The Lost Creek Guide August 17, 2022

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Volume 15 • Edition 16 August 17, 2022 Delivering to over 17,000 homes & businesses including all of Morgan County.




Page 2: Way of the World Page 2: One Click Away by Callista Gingrich

Page 16: Loveland Stone Age Fair September 24th & 25th 2022 will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light” George Washington “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed” Thomas Jefferson thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Page 4: Morgan Community College Prepares Students for Trades Page 5: Wiggins School District Newsletter & Calendar Page 6 to 21: Morgan County Fair Results & Participants



Page 3: Gillian Smith on What is the County Council Page 3: Aron Lam Announces Running for Keenesburg Mayor


The same people who started and are perpetuating this freedom suffocating ruse to begin with. Politicans who think that you need them. I’m from the government and I’m here to help you. Raise you hand if you believe that one. I should back up a bit and explain something. What is an unaffiliated voter anyway? Since you have all this power, you should probably know. An unaffiliated voter is simply one who has not registered with the Secretary of State’s office, through the County Clerks office or driver’s license division with a major or minor political party. You are not a D or an R as we like to say, you’re a U. And believe me, everyone is after you and your vote. The cool part about being a U is that you get both ballots in the primary and you get to help the party put forth their candidate. The parties don’t much like this, but that’s the law and we’re all dealt the same hand. Power to the people! Ok, I’ve laid out the problem. Solution: Vote. I mean it. You hear this all the time, but it’s true. In America, that’s how we do it. Every two years we actually have the power to change everything, from mayors of small towns to the entire United States House of representatives. All 435 of them. And you know who can do this? You unaffiliated voters. That’s why I said above that your country needs you. No candidate can win without you. I’ve done the math. I realize that you unaffiliated voters are not a block. That’s why you’re unaffiliated. You’re independent thinkers who probably research thoroughly the political decisions you make. I applaud that. I’m certainly that way too. I believe that in doing so, you take into account what’s best for your families, your selves, your businesses and your State and Country in that order. That’s what we all should be thinking. So, here’s my pitch. If you believe my premise that you have the power to change the country’s direction simply be filling out one or two pieces of paper, I challenge you to prove me right. You may have notice that I haven’t endorsed a party or a candidate yet. You’re correct and I won’t in this column. It’s my goal to get you U’s engaged Unaffiliated Voters, Your Country Needs You continued on page 2...

Colorado’s first comprehensive oil and gas development plan — a new mechanism aimed at better assessing and managing the cumulative impacts of drilling — was approved by state regulators Wednesday, paving the way for more than 200 new wells in Weld County. Comprehensive Oil and Gas Drilling Plan Under Colorado’s New Regulations gets go-ahead continued on page 24... Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Rule 314 Approves Bronco CAP Highlights: 34 square miles - Between Roggen and US 34 11 Conceptual pads – Up to 209 Horizontal wells Traffic will access from US 34 Comprehensive Oil and Gas Drilling Plan Under Colorado’s New Regulations Gets Go-ahead 24,000 acre Bronco CAP sets plan to drill 209 wells over 6 years. It’s the smallest in area of three drilling plans Colorado regulators are considering. by Mark Jaffe, The Colorado Sun Unaffiliated Voters, Your Country Needs You by Tom Van Lone You hear it every election cycle, ‘this is the most important election of our lifetime’. It wasn’t always this way. Government hasn’t always been this much of a factor in your everyday lives. But the cruel and harsh reality is that times have changed and now it is. From covid lockdowns to climate change legislation, big brother government is in your life to stay. That’s where you come in unaffiliateds. You have the power to swing this massive government take over back the other way, and soon. Government can only do what you allow it to. If you think it’s ok for people whom you don’t know to be able to tax you, regulate you and even close your business, don’t bother reading the rest of this column. But, if you would like to control your own life again and have a voice in these matters, read on. I believe that I can make my own decisions on almost everything, that I don’t need or want to be told what to do or when I can do it. I credit my rural New York State upbringing and the abundance of freedom given to a young man with a bb gun and nothing around but woods, hills and hay meadows. Most of you reading this are probably in a similar place. Rural Weld or Morgan counties where again, you just want to be left alone and not be told what to do. What’s stopping this turnaround?

Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters may be edited for length, libelous, or inappropriate content. All letter submissions should include name, address, & phone number for verification purposes. Letters are published at the editor or publisher’s discretion. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Lost Creek Guide or staff. Way of the World by Bob Grand, Lost Creek Guide It is encouraging to hear and see the interest in people considering running for office in Keenesburg. We will see how many petitions are turned in, but it is a good sign. Times are changing, our population is growing. We need a mayor and board of trustees that learn from the past, look towards the future but also consider we live in the present. We should look to our officials to provide essential services but also minimize our tax burden. We need to carefully review our expenses, decide what we need to do and develop a budget that supports that. A mill levy caps what we can be charged as citizens, but that does not mean we have to budget up to it – even if we have the revenue. Lower the mill levy to balance out. We need a board of trustees and a mayor that reflects the new, broader base of the citizens of the town. We need elected officials who have vision and common sense. Identifying the needs of the town based on solid analysis, coupled with listening to citizens on an ongoing regular basis. Electing a group who is committed to listening to the citizens and having a more aggressive citizens outreach program is what we need, not what we have had. Trump bashers are having a field day with the FBI raid on the ex-President’s home. Many believe it is great, well think again. If this can be done to a former President of the United States, where do you, as an individual, stand if someone in the chain of authority at whatever level of government decides that you should be a target? Kevin McCarthy, GOP house minority leader said it well: “The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization”. Do you honestly believe the additional 87,000 IRS employees, authorized by the Climate and Inflation Act effort will be there to help you, the citizen? Doesn’t anyone look at reforming the IRS Code with the intent of simplifying and reducing loopholes, resulting in needing a lot less government employees, less accountants, and lawyers. Oh wait, that might benefit the general public, why would we do that? Next year social security benefits will be going up 8 or 9% and you will be getting an adjustment in Medicare fees for the overcharge in 2022. Look out for 2023 because that will come back in the other direction again. The increase in social security is good but it does not keep up with the reality of the inflation we have. I would rather give up the increase and see inflation back where it was. We would all be much better off financially. Expect the federal reserve to continue to raise interest rates, in theory to focus on reducing inflation. The reality is the federal government is taking in record revenue. The problem is not revenue it is spending. We have a process in place that thinks the answer is to print more money without substantive money management changes. It cannot continue. I believe the Republicans will take back the House and the Senate in 2022. We should expect our officials to address the expenditure and debt issue. Will they have the courage to do that? We will see. I had a discussion the other day with someone on RTD. She raised a good point. Has anyone looked at how much we spend on RTD and compare it to giving everyone who needs it a credit card to use on an Uber type service? What a novel thought. Joe Manchin, United States Senator from West Virginia is taking it in the chin from many of his home state supporters, particularly in the coal industry, claiming that the climate impact issues will continue to hurt the coal industry. He did gain approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Project which will mean about 2,500 jobs in West Virginia and support for the Black Lung efforts. Politics is not a clean business and in the long run you cannot please everyone. It is a wonder anyone wants to run, but if you don’t the folks who thrive on manipulating the process win. The approval of the Bronco Comprehensive Plan will be a windfall for Weld County and the state of Colorado. Two other CAPs are in the works. The Box Elder CAP, put forth by Crestone Peak Resources Operating LLC, which will impact the City of Aurora, Adams County, Arapahoe County, and the City & County of Denver. The other is the Guanella CAP, put forth by PDC Energy. It will affect Weld County, the City of Greeley, the City of Evans, the Town of Milliken, the Town of Gilcrest, Town of LaSalle and the Town of Johnstown. As voters in the town of Keenesburg, we commented on several qualities we thought our elected officials should have. It probably applies at the county, state, and federal level as well. Think about that when you vote. I also suggest that you think about voting. Not participating in an election only supports those who do not want you vote, so they have a better shot at controlling the election. Do the same thing you did for the primary. Continue to send them a message. They need to understand they must earn your vote because they deserve it, not because they are either labeled as a Republican or YourDemocrat.thoughts and comments, of which there have been many lately, are always appreciated:

Unaffiliated Voters,

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 20222

Our deadline is 7 wOrking days befOre publicatiOn 105 Woodward - PO Box 581 Keenesburg, CO 80643

Delivering on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month and sent to all Postal Boxes. Our hours are Tuesday, Weds, & Thursday 10am to 3pm. Call or email us for advertising rates.

Concerns have grown so significantly regarding the predatorial targeting of children on social media platforms, that when Facebook (Meta) – which owns Instagram –planned to launch an Instagram platform for kids under the age of 13, the proposal was met with a wave of opposition from lawmakers and law enforcement. On May 10, 2021, 44 attorneys general representing states across the U.S. urged Facebook “to abandon these plans” because the company “has historically failed to protect the welfare of children on its platforms.”

Needs You continued from page 1...

Morgan County Fair Results

In a letter addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, the attorneys general cited a report that “found an increase of 200% in recorded instances in the use of Instagram to target and abuse children over a six-month period in 2018,” and added that, “In 2020 alone, Facebook and Instagram reported 20 million child sexual abuse images.”

The LosT Creek Guide, LLC Bob Grand - Publisher 303-732-4080

Predators will prey on the isolated, alienated, and vulnerable and entice their potential victims with empty promises and job opportunities. Mothers of teenage girls have come forward saying their daughters received strange messages on Instagram, such as “They’re doing a big summer hiring push, would you be down with this?”

It is good to recognize achievement, but it is also important to recognize all those that participated. There were a lot of participants this year in the Morgan County Fair. We ran out of space to print the results, even going to 24 pages. We included results in the order CSU Extension listed them on their website. Remaining results will be published in our September 20th issue. Congratulations to all of the participants from the Lost Creek Guide, and all our advertisers! All Morgan County Fair results & related articles have been sourced from CSU Extension website.

One Click Away: How Online Platforms Put Our Nation’s Youth at Risk for Human Trafficking By Callista Gingrich

Experts warn that human trafficking increases during the summer months when children are under less supervision. However, as school resumes, parents, teachers, and students must remain vigilant. Tragically, with the advent of social media, smartphones, and online gaming, America’s youth remain at risk for human trafficking.Themost recent Federal Human Trafficking Report, which analyzes data on human trafficking cases in the U.S. Federal Courts System, concludes that since 2000, 55 percent of sex trafficking victims have been recruited online. Traffickers often use the internet to approach and groom their targets, as well as gather information about their potential victims. According to Dr. Jarrod Sadulski, associate professor at the American Public University System, the trafficker will appear to be helpful and convincing but ultimately will try to lure the child to meet in person. As Dr. Sadulski noted, “To lure their victims, sex traffickers create fake social media profiles so that they appear as children to their victims. They may also seek out children on the internet and try to befriend them, often saying they are interested in their victims or care about them.”

In fact, out of all the 2021 criminal sex trafficking cases examined in the Federal Human Trafficking Report, the most common method of recruitment used by traffickers (31 percent) was the promise of a job. Additionally, even though an element of coercion does not need to be proven in criminal sex trafficking cases involving minors, withholding pay was the most commonly identified means traffickers used to coerce minors into sex trafficking schemes.

Although Facebook suspended these plans, the public backlash underscores the significant danger targeting America’s youth that remains. Parents can take important steps to protect their children such as monitoring their internet and social media usage, using the highest privacy settings on their online accounts, and by having honest discussions. School administrators, teachers, and parents should also be on the lookout for signs of grooming, including withdrawal, changes in behavior or dress, or an unexplained influx of money. In a digital world, it is critical to be prepared and aware so we can protect our children from falling victim to the scourge of human trafficking. in the process since it is you that will decide everything. It’s the candidates job to woo you to get your vote, not mine. A man’s gotta know his limitations said Clint Eastwood. I believe that you will make a great decision based on research, history and facts, not emotion. This is an important election coming up. I don’t want to take anything away from it’s importance, but I have noticed that this great country of ours keeps chugging down the path regardless of who’s in leadership. That’s a great testament to Americans. What I want to know from a candidate for political office is whether I will have more, or less freedom under their leadership. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell since when they’re campaigning, many of them will tell you what they think you want to hear. It’s what they don’t say that you need to pay attention to. Watch for canned answers and scripted messages. If you hear the same old blah, dig deeper. Exactly how will you lower gas prices? Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions and demand answers. Remember U’s, you have the power and we’re all counting on you! This article was submitted by Tom Van Lone. Tom is currently the Chair of The Weld County Republican Party. Your Country

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 3

6) A performance auditor may be hired at the discretion of the council to assist them in these reviews. To summarize, The County Council provides an oversight of the County Commissioners. This is an important check and balance system that Weld County has the unique opportunity to utilize. Elected officials benefit from oversite. It helps them to avoid impropriety and helps tax payers to have confidence their dollars are being wisely managed. My varied work history lends well toward me being a good fit for the Weld County Council. Growing up in the job printing and newspaper business, I later leveraged those skills to work as a typographer. From there, I transitioned to working in publishing doing editing, accounting and fulfilling book shipments. All these opportunities contributed to my ability to research and review information. In 1994, I went back to college and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in accounting. While completing my course work, I worked full time and seasonally doing tax preparation. Additionally, I have owned and managed multiple businesses including a book distribution center, business card printer, and an electric motor company. The past 25 years I have worked as an accountant in the Oil and Gas industry. All these opportunities have shaped me into someone who values honesty and integrity in all facets of life. I believe the diversity of my experience in business makes me an excellent candidate to serve on County Council. My personal life also lends to service. Currently, I serve on two boards; the Weld County Area on Aging and a local non-profit called Happiness Through Horses. Several years ago, I joined the Women of Weld and currently serve as President. My husband and I live near Fort Lupton. My mother lives with us which gives me an understanding of the needs aging American have. I grew up in a farming community which gives me a deep respect for farmers and ranchers. In my free time, I enjoy riding our horses, playing with the goats, and trying to keep the chickens out of the garden. Please visit Smith for Weld on Facebook for more information and campaign updates.

Aron Lam & his wife, Colleen Statement from VA Secretary Denis McDonough on the signing of the PACT Act “The PACT Act is a historic new law that will help VA deliver for millions of Veterans — and their survivors — by empowering us to presumptively provide care and benefits to Vets suffering from more than 20 toxic exposure-related conditions. It will also bring generations of Veterans into VA health care, which will improve Veteran health outcomes across the board. “We at VA are ready to implement the PACT Act and deliver for toxic-exposed Veterans and their survivors. If you think you might be eligible for PACT Act benefits, here’s what you need to know: You can apply for PACT Act-related benefits now by filing a claim at VA. As President Biden announced at the bill signing, we are making all 23 presumptive conditions in the PACT Act eligible for benefits effective today, August 10. You can learn more about the PACT Act by visiting or calling 1-800-MY-VA-411. “Thank you to all of the Veterans, survivors and family members who fought tirelessly to make this day possible, and thank you to President Biden for keeping our nation’s promise to those who served. We at VA will stop at nothing to make sure that every Veteran and every survivor gets the PACT Act-related care and benefits they deserve.”

