4 minute read
Welcome to Our New Digital Platform
Just as the retail world is rapidly changing to meet the demands of a technology-enabled consumer, so too is the publishing industry. Today’s publishing consumer—our readers like you—consume information in a variety of ways. No longer is a printed magazine the only vehicle required. Now you might scan headlines with your smartphone app, read articles on your tablet, and receive timely updates in your email inbox. Not to mention tweets, blogs, and posts on your favorite social media.
Keeping up with this challenge is not unlike LP professionals trying to keep up with omnichannel retailing and other marketing and merchandising changes moving quickly into both brick-and-mortar and online stores. Getting it right requires investment in both financial and people resources.
For almost the past decade, we’ve provided content for our readers on our website. We’ve produced monthly, then weekly, then multiple emailed newsletters per week. We added an app, presented webinars, and produced videos and podcasts. All the while, focusing on original content from our writers and contributors who know the industry, not just spamming you with links to items on the Internet that may or may not be valuable or even factual.
Last year we decided to up our game. We found a technology partner and invested in a new digital platform that has taken most of 2015 to implement. We launched the new platform in early November. As you read this, you likely have started to experience our new digital offerings.
The foundation of the new platform is a fully redesigned website at LossPreventionMedia.com. Most, if not all, of the archives and content that lived on LPportal.com has been moved to the new site. Our print magazine is available in a viewer-friendly format on the new site. We also maintain the PDF version of the print magazine.
One of the more important changes is an e-newsletter series that will go out daily, sometimes twice daily, with short, focused editorial that will give you a quick read of what is important for the day.
If you’re thinking, “More emails are the last thing I need,” we understand. The last thing we want to do is send you something you don’t want or can’t use. Our goal is to only send out a handful of items that we think will interest you. And if we don’t, we have given you an easy way to manage the content you receive.
Our new website will require a login and password to access the entire site. The primary purpose of the login is to allow you to subscribe or unsubscribe to the content you want. The secondary purpose is to give us a glimpse of our readership by industry segment and role to help us better tailor the editorial we write to fit the profile of our readers.
By now, you have hopefully received and responded to our welcome emails about the new web platform and are already enjoying the new website. If not, go to LossPreventionMedia.com and check out the new site. You’ll be prompted to sign up if you have not already. There’s news, special in-depth reports on a variety of topics, directory of products and services, and much more added on a daily basis.
Our goal is that you will continue to trust LP Magazine to be your best source for all things loss prevention and asset protection.
Jack Trlica Editor and Publisher
LossPrevention, LP Magazine, and LP Magazine EU are service marks owned by the publishers and their use is restricted. All editorial content is copyrighted. No article may be reproduced by any means without expressed, written permission from the publisher. Reprints or PDF versions of articles are available by contacting the publisher. Statements of fact or opinion are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publishers. Advertising in the publication does not imply endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any article or advertisement.
700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C Matthews, NC 28105 704-365-5226 office, 704-365-1026 fax EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jack Trlica JackT@LPportal.com EXECUTIVE EDITOR James Lee, LPC JimL@LPportal.com EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, DIGITAL Jacque Brittain, LPC JacB@LPportal.com CONTRIBUTORS Dave DiSilva Read Hayes, PhD, CPP Richard C. Hollinger, PhD Walter Palmer, CFI, CPP, CFE Gene Smith, LPC Shane G. Sturman, CFI, CPP David E. Zulawski, CFI, CFE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Kevin McMenimen, LPC KevinM@LPportal.com DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Merek Bigelow MerekB@LPportal.com DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL OPERATIONS John Selevitch JohnS@LPportal.com SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGERS Kat Houston, LPQ Justin Kemp, LPQ Karen Rondeau DESIGN & PRODUCTION SPARK Publications info@SPARKpublications.com 704-844-6080 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Larry Preslar
A DVE RT ISING ADVERTISING MANAGER Ben Skidmore 972-587-9064 office 972-692-8138 fax BenS@LPportal.com EAST COAST REP Kristie Thymes 972-782-9841 office 972-692-8138 fax KristieT@LPportal.com
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LossPrevention aka LP Magazine (USPS 000-710) is published bimonthly by Loss Prevention Magazine, Inc., 700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C, Matthews, NC 28105. Print subscriptions are available free to qualified loss prevention and associated professionals in the U.S. and Canada at www.myLPmag.com. The publisher reserves the right to determine qualification standards. International print subscriptions are available for $99 per year payable in U.S. funds at www.LPportal.com. For questions about subscriptions, contact circulation@LPportal.com or call 888-881-5861. Periodicals postage paid at Matthews, NC, and additional mailing offices.