Fall 2018
“A MUST-SEE.” -Los Angeles Times
“POWERFUL AND INSIGHTFUL.” -The Hollywood Reporter
PREVIEWS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 27 Tickets available at lalgbtcenter.org/theatre or call 323.860.7300
Fall 2018
Renberg Theatre 1125 N McCadden Pl Los Angeles, CA 90038
Marketing & Communications Staff Jaguar Busuego
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19 27
Contributors Miles Brown
Josiah Pak, Esq.
Lorri L. Jean
Leka Romao
CEO, Los Angeles LGBT Center
Betsy Martinez Photographer
Sam McGuire Photographer
FALL 2018
Cover Design
Garrett Wedel
Dominick Wendel Photographer
Board of Directors Karim Abay
Dean Hansell
Tess Ayers Secretary
Ian Harvie
David J. Bailey Board Co-Chair LuAnn Boylan Tad Brown Tyler Cassity Treasurer Kin W. Cheng Carolyn A. Dye Susan Feniger Alfred Fraijo, Jr. Annie Goto
Marki J. Knox, M.D. Board Co-Chair Michael Lombardo
Jayzen Patria
The Buzz
Take Five
Remember in November GET OUT THE VOTE
Mike Mueller Peter Paige
Carlos Medina Loren S. Ostrow
CEO Letter
Center Notes
Center Voices
Photo Finish
Frank Pond Eric M. Shore Bruce Vilanch Amy Gordon Yanow
Subscriptions Vanguard is published quarterly by the Los Angeles LGBT Center, a nonprofit corporation. 1625 N. Schrader Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028, Voice 323-993-7400 • TDD 323-993-7698. Copyright 2018, Vanguard. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Publication of the name, quotation or photograph of a person in articles or advertising is not an indication of the sexual orientation or the HIV status of such person. Moving, getting duplicate mailings, or wish to be removed from the Vanguard mailing list? Please email mediarelations@lalgbtcenter.org.
Fall 2018
Remember in November I CEO Lorri L. Jean @LorriLJean
Fall 2018
n this country there are three primary fronts on which to advance the causes of freedom, justice, and equality for LGBT people: the courts, the legislatures, and the people. In some periods of our movement’s history, we’ve done better in the courts. Sometimes we’ve done better in legislatures. And we’ve always focused on our society at large, telling the truth about our lives and building public understanding and support. We’ve made enormous progress since 1969, when the Center’s founders began providing services and the Stonewall Riots gave birth to our contemporary LGBT movement. In the years since, we’ve faced enormous challenges, occasionally even losing ground. Yet, we never gave up. Because we’ve been so adept at overcoming barriers and capitalizing upon opportunities, we’ve continued our inexorable push forward. As a result of this hard-fought success, LGBT people have never had more rights and protections than we do today. But this also means that we have more to lose than ever before. Right-wing extremists are fighting hard to take away our rights and reverse our progress, both in the legislatures and in the courts. There is no doubt in my mind that the near-term future of our people and our movement will be forged in the crucible of the November midterm elections. Because we’ve never had so much to lose, the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been.
After the smoke clears, if anti-LGBT ideologues continue to control both houses of Congress, I fear for our future. Already the past two years of the Trump Administration and a right-wing Congress have brought an unprecedented retrenchment in our rights and protections. Inspired by a synthesis in the Washington Blade, here are some of the most significant reversals–an ignominious “Top 10” list: #10 ABANDONING LGBT PEOPLE BEING PERSECUTED AROUND THE WORLD. Instead of advocating on behalf of LGBT rights in hostile countries, Trump hasn’t said a word about the detention and murder of gay men in Chechnya. #9 PUSHING FEDERAL WORKERS BACK INTO THE CLOSET. For the second year in a row, the Trump Administration refused to issue a proclamation recognizing June as Pride month. This Administration has cast an anti-LGBT shadow of fear across the government, with federal workers who were proudly out and happy to talk to journalists about their Pride plans now afraid to talk on the record. For example, while the Justice Department hosted a Pride event in 2018, for the first time in 11 years, the ceremony wasn’t held in the building’s Great Hall. Instead, it was closed to media and attendees feared talking about it afterwards.
#8 GRANTING LEGITIMACY TO ANTI-LGBT ZEALOTS. President Trump became the first president ever to speak at the annual conference of the notoriously anti-LGBT Family Research Council, long ago labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. More recently, Tony Perkins, the Family Research Council president, was authorized to preside over a three-day “religious freedom” conference at the State Department. The event brought together some of the most radical homophobes of the far right.
The Administration also seeks to roll back a rule that bars healthcare providers from denying treatment to transgender people, including gender-confirming surgery. #4 HURTING LGBT CHILDREN. One of the Administration’s first actions (thank you, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos) was to rescind protections for LGBT school kids. Attorney General Sessions also has rescinded guidance requiring schools to allow transgender kids to use the restroom consistent with their gender identities.
Earlier this year Trump revoked key components of a previous executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. This decision is part of the Administration’s dismantling of LGBT-friendly policies across government and impacts hundreds of thousands of LGBT people, as more than 3.7 million people work for federal contractors.
In July, Attorney General Sessions announced creation of a “Religious Liberty Task Force,” which is little more than a figleaf for creation of policies that would allow wholesale discrimination against LGBT people. This despite the fact that similar religious freedom arguments were never given credence with other nondiscrimination laws, except in the narrowest of circumstances.
#6 HURTING LGBT FAMILIES. Two million U.S. children are being raised by LGBT parents. Yet, in July, the House Appropriations Committee approved an amendment that would allow taxpayer-funded adoption agencies to deny placement to LGBT families because of religious objections. These families live in every state and 96 percent of all U.S. counties, and if states or localities that protect LGBT people penalize agencies that engage in such discrimination, the feds could withhold 15 percent of federal funds from these jurisdictions. #5 HURTING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE. In a reversal of prior policy, the Trump Administration has asserted that transgender people aren’t covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars sex discrimination in the workplace.
#2 SEEKING TO REINSTATE THE TRANS MILITARY BAN. Warranting its own notorious mention, our President tweeted his plan to reinstate its ban against transgender people serving in the military. His desire to do so has been stalled by the courts, but sets up a potential showdown at the Supreme Court. #1 ANTI-LGBT JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS. The Supreme Court is the most visible court being populated with anti-LGBT judges. Equally if not more worrisome, however, is the Administration’s success in packing lower-level federal courts with judges who have disturbing anti-LGBT records. These efforts could inject anti-LGBT animus into the law for decades to come. Of course, I haven’t even mentioned
how Trump is hurting all Americans by attacking the free press, repeatedly lying about things big and small, embracing murderous dictators, separating small children from their parents, retaliating against critics in the pettiest ways, adopting overtly racist ideology, and demeaning women. Obviously, the list of his outrageous, and perhaps illegal, behaviors is long. Whether it’s misbehavior or misguided policies, our community gets hurt. Every day, with thousands of clients seeking our help, the Center is picking up the pieces. What can we do about it? Only one thing: we must VOTE our conscience in November, regardless of party. That is the only way to stop the assault on our people, our rights, and our nation. And we must encourage voters we know—especially millennials—to ensure they participate. Sadly, a recent poll suggests that only 28 percent of millennials plan to vote this year. That would be disastrous for anyone who cares about the issues I’ve been discussing. While posting innumerable objections on social media and marching every weekend can help to spread the word, that won’t make change in Washington. Let me say it again: this isn’t about political party. This is about decency. This is about integrity. This is about truth and preserving the very foundations of our democracy. Everyone who believes in justice and freedom, everyone who is offended by the appalling behaviors of the current leaders in Washington, must vote in November and make our voices heard. We must send a resounding message, not only about how we expect our political leaders to behave, but about the values we expect them to advance: liberty and justice for all.
