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About CSU Extension
Page 16 Lost Creek Guide January 6, 2021
About CSU Extension
Do you sometimes feel like you’re on information overload? With hundreds of televi- Nutrition Education sion channels to choose from, social media options such as Twitter and Facebook, and Helping Colorado residents acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to more and more websites popping up every day, it’s challenging to know which informa- maintain healthy lifestyles; reduce the incidence and severity of selected lifestyle-related tion to trust. diseases; and improve safe food practices—from farm to table—to reduce food-borne
Colorado State University Extension can provide relief by offering reliable, research- illness. based information to help you make informed decisions. Clean and Renewable Energy
Wherever you live, Extension’s job is to determine what issues, concerns and needs are Our network of Extension agents and specialists empowers Coloradans to make enviunique to each community, and offer sound and effective solutions. Whether you have a ronmentally and financially sound energy decisions through hands-on workshops, onquestion about health, financial literacy, pasture or livestock management, weeds, pests line webinars, publications, field demonstrations, K-12 teacher trainings, and volunteer or gardens, 4-H or youth development, renewable energy, elder or child-care issues, CSU development. Extension can connect you to the latest, most accurate data. Resources
For over 100 years, Extension has helped people in Colorado find the answers they Programs are just one way Extension delivers quality information. You can also access need—for a healthy home life and successful business. And now with our partners at eX- a huge database of downloadable resources from our on-campus Resource Center. tension.org, everyone with a computer has access to a nation-wide network of profession- Our publications are not textbooks, but easy-to-read booklets, information sheets, and als who can help answer specific questions and solve distinctive problems. brochures. The resources are specifically intended for everyday use and application,
There’s only one difference between Colorado State University Extension and the written by experts and based on the latest findings. To learn more, go to: http://extenUniversity itself: the entire state is our campus. Our system of county offices puts sion.colostate.edu/publications-2/ Extension resources within easy reach of Colorado’s 64 counties. Accurate and Unbiased Information
In 1914, Congress authorized land-grant Universities in every state to feed research- Answers are as close as your nearest county Extension office. When you are looking for based information to Extension agents in each county. We’ve been in the education/in- straightforward, research-based, usable information, make your first stop CSU Extenformation business ever since. sion. You won’t need to go any further.
Faculty and staff with expertise in agriculture, horticulture, range, forestry, water, Call your nearest county extension office for more information. Let Colorado State health promotion, financial literacy, business management, community development and University Extension help you to improve the quality of life for your family and your 4-H youth-development-based in counties and on campus-are all part of Extension’s ef- community. fort to bring the latest information to the people of Colorado. Colorado Revised Statutes Title 23, Article 34 outlines the objectives of CSU
Just a few of our programs: Extension, “The objectives of the service’s programs shall continue to be the dissemina4-H Youth Development tion of information to the people of this state in order to assist them in applying the
Each year, nearly 100,000 Colorado youth benefit from Extension’s 4-H programs results of scientific research and technological developments, as well as lessons from by participating in hands-on projects including: environmental science, rocketry, foods practical experience to the solution of individual, family and community problems, and nutrition, animal science, photography and more. As a result, they learn valuable drawing on relevant knowledge from various fields, including but not limited to aglife skills such as leadership, ethics, decision making, record keeping, responsibility and riculture, natural resources, home economics, nutrition, health, citizenship, and comcommunity service. munity and economic development.”
Water Quality and Water Saving Education This act goes on to outline the authority to accomplish the purposes of the article.
One example of how we help Colorado citizen’s understand and protect water resources These include, under (e), “development of interstate and multicounty administrative or in the state, Extension, in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Agriculture, de- program arrangements, memoranda of understanding and agreements to achieve state veloped guidelines to help Colorado crop producers employ Best Management Practices extension objectives.” that protect the state’s water resources while allowing producers to remain economically competitive.
Native Plant Masters
After training and certification, volunteers educate the public about using and appreciating native Colorado plants; this fosters stewardship and sustainable use of plant resources.
Our mission is to provide information and education, and encourage the application of research-based knowledge in response to local, state, and national issues affecting individuals, youth, families, agricultural enterprises, and communities of Colorado.
We are part of the land-grant university system nationwide. We draw from the University’s research-based resources to strengthen community partnerships, boost the economy, engage families and youth, and enhance our quality of life.
We provide the extensive knowledge, research capabilities and resources of this premier land grant university to Coloradans from all walks of life.
Extension staff throughout the state are dedicated to serving current and future needs of Coloradans by providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well-being.
Designed to meet the unique needs of each of Colorado’s 64 counties. Colorado State University Extension offers a wide variety of programs and educational classes.
We teach people how to apply science-based information in their daily lives in order to make informed choices about everything from personal finances and healthy living to community issues. S TAT E O F P OS S I B I L I T I E S
We’re Here for You
Who We Are
Since 1912, Colorado State University Extension has been a trusted resource for building and strengthening Colorado communities, Extension is the front door to the university, within the Office of Engagement.
Other Office of Engagement units are:
• Colorado Water Institute • CSU Online • Office of Community and Economic Development
Campus partners include:
• College of Agricultural Sciences • College of Engineering • College of Health and Human Sciences • College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences • Warner College of Natural Resources