5 minute read
This Issue...
from Loser: Issue 9
by Loser Zine

Tableof Contents
EDITORS LETTER Lucy & Olivia........................................................ 03
the Gaze by Nicholas Matsas............................................. 06
Morning Glory MIranda Wollen & Nicholas Matsas................... 08
Passing Time by Jada B............................................................. 10
Morning Routine by Ticia Almazan & Georgina Martin.................. 12
Who am I? Who are you? by Bella S............................................................. 14
All of my Objects by Zoe Bridgewater.............................................. 16
2 Poems by Lucy, Jack and Gill Gul.................................... 20
Evangelia by Veronica Faye.................................................. 22
Chat with Noah Reyman LOSER.................................................................. 26
Mornings and My favorite Stuff by Daniela De La Torre........................................ 36
Best Friends Zawadi & Zanna............................................... 38 Skye & Lucy..................................................... 40 Naomi & Mia.................................................... 42
Julius by Lucy................................................................. 44
My Things by Lara Eviota...................................................... 48
It’s not Always Going to be Dark Karen Davis.......................................................... 49
Eddie Studies Himself by Eddie Tarr, @e_tarr_e.................................... 50
Me in NY by Daniel Shepard............................................... 52
STUDY OF the Gaze by Nicholas Matsas

“He wanted me to wait for him, but I fell in love”
She probably never thinks about me. She should be something of the past. In a sense she is. I guess. I don’t remember how it fwlt to be in love with her. Sometimes I do and I am jolted into the shadow of reality that has long since died. THose are painful moments—when I am reminded of the person I wanted her to be. But, for the most part, she is a complete stranger to me, She couldn’t care less about me and I will always have anger harboring inside me for that.

I wish I had brought that little vile of perfume Vanja gave me before she moved. Somtimes when I’m in the mood to cry, I dab a tiny bit onto my wrist and lie on my bed, holding it to my nose till my senses go numb.

Noah:“When I do art, i’ll be sitting in my chair not doing anything for twenty minutes… i’ll sit there and just close my eyes and think until I’m will be like, “okay, i’m ready.” I’ll turn on some calm music and i’ll start practice sketching until I think of something that I want to draw and then I will just start. Usually in the beginning it just starts as a basic template but after I will scan it so I can work on it digitally.
So everything I have done digitally has been a sketch at some point .
LOSER: My dad always says that when he does his art it always starts out with some sort of inkling of what you are going to do. And then as you go you begin to lose yourself completely and that’s when you get into something that’s, like, actually good! Ya know?
Yeah totally. For example this [points to his signature written on a napkin] when it started I didn’t really know what it was gonna be but it turned into something weird, that I liked. I like weird stuff.
Yeah me too! I like stuff with a sense of humor. There is so much art that is kind of pretentious or so intensely angled at having this incredibly deep, and monumental meaning that it almost never comes out that way.
Yeah I hate all those paintings of boats and buildings, like, i’m sick of that. Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Basquiat, all those people had such a prominent sense of expression and it was so unique. Like Basquiat’s stuff sometimes just didn’t make any sense.
Study of
Zawadi & Zanna

I met both Zanna and Zawadi at around 2:15 to see a movie. We saw Spider-man in the Regal Union Square theater then started to walk towards the Lower East Side where most of their spots were, they said. Favorite way to get somewhere? Walking, they both agreed with no contest.
Zanna and Zawadi met in 1st grade from being in the same class. Zanna explained how she decided she wanted to be friends with Zawadi and she kept bugging her until they became friends. They’ve been friends ever since and go to the same high school. They meet everyday before school and go together. They’re close, they’re really really close. They interrupt each other and finish each other’s thoughts naturally. (they call it the waves and vaguely and ominously point near their heads)
First, we go to Remedy Diner, a place I know very well.
The school they go to, which I also used to go to, is positioned so this diner is the perfect natural hangout for students. It’s warm, it’s cute, they seem to live there. They explain it as a rite of passage if yo u go to their school: where to go if you have nowhere else to, but don’t want to go home yet. They end up there a lot, maybe u p to four times a month.
On meeting each other before going to school:
“..maybe I’ll be like 5 minutes late right, and she’ll be like just waking up, that happened one time,
The longest I’ve waited is like,” “-45 minutes” “No!” “Longer!” “I highly doubt that- no, I don’t highly doubt that.”