5) The Council is to review all aspects of county government and report to the people.

My name is Aron Lam and I am running for Mayor of our town, Keenesburg. Throughout my career as a Registered Nurse, I have traveled across the country and extensively throughout our great state of Colorado and have found no better town than our own Keenesburg. From the Rodeo to the Christmas Parade and 4th of July Celebration led by our incredible Fire Department to our lovely parks and farmland, our town is wonderful and truly understands what it means to be a community. After attending many town meetings, I feel compelled to run for Mayor in order to save Keenesburg from becoming the sprawl that is Aurora or Reunion. At one meeting, while discussing whether to approve a new subdivision of several hundred homes, I asked the current leadership, what is the town’s goal for projected population and whether we have adequate water for all these additional homes and families and was not given a clear answer for either. Last Fall, when the town dictated that the price of our water would be raised by roughly 30%, my wife and I attended the town meeting to voice our concerns which were largely dismissed by the current leadership. As residents of Keenesburg knew at that time, our water quality was not great and unpalatable for many people and only recently was it made known that due to the presence of PFAS in our water supply it is recommended that we purchase carbon filters. I think a lot more can be done to address this very important issue. My goal is simple, to keep the wonderful small town community feel that we have while thoughtfully planning and growing towards our town’s future. Based on the town surveys that have been routinely conducted going back to the late 1990’s, it is clear that the most important factor that influences people’s decision to live in Keenesburg is the small town atmosphere, quiet neighborhoods, affordability and friendly people. I am very concerned that as these developers are allowed to divide our town into unique neighborhoods that the community will be divided and our social fabric will be eroded. I would love to talk with you anytime to discuss the concerns and ideas you have regarding the future of our wonderful town and I sincerely hope that you consider voting for me for Mayor. Aron Lam www.SaveKeenesburg.comAron.Lam@outlook.com303-704-3266

Hello Citizens of Colorado: This week, Jared Polis and the Democrats decided to do a social media campaign claiming credit for your TABOR refund. Even though they work every year to repeal TABOR, raise your taxes, and create more fees, because it’s election year, they’re now campaigning on the “Colorado Cash Back” program. But the $750 check you’re about to get in the mail is money the government actually owes to you. It’s yours. Not theirs to give away. Let’s make sure our friends and neighbors know the Democrats aren’t being generous. They’re simply doing what the law requires them to do -- a law they’ve fought against for years. Our Vice Chairwoman Priscilla Rahn is sharing a great idea with people: When you get your $750 check in the mail, if you can, please donate it to our Republican candidates. We have so many excellent candidates running in key seats, and these kind of donations across the state will help them reach swing voters. Our state legislative and State Board of Education candidates can receive $400 from each person. Our statewide candidates can receive $1250, and our Congressional and U.S. Senate candidates can receive $2900. If you need help identifying the candidates in your area so you can donate to them, please let us know! There’s no shortage of choices -- especially when you also consider your county candidates. Thanks for going the extra mile to elect Republicans! Chairwoman | Colorado GOP Our Town Needs You!! Do you love our community and want to give back? Do you want to assure the town keeps its small-town charm while growing yet controlling that growth? Is this town the place you want to raise your family and/or retire in? Do you have common sense? Willing to listen to the facts? Have an open mind? Those are all important attributes in the decision making process of town government. Please consider running for a Board of Trustee position in the upcoming Keenesburg November 2022 election. Packets can be picked up starting Aug. 9th and must be returned Aug. 29th. Pickup from the Town Clerk at 91 W Broadway Avenue. If you have any questions or want additional information on becoming a Trustee, contact Christina Fernandez, Keenesburg Town Clerk at 303-732-4281 or Bob Grand, Publisher Lost Creek Guide, at 303 732-4048 and he might be able to help point you in the right direction.

3) If a valid recall petition is presented, the council may suspend the officer and appoint someone to perform duties until resolution is reached.

The condensed version of the powers and duties of the County Council include:

Aron Lam Announces Run For Mayor of Keenesburg

4) If an officer commits a crime or is formally indicted, the Council may suspend the officer and have a hearing to review facts and allegations.

1) Setting salary levels for all elected officials.

Gillian Smith “What is the County Council” My name is Gillian Smith and I want to serve Weld County on the County Council, at-large. What is County Council? What do they do? Why do you want to run for that? Why should I care who is in this position, and how does it affect me? These are the main questions I have encountered over the past few weeks as I have announced my desire to serve in this position. First, some brief background on what the County Council is. Back in 1976, Weld County’s Home Rule Charter went into effect. Home Rule allows for the citizens of the county to have much more say and influence in their government. Without Home Rule, the Colorado Legislature would determine the form and function of our county government. County Council emerged from this. The Council consists of five members; one from each district and two atlarge positions which are unpaid and nonpartisan.

2) Filling vacancies for the Board of Commissioners or County Council.

Morgan Community College Prepares

Fort Morgan, CO. 8/03/2022. Morgan Community College (MCC) has been offering educational opportunities and producing graduates who are career ready in northeast Colorado for over fifty years. MCC’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs prepare students for successful careers in the industries of their choice, especially during this time of high demand for skilled trade workers. These programs include Electrical Mechanical Technology (ELMT), Industrial Controls (ICT), Automotive Collision Repair, Automotive Service Technology, and Welding.

Students for Careers in Trade Industries

MCC’s Welding program offers opportunities for students to earn individual Welding certificates or an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. Students who complete the Welding certificates or AAS degree are prepared to secure work in positions such as an Engineer, TIG Welder, or Welding Inspector. The Welding program incorporates industry requirements, following American Welding Society (AWS) standards of weld procedures and certifications, and provides versatile instruction on all main welding processes. “We teach welding in several different ways in a controlled environment,” stated Tyler Wunsch, MCC Welding Faculty. “This means students can learn via the method that best meets their needs and prepares them with a strong skill set that helps them stand out in a competitive workforce.”

MCC is now registering students for fall semester. Courses begin August 22, 2022. Visit to access the Fall 2022 schedule and register for classes. For more information about MCC CTE programs, visit To speak with an advisor, visit an MCC location or call (800) 622-0216. Community individuals or organizations interested in supporting the development of an expanded industrial training facility at MCC can contact MCC President, Dr. Curt Freed, at or (970) 542-3105. MCC ELMT Student, Alex Muheto

“I have been a student in the ELMT program for a year and a half,” stated Alex Muheto, MCC Student. “When I started this program, I did not know how electricity worked. I have learned how to troubleshoot, fix, replace, and install electric equipment, while making sure I am safe.”

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 20224

The ELMT program uses hands-on learning to teach students about electronics and electrical/mechanical equipment as well as develops soft skills, like working within a team. Students visit and network with employers throughout the state to learn about future job opportunities and gain internships. The program also prepares students to register as an electrical journeyman applicant with 2,000 hours completed towards the 8,000-hour requirement for licensure through the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. MCC recently hired a second full-time faculty, Daniel Feuerstein, to support student learning and expansion of the ELMT and ICT programs. The college is working to expand these programs to meet regional demand. “The ELMT and ICT programs are a balance of both applied trade skills and technical skills,” said Daniel Feuerstein, MCC ELMT/ICT Instructor. “Students graduate with an arsenal of tools, prepared for a successful career in a trade. Our (MCC) pass rate for these programs is 98%. This phenomenal pass rate is due to MCC Faculty George O’Clair and his knowledge and experience in the industry, the educational resources that provide hands-on education, and the on-the-job training students receive.”

MCC has strong industry partnerships across Morgan County and with Merritt Aluminum in Fort Lupton, Colorado. These partnerships provide various internships and potential job opportunities for MCC graduates who have developed strong welding skills. “The Welding program at MCC has opened many opportunities for me,” said Zachary Evans, MCC Welding alumnus. “Obtaining my degree helped me be prepared for a welding career. There are so many benefits to pursuing a career in welding. The skills are invaluable, and the need for skilled Welders is in high demand. This is a career that can take you anywhere in the world.” “Morgan Community College’s trades programs are really key to meeting industry needs today,” said Dr. Curt Freed, President of MCC. “These programs give students essential skills and an important linkage to their industry.”

MCC’s Automotive Collision Repair and Automotive Service Technology programs use state-of-the art equipment to prepare students for a career in an industry that requires continued learning for an ever-changing, technology-driven industry. A career in the automotive industry promises the potential for a high salary, exposure to new technology, and job stability. “Jobs are plentiful in the automotive industry, with many different career opportunities,” said Brad Parker, MCC Automotive Technology Faculty. “The auto industry has changed drastically since I began in the mid-1980’s. This industry will continue to advance in ways we cannot imagine. I see professionals in this industry who have worked hard, have a good work ethic, and embrace the challenge of new technology and they are very successful in their work.”

Youth can represent Morgan County at the State Demonstration Contest which will be held on August 28 in Pueblo during the Colorado State Fair.

 Homecoming Week is September 5th 10th. Follow our social media pages for upcoming events.


Preschool staff will be making home visits over the next couple of weeks before students arrive on September 6th. Ms. Trautwein will be relaying pick up and drop off information with parents throughout the year depending on what stage of construction we are currently in. We are ecstatic to report that every school in the district is 100% staffed. As the entire nation is under a teacher shortage we are fortunate to be fully staffed. The district was able to get some quality first year teachers along with some highly qualified veteran teachers to join the teaching ranks. At the beginning of the school year, the district was showing an increase of more than 65 students from last year. We welcome new students with open arms and realize that class size will be larger than this community is used to. Our staff understands that their class loads are growing but know that once the new school opens that their class sizes will decrease as more rooms are available. Please work alongside your child’s teacher(s) if any issues should arise. Together, we can ensure that every child succeeds. We wish everyone a joyful return to school and are so happy to be in a position to Student, Brush 4pm Tuesday, August 30 HS Volleyball @Dayspring Christian 4pm Wednesday, August 31 MS Volleyball vs Ft Morgan 4pm Thursday, September 1 HS Volleyball vs Fleming 4pm Friday, September 2 HS Football @ Strasburg 7pm HS Cross Country @ Cheyenne Mt Stamped 1pm Tuesday, September 6 HS JV Football vs Strasburg 4pm MS Football @ Limon 4:30pm HS/MS Volleyball vs Weldon Valley 4pm Thursday, September 8 HS Volleyball @ Caliche 4pm Friday, September 9 HS Football vs Rocky Ford 7pm MS Football vs Bennett 3:30pm HS/MS Cross Country @ Ft Morgan Invitational 3pm Saturday, September 10 HS Cross Country @ Liberty Bell TBD Monday, September 12 HS JV Football vs Yuma 4pm Tuesday, September 13 HS/MS Volleyball vs Haxtun 4pm Friday, September 16 MS Cross Country @ St Vrain 5:30pm MS Volleyball vs Limon 4pm Saturday, September 17 HS Football @ Platte Valley 6pm HS Cross Country @ St Vrain 8:25am HS Volleyball @ Platte Valley 1:30pm ANNOUNCMENTS BACK WIGGINS STUDENTS!!!!!!

Welcome Back! As we settle into the 22-23 school year I wanted to thank you for entrusting your children with us on a daily basis. The staff at Wiggins is passionate about “Positively Impacting Every Student, Everyday!” We will do everything we can to make school a safe place where each student wants to be. Construction is in full swing. You will notice blocks going up on the exterior of the 3rd-6th grade elementary school, with steel and blocks going up at the preschool. Even though construction is taking place, preschool will still be having class as scheduled.

“Positively Impact Every

Everyday” # Go Tigers Elementary School 52 PublicHudsonLibrary USPS Love’s Travel Stop Best Western Plus Hudson I76 Self Storage HudsonDr.BeechSt. HollySt. ©2022 ALLO Communications. ALLO is a registered trademark of ALLO Communications. All rights reserved. Fiber Internet Fiber PhoneFiber TV Residential + Business Updated Step03/14 1: Design Step 2: Under Construction Step 3: Sign Up Today for a Priority Install Date Step 4: Live and Ready for Install The Ultimate In Fast, Reliable Service Is Almost Here! We’re lighting up Hudson with ALLO’s fiber-optic service. Build your package early and be the first on the block to experience the ALLO fiber difference. Pre-order service today to get a priority installation date! DATE EVENT TIME Saturday, August 20 HS Volleyball @ Kit Carson 9am HS Cross Country@ University TBA Tuesday, August 23 HS/MS Volleyball vs Byers 4pm Thursday, August 25 MS Volleyball vs Brush 4pm MS Football vs Brush 4:30pm Friday, August 26 HS Football vs Brush 7pm Saturday, August 27 HS Volleyball @ Stratton (JV, V) 1pm HS Cross Country @ Horizon Invitational 4pm Monday, August 29 HS JV Football @


 Wiggins Preschool classes begin Sept. 6th. Current enrollment for preschool is 90 children. If families are interested in getting on the waitlist they can contact Miss Lisa at 970 483 7783 *All events are subject to change

Demonstration Contest Champions Named Early fair goers learned about how to use basic coding to create games, what is needed to start a business and things to look for when choosing a show goat on Thursday evening at the last pre-fair event just before the opening of the 2022 Morgan County Fair on Friday. A busy Thursday at the Fair included the dog show, Creative Cooks and wrapping up with the 4-H Demonstration Contest. Top winners in the Demonstration Contest were Zoey Sneed, Grand Champion Senior Demonstration and Landon Crispin, Grand Champion Intermediate Demonstration. In the Senior Demonstration division at the Morgan County Fair, Grand Champion was Zoey Sneed with her demonstration on “How to Get Your Goat” teaching participants about what is needed for purchasing and showing goats. Reserve Grand Champion went to Raelynn Carlock for her demonstration titled “How to Build a Business”.IntheIntermediate division, Landon Crispin received Grand Champion with his demonstration on “How to Scratch, Coding 101” where he taught listeners about utilizing the Scratch program to create computer based games.

continued on page 7...

