8 minute read
Way of the World
by Bob Grand
Have we elected enough Democrats and Republicans? Maybe we need to elect some Independents. It has been with great disappointment that I have watched our United States Senators from Colorado vote the party line, absolutely supporting New York Senator Chuck Schumer whose policies have absolutely supported Nancy Pelosi’s thoughts in lock step. Where is the common sense? Did folks leave it at the plane door when they arrive in Washington?
COVID 19 is an issue, immigration is an issue. Who is responsible? The answer is a bunch of people on both sides of the aisle. How do you justify releasing thousands of illegal aliens into the United States with the possibility that every one of them could be a source of COCVID 19? Now that is probably an extreme, but if it is even one isn’t that too many? During the election Joe Biden basically invited new illegal immigration, do you think that helped create the surge? What did he expect to happen? Appointing Kamala Harris, his vice president, as his point person will be interesting to watch. A fair and reasonable resolution of the immigration issue is a difficult task, it requires fair and reasonable people, which are exceedingly rare commodity in this polarized society we live in. With our very progressively dominated Washington world there are billions of dollars required to support the non-addressing of the illegal immigration issue, not only for the federal jobs but in the multitude of social services support functions required. Yet we do not even know the order of magnitude of the illegal immigrant population. One recently elected Washington Senator indicated it was a 5-million-person issue. A northeast ivy school estimated it at 22.5 million. Who knows because to ask that question you are branded a right-wing extremist who is a bigot? Our schools and medical services are overwhelmed. There will never be enough money to provide adequate services. Our government, led by Democrats, Republicans and the entrenched bureaucracy which reports to no one but themselves is the cause. Have you read the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution? It basically says that authority not specially called out in the constitution to be given to the federal government should lie with the states or the people. That has been ignored by both parties, for the most part, resulting in the control of way more of things that effect our lives, resting with the bureaucrats in Washington. We need to be asking our elected representatives to answer the question how big they want the federal government to become, and how much control should they have over our lives. If we do not like the answer, we should look to replace them at the voting booth. I know easier said than done. But whose fault is that? Ours. In Colorado, the unaffiliated voters are the largest block of voters, yet we are led like sheep by the overall control the major parties have. This last election, driven by an almost rabid anti Trump thought process, fueled by a frenzied media, allowed no room for common sense. Ultimately, we cannot survive as a free nation unless we change the course we are on.
The current marching orders in Washington call for a further and further move to the left. If you look at the COVID 19 relief package 2.0 and the 2.0 trillion Infrastructure bill being proposed they are poorly disguised attempts to provide long term financing for progressive venues. Who is going to pay for all this? The President has a plan, raising taxes on the rich and corporations. We have been down this road before. Have you looked at what you are paying for gas and the cost of food at the store? People do not read history. If they did, they would perhaps understand the implications of what is going on. 1928 was a crazy time. Everybody was in the market, after all it could do nothing but go up. Buy a house because you know the market cannot do anything but go up. Oops, did anyone look at the price of lumber these days. It is estimated that the cost of lumber for a house has gone up almost $20,000 per house over the last year. And did I mention the price of copper? They use that in wire for houses.
We are locked into to an “us and them” mentality. We need more “we thinking”. Write, call, tell your elected representatives the people of America, all the people deserve a whole lot better. We are leaving our grandchildren and great children and their great children a horrific financial obligation down the road. It is wrong and it is immoral.
Speaking of wrong the New York City Council voted to remove qualified immunity for police officers. This is supposed to be a solution to prevent questionable behavior of police officers. Alan Dershowitz had some observations on one of the morning talks shows. ‘Stripping qualified immunity from police officers, by the very people who enjoy the protection against civil lawsuits, is an outrage and an attack on our most vulnerable protectors of our society… The stripping of the protections should start at the top, prosecutors, judges, and move on …”
The cancel culture that is currently overwhelming us has seen major crime increases of the most violent natures in most of our major cities. How long will it take before people say they have had enough? Many of our entrenched politicians do not seem to be bothered. We still have daily gunshot deaths in the black community in Chicago. Does anybody care? It seems only at election time.
As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated: publisher@lostcreekguide. com
The LosT Creek Guide, LLC
Bob Grand - Publisher 303-732-4080 publisher@lostcreekguide.com Our deadline is 7 working days before publication
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Who is to blame in Texas?
The utility companies were forced to go green. 37% of Texas power is generated by wind turbines which froze up and gas, which is pumped by electric pumps failed, while coal and nuclear generated power were little effected. Since wind turbines represented 37% of the total energy supplies a drop of 47% in the supply constituted an 18% reduction in overall power supplied. There were three coal plants closed with power replaced by the wind turbines. So, who is to blame? Environmentalists, they pressured the politicians to pass the laws that precipitated the problem. If the utilities had not been forced to go green prematurely without regard to potential service issues the problem would have been far less serious for millions of people.
Now for the rest of the story. Texas does not expect to have full production from wind farms in the near term. They expected 6,000 mega watts, they got 4,000 megawatts, that is a loss of 1/3rd. But that represents only 1/36th of the 72,000 megawatts needed. Gases represented about 10%, or 5,000 megawatts and coal 5%, or 25400 megawatts. Rolling blackouts are a means of keeping the grid from completely collapsing. The grid is not a battery. It is one area sharing its excess power with an area that is short. The problem is where you have a universal need for more power, the other areas do not have power spare to share. The two gas plants that were shut down were always shut down for servi9cing, which is not unusual in the winter months, as demand is supposed to be down.
It is hard to fault anyone but we need to be aware hat we are in the 11,000th year of a 10,000 to 15,000 year cycle and we should be anticipating more weather variations of this type. That is the nature of the earth’s cycles, whether we like it or not.
Weld County and the State of Colorado Move to Phase 2 on Friday
Weld County, CO – On Friday April 2, Governor Polis is moving the State’s vaccination phases to Phase 2—the final phase for COVID vaccinations. Anyone who is aged 16 years and older will be eligible for a vaccine. In addition, all previous priority vaccination groups will continue to be eligible.
“The Weld County Health Department webpage continues to be one of the most efficient ways to register for and see where vaccinations are available,” said Shaun May, Public Health Services Division Director at the Weld County Health Department. “It’s exciting that we are now moving into the final vaccination phase.” Health officials continue to stress that the vaccines are safe, effective, and available at no-cost.
“Due to entering Phase 2, it’s no longer necessary for vaccine providers to screen people who want the vaccine,” said May. The Weld County Health Department website has been made easier to schedule vaccinations. The Health Department in partnership with the Sunrise Monfort Family Clinic in Evans, is providing a large community vaccination site on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Vaccinations will also be provided at the Health Department’s South County clinic (4209 County Road 24½, Longmont) on Wednesday’s. Please note, the Health Department is NOT providing any vaccinations at their main office in Greeley. Health Department staff are encouraging the public to visit Health’s website frequently for updates on new vaccination sites, dates, and times.
Phase 2 is the last of the vaccination phases and is open to anyone aged 16 and over. People from all previous phases will continue to be eligible for the vaccine. Note: If you are not a Weld County resident, please check with your local public health agency for vaccine availability as to avoid unnecessary travel and spread of COVID-19.
For general questions about COVID-19, including on-line registration for vaccinations, visit: www.weldhealth.org