Volume 14 • Edition 16
August 18, 2021
Delivering to over 16,000 homes & businesses in rural Adams, Morgan, and Weld Counties
“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light” George Washington “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed” Thomas Jefferson
Traffic Switch on I-76 Beginning August 18 Near Wiggins, Motorists Can Expect Delays WELD & MORGAN COUNTIES – The Colorado Department of Transportation, in partnership with Castle Rock Construction, will switch traffic from the single eastbound lane, into a head-to-head configuration, on Interstate 76 near Wiggins, beginning Aug. 18. Work is anticipated to begin to with a temporary crossover detour that begins on the eastbound lane (MilePoint 61.5). Eastbound traffic will be transitioned from two lanes to one lane in the existing eastbound traffic lanes. Traffic between MP 61.5 and 55.5 will be head-to-head for approximately 6.8 miles on the eastbound side. From MP 55.5, traffic will again crossover the detour in the median back to the westbound lanes. The speed limit throughout the crossover is 45 mph. The speed limit throughout the head-to-head section will be 55 mph. Additionally, there will be a 12-foot wide-load restriction. Emergency access will be available at all times. The purpose of this detour is to isolate the section of I-76 westbound for concrete panel repairs and replacement along this 6.8 miles as this project aims to make overall improvements along the I-76 corridor. This work should be completed, and traffic should be back in its normal configuration, before Thanksgiving Day. Travel Impacts • Daytime work hours range from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • Vehicles travelling in the eastbound lane will be shifted to a separate eastbound detour lane. • Speed limits are reduced to 45 mph and 55 mph depending on the area of the detour. Project & Travel Info For additional information about this project, contact the project team. • Project hotline: (970) 716-5166 • Project email: i76concretereplacement@gmail.com • Project web page: https://www.codot.gov/projects/i76-concrete-replacement Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts, anticipated travel impacts, and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include: • Road conditions and travel information: www.COtrip.org • Sign up for project or travel alerts: bit.ly/COalerts •See scheduled lane closures: codot.gov/travel/scheduled-lane-closures.html • Connect with us on social media: Twitter @coloradodot and Facebook facebook com/coloradodot Remember: Slow For the Cone Zone The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones. • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits. • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected. • Watch for workers. Drive with caution. • Don’t change lanes unnecessarily. • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones. • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you. • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times. • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you. • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so. • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones. • Be patient! About CDOT CDOT’s Whole System-Whole Safety program has one simple mission — to get everyone home safely. Our approximately 3,000 employees work tirelessly to reduce the rate and severity of crashes and improve the safety of all modes of transportation. The department manages more than 23,000 lane miles of highway, more than 3,000 bridges and 35 mountain passes. CDOT also manages grant partnerships with a range of agencies, including metropolitan planning organizations, local governments and airports. It also operates Bustang, the state-owned interregional express bus service. Gov. Jared Polis has charged CDOT to further build on the state’s intermodal mobility options.
Congratulations to All Fair Participants from the Lost Creek Guide, Our Town Colorado & All Our Advertisers. Well Done! A Big Thank You to all the wonderful people that make this all happen! All 2021 Morgan County Fair results throughout this issue were provided by the Morgan County Extension Office.
Southeast Weld Fair Parade 2021 Highlights More Pictures in the September 1st, 2021 issue of Lost Creek Guide
2021 Fair Royalty
SE Weld Fire Protection Annual Pancake Breakfast
Union Colony Marines Float
I-76 Towing Float
Lil Rebels Cheer Leaders
Weld Central Marching Band
4-H Wagoneers Float
4-H Magic Spurs Float
WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE: Page 2: Way of the World Page 3 – 22: All of Morgan County 2021 Fair Results Page 21: United Power Places 100,000 Meter Page 24: First Baptist Church Keenesburg 1st
Annual Traditional Western Fellowship
Page 24: Longmont Archeological Society Annual Stone Age Fair Page 24: Lost Creek Guide asks for 4-H Club Articles
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Lost Creek Guide
Way of the World
by Bob Grand Fair season brings the best out in many of us. Working together to put a successful fair requires a tremendous amount of effort, coordination, and cooperation. Why do not this happen in other areas for the rest of the year? Wouldn’t life be a whole lot better for everyone? Sadly, that does not happen because what is missing is a unity of purpose. Working towards having a successful fair clearly identifies an extremely specific outcome. Everybody understands that they must work together to have a successful event. It is like the effort during the second world war in our country. Americans got behind the war effort. There usually is a leadership team that understands objective and marches everyone down the path to success. Some occasional bumps in the road but in the right direction. One of the byproducts of a successful fair, is that our young people get exposed to seeing what it takes to get things accomplished. Many of our elected politicians, of both parties, do not seem to really understand or accept what it takes to get things accomplished. A big part of that is that the lobbyists, the bureaucrats, and many of the politicians have no real desire to improve life for the citizens. They have their special interests, either business or personal, that are of a much higher priority. Recognize that we as citizens have the responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable. That accountability assumes the elected officials are managing the lobbyists and bureaucrats and not the other way around. Sam Rayburn, a longtime Democratic Speaker of the House, is credited with saying that you have “ to go along to get along.” Unfortunately, today that has been taken to the extreme and has focused on issues that to many ordinary citizens, are secondary issues in the scheme of things. Our Declaration of Independence begins with “We the people,” not we, the lobbyists and the bureaucrats. We elect people to go to Washington who become professional politicians who become very skilled at “go along to get along.” When do we ask them are you doing your job? Is government doing its job or has it become a self-serving elitist bureaucracy that cares only for itself? Did we learn nothing from the Vietnam War? What has Afghanistan become? There will be thousands of Afghanistan people who supported the United States effort there over the last twenty years that will pay a terrible price for supporting our policies and our troops. Will anyone ask the geniuses with their PhD’s in the State Department, with their well-paid jobs and great pension plans, about their poor recommendations? None of them will be killed for what they did which I am not sure you can say about many of the Afghan people. Does anyone wonder what will happen to the Afghanistan women, both young and old, who had a glimpse of a life of intellectual freedom and respect when the Taliban take over. Doubt any of our bureaucrats will have any impact at all, life just goes on, you know, the “go along to get along.” Well life will not be going on for many Afghanistans who were convinced by our government to help themselves. The question is whether they were really ever convinced they had to help themselves, or did the United States bureaucrats just convince themselves and check all the boxes on the appropriate form that the Afghanistan government bureaucrats were ready for self-defense. We should have asked the people rather than the Afghanistan equivalent of our lobbyists and bureaucracy. Our collective, educated geniuses, thought if we put enough money to the problem, it could be solved. Over the next several months many Afghan people will pay the ultimate price for that thought process, both their own and our governments. You have to ask is this same thought process driving our current government approach to dealing with our domestic policies? Throw enough money at it and it will work out. Add more bureaucracy and that will solve it. Ask citizens of our big cities if throwing money at the problem helped their crime rate go up or down? Reduced the homelessness problem, or even begin to address our immigration issues? We throw money at the problem, but never ask for an accounting of what the results are? Whose job is that? COVID-19 has not gone away. After going through an effort that shut our economy down, we are now seeing a resurgence with the Delta variant. The overwhelming amount of new hospital cases of COVID-19 are people who have not been vaccinated. There are a large number of people who do not believe that vaccines are the answer. A number of these people will get the disease and will die. Their choice. But what should not be their choice is to be exposed to undocumented immigrants who are being accepted into the country and dispersed throughout the country without being checked for COVID-19. People should be fired for this. Not talking about the people on the front lines, I am talking about the policy makers who, on the one hand want us all to wear masks again, yet on the other let record numbers of illegal aliens into the country with no consideration if they have a clean health record. My grandparents, back in the early 1900’s, were all processed through Ellis Island, the federal immigration processing center. If you were not healthy you were sent back. Where is the logic or common sense today? What are our elected federal officials in Colorado doing about this, be they Republican or Democratic? Have they been infected by “the go along to get along bug”? We must begin to ask those tough questions. It should not be what is right by being a good democrat or a
The Lost Creek Guide, Llc Bob Grand - Publisher 303-732-4080 publisher@lostcreekguide.com
Our deadline is 7 working days before publication
105 Woodward - PO Box 581 Keenesburg, CO 80643
Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters may be edited for length, libelous, or inappropriate content. All letter submissions should include name, address, & phone number for verification purposes. Letters are published at the editor or publisher’s discretion. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Lost Creek Guide or staff.
Delivering on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month and sent to all Postal Boxes. Our hours are Tuesday, Weds, & Thursday 10am to 3pm. Call or email us for advertising rates.
August 18, 2021
good republican. It is about what it is to be a good American. As usual your thoughts and comments are always appreciated. publisher@lostcreekguide.com Would like to thank the many of you that have responded, of which I might add, many are beginning to raise the same issues, who mostly identify themselves as unaffiliated voters. Perhaps there is a not-so-subtle message there.
Invocation at Weld County Lincoln Day Dinner by Pastor Perry Bell at Lily Farms
Lord, we come to you this morning as a people looking for a way out of the mess, we find ourselves in. As you well know, we are a nation divided, not only by political leanings, but by race, ideology, and rhetoric. We need to find a way to bring light to the darkness of today. Sometimes I think, Lord, that I, and we, are responsible. We speak with our mouths but rarely do things we say we were going to do. We become complacent or entrenched. We were silent when they took you out of schools; we watched as they removed your Ten Commandments from the marketplace; and today, we stand at the threshold of their attacks on those who follow the Bible as the foundation of our faith, and of our country. Lord, we need your help. Help us to remember Pastor Martin Niemoller and what he wrote: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me…and there was no one left to speak for me.” Lord, help us to longer be silent, but to speak out, from whatever position we may be in, whether we are a citizen or in congress, whether we are pastor or parishioner, sinner or saint. Help us to make a stand, in our homes, our churches, our business, our cities, and in the halls of both state and national legislative bodies. Help us to guard our freedom in Jesus Christ as we also guard our liberty in that land of the free because of the brave…this One Nation Under God. Help us never to shrink from the battle put before us, and when we seem to be fighting an uphill battle, give us the strength to overcome…to overcome the enemy of this free land, wherever it may raise its ugly head. We must speak Your truth, even when the present government and the left no longer wishes to hear it. We need to find the faith and courage that our forefathers possessed, so that we too can defend this nation, and our faith, from enemies both foreign and domestic, and enjoy our freedom in Christ Jesus, Our Lord, in Whose Name we offer up this prayer. Amen.
CLUB BOOK RESULTS During the Morgan County Fair, on Wednesday the 28th, 4-H Clubs had the opportunity to turn in their club books from the year for judging. This includes their Secretary Book, Treasurers Book, Community Pride Book, and Scrapbook. These books are the records that are kept by their respective elected officers for the 4-H Year. The 4-H Year runs October 1 – September 30. In the Secretary Book Contest, Travelers 4-H Club placed 1st; Weldon Valley 4-H Club, 2nd; Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, 3rd; Winning Edge 4-H Club, 4th; Wildcat, 5th. Long Meadow 4-H Club, and Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club also entered into the Secretary Book Contest. The Champion Secretary Record Book award is sponsored by FMS Bank. The Treasurer Book Contest had four entries. Placing 1st is Lads N Lassies 4-H Club; Travelers 4-H Club, 2nd; Winning Edge 4-H Club, 3rd; Wildcat 4-H Club, 4th. Clubs that enter their Club Scrapbook all receive a $20 gift certificate from Impressions By Bird and Leader’s Advisory Committee to use towards future scrapbooks or other stationary for their club. The clubs that exhibited scrapbooks at the 2021 Morgan County Fair were Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Wildcat 4-H Club, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Lads ‘N’ Lassies 4-H Club, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, and Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club. Our final area that clubs can enter is Community Pride. Each club completes a minimum of one community service project each year, and the Community Pride contest allows the clubs to develop a book showcasing their community service. This years’ winner of the Community Pride award, which is sponsored by KSIR Radio, is the Lads N Lassies 4-H Club. All of these books are on display in the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fair Grounds for the remainder of the 2021 Morgan County Fair which is held July 30-August 5.
to all Morgan County Fair Participants!