Clothing Construction 2802 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 1 Pillow Jr Lexy Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue 2806 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 1 Simple Bottoms Jr Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve, Best Record Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2813 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 2 Top (vest acceptable) Int Millie Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Red 2820 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 2 Skirt Sr Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 2821 - Beginning Clothing STEAM 2 Dress (not formal wear) Jr Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand 4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results

Cake Decorating

1239 E. KIOWA ● (970) 542 - 3921

0202 - Horseless Horse Unit 1 Int Zoie Parker, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Red 0204 - Horseless Horse Unit 2 Jr Haedyn Varelman, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

Engagewithus Discoveryourstrengths Surpassyourlimits 4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results

Junior Grand Champion Animal Science – Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Animal Science – Haedyn Varelman, Valley View Ag 4-H Club Intermediate Grand Champion Animal Science – Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Animal Science – Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club Senior Reserve Grand Champion Animal Science – Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club Artistic Clothing 2901 - Upcycle Your Style Applied Jr Ziva Zamudio, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 2902 - Upcycle Your Style Applied Int Millie Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Blue Annaleah Alloway, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record 2904 - Upcycle Your Style Stitched Jr Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue 2907 - Upcycle Your Style Combined Jr Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Red Faith Dalrymple, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 2908 - Upcycle Your Style Combined Int Emily Braun, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 2912 - Recycled Clothing Unit 4 Sr Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record 2915 - Costumes Unit 5 Sr Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

Junior Reserve Grand Champion Artistic Clothing - Faith Dalrymple, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Artistic Clothing - Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

1705 - Glazes Bisque Option Unit 1 Int Ellannie Parsons, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Best Record, Grand Champion

Intermediate Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Kaylee Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club



Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 20226 FORT MORGAN

Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Laura Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club

MONDAY THURSDAY 5:00AM to 8:00 PM FRIDAY 5:00 AM to 7:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Junior Grand Champion Artistic Clothing - Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

Morgan County Fair Animal Science

0209 - Horseless Horse Unit 3 Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0301 - Cat Unit 1 Jr Eli Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record Chloe Nadon, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion

Senior Reserve Grand Champion Artistic Clothing - Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club

2601 - Cake Decorating Unit 1 Edible Decorations Jr Hannah Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Karlie Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue Rhylee Lambert, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Ava Goff, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Landen Hayes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Best Record Ethan Lara, Explorers 4-H Club, Red Lainey Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue Katelyn Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Red Zoie Heater, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, White Collins Anderson, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Ziva Zamudio, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 2604 - Cake Decorating Unit 2 Single Layer Jr Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Morgan O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue 2605 - Cake Decorating Unit 2 Single Layer Int Annaleah Alloway, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Kaylee Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Ciree Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Red 2606 - Cake Decorating Unit 2 Single Layer Sr Shariyah Grostzky, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion 2607 - Cake Decorating Unit 3 Two Layer Jr Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Bailey Lingo, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red 2608 - Cake Decorating Unit 3 Two Layer Int Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Red Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Reserve Grand Champion Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Red 2611 - Cake Decorating Unit 4 Character Int Arisa Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 2624 - Cake Decorating Unit 5 Themed Cookies Sr Laura Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Junior Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Collins Anderson, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club

0108 - On the Cutting Edge Unit 3 Int Addyson Schwindt, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0109 - On the Cutting Edge Unit 3 Sr Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

0101 - From Airedales to Zebras Unit 1 Jr Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record Madison Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Dezerae Bos, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 0103 - From Airedales to Zebras Unit 1 Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue Tiare Channon, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Brylee Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

Senior Reserve Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Shariyah Grostzky, Travelers 4-H Club



1718 - Unfired Finishes Unit 4 Sr Karrie Mellott, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Junior/Intermediate Grand Champion Ceramics - Ellannie Parsons, Travelers 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Ceramics – Karrie Mellott, Valley View Ag 4-H Club

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 7 Champion Junior/Intermediate Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Foods – Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club Heritage Arts 3201 - Crochet Jr Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Best Record, Grand Champion 3205 - Fiber Arts (Weaving, Spun skeins, felted bags, etc) Int Taylor Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue 3206 - Fiber Arts (Weaving, Spun skeins, felted bags, etc) Sr Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Best Record

3001 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 No Bake Bars,Cookies Jr Katelyn Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue 3002 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 No Bake Bars,Cookies Int Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion 0702 - Magic of Electricity Unit 1 Int Todd Makings, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 0910 - Robots on the Move Unit 2 Stand-Alone Jr Collin Richardson, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 0917 - Mechatronics Unit 3 Stand Alone Int Landon

Junior/Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Cake Decorating – Faye Klenda, Wildcat 4-H Club


Leathercraft 2001 - Intro to Leathercraft Unit 1 Jr Cash Gould, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion 2002 - Intro to Leathercraft Unit 1 Int Dustin Ashlock, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2003 - Intro to Leathercraft Unit 1 Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2015 - Coloring and Shading Unit 5 Sr Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Junior/ Intermediate Grand Champion Leathercraft – Cash Gould, Golden Clover 4-H Club

Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record 4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results continued on page 8... 4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results continued from page 6...

Weldon Valley

3004 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Baked Bar Cookies Jr Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 3006 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Baked Bar Cookies Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue 3007 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Jr Thea Covelli-Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue 3007 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Jr Zavier Bos, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve, Reserve Grand Champion

3008 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Int Carson Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve 3009 - Cooking 101 Unit 1 Cookies Sr Myer Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 3012 - Cooking 201 Unit 2 Quick Breads Sr Parker Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 3016 - Cooking 201 Unit 2 Muffins Jr Josie Ginther, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue 3024 - Cooking 301 Unit 3 Yeast Rolls Sr Bailey Link, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 3040 - Outdoor Cooking and Living Unit 25 Jr Connor Stone, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record Junior Grand Champion Foods – Thea Covelli- Carter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Foods – Zavier Bos, Golden Clover 4-H Club Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Foods – Meyer Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club

3213 - Quilting Unit 1 Jr Landen Hayes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Rhylee Lambert, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 3213 - Quilting Unit 1 Jr 3214 - Quilting Unit 1 Int Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 3217 - Quilting Unit 2 Sr Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Adalee Bridges, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Junior Grand Champion Heritage Arts – Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

Junior/ Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Leathercraft – Dustin Ashlock, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Leathercraft – Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club

Senior Reserve Grand Champion Leathercraft – Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club Leisure Science 2207 - Documentary Jr Karlie Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue 2303 - One Page Layout Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 2306 - Two Page Layout Sr Taryn Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 2308 - Scrapbook Album Int Jaxon Gleason, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion 2309 - Scrapbook Album Sr Addyson Spradlin, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2503 - Paintings and Printing Sr Elizabeth Schmeeckle, 4-H Edge Crispin, Edge 4-H

Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Heritage Arts – Karson Koch, Golden Clover Intermediate/Senior Reserve Grand Champion Heritage Arts – Ellie Koch, Golden Clover Home Design & Décor 3303 - Home Design & Décor Unit 1 Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue Leadership1904-Leadership Road Trip Sr Ryan Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion Grand Champion Leadership – Ryan Strauch, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club

County Self Determined 0003 - Senior Miscellaneous Ethan Bohl, Open Range 4-H Club, Blue Ryan Strauch, Cowpokes ‘n’ Cactus 4-H Club, Red Foods

Club, Blue, Reserve 2508 - Sketch Crossroads Int Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion Junior/ Intermediate Grand Champion Leisure Science – Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Mechanical Science – Taryn Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club Senior Reserve Grand Champion Scrapbooking – Addyson Spradlin, Travelers 4-H Club Mechanical Science 0604 - Computers Level 1 Beginning Programming Jr Ethan Lara, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 0612 - Computers Level 2 Int Programming Int Landon Crispin, Winning


4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results continued from page 7... 4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results continued on page 9...

Intermediate/Senior Reserve Grand Champion Natural Resources –Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club Photography 2102 - Photography Basics Unit 1 Int Carenity Bunfield, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 2103 - Photography Basics Unit 1 Sr Alani Soto, Winning Edge 4-H Blue, Wildcat 4-H Club, Bijou Go 4-H Club, Blue Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Int Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, 3 Int Kaylie Powell, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Next Level Unit 3 Sr Katelynn Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve 2109 - Next Level Photography Unit 3 Sr Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 2112 - Mastering Photography Unit 4 Sr Elizabeth Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion Junior/Intermediate Grand Champion Photography – Kaylie Powell, Bijou Go Getters Junior/Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Photography – Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Photography – Rebeka Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club

Colorado Plains Medical Center is now Centura St. Elizabeth Hospital. Learn more about us at

0808 - Intermediate Model Rocketry Unit 3 Int Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Owen Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve 0812 - Adv Model Rocketry Unit 4 Sr Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 0814 - Designer Model Rocketry Unit 6 Int Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record Junior Grand Champion Model Rocketry – Bennett Bostron, Valley View Ag 4-H Club

Intermediate/Senior Reserve Grand Champion Model Rocketry –Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club

2105 - Photography Basics Unit 2

1001 - Crank It Up Unit 1 Jr Collin Richardson, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion 1002 - Crank It Up Unit 1 Int Dustin Ashlock, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Junior Grand Champion Mechanical Science – Todd Makings, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Mechanical Science – Luca Petrino, Wildcat 4-H Club

Blue, Champion, Best Record Tessa Oliver,

Centura Health does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, religion, creed, ancestry, sexual orientation, and marital status in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy contact Centura Health’s Office of the General Counsel at 1-303-673-8166 (TTY: 711). Copyright © Centura Health,2022. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-303-643-1000 (TTY: 711). CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nó Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gọi số 1-303-643-1000 (TTY: 711). St. ElizabethHospital Creating f communitieslourishingtogether.

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 20228

Best Record, Grand Champion 2109 -

Danica Bledsoe, Explorers 4-H Club, Red Lathaniel Pennington, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue 1306 - Air Rifle Display Board Sr Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Red 1308 - Shotgun Display Board Int Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red

Blue, Champion Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion 2108 - Next Level Photography Unit

Natural Resources


Junior Reserve Grand Champion Model Rocketry – Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club

Senior Reserve Grand Champion Photography – Elizabeth Schmeekle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Plant Science 0401 - See Them Sprout Unit 1 Jr Karlie Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Red Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Katelyn Jones, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue 0404 - Let’s Get Growing Unit 2 Jr Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 0410 - Growing Profits Unit 4 Sr Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Junior Grand Champion Plant Science – Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Plant Science – Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Plant Science – Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus Shooting Sports 1302 - Archery Display Board Int Anna Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1303 - Archery Display Board Sr Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1304 - Air Rifle Display Board Jr Charlie Kate Anderson, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Faith Dalrymple, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

1201 - Hiking Trails Unit 1 Jr Garett Norman, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Champion 1205 - Camping Adventures Unit 2 Int Caden Cozad, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 1207 - Backpacking Expeditions Unit 3 Jr Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 1409 - Cast into the Future Unit 3 Sr Timothy Rhode, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1502 - The Worth of Wild Root Unit 1 Int Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1601 - Beekeeping, Unit 1 Jr Seth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Junior Grand Champion Natural Resources – Christian Schmeeckle, Weldon Valley 4-H Club Junior Reserve Grand Champion Natural Resources – Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club

Intermediate/Senior Reserve Grand Champion Mechanical Science –Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club Model Rocketry 0801 - Intro to Rocketry Unit 1 Jr Collin Richardson, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue Tucker Kliesen, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Jacob Kral, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Bennett Bostron, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 0804 - Basic Model Rocketry Unit 2 Jr Jenson Manchester, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Reserve Grand Champion 0805 - Basic Model Rocketry Unit 2 Int Thomas Sears, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Blue, Champion 0806 - Basic Model Rocketry Unit 2 Sr Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Natural Resources – Caden Cozad, Valley View Ag 4-H Club

Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Mechanical Science – Myer Wickham, Golden Clover 4-H Club

Reserve Elizabeth Whitney,

Intermediate/Senior Grand Champion Model Rocketry – Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club


Junior/Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Woodworking – Kaine Eicher, Explores 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Woodworking – Lauren Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club Reserve Grand Champion Woodworking – Nathan Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club

Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Katelynn Johnson, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club Senior Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Ethan Bohl, Open Range 4-H Club

1339 - Air Pistol Stand Alone Sr Shariyah Grostzky, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

1354 - Muzzleloading Stand Alone Sr Talan Hall, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Chad Schilling, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1357 - Archery Decorative Item Sr Rhett Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue 1362 - Shotgun Decorative Item Int Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue Eden Montes, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Blue, Champion 1363 - Shotgun Decorative Item Sr Odin Nilsen, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Junior Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers, 4-H Club

1335 - Shotgun Stand Alone Int Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue Karson Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Chase Pollart, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1336 - Shotgun Stand Alone Sr Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Travis Hall, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue Wiley Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue Cole Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record Grayson Johnson, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Red 1338 - Air Pistol Stand Alone Int Jaelyn Olivere, Open Range 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 9 Steve White SBA Lead Lender Relations Specia ist J David Benavides SBA Lender Re ations Spec al st SBDC Project Officer S B A L E N D E R R O U N D T A B L E DISCOVER THE LATEST SBA PROGRAM UPDATES General SBA Program updates News on SBA Information Notices CARES updates American Recovery and Bui d Back Better Program wind down updates SBA D saster Loans updates Exporting Program news Join the SBA for professiona deve opment We invite smal bus ness lenders to a roundtab e that wil discuss SBA resource partner information and updates Topics include: Aug 25 | 9:30 - 11:15 am | Burlington, CO | Free JOIN THE RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUMMIT The Colorado SBDC Network s funded in part through a cooperative agreement w th the U S Sma l Bus ness Administrat on Meet the Presenters bit ly/2022RuralLearn More Fol owing the SBA Lender Roundtab e join the Rura Entrepreneurship Summit for the remainder of the day The ticket includes breakfast lunch networking with rura smal businesses and educational breakout sessions REGISTER AT bit ly/sbalender McKenzie Cuckow, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1309 - Shotgun Display Board Sr Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Chloie Cuckow, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1310 - 22 Rifle Display Board Jr Aeris Anderson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 1311 - 22 Rifle Display Board Int Tucker Braun, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Red Zacheriah Bos, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1312 - 22 Rifle Display Board Sr Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Aleah Bridges, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Kayla Garcia, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1317 - Muzzleloading Display Board Int Ben Werner, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1321 - Air Pistol Display Board Sr Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1328 - Archery Stand Alone Jr Ziva Zamudio, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Hudson Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Kaylea Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Blue Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Brayden Sauer, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Red Evan Ewertz, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Greysen Reed, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1329 - Archery Stand Alone Int Lilyana Bridges, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue Cason Tow, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Blue Cole Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red Evan Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Red Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Wyatt Gorrell, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Blue Rylee Stevens, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue Taylor Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red Dillon Curtis, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Red Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion

1330 - Archery Stand Alone Sr Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Kirstin Powell, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Max Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Red 1331 - Air Rifle Stand Alone Jr Seth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Wyatt Johnson, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Kaine Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue 1332 - Air Rifle Stand Alone Int Arisa Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Thatcher Queen, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue Katelynn Johnson, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

1334 - Shotgun Stand Alone Jr Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record

1340 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Jr Raylan Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Blue Nathaniel Bridges, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1341 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Int Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Eli Williams, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Blue Aiden Midcap, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Red Caden Cozad, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Red Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1342 - 22 Rifle Stand Alone Sr Shawn Hollis, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Red Madison Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Red Ethan Bohl, Open Range 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Red 1343 - 22 Pistol Stand Alone Jr Brooklyn Eggleston, Travelers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion 1344 - 22 Pistol Stand Alone Int Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 1352 - Muzzleloading Stand Alone Jr Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion



Senior Reserve Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club Woodworking2406-Makingthe Cut Unit 2 Sr Savannah Blake, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Blue, Champion 2407 - Nailing it Together Unit 3 Jr Kaine Eicher, Explorers 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion 2408 - Nailing it Together Unit 3 Int Todd Makings, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Blue, Champion Grand Champion - Finishing Up Unit 4 Sr Nathan Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Blue, Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Laura Kopetzky, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Blue, Champion, Best Record, Grand Champion Cierra Lebsock, Sunshine 4-H Club, Blue Junior/Intermediate Grand Champion Woodworking – Todd Makings, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

4-H General & FCS Exhibit Results continued from page 8...

