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Weldon Valley News
Lost Creek Guide August 5, 2020
Weldon Valley News
By GLAD Club
The weather man continues to tell us that get some moisture, but most of the time it wind and few sprinkles. The temperature remain high and everyone is looking for the shade.
Smile a little: My lucky number-Thirteen ministers were on a flight to New York. When they came into a large storm, they told the stewardess to tell the pilot that everything would be okay because 13 ministers were on board. Later the stewardess returned from the cockpit. “What did the pilot say?” one preachers asked. “He said he was glad to have 13 ministers aboard but he would rather have four good engines.”
Community news:
Residents are being to go out for shopping and visiting, but most everyone continues to wear masks for their own health.
Many business are opening. Many are requiring wear mask, be safe!
Both the Fort Morgan and Brush libraries are open. A good book helps pass the time on these hot summer day.
It was and exciting tour for members of the Agriculture Leadership program on Sunday afternoon.
Several members toured Riverside Milk near Snyder. Audra and Foy Chapin and Cindy and Foy Chapin led the tour. The group viewed the new dairy operation. The dairy uses the new technology in both milking and caring for the cattle.
You still have time to return you US census.
Church Chat: The St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church will celebrate Mass on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. Pastor Reverend Erik Vigil Reyes and Parochial Vicar Reverend Francis Saleth, HGN will share the services. Confession will be celebrated before mass. Sunday mass is again being celebrated on Sundays, of course there is social distancing.
Weldon Valley Presbyterian Church in Goodrich has Christian education and worship at 10 a.m.
Contact information for Pastor Denise Shannon is 720-271-6733 or pastordeniseshannon@ gmail.com.
Worship service returns 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. All are welcome, remember your mask.
School Scoop: No activities at the school. The building and grounds are being prepared for the new school year. The kids are looking forward to getting back in the classroom and seeing their friends. 4-H News: Members are selling Palisade peaches for a county fundraiser. The cost is $35 for a 20 pound box. Orders will be taken until August 17. Call any member to order or leader Kathy Wood.
Members are working on their projects for this 4-H year. Plans are in the works for the Coun- ty Fair, with a different schedule. Interview judging will begin the end of July. Fair time is the week of August
What’s cookin’: Seed Pictures-Ffun for the kids- Melon seeds (watermelon, cantaloupe), gourd, pumpkin seed; white or clear glue, construction paper. Wash seeds and lay on paper towels to dry. When dry, place seeds on construction paper, arranging to make fun figures or designs. When you have found a design you like , glue the seeds in place. Have fun!
Weldon Valley History: Barber Shop in Orchard-Vern Gentry, was a barber in Orchard in the late Twenties. The shop was also a pool hall, which was in the old bank building. The build- ing later became a restaurant. The building was owned by Chaney fox.
Thought for the Day: “life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed.”
congratulations 2020 SoutheastWeld CountyFairAssociation Scholarship Winners
Help SupportFuture Recipients by donating to ourscholarship fund. Scholarships are open to both FFAand 4-H Members
ThankYou to all ofourScholarship Donors fortheirsupport.
Applications fornextyear’s scholarships will be available through the Weld Central High School Ag and Counseling Departments in the spring of2021.