The Lost Creek Guide September 16, 2020

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– Way of the World –

Lost Creek Guide

by Bob Grand Last Friday was the 19th Anniversary of 9/11. It was a day that people remember where they were, like the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. 2,997 people died in the 9/11 attacks. It brought us together as a country, unified us to remember those who were lost, the valiant police, fireman, and EMT’s that sacrificed their lives to save others. What a difference than today, where a small minority of people have cornered the market on police hate, supported by an aggressively active media. I am proud to be an American, as many, many Americans are. Many are not vocal, for they have learned they can quickly become a target, even in a country known for its freedom of expression. It appears that right only belongs to a small group now, identified by the media as oppressed peoples. I am beginning to feel oppressed. What about the number of young blacks killed in Chicago every day? What about the number of black families that do not have a father figure because they are in jail? Where are the concerns on those issues? Our professional, well paid, athletes should maybe look at working to solve those issues. Many people are getting a bit more than frustrated about the continuous beating down of what America has stood for over 220 years. I support our President and I believe we all, by working together, can make American Great again. It should not matter whether you are a Democrat or Republican, but we are not there yet. How are our political parties doing? I guess it depends on who you ask. The National Democratic Party seems to have forsaken everybody except the extreme left in its party. It is as if they are the new center of the world. I am afraid that is going to turn out to be a big disappointment for the DNC in November. There are a great many Americans, Democrats, Republicans and Unaffiliated, who feel that the Democratic Party has abandoned them. If you still live in a big city, you have to ask what has the Democratic Party done for your city, other than drive it into the ground. The impact of COVID 19 on the economic revenue streams to the cities will be horrific and I predict we will be looking at multiple major city bankruptcies. Since the South Carolina black vote put Biden over the top it seems that the DNC has forgotten about the Hispanic voters and immigrations issues. How can they do that? It is America and you really do have a right to be stupid. Some people continual demonstrate that. The U.S. senator race between John Hickenlooper and Cory Gardner is quite a spectacle. Whether you like Cory Gardener or not you have to agree he has done an awful lot for the entire state of Colorado. Take a look at a portion of what he has accomplished in the article later in the paper. It represents a lot of federal money that he has worked hard to obtain for many different projects throughout the state of Colorado. John Hickenlooper whines that Gardner is a Trump man, therefore evil. Well look at what Gardener has achieved versus what Hickenlooper has. Aside from spending taxpayer dollars to defend himself in his ethics complaints conviction what has John Hickenlooper done recently other than be drafted to run for U.S. Senate by Chuck Schumer, the New York Senator who is the Democratic minority leader in the Senate. I believe that Andrew Romanoff would have been a more representative candidate to Colorado voters. Let us not ignore the Weld County Republicans, who still have Lori Saine running for the Board of County Commissioners District 3 seat. The structure and actions of the Weld County Board of Commissioners run the County as if the Greeley area is the center of the realm and the rest of the lands are filled with serfs who provide revenue, who should have no voice in government. The concept of Weld County Board of County Commissioner At-Large-Positions is a joke. Lori Saine, if elected, will just be another addition to that mentality. That, however, is up to all us. In this election consider the option of voting for an alternative candidate that might bring an advocacy for the District 3 citizens, towns and cities. Mike Welch provides that option. Of course, because he is a Democrat, many snicker. But maybe that is what we need. Somebody in the hen house to have a view of what goes on. Maybe not such a bad idea. Maybe it is time. The Tributary staff has finished a review of Lori Saine’s Tracer Reporting to the Colorado Secretary of State. After looking at the numbers you have to wonder who is Lori Saine going to be advocating for? District 3 citizens or her out of District donors? A question that should not even enter our minds if we had a truly representative process and a candidate that bothered to talk to the electorate. I again remind you all to vote. It is your right. A right that over 1.4 million Americans have given their lives to protect for you. With COVID 19 effecting the USPS please vote early. I remind you what Ronald Reagan said: “ Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. I always thought that was bit overstated but given what we have seen of the extreme left and their impact in the last two months I am not so sure any more. As usual your thoughts and comments are always appreciated:

The Lost Creek Guide, Llc Bob Grand - Publisher 303-732-4080 Our deadline is 7 working days before publication

105 Woodward - PO Box 581 Keenesburg, CO 80643

Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters may be edited for length, libelous, or inappropriate content. All letter submissions should include name, address, & phone number for verification purposes. Letters are published at the editor or publisher’s discretion. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Lost Creek Guide or staff.

Delivering on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month and sent to all Postal Boxes. Our hours are Tuesday, Weds, & Thursday 10am to 3pm. Call or email us for advertising rates.

September 16, 2020

Lori Saine, Candidate for Weld County Commissioner District 3, Campaign Donation Tracking through the Last Reporting Period on Tracer, Colorado Secretary of State Tracking System Total Contributions: $51, 301 Total Donations: 150

Lori Saine self contributions (7,193) Less contributions over $400 ( 34,500) Balance: 9606 Of that: In District: 6703 Out of District: 2903

(2) (11) 137 87 50

Follow the Money: Of Contributions over $400: In District: Out of District: Or

34,500 2600 33,600

11 3 8

92.5% of Donations over $400 Came From Outside District 3! You have to wonder where will Lori Saine’s loyalties & priorities be? Analysis Completed by The Tributary Research Staff


We live in a day and age of uncertainty. While most of us would like nothing more than to earn our keep and enjoy our families, we are instead told by an ever expanding government that we must make changes in our lives. We must wear a mask, we must limit customers in our businesses, we must shut down our business, we must not allow too many family members to visit a sick or dying relative at the hospital and God forbid, we must NOT go to church! To my friends and neighbors: Republican, Democrat and Unaffiliated voters and to all who have had enough of an out of control and out of touch government here in Colorado, it is time we RISE up as the Freedom loving Coloradans that we are to stop this controlling agenda that has obstructed our lives in so many ways. It’s time to LEAD! It’s time to stand proud for your beliefs and to speak your mind. Every vote is needed to turn the tide. We need numbers and we need voices in order to preserve the freedoms that many of our ancestors fought for. We have come too far as a Free Country and State to let things slip away. This Republic is worth fighting for! Our way of life is worth fighting for! Your kids’ and grandkids’ future is worth fighting for! YOU are worth fighting for! Please help and join me in bringing your message of limited government and personal responsibly down to the Capital. This is our time! Dan Woog

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