Junior Reserve Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies Intermediate Grand Champion Shooting Sports – Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202210

Morgan County Fair Results

Breeding Beef

All Morgan County Fair results & related articles have been sourced from CSU Extension website.

4-H Shotgun Shoot, First Pre-County Fair Event

Talan Hall and Thatcher Queen captured the first place awards in the senior and junior divisions at the 2022 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shotgun Shoot. Twenty-five youth competed in the contest on July 10, 2022. Placings in the senior division were Talan Hall, 1st with a score of 46 out of a possible 50. Travis Hall placed 2nd; Odin Nilsen, 3rd; Americo Lorenzini, 4th; and Grayson Johnson, 5th. The alternate for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest is Chad Schilling. The other youth competing in the senior division were Jasmine Brindisi, Chloie Cuckow, Cole Curtis, Ceri Dixon, Rylan Larrick, Soul Keller, Baylei Kembel, Danielle Moon, and Jace Meyer. Top award in the junior division went to Thatcher Queen who shot 30 out of a possible 50 score. Second place went to McKenzie Cuckow, Wyatt Chacon, 3rd; Axel Lorenzini, 4th; and Chase Pollart, 5th. The alternate for the State 4-H Shooting Sports Contest is Aysli Kembel. Other junior shooters were McKenzie Cuckow, Eden Montes, and Seth Whitney. The top five in the Trap Contest for both the junior and senior age division will represent Morgan County 4-H at the Colorado 4-H State Shoot in Colorado Springs over Labor Day Weekend. Superintendent for the 4-H shotgun shoot was Paul Oliveira. Oliveira was assisted by Levi Dixon, Jay Marshall, and Stefanie Oliveira. The trap shoot was held at the High Plains Trap Club. The next 4-H Shooting Sports contest will be Friday, July 15 at 5 pm where youth will compete in muzzleloading. On Saturday, July 16, the .22 Rifle and .22 Pistol contests will be held, and the events will wrap up Sunday, July 17, with Air Pistol, Air Rile, and Archery Contests. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting sports program have been provided through a NRA grant given in 2022, as well as donations and fundraising. Shooting sports awards will be presented at an awards dinner on Tuesday, July 19 at 6 p.m. The banquet will be held at the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fairgrounds.

21 - Beef Underweight - 1 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 31 - Beef Lightweight - 1 Nathan Gerken, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Dane Johnston, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Nathan Gerken, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 6 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 7 32 - Beef Lightweight - 2 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, 2 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Percy Odle, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Benjamin Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 7

It is good to recognize achievement, but it is also important to recognize all those that participated. There were a lot of participants this year in the Morgan County Fair. We ran out of space to print the results, even going to 24 pages. We included results in the order CSU Extension listed them on their website. Remaining results will be published in our September 20th issue. Congratulations to all of the participants from the Lost Creek Guide, and all our advertisers!

80 - Sr. Beef Showmanship Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1, Champion Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 81 - Int. Beef Showmanship

33 - Beef Lightweight - 3 Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Brody Yoder, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 6 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 7 Champion Lightweight Beef: Delaney Draegert Reserve Champion Lightweight Beef: Brody Yoder 41 - Beef Mediumweight - 1 Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Gracie Eiring, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 7 42 - Beef Mediumweight - 2 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1 Kirstin Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Kirstin Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Madeline Wilson-Turner, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Jasmine Brindisi, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 6 Westen Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 7 43 - Beef Mediumweight - 3 Ty Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2, Reserve Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Reagan Thomas, Weldon Valley FFA, Wiggins, 4 Max Curtis, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 Hattie Hannan, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 7

Livestock Results Morgan County Fair Beef Showmanship

Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1, Champion Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Cassius Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 82 - Jr. Beef Showmanship Hannah Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1, Champion Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Senior Champion Showmanship: Delaney Draegert Senior Reserve Champion Showmanship: Gillian Steffen Int. Champion Showmanship: Ashlynn Thompson Int. Reserve Grand Champion Showmanship: Ariana Yoder Junior Champion Showmanship: Hannah Fox Junior Reserve Champion Showmanship: Tyson Fox

01 - Yearling Heifer (September - November 2020) Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 02 - Yearling Heifer (February - March 2021) Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Taylor Johnston, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 6 03 - Yearling Heifer (April - July 2021) Hannah Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 04 - Heifer Calf (August 2021 - February 2022) Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1 Brody Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Grand Champion Breeding Beef: Hannah Fox Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Beef: Eli Kline Market Beef

Champion Mediumweight Beef: Ty Sneddon Reserve Champion Mediumweight Beef: Gillian Steffen 51 - Beef Heavyweight - 1 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 6 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 7 52 - Beef Heavyweight - 2 Tyson Fox, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Delaney Draegert, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Americo Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 6 Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 7 53 - Beef Heavyweight - 3 Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 3 Eli Kline, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 6 Cassius Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 7 Champion Heavyweight Beef: Tyson Fox Reserve Champion Heavyweight Beef: Mikaela Thiel Grand Champion Market Beef: Tyson Fox Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef: Ty Sneddon 70 - Catch-It Calf Class Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Westen Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H , Wiggins, 4 Champion Catch-It Calf: Westen Filter

2022 Cake Decorating Contest Champions Named On Thursday, July 7th, Morgan County Extension held a Cake Decorating Contest. At this contest, 4-H members are asked to bake a cake before the contest and then decorate it while the judge watches them. We had fourteen amazing participants this year! The Unit 1 Junior reserve champion was Lainey Jones with a candy flower cake. Collins Anderson was the Unit 1 Junior division champion, and she created a sheep cake.Inthe Unit 2 Junior division, Ella Farnik took Unit Champion with a pink rose cake, and Peighton Arndt took reserve with her sunflower cake. Kaylee Blake took Unit Champion in the Unit 2 Intermediate division with her sunflower cake. Piper Neal was Unit 3 Champion, and she created a cherry-themed cake. Maycie Jones was Unit 3 Intermediate Reserve Champion with her cactus cake. Collins Anderson was the Junior Grand Champion, and Lainey Jones was the Junior Reserve Grand Champion. Piper Neal was Grand Champion in the Intermediate division, and Kaylee Blake took Reserve Grand Champion. Other participants include: Ethan Lara, Katelyn Jones, Karlie Jones, and Ziva Zamudio in the Unit 1 Junior division, Kimber Heid in the Unit 3 Junior division, and Shylyn Larrick in the Unit 3 Intermediate division.

SkeetCutline:and Five Stand Participants: Morgan County 4-H Shooting Sports Five Stand and Skeet Shooters, and coaches. Johnson: Senior Grayson Johnson competing in the Morgan County 4-H Shotgun SkeetKeller:ContestJunior Saxson Keller competing in the Morgan County 4-H Shotgun Five Stand Contest

Special Press Release: Morgan County 4-H Fashion Revue: Wild About Fashion Monday, July 25th the Morgan County Fair Fashion Revue took a trip to the jungle, where various girls competed in Creative and Constructed Clothing categories. Faith Dalrymple, Ziva Zamudio, Evy Lozier and Tenleigh Lorenzini all participated in Creative Clothing. Tenleigh Lorenzini received Grand Champion and Faith Dalrymple took Reserve Grand Champion. Clothing Construction also had four participants; Peighton Arndt, Kimber Heid, Evy Lozier, and Faye Klenda. Grand Champion was Faye Kelnda and Reserve Grand Champion was Peighton Arndt. Peighton Arndt was wearing a pajama set that she made using a flannel for the pants and cotton for the top. She had to make an elastic casing and sew raglan sleeves. She is excited to finally be allowed to wear her new pajamas to bed and to PJ Day at school! This outfit placed first in the Junior Clothing Construction class and Reserve Grand in the Clothing Construction Division. This year, Kimber Heid made a 50’s style dress that she can wear to parties and social events. She learned how to alter a pattern to fit her measurements, construct pockets, and construct a full gathered skirt! Kimber finished the outfit with freshwater pearl necklace and earrings that her mom had worn on her wedding day in 2001. Evy Lozier’s first outfit of the night was a set of blue and white mini pen stripe fabric with pink flamingos embroidered onto them. She paired the pants with a white top. Evy is looking forward to wearing this outfit when school starts in just a couple short weeks. Evy Lozier placed second in the Junior Clothing Construction class. The last Clothing Construction participant for the evening was Faye Klenda’s yellow skirt. While this was not the hardest piece that Faye has made so far, it still presented some challenges like learning how to sew a new type of pocket. She plans to wear this skirt to church, banquets, and to dress up an everyday outfit. She placed first in the Senior Clothing Construction class and Grand Champion in the Clothing Construction division. Faith Dalrymple was feeling wildly Fashionable in her lace- trimmed capris. She found these Capri pants at a thrift shop and added white lace to the bottom of each leg. Then she accented the front and back pockets with the same lace. She paired the pants with a white top and a pair of tennis shoes that she laced with pink ribbon. Faith took first in the Junior Artistic Clothing class and Reserve Grand Champion in the Artistic Clothing division. Ziva Zamudio modified a black shirt and a pair of jeans by adding bling and a touch of herself. She added beads to the ripped knees by using fishing line, grommets, and four different types of beads. She added a pearl and bling border to her shirt. Ziva learned a lot creating this outfit and she plans to continue upcycling her clothes in hopes that she will be a fashion designer one day. She placed second in the Junior Artistic Clothing Class. For Evy Lozier’s second outfit of the night, she showed off her love for giraffes by wearing a pink shirt and jean skirt, each with several giraffes on it. She chose to use different animal patterns on the giraffes to put a different spin on it. In the Senior Artistic Clothing class, Tenleigh Lorenzini wore a western fashionable outfit. She took a cream colored dress and used it to make a black duster so that she could enhance it with any color shirt and jewelry. Tenleigh also took her jeans that would not fit over her jeans and made them flare at the bottom by adding more denim. Tenleigh took first in the Senior Artistic Clothing class and Grand Champion in the Artistic Clothing Division. Unit Champions were: Junior Clothing Construction: Peighton Arndt Senior Clothing Construction: Faye Klenda Junior Artistic Clothing: Faith Dalrymple Senior Artistic Clothing: Tenleigh Lorenzini Cloverbud 4-H Members showed decorated t-shirts that they made at a workshop earlier in July. This year they decorated their t- shirts by using bottles of tye die that would leave drops of die on their shirts. Cloverbuds participating were, Dailiana Gonzalez, Gabriel Herrera, Gabriel Higgins, Liam Higgins, Natalie Higgins, Kaitlyn Kral, Madison Kral, Lukas Kubic, Averie Williams, and Shelby Zamudio. The emcee for the evening was Cara Draegert. Fashion Revue Superintendents making the show a success were Kathy Wood and Jennifer Rhode.

Cutline for Pictures: The Morgan County 4-H Members who competed in the County Cake Decorating Contest held on July 7, 2022.

Risky Territory by Bill O’Reilly Unless Donald Trump did something de monstrably wrong, the raid on his home will go down in history as a diabolical act. And please keep this in mind: it is not a criminal act to hold an opinion about the legitimacy of an election. Even if hard evi dence doesn’t back up the opinion. Someone tell Liz Cheney, who’s about to lose her con gressional seat. If Mr. Trump did do something question able in his quest to question the election, then the American people should know the precise allegation, and, of course, due pro cess must be respected. Right now, the federal government is in risky territory. An honest country cannot use the police, the FBI in this case, to carry out political smears - as happened during the fraudulent Russian Collusion investigation. And so, we Americans who respect justice and honesty are waiting. You’d better pony up fast, Merrick Garland.

The 2022 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shooting Sports Contests kicked off with the 4-H Five Stand and Skeet shoot on Saturday morning south of Akron. Twelve senior shooters and three junior shooters delivered several exciting rounds of competition on July 9. Five Stand results for the senior division were Odin Nilsen, 1st, with a score of 33 out of 50; Grayson Johnson, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Talan Hall, 4th; and Travis Hall, 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Soul Keller, Rylan Larrick, Chad Schilling, and Madison Thomas. Junior Saxson Keller placed first, scoring 16 out of 50; Axel Lorenzini, 2nd; and Wyatt Chacon, 3rd. In the Skeet contest, Senior Grayson Johnson came in 1st with a score of 42 out of 50, Odin Nilsen, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Travis Hall, 4th; Talan Hall 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Soul Keller, Rylan Larrick, Danielle Moon, Chad Schilling, and Madison Thomas. From the Juniors, Wyatt Chacon came in 1st with a score of 21 out of 50; Saxson Keller, 2nd; and Axel Lorenzini, 3rd. The top five in the Skeet Contest for both the junior and senior age division will represent Morgan County 4-H at the Colorado 4-H State Shoot in Colorado Springs over Labor Day Weekend. Superintendents and coaches for five stand and skeet are Levi Dixon, Andy Larrick, and Paul Oliveira. Youth will receive their awards at the Shooting Sports Banquet on Tuesday, July 19 at 6 pm at the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting sports program have been provided through a NRA grant given in 2022, as well as fundraising and donations.

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 11 Fair Shoot for Sporting Clays and Skeet Held Near Akron

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202212

Kyle S. Bernhardt Financial Advisor 606 Grant St. Ft. Morgan, CO 970-542-640180701

Club Book Results

Timothy R. Guggenmos Financial Advisor 228 Main St. Ft. Morgan, CO 970-867-244180701

Forrest Hough Financial Advisor 129 S. 4th Ave Brighton, CO 303-659-230180601

During the Morgan County Fair, on Wednesday the 27th, 4-H Clubs had the opportunity to turn in their club books from the year for judging. This includes their Secretary Book, Treasurers Book, Community Pride Book, and Scrapbook. These books are the records that are kept by their respective elected officers for the 4-H Year. The 4-H Year runs October 1 – September 30. In the Secretary Book Contest, Weldon Valley 4-H Club placed 1st, Long Meadow 4-H Club, 2nd; and Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, 3rd. The Champion Secretary Record Book award is sponsored by FMS Bank. The Treasurer Book Contest had four entries. Placing 1st is Lads N Lassies 4-H Club; Winning Edge 4-H Club, 2nd; Travelers 4-H Club, 3rd; and Long Meadow 4-H Club, 4th. Clubs that enter their Club Scrapbook all receive a $20 gift certificate from Impressions By Bird and Leader’s Advisory Committee to use towards future scrapbooks or other stationary for their club. The clubs that exhibited scrapbooks at the 2022 Morgan County Fair were Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Wildcat 4-H Club, and Winning Edge 4-H Club. Our final area that clubs can enter is Community Pride. Each club completes a minimum of one community service project each year, and the Community Pride contest allows the clubs to develop a book showcasing their community service. This years’ winner of the Community Pride award, which is sponsored by KSIR Radio, is the Weldon Valley 4-H Club. All of these books are on display in the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fair Grounds for the remainder of the 2022 Morgan County Fair which is held July 29-August 4.