Fall 2018
Fall 2018
The stars came out for this summer’s OUT Under the Stars movie screenings at iconic Hollywood Forever.
Looking forward to more time with hairstylist and social media star Kyle Krieger after his visit to the Center.
Mayor Eric Garcetti helped set the stage at The Village at Ed Gould Plaza in July at a press conference touting the opportunities inherent in hiring L.A.’s youth.
Had such a fun time last night at #outunderthestars @LALGBTCenter !!! ALSO: Best in Show is still a hilarious movie and @LALGBTCenter continues to throw the best parties @teganandsara
I’ll be at @LALGBTCenter’s screening of Best in Show with @AvaGordy at Hollywood Forever on Friday June 29th. Come through for on-site puppy adoptions (!!!) and more! See you OUT Under the Stars! @soundlyawake (Nicola Foti)
Join me and the @LALGBTCenter Friday 8/10 for the screening of Selena! Cant wait to watch it with all of you. Tix @:lalgbtcenter.org/movie @AlysonStoner 2
DON’T TURN A BLIND EYE When Lily Tomlin says go, you should go.
You must see the amazing new exhibit by #lesbian artist Sandra Antongiorgi (@Santongiorgi) at the @LALGBTCenter's Advocate/Gochis galleries called "Turning A Blind Eye: A Chicago Collection" @LilyTomlin
So excited to make some great stuff with you this fall!! @kylekrieger
HARD HATTED Center Board member Jayzen Patria gave the Twitterverse an early glimpse of the Anita May Rosenstein Campus, opening early 2019.
No, I didn’t join the Village People! I’m taking you on a behindthe-scenes hard hat tour of the Anita May Rosenstein Campus of the @LALGBTCenter Learn more about this amazing new facility at lalgbtcenter.org/campus @JayzenPatria
Our Hire LA’s Youth program helps connect thousands of young Angelenos with job opportunities. If you’re between the ages of 1424 and looking for a job, don’t miss the deadline to apply! Apply now: http://HireLAYouth.com @MayorOfLA
For even more Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram interactions like these, plus all the latest LGBT community news, local highlights, and original content, find us on social media at: @LALGBTCENTER
We’d love to hear from you.
Fall 2018
Fall 2018
n a cool November night, a few hundred people gathered at the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Village at Ed Gould Plaza, coming together as a community still reeling in the fear and uncertainty of what a Trump presidency would mean for the LGBT community, our country, and our world. “I remember it vividly,” recalled U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff, who represents California’s 28th district which includes the Center and who spoke at the gathering the day after Trump’s election. “It was very powerful to be there. I wanted to be with the people who were gathered there to try to come to grips with what had just happened in the country. We were not going to take this lying down. We were going to fight to take back our country and the direction of the country.”
Within a few months of his inauguration, Trump and his Administration had begun to pursue policies that targeted some of society’s most vulnerable people, actions that confirmed many of the fears people felt on that November evening a few months earlier.
transgender people, and ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protected an estimated 800,000 young undocumented immigrants including 36,000 LGBTQ DREAMers from detention and deportation.
“We see this in other societies that are trending towards authoritarianism—the most vulnerable populations are attacked first.” Schiff said. “It’s as bad as we feared in many respects, and it’s worse than we might have imagined in many others. And we’ve seen how the Administration has tried in so many ways to roll back hard-fought victories for the entire LGBT community.”
“I know people have often heard an elected official say, ‘This is the most important midterm in a generation or in a lifetime.’ Today, it is inarguably true for so many reasons,” Schiff warned. “If we’re successful in November, we can hold the Administration accountable. We can stop a lot of the damage that the President is doing. We can mitigate other damage that he is inflicting until we are no longer forced to suffer his presence in the White House.”
Those anti-LGBT actions included attempting to ban transgender people from serving in the military, dropping federal guidelines protecting transgender students in schools, rolling back protections for incarcerated
“The stakes are phenomenally high, with so much riding on a single day in November,” he added. “We just need to make sure we get
Fall 2018
Resistance Squad phonebank
every voter out to the polls. This is a time when everyone is required to be at their post. We have a job to do. We need to stay focused on it and realize that we have the power to really take back the country.”
“storm” focused on two priorities: continuing to care for our clients in an increasingly hostile world and working to educate and mobilize people of all parties to help create a future of inclusion and kindness.
BE THE STORM The days and weeks following the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election saw an uprising by an unprecedented coalition of people concerned about their collective fate, fearful of what these new policies and actions would mean for families, their neighbors, and the nation atlarge. All of them were looking for something to do. “In times when we feel dispirited, we need to find strength in each other, said Center CEO Lorri L. Jean. “We need to remember that we are among those still working hard to build a more inclusive, kinder, and better future, regardless of who may temporarily stand in our way. I’ve said it many times over the last year-and-ahalf, and I will keep on saying it: It’s our obligation, our duty, to do much more than simply hunker down and weather the storm. We must BE the storm!” Taking shape in early 2017, the Center’s
Fall 2018
homeless youth and seniors,” said Jean. “We knew that the stakes for our community were incredibly high because of the anti-LGBT ideologues in the new Administration and Congress. Not only was funding at risk for many of our health and social services (and others like them around the country), but roll-backs began almost immediately of our basic civil rights and protections. We needed a way for people to stay informed and respond.” In January 2017, the Center launched 100 Days and Me, a community engagement campaign to protect the well-being of LGBT people. Visitors to the campaign website got information about federal legislative and policy threats to LGBT people during the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. They could also register to receive updates and take advantage of resources and tools to take action.
“The Center is the nation’s largest social safety net for LGBT people, receiving more than 42,000 visits a month from some of the most vulnerable in our community, including
Looking to build on the momentum from the first 100 days of activism, the Center’s March Mobilization, held in March 2017, mobilized hundreds of staff, clients, and volunteers to help stem the tide of anti-LGBT legislation. Trained by the Center’s Policy & Community Building team, the group’s first action was making phone calls to voters in key states to help protect the Affordable Care Act.
“The response was amazing, with so many people putting their hearts, energy, and time into helping our community,” recalled Joey Hernández, the Center’s policy and mobilization manager. “The passion and response we experienced in the early days of this mobilization effort made it feel like the end stages of a major campaign instead of something that just started. We knew we had to keep it going.”
