymore. He’d have to go play in the WNBA, you would think, and it would be a massacre.”

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