Wes Cable Financial Advisor 611 Edison St Brush, CO 970-842-225280723

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If you’ve been contributing to an IRA, you’ve chosen a great way to save and invest for retirement. All IRAs have potential tax benefits and a range of investment possibilities, but not all IRA providers offer the same features. So, if you decide that your current IRA provider is charging higher fees than you’d like, or perhaps doesn’t offer as many investment choices as you want, then you might choose to move your IRA assets to another provider. How should you go about making this switch? Here are some options to consider: • Trustee-to-trustee transfer or direct rollover – You can ask the financial institution holding your IRA to move the money directly to another IRA. No taxes will be withheld from the amount transferred at the time of the transfer. This method is generally hassle-free, but some IRA sponsors will still only mail the check to your address of record, so you’d have to forward it to your new IRA.•Indirect rollover – If you take an indirect rollover, also known as a 60-day rollover, the assets from your existing IRA will be liquidated and the custodian or plan sponsor will send you a check or deposit the funds directly into your bank or brokerage account. This payment may be subject to withholding for federal taxes, and possibly state taxes, unless you opt out of withholding. You have 60 calendar days from the time the funds were withdrawn to deposit the money, including any amount withheld, into a new IRA. If you miss this 60day deadline, the withdrawal may be taxable at your personal income tax rate, and it could also be subject to an early withdrawal penalty if you’re younger than 59 ½. Given the immediate withholding and the possibility of further taxes if you don’t move the money into a new IRA before the 60 days are up, you’ve got much to consider before initiating an indirect rollover. Consequently, you should consult with a financial advisor and tax professional before you make this type of move. In addition to a rollover from an existing IRA, you may someday want to move the money from your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan to an IRA. This can occur when you retire or change jobs, although if you do take on another job, you might have the options of leaving your 401(k) with your former employer or rolling it over into your new employer’s plan. However, if you do want to move your 401(k) funds into an IRA, you can make what’s known as a direct rollover, in which the administrator of your old retirement plan will send you a check made payable to the custodian of your IRA. No taxes will be withheld, but you need to get the funds transferred within 60 days to avoid any potential tax issues. You spend years contributing to your IRA and 401(k) — and for good reason. So, when it’s time to move that money, be careful and consider getting help from your financial and tax professionals. These funds can play a big role in your retirement income, so manage them wisely. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC.

What Should You Know About IRA Rollovers?

It was launching time at the Morgan County Fair on Wednesday, July 27, for the 4-H members enrolled in model rocketry. Youth flew a rocket they had built during their 4-H model rocketry project. Unit 1 Junior Rocket Fly Champion went to Tucker Kliesen, and Reserve Champion went to Benner Bostron. Other members competing in the rocket fly in Unit 1 were Jacob Kral and Collin Richardson. Bentley Larrick was the champion in Junior Unit 2 class, with Thomas Sears coming in Second. Unit 2 Senior Champion was Rylan Schriener. Owen Whitney was champion in Junior Unit 3. The Unit 4 Senior Champion was Timothy Rhode, and Landon Crispin took champion in the junior division of Unit 6. Members who competed in Rocket Fly also built a second rocket which was presented to the judge during interview judging and will be on display for the remainder of the week at the Morgan County Fair. Steve Cramer was the judge for the 2022 event. He judged the members on the construction of their rocket and their range safety. Their rocket was judged on its flight stability, parachute deployment, and landing. Youth winning champion may compete at the Colorado State Fair Rocket Fly Contest on Sunday, August 21 in Pueblo.

Q: What are the age divisions in 4-H?

Creative Cooks Results

The Reserve Champion Intermediate Individual was Shylyn Larrick and she made a Strawberry Curd. Rounding out this class was Thomas Sears who made a Potato Soup with Smothered Onions. In the Intermediate Specialty Category, Tenleigh Lorenzini made Black Bean Brownies, earning class Champion. Maycie and Lainey Jones competed in the Intermediate Team Category with their Watermelon and Jicama Salad. They were the champions of the class. The Overall Reserve Grand Champion Intermediates were Maycie and Lainey Jones. The Overall Intermediate Grand Champion was Tenleigh Lorenzini. The Intermediate Grand Champion award is sponsored by Bun Appetit. In the Senior age division, Rylan Schreiner served Smoked Shotgun Shells, which received a champion. Also competing in the senior age division was Americo and Axel Lorenzini. They took Champion with their Charro Beans. The Overall Reserve Grand champion was Rylan Shreiner. The Overall Grand Champion Senior award went to Americo and Axel This awards are sponsored by The Flower Petaler and Brighter Day Original of Fort Morgan. Cloverbuds were also allowed to participate in Creative Cooks, making their favorite no-bake snack for the judges and public. Cloverbuds participating were Ruby Bostron, Carter Cozad, Gabriel Higgins, Liam Higgins, Natalie Higgins, Kaitlyn and Madison Kral, Jace Lambert, and Gavyn Larrick.

Rocket Fly Results

A: The 4-H year starts October 1st and ends September 30th every year. These are the start and end dates of your 4-H project. Your 4-H age is determined by December 31st of the current 4-H year.

4-H Shooting Sports Overall Champions Named Junior and Senior Grand Champion 4-H Shooter Awards were presented on Tuesday, July 19 at the Morgan County Fairgrounds in Brush. During the Awards Presentation the grand champion overall shooters were announced. Talan Hall and Saxson Keller were named the Grand Champion Overall Shooters for senior and junior divisions, respectively. Talan Hall’s senior plaque was sponsored by Engle Construction, Denny and Sandy Engle. Jon and Cheryl Flair, sponsored the junior award that was given to Saxson Keller. To qualify for awards, youth must shoot in a minimum of three divisions and complete a record book. Hall competed in .22 Rifle, .22 Pistol, Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Shotgun, and muzzleloading. Keller competed in .22 Rifle, Air Rifle, Archery, and Shotgun. Junior Reserve Grand Champion was Rylee Stevens, and Senior Reserve Grand Champion Shooter was Danielle Moon. This year an outstanding participant award was given to a youth within each of the disciplines. These youth were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond in the respective disciplines, being a leader for others, and showing good sportsmanship. The winners of these awards were .22 Rifle – Ben Werner; .22 Pistol – Wiley Eicher; Air Pistol – Bentley Larrick; Air Rifle – Danielle Moon; Archery –Travis Hall; Muzzleloading – Arisa Eicher; and Shotgun – Ceri Dixon. Friends of the NRA provided support for the Morgan County 4-H Shooting Sports Program during 2022, we are thankful for their support of the Morgan County 4-H Shooting Sports program. Youth are now preparing for the state competition which will be held over two different weekends during the Colorado State Fair.

A: There are 4 age divisions in 4-H. The first is cloverbuds for kids aged 5-7. The juniors are the second age divisions for members 8-10. The third division is the intermediate age division for kids 11-13. The fourth and final division is the seniors for members 14-18. Some smaller fairs (Southeast Weld county included) will have 3 divisions, cloverbuds (5-7), juniors (8-13), and seniors (14-18.)

To send in your questions to be answered, please Madison@madisonrichmann2005@gmail.comemail


Q: When does the 4-H year start and finish?

Q: What is the 4-H pledge? A: When you join a 4-H club, one of the first things you will do at your first meeting is say the pledge. This is the national pledge for 4-H. This will be a part of all meetings, and is something all members should know so it is important to memorize it. Below is the pledge.

4-H Q&A By Madison Richmann

Fourteen Morgan County 4-Hers competed in the 2022 Creative Cooks Contest held on July 28th at the Morgan County Fair Grounds in Brush, Colorado. Members competing in the Creative Cooks contest planned a menu, developed a theme around the menu, and then cooked one item off of the menu to serve to the judge and public. There is also a Colorado Specialty class in which participants must cook a meal using a predetermined ingredient set by the State 4-H Office. This year’s ingredient was Dry Beans. Four individuals competed in the junior age division, with Kimber Heid placing as champion in the Junior Individual Category with her Mochi Ice Cream. The champion Colorado Specialty Team, Lillyn and Bentley Larrick, made Baked Applesauce Cake Donuts with Cinnamon-Vanilla Glaze. In the Junior Specialty Category, Rhylee Lambert made refried beans and took Champion. The Overall Reserve Grand Juniors were Lillyn and Bentley Larrick. Kimber Heid received Overall Grand Champion Junior. The Junior Grand Champion award is sponsored by Peppy Coffee in Fort Morgan. Six individuals were in the intermediate age division. Receiving a champion for her individual entry was Lexy Sears with her Smashed Potatoes with Truffle Oil.

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 13

The Saturday, September 10 event will run from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with free admission for attendees and area aviators to enjoy “all things aviation”.

Twenty-three Morgan County 4-H shooters gathered for their County Fair air rifle and air pistol shoot on July 17, at the Morgan County Fairgrounds Multi-purpose Building. Individual champions and place finishers were determined in all air rifle and air pistol shooting disciplines. The shoot also determined who the county representatives would be at the Colorado State 4-H Shooting Championships in August in Pueblo. Shooters were grouped as juniors (ages 8-13) and seniors (ages 14-18). A total of four different air rifle shooting classes were available at both the junior and senior levels. A single contest was held in air pistol shooting. The top six shooters in each class will comprise the Morgan County team in that class at the state shoot. Should a shooter elect to not participate in the state event, the next highest scoring shooter will be asked to join the team in that discipline.

The Fly-in and Air Expo also expects to draw crowds to witness special skydiving jumps and to experience airplane rides for a small fee.

Annual Fort Morgan Fly-In and Air Expo Slated for September 10 Final plans on Fort Morgan’s fly-In and Air Expo are underway, and event organizers have expanded its offerings to make it even better than previous years.

The Fort Morgan Municipal Airport was dedicated in 1933. In 1943, it housed a glider training school that produced pilots for the United States Army Air Corps. Agriculture was the mainstay of the community, and the crop spraying and dusting business became the focus of the airport for several years soon afterwards. In October 1983, the FAA dedicated a newly expanded 5,050 feet of runway. Airplanes on site range from small Piper Cubs to corporate Hawker 800 jets. The Airport is located four miles north of I-76 (Exit 80) on State Highway 52. For more information about the municipal airport of the Fly-in and Air Expo activities, call 970-867-8414.

Air Rifle Members: Members competing during the 2022 Morgan County Fair Shoot. Air Pistol: A member competing in the Junior Division during the 2022 Morgan County Fair Shoot.

Air Rifle and Air Pistol Members: Morgan County junior and Senior 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol shooting sports members and coaches prior to beginning the 2022 Morgan County Fair Shoot.

At 9:00, the popular event is expected to host a special ceremony to rename the airfield to Bristol Field at Fort Morgan Municipal Airport to honor a former long-time airport advisory board member and aviation executive, Merle Bristol. Another former Fort Morgan Airport Advisory member, Robert Mearsha, also will be recognized for his contributions to the airport and related advisory board with a flagpole and plaque installation ceremony. For those with an appetite, food trucks, along with the traditional Lions Club pancake breakfast wagon, will be offering a selection of food items for purchase during the expo. To date, sponsors and participants of the event include: Scott Aviation; City of Fort Morgan; Morgan Community College; Flight for Life; Morgan County Tourism; Fort Morgan Chamber of Commerce; Skydive Orange Skies; Aims Community College; Wyoming National Guard; Lost Creek Guide; VFW Post 3551; the Platte Valley Band; John Waters; and Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics. “What a great way to showcase the aviation developments and successes with a group of like-minded people. Aviation generates economic growth, promotes tourism, and renders aid during medical emergencies, humanitarian crisis, and natural disasters. Our society continues to explore endless possibilities within this industry, and this year’s Fly-in and Air Expo will highlight and celebrate flight and the field of aviation,” remarks Jack Darnell, one of the event’s organizers. “I encourage the community to join us for an exciting day filled with aircraft and interactive experiences.”

Pilots, visitors, and aviation enthusiasts will be able to stroll through a number of aircraft displays, connect with pilots and others in the air-related industry, and enjoy drone and aerobatic demonstrations throughout the day. This year’s event will feature a Redbird aircraft simulator courtesy of Colorado Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division as well as an up-close view of a medical helicopter used for emergency transports by the Flight for Life crew.