The election definitely woke me up–I almost “ didn’t want to believe how bad it could get so quickly. I feel that if we don’t stand up now to make a difference it’s only going to get harder as time goes by. I’m a very shy person, but knowing that I’m helping others is enough for me to not let that anxiety get in my way. Ricardo Pina Resistance Squad member
You see all these young people or older peo“ ple who have never done anything like this before, never gotten on the phone before to call about anything. They are able to do this and see that it’s working. They have that ‘a-ha’ moment. You feel like, ‘We can do something.’ Sue Ellen Resistance Squad member
I’m really passionate about the Leadership LAB’s “ caring approach about everything, from volunteer
RESIST. PERSIST. REPEAT. After the March campaign, the Center launched the Resistance Squad, a volunteer-based rapid response team also led by the Center’s Policy & Community Building team. To date, more than 1,000 volunteers have participated in the squad’s various actions and activities, which have grown from simply responding to attacks to working to expand the rights of the LGBT community. “They are all types of people and they come from all different walks of life. They are scraping and grabbing the bits of time that they have to volunteer for us,” said Hernández. The Resistance Squad has held eight phone banks, resulting in conversations with voters from across the country on issues related to immigration, health care, education, and foster care. The group has also held letter-writing campaigns to office-holders and policymakers, participated in several resistance-related rallies through coalition partnerships, and made 10 visits to California legislators.
training to canvassing. It’s a very ‘quality over quantity’ kind of place. I’ve learned so much about community building and being a leader and an organizer. It’s an anchor for me in these terrifying times. Cass Vitacco Leadership LAB canvasser
I can’t go on the long marches and things like “ that anymore. But I can speak out and I can write letters, do emails, and give my support where I can to get the word out. Life experience is a great teacher. It’s much better to be active and put yourself out there and work for those things you want. Hating doesn’t do anything for anybody. It just makes you ill. Whatever you’re trying to achieve, you’re going to go one step forward and two steps back. Just keep going and eventually you’ll get there.
Lee Marquardt Senior MOB Squad member
Fall 2018
I was in Cleveland in November 2016 with the “ Leadership LAB doing get out the vote work. Then it was, ‘Whoa, gotta strap on those boots and go — let’s go to work.’ When you’re feeling angry, when you’re feeling depressed, when you’re feeling like I don’t know what to do, you just go —you just get involved. There’s always a way to get involved.
“We have created a scenario where folks can just come in and make the calls, write the letters, work a table for a couple of hours,” Hernández said. “We really just want to have them be able to engage in the work in the most direct ways possible.” About 20 members of the Resistance Squad’s Leadership Council—formed from what Hernández describes as “some of our rock-star volunteers”—have participated in a series of leadership development trainings
Jen Rivers Resistance Squad member I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank “ in sixth grade and thinking, ‘How could people in those years allow the Holocaust to happen?’ I promised my sixth grade self that if I was ever met with the decision of whether to take action or not, I would have to take action. You certainly come across people who don’t align with your views and values, but just the fact that we’re out and asking and talking is really important, whether or not they change their minds. And you do have people who say, ‘Oh wow, you really made me want to vote and you helped me realize the urgency—especially coming up in the midterms.’
Patrick Sullivan Leadership LAB canvasser
It was thrilling to be able to have the opportunity to elicit excitement in brand-new voters. These were two sisters a year apart–18 and 19 years old—and, frankly, if we had not knocked on their door, they wouldn’t vote. It’s gratifying and makes sweating on the streets of Costa Mesa completely worth it. It’s just the tip of the iceberg of the work we have to do here. Jesse Weinberg Leadership LAB canvasser
Fall 2018
lalgbtcenter.org /vote
and action planning. Jason Black, a television development executive was looking for “a good way to manifest all the anxiety and frustration people like me are feeling about the current political climate.” “You can do a small amount and be impactful because a lot of small amounts from a lot of people add up to something big,” said Black, a Resistance Squad Leadership Council member. Also getting in on the action are members of the Center’s Senior MOB (Mobilization) Squad, comprised of nearly 50 seniors volunteering to protect and expand the rights of the LGBT community. “We owe it to the next generation to say, ‘Look, this is an ongoing battle. This is something that we can’t give up on,’” said member Dixie Devoe, who is undergoing training to become a lobbyist. “We have to be able to resist, stand up for what you believe. Our little group, despite the fact that most of us are quite old, we can still do something—and we are. We are making our little contribution.”
In their monthly actions the squad has written letters to elected officials to expand the rights of LGBT immigrants in California, joined marches and rallies, and advocated for services and programs for LGBT older adults. “Just because we’ve gotten older doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to contribute,” pointed out squad member Ed De Hay. “We’re still alive and vibrant. I tell young people to never give up and to keep fighting. If you’re knocked down, get up and do it all over again because I firmly believe that the younger generation is going to be the savior for the LGBT community.”
than 1,500 volunteers have canvassed regularly in Los Angeles County and around the country in neighborhoods where most people remain unsupportive of LGBT rights. They engage voters in personal conversations to reduce transphobia and homophobia.
“When talking to voters, it’s about really taking time to have a meaningful conversation that will actually change their minds,” Vitacco said. “We don’t just give them a flier and say, ‘Peace out.’”
REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER Difficult as it was to predict the results of the U.S. presidential election two years ago, it will be just as challenging to predict what will happen in the midterm elections. The biggest threat to voter turnout this November may be the “shock-and-awe” syndrome that has fatigued so many, including the LGBT community.
MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS The Center’s Leadership LAB (Learn Act Build) has been working to personally connect with voters—literally at their front doors. During the summer, Leadership LAB volunteers focused on neighborhoods in Orange County by knocking on the doors of infrequent voters and persuading them to vote in November.
in by Leadership LAB’s “caring approach” about everything from volunteer training to canvassing.
“Our goal is to talk to at least 2,000 of those infrequent voters and get more than 1,000 of them to actually vote,” said Leadership LAB Director Dave Fleischer. “We are going to talk to many other voters. They might live with someone who is unregistered, whom we will also try to register.”
“You certainly come across people who don’t align with your views and values, but I think our presence is really important whether or not they change their minds,” said volunteer Patrick Sullivan after canvassing a Costa Mesa neighborhood in August. “You do have people who say, ‘Oh wow, you really made me want to vote and you helped me realize the urgency—especially coming up in the midterms.’”
