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Magazine Expands Its Industry Support

Entering our fifteenth year of publication, we trust that we have established ourselves as the primary information and education publication for LP, asset protection, and other retail security, risk, and safety professionals.

For the past several months the magazine’s marketing, communications, and loss prevention experts have added capabilities to further assist retail organizations with internal communications, training, and consulting services. Starting in 2016, all the magazine’s offerings for both industry and custom publishing services will be delivered under the new LPM Media Group banner.

Industry Publishing

Loss Prevention magazine started in 2001 as a print-only publication, establishing itself as the premier voice of the LP industry, winning wide-spread retail support and several publishing awards along the way.

In recent years, multiple digital channels have been added to the communications mix, including a smartphone app, podcasts, EyeOnLP videos, webinars, and a digital version of the print magazine, culminating in the launch in fourth quarter 2015 of a comprehensive new digital platform at LossPreventionMedia.com.

The new technology platform supports all the existing options, plus daily newsletters, a new digital magazine format, product directory, special reports, an expanded industry calendar of events, education and career resources, as well as multiple social network groups.

Custom Publishing

In addition to communications and marketing expertise, the expanded LPM staff has decades of retail LP, crisis management, and operations experience. Responding to requests from retail executives, the team has provided extensive consulting services to individuals, retail LP teams, and vendor organizations.

Part of this support includes custom publishing services for internal training and awareness through traditional print programs and more recently, with customized digital magazines that are distributed over internal corporate networks.

The digital services also include e-learning programs using animation and video for scenario-based learning that teaches through interactive visual examples and a new online awareness center, with supporting mobile apps designed to deliver critical training and messaging to retail associates on demand.

LPM Media Group

While the LPM Media Group banner may be new, the management, staff, and innovative industry support for the past fifteen years remain the same—only enhanced with a growing team and new services.

You can continue to turn to Loss Prevention magazine for the information and education you’ve always expected. Now, you can also turn to LPM for loss prevention consulting, unique internal corporate communications programs, marketing support for vendors bringing products and services to the retail industry, and much more.

We are excited that we can continue to make a mark in the retail industry and look forward to the next fifteen years. For more information about our industry and custom publishing services, go to LPMmediagroup.com.

Jack Trlica Managing Editor

Loss Prevention, LP Magazine, and LP Magazine EU are service marks owned by the publishers and their use is restricted. All editorial content is copyrighted. No article may be reproduced by any means without expressed, written permission from the publisher. Reprints or PDF versions of articles are available by contacting the publisher. Statements of fact or opinion are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publishers. Advertising in the publication does not imply endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any article or advertisement. LOSS PREVENTION MAGAZINE

700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C Matthews, NC 28105 704-365-5226 office, 704-365-1026 fax MANAGING EDITOR Jack Trlica JackT@LPportal.com EXECuTIVE EDITOR James Lee, LPC JimL@LPportal.com EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, DIGITAL Jacque brittain, LPC JacB@LPportal.com MANAGING EDITOR, DIGITAL Kelsey Seidler KelseyS@LPportal.com CONTRIbuTORS Dave DiSilva Read Hayes, PhD, CPP Richard C. Hollinger, PhD Walter Palmer, CFI, CPP, CFE Gene Smith, LPC Shane G. Sturman, CFI, CPP bill Turner, LPC David E. Zulawski, CFI, CFE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Kevin McMenimen, LPC KevinM@LPportal.com DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Merek bigelow MerekB@LPportal.com DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL OPERATIONS John Selevitch JohnS@LPportal.com SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGERS Kat Houston, LPQ Justin Kemp, LPQ Karen Rondeau DESIGN & PRODuCTION SPARK Publications info@SPARKpublications.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Larry Preslar

ADVERTISING MANAGER ben Skidmore 972-587-9064 office, 972-692-8138 fax BenS@LPportal.com EAST COAST AD REP Kristie Thymes 972-782-9841 office, 972-692-8138 fax KristieT@LPportal.com

S ub SCRIPTION SERVICES NEW OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS myLPmag.com POSTMASTER Send change of address forms to Loss Prevention Magazine P.O. box 92558 Long beach, CA 90809-2558

Loss Prevention aka LP Magazine aka LPM (uSPS 000-710) is published bimonthly by Loss Prevention Magazine, Inc., 700 Matthews Mint Hill Rd, Ste C, Matthews, NC 28105. Print subscriptions are available free to qualified loss prevention and associated professionals in the u.S. and Canada at www.myLPmag.com. The publisher reserves the right to determine qualification standards. International print subscriptions are available for $99 per year payable in u.S. funds at circulation@LPportal.com. For questions about subscriptions, contact circulation@LPportal.com or call 888-881-5861. Periodicals postage paid at Matthews, NC, and additional mailing offices.

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