Air Rifle and Air Pistol Results from County Fair Shoots

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202214 Fort Morgan Colorado Municipal Airport 23101 State Hwy 52 (970) 867 8414 Meet pilots & flight instructors Discover the world of drones and experimental aircraft F L YI N FORT MORGAN Saturday September 10, 2022 Don't miss sky diving and acrobatic jumps & A I R E X P O Just "Plane" Crazy Free Admission & Open to the Publicheading8AM 2PMg Food trucks * Skydiving * Flag & field dedication ceremony * Military aircraft * Experimental aircraft & drones * Flying demonstrations/aerobatic planes & MORE! Thank you sponsors & participants Scott Aviation * City of Fort Morgan * Morgan Community College * Flight for Life * Morgan County Tourism * Fort Morgan Chamber of Commerce * Skydive Orange Skies * Aims Community College * Wyoming Nat onal Guard Colorado State University Lost Creek Guide VFW Post 3551 Platte Valley Band John Waters CDOT

Top finishers in junior 3 Position International were; 1) Rylee Stevens, 2) Saxson Keller, 3) Arisa Eicher, 4) Thatcher Queen, 5) Kaine Eicher, and 6) Bentley Larrick. Senior 3 Position International finishers were; 1) Danielle Moon, 2) Ethan Bohl, 3) Talan Hall, 4) Madison Thomas, 5) Sateen Keller, and 6) Soul Keller. Chad Schilling also competed for the seniors in 3 Position International. Junior 4 Position Sporter winners were; 1) Saxson Keller, 2) Rylee Stevens, 3) Shylynn Larrick, 4) Thatcher Queen, 5) Kaine Eicher, and 6) Katelynn Johnson. Also competing for the juniors was Arisa Eicher, Wyatt Gorrell, Bentley Larrick, and Seth Whitney. Senior 4 Position Sporter finishers were; 1) Danielle Moon, 2) Ethan Bohl, 3) Madison Thomas, 4) Talan Hall, 5) Sateen Keller, and 6) Soul Keller. Also competing for the seniors was Chad Schilling. Olympic Offhand junior champions were; 1) Rylee Stevens, 2) Saxson Keller, 3) Thatcher Queen, 4) Kaine Eicher, and 5) Wyatt Gorrell. Olympic Offhand senior champions were; 1) Danielle Moon, 2) Ethan Bohl, 3) Talan Hall, 4) Madison Thomas, 5) Soul Keller, and 6) Sateen Keller. Chad Schilling also competed in the Olympic offhand class. Air Rifle Utility Class junior winners were; 1) Saxson Keller, 2) Rylee Stevens, 3) Kaine Eicher, 4) Wyatt Gorrell, 5) Thatcher Queen, and 6) Shylynn Larrick. Charlie Kate Anderson, Faith Dalrymple, Arisa Eicher, Evan Ewertz, Katelynn Johnson, Wyatt Johnson, Bentley Larrick, Cason Tow, Seth Whitney, and Eli Williams also shot at the junior level. Senior Air Rifle Utility champions were; 1) Danielle Moon, 2) Madison Thomas, 3) Talan Hall, 4) Ethan Bohl, 5) Chad Schilling, and 6) Soul Keller. Sateen Keller also competed in utility for the seniors. An air pistol shoot was also held in conjunction with the air rifle contest, junior winners were; 1) Thatcher Queen, 2) Lillyn Larrick, 3) Shylynn Larrick, 4) Brooklyn Eggleston, 5) Kaine Eicher, and 6) Arisa Eicher. Wyatt Gorrell also competed with the juniors. Senior air pistol champions were 1) Talan Hall, 2) Rylan Schriener, and 3) Chad4-HSchilling.AirRifle coaches are David Bohl, Ryan Eggleston, DJ Eicher, Justin Lowe, and Kortney Venzke. Owen and Danielle Eggleston coach the air pistol shooters. Andy and Janet Larrick are the scoring superintendents. More information regarding involvement of youth in air rifle and air pistol may be obtained by contacting the Morgan County Extension Office at (970)542-3540. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting sports program have been provided through a NRA grant given in 2022, through fundraising, and donations.

Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 1 18 – Sr. Buck over 6 months

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 15

The 2022 Morgan County Fair 4-H Shooting Sports Contests kicked off with the 4-H Five Stand and Skeet shoot on Saturday morning south of Akron. Twelve senior shooters and three junior shooter delivered several exciting rounds of competition on July 9. Five Stand results for the senior division were Odin Nilsen, 1st, with a score of 33 out of 50; Grayson Johnson, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Talan Hall, 4th; and Travis Hall, 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Soul Keller, Rylan Larrick, Chad Schilling, and Madison Thomas. Junior Saxson Keller placed first, scoring 16 out of 50; Axel Lorenzini, 2nd; and Wyatt Chacon, 3rd. In the Skeet contest, Senior Grayson Johnson came in 1st with a score of 42 out of 50, Odin Nilsen, 2nd; Americo Lorenzini, 3rd; Travis Hall, 4th; Talan Hall 5th. Also competing in the Senior Division was Chloie Cuckow, Ceri Dixon, Soul Keller, Rylan Larrick, Chad Schilling, and Madison Thomas. From the Juniors, Wyatt Chacon came in 1st with a score of 21; Saxson Keller, 2nd; and Axel Lorenzini, 3rd. The top five in the Skeet Contest for both the junior and senior age division will represent Morgan County 4-H at the Colorado 4-H State Shoot in Colorado Springs over Labor Day Weekend. Superintendents and coaches for five stand and skeet are Levi Dixon, Andy Larrick, and Paul Oliveira. Youth will receive their awards at the Shooting Sports Banquet on Tuesday, July 19 at 6 pm at the Mark Arndt Event Center at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. Equipment and supplies for the 4-H shooting sports program have been provided through a NRA grant given in 2022, as well as fundraising and donations.

Senior Grayson Johnson competing in the Morgan County 4-H Shotgun Skeet Contest Junior Saxson Keller competing in the Morgan County 4-H Shotgun Five Stand Contest

Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 1 17 – Jr. Buck under 6 months

Skeet and Five Stand Participants: Morgan County 4-H Shooting Sports Five Stand and Skeet Shooters, and coaches.

Breeding Rabbit Dwarf, Fuzzy Lop, Holland Lop, Lionhead, Jersey Wooly, and Polish 15 – Jr. Doe under 6 months

Morgan County Fair

Breeding and Market Rabbit Show Results

Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Champion: Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush Reserve Champion: Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush Florida White, Havana, Lilac, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Silver, and Thrianta 24 – Jr. Doe under 6 months Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 1 Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Champion: Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose Reserve Champion: Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Rex, Satin, Sable, and Silver Martin 35 – Jr. Doe under 6 months Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 38 – Sr. Buck over 6 months Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 Champion: Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush Reserve Champion: Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder Other – Fur 56 – Jr. Doe Fur under 6 months Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 Champion: Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder Market Rabbit 65 – Market Rabbit 1 head Adelita Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Fair Shoot for Sporting Clays and Skeet Held Near Akron

Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Ellie Hansen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Brooklyn Eggleston, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Darlene Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Autumn Malone, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Grand Champion Market Rabbit: Adelita Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins Reserve Grand Champion Market Rabbit: Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush 70 – Catch-It Rabbit Adelita Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Ellie Hansen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Brooklyn Eggleston, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Darlene Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Autumn Malone, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Champion: Brooklyn Eggleston, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan Rabbit Showmanship 01 – Senior 14 & Over Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Senior Champion Rabbit Showman: Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan 04 – Intermediate 11-13 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 Intermediate Champion Rabbit Showman: Tashlon Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder Intermediate Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman: Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush 07—Junior 10 & Under Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 Brooklyn Eggleston, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Autumn Malone, Trailblazers 4-H Club, WIGGINS, 4 Ellie Hansen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, BRUSH, 5 Darlene Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Adelita Rivera, Trailblazers 4-H Club, WIGGINS, Participant Evy Lozier, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Abigail Ortega, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Junior Champion Rabbit Showman: Leiren Schauermann, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Snyder Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman: Brooklyn Eggleston, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan

Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, 2 16 – Sr. Doe over 6 months

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202216

Breeding and Market Lamb Show Results

continued on page 17...

Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Sheep Lightweight Class 3 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Bryce Kendrick, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Champion Lightweight Lamb: Sidney Miller Reserve Champion Lightweight Lamb: Bryce Kendrick Sheep Mediumweight Class 1 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Sheep Mediumweight Class 2 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Garrett Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Paige Osier, Open Range 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Sheep Mediumweight Class 3 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Mikaela Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Madison Bennett, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan,Participant Cade Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Champion Mediumweight Lamb: Aiden Miller Reserve Champion Mediumweight Lamb: Mikaela Thiel Sheep Heavyweight Class 1 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant August Filter, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Sheep Heavyweight Class 2 Braelynn Rule, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Akron, 1 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Sheep Heavyweight Class 3 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Jayden Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4

Morgan County Fair Breeding Sheep Meat Breeding Ram Lamb After 1/1/22 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Meat Breeding Ewe Lamb after 1/1/22 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Irvin Garcia, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Paige Osier, Open Range 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Meat Breeding Yearling Ewe Lamb, between 8/1/20 – 7/31/21 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Wool Breed Ewe Lamb after 1/1/22 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Jacob Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Grand Champion Breeding Sheep: Caiden Healey-Mitchell Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Sheep: Irvin Garcia Market Sheep Sheep Underweight Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Sheep Lightweight Class 1 Savannah Loose, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 1 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Christopher Aaesen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Sheep Lightweight Class 2 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 3 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Journee Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Breeding and Market Lamb Show Results

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 17

Zoey Sneed Wins Dog Show

Zoey Sneed took the Grand Champion award at the 2022 4-H Dog Show. Youth competed in showmanship, obedience and rally classes. Taking Reserve Grand Champion honors was Addyson Schwindt. The Morgan County Fair 4-H Dog Show began early on Thursday, July 28 in Brush at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. To qualify for the overall award, youth must compete in four areas including record book, showmanship, obedience and rally. A total of 600 points was possible. Colton Baltazar and Shelly Columbia were the superintendents. Brianna Mackey was the judge for all classes. In Dog Junior Showmanship, Peighton Arndt was champion overall and Morgin Koch was reserve champion. In the Intermediate division of Dog Showmanship, overall champion went to Addyson Schwindt and reserve champion was Saxson Keller. In the Senior division of Dog Showmanship, Zoey Sneed was champion and reserve champion went to Elizabeth Whitney.Overall champion in obedience was Zoey Sneed, and reserve champion was Peighton Arndt. The final contest of the day was Rally. The champion in rally was Zoey Sneed, and reserve champion was Addyson Schwindt. A full listing of results from each class is below. Several of the youth will be competing at the Colorado 4-H Dog Show during the Colorado State Fair later this month in Pueblo. Dog Record Book Jr. Morgin Koch, 1, Champion, 2 Kimber Heid, 1, 2 Peighton Arndt, 1, Reserve Champion, 2 Dog Record Book Int. Saxson Keller, 1, Reserve Champion, 2 Lexxi Meyer, 1, 2 Landon Crispin, 1, Champion, 2 Addyson Schwindt, 1, 2 Dog Record Book Sr. Zoey Sneed, 1, Champion, 2 Elizabeth Whitney, 1, Reserve Champion, 2 Tiare Channon, 1, 2 Junior Novice Showmanship Peighton Arndt, 1, 2 Kimber Heid, 2, 2 Junior Open Showmanship Morgin Koch, 1, 2 Intermediate Novice Showmanship Lexxi Meyer, 3, 2 Saxson Keller, 1, 2 Addyson Schwindt, 2, 2 Intermediate Open Showmanship Landon Crispin, 1, 2 Senior Open Showmanship Elizabeth Whitney, 1, 2 Senior Advanced Showmanship Tiare Channon, 2, 2 Zoey Sneed, 1, 2 Beginner Novice A Addyson Schwindt, 2, 2 Kimber Heid, 5, 2 Saxson Keller, 4, 2 Peighton Arndt, 1, 2 Lexxi Meyer, 3, 2 Beginner Novice B Elizabeth Whitney, 1, 2 Beginner Novice C 1st year Morgin Koch, 1, 2 Beginner Novice C 2nd year Landon Crispin, 1, 2 Novice A Tiare Channon, 1, 2 Pre Graduate Novice A Zoey Sneed, 1, 2 Rally Novice A Kimber Heid, 5, 2 Saxson Keller, 2, 2 Peighton Arndt, 4, 2 Lexxi Meyer, 3, 2 Addyson Schwindt, 1, 2 Rally Novice B Landon Crispin, 1, 2 Morgin Koch, 3, 2 Elizabeth Whitney, 2, 2 Rally Intermediate B Tiare Channon, 1, 2 Rally Advanced A Zoey Sneed, 1, 2 Grand Champion Showman – Zoey Sneed Reserve Grand Champion Showman – Addyson Schwindt

Breeding and Market Lamb Show Results continued from page 16... Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Ashlyn Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Champion Heavyweight Lamb: Caiden Healey-Mitchell Reserve Champion Heavyweight Lamb: Braelynn Rule Grand Champion Market Lamb: Sidney Miller Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb: Caiden Healey-Mitchell Catch-It Lamb Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Christopher Aaesen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Elizabeth Whitney, Wildcat 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Champion Catch-It Lamb: Soul Keller Senior Sheep Showmanship Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Makenna Sneddon, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Clayton Barch, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 5 Intermediate Sheep Showmanship Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 3 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Junior Sheep Showmanship Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Senior Champion Sheep Showman: Caiden Healey-Mitchell Senior Reserve Champion Sheep Showman: Kealy Langford Intermediate Champion Sheep Showman: Josie Hunt Intermediate Reserve Champion Sheep Showman: Arath Carrazco Junior Champion Sheep Showman: Aiden Miller Junior Reserve Champion Sheep Showman: Ariadne Carrazco

continued on page 19...

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202218 Open Class Horticulture Morgan County Fair Junior Agriculture Field and Garden Crops Beets, table, clean, 5 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Onions, Yellow, 3 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Peppers, sweet bell, green or ripe, 2 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Peppers, warm chili, any variety, 3 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Potatoes, clean 5 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Zucchini squash, 2 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Tomatoes, green, stems off, 5 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Tomatoes, ripe, stems off, 5 Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 1 Turnips, 5 Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 1 Grand Champion Junior Garden Crops Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush Reserve Grand Champion Junior Garden Crops

Kimber Heid, Weldon Valley 4-H, Brush Open Horticulture Open Floriculture Bachelor’s Button, 3 stems w or one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Cathy Bosley, 4 Bells of Ireland, 1 spike without foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Calendula, 3 blooms Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Celosia, 3 flower heads or spikes Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Coreopsis, 3 blooms Cathy Bosley, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Cosmos, 3 blooms Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Cathy Bosley, 1 Daisy, 3 stems Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Daylily, 1 stalk Cathy Bosley, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 3 Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 Payson Poland, Brush, 5 Delphinium, 3 spikes, same color Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Echinacea, 1 bloom with foliage Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Fever Few, 1 spray with foliage Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Cathy Bosley, 2 Gaillardia, 3 blooms with foliage Cathy Bosley, 1 Geranium, 1 stem Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Lily, any variety, 1 stalk Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Tiger Lily, 1 stalk Gerri South, Fort Morgan, 1 Dwarf Marigold, 3 stems one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 Small Marigold, 3 stems one bloom each Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 4 Medium Marigold, 3 stems one bloom each Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Large Marigold, one bloom larger with foliage Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Pansies, 3 blooms without foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Petunia, single, 3 blooms with foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Marilyn Blue, Brush, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 5 Marilyn Blue, Brush, Participan Phlox, 1 spike with foliage Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Cathy Bosley, 2 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 3 Rudbeckia, 3 blooms with foliage Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Cathy Bosley, 2 Salvia, 3 spikes, same variety Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Snapdragon, 3 spikes Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 3 Sunflower, 1 stem in bloom Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Payson Poland, Brush, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 5 Yarrow, 1 spray identified, with foliage Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Cathy Bosley, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Zinnia, medium, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Stacey Poland, Brush, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Cathy Bosley, 4 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 5 Zinnia, small or button or miniature, 3 blooms Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 2 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 5 Cathy Bosley, Participant Any other bloom without a class, identified Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 2 Cathy Bosley, 3 Cathy Bosley, 4 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 5 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, Participant Any other bloom without a class, perennial identified Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Cathy Bosley, 4 Any other blooming shrub, 1 bloom or spray identified Cathy Bosley, 1 Cathy Bosley, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Payson Poland, Brush, 4 Dahlia - dwarf, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Dahlia - dwarf, 1 bloom Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Dahlia - medium decorative, 3 blooms Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Dahlia - medium decorative, 1 bloom Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Dahlia - large decorative, 1 bloom Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Gladiola, one color, 1 spike Marilyn Blue, Brush, 1 Wanda Blake, Brush, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 4 Cheryl Flair, Brush, 5 Open Class Horticulture

