2 minute read
Excitement For a Kitchen Appliance!?!?
By: Chris Courtright
I am not a big appliance person. I don’t like storing appliances that do one thing. So, when I got the Thermomix ad for the East Capers Magazine from Kathinka Roesiger (you might know her as the co-founder of Wolf Property Management) for the Thermomix, I had to look it up and see what she was advertising. I was so intrigued, I set up a time for a demonstration and actually getting to use it myself. Now, I have never gotten excited about an appliance, but after learning about the Thermomix, I am excited. I count 7+ appliances I no longer will need… juicer, blender, salsa maker, crockpot, instapot, coffee grinder, ice cream maker, tea pot and that is just the few that will go! I could get rid of my Kitchen Aid mixer, but I am emotionally attached to that. Kathinka, who also has a master’s degree in nutrition, explained how easy it will be to eat healthy using fresh ingredients because this is such an advanced appliance. We made
Butternut squash soup in less than 20 minutes – and that is start to eat! We made limonade, and there was no peeling or squeezing....and it was good! Made pizza dough in 5 minutes, let it rise for about 15 min, and then was able to roll it out and make pizza….and there was no quick yeast involved. You can even make a full meal in levels – water and spices, rice, meat, steamed vegetables – all cooked separately. Heck, it even peels potatoes and other things!!!
I am not trying to sound like an infomercial, but I think how much easier my kitchen life is going to be and how I can make much healthier meals, and instead of spending hours in the kitchen, I can do it in a very short time. And that is good as I tend to forget to plan dinner with all the things to distract me here in the Baja! There is an app that you find recipes on and then they are transferred to the machine and it tells you everything step by step. They call it goof proof! No measuring as it weighs what you put in as it goes – you just follow the scale on the unit.
It is really amazing how it could do so much, and so efficiently. But it is the German engineering that is often superior. Vorwerk, the parent company, has been around for 130 years (they started by selling vacuum cleaners door to door during WW2). They invented the first Thermomix in 1961 and Thermomix has been selling in Mexico since 1980. This newest Model, the TM6, has been on the market for about 2 years. This article would be too long if I listed all it can do, so you just need to check it out for yourself. I know one of their new customers is Pedro at La Casita – so I aspire to that!

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