Wide-Ranging Topics for Your Consideration
ecause loss prevention professionals deal in so many areas of expertise and touch so many other parts of the retail organization, we continually look for a wide range of topics to feature in the magazine. You are not single focused or one dimensional, so we try not to be. This issue is a good indication of a wide range of article topics.
Are Retailers to Blame?
The cover story addresses a topic within the ORC discussion that was recently proposed by the loss prevention executive at Harris Teeter, David George. Are retailers exacerbating the ORC problem by purchasing stolen merchandise? We thought that was an interesting question, so we assigned our resident pot stirrer, Amber Virgillo, to address the issue (see page 17). After you read the article, let us know what you think.
Going to the Dark Side
You’ve all heard that phrase when an LP executive leaves his or her retail role and moves to the other side of the desk as a vendor. Our executive editor, Jim Lee, is one of those people who had a long, stellar career as a retail executive before becoming a solutions provider, consultant, and magazine publisher. Some people who make this change are successful; others are not. Jim talked to several individuals who have successfully navigated the transition to discuss the challenges they faced (see page 31). The comments these executives offer provide insights into the retailer-vendor relationship that should be enlightening to anyone on either side of the desk.
700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C Matthews, NC 28105 704-365-5226 office, 704-365-1026 fax EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jack Trlica EXECUTIVE EDITOR James Lee
articles on small specialty retailers, wholesale distribution companies, and other niche enterprises. When I visited the Los Angeles Police Department in February, I ran into Blue Montez, one of the nicest, most professional LP executives in our industry. Blue had an interesting story to tell after moving from Sport Chalet to American Apparel eighteen months ago. It’s a story with many levels— building an LP team, implementing RFID, working with IT, global retail, and what was once a common retail theme, “made in America” (see page 41).
Premises Security Liability
CONTRIBUTORS William A. Alford, LPC, CFE Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP Richard C. Hollinger, Ph.D. Mike Marquis, CFI Gene Smith Shane G. Sturman, CFI, CPP Kelby Woodard David E. Zulawski, CFI, CFE NEWSLETTER EDITOR John Selevitch ONLINE EDITOR Matt Richardson
We often ask for suggestions for article topics. You’ve likely seen them here, on our website, or on one of our social media pages. We typically ask the LP folks we visit for suggestions as well as the members of our editorial board. One of our board members, Bill Heine of Brinker, sent me an email in January that suggested that as LP gets more and more sophisticated with newer and greater technology, we shouldn’t overlook some basic security 101 measures that can impact the company, such as premises security. So we asked a couple of experts in this area to talk about the subject (see page 53).
Hopefully, all of these articles will provide some valuable information, in a thought-provoking way that you can use in your situation. As you can see from these articles, we listen to your suggestions and appreciate your input. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your thoughts.
Red, White, and Blue Montez
For most of the life of the magazine, we have tried to profile companies who are not always on the tip of everyone’s tongue. If you look back over our past issues, you’ll see
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Robert L. DiLonardo Walter E. Palmer, CFI, CPP, CFE Amber Virgillo
Jack Trlica Editor and Publisher
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July - August 2012 |
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