Breeding and Market Swine Show Results on page

Breeding and Market Swine Show Results

Open Class Horticulture

Morgan County Fair Breeding Swine Gilt (after 1/1/22) Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, WIGGINS, 1 Champion Grand Champion Breeding Swine – Isabelle Meusborn Market Swine

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 19

Swine Underweight - 1 Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, WIGGINS, 1 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA Wiggins, 4 Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Adysen Spelts, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Raylan Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Swine Underweight - 2 Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, WIGGINS, 1 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Olivia Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, WIGGINS, 3 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Taggert Sheppard, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Maxamus Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Piper Neal, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Swine Lightweight - 1 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 5 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Maverick Hunter, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, WIGGINS, Participant Swine Lightweight - 2 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA Wiggins, 5 Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Kash Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Swine Lightweight - 3


Hibiscus, 1 bloom Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Rose, hybrid tea, 1 bloom with foliage Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Rose, floribunda or gradiflora 1 spray with foliage Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 2 Sharon Kauffman, Fort Morgan, 3 Any other bloom without class, perennial identified Cathy Bosley, 1 Fairy Garden Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 3 Native Plant to Eastern CO Cathy Bosley, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 3 Stacey Poland, Brush, 4 Mini Bouquet Arrangement Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Cathy Bosley, 3 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 4 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 5 Designer’s Choice Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 1 Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins, 2 Brenda Fleagle, Brush, 3 Cathy Bosley, 4 Champion Garden Floral Division -Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins Champion Premier Floral Division - Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins Champion Floral Arrangement Division - Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins Grand Champion Floriculture - Kathleen Kopetzky, Wiggins Reserve Grand Champion Floriculture - Cathy Bosley, Brush Open Garden and Field Crops Any named variety small grain, 3 inches Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Basil, 3 stems Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 2 Payson Poland, Brush, 3 Dill, 3 heads Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Dill Weed, 3 heads Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Chives, 12 spears, full length Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Mint, identified, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Stacey Poland, Brush, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 4 Oregano, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Sage, 3 stems Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Garlic, 3 bulbs Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 2 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 3 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 4 Miscellaneous Spices and Herbs, 3 stems, identified Stacey Poland, Brush, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Payson Poland, Brush, 3 Berries, 1/2 pint of same variety, identified Cathy Bosley, Brush, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Beans, snap, any variety identified, 12 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 2 Cucumbers, slicing, 2 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 3 Leafy vegetable, any lettuce, spinach, greens, 10 leaves Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 1 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 2 Cathy Bosley, 3 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 4 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 5 Onions, White, 3 Don South, Fort Morgan, 1 Onions, Yellow, 3 Jon Flair, Brush, 1 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 2 Onions, Red, 3 Eunice Wahlert, Brush, 1 Jon Flair, Brush, 2 Peppers, sweet bell, green or ripe, 2 Brandie Blake, Fort Morgan, 1 Peppers, warm chili, any variety, 5 Payson Poland, Brush, 1 Peppers, jalapeno, 5 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 1 Jon Flair, Brush, 2 Peppers, any other hot chili variety, 5 Jon Flair, Brush, 1 Jon Flair, Brush, 2 Potatoes, clean 5 Don South, Fort Morgan, 1 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 2 Any other type summer squash, 3 Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan, 1 Tomatoes, ripe, stems off, 5 Jon Flair, Brush, 1 Tomatoes, small cherry type, 10 Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 Jon Flair, Brush, 2 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 3 Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 4 Garden Sweet Corn, 3 ears Bruce Bosley, Brush, 1 Giant zucchini Daniel Riddle, Weldona, 1 Champion Field Crop Rachel Anderson, Fort Morgan Champion Herb Division Payson Poland, Brush Champion Fruits Division Cathy Bosley, Brush Champion Vegetable Division Jon Flair, Brush Grand Champion Open Garden: Bruce Bosley, Brush Reserve Grand Champion Open Garden: Payson Poland, Brush

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Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202220

Breeding and Market Goat Show Results

11 - Goat Underweight - 1 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Rylee Stevens, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 21 - Goat Lightweight - 1 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 1 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Brody Yoder, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Kinser Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Bristol Stolberg, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 22 - Goat Lightweight - 2 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Cole Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Peyton Vickers, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 3 Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Kirstin Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Rozilyn Sheppard, Travelers 4-H Club, Hillrose, Participant Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Maverick Hunter, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Champion Lightweight Swine – Tate Oliver Reserve Champion Lightweight Swine – Aiden Miller Swine Mediumweight - 1 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Harley Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, 5 Nicholas Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Olivia Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, WIGGINS, Participant Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Rylan Schreiner, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Swine Mediumweight - 2 Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Darylea Dory, Open Range 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Kirstin Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Nicholas Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Swine Mediumweight - 3 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Nicholas Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Champion Mediumweight Swine – Tate Oliver Reserve Champion Mediumweight Swine – Sidney Miller Swine Heavyweight - 1 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Peyton Vickers, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 4 Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Nathanel Dahl, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Swine Heavyweight - 2 Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Gracie Mook, Wiggins FFA Wiggins, 5 Alan Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, WIGGINS, Participant Seth O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Swine Heavyweight - 3 Peyton Vickers, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 1 Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Peyton Vickers, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 4 Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Maxamus Dardanes, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Kodi Holdren, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Champion Heavyweight Swine – Peyton Vickers Reserve Champion Heavyweight Swine – Aiden Miller Grand Champion Market Swine – Tate Oliver Reserve Champion Market Swine – Tate Oliver Catch-It Pig Class Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Bentley Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Champion Catch-It Pig – Maveryk Vondy Swine Showmanship

Breeding and Market Swine Show

Breeding and Market Goat Show

Junior Swine Showmanship (8-10) Aiden Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Kennedi Quint, Explorers 4-H Club, Hillrose, 2 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Axel Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Intermediate Swine Showmanship (11-13) Sidney Miller, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Tate Oliver, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Gus Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Isabelle Meusborn, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, WIGGINS, 5 Senior Swine Showmanship (14-18) Rebekah Thiel, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Kacie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Peyton Vickers, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 5

Senior Champion Swine Showman – Rebekah Thiel Senior Reserve Champion Swine Showman – Kacie Hunt Intermediate Champion Swine Showman – Sidney Miller Senior Reserve Champion Swine Showman – Ryder Halley Junior Champion Swine Showman – Aiden Miller Junior Reserve Champion Swine Showman – Kennedi Quint

Morgan County Fair Breeding Goats 70 - Dairy Breed Junior Kid (born after 1/1/22) Zylana Vlieger, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 72 - Dairy Breed Doe (yearling 1-2 years) Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 73 - Dairy Breed Doe (aged 2 years and over) Ella Farnik, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Snyder, 1 80 - Meat Breed Junior Kid (born after 1/1/22) Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 81 - Meat Breed Senior Kid (born 8/1/20 to 12/31/21) Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Addyson Spradlin, Travelers 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 83 - Meat Breed Doe (aged 2 years and over) Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Grand Champion Breeding Goat – Gillian Steffen Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Goat – Gretchen Vermillion Goat Showmanship 01 - Senior Goat Showmanship (14-18) Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 4 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 02 - Intermediate Goat Showmanship (11-13) Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 03 - Junior Goat Showmanship (8-10) Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Morgin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 5 Senior Champion Goat Showmanship – Kealy Langford Senior Reserve Champion Goat Showmanship – Zoey Sneed Intermediate Champion Goat Showmanship – Saxson Keller Intermediate Reserve Champion Goat Showmanship – Haylee Amen Junior Champion Goat Showmanship – Lukas Walter Junior Reserve Champion Goat Showmanship – Peighton Arndt Market Goats

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August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 21 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Evan Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Garrison Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 23 - Goat Lightweight - 3 Henry Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Joslyn Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Amelia Vickers, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Lorin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Matlock Hunter, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Fallyn Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Kenneth Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 24 - Goat Lightweight - 4 Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, 2 Cason Tow, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, 3 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Kenneth Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Morgin Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Evan Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ellie Koch, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Brody Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Champion Lightweight Goat – Caiden Healey-Mitchell Reserve Champion Lightweight Goat – Henry Langford

Breeding and Market Goat Show

31 - Goat Mediumweight - 1 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 3 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 Kenadee Kohler, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Brody Smith, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Riley Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Maycie Jones, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Kaylea Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant

Results continued from page 20...

32 - Goat Mediumweight - 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 Josie Hunt, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, 4 Jarrett Haubert, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Kaylea Ferguson, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Riley Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Ariadne Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Braden Weibert, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 33 - Goat Mediumweight - 3 Eli Kalous, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 2 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Skylar Gregersen, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Peyton Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Riley Thomas, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Soul Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Weston Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant 34 - Goat Mediumweight - 4 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Caiden Healey-Mitchell, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, Wiggins, 2 Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 3 Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, 4 Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, 5 Payten Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Weston Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Reilly Clapper, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Matlock Hunter, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Peyton Allart, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Jocelynn Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Journee Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Sateen Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Champion Mediumweight Goat – Zoey Sneed Reserve Champion Mediumweight Goat – Caiden Healey-Mitchell 41 - Goat Heavyweight - 1 Haylee Amen, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Makayla Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, 2 Ashley Clement, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Abby Ramirez, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 4 Owen Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Saxson Keller, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Jacy Jo Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Madison Dreier, Wiggins FFA, Weldona, Participant Gretchen Vermillion, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Julia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H, Wiggins, Participant 42 - Goat Heavyweight - 2 Kealy Langford, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Ceri Dixon, Bijou Go Getters 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 2 Kash Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Zoey Sneed, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Kenadee Kohler, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Cason Tow, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Cierra Lebsock, Sunshine 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Lukas Walter, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Morgan O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant 43 - Goat Heavyweight - 3 Seth O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 3 Landon Crispin, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 4 Maveryk Vondy, Golden Clover 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Payson Poland, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-HClub, Brush, Participant Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Tenleigh Lorenzini, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Wyatt Chacon, Wildcat 4-H Club, Snyder, Participant Arath Carrazco, Long Meadow 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Dray Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H, Brush, Participant Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 2 Gillian Steffen, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 1 44 - Goat Heavyweight - 4 Danielle Moon, Explorers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Jason Dias, Fort Morgan FFA, Fort Morgan, 3 Remington Butler, Sunshine 4-H Club, Weldona, 4 J.R. Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, 5 Ryder Halley, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Raelynn Carlock, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Peyton Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Baylei Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Ashlynn Thompson, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Kash Meyer, Explorers 4-H Club, Wiggins, Participant Champion Heavyweight Goat – Kealy Langford Reserve Champion Heavyweight Goat – Haylee Amen 51 - Goat Overweight - 1 Olivia Herrera, Valley View Ag 4-H Club, Brush, 1 Grand Champion Market Goat – Caiden Healey-Mitchell Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat – Kealy Langford 60 - Catch-It Goat Class Morgan O’Patik, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 1 Cason Tow, Trailblazers 4-H Club, Brush, 2 Mia Guilbert, Wiggins Cornerstone 4-H Club, Wiggins, 3 Champion Ariana Yoder, Winning Edge 4-H Club, Wiggins, 4 Garrison Middlemist, Lads N Lassies 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, 5 Aysli Kembel, Snyder Pioneers 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Shylynn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Lillyn Larrick, Morgan Sandburs 4-H Club, Fort Morgan, Participant Donovan Bauer, Cowpokes ‘N’ Cactus 4-H Club, Brush, Participant Peighton Arndt, Weldon Valley 4-H Club, Weldona, Participant Champion Catch-It Goat – Mia Guilbert

Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202222 - Obituaries -

Wayne and DeEtta spent the last 20 years living in Keenesburg, CO, with their horses, a few cats and their dogs, Bo and Luke.

Brian Dale Schlagel, of Aurora, CO, passed away on Friday, August 5, 2022, after battling pancreatic cancer. He died at home surrounded by his family;he was 72. Brian was born on September 9, 1949, in Longmont, Colorado, the youngest son of John and Esther (Busch) Schlagel. The family farmed south of Longmont, raising irrigated crops and cattle. Brian was actively involved in Boulder County 4H. After graduating from Longmont High School in 1967, he attended Colorado State University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Agronomy. While at CSU, he met Diane Still and they married after graduation, on June 19, 1971. The Schagels purchased a farm southeast of Prospect Valley, where they raised irrigated crops which included: sugar beets, corn, pinto beans, malting barley, wheat, and alfalfa. They also had a cow/calf operation of Black Angus and Red Angus cattle. Brian and Diane were actively involved in raising their two sons, Doug and Aaron. The couple retired in 2020, moving to Heritage Eagle Bend in Aurora to be closer to their family. Brian served on numerous Boards of Directors and leadership roles at: Roggen Farmers Elevator Association, Southeast Weld Fire Protection District, Morgan County Rural Electric Association, Colorado Rural Electric Association, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, and National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation. The Schlagels were active with Homestead Grange, and Brian also repeatedly received WesternCompany’sSugarannual High Ten Grower and High Sugar Producer awards for quality sugar beet production. Brian was exceptionally proud of his Volga German heritage, and he loved spending time with his family and being on the farm with many beloved dogs. He traveled extensively with his wife, friends, and family. Brian was a lifelong fan of the San Francisco Giants and Denver Broncos, and he enjoyed spending weekends at the family’s mountain cabin. Brian loved listening to music by Jim Reeves, Patsy Cline, and Willie Nelson. He also found comfort and special meaning in wearing ‘Life Is Good’ t-shirts. Mr. Schlagel was preceded in death by his brother, James, in 1996. He is survived by his wife, Diane, of Aurora, Colorado; son, Doug Schlagel of Parker, Colorado; son, Aaron Schlagel of Elizabeth, Colorado; and grandson, Spencer Schlagel of Parker, Colorado. Church funeral services for Mr. Schlagel will be at 10:00 AM on Thursday, August 11, 2022, at ELCA First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Longmont, Colorado (803 3rd Avenue), with Rev. Garrett Struessel officiating. Burial directly following at Longmont Mountain View Cemetery. Brian’s family invites you to a luncheon reception after the funeral and burial at The Fox Hill Club, Twin Peaks Room and Patio (1400 CO-119, Longmont). Memorial contributions may be made in honor of Brian D. Schlagel to the Longmont United Hospital Foundation. Please visit Dignity Memorial / Ahlberg Funeral for additional obituary information and to leave condolences for Brian’s family:

Wayne is survived by his wife, DeEtta of 23 years; his father, George; his stepmother, Jill; his brother, Bart (Pam); his step-brother Steve Durgan; his step-sister, Carmen (Chuck) Heister; his brother-in-law, Tex Holthus; his sister-in-law, Crystal (Dusty) Needham; several nieces and nephews; three aunts; and many cousins. He was preceded in death by his mother, Linda Walden; his father-in-law, Jake Holthus; and his mother-in-law, Bernice Holthus. Wayne had so many friends in his life, and he loved each and every one of them. He had a big heart and gave big hugs. He was truly blessed. The Prayer Service will be Thursday, August 11, 2022, at 7 PM at Zion Lutheran Church in Hamill, SD. The funeral will be Friday, August 12, 2022, at 2 PM at the Hamill Hall in Hamill, SD. Burial will follow at the Hamill Cemetery. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday August 20, 2022, at 11 AM at Grace Lutheran Church in Hudson, CO. And a Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday August 20, 2022, at 2 PM at the SE Weld County Fair Grounds, Keenesburg, CO.