August 18, 2021
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Lost Creek Guide
CLOVERBUDS RESULTS While 4-H members have to be 8-18 to compete at the Morgan County Fair, there was still fun to be had for the Cloverbud Members in Morgan County 4-H, which are youth ages 5-7. The overall purpose of the 4-H Cloverbud Program is to foster the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical maturation of five to eight year old children. Cloverbud members have the opportunity to attend monthly workshops held at the Extension Office where they do activities, such as learning about STEM or completing a craft. These members also attend monthly club meetings where they also do activities. On Interview Judging day these members had the opportunity to enter in a project that they had completed during the year, and get interviewed just like the older members do. Most of the youth chose to display the shirts that they made during the 2021 Cloverbud t-shirt workshop, which they had the opportunity to model during the Fashion Revue on Monday, July 26. Cloverbuds that displayed their t-shirts were: Evy Lozier, Brody Yoder, Gavyn Larrick, Natalie Higgins, Luke Makings, Liam Higgins, and Gabe Higgins. Luke Makings also exhibited a toy plane. The Cloverbud projects will be displayed in the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fair Grounds in Brush for the duration of the 2021 Morgan County Fair which ends August 5th.
ROCKET FLY RESULTS It was launching time at the Morgan County Fair on Wednesday for the 4-H members enrolled in model rocketry. Youth flew a rocket they had built during their 4-H model rocketry project. Unit 1 Junior Rocket Fly Champion went to Cash Gould, and Reserve Champion went to Chase Pollart. Other members competing in the rocket fly in Unit 1 were Bentley Larrick and Jenson Manchester. Saxson Keller was champion in Junior Unit 3 and Karson Koch received Reserve Champion. The Unit 4 Intermediate Champion was Landon Crispin. Rylan Schreiner competed in Unit 6 as an intermediate, and was champion. Members who competed in Rocket Fly also built a second rocket which was presented to the judge during interview judging and will be on display for the remainder of the week at the Morgan County Fair. Steve Cramer was the judge for the 2021 event. He judged the members on the construction of their rocket and their range safety. Their rocket was judged on its flight stability, parachute deployment, and landing. Youth winning champion may compete at the Colorado State Fair Rocket Fly Contest on Sunday, August 29 in Pueblo.
CREATIVE COOKS RESULTS Twelve Morgan County 4-Hers competed in the 2021 Creative Cooks Contest held on July 29th at the Morgan County Fair Grounds in Brush, Colorado. Members competing in the Creative Cooks contest planned a menu, developed a theme around the menu, and then cooked one item off of the menu to serve to the judge and public. There is also a Colorado Specialty class in which participants must cook a meal using a predetermined ingredient set by the State 4-H Office. This year’s ingredient was peaches. Six individuals competed in the junior age division, with Axel Lorenzini placing as champion in the Colorado Specialty Category with his Peach BBQ Chicken Wings. The champion Colorado Specialty Team, Lillyn and Bentley Larrick, made a Peach Cobbler. Also competing in the Junior Colorado Specialty Category was Kimber Heid, who made a Gingered Peach Galette. Competing in the Junior Individual category was Lexy Sears who received a champion placing with her Cowboy Beans. Reserve Champion in the Junior Individual Category was Madison Thiel with her Cauliflower Tots recipe. The Overall Reserve Grand Champion Junior was Lexy Sears, and Overall Grand Champion Junior was Axel Lorenzini. The Junior Grand Champion award is sponsored by Peppy Coffee in Fort Morgan. Four individuals were in the intermediate age division. Receiving a champion for his individual entry was Thomas Sears with Alla Vodka Penne. Our other category for intermediates was the Colorado Specialty which had three entries. Tenleigh Lorenzini was the Reserve Champion with her Peach Crisp Trifle. Rylan Schreiner received Champion with his Grilled Chicken Breasts with Spicy Peach Glaze. Shylynn Larrick also competed in this class with her Peach Hand Pies. Tenleigh Lorenzini was awarded the Overall Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion and receiving the Overall Intermediate Grand Champion, which is sponsored by Roger Schaefer, CPA, of Fort Morgan, was Rylan Schreiner. The final age division of the evening was the senior group. Laura Kopetzky served Stranger Things Eggo Cupcakes, which received a champion and Overall Senior Grand Champion. This award is sponsored by The Flower Petaler of Fort Morgan. Americo Lorenzini competed in the Colorado Specialty class, creating Pulled Pork with BurbonPeach BBQ Sauce, which received reserve champion and Overall Reserve Grand Champion.
Cloverbuds were also allowed to participate in Creative Cooks, making their favorite no-bake snack for the judges and public. Cloverbuds participating were Hannah Fox, Jace Lambert, Rhylee Lambert, Gavyn Larrick, Luke Makings, Olivia Meusborn, Lukas Richardson, Silas Richardson, and Brody Yoder.
- Obituary THOMAS DANIEL CROGHAN Thomas Daniel Croghan died of natural causes at his home in Hudson, CO, on August 4th with his wife and children at his side. Born in 1936 in Jersey City, NJ, and baptized that same year at St Andrew’s Catholic Church in Bayonne, NJ, Thomas was called home to be with God after his nearly 59-year marriage to Mary Eileen Lawrence. Dedicated to his family, he was always known as a quiet man with a quick wit and hearty laugh. He was loved and respected by his fortunate friends and family. Thomas served in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Dix. He graduated from Newark College of Engineering in 1967 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. Following graduation, he worked for AT&T in New York City, NY, and in 1970 he moved his family to Broomfield, CO. In 1981, the family moved to Hudson, CO, and started a small hog and dairy operation. He retired in Quartzsite, AZ, returning home to the family farm in 2021. Thomas was preceded in death by his parents, Patrick Henry “Harry” and Madeline V. Croghan, and brother Joseph D. Croghan. Thomas is survived by his wife, Mary E., and his eight children: Thomas J. Croghan (Sharon) of Keenesburg, Daniel P. Croghan (Katina) of Arvada, Maureen A. Lockette (Michael) of Monument, Michael E. Croghan (Susanne) of Keeseville, NY, Donald J. Croghan (Luz) of Littleton, Dennis J. Croghan (Sara) of Erie, Father John F. Croghan of the Archdiocese of Denver, Kevin J. Croghan (Naomi) of Centennial, twenty grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to: Carmelite Monastery 6138 S. Gallup Street, Littleton, CO 80120
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Lost Creek Guide
Breeding and Market Beef Beef Showmanship 80 Sr. Beef Showmanship Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 81 Int. Beef Showmanship Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion 82 Jr. Beef Showmanship Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2, Reserve Champion Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Breeding Beef 01 Heifer Calf Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1 02 Yearling Heifer (March & April 2020) Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Grand Champion 03 Yearling Heifer (January & February 2020) Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Market Beef 21 Beef Underweight - 1 Danica Bledsoe, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
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August 18, 2021
Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 31 Beef Lightweight - 1 Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Reserve Champion Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant 32 Beef Lightweight - 2 Abraham Gonzales, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion 41 Beef Mediumweight - 1 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Cassius Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 42 Beef Mediumweight - 2 Nathanel Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 51 Beef Heavyweight - 1 Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, participant Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion, Grand Champion Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 4 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Carla Montes, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 3 52 Beef Heavyweight - 2 Bryce Kendrick, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Max Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, participant 70 Catch-It Calf Class Jayce Kreegar, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Nathan Gerken, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Champion Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3
Breeding and Market Poultry Results
Breeding Poultry
01 Pullet, Lightweight Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 02 Pullet, Heavyweight Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 03 Cockerel, Lightweight Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 04 Cockerel, Heavyweight Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 05 Bantam Pullet Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Poultry Results Continued On Page 5
August 18, 2021
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Lost Creek Guide
Breeding and Market Poultry Results Continued... Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 06 Bantam Cockerel Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 07 Specialty Breed Hen Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 08 Specialty Breed Cockerel Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 15 Hen Duck Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 16 Drake Duck Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2
Market Poultry
20 Meat Pen of Chickens – Fryers, 3 birds, one breed, 9-18 lbs Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 6 Becky Groves, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Orchard, 6 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 6 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Madison Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 21 Meat Pen of Chickens – Broilers, 3 birds, one breed, 18-30 lbs. Eli Williams, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Elysia Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion 25 Catch-It Chickens Becky Groves, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Orchard, 3, Champion Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 Madison Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 30 Meat Pen of Turkeys, 1 bird, one breed, Toms: 20-43 lbs.; Hens: 13-30 lbs. Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Reserve Grand Champion 33 Lightweight Meat Pen of Ducks, 2 birds, One breed, under 12 lbs. Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 34 Overweight Meat Pen of Ducks, 2 birds, one breed, over 28 lbs. Paige Osier, Open Range 4-H Club, Snyder, 1
Poultry Showmanship
40 Sr. Showmanship Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion 41 Jr. Showmanship Madison Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 6 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
Horse Results
Halter Classes
02 - Mares (foaled 2017-2020) Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 03 - Mares (foaled 2016 or before) Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Reserve Gran Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, Participant Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, Participant Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, Participant 05 - Geldings (foaled 2016 or before) Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H , Brush, 4 Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5
Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant
Showmanship (14-18)
10 - Senior Horse Showmanship (14-18) Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H , Brush, 2, Reserve Champion Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant 11 - Intermediate Horse Showmanship (11-13) Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Champion Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 12 - Junior Horse Showmanship (8-10) Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Horse Results Continued On Page 6
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Lost Creek Guide
August 18, 2021
Horse Results Continued...
Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Champion Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6, English 21 - Hunter Under Saddle (Rail Work) (Seniors, 14 & over) Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3, Reserve Grand Champion Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 22 - Hunt Under Saddle (Rail Work) (Junior/Intermediate, 13 & Under) Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Reserve Grand Champion Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Grand Champion 23 - Hunt Seat Equitation (Pattern) (Seniors, 14 & over) Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H , Brush, 1 Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 4 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 24 - Hunt Seat Equitation (Pattern) (Junior/Intermediate, 13 & Under) Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Western 31 - Western Horsemanship- Senior Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Reserve Grand Champion Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H , Brush, 2 Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan 3, Grand Champion Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 4 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4- , Wiggins, 6 32 - Western Horsemanship- Intermediate Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1
Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4, Reserve Grand Champion Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5, Grand Champion 33 - Western Horsemanship- Junior Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2, Reserve Grand Champion Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 34 - Western Riding- Senior Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 6 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 35 - Western Riding- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 36 - Western Riding- Junior Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 37 - Reining- Senior Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 4 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, 6 Horse Results Continued On Page 7
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August 18, 2021
Lost Creek Guide
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Horse Results Continued...
Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6 38 - Reining- Intermediate Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 39 - Reining- Junior Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 40 - Trail- Senior Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 4 Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 41 - Trail- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 42 - Trail- Junior Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6
Ranch Horse
50 - Ranch Horsemanship (All Ages and Levels Combined) Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Grand Champion Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5, Reserve Grand Champion Austin Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 51 - WRH Individual Cow Work (All Ages and Levels Combined) Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Austin Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 52 - WRH Ranch Cutting (All Ages and Levels Combined) Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Austin Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 53 - Ranch Trail (All Ages and Levels Combined) Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 1 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Austin Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Gymkhana 60 - Barrel Racing- Senior Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Grand Champion Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2, Reserve Grand Champion Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club,
Fort Morgan, 6 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 61 - Barrel Racing- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2, Reserve Grand Champion Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Brookelyn Quick, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Horse Results Continued On Page 8
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Lost Creek Guide
August 18, 2021
Horse Results Continued...
62 - Barrel Racing- Junior Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Reagan Lynch, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 4, Reserve Grand Champion Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 63 - Pole Bending- Senior Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 64 - Pole Bending- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Brookelyn Quick, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 65 - Pole Bending- Junior Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Reagan Lynch, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 66 - Flag Race- Senior Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 67 - Flag Race- Intermediate Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2
Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Brookelyn Quick, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 68 - Flag Race- Junior Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Reagan Lynch, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, 6 69 - Stake Race- Senior Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Alyssa Eskew, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 70 - Stake Race- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club ,Fort Morgan ,1 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Brookelyn Quick, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 71 - Stake Race- Junior Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Reagan Lynch, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 72 - Keyhole Race- Senior Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Alyssa Eskew, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Brush, 3 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Chasity McCoy, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, 6 Horse Results Continued On Page 9
Review Your IRA, 401(k) Beneficiaries If you’ve had an IRA and a 401(k) for many years, you may occasionally ask yourself some questions: “Am I contributing enough?” “Am I still funding these accounts with the right mix of investments for my goals and risk tolerance?” But here’s one inquiry you might be overlooking: “Have I used the correct beneficiary designations?” And the answer you get is important. It wouldn’t be surprising if you haven’t thought much about the beneficiary designation – after all, it was just something you once signed, possibly a long time ago. Is it really that big a deal? It could be. For one thing, what if your family circumstances have changed since you named a beneficiary? If you’ve remarried, you may not want your former spouse to receive your IRA and 401(k) assets or the proceeds of your life insurance policy, for which you also named a beneficiary.
Kyle S. Bernhardt
Financial Advisor 606 Grant St. Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 970-542-6401
However, upon remarrying, many people do review their estate plans, including their wills, living trusts, durable powers of attorney and health care directives. If you’ve revised these documents, do you have to worry about the old beneficiary designations? You might be surprised to learn that these previous designations can supersede what’s in your updated will and other documents. The end result could be an “accidental” inheritance in which your retirement accounts and insurance proceeds could end up going to someone who is no longer in your life. Furthermore, your retirement plans and insurance policy may not just require a single beneficiary – you may also be asked to name a contingent beneficiary, to whom assets will pass if the primary beneficiary has already died. As you can imagine, the situation could become quite muddled if stepchildren are involved in a
Timothy R. Guggenmos Financial Advisor 228 Main St. Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 970-867-2441
Mark A. Hough
Financial Advisor 513 Main St. Ste A Fort Morgan, CO 80701 970-542-3048
remarriage. To avoid these potential problems, make sure to review the beneficiary designations on all of your accounts at some point – and especially after a significant change in your family situation. If you see something that is outdated or incorrect, contact your retirement account administrator – or your insurance representative, in the case of life insurance – to request a change-of-beneficiary form. And if you really want to be on the safe side, you may want to enlist a legal professional to help you with this review to make sure the beneficiary designations reflect your current family situation and are consistent with what’s in your estate plans. In fact, if you’re already working with an experienced estate planning attorney – and you should – you might also pick up some other suggestions for dealing with beneficiaries. Just to name one, it’s generally not a good idea to name
Wes Cable
Financial Advisor 611 Edison St Brush, CO 80723 970-842-2252
minor children as beneficiaries. Because children can’t control the assets until they become adults, a court would likely have to name a guardian – one that you might not have wanted. Instead, you could either name your own custodian to manage the assets designated to the minor or establish a trust for the benefit of the minor, which can distribute the money in several disbursements over a period of years – which is often a good move, since young adults aren’t always the best at managing large lump sums. If you’re like many people, you have a strong desire to leave something behind. But you’ll want to do it in the right way. So, pay close attention to your beneficiary designations – when you first create them and throughout your life. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC
Forrest Hough
Financial Advisor 129 S. 4th Ave Brighton, CO 80601 303-659-2301
August 18, 2021
Lost Creek Guide
Horse Results Continued...
Makayla Guilbert , Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 73 - Keyhole Race- Intermediate Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Brookelyn Quick, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 74 - Keyhole Race- Junior Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Reagan Lynch, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Brooklynn Labonte, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 Delyn Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6
Lamb Results
Breeding Sheep 03 - Meat Breed Ewe Lamb after 1/1/21 Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 3 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 2 04 - Meat Breed Yearling Ewe Lamb, between 8/1/19-7/31/20 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 1, Reserve Grand Champion Market Sheep 31 - Sheep Underweight - 1 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1 41 - Sheep Lightweight - 1 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 3 Brooke Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H, Akron, 2 Servando Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 4 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H, Brush, Participant Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, 5 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 42 - Sheep Lightweight - 2 Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H, Brush, Participant Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H, Brush, Participant Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 2 Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 3 Braelynn Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H, Akron, 1, Reserve Champion Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant 43 - Sheep Lightweight - 3 Cael Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 4 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H, Weldona, 5 Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Westen Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Braelynn Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H, Akron, 2 Paige Osier, Open Range 4-H, Snyder, Participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant 51 - Sheep Mediumweight - 1 James Warner, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 4 Servando Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Cael Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 3 Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, Participant 52 - Sheep Mediumweight - 2 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant Tessa Frasco, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 4 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 5 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Bryce Kendrick, Valley View Ag 4-H, Fort Morgan,1, Champion, Grand Champion
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Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 3 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 2 53 - Sheep Mediumweight - 3 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3 Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 4 Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 2 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1 Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant 61 - Sheep Heavyweight - 1 Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H, Weldona, 1, Reserve Champion Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 4 Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 2 62 - Sheep Heavyweight - 2 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, Participant Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Brooke Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H, Akron, 2 Lamb Results Continued On Page 10
CONGRATULATIONS to all Fair Participants
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Lost Creek Guide
Lamb Results Continued... Paige Osier, Open Range 4-H, Snyder, Participant Bryce Kendrick, Valley View Ag 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Tessa Frasco, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant 63 - Sheep Heavyweight - 3 Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H, Weldona, 2 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 5 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 1 Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, Participant 80 - Catch-It Lamb Class Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3, Champion Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H, Brush, 5 Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 1 Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 2 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H, Fort Morgan, Participant Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, Participant Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H, Weldona, 4 James Warner, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, Participant Sheep Showmanship 20 - Senior Sheep Showmanship (14-18) Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Cael Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion Bryce Kendrick, Valley View Ag 4-H, Fort Morgan, 4 21 - Intermediate Sheep Showmanship (11-13) Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Champion Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 5 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus, Brush, 4 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H, Fort Morgan, 3 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 1, Champion 22 - Junior Sheep Showmanship (8-10) Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 1, Champion Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H, Brush, 4 Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 3 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H, Brush, 2, Reserve Champion
Breeding Swine
Swine Results
10 Gilt (after 1/1/21) Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve
Market Swine
11 Swine Underweight - 1 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5
CONGRATULATIONS to all Morgan County Fair Participants!
August 18, 2021
12 Swine Underweight - 2 Madison Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Fort Morgan, 4 21 Swine Lightweight - 1 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Nathanel Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Malachi Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, participant Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 22 Swine Lightweight - 2 Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Tiptin Carlson, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Cyrus Carlson, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant 23 Swine Lightweight - 3 Maverick Hunter, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club Wiggins, participant Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Gabriel Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 31 Swine Mediumweight - 1 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 3 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, participant Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Swine Results Continued On Page 11
Proud to support our local youth at the Morgan County Fair
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CONGRATULATIONS to all Morgan County Fair Participants! Very proud of you all!
August 18, 2021
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Lost Creek Guide
Swine Results Continued... Cyrus Carlson, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, participant Nathanel Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2 32 Swine Mediumweight - 2 Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Brooke Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 1 Madison Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Carla Montes, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Riley Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 5 Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Peyton Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 33 Swine Mediumweight - 3 Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Elysia Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Reserve, Reserve Champion Pytch Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Taggert Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, participant Malachi Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 34 Swine Mediumweight - 4 Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 4 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion, Grand Champion Taggert Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Peyton Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Braelynn Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 3 Carla Montes, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, participant 41 Swine Heavyweight - 1 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Maxamus Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Maverick Hunter, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, participant Raylan Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant 42 Swine Heavyweight - 2 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Fort Morgan, 4 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Tessa Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Gabriel Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion Gabriel Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Carla Montes, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, participant 43 Swine Heavyweight - 3 Darrian Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Tessa Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, participant Nicholas Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4 44 Swine Heavyweight - 4 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Reserve Carla Montes, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, participant Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Brooke Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 2 Braelynn Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 5 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, participant 51 Swine Overweight - 1 Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, 1 60 Catch-It Pig Class Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3, Champion Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Taggert Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 4
Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 02 Intermediate Swine Showmanship (11-13) Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve 03 Junior Swine Showmanship (8-10) Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2, Reserve Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion
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Swine Showmanship
01 Senior Swine Showmanship (14-18) Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Brooke Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 4
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Lost Creek Guide
Dog Contest Morgan County Fair
ZOEY SNEED WINS DOG SHOW Zoey Sneed took the Grand Champion award at the 2021 4-H Dog Show. Youth competed in showmanship, obedience and rally classes. Taking Reserve Grand Champion honors was Nicole Kramer. The Morgan County Fair 4-H Dog Show began early on Thursday, July 29 in Brush at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. To qualify for the overall award, youth must compete in four areas including record book, showmanship, obedience and rally. A total of 600 points was possible. Colton Baltazar and Shelly Columbia were the superintendents. Brianna Mackey was the judge for all classes. Zoey Sneed the Grand Champion at the 2021 In Dog Junior Showmanship, Morgin 4-H Dog Show. Koch was champion overall and placed first in her class of Junior Novice Showmanship. In the Intermediate division of Dog Showmanship, overall champion went to Brylee Whitney and reserve champion was a tie between Elizabeth Whitney and Landon Crispin. Placing in the Novice Intermediate Class was Brylee Whitney, 1st, and Elizabeth Whitney, 2nd. In the Open Intermediate Class, the results were Landon Crispin, 1st, Lorin Koch, 2nd, and Aysli Kembel, 3rd. In the Senior division of Dog Showmanship, Zoey Sneed was champion and reserve champion went to Nicole Kramer. In the Senior Novice Showmanship Baylei Kembel was first. In the Open Senior Showmanship, Nicole Kramer was first. Zoey Sneed placed first in Senior Advanced Showmanship, and Tiare Channon placed second. 2021 Morgan County Fair 4-H Dog Show Overall champion Participants. in obedience was Zoey Sneed, and reserve champion was Brylee Whitney. The final contest of the day was Rally. The champion in rally was Zoey Sneed, and reserve champion was Brylee Whitney. A full listing of results from each class is below. Several of the youth will be competing at the Colorado 4-H Dog Show during the Colorado State Fair later this month in Pueblo.
