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April Anniversaries

April is a great month for me both personally and professionally. Twenty-eight years ago in April I married my best friend and very special lady, Cindy. Ten years ago in April, I committed to another relationship with Jim Lee, and we began work on a very special project—LossPrevention magazine.

This April Cindy joined me and a hundred loss prevention industry executives and spouses to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the magazine in one of the prettiest locales in North Carolina, if not the country—Asheville’s Grove Park Inn. Ask anyone who attended, and I’m confident they will urge you to visit this unique, historic hotel and resort if you ever have the chance.

Normally in April, we host a meeting of our editorial and vendor advisory boards, usually joined by the LP Foundation board of directors, to discuss the state of the magazine and brainstorm ideas for articles and new directions for the magazine. Because of how proud we are of our first ten years of publishing, we decided to hold this year’s meeting in a location that would lend itself, not only to business, but also some fun and entertainment.

I wish we could have invited everyone who contributed to the success we’ve enjoyed these past ten years as well as the LP professionals who have read the magazine and, hopefully, bettered their careers because of it. That would have been some party…one that would have filled an NFL stadium.

Instead, we hosted a small group of key industry executives who manage some of the largest and most successful loss prevention organizations in the country and some of the most important service and product suppliers to our industry. We are fortunate that these busy, hard-working individuals are willing to offer their time and insights to contribute to the direction of the magazine. As Jim and I repeated numerous times to those attendees, without their support, this magazine would not have been possible. We certainly appreciate their efforts, and you, our readers, are the primary benefactors because their support allows us to put this magazine into your hands six times a year.

At the risk of appearing overly mushy, let me publically express my gratitude to everyone who was able to attend our celebration as well as to those who were unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts and, in some cases, tornadoes. Thank you from myself, my good friend and partner, Jim, and all the terrific men and women who work with us on this very special project we now call LP Magazine.

For more details about this meeting, please see pages 26 – 27 and visit our website to see both photos and videos from the event.

Jack Trlica

Editor and Publisher

LossPrevention and LP Magazine are service marks owned by the publishers and their use is restricted. All editorial content is copyrighted. No article may be reproduced by any means without expressed, written permission from the publisher. Reprints or PDF versions of articles are available by contacting the publisher. Statements of fact or opinion are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publishers. Advertising in the publication does not imply endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any article or advertisement.


700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C Matthews, NC 28105 704-365-5226 office, 704-365-1026 fax

EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jack Trlica JackT@LPportal.com

EXECUTIVE EDITOR James Lee JimL@LPportal.com

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Adrian Beck Robert L. DiLonardo Walter E. Palmer, CFI, CPP, CFE Amber Virgillo

CONTRIBUTORS William A. Alford, CFE Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP Richard C. Hollinger, Ph.D. Mike Marquis, CFI Gene Smith Shane G. Sturman, CFI, CPP Kelby Woodard David E. Zulawski, CFI, CFE

ONLINE EDITOR Matt Richardson MattR@LPportal.com



DESIGN & PRODUCTION SPARK Publications info@SPARKpublications.com 704-844-6080


ADVERTISING MANAGER Bonnie Dodson 828-479-7472 office, 704-943-5797 fax BonnieD@LPportal.com

WEST COAST REPRESENTATIVE Ben Skidmore 972-587-9064 office, 972-692-8138 fax BenS@LPportal.com


CIRCULATION MANAGER Kelly Durham, LPQ KellyD@LPportal.com NEW OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS www.myLPmag.com POSTMASTER Send change of address forms to Loss Prevention Magazine P.O. Box 1088 Lowell, MA 01853

LP Magazine (USPS 000-710) is published bimonthly by Loss Prevention Magazine, Inc., 700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C, Matthews, NC 28105. Print subscriptions are available free to qualified loss prevention and associated professionals in the U.S. and Canada at www.myLPmag.com. The publisher reserves the right to determine qualification standards. International print subscriptions are available for $99 per year payable in U.S. funds at www.LPportal.com. For questions about subscriptions, contact circulation@LPportal.com. Periodicals postage paid at Matthews, NC, and additional mailing offices.

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