Since 2009, Leadership LAB staff and more
Fellow volunteer Cass Vitacco was drawn
“It’s pretty clear we all have a job to do as long as the values of this country are not reflected in the White House,” said Schiff. “We must fight for what we believe in order to make sure that people throughout the country and the rest of the world understand what America is all about even if they don’t see it in evidence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” “What we dream, we can do,” Jean added. “But, the process of realizing our dreams almost always includes victories and setbacks, and a lot of hard work. Change doesn’t happen on its own. We must seek to extinguish fear and inspire hope.” Fall 2018
LESSON(S) Unique Partnership Helps Teachers Create Lesson Plans to Teach LGBT History
dozen teachers from the L.A. Unified School District spent a week of their summer at ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives researching LGBT history to incorporate into future lesson plans. The educators explored the archives—the largest repository of LGBT materials in the world—as part of the LGBTQ History: OUT Curriculum Cohort, held in partnership with the Los Angeles LGBT Center, ONE Archives Foundation, and UCLA Center X, which seeks to create a more just, equitable, and humane society through transforming public schooling. LGBT historical events researched by the teachers included the Compton’s Cafeteria riot in San Francisco, Black Cat raid in Los Angeles, and founding of the
Fall 2018
Mattachine Society. The teachers are now busy developing lesson plans that will be available online to other teachers this fall. “It was exciting and humbling and left me feeling connected to something much larger,” said Hala Billsi, a humanities teacher at Cleveland High School. “I loved seeing all of the archives in person. It makes me emotional thinking about it. As a member of the LGBT community, it was especially poignant for me to see historical documents and records of all the stories and all the events that people who have come before us have gone through.” The goal of the cohort is to incorporate the stories of traditionally marginalized
Americans, including LGBT people, in order to create more inclusive history courses in classrooms. This edict stems from the passage of California’s FAIR Education Act in 2011 that requires the inclusion of the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBT people, people with disabilities, and people of diverse ethnic and cultural groups. Passing the FAIR Education Act, with the support of the Center, was considered a major triumph. But it was only the beginning as implementation remains a daunting challenge due to the time required to update textbooks. “We heard a lot of teachers didn’t have a lot of source material to use in the classroom,” said Krystal Torres-Covarrubias, the Center’s education policy manager and facilitator of the cohort. “They said they’d like to implement the FAIR Act, but textbooks hadn’t been approved.” The Center partnered with ONE Archives and UCLA Center X last year for a two-day symposium. It grew into the one-week cohort this year that also included presentations by LGBT historians about each decade of the LGBT movement. Teachers in the cohort committed to creating one lesson based on an event that was included in the OUT For Safe Schools LGBT History Calendar produced by the Center for the LAUSD. The calendar includes Coming Out Day; the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Transgender Day of Remembrance; the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts in 2004; Harvey Milk Day; the 1969 Stonewall Riots; World AIDS Day; and homosexuality being removed from the list of mental disorders in 1973. “As a queer teacher of color, my lesson plan is about queer people of color at the forefront of the LGBT movement as a way to highlight their stories,” said cohort participant Andrew Gutierrez. The lessons developed by teachers in the cohort will be edited by UCLA Center X, and then become available in October as part of the Center’s annual
launch of OUT for Safe Schools, a program created to encourage school staff, including teachers and administrators, to publicly identify as supportive LGBT allies on campus. Billsi’s lesson focuses on black lesbian poet and feminist writer Audre Lorde signing a contract with The Crossing Press in 1982 to publish her landmark book Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. It is celebrated as a historic piece of literature that explores the intersections of race, sexuality, gender, poverty, and politics. Gutierrez is focusing on the Compton’s Cafeteria riot, one of the first recorded LGBT-related riots in U.S. history. The 1967 uprising preceded the better-known Stonewall Riots by two years and was led by queer and trans people of color. “I had known about Compton’s Cafeteria riot before, but the ONE Archives really helped in creating context with what else was happening around the world at that time that was influencing and impacting the LGBT movement,” Gutierrez said. “They bring history to life through photos and artifacts. This is our history. If we don’t write our own history and create our own lesson plans about the people we want to learn about, no one else will.” Billsi said the cohort’s work is especially invaluable to the lone teacher who wants to implement these lessons but hasn’t had the resources or support up until now. “There’s still a lack of information, lack of access, and stigma,” she said. “To have teachers who are invested actually go into the archives and dig through and bring it out for other teachers, students, and all educators to use is what is so important.” In addition to California schools, the lesson plans will be available to all OUT for Safe Schools partners throughout the U.S., including Chicago Public Schools, Massachusetts State Department of Education, and District of Columbia Public Schools. “I hope this serves as a model for textbook companies to go to the archives themselves and include information from the archives,” Torres-Covarrubias said. “We are using resources from ONE Archives that most people don’t know about or don’t know how to tap into.”
For more information, visit OUT For Safe Schools at lalgbtcenter.org/OFSS ONE Archives Foundation at onearchives.org UCLA Center X at centerx.gseis.ucla.edu
• Cohort participants
Fall 2018
Fall 2018
VIEW OF THE SITE: 09/07/18
os Angeles LGBT Center Board Member Susan Feniger and her Border Grill chef-owner partner Mary Sue Milliken have been named the first women, and first duo, to receive the annual Julia Child Award. The award, given by the Julia Child Foundation, includes a grant for the food-related cause of the honorees’ choice. Feniger selected the Center’s new culinary arts program, housed in the new Anita May Rosenstein Campus, for her $25,000 award.
Watch construction webcam: techcam.net/lgbt/#home
“Julia had an uncanny way of engaging everyone around her and showing a genuine interest in the lives of others. The way she treated those around her was remarkably respectful and kind—a manner worth emulating. In the
Complete with a commercial kitchen, the program will offer homeless LGBT youth • (l-r) Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger with Julia Child training in culinary skills and disciplines, in an effort to foster employment opportunities and encourage spirit of Julia, I’m donating my half of the relationship-building and self-sufficiency. award grant to a cause and organization that I am extremely passionate about,” said Feniger
HARD HATS? Hard hat tours of the campus construction site are starting to get underway! For more information, call Bill McDermott at 323-993-7679.
Fall 2018
“In giving my grant money to the Center, I hope to assist in providing LGBT youth and seniors with the skills and tools they need to embark on meaningful careers in the food service industry, a community which I have found to be so welcoming and familial. I think Julia would be proud.” “Susan's passion for cooking is equal to, if not exceeded by, her commitment to helping others. We couldn't be more thrilled to have her support to help us launch our new culinary arts program that will enable LGBT youth to gain experience and skills that will help them build their future careers," said Center CEO Lorri L. Jean. Feniger and Milliken will receive the award at a gala at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 1.
for We have set our sights on a bold new milestone by the time the ribbon is cut on the new campus in 2019: raising $1 million for every year the Center will have served our community.
To learn more about what you can do to help us reach this goal, visit lalgbtcenter.org/campus or call Bill McDermott at 323-993-7679.