0500 - Junior Novice Showmanship Morgin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 1 0502 - Intermediate Novice Showmanship Brylee Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 1 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 2 0503 - Intermediate Open Showmanship Lorin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 2 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 3 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 1 0505 - Senior Novice Showmanship Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 1 0506 - Senior Open Showmanship Nicole Kramer, Golden Clover, Hillrose, 1 0507 - Senior Advanced Showmanship Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 2 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 1 0510 - Beginner Novice A Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 2 Morgin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 3 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 1 0512 - Beginner Novice C 1st year Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 2 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 1 0513 - Beginner Novice C 2nd year Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 1 0514 - Novice A Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 1 0515 - Novice B Lorin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 2 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 1 0517 - Pre Graduate Novice B Nicole Kramer, Golden Clover, Hillrose, 1 0532 - Rally Novice A Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 3 Morgin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 5 Brylee Whitney, Wildcat, Fort Morgan, 1 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 2 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 4 0534 - Rally Intermediate A Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers, Fort Morgan, 1 Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone, Wiggins, 2 0535 - Rally Intermediate B Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, 1 Lorin Koch, Golden Clover, Brush, 2 0537 - Rally Advanced B Nicole Kramer, Golden Clover, Hillrose, 1 0541 - Overall Dog Showman Nicole Kramer, Golden Clover, Hillrose, Reserve Grand Champion Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge, Fort Morgan, Grand Champion
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August 18, 2021
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Lost Creek Guide
Dairy Cattle Show
Dairy Cattle 12 Holstein Winter Heifer Calf born December to February for current calendar year Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 13 Holstein Fall Heifer Calf born September to November one year ago Includes all 1st yr. Catch It Dairy Heifers Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, participant Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Jynnaya Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 4 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 16 Holstein Winter Yearling Heifer born December to February two years ago Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 17 Holstein Fall Yearling Heifer born September to November two years ago Includes all 2nd yr. Catch It Dairy Heifers Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, participant Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 1, Champion, Grand Champion Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, participant Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 45 Catch-It Dairy (1st Year) Heifer Calf Class Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, participant Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 45 Catch-It Dairy (1st Year) Heifer Calf Class Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Champion Jynnaya Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 46 Catch-It Dairy (2nd Year) Heifer Class Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, participant Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 1 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3, Champion Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, participant Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Dairy Cattle Showmanship 01 Senior Dairy Showmanship (14-18) Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, participant Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 3 Rebecca Boone, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, participant Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1, Champion Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant Jordan Uhrig, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion 02 Intermediate Dairy Showmanship (11-13) Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, participant
Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, participant Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Champion Jynnaya Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4
Master Showmanship Results Master Showmanship Contest 01 Senior Master Showman Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2, Reserve Champion Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Kirstin Dahl, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Grand Champion Senior Showman – Gillian Steffen Reserve Grand Champion Senior Showman – Delaney Draegert 02 Intermediate Master Showman Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Champion Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1, Champion Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Grand Champion Senior Showman – Clayton Barch Reserve Grand Champion Senior Showman – Owen Steffen 03 Junior Master Showman Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 2, Reserve Champion Grand Champion Senior Showman – Sidney Miller Reserve Grand Champion Senior Showman – Blake Boshell
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
20#, 30#, 40#,100# Bottle Refills, $15.50
$1.69 per gallon will call or route
$3,950.00 $2,950.00
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Lost Creek Guide
Goat Results
Breeding Goats 70 Dairy Breed Junior Kid (born after 1/1/21) Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 71 Dairy Breed Senior Kid (born 8/1/19 to 12/31/20) Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 72 Dairy Breed Doe (yearling 1-2 years) Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Raylan Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Raylan Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 73 Dairy Breed Doe (aged 2 years and over) Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 80 Meat Breed Junior Kid (born after 1/1/21) Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Grand Champion Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Wiggins, 4 81 Meat Breed Senior Kid (born 8/1/19 to 12/31/20) Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 82 Meat Breed Doe (yearling 1-2 years) Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1, Reserve Grand Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 83 Meat Breed Doe (aged 2 years and over) Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Goat Showmanship 01 Senior Goat Showmanship (14-18) Cael Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 02 Intermediate Goat Showmanship (11-13) Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 4 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 03 Junior Goat Showmanship (8-10) Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Market Goats 11 Goat Underweight - 1 Emily Mayhugh, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2 August Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 21 Goat Lightweight - 1 Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Cole Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Kinser Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kinser Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Justin Clark, Fort Morgan FFA, Brush, Participant Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Morgin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Taylor Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant 22 Goat Lightweight - 2 Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 1, Reserve Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Matlock Hunter, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kaylee Stolberg, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, 4 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Kenneth Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5
August 18, 2021
23 Goat Lightweight - 3 Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 August Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Tessa Frasco, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Kenadee Kohler, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 24 Goat Lightweight - 4 Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Cierra Lebsock, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Thomas Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant 31 Goat Mediumweight - 1 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Weston Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 32 Goat Mediumweight - 2 Evan Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Garrison Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Abraham Gonzales, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Matlock Hunter, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Reserve Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant 33 Goat Mediumweight - 3 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Lexy Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Kaylea Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Seth O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 34 Goat Mediumweight - 4 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Brody Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Abraham Gonzales, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Weston Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Darrian Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 41 Goat Heavyweight - 1 Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Micah Goodman, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Blane Endsley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Riley Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Cael Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion, Grand Champion Tessa Frasco, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Goat Results Continued On Page 15
August 18, 2021
Goat Results Continued...
42 Goat Heavyweight - 2 Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Mason Unrein, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Servando Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, 3 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Kaylee Stolberg, Wiggins FFA, Wiggins, Participant Kenneth Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club Wiggins, Participant Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, Participant Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Reserve Champion 43 Goat Heavyweight - 3 Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Pytch Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Peyton Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 44 Goat Heavyweight - 4 Nicholas Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Cierra Lebsock, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Brody Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 45 Goat Heavyweight - 5 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Morgan O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Blake Boshell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Catch-It Goats 60 Catch-It Goat Class Thomas Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2, Champion Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Lexy Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Rate of Gain 61 Rate-of-Gain Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1, Champion
Congratulations participants & thanks to everyone that makes it possible! Sterling 970-522-2330 Fort Morgan 970-867-4966 Yuma 970-848-5839 Holyoke 970-854-3585
©2020 Premier Farm Credit. All Rights Reserved. Equal Credit Opportunity Lender.
Page 15
Lost Creek Guide
4-H General & FCS Results
Animal Science 0101 - From Airedales to Zebras Jr Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 0102 - From Airedales to Zebras Int Ellannie Parsons, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 0103 - From Airedales to Zebras Sr Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red 0108 - On the Cutting Edge Int Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 0109 - On the Cutting Edge Sr Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue 0201 - Horseless Horse Unit 1 Jr Haedyn Varelman, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Hattie Hannan, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 0203 - Horseless Horse Unit 1 Sr Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue 0205 - Horseless Horse Unit 2 Int Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 0302 - Cat Unit 1 Int Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Reserve Artistic Clothing 2901 - Upcycle Your Style Applied Jr Josie Ginther, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 2902 - Upcycle Your Style Applied Int Savannah Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Best Records Jynnaya Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2906 - Upcycle Your Style Stitched Sr Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 2908 - Upcycle Your Style Combined Int Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 2909 - Upcycle Your Style Combined Sr Cierra Lebsock, Sunshine 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Cake Decorating 2601 - Cake Decorating Unit 1 Jr Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Best Of Class Hattie Hannan, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Haedyn Varelman, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue Faith Dalrymple, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Morgan O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Best Records Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue 2602 - Cake Decorating Unit 1 Int Annaleah Butler, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Kaylee Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 2603 - Cake Decorating Unit 1 Sr Nevaeh Tolentino, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Red Kirstin Powell, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2604 - Cake Decorating Unit 2 Jr Bailey Lingo, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, Red Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 2605 - Cake Decorating Unit 2 Int Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2608 - Cake Decorating Unit 3 Int Arisa Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 2637 - Cake Decorating Unit 8 Fondant Sr Kayla Garcia, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Ceramics 1707 - Underglazes Jr Millie Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 1727 - Hand-Constructed Sr Karrie Mellott, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Clothing Construction 2803 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 1 Simple Top Jr Hailey Ditter, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Red 2806 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 1 Simple Bottoms Jr 4-H General & FCS Results Continued On Page 16
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Lost Creek Guide
August 18, 2021
4-H General & FCS Results Continued...
Hattie Hannan, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Reserve Grand Champion 2821 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 2 Dress (not formal wear) Jr Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 2823 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 2 Dress (not formal wear) Sr Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2835 - Recycled Clothing Unit 8 Sr Olivia Clise, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records County Self Determined 0003 - Senior Miscellaneous Ethan Bohl, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Best Records Dog Record Books 0001 - Dog Record Book Jr. Morgin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 0002 - Dog Record Book Int. Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Red Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, White Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue 0003 - Dog Record Book Sr. Nicole Kramer, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red Filmmaking 2206 - Narrative Sr Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Foods 3003 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 No Bake Bars,Cookies Sr Keegan Link, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red 3004 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Baked Bar Cookies Jr Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 3007 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Jr Josie Ginther, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 3008 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Int Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion 3009 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Sr Ryan Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue Parker Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 3018 - Cooking 201 Unit 2 Muffins Sr Bailey Link, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red 3022 - Cooking 301 Unit 3 Yeast Rolls Jr Millie Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 3036 - Cooking 401 Unit 4 Double Crust Pie Sr Laura Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 3040 - Outdoor Cooking and Living Unit 25 Jr Connor Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 3042 - Outdoor Cooking and Living Unit 25 Sr Reiley Leake, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 3044 - Cultural Foods Unit 30 Sr Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Best Records 3104 - Boiling Water Canning Unit 42 Jr Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Heritage Arts 3204 - Fiber Arts (Weaving, Spun skeins, felted bags, etc) Jr Bailey Lingo, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Champion 3205 - Fiber Arts (Weaving, Spun skeins, felted bags, etc) Int Jynnaya Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Taylor Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Reserve Champion 3213 - Quilting Unit 1 Jr Everlee Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion Leadership 1902 - Ind Skills for Intermediate Members Isabella Petrino, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Leathercraft 2004 - Beginning Leather Carving Jr Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue 2008 - Leather Carving Int Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Leisure Science 2305 - Two Page Layout Int Taryn Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion 2306 - Two Page Layout Sr Emma Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 2307 - Scrapbook Album Jr Jaxon Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion
2509 - Sketch Crossroads Sr Elizabeth Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Mechanical Science 0605 - Computer Science Beginning Programming Int Wyatt Gorrell, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 0625 - Computers Level 4 Stand Alone Exhibits Sr. Myer Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 0701 - Magic of Electricity Jr Todd Makings, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 0708 - Wired for Power Int Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0904 - Give Robotics A Hand Stand-Alone Jr. Collin Richardson, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0911 - Robots on the Move Stand-Alone Int. Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 1001 - Crank It Up Jr Luca Petrino, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Collin Richardson, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 1100 - Intro to Metalwork Unit 1 Jr. Hudson Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1101 - Intro to Metalwork Unit 1 Int. Kade Kohler, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue Seth O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 1102 - Intro to Metalwork Unit 1 Sr. Brandan Leake, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red Ty Griffith, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Model Rocketry 0801 - Intro to Rocketry Jr Jenson Manchester, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Best Records Cash Gould, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0802 - Intro to Rocketry Int Chase Pollart, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue 0804 - Basic Model Rocketry Jr Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 0807 - Intermediate Model Rocketry Jr Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion 0811 - Adv Model Rocketry Int Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion 0814 - Designer Model Rocketry Int Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Natural Resources 1201 - Hiking Trails Jr Cole Goff, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 1202 - Hiking Trails Int Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1204 - Camping Adventures Jr Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1205 - Camping Adventures Int Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 1402 - Take the Bait Int Wyatt Gorrell, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue 1409 - Cast into the Future Sr Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 1601 - Beekeeping, Unit 1 Jr Annie Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Photography 2101 - Photography Basics Unit 1-First Year Jr Aeris Anderson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Haedyn Varelman, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 2102 - Photography Basics Unit 1-First Year Int Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Taylor Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records 2103 - Photography Basics Unit 1-First Year Sr Ryan Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion 2105 - Photography Basics Unit 1-Second Year Int. Kaylie Powell, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 2109 - Next Level Photography Unit 2 Sr Elizabeth Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion Plant Science 0401 - See Them Sprout Jr Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, 4-H General & FCS Results Continued On Page 17
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4-H General & FCS Results Continued...
