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What is at Stake in WC Commissioner


Page 16 Lost Creek Guide October 7, 2020

What is at Stake in Weld County Commissioner District 3 Election ?

Weld County is a big old place. Emphasis on old. The longer I live here, (since 2005) the more I realize that the groups, families and interests that have done things here in Weld County, in the past, are still in operation today. The agrarian utopia that the Union Colony settlers start out with as a vision in their minds eye isn’t completely gone, but it has been changed. Competing interests from ranching, farming, oil and gas, and even more by land development have been at war, if not in name then certainly in spirit. Issues like water rights, land usage, road construction and even believe it or not disease management have been and will continued to be used to enforce underlying monetary and political fighting among faction of the Republican party. They are out to settle scores and enforce discipline among party members, as a matter of control, not political ideas. Voting a straight party line is considered a matter of course, not a matter of choice.

My opponent like to hide her true intentions. She frequently mentions her love of the 2nd Amendment and her pro-life stance that she tried repeatedly, and with remarkable lack of success, to foster while she was term-limited out of the state assembly. They will not appear as choices to be made by the county commission. What will appear again and People are beginning to vote. Split the ticket and pick the best people, again, are issues related to money and what priorities the county budget will set. My not necessarily straight party line. priorities will be the infrastructure and training that Southern Weld County needs. Job training for residents and for Weld County employees so they can create value with fewer Integrity: Let’s Make it employees. Dark economic times are coming to the oil patch. We will see County revenue shrink dramatically and cuts will have to be made to the county budget that previous the New Litmus Test administrations have not saved for. My opponent’s true intentions are that she needs a Dave Kisker, President, People United for Responsible Government job. I would encourage her to do as I have done, and for once in her life get a job that isn’t “lit-mus test”: A litmus test is a term from chemistry meaning a decisively indicative related to with her political connections. Walk the walk, talk the talk of working in private test. industry and make your own way. Ask yourself, why do the same names keep appearing Example: “opposition to the nomination became a litmus test for political support of on the ballots? Is it because they’ve done such an excellent job, or is it because this is their candidates” career and have nothing else they are capable of doing? I’ve spent a lifetime working in Over the last 20 years or so, we have observed the deep ideological divide that has evolved industries like oil field services and information technology, for large and small businesses in our Country, driven partly by social media. Accusations of “fake news”, misogyny, racand know what they need and how governmental budgeting works. I’ve observed the ism, “science denial”, “deplorables”, “selfish bastards”, “libtards”, “baby killers” and other, Weld County government’s budgeting and administration process first hand over the last similar invectives have become routine attacks by one tribe against another. 14 years as an outsource employee with Xerox and a direct employee. A secondary effect of this polarization, the ideological “litmus test” is now used to deter Current County Commissioners like to brag about their lack of debt. They take credit mine whether a person’s adherence to a particular political ideology is sufficiently “pure” for oil and gas deposits that were laid down million of years ago. If you are blessed to be to be accepted for tribe membership. Any wavering on the group’s “hot button” issues will born into immense wealth, please have the tack not to brag that you somehow earned it. result in rejection of candidates as undeserving of support. The next few years are going to be difficult for Weld County government as they’ll have But, is it helpful for us to go off into our separate echo chambers and reiterate how terto learn to survive on a much reduced revenue stream. I’m the only candidate who has rible the other side is? first-hand knowledge of how this can be done, and I’ll promised that this is not a stepping Instead, I would argue that the real missing link in our country today is stone to some higher political office. I’ve had my career. I want to spend the rest of my life making a difference in something that I believe in. I would appreciate your support on November 3. I ask you to vote and I ask that you vote for me, I plan to work for all the citizens of Weld County, especially those in the District 3. Thank you, Mike Welch, Candidate for Weld County Board of County Commissioner District 3 leadership. Whether we argue about COVID-19, election integrity, whose lives matter the most, whether rioting and property destruction is acceptable, or whether a SCOTUS appointment should occur, it’s all based on our tribal litmus tests. We are witnessing a societal breakdown as our cities burn because even the roles and responsibilities of citizens, their government and law enforcement have become blurred. Clearly, the US is not perfect, but simply trying to erase the history won’t make the memories go away. Vote For Mike Welch To solve our problems, we will require true leadership, not just mandates from the President that we must all wear masks or sloganeering about America’s greatness. That’s just not good enough. for Weld County But, where will we find those leaders, whether at the local, state or national level? To answer this question, we turn to one of America’s greatest leaders ever, President

Commissioner District 3 Dwight Eisenhower. Known for his leadership ability, not only as President, but also as the Allies Supreme Commander during World War II, “Ike” was able to accomplish more than most because he was able to collaborate with a broad spectrum of others to get things done. As we study his life, we find Eisenhower also had a “litmus test” of sorts when it came to  Cou I wi nty ll be an District advocate for 3 citizens. all of Weld leadership. In his words: “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably INTEGRITY. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an  My background in the Oil and Gas Inarmy, or in an office.” What is integrity? It has many aspects, but, in our opinion, the most important is that dustry and the Weld County Government one does the “right thing” even when no one is watching. make me uniquely qualiied to be a County Why is integrity in a leader so critical? Simply put, it’s because without integrity of the leader, the entire organization will be suspect. Whether it’s the U.S. Congress or a cabinet

Commissioner. department, whether it’s a governor or the mayor and council of a town or the Commissioner Board of a County, lack of integrity leads to flawed motivations and dishonesty.  I will focus on the Weld County Bud- And, in order to accept that dishonesty, we must become polarized and hide behind our geting Process so that we can evaluate litmus tests to justify our enablement of our government.But, is that really good enough? Isn’t it time to expect…no, DEMAND more of those we put into office? where our tax money comes from and For the upcoming November election, I challenge you to apply a NEW litmus test. Let’s where it goes. evaluate those who seek to represent us by the Eisenhower test—INTEGRITY. Let’s pay less attention to which tribe the candidates are in, and more attention to whether they  I believe that government should work deserve to lead us, starting with their integrity: will they do the right thing even when we can’t watch? for all the people Do they routinely lie about their opponents or their own accomplishments? Not good  I ask that you participate also. When enough. Find someone else. Or, leave that box blank. Stop enabling them. Do they not understand that ethics matter? Dump them like a hot potato. We deserve you get your ballot vote early and please better. vote for me! Integrity matters on the local level too—a candidate who has avoided taxes, retaliated against opponents, collaborated with cronies, or, wasted taxpayer dollars on boondoggles doesn’t deserve your support. Dump them. And, yes, especially at the local level, your tribe member doesn’t deserve your support if their decisions have been tainted by cronyism, or dishonesty. Even if they pass the “nonPaid for by Committee to Elect Michael Welch RINO” test, they must not succeed. Registered Agent – Michael Welch In this 2020 election, let’s use a new litmus test: INTEGRITY. The only one that mat ters. -

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