$100,000 - $249,999 (Cont.)
$25,000 - $49,999 (Cont.)
Anita May Rosenstein Foundation, Wilbur D. May Foundation and Arnold & Anita Rosenstein Family Foundation
The Estate of Daniel Moeller John August & Michael August Lorri L. Jean & Gina M. Calvelli The Estate of Robert Barron Brenda Potter Darrel Cummings & Tim Dang The Estate of Arthur Flores The Estate of Alex Wexler The May Sisters in Honor of Anita May Rosenstein Arthur Macbeth Leon Alexander Tess Ayers & Jane Anderson Gary Booher LuAnn Boylan Denis Cagna & Carlos Medina Gary A. Carnow & Barry I. Soroka Andi Corrigan & Tigerlily Rosen Alexandra Glickman & Gayle Whittemore Dean Hansell & Eric Kugler Steve Kloves & Kathy Kloves Barton H. Kogan Thomas Kraemer & J. Adam Miller The Ernest Lieblich Foundation The Morris Foundation Stanley Newman & Brian Rosenthal Brad Ong & Brian McGowan Scott Poland & Eddie Nestlebush Brian K. Rosenstein Elliott Sernel & Larry Falconio Axel Shalson David L. Williamson
The Ronald D. Frazier Trust (Floyd Frazier & Donald Thomas) G. Scott Halloran & Peter J. Rusch Nicolas Hamatake & Kenneth Mariash Diane Marie Hansen Jack Haynie Alan Hergott & Curt Shepard Mike Holtzman Lee Horwin Steven J. Kay Kathy Ketchum & Gay Linvill Eric Kranzler William McDermott The McPherson Family Charitable Trust John W. Miles Anil Mohin, M.D. & John Scholz Kenneth Navran Tracy L. Neff NBC Universal George Pao & George Schulman Wallace Sellers, Jr. Benjamin Squire & John Latimer Leonard M. Wechsler Richard Allen West & Eric J. Fischer Amy Yanow
$2,000,000 - $6,999,999 Eugene Kapaloski & Daniel H. Renberg The Estate of Lubelle Boice The Ariadne Getty Foundation Michaeljohn Horne & Thomas Eugene Jones Barry McCabe
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999 William Shopoff & Cindy Shopoff The David Bohnett Foundation David Bailey & Ron Shalowitz David Mizener & Arturo Carrillo The Estate of Emily Gochis John Cambouris, Cass Brink & Zachary Cambouris Mike Mueller & Nick Bode Loren Ostrow & Brian Newkirk Pamela Schmider, Ernest Schmider & Omar Rodriguez The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999 The Estate of Joseph A. Levy The Estate of Michael Peter Colefax The Estate of Robert Ward Anonymous The Estate of Ron Morrison Tyler Cassity / Hollywood Forever Cemetery The Eisner Foundation Van Fletcher & Skip Paul Michael Lombardo & Charles Ward Frank Pond Rob Saltzman & Ed Pierce The Fran & Ray Stark Foundation Wells Fargo
$250,000 - $499,999 Reid T. Rasmussen, M.D., Calvin Cottam, M.D., & The Los Angeles Prime Timers, Inc. Neil Beecher In Memory of Vern Richards Suzie Brown & Marki J. Knox W.M. Keck Foundation Emser Tile (In-Kind) Thomas Safran & Associates John R. Sealy, M.D. & Ron Hills Eric Shore & Fred Paul Thomas J. Swan III Office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky
$100,000 - $249,999 The Estate of William Randall Dawson The Estate of Duncan Donovan
$50,000 - $99,999 The Estate of Marshall Kendzy Thomas Herrera Susan Feniger & Liz Lachman Karen Griffith & Debra Griffith Michael Koch & Andrew Kohler Barry Kummer, O.D. Mark Lisagor & Terri Lisagor Jayzen Patria & Joe Keenan Kevin Ripley & John Wacker Office of Los Angeles City Councilmember David E. Ryu Mariette Sawchuk & Alexander Sawchuk Dennis Strum The Estate of George Walker Marley Yanow
$25,000 - $49,999 Tad Brown & Jonathan Daillak Michael Mooney & Mitchell Hollander Charlotte Stone Bruce Vilanch Alan Acosta & Thomas Gratz Fred Arens & Jason Duguay (“Frason”) Stephen Burn & Stephen Burton Roger Coggan Gregory Davis
$10,000 - $24,999 Connie Armijo Caron Barrett Jon Charles Chambers Carolyn Dye & Hope Faust Ron Comer & Daryll Ingram Carl Kawaja & Gwendolyn Holcombe James D. Key Cynthia Robertson Lionel Levin Joseph Becci & Mark Denton Christopher Brown Sharon Brown Kin Cheng-Lepand & Hervé Cheng-Lepand Bruce N. Davidson & Quang B. Nguyen Kristin M. Flickinger David Garcia Robert W. Hanna Kenneth Jamison Brad Lamm & Scott Sanders Paul D. Lerner & Stephen Reis Robert Loving in Honor of Angelyn Gates, Esq. Stephen May & Edward Casson Joseph Miller & Craig Larson Kari Pacheco-Ilan & Shelby Pacheco-Ilan Peter Paige Steve Schleier Kara M. Steffen & Rachel E. Dax Benjamin Teller, M.D. & Benjamin Britt Ed Traynor Jeffrey Soref & Paul Lombardi *DONOR LIST AS OF AUGUST 31, 2018
Fall 2018
The Center’s tremendous volunteers help provide programs and services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world. Thank you! Join our community of more than 1,800 active monthly volunteers at lalgbtcenter.org/volunteer. 20
Fall 2018
Take 5 KIMRAH JENNINGS Minutes Staff ››
Growing up in Brooklyn, my mom would frequently cook large amounts of food that she would give to people experiencing homelessness in our neighborhood. Through helping her, I was able to connect and nurture relationships with people who simply wanted to be heard and feel appreciated. When I moved to Los Angeles, I was truly heartened by all the amazing services the Center provides for the LGBTQ community and I just knew someway, somehow, I had to be a part of it. I take pleasure in working at the Center and being a part of a great Human Resources team that encourages inclusivity in the workplace. This job has helped educate me more about the community and has also allowed me to be an advocate for LGBTQ rights. It’s an amazing place to be.
Volunteers ››
THERE’S KIND OF ALMOST NO EXCUSE FOR NOT DOING IT “I’m here to support my brother, who is gay, but you don’t need to be gay to volunteer,” said Langston. “It’s a very welcoming community.” The twins began volunteering when they were 12. Now sophomores in high school, they regularly volunteer for special events as well as helping as volunteer canvassers with the Center’s groundbreaking Leadership LAB program. “We do get a lot of comments like, ‘It’s good to see such young people volunteering,’” William added. “There’s almost no excuse for not doing it. There’s so many things to do at so many different times, during the week or on weekends. I think if I wasn’t volunteering, I’d be much more detached from the LGBT community.” READY TO JOIN THE CENTER’S COMMUNITY OF VOLUNTEERS? VISIT LALGBTCENTER.ORG/VOLUNTEER
Fall 2018
The Los Angeles LGBT Center is extremely grateful for the support of the following new Sustaining Donors and Circle of Life members.
Michael H. Epstein & Scott E. Schwimer* Kevin McCormick & Scott Berg* Brenda Potter*
Ed Arzomand Mark Baer & Andy Lu Bryan Boley Linda Bolton Bobby Cagle & Tim Smith Shirley A. Hill & Joyce Briscoe Kevin Holliday & John Dilazzaro Robert Hanna Dan Innamorati Robert Ketterman & Antonio Da Motta David Klein Shawn Kravich Jason Marcos Daniel McCaffrey John W. McIlwee & William J. Damaschke Ned Mitchell Kari Pacheco-Ilan & Shelby Pacheco-Ilan Julie Oh & Shauna Perlman Paul Premo & Ken Premo Thomas G. Rogillio II Sheila Sparks
GOLD CIRCLE $6,000-$11,999 Jerome Blake Gerry Miller & Richard Ullman* Park Wayne Wagers*
STERLING CIRCLE $3,600-$5,999 Cengiz Alaettinoglu* Perry Brown & Jolene Brown* James Keith Ennis* Kristin M. Flickinger* Larry C. Flynt David Gajda & Jose Malagon* George Larribas* Rose Marcario Jeffrey Skorneck* Michael Shane Stephens Ron Vacchina*
SILVER CIRCLE $2,400-$3,599
For information about Planned Giving or becoming a Sustaining Donor, please contact: Jennifer Dawson Director of Major Gifts jdawson@lalgbtcenter.org 323-993-8932
Scott Comer Major Gifts Officer scomer@lalgbtcenter.org 323-993-7667
Kenneth Jones Major Gifts Associate kjones@lalgbtcenter.org 323-993-8939
Frank Stasio Senior Director of Planned Giving fstasio@lalgbtcenter.org 323-993-7690
Rusty & LeAnne Comer Erica Culverhouse* Terry Foreman* John Kelleher & Gregory S. Okin* Joe Lorenzo* Paul Menke* Randall Neece & Joseph Timko Mark Poncher* Medel Reyes (Cali Beauty Supply)* Scott Whiteleather*Caryn Wiley & Cary Rapoport
SILVER CIRCLE $1,800-$2,399 Pamela Brooks & Angela Brooks* Brian Huff* Patrick McNally* Ryne Meadors & Dave Rae* Anita Peatross & Kimberly Culmone* Dana M. Perlman & Hugh Kinsellagh Danny Sullivan* James D. Tuttle* Stephen Volpe*
CIRCLE OF LIFE Rick Davis & Barry Ward Philip Pierce Joseph T. Garcia Randall Neece & Joe Timko Bernard “Marc” Leger & Neil Williamson Que Mars Scott D. Hunt Lee Wallace
CIRCLE OF LIFE IN MEMORIAM Bernard P. Wiesen & Don Roberts Jared E. Green Thomas Herrera John-Kelly Bray Robert L. Clark Paul E. Diener Gregory Ganci Jack Hale Carl E. Kelly C. Pete McKenny Geri Pranger Ruth W. Spiegel Robert Stacey Harry E. Strider Philo W. Van Wagoner Leroy S. Walker
DONOR LIST FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY 1, 2018 THROUGH JULY 31, 2018 *Indicates an increase in membership level. ^Indicates a multiyear pledge.