Reserve Grand Champion Everlee Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 0402 - See Them Sprout Int Eden Tramp, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 0405 - Let’s Get Growing Int James Warner, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue 0408 - Take Your Pick Int Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Shooting Sports 1301 - Archery Jr Aiden Midcap, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue 1302 - Archery Int Alexandrea Hass, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Red Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Dillon Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, White Wyatt Gorrell, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1303 - Archery Sr Chloie Cuckow, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Jordyn Garcia, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Allison Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1304 - Air Rifle Jr Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1305 - Air Rifle Int Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1306 - Air Rifle Sr Montana Goodman, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue 1307 - Shotgun Jr McKenzie Cuckow, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue 1308 - Shotgun Int Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red 1309 - Shotgun Sr Cole Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red 1310 - 22 Rifle Jr Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Trayne Mese, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue 1311 - 22 Rifle Int Seth O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 1318 - Muzzleloading Sr Wiley Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 1328 - Archery Stand Alone Jr Cason Tow, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Kaylea Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 1329 - Archery Stand Alone Int Cole Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Carston Johnson, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue Katelynn Johnson, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue Evan Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Red Rylee Stevens, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 1330 - Archery Stand Alone Sr Kirstin Powell, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue Max Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Best Records 1331 - Air Rifle Stand Alone Jr Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue 1332 - Air Rifle Stand Alone Int Addison Hayes, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Red 1334 - Shotgun Stand Alone Jr Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Seth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue 1335 - Shotgun Stand Alone Int Redmond Linton, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Travis Hall, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue 1336 - Shotgun Stand Alone Sr Dylan Martin, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Riley Hughes, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Grayson Johnson, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Stephen Linton, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Madison Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue Odin Nilsen, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue 1337 - Air Pistol Stand Alone Jr Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1338 - Air Pistol Stand Alone Int Shariyah Grostzky, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue 1340 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Jr Bennett Bostron, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion Kaine Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue
Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Eli Williams, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue 1341 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Int Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red Malachi Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Arisa Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Red Chase Pollart, Wildcat 4-H Club, Red Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Red 1342 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Sr Bryce Kays, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Best Records Talan Hall, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Caleb Kays, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue 1345 - 22 Pistol Stand Alone Sr Jace Meyer, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Red 1353 - Muzzleloading Stand Alone Int Ben Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Chad Schilling, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1354 - Muzzleloading Stand Alone Sr Ethan Bohl, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion 1356 - Decorative Item Int Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Best Records Riley Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1357 - Decorative Item Sr Madeline Wilson-Turner, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Best Records Johnathan Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records Rhett Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Woodworking 2402 - Measuring Up Int Savannah Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion 2404 - Making the Cut Jr Kaine Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Todd Makings, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Grand Champion 2407 - Nailing it Together Jr Carson Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 2411 - Finishing Up Int Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Records, Reserve Grand Champion 2412 - Finishing Up Sr Laura Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion
Open Class Home Economics Open Class Advanced Crafts 01 Adult Macramé Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 Sarah Goss, Brush, 2 03 Adult Large Woodworking Dan Strand, Brush, 1 05 Adult Small Woodworking Michelle Christensen, Fort Morgan, 2 John Piel, Brush, 6 Michelle Christensen Fort Morgan, 1 Deb Carlock, Fort Morgan, 3 Dan Strand, Brush, 6 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 6 06 Junior Small Woodworking Ceri Dixon, Fort Morgan, 1 Gabriel Higgins, Brush, 2 11 Adult Wood Carving John Piel, Brush, 1 61 Adult Miscellaneous Deb Carlock, Fort Morgan, 2 Deb Carlock, Fort Morgan, 1 Open Class Baked Foods 001 One Loaf White Bread Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 004 One Loaf Rye Bread Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 009 One Loaf Other Yeast Bread Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 010 Six Dinner Rolls Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 021 One Loaf Pumpkin Quick Bread Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 022 One Loaf Zucchini Quick Bread
Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 023 One Loaf Other Quick Bread Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 024 Six Muffins Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 026 Coffee Cake Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 030 Youth, Any Quick Bread Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 036 Six Cake Doughnuts or Grebel Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 040 Any Fruit Pie Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 060 Decorated Cake, Adult Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 061 Decorated Cake, Youth Kaleigh Archuleta, Snyder, 2 Elise Archuleta, Snyder, 1 070 Adult Oatmeal Cookies Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 071 Adult Chocolate Chip Cookies Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Margaret Bass, Brush, 2 072 Adult Peanut Butter Cookies Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 075 Adult Sugar Cookies Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 076 Adult Brownies Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 077 Adult Other Bar Cookie Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Open Class Home Economics Continued On Page 18
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Open Class Home Economics Continued... 078 Adult Other Cookie Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 080 Youth Drop Cookie Josie Ginther, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 085 Fudge Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 086 Peanut Brittle Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 089 Other Candy Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Open Class Clothing 007 Slacks, Shorts, Capris, Skirt Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 014 Child’s Sport or Play Clothes Audra Chapin, Snyder, 1 015 Girl’s Dress Clothes (2-12) Audra Chapin, Snyder, 1 016 Boy’s Dress Clothes (2-12) Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 024 Apron Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 025 Costume DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 1 026 Recycled or Remodeled Clothing Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 030 Misc. Sewn Item Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Natalie Higgins, Brush, 1 036 Other Home Sewing Gabriel Higgins, Brush, 2 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 046 Youth Sewing Home Sewing Ceri Dixon, Fort Morgan, 1 080 Stitched Decorated. T-Shirt Adult Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 Open Class Fine Arts 001 Adult Painting with Oil Conrad Kinnaman, Fort Morgan, 3 Conrad Kinnaman, Fort Morgan, 1 Conrad Kinnaman, Fort Morgan, 2 003 Adult Painting with Acrylics Cathy Powell, Weldona, 2 Kristal Sneed, Fort Morgan, 1 004 Junior Painting with Acrylics Lexy Sears, Wiggins, 3 Zoey Sneed, Fort Morgan, 1 Lexy Sears, Wiggins, 2 Lexy Sears, Wiggins, 4 008 Junior Graphic Arts Pencil Zoey Sneed, Fort Morgan, 1 Landon Crispin, Fort Morgan, 2 091 Adult Miscellaneous Fine Arts John Piel, Brush, 5 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 John Piel, Brush, 3 Deb Carlock, Fort Morgan, 2 Deb Carlock, Fort Morgan, 4 John Piel, Brush, 6 092 Junior Miscellaneous Fine Arts Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 Natalie Higgins, Brush, 2 097 Group Entry or Elderly Care Home Valley View Villa, Fort Morgan, 1 Open Class Food Preservation ••••••••••••• 50 records 001 Apple Jelly Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 002 Cherry Jelly Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 005 Raspberry Jelly Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 006 Other Jelly
Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 011 Peach Jam Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 1 012 Cherry Jam Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 014 Other Jam Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 2 017 Any Preserves Cara Draegert, Brush, 1 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 020 Any Marmalade Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 022 Any Fruit Butter Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 025 Peaches Canned Gerri South, Fort Morgan, 2 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 026 Pears Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 027 Cherries Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 028 Apples Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 030 Other Fruit Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 031 Applesauce Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 033 Fruit Sauce Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 035 Tomatoes Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 036 Corn Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 037 Green Beans Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 038 Carrots Canned Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 040 Other Vegetable Canned Gerri South, Fort Morgan, 1 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 041 Vegetable Juice Canned Cheryl Flair, Brush, 1 042 Tomato Salsa Gerri South, Fort Morgan, 1 Mandy Phillips, Brush, 2 043 Any Salsa without Tomatoes Cheryl Flair, Brush,1 045 Sweet Pickles Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 046 Dill Pickles Margaret Bass, Brush, 2 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 1 047 Bread & Butter Pickles Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 048 Beet Pickles Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 049 Sauerkraut Gerri South, Fort Morgan, 1 051 Pickled Melon Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 052 Pickled Peppers Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 053 Other Pickled Product Marilyn Blue, Brush, 3 Margaret Bass, Brush, 2 Sue Wessel, Brush, 1 054 Dilly Beans Margaret Bass, Brush, 1 058 Cucumber Relish Cheryl Flair, Brush, 1 059 Other Relish Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 080 Canned Veg or Salsa Youth Phillip Archuleta, Snyder, 1 081 Canned Fruit Youth Elise Archuleta, Snyder, 1 082 Jam or Jelly Youth Elise Archuleta, Snyder, 2 Kaleigh Archuleta, Snyder, 1 083 Pickle or Relish Youth Elise Archuleta, Snyder, 1 Open Class Hobby Crafts 045 Adult Holiday Tree Décor
Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 Sarah Goodman, Wiggins, 1 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 111 Adult Scrapbook, 1 049 Adult Other Holiday page Décor Sarah Goodman, Wiggins, 1 Tammy Schmer, 1 122 Junior Decorated Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 Frame 053 Adult Origami or Liam Higgins, Brush, 1 Quilling, Etc. 127 Adult Miscellaneous Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 Crafts 061 Adult Home Décor John Piel, Brush,1 from Recycled Alison Gorrell, Brush, 2 Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 3 John Piel, Brush, 3 Bridget Thiel, Fort Morgan, 4 Matt Nelson, Steamboat, 4 128 Junior Miscellaneous Colline Schippert, 2 Crafts 069 Adult Dried Floral Natalie Higgins, Brush, 1 Arrangement 130 Group Entry or Elderly Evelyn Columbia, Fort Morgan, 1 Care Home 073 Adult Novelty Floral Valley View Villa, Fort Morgan, 1 Arrangement 131 Individual or Elderly Alison Gorrell, Brush, 1 Care Home 077 Adult Other Floral Janet Batchelor, Brush, 1 Décor Open Class Knitting, Crocheting, Alison Gorrell, Brush, 1 Tatting 085 Adult Create-A 003 Knitted Baby Garment Card or Set Carla Krueger, Brush, 2 Cathy Goss, Brush, 2 Ruth Lamb, Fort Morgan, 1 Helen McDaniel, Brush 1 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 3 005 Knitted Poncho, Cape, 086 Junior Create-A-Card Stole, or Coat Laura Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 089 Adult Stamping on 006 Knitted Hat, Scarf, Paper Mittens, or Glove Ruth Lamb, Fort Morgan, 2 Helen McDaniel, Brush, 1 Carla Krueger, Brush, 1 007 Knitted Footwear 091 Adult Stamping, Other Vickie Hoffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Medium 013 Knitted Dishcloths Carla Krueger, Brush, 1 (2 or 3) 109 Adult Scrapbook, 10 Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 Pages Open Class Home Economics Continued On Page 19