Wayne Mathisen (George Wayne Mathisen) was born June 19, 1967, at Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder, Colorado to George and Linda (Walden) Mathisen. He passed away at Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder, Colorado on July 30, 2022, at the age of 55 due to complications from a long battle with cancer. Wayne grew up in Brighton, CO and graduated from Brighton High School in 1986. He was an athlete and played sports all through school, including one semester playing HS football in San Diego, CA. He went on to play semi-pro football in Colorado for several years. After he graduated, Wayne worked for Del Hensel working with his buffalo herd. He worked the corrals at National Western Stock Show as a Buffalero. Later he went to work for Bob Dineen at Rocky Mountain Meats and delivered buffalo meat to area stores. Wayne’s love of farming also landed him working for his best friend, Kevin Willard at W-Spur Hay Co. Farming always kept him around the people and things that he loved the most. During those years, Wayne started working in the gas and oil industry. Over the span of 35 years, he worked for KN Energy and, through industry mergers and changes, ended up at Noble Energy for several years. He made many great and lifelong friends while he was in the industry. Eventually, Wayne started his own company which was a huge blessing to him. Through his association with the National Western Stock Show and friends, Wayne became a Livestock Superintendent and worked the NWSS every January for 23 years. He became a member of the NWSS Club in 2003, which he enjoyed very much, especially after he retired from the Livestock side. Wayne loved the water and was an amazing swimmer. He had a boat and was a member of the Fort Lupton Boat Club for many years. He loved going to the lake every summer.Wayne was an avid hunter and loved to go elk hunting in the Colorado mountains and pheasant hunting in South Dakota. He loved to shoot sporting clays and shot competitively for many years. In December 1997, Wayne met the love of his life, DeEtta Holthus. He followed her around for a few months and reconnected in February 1998 on her birthday at the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City, SD. Once they started dating, they were inseparable and on September 4, 1999, they were married in Rapid City.

~ Psalms 121 ~ A Song of Ascents

Wayne and DeEtta spent many summer weekends in Centennial WY with their horses and, in the winter, they snowmobiled the Snowy Range. They also went every July to Cheyenne Frontier Days with many of their friends. Wyoming has always been a special place for them.

It is good to recognize achievement, but it is also important to recognize all those that participated. There were a lot of participants this year in the Morgan County Fair. We ran out of space to print the results, even going to 24 pages. We included results in the order CSU Extension listed them on their website. Remaining results will be published in our September 20th issue. Congratulations to all of the participants from the Lost Creek Guide, and all our advertisers! All Morgan County Fair results & related articles have been sourced from CSU Extension website.

Morgan County Fair Results

Brian D. Schlagel Wayne Mathisen

August 17, 2022 Lost Creek guide 23 SERVICE DIRECTORY Thomas J Croghan DDS Family Dental Practice Appointments: 303-377-8662 New Patients Welcome Appointments Available in Keenesburg and Denver Computer Support R epai R , S e R vice & S ale S Reliable, Local, Professional Roggen Telephone Company 303-849-5260 McCarthy Trucking Recycled asphalt, concrete Great for driveways & parking areas. Also sand & gravel. Reasonable Prices Call Kevin for free quote 303-901-5034 Dave Haney Painting & Dry Wall Interior - Exterior Cabinets, Fence Staining Located in 720-217-2089PlattevilleForSale: 2016 Sanibel Traveler 5th Wheel 42”6” with 4 slide outs. Asking $38,000 Living Rm- Theater. Kitchen, 2 bdrms, W/D combo, Bathroom, Full vinyl skirting. Please leave message at 303-550-4257 For Sale: 20212 HD Road Glide Custom 32,4000 miles. Asking $10,000 Black/Chrome, Trunk, Heated grips, Upgraded exhausts, 103 cubic in. Please leave message at 303-550-4257 Farm Mechanic Looking for work Full time employment Call Heath 720-507-2895 Keenesburg Housing Authority Looking for part time Maintenance Person For more information please contact Adriane at: 303 732-4221 or 303-857-4400 Open Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm Family Medical are for All Ages 190 So. Main St., Keenesburg 303-732-4268 Keene Clinic For Local Colorado Information Go To: PFAS Detected in Town of Keenesburg Drinking Water In 2020 the Town of Keenesburg volunteered to participate in PFAS testing by CDPHE in a water sampling project. The testing results for the Town of Keenesburg were posted on the CDPHE’s 2020 water testing project. The report showed the State tested for PFBS, PFOA, and PFOS. The test results for entry point one for Keenesburg water showed PFOS at 8.3 parts per trillion (ppt); PFOA, 4.5 ppt; and PFBS, 4.7 ppt. Entry point two, PFOS, 6.2 ppt; PFOA, 3.5 ppt; PFBS, 3.5 ppt. CDPHE suggested the Town apply for a grant to test all of the town’s wells. This grant was awarded, and the Town is on the CDPHE’s contractors list for testing. Although, due to low levels of PFAS in Keenesburg’s drinking water, other water districts with higher PFAS levels are ahead of us for testing. The Town of Keenesburg has been working closely with CDPHE to comply with all potential public health notifications and currently has not received direction from CDPHE to announce a public health notification. Both CDPHE and EPA are not suggesting that the public does not drink the water but are putting together standards for public health notifications for PFAS levels at this time. It’s important to know that a simple carbon filter in your refrigerator or on your water tap will remove PFAS from the drinking water; under the sink household RO systems will also remove PFAS. The Town of Keenesburg offers its citizens carbon filters at a reduced price that can be purchased at Town Hall for $4 per filter. If you have any questions, you can contact the Public Works Director or the Town’s ORC, Wayne Ramey with Ramey Environmental Compliance Inc., at 303-833-5505. To view results for all water districts, please visit the CDPHE website. The CDPHE link is available on the Town’s website: IT IS IMPORTANTTOVOTE!

Jamie Jost, Kerr-McGee’s attorney, however, pushed back on including the language in the plan saying that the company was in the process of developing a 30page comprehensive wildlife management plan for the area with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The comprehensive plan was expected to identify the specific drilling areas within the plan area and that the whole region and each of the sites would be evaluated together. That would clear the way for an operator to seek drilling permits.

OXY Communications responded to the Lost Creek Guide with the following regarding the Bronco Plan: “Having a comprehensive area plan approved means the company will not have to provide data about the cumulative impacts on each well site, since that’s already been done. Each specific well ste pal will receive an expedited review from the COGCC because it’s part of an approved comprehensive area plan.” A. Hough, AAMS™ Main Fort

The approval was delayed a week after it was criticized by oil and gas commissioners at an Aug. 3 hearing. Commissioner Karin McGowan scored what she called “squishy” language in the plan. The initial plan, for example, said existing old wells would be “evaluated” for plugging and “to the greatest extent possible,” gathering lines would follow roads. Invoking Star Wars, McGowan said, “I joke about Yoda, but he did say it best, ‘Do or do not do, there is no try.’” In the revised plan, Kerr-McGee committed to plugging wells, running gathering lines along roads, using pipelines to carry waste water away from drill sites and several other actions that had been tentative. It also sharply cut its estimated air emissions by switching to natural gas-powered drill rigs, using less polluting diesel engines and cutting truck traffic. CAP was supposed to help get a handle on emissions In its April draft of the CAP, the company estimated in the first five years emissions of nitrogen oxides would total nearly 1,400 tons and methane emissions would be 240 tons. In the final plan that was down to 389 tons of NOx, which contributes to ozone pollution, and 143 tons of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Brett Ackerman, the commissioner with a wildlife and environment background, pressed for the CAP to note that the best management for wildlife during migratory or mating periods is shutting or limiting operations — so-called timing stipulations. “Timing stipulations are the best management practice in the pronghorn area,” Akerman said. There are also two bald eagle winter nesting areas with a mile of the CAP.

Environmental and community groups have pressed for a broader evaluation of impacts of oil and gas activities saying that the commission’s approvals of individual projects fail to capture the pile-on impacts of drilling in a local area or region.

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Lost Creek Guide AuGust 17, 202224 Kerr-McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corp., got a greenlight from Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission for its Bronco Comprehensive Area Plan. The company will have six years under the plan to drill its wells. The comprehensive area plans, or CAPs, were added to COGCC rules as part of the mandate under Senate Bill 181 for the commission to focus on protecting public health, safety, welfare and the environment and wildlife.

Kerr-McGee’s Bronco CAP projects drilling 209 wells on a 24,333-acre area in Weld County centered around the Cervi Ranch. The drilling area is bounded on the north by U.S. 34, west of the town of Dearfield, and the on south by Interstate 76, near Roggen.

The plans also are ushering in more sources of pollution when the Front Range is already struggling with significant air pollution problems, said JoAnn Hackos, vice president of the Audubon Colorado Council. In addition to Kerr-McGee, Civitas Resources and PDC Energy have submitted comprehensive plans. The three plans total more than 820 wells across 94,000 acres.

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“The goal of the CAPS is to incentivize a holistic approach to development,” commission spokeswoman Megan Castle said. “It is a good planning tool for the operators, for the state and localities,” said Lynn Granger, executive director of the industry trade group API-Colorado. “It provides some level of certainty for everyone involved.”

Every year utilities across the country recognize National Safe Digging Day on August 11, reminding their patrons to call 811 before digging. Last week, Morgan County REA did just that. However, calling 811 before digging is important yearround. Not only can it save you a major headache in repairing (and paying for) broken utility lines, calling 811 before digging is actually required by law. No matter how deep you plan on digging, always plan to contact 811 at least three days prior so that underground utilities can be located and marked with paint and flags. You can either call 811 or request a locate online at Established in 1987, Colorado 811 is a non-profit organization and utility locates are free and available statewide. After requesting a locate, 811 contacts utility owners and operators in the area where you plan to dig. Within three days, each affected utility will send a locator to the dig site. Using a standard uniform color code, utilities will mark where electric, gas, communication, water and sewer lines lie. Do not begin digging until all utilities have responded. MCREA uses red flags and paint to complete locates, which is the color used by electric utilities to designate where underground cable is buried. There may be private utilities within the area you are digging. These are owned by the property owner and therefore will not be marked at the request of 811. It is the responsibility of the excavator to have private utilities located at the property owner’s expense. For a list of private locate companies in our area, visit After utilities have been marked, always use caution when digging near underground lines. Colorado law requires you to use reasonable care when digging within 18” of the marked utilities. This area is known as the tolerance zone and hand digging is required. Failing to do so can cause service outages and result in very costly repairs. More importantly, accidentally hitting a utility line—especially electric cable—can be dangerous to you and others nearby. Morgan County REA, a member-owned cooperative, is dedicated to serving our members by providing safe, reliable energy. By calling 811 and digging safely, you help MCREA to be successful in the pursuit of that mission.

First Comprehensive Oil and Gas Drilling Plan Under Colorado’s New Regulations gets go-ahead continued on page 1... FDI-1916K-A © 2020 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > edwardjones com | Member SIPC We’re more than just a great rate. Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Forrest Hough, AAMS™ Financial Advisor 129 S 4th Avenue Brighton, CO 303-659-230180601 Minimum deposit $1000 % Finding a great rate on a CD is nice, but if you want to get the most out of your CDs, you need a strategy. If you’re looking for potential ways to generate additional income without tying up your money for years, to learn more, call today. 2.95 Lorem ipsumLorem ipsum * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 08/08/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to nterest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Mark

National Safe Digging Day: Remember to Call 811

Kerr-McGee’s plan, however, calls for identifying 11 drill sites later and the company will then seek commission approval for oil and gas development plans for each site. “I don’t think that was the intent of the rules,” Commissioner John Messner said. The next CAP up for review will be Civitas Resources’ Box Elder CAP, followed by PDC Energy’s Guanella CAP, with a projected 466 wells at 25 locations on 32,640 acres southwest of Greeley. The comment period on Guanella is open until Oct. 1. The Box Elder CAP is already drawing criticism from environmental groups. The plan calls for 151 wells on 20 drill sites across 37,520 acres in Adams and Arapahoe counties and Aurora. While compared to the more limited cumulative impacts data in the Bronco CAP, the data in the Civitas plan is “elegantly packaged, and extraordinarily long,” according to Merlin, from WildEarth Guardians. The emissions and impacts report runs 483 pages. Still, in comments filed with the COGCC, Merlin said that inconsistencies in the data raise questions about the confidence of the analysis. For example, a Civitas consultant monitored releases off existing company sites and found next to no emissions, but ambient air monitors operated by Front Range communities detect both background levels and spikes of chemicals linked to oil and gas operations. “How can their monitors not even pick-up the background levels?” Merlin asked.

The groups, however, contend that the comprehensive plans being filed provide only a limited view of impacts while potentially opening thousands of acres to oil and gas“ in the CAPs was supposed to inform new rules on cumulative impacts, but there are real questions about the data,” said Kate Merlin, an attorney with the environmental group WildEarth Guardians. “If we can’t rely on the data, how can we rely on the rules to protect us?”

By Morgan County Rural Electric Association

“The plan certainly gives us plenty of things to evaluate but what we are concerned about is that they will just pass everything and we’ll have hundreds more wells,” Hacko said. The Colorado Sun is a reader-supported news organization that covers Colorado people, places and issues. To sign up for free newsletters, subscribe or learn more, visit

The Civitas air quality study in Broomfield focused on taking measures as the wind blew across the company’s location toward monitors, said Brian Cain, the company’s chief sustainability officer. “The goal of this study was not simply to detect methane or other air constituents in the community, but to detect and understand any emissions that could be coming specifically from our locations,” Cain said. Civitas has already installed more than 100 air monitors in the Box Elder CAP reporting to the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, Cain said. The monitors will provide an air quality baseline for the area. As a result of the sprawl of the plan, the Box Elder CAP will have impacts on burrowing owls and other wildlife as well as people living in low-income and minority communities, said Hackos, from Audubon.

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