REALIZE THE POWER OF A GIFT. Making the Center part of your legacy in your will is the most important contribution you can make to the organization. Ways to give include wills and living trusts; beneficiary designations; charitable gift annuities, remainder trusts, and lead trusts; memorials and tribute gifts; and real estate. By including the Center in your estate plan or making another type of planned gift, you help ensure a strong and vibrant future for the Center as we build a world where LGBT people thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of society.
Fall 2018
Two of Hearts
r. Bruce Davidson and Quang Nguyen were invited by a mutual friend to a dinner party 40 years ago. The friend had a notion that the two might hit it off. He was right: it was love at first sight. Davidson and Nguyen, a couple since that first dinner party, were married in 2013 when marriage equality resumed in California. The Valley Village-based couple have been Sustaining Donors of the Center for many years and recently decided to include the Center in their estate plans by also becoming Circle of Life members. “When we started working on our estate plan, it was just natural for us to include the Center as a beneficiary,” Davidson said. “We believe in the importance of the Center’s mission and the vital role it plays in the life of the LGBT community.” The couple points to the Anita May Rosenstein Campus as one of the many reasons they are investing in the Center’s future. The campus is scheduled to open in early 2019 and will greatly expand the Center’s services and affordable housing options for the growing number of LGBTQ youth and seniors. “We’re proud to also be contributors to the capital campaign for the new campus,” said Nguyen, who was born in Hue, Vietnam. “The Center’s expansion through this development is a truly exciting example of the effectiveness of the Center’s leadership and the dedication of the community’s support.” Nguyen left Vietnam at the age of 17 to attend college in Switzerland before coming to the U.S. and settling in Los Angeles, where he spent 39 years working in banking before retiring. He’s been grateful for the reassuring presence of the Center. “While we have not personally needed
• Dr. Bruce Davidson and Quang Nguyen
to utilize the healthcare or social services offered by the Center, we recognize that one day we may have those needs,” Nguyen said. “Perhaps more importantly, we believe that everyone should have access to the services they need to be healthy and happy members of a welcoming and inclusive community, free of discrimination. It has always been clear to us that the Center is dedicated to that vision.” Davidson has lived in Los Angeles since the age of 10 when his family relocated from Boston. He returned to the East Coast to be a pre-med student at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), then switched to public health when he attended grad school at UCLA.
He went on to work in major healthcare organizations in Southern California and is currently semi-retired. The couple believes supporting the Center has become increasingly important since the 2016 presidential election and the threats to LGBT equality that have followed. “The Center will continue to play a pivotal role as a critical service provider for LGBT people in need in the immediate Los Angeles community, and also as a vigorous defender of our hard-fought civil rights locally and nationally, as well as an international beacon of light to LGBT people,” Davidson said.
We believe in the importance of the Center’s mission and the vital role it plays in the life of the LGBT community.
Fall 2018
Center Classes
Join the Center’s one-of-a-kind education and empowerment program, presented exclusively for the trans* community. More than 1,250 trans* individuals have joined the Trans* Lounge. Why haven’t you? How does Trans*Lounge work?
Trans* Lounge members:
• •
• • • • • • • • •
• •
Sign up online for free. Review and rate our library of workshops, groups, labs, and events. Your feedback determines our schedule. RSVP first for the programs you rated highest.
Participated in 100+ workshops and labs. Learned self-defense Performed original stand-up at The Comedy Store. Improved makeup skills. Received vocal training. Charted more optimistic career paths. Practiced yoga weekly. Wrote and performed personal monologues. Became more fit and learned how to live healthier lives.
Sign up at
...and we are just getting started!
¡Hablemos! Participe en la conversación en Mi Centro en Boyle Heights. Si usted es un adulto LGBTQ con 18 años o más y habla español, encuentre una comunidad de apoyo como parte del grupo Let’s Talk! (¡Hablemos!).
Cada segundo y cuarto Martes a las 7 p.m. (Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7 p.m.) Mi Centro • 553 S. Clarence St. • Los Angeles, CA 90033 Para más información, escriba a groups@lalgbtcenter.org o llame al 323-860-7332.
Fall 2018
Community Groups
Community Groups (Cont.) L
V AA Happy Hour Tuesdays–Fridays, 6:15–7:15 p.m. Canceled November 22 & 23
V 30+ Lesbian Chat Meet women outside of the bars Every 1st & 3rd Fri., 7:30–9 p.m.
Positive Images HIV+ Men’s Forum Mondays, 1–3 p.m. Call 323-860-7321 to RSVP
V Al-Anon Gay Focus Thursdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m. Canceled November 22
Bears L.A. Every 3rd Mon., 7–10 p.m.
Queers+ Questions Every 2nd Mon., 7–8 p.m. Call 323-993-7587 to RSVP
V Bi-osphere* Explore and discuss the many shades of today’s diverse bisexual community Mondays, 8–9:30 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous: It’s Come to This Mondays, 6:15–7:15 p.m. V
V Crystal Meth Anonymous Saturdays, 9:15–10:15 a.m.
ay Men’s Prostate Cancer G Support Group Every 1st & 3rd Tues., 7–9 p.m. Sponsored by Cancer Support Community Benjamin Center. Call 310-314-2555 or visit CancerSupportCommunity BenjaminCenter.org
V Gay & Lesbian CODA Tuesdays, 8–9 p.m. V LFK (Leather, Fetish, and Kink) in Sobriety CMA Meeting Fridays, 8–9 p.m. Canceled November 23 V Marijuana Anonymous Wednesdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m.
HERstories* A gathering place for all LGBT women who want strong community and great conversation Mondays, 8–9:30 p.m. H
V NA: Heartbeat of Recovery Mondays, 7:30–8:30 p.m.
OA Thursdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m. Canceled November 22 V
Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous Thursdays, 6:15–7:15 p.m. Canceled November 22 V
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous Mondays, 8:45–9:45 p.m. Wednesdays, 7:30–8:30 p.m. Saturdays, 10:30–11:30 a.m. V UA: Artist in Prosperity Tuesdays, 6:15–7:15 p.m. V
Women’s AA Wednesdays, 8:45–9:45 p.m.
L Ki Ki Drop-in, social networking group for gay/bi men of color ages 16-29 Mondays, 5–8 p.m. Call 323-993-7587 to RSVP L L.A. Runway Assassins (LARA) Creative outlet for gay/bi men of color ages 16-29 interested in fashion and entertainment Fridays, 3–5:30 p.m. Canceled November 23
GBT Adult Special Needs L Support Group Every 2nd Wed., 6–7:30 p.m. V
Coming Out
L The Lounge A social support and health education group for same genderloving men of color ages 16-29. Tuesdays, 6–8 p.m. Call 323-860-7345 to RSVP
oming Out Workshops C for Women C oming Out Workshops for Men Safe, nurturing workshops for anyone who is facing their own coming out process. Call 877-OUT-4-LIFE for recorded information and instructions for enrollment. More information at comingoutla.org.