Creating a
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Wednesday, September 8, 2021 8:00 - 11:15 AM Destination Workshop 11:30 - 12:30 PM Lunch Provided 12:30 - 1:30 PM Marketing Roundtable 1:30 - 3:00 PM Business Consultations
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Lost Creek Guide
Open Class Home Economics Continued... 014 Any other Knitted Item Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 015 Any Knitted and Felted Item Cathy Goss, Brush, 1 021 Youth Knitted Afghan Max Curtis, Brush, 1 031 Crocheted Afghan Pattern Katherine Holmburg, Wiggins, 2 Margaret Bass, Brush, 3 Monica Craig, Fort Morgan, 4 Barbara Naeve, Brush, 1 035 Crocheted Granny or Block Afghan Barbara Naeve, Brush, 1 038 Crocheted Baby Afghan Margaret Bass, Brush, 3 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 Barbara Naeve, Brush, 1 039 Crocheted Baby Garment or Set Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 041 Crocheted Poncho, Cape, Stole, or Coat Cat Hall, Brush, 1 046 Crocheted Bedspread Yarn Barbara Naeve, Brush, 1 047 Crocheted Doily under 14 inch Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 048 Crocheted Doily over 14 inch Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 049 Crocheted Doily Yarn Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 Cat Hall, Brush, 1 051 Crocheted Pillow Monica Craig, Fort Morgan, 1 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 052 Crocheted Hat or Scarf or Mitten or Gloves Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 053 Crocheted Pot Holders Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 054 Crocheted Dishcloth Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 056 Crocheted Edging or Insertion Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 057 Crocheted Doll or Toy Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 060 Other Crocheted Item Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 Cat Hall, Brush, 1 Open Class Needlework 001 Machine Embroidery Tammy Schmer, 2 Janet Larrick, Wiggins, 1 003 Candle wicking Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 005 Handmade Wall Hanging Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 015 Miscellaneous Applique Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 020 Hand Embroidery Tea Towels (3) Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 021 Hand Embroidery Pillowcase (2) Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 023 Hand Embroidered Table Linen Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 025 Hand Embroidered Picture Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 3 Chelsee Chavez, Brush, 2 026 Miscellaneous Hand Embroidery Abigail Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Cathy Goss, Brush, 2 032 Cross Stitched Picture Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1
Cathy Goss, Brush, 2 036 Miscellaneous Cross Stitched Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 040 Counted Cross Stitch Picture w or glass, 12 inch Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 041 Counted Cross Stitch Picture w or glass, 12 inch Plus Lindsay Soto, Weldona, 1 046 Misc. Counted Cross Stitch Dianne Cox, Brush, 1 056 Needlepoint Picture or Wall Hanging Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 060 Mach Embroidery Picture or Wall Hanging Tammy Schmer, 1 070 Misc. Needlework Plastic Canvas Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 1 300 Display Only Cheryl Flair, Brush, 6 Open Class Photography 070 Adult Black & White Digital Theresa Sears, Wiggins, 1 Russ Kauk, Brush, 2 071 Junior Black & White Digital Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 074 Adult Color Digital Landscape Evelyn Columbia, Fort Morgan, 1 Russ Kauk, Brush, 2 076 Adult Color Digital Animals Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 2 077 Junior Color Digital Animals Lexy Sears, Wiggins, 3 Thomas Sears, Wiggins, 1 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 2 078 Adult Color Digital Flowers Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 2 Russ Kauk, Brush, 1 Evelyn Columbia, Fort Morgan, 3 079 Junior Color Digital Flowers Ceri Dixon, Fort Morgan, 1 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 2 080 Adult Color Digital Buildings Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 1 082 Adult Color Digital Misc. Russ Kauk, Brush, 1 Evelyn Columbia, Fort Morgan, 2 084 Adult Color Digital Weather/Sky Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 3 Thomas Goss, Brush, 1 Cathy Powell, Weldona, 2 085 Junior Color Digital Weather/Sky Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 088 Adult Enhanced Digital Sepia Tech Evelyn Columbia, Fort Morgan, 1 090 Adult Enhanced Digital Thomas Goss, Brush, 1 Open Class Quilting 002 Youth, Ages 8-18 Liliana Wagers, Woodrow, 2 Kaelyn Holmes, Frederick, 1 Porter Wagers, Woodrow, 3 003 Youth, Ages 14-18 Ceri Dixon, Fort Morgan, 1 011 One Person Bed Quilt, Pieced, Home Machine Quilted Lindsay Soto, Weldona, 2 012 One Person Bed Quilt, Pieced, Longarm Quilted Gina Schaefer, Fort Morgan, 1 Debby Gachne, Fort Morgan, 2
Judy Mortensen, Brush, 3 032 Two Person Bed Quilt, Pieced, Longarm Quilted Brenda Addy, Wiggins, 2 Gina Schaefer, Fort Morgan, 1 Barb Theisen, Fort Morgan, 5 Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 3 Debby Gachne, Fort Morgan, 4 035 Two Person Bed Quilt, Appliqued, Longarm Quilted Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 1 062 One Person Wall Quilt, Pieced, Longarm Quilted Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 1 064 One Person Wall Quilt, Appliqued, Home Machine Quilted Marsha Mills, Brush, 2 065 One Person Wall Quilt, Appliqued, Longarm Quilted Diana Daniel, Fort Morgan, 1 067 One Person Wall Quilt, Mixed Technique/Other, Home Machine Quilted Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 1 070 One Person Wall Quilt, Embroidery, Home Machine Quilted Cheryl Flair, Brush, 1 071 One Person Wall Quilt, Embroidery, Longarm Quilted Diana Daniel, Fort Morgan, 1 075 Two Person Wall Quilt, Pieced, Longarm Quilted Barb Theisen, Fort Morgan, 3 Brenda Addy, Wiggins, 2 Gina Schaefer, Fort Morgan, 1
081 Two Person Wall Quilt, Mixed Technique/Other, Longarm Quilted Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 1 093 Home Accessories (Table Runners, Pillows, Etc.) Sandy Pogorelz, Fort Morgan, 2 Tammy Schmer, 3 094 Kit or Block-of-the Month Quilts Sandy Pogorelz, Fort Morgan, 4 Debbie Spear, Brush, 3 Brenda Addy, Wiggins, 2 Barb Odor, Fort Morgan, 1 095 Tied Millie Irey, Fort Morgan, 2 098 Baby Quilt Lindsay Soto, Weldona, 2 100 Novice, Quilted Linen Sandy Pogorelz, Fort Morgan, 6 300 Display Only Leigh Zwigart, Brush, 6 Dorothy Burkhardt, Brush, 6 Brenda Addy, Wiggins, 6 Sandy Pogorelz, Fort Morgan, 6 Marsha Mills, Brush, 6 Open Class Spinning and Weaving 070 Skein, Sheep or Comm. Roving Janet Pierce Thorin, Snyder, 1 Janie Whitney, 2 087 Weaving, Clothing or Other Loom Janie Whitney, 1 103 Youth Weaving or Other Loom Gabriel Higgins, Brush, 1 Natalie Higgins, Brush, 2
Open Class Horticulture Junior Agriculture Field and Garden Crops 016 Beans, snap, any variety identified Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 017 Beets, table, clean, 5 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 019 Cabbage, 1 head Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 024 Cucumbers, slicing, 2 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 028 Onions, Yellow, 3 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 031 Peppers, sweet bell, green or ripe, 2 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 041 Tomatoes, green, stems off, 5 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 049 Any other vegetable, identified Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Open Horticulture Open Floriculture 003 Bachelor’s Button, 3 stems w or one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 5 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 004 Bells of Ireland, 1 spike w or w/o foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 005 Calendula, 3 blooms
Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 006 Celosia, 3 flower heads or spikes Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 5 008 Coleus, 3 stems, same variety Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 009 Coreopsis, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 010 Cosmos, 3 blooms Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 1 011 Daisy, 3 stems Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 012 Daylily, 1 stalk Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 3 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 5 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 014 Echinacea, 1 bloom w or foliage DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 2 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 015 Fever Few, 1 spray w or foliage Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 025 Lavender, 1 spike DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 1 027 Tiger Lily, 1 stalk Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 034 Dwarf Marigold, 3 stems one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 035 Small Marigold, 3
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Open Class Horticulture Continued... stems one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 036 Medium Marigold, 3 stems one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 037 Large Marigold, one bloom larger w or foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 043 Pansies, 3 blooms w or o foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 2 045 Petunia, single, 3 blooms w or foliage Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 3 049 Phlox, 1 spike w or foliage Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 056 Rudbeckia, 3 blooms w or foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 059 Salvia, 3 spikes, same variety Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 061 Snapdragon, 3 spikes Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 072 Sunflower, 1 stem in bloom Cara Heid, Weldona, 5 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 075 Yarrow, 1 spray identified, w or foliage Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 080 Zinnia, Dahlia type, 1 bloom over 4 inches Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 5 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 081 Zinnia, medium, 3 blooms Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 085 Zinnia, small or button or miniature, 3 blooms Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 087 Any other bloom w or w/o class, identified Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 092 Any other bloom w or w/o class, perennial identified Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 2 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 4 Cara Heid, Weldona, 3 097 Any other blooming shrub, 1 bloom or spray identified Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 130 Dahlia - pompom or ball, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 133 Dahlia - dwarf, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1
139 Gladiola, one color, 1 spike Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 145 Hibiscus, 1 bloom Art DeLa Fuente, Brush, 3 Helen DeLa Fuente, Brush, 1 Art DeLa Fuente, Brush, 2 146 Rose, hybrid tea, 1 bloom w or foliage Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 148 Rose, floribunda or gradiflor, 1 spray w or foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 176 Fairy Garden Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 177 Native Plant to Eastern CO Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 3 178 Mini Bouquet Arrangement Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 179 Designer’s Choice Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 180 Houseplant, identified Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Open Garden and Field Crops 012 Basil, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 4 Derek Gerken, Fort Morgan, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 2 013 Dill, 3 heads Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Derek Gerken, Fort Morgan, 3 014 Dill Weed, 3 heads DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 015 Parsley, 3 sprigs Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Payson Poland, Brush, 2 016 Chives, 12 spears, full length Payson Poland, Brush, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 017 Mint, identified, 3 stems Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 Payson Poland, Brush, 5 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 018 Oregano, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 1 019 Sage, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 020 Garlic, 3 bulbs Payson Poland, Brush, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 021 Miscellaneous Spices and Herbs, 3 stems, identified Cara Heid, Weldona, 1 022 Berries, 1/2 pint of same variety, identified Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 024 Watermelon, 1 Cara Heid, Weldona, 1 027 Beans, snap, any variety identified, 12 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 Val Loose, Wiggins, 2
Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 028 Beets, table, clean, 5 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 031 Cabbage, 1 head Val Loose, Wiggins, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 035 Cucumbers, pickling dill style, 3 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 040 Onions, White, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 041 Onions, Yellow, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Cara Heid, Weldona, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 Val Loose, Wiggins, 4 042 Onions, Red, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Cara Heid, Weldona, 2 Val Loose, Wiggins, 4 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 045 Peppers, sweet bell, green or ripe, 2 Kennedi Quint, Hillrose, 3 Val Loose, Wiggins, 2 Nathan Gerken, Fort Morgan, 1 046 Peppers, other sweet variety, identified, 5 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 048 Peppers, warm chili, any variety, 5 Derek Gerken, Fort Morgan, 1 049 Peppers, jalapeno, 5 Val Loose, Wiggins, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kennedi Quint, Hillrose, 2
Market Rabbit
Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 050 Peppers, any other hot chili variety, 5 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 053 Potatoes, clean 5 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 Cara Heid, Weldona, 2 056 Pumpkin, any variety 1 Cara Heid, Weldona, 1 059 Rhubarb, 6 stalks Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 060 Squash (Summer) Derek Gerken, Fort Morgan, 3 Val Loose, Wiggins, 1 Nathan Gerken, Fort Morgan, 2 061 Zucchini squash, 4 DJ Barrett, Fort Morgan, 2 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 065 Any winter squash, same variety, 2 Cara Heid, Weldona, 1 067 Tomatoes, green, stems off, 5 Val Loose, Wiggins, 1 068 Tomatoes, ripe, stems off, 5 Terry Timko, Brush, 1 069 Tomatoes, Roma or similar, 5 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 070 Tomatoes, small cherry type, 10 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 077 Most unusually shaped vegetable or fruit Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1
Market Rabbit
65 Meat Pen of 3 Lily Dalrymple, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Grand Champion Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2, Reserve Grand Champion
CO 52 Closed for Several Weeks Between WCR 73 and 77 for Bridge and Road Repairs WELD COUNTY –Colorado Highway 52 closed to through traffic between Weld County Road 73 and WCR 77 on Aug. 9 through early September. During the full closure, CDOT and the contractor team led by Martin Marietta will make extensive repairs to the bridge over Lost Creek and resurface CO 52 between WCR 73 and 77. Work involves removing and replacing portions of the 63-year-old structure. The sixmile signed detour route will direct traffic around the work zone using WCR 73, WCR 16 and WCR 77. The bridge work is part of a larger project to resurface CO 52 near Prospect Valley. Over ten miles of CO 52 between Weld County Road 73 and WCR 95 (Mile Points 44 - 54.5) will receive a new asphalt surface. In most areas, the roadway will be rebuilt from the ground up using a method called full-depth reclamation. “Asphalt overlays and surface treatments have helped maintain the CO 52 since it was first paved. The corridor is now due for major work to address issues below the pavement. With full-depth reclamation, we’re able to pulverize the existing asphalt pavement in place and reuse it as part of the new and improved base layer,” said CDOT Regional Transportation Director Heather Paddock. This project will also repair the bridge over Kiowa Creek, upgrade guardrail, replace mailbox posts and install new roadside delineators. By the end of the year, drivers will enjoy a smoother highway with roadside safety enhancements. Project completion is anticipated in December 2021. Please be aware of the following conditions in the work zone between WCR 73 and WCR 95: • Expect various mobile construction operations Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Lane closures and traffic holds with flaggers, pilot vehicles or temporary traffic signals will be utilized • Vehicles will be held at intersections and driveways while equipment passes through to ensure product quality and safe operations • Temporary rough riding surfaces will be present until paving is finished • Speed limit reductions and width restrictions will be in place as needed Construction schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change. Weekly updates are available on the project web page. Stay Informed For additional information about this project, contact the project team. Project hotline: 970-735-9975 Project email: pr@workzone.info Project web page: https://www.codot.gov/projects/co52-prospect-valley-resurfacing Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts, anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the CO 52 Closed Continued On Page 21
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CO 52 Closed for Several Weeks Continued road. CDOT resources include: • Road conditions and travel information: www.COtrip.org • Project or travel alerts: bit.ly/COalerts • Scheduled lane closures: codot.gov/travel/scheduled-lane-closures.html • Social media: Twitter @coloradodot and Facebook facebook.com/coloradodot Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones. • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits. • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected. • Watch for workers. Drive with caution. • Don’t change lanes unnecessarily. • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones. • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you. • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones. • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times. • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you. • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so. • Be patient! About CDOT CDOT’s Whole System-Whole Safety program has one simple mission — to get everyone home safely. Our approximately 3,000 employees work tirelessly to reduce the rate and severity of crashes and improve the safety of all modes of transportation. The department manages more than 23,000 lane miles of highway, more than 3,000 bridges and 35 mountain passes. CDOT also manages grant partnerships with a range of agencies, including metropolitan planning organizations, local governments and airports. It also operates Bustang, the state-owned interregional express bus service. Gov. Jared Polis has charged CDOT to further build on the state’s intermodal mobility options.
How Colorado Caught Covid, The Third Wave By Ben Markus, CPR News
There were 46 positive residents just more than a week later. Then 84 total cases the next. Deaths followed. So many that La Plata County Coroner Jann Smith had to deploy a freezer truck to hold the bodies. “We were going over there two, three, four times a day there for a little while,” she said. It was more bodies in a day than Smith would typically handle in a week. By the time the COVID outbreak was over at Four Corners, 24 residents were dead. The speed and severity of the COVID-19 spread at Four Corners was typical of the 189 outbreaks that swept through Colorado nursing homes between mid-October and early January. Colorado nursing homes reported 1,118 COVID-19 deaths between November and January to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Colorado had the worst rate of death per occupied nursing home bed in the U.S. It was twice the rate of death as the national average, according to the federal data. Those deaths were driven by an inability to keep the virus out of nursing homes after the state’s system for testing and contact tracing in the homes collapsed. Gov. Jared Polis and the leader of the state’s health department never revealed to the public that the state’s lab was overwhelmed or that the state’s nursing homes had become, however briefly, the deadliest in the nation. They maintained that any shortcomings in the state’s performance against the virus resulted from personal choices made by Coloradans. “We’ve worked very hard to put the right policies in place,” Polis said at an Oct. 6 press conference. “It’s really up to people’s behavior to maintain this progress in the coming weeks and months, we’ve surged our testing capacity … We’ve also implemented a worldclass contact tracing ability.” Within weeks, deficiencies in Colorado’s response were exposed by the third wave of the disease caused by the coronavirus. The systems Polis called “world class” left nursing home residents in what were perhaps the deadliest conditions in the nation. Everyone who worked long hours for months at the state and local health departments did so with the intention of providing the best protection possible to Coloradans. The history of Colorado’s response to the global pandemic is not a story of widespread malfeasance or corruption. It is instead a story of a lack of planning and preparation forcing difficult choices that went wrong. Even as vaccines have allowed millions to move beyond the pandemic, nursing home infections and deaths are back on the rise again in Colorado. As variants of the coronavirus proliferate, there remains a risk that one of them may mutate beyond the reach of current vaccines. Knowing how Colorado fared compared to other states, and where the response fell short, can serve as a guide to preparations for a fourth wave if, or when, it arrives. CPR reviewed thousands of pages of emails, documents and call transcripts, spoke with dozens of public health experts, and obtained video of meetings not open to the public to assemble a picture of the state’s preparations for and response to the third wave of COVID-19. Among the findings: • Colorado’s state lab, run by CDPHE, was “largely maxed out” by Oct. 28, weeks before COVID cases would peak. The state lab handled testing for almost all Colorado nursing homes, and the state would go on to lead the nation, by far, in the number of nursing homes reporting seven-plus day test turnaround times. • CDPHE reported that contact tracing was overwhelmed one week later on a call with county health agencies. That meant the state couldn’t properly warn contacts of those who were COVID positive. • As these systems started to break down, county public health agencies begged Polis and CDPHE to order counties into stay-at-home. CDPHE was pushing for “gradual implementation of restrictions” even as the virus was spreading out of control. The state waited 15 days before increasing COVID restrictions, and outbreaks at nursing homes doubled in that time. • Once the virus made it into nursing homes, the state’s “strike force” to combat nursing home outbreaks turned out to not be a strike force at all. It was a policy committee,
with only one full time employee as of Oct. 21. The rest of the positions were vacant going into the deadliest phase of the pandemic. The strike force could only provide some limited staffing help for homes. •In a desperate attempt to relieve pressure on the state lab, CDPHE entered into a nobid contract with a start-up testing company called Curative, then began using it “offlabel” to test even nursing home workers and residents without symptoms. The only cited evidence that gamble might pay off: a sampling of 14 test subjects by the company. The state eventually paid Curative nearly $90 million, but finally abandoned the test in January after two chaotic months.
United Power 100k meter
United Power Surpasses 100,000 Meters Cooperative is Second in Colorado, 31st Nationwide to Cross Meter Milestone Brighton, CO – United Power surged past 100,000 meters in June as a result of historic growth, becoming just the second Colorado cooperative – and 31st nationwide – to surpass the meter milestone. On Monday, the co-op recognized the local family representing its 100,000th meter connection. John and Hailey Takacs purchased their first home, a Tri Pointe home in Commerce City’s fast-growing Reunion community, in June. This achievement highlights a period of sustained growth for United Power that began in the early 2000s and continued even this past year despite the pandemic. Although the cooperative anticipated reaching the meter mark in late 2021, the increase in growth early this year propelled it across the mark more than two months earlier than expected. The co-op joins Intermountain Rural Electric Association as the only two Colorado cooperatives to surpass 100,000 meter connections. “It is truly a historic accomplishment to reach this meter milestone,” said Mark A. Gabriel, United Power’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “United Power has long had a reputation for excellence among its cooperative peers, and it now joins a select few who serve more than 100,000 meters. Our size and reputation will amplify our voice in helping shape the future of the electric industry.” United Power, established as a rural electric cooperative in 1938, added only 10,000 meters over the course of its first 40 years in business and didn’t surpass 50,000 until 2004. In the first six months of 2021, the cooperative has already added nearly 3,000 new meters after beginning the year with just under 98,000 meters. “We are adding meters at an unprecedented rate,” Gabriel said. “But more importantly, we are adding members. Each new member represents a new family on our lines or a new business helping shape the economy of the communities we serve. Our members make us stronger, and they make our communities stronger. As your cooperative, it is our privilege to be able to serve each and every one of our members.” The cooperative has experienced this level of growth in part because it serves some of the fastest growing communities in Colorado, including a large part of Commerce City. Since the Reunion community began development in the early 2000s, Commerce City’s population has nearly tripled from 21,000 to more than 60,000, according to the city’s 2021 Economic Profile. To commemorate the achievement, United Power Board members and cooperative leadership, along with Commerce City Mayor Ben Huseman and Tri Pointe homes representative, Mariel Schlander, presented the Takacs family with a prize package containing home essentials, such as a variety of tools and home equipment, including an electric lawn mower. “It’s incredibly exciting to be United Power’s 100,000th meter,” said Hailey Takacs. “We’re just really happy to own our new home in Reunion and we look forward to being United Power members.” United Power invites members to join in celebrating this meter milestone with the cooperative and with each other at its 100,000 Meter Open House at the Carbon Valley Service Center, 9586 E I-25 Frontage Road, on August 28. The events will provide members with an opportunity to learn more about the cooperative and see how its newest facility and office location are effectively serving members on the west side of the service territory. Complete details can be found at www.unitedpower.com/metercelebration. United Power is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative, delivering electricity to homes, farms and businesses throughout Colorado’s northern front range. The cooperative is one of the fastest-growing electric cooperatives in the nation, and in June joined the elite ranks of cooperatives serving more than 100,000 meters. The 900 square mile service territory extends from the mountains of Coal Creek and Golden Gate Canyon, along the I-25 corridor and Carbon Valley region, to the farmlands of Brighton, Hudson and Keenesburg. For more information about the cooperative, visit www.unitedpower.com or follow them on social media Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.
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Lost Creek Guide New School Year, New Upgrades
By Morgan County Rural Electric Association As summer winds down and the kids go back to school, you may be considering upgrades around the house. Perhaps it is time for new appliances, especially with annual Labor Day sales right around the corner. Maybe you’re thinking about updating your heating system before the cold hits this winter. After using your outdoor power equipment all summer, you may be interested in replacing some items. Or, maybe you’re thinking of a major change, and are considering building or purchasing a newly built home. Morgan County REA encourages its consumer-members to be mindful of energy efficiency when making these purchases. This helps keep usage and bills lower, thus benefitting our members—one of the main goals for MCREA. To help our members in upgrading, MCREA is happy to offer a variety of rebates on energy efficient items ranging from outdoor power tools to heating and cooling solutions for both our residential and commercial members. Rebates for outdoor electric equipment are offered on electric mowers, snow blowers and bicycles. Electric chainsaws, trimmers, pruners, leaf blowers and power washers are also included in the rebate program, which applies to new equipment only. Both battery and corded equipment as listed above qualifies for this incentive. Members must provide an itemized receipt to Member Services at MCREA to apply for a rebate. If shopping for new appliances, be sure to purchase those that are EnergyStar® rated in order to qualify for a rebate. Members can complete the appliance rebate form provided on MCREA’s website after purchasing a washer, dryer, refrigerator or dishwasher. Air-source heat pumps present a money-saving alternative for traditional space heating. Because they efficiently transfer heat between the inside and outside of your home, air source heat pumps can cool your house in the summer and warm it in the winter, and can provide significant savings when compared to electric baseboard heat or propane furnaces. Air-source heat pumps can be compatible with existing duct work, while ductless air-source heat pumps are offered as well. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Member Services at (970) 867-5688. MCREA not only offers rebates on electric water heaters, we offer the product itself. Interested consumers can contact MCREA to purchase lifetime tank warranty electric water heaters manufactured by Marathon Corporation. MCREA wants to ensure our members are made aware of the many rebates available on equipment, appliances and more. Information regarding all of these rebates and others can be found at www.mcrea.org/energy-efficiency-rebates. Please be sure to maintain receipts on all purchases and apply for rebates within 90 days of those purchases. MCREA wishes good luck to all students as they head back to class and a new school year begins!
Team: Morgan County 4-H Members that participated in the 2021 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shotgun Contests. Hall: Junior Champion, Travis Hall, participating in the contest. Nilsen: Odin Nilsen, Senior Champion 4-H Shotgun Contest.
4-H Shotgun Shoot, First Pre-County Fair Event
Odin Nilsen and Travis Hall captured the first place awards in the senior and junior divisions at the 2021 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shotgun Shoot. Twenty-eight youth competed in the contest on July 11, 2021. Placings in the senior division were Odin Nilsen, 1st with a score of 45 out of a possible
August 18, 2021
50. Dylan Martin placed 2nd; Riley Hughes, 3rd; Talan Hall, 4th; and Americo Lorenzini, 5th. The alternate for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest is Grayson Johnson. The other youth competing in the senior division were Chloie Cuckow, Cole Curtis, Ceri Dixon, Wiley Eicher, Baylei Kembel, Maddie Kembel, Stephen Linton, Jace Meyer, and Madison Thomas. Top award in the junior division went to Travis Hall who shot 35 out of a possible 50 score. Second place went to Riley Thomas, Chad Schilling, 3rd; Carston Johnson, 4th; and Ellie Koch, 5th. The alternate for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest is Aysli Kembel. Other junior shooters were McKenzie Cuckow, Karson Koch, Redmond Linton, Tenleigh Lorenzini, Axel Lorenzini, Chase Pollart, and Seth Whitney. Superintendent for the 4-H shotgun shoot was Paul Oliveria. Oliveria was assisted by Levi Dixon, Dave Martin, and Jay Marshall. The trap shoot was held at the High Plains Trap Club. The next 4-H Shooting Sports contest will be Saturday, July 17 at 8 am where youth will compete in .22 rifle, .22 pistol, and muzzleloading. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting sports program have been provided through a NRA grant given in 2021. Shooting sports awards will be presented at an awards dinner on Tuesday, July 20 at 6 p.m. The banquet will be held at the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. All shooting sports participants, families and supporters are invited. 4-H shooting sports families are asked to bring a potluck dish.
Fair Shoot for Sporting Clays and Skeet Held Near Akron The 2021 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shooting Sports Contests kicked off with the 4-H Five Stand and Skeet shoot on Saturday morning south of Akron. Ten senior shooters and five junior shooter delivered several exciting rounds of competition on July 10. Five Stand results for the senior division were Grayson Johnson, 1st, with a score of 29 out of 50; Odin Nilsen, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Talan Hall, 4th; and Wiley Eicher 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Riley Hughes, Dylan Martin, and Madison Thomas. Junior Travis Hall placed first, scoring 22 out of 50; Riley Thomas, 2nd; Team 2: Morgan County 4-H Shooting Sports Carston Johnson, 3rd; Chad Schilling, 4th; Five Stand and Skeet Shooters, and coaches. and Tenleigh Lorenzini, 5th. In the Skeet contest, Senior Odin Nilsen came in 1st with a score of 40 out of 50, Grayson Johnson, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Dylan Martin, 4th; Wiley Eicher 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Talan Hall, Riley Hughes, and Madison Thomas. From the Juniors, Carston Johnson came in 1st with a score of 27; Travis Hall, 2nd; Chad Schilling, 3rd; Riley Thomas, 4th; and Tenleigh Lorenzini, 5th. Americo: Senior Americo Lorenzini competing in the The top five in the Skeet Contest for Morgan County 4-H Shotgun Skeet Contest both the junior and senior age division will represent Morgan County 4-H at the Colorado 4-H State Shoot. Superintendents and coaches for five stand and skeet are Levi Dixon, Andy Larrick, and Paul Oliveira. Youth will receive their awards at the Shooting Sports Banquet on Tuesday, July 20 at 6 pm at the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting Thomas: Junior Riley Thomas competing in the Morgan sports program have been provided through County 4-H Shotgun Trap Contest a NRA grant given in 2021.
August 18, 2021
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Lost Creek Guide
SERVICE DIRECTORY Computer Support Repair, Service & Sales
Reliable, Local, Professional Roggen Telephone Company
Thomas J Croghan DDS Independent Insurance Agency 22 Years of Experience in the Industry Auto, Home, Business, Workers Comp, Life, Farm, Disability, Annuities, Wills, Renters, Dwelling Fires, Condos
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry Assistance for Roggen, Keenesburg, Prospect Valley, & Hudson Call to Request Assistance
Family Dental Practice
Appointments: 303-377-8662 Appointments Available in Keenesburg and Denver
New Patients Welcome
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Keene Clinic
190 So. Main St., Keenesburg
DOHERTY’S PLUMBING AND DRAIN Plumbing, Drain Cleaning, Water Heater Replacement Video sewer inspection Sewer & drain locating
First Baptist Church, Keenesburg, Food Pantry Open every third Saturday 9 am to 12 pm 100 North Market Street, Keenesburg For emergency needs, please contact 720-480-6428 or email us at: http:// www.fbca.church
Donations are welcome to help us defeat hunger in our community
SERVICES CONGRATULATIONS to all Morgan County Fair Participants! Very proud of you all!
Dave Haney Painting & Dry Wall Interior - Exterior Cabinets, Fence Staining Located in Platteville 720-217-2089
McCarthy Trucking
318 Main Street, Fort Morgan, CO, 80701
Recycled asphalt, concrete Great for driveways & parking areas. Also sand & gravel. Reasonable Prices Call Kevin for free quote 303-901-5034
HELP WANTED Truck Driver-Part-time Dairy Farm, located in eastern Colorado, needs a dependable & hardworking driver & willing to jump in where needed. Duties will consist of hauling commodities to the facility, hauling manure to fields, harvest driving, & anything that may need hauling. It will be local driving and home every night. Pay will be determined by experience, & retired drivers welcome to apply. - Solid experience preferred - Need to be self-motivated, good communication skills with staff & ownership - Must have CDL Class A with a clean driving record - Able to pass a drug & alcohol screening - Most trucking is within a 200-mile radius, home at night. 35895 CR 18 Roggen, Co 80652 l 303-849-6222
Local Colorado Information On Line
Go to: www.ourtowncolorado.com
Page 24
Lost Creek Guide
August 18, 2021
First Baptist Church of Keenesburg’s 1st Annual Traditional Western Day Fellowship Sunday August 22, 2021 @ 1 PM - 5 PM
Do You Want To Share Your 4-H Club Story in the Lost Creek Guide?
Come One, Come All!!! We welcome all you cowgirls and cowboys of every age to dust off your best hats and western duds. You are all invited to pull on your boots and spurs then mosey on over and enjoy an afternoon of food and fun with a bounce house & slide for the little buckaroos, contests for horseshoe throwing, and the cornhole toss along with other door prizes for the best dressed, best pie, and more. *BBQ Hamburgers & Hotdogs * Food *Popcorn *Cotton Candy*
First Baptist Church 100 North Market Street, PO Box 98 Keenesburg, CO 80643
Loveland Archaeological Society, Inc. A Colorado Non-Profit Corporation
Presents the 2021
LOVELAND STONE AGE FAIR Featuring Displays of Prehistoric Artifacts Saturday, September 25 - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sunday, September 26 - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM McKee 4-H, Youth & Community Building 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, Colorado 80538
By: Madison Richman Do you want to share a story of your 4-H Club in the Lost Creek Guide If you live in Weld or Morgan County and have a story or article you want to publish, you can make that happen! Send your ideas, stories, and pictures to madisonrichmann2005@gmail.com and I will be happy to assist you with your story, if you need it. All 4-H leaders, presidents, and club members: Lost Creek Guide and I are looking for ideas for 4-H related articles. If you would like to publish your meeting notes, a story on community service your club took place in, or any other articles we would be happy to assist you or you can email us the completed article, with pictures if available. The Lost Creek Guide is now sent out to not only SE Weld County but all of rural Morgan County as well. This means that there are lots of readers out there who would love to hear from you. We encourage club reporters and parents to take pictures of project demonstrations, club meetings, members who deserve congratulations on big achievements, community service projects, and anything else your club or members are a part of and share them. Remember, you must have permission from the members and their parents too, if under 18, in order to place pictures and information about them in the paper and the online website and social media. We can’t wait to hear from you. Sharing stories about our local people allows all us all to share new experiences. Sharing positive stories is always a good idea. Any questions, feel free to contact me, Madison at the above email address or Mr. Bob Grand, at publisher@lostcreekguide.com Looking forward to new stories in our smalltown, yet growing, paper!
Wagoneers News
Sunday, July 11, 2021 Wyatt Wilcox The Wagoneers 4-H Club met on Sunday, July 11. Unfinished Business Discussed: Southeast Weld County Fair Parade – The club voted on participating in the Southeast Weld County Fair’s parade and on decorating a float. New Business Discussed: Southeast Weld County Fair - The 99th Southeast Weld County Fair will be on August 12 -15. Exhibitors can check in their projects on Thursday, August 12th from 8:00 – 9:30 AM. Exhibitors can pick up their projects from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Friday, August 13. Livestock Project Record Books – Anyone who is doing a livestock project can submit them to the Weld County 4-H Extension Office by September at 5:00 PM. You must turn in your livestock record books to be eligible to show next year. Mardi Gras – This year’s Mardi Gras will be held on November 20, 2021! The theme this year is “Wild West!”
Public is Welcome! Admission is FREE!
Saturday, September 25, 1:00 P.M.
** FREE ARTIFACT IDENTIFICATION ** ***STONE AGE FAIR SPONSORS*** The Loveland Archaeological Society, Inc. ARC Air Compressors Bob Grand, Publisher of the Lost Creek Guide and the Carbon Valley Independent The Westfall Family
STONE AGE FAIR – a Northern Colorado Tradition Since 1934 More Info at: http://stoneagefair.com
A Colorado Non-Profit Corporation
Dr. Madeline Mackie
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Weber State University
Loveland Archaeological Society, Inc.
Dr. Jason LaBelle
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Colorado State University Director, Center for Mountain and Plains Archaeology