The Village 1125 N. McCadden Place
H Men’s Speakeasy* Great conversation for gay, bisexual, and trans men Tuesdays, 8–9:30 p.m. L
Movie Night For gay/bi men of color ages 16-29 Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m. Call 323-860-7345 to RSVP
McDonald/Wright 1625 N. Schrader Blvd.
Highland Annex 1220 N. Highland Ave.
L Rated M For gay/bi men of color ages 16-29 to discuss dating, relationships, and healthy sex. Tuesdays, 1–4 p.m. Thursdays, 5:30–8:30 p.m. Call 323-993-7587 to RSVP Canceled November 22 H
Transgender Perceptions* Conversation & communitybuilding for transgender and gender non-conforming people Fridays, 8–9:30 p.m. Canceled November 23
Senior Groups (Cont.) V
hair Yoga with C Master Lakshmi Wednesdays, 11 a.m.–Noon Mi Coffee Club Every 2nd and 4th Thurs., 1–2 p.m. Canceled November 22 V Country Line Dancing Call 323-860-5830 for dates and times V HIV+ 50+ Men’s Drop-In Support Group Thursdays, 1–3 p.m. Canceled November 22 V Housing Supportive Network Every 2nd Thurs., 11 a.m.–Noon V Juggling Hour Thursdays, 10–11 a.m. Canceled November 22 V
Village Readers An LGBT reading and discussion group Every 1st Wed., 7:30–9 p.m.
ife Connections 21+ L meets 50+ Call 323-860-5830 for dates and times.
October 3: The Diamond Setter by Moshe Sakal
V Men’s Drop-In Support Group Wednesdays, 10 a.m.–Noon
November 7: After Disasters by Viet Dinh
Mi Movie Club Every 4th Thurs. 2 p.m. Canceled November 22
December 5: Disobedience by Naomi Alderman
V Movies for Everyone Call 323-860-5830 for dates and times
Senior Groups For more information about Senior Services classes, please call 323-860-7322 or visit facebook.com/50pluslgbt To RSVP, email seniors@lalgbtcenter.org or call 323-860-5830. lzheimer’s LGBT A Caregiver Support Every 2nd & 4th Thurs., 10:30 a.m.–Noon Canceled November 22 V
V Art Lab Fridays, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Canceled November 23 V Bereavement Support Group Tuesdays, 1–3 p.m. V Bingo 1–2:30 p.m. Call 323-860-5830 for dates
Offices on Las Palmas 1111 N. Las Palmas Ave.
Group Meetings
12-Step Groups
V Qi Gong Call 323-860-5830 for dates and times V Thursday Hikes Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. Canceled November 22
alley Social V and Networking Group Thursdays, Noon–1:30 p.m. Metropolitan Community Church 5730 Cahuenga Blvd., North Hollywood Call 323-860-5830 Canceled November 22 V Veteran’s Support Group Every last Tues., 1–3 p.m.
* Groups may not welcome late arrivals.
Mi Centro 553 S. Clarence St.
Empty = Offsite
Fall 2018
News and notes from the Center’s life-changing and life-saving programs and services LET’S GET TO WORK! Hosted by the Center at The Village at Ed Gould Plaza, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti launched the summer campaign of HIRE L.A.’s Youth, the City of Los Angeles’ flagship initiative to provide job opportunities for young people between the ages of 14 and 24. The City has set a goal of getting 20,000 young people hired for year-round employment by 2020. Fifty-nine percent of the Center’s youth members report that unemployment is the main barrier preventing them from securing stable housing. Thanks to HIRE L.A.’s Youth and the Center’s RISE program, which reduces the number of LGBTQ youth in long-term foster care and helps them find loving, permanent homes, more than 150 of the Center’s youth members have secured paid internships in less than three years. For more information about RISE (Recognize Intervene Support Empower), visit lalgbtcenter.org/rise
HEROIC LIVES Members of the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Senior Services program recently turned West Hollywood Council Chambers into a cabaret venue for a two-night run of NewStages’ Heroic Lives show. At 91, Janet Devaney was the oldest of the 18 cast members who shared stories and songs inspired by stories from their lives. “Being gay in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s was a struggle,” Devaney reflected. “Things have gotten much better and it’s allowed me to marry the love of my life and to continue on and to live a good life.”
See more of their stories at lalgbtcenter.org/ NewStages 26
Fall 2018
In response to a dramatic increase of drug overdoses nationwide linked to fentanyl—a synthetic opiate 100 times more potent than heroin and with an intervention rate to stop an overdose as short as 45 seconds—the Center launched an initiative to distribute free fentanyl test strip kits. When used as directed, the test strip can indicate within two to three minutes whether the drug contains fentanyl.
La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center hosted a dancea-thon benefiting the Center’s programs and services for youth experiencing homelessness. More than two dozen committee members of the La Fuente Alumni and their friends helped raise an impressive $24,000 at Dancing4Dollars.
Fifteen creative minds participated in this year’s OutSet: The Young Filmmakers Project, a collaboration between the Center and Outfest for LGBTQ youth ages 16 to 24 to share their stories through film.
The diverse group of participants are immersed in storytelling and filmmaking workshops over six months. Guided by seven mentors, the emerging filmmakers are required to produce five short films which are screened during Outfest.
Lethal Doses
The free test strip kits are available at several of the Center’s facilities and clinics.
For more information, contact 323-993-7448 or recovery@lalgbtcenter.org
“The funds come at a time when the number of youth we serve at our Youth Center has increased by double digits in just the past 12 months," said Simon Costello, director of the Center’s Children, Youth & Family Services. “Thank you to La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center CEO Manny Rodriguez and all of the dancing participants!”
Applications for OutSet 2019 will be accepted beginning in October.
For more information, visit lalgbtcenter.org/ lifeworks
Analysis and insight from the Center’s staff on current issues and events facing our community Starting this school year, instructional materials will be available to ensure every K-12 classroom has access to accurate and unbiased depictions of the sexual orientation and gender identity of historical figures in California’s public schools, as required by the state’s FAIR (Fair Accurate Inclusive Respectful) Education Act, as reported on the Education Writers Association blog:
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) has recently been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use by teenagers. While 93 percent of the clinicians who work with adolescents and young adults surveyed had heard of PrEP, only 35 percent had prescribed it, as reported by Reuters:
Violence in Central America has brought thousands of LGBT migrants to the United States border to seek asylum in recent years. While having legal representation can significantly increase LGBT migrants’ chances of receiving asylum, the time that migrants spend in detention during months-long asylum proceedings can be brutal, as reported by The New York Times:
The Center’s Spanishlanguage peer support group at Mi Centro encourages families to discuss issues impacting the lives of their LGBTQ youth, including coming out, bullying, and HIV, as reported by The Fight Magazine:
JOANN CERDA Youth & Family Connections Manager Children, Youth & Family Services
MATTHEW BEYMER Program Manager Health Services
KRYSTAL TORRESCOVARRUBIAS Education Policy Manager Policy & Community Building
Excerpt: “Having a framework and curricula recognized as inclusive can also
JASON ORTEGA Excerpt: “The take-home message is that PrEP
works well whether you are an adolescent or adult—provided you
Senior Staff Attorney Legal Services
Excerpt: “They’re a vulnerable population to
Excerpt: “What initially began as a safe space solely for LGBTQ youth to socialize has blossomed into a community workshop for all of their families. Especially in the machismo Latino culture, there is stigma surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity. Our peer support
take your medication every day. Teens should consider taking PrEP if they either have an indication for PrEP or feel that taking PrEP would reduce their concerns about contracting HIV.”
begin with, but they’re even more vulnerable in these situations. It’s re-traumatizing.”
take the burden off LGBT educators, who tend to be singled out as the de facto campus expert on LGBT issues or the default person in charge of a school’s ‘safe space.’”
group aims to break down those barriers that prevent families from having meaningful discussions.”
Fall 2018
Trans Pride (1-4) Held at The Village at Ed Gould Plaza, more than 1,500 guests attended this year’s Trans Pride L.A., considered one of the nation’s oldest and largest trans celebrations. The two-day event began with a Big Queer Convo community forum with (5, right) special guest Minneapolis City Council member Andrea Jenkins—the nation’s first openly transgender African-American woman to be elected to public office—and (5, left) moderator Justine Gonzalez. Performances by (6) Sharon-Franklin Brown, (7) Kelly Mantle, and (8) Transparent cast member Alexandra Billings, among others, at the “VarieTy” show capped off the festivities.
Fall 2018
OUT Under the Stars Nearly 2,000 cinema fans joined us at iconic Hollywood Forever for this summer's OUT Under the Stars screenings of (9-13) Best in Show and (14-16) Selena. See you next year for another season OUT Under the Stars!
Fall 2018
Senior Prom (17-25) More than 300 clients of the Center's Senior Services program— many of them decked out in their sequined-finest—helped bring disco back at this year's Senior Prom, which was celebrating its 20th year. See more from the Prom at lalgbtcenter.org/disco To learn more about Senior Services, including upcoming activities and workshops, visit lalgbtcenter.org/seniors
Fall 2018
Circle of Life Luncheon (26) The Center feted its Circle of Life members and their guests at Liaison Restaurant + Lounge in Hollywood. including (27, l-r) Edward Casson, Stephen May, Paul Verdon, (28, l-r) Hannah Theile, Kenna Love, and Wendy Hartmann. By including the Center in their estate plans or other planned gift, Circle of Life members are helping to ensure a strong future for the organization. Learn more at lalgbtcenter.org/legacy
Sustaining Donors Dinner (29) Held at Pacific Design Center’s Spectra, Center supporters gathered for this year’s dinner, including (30, right) Nathan McIntosh, (31, l-r) Jolene and Perry Brown, (32, l-r) Fred Arens, and Jason Duguay. For more information on how to become a Sustaining Donor, visit lalgbtcenter.org/SD
Fall 2018
Come and Knock on Our Door (33, middle) Actress Laverne Cox stopped by the Trans Wellness Center for a visit, pictured with (33, left) Trans Wellness Center Program Coordinator Cameron Varney and (33, right) Program Manager Mariana Marroquin. (34, l-r) Getting an early hard-hat preview of the Center's new Anita May Rosenstein Campus were James Alva, Senior Vice President and Southern California Market Manager of Citi Community Development; Rashi Kallur, Vice President of Citi Community Development; Center CEO Lorri L. Jean; Bob Annibale, Global Director of Citi Community Development and Financial Inclusion; and Bradford Pollard, Director of Citi Private Bank. Through support from the Citi Foundation’s Community Progress Makers Fund, the Center will be able to expand programs and services to LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness and low-income seniors.
Legal Fellows As part of the Emerging Leaders Program, the Center welcomed Legal Fellows (35, l-r) Ma Yun, Li Xiuhua, Qiu Hengyu, Liu Wei, Ding Yaqing, and Zhao Hu. Pictured with Center Chief of Staff Darrel Cummings (back row).
Gaymer Royale 36 32
Fall 2018
(36-38) Youth from the Center's LifeWorks program took over The Village at Ed Gould Plaza for a gaming night extravaganza, complete with video and board games, cosplay crafting station, prizes, and more!
OUTfluence in Anaheim (39) Two hundred LGBTQ social media influencers, allies, and friends came out for a night of community celebration at the Center's first OUTfluence event, hosted by (39, second from right) AmbersCloset with music from (40) DJ Asha. OUTfluencers walking the rainbow carpet included (41, l-r ) Jaclyn Glenn, Bria & Chrissy, (42, l-r) Chad Jaxon Perez, and Alli Fitz.
OUTfluence at the Center As part of the Center's OUTfluence program, which connects social media influencers and content creators to program and volunteer opportunities at the Center, dozens of OUTfluencers toured the Center, including (43, l-r) Justin Tranter, Shawn Wasabi, (44, l-r) Nik Dodani, Antonio Marziale, (45) Gizzle, (46, l-r) Kit Williamson, John Halbach, and (47) Kingsley.
Fall 2018
Why I Give Justin Tranter
eing queer is my favorite thing about myself. It informs my art, my heart, and my activism. Of the songs I’ve written, I think Centuries by Fall Out Boy is the one that speaks most strongly about the LGBTQ community. I came up with the main lyric “you’ll remember me for centuries” while I was watching online interviews about Marsha P. Johnson, the late trans activist who was instrumental in the Stonewall riots. The song went on to be certified platinum five times over, became a theme song for ESPN college football, and was even heard during the Super Bowl. Now, every time it’s played, I like to think that Marsha was singing for all of them. The first time I came to the Los Angeles LGBT Center was the day after the shocking 2016 election. I read online that U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff and the Center’s CEO Lorri L. Jean were going to speak in the courtyard of The Village at Ed Gould Plaza. I made my way there with 10 friends, and it gave me a sense of exactly what I needed: community and hope. Earlier this year, I toured the Center to learn about the services it offers. One of my tour hosts mentioned that the Youth Center had launched The Music Fellowship, an
Fall 2018
initiative designed to connect youth with established musicians to discover pathways into music. I decided to collaborate with the Fellowship by teaching a songwriting workshop because I truly believe everyone
Safety should not be a privilege. It should be a right. has a responsibility to pay it forward, and because I like to put my money and my experience where my mouth is whenever I possibly can. I’m honored to share my experience and make music with LGBTQ youth. I wish someone in the music industry who identifies as queer would have been a loud and proud example for me when I was young. I always assumed the only way to succeed in music was to be a superstar, but I’ve realized there are so many ways to thrive in this magical business. The most rewarding aspect of working with the Center’s youth members is experiencing their talent. These young folks are
good! Watching them slowly come out of their shells and freestyle some crazy melodies or flawless lyrics is beyond beautiful. If there’s one message I can convey to our community and allies, it’s that we have to do everything we possibly can to make our LGBTQ youth feel safe. When I came out at 14 years old in 1994, I felt so safe at home that I had no fear about flaunting my femme personality out into the world. No matter how badly I was bullied, I felt fearless because I had the privilege of safety at home. But safety should not be a privilege. It should be a right. The midterm elections will take place in November. One way to ensure young people’s security is to vote for candidates who are our allies and will fight for us in Sacramento or in D.C. If you don’t vote, you don’t care. That’s the truth. With the most aggressive anti-LGBTQ federal administration in modern history, we have to do everything we can to vote in these midterms to balance the power and make sure we don’t take one step backwards. Undoubtedly, Marsha would have wanted us to do this.
Activist and Grammy Award-nominated songwriter Tranter has written numerous hits for music artists, including Justin Bieber, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, Imagine Dragons, and Gwen Stefani. He also serves as a board member of GLAAD.
show off your swag
Recipes from the Center’s youth clients
“Cooking and sharing a warm meal, with friends and people who care about you, is something that bonds people.” -Chef Susan Feniger
Lapel Pin
shoponline lalgbtcenter.org/store Fall 2018
McDonald/Wright Building 1625 N. Schrader Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028
Fall 2018