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Brand description


LOTOCOHO is a label of creation that translates signs into symbols, landscapes and concepts into unique jewelry and spaces.

LOTOCOHO “After having studied watches, we must now study the clouds.”

An infinite design system is

generated using geometry as a universal language, relating ecotones of those places (landscapes or any other concept) with people: learning the shapes, stories, myths or legends and changing our relationship with the landscape/environment/life. Each piece has been designed as part of an infinite series (but finite production), promoting artisanal production with technological processes and the synergies between industry-production, pushing forward the idea and the design it generates new business models and links us to our cultural beginnings through “ornamental” objects, bringing together the past, the present and the future.

Innovation, creativity and design: LOTOCOHO has generated a way of communicating with people through objects, uniting different branches of the latest innovative technology with artesan processes and a push for geometry as a universal language. Relating landscape, history, concepts, mythology, legends, with math and jewelry.Elements that amplify our scale and the way of relating ourselves with the planet or with ideas.


Brand description

Karl Popper

BIOGRAPHY Jorge López Conde



designer, “almost” photographer, “almost” dj, founder of LOTOCOHO, winner of the Mediterranean Fashion Prize and has just been proclaimed as a finalist of the Guggenheim Museum of Helsinki. From around 1715 teams, only 6 have been selected to be part of the final round. It has become the most relevant contest of history according to some critics. He has participated in the creation of various studios with Luis Úrculo (LUJO), Luis Díaz Mauriño (Hot Architects) and Julián López Galán ( and Zuloark. He has collaborated with Herzog&deMeuron, Cero9/ AMID, FloresPrats, Andres Jaque Architects, among others. He has been a professor of “expiry” in the IED European Design Labs and the Interior and Product Design courses. He has done workshops and conferences for the Archi-

tectural Association/London, Umea/Sweden, Polytechnic University in Madrid, Cartagena and Navarre. At the moment, he directs the Ephimeral Spaces course in the ESNE. His work has been published in a number of specialized publications in Architecture, Photography and Design. He curates and programs in La Casa Encendida with Jose Luis Villalobos where they present the Mayrit project, a tool to recognize Madrid through sound. Art director of some of the most underground clubs/record labels/agencies of Madrid such as: Bigtimers-Cassette-Polka/Charada-Net28-Bemysheep-CMYK Alex Under-Colt-VanVas-XClub… and all of this is to be able to meet his fundamental goal which is to be able to create journeys or translations of all this to “almost” understand our present, past and future context, natural or artificial.


“Almost” architect, “almost”



“From Primitive Crystals to Hoarftost”

“Ergonomic Territories”




“Alhambra” “Visions & Paradox”



“Seven Summits”

“World Peaks” “Lot of Sol” SS13

“Ergonomic Territories”





n previous collections we have developed a certain way of doing things.

SS13 - AW13


“Ergonomic Territories” “World Peaks” “Lot of Sol” We have worked with translation and the union of landscapes and its associated stories. In these new collections, in these new steps, in these new series of investigations, we are extending the frame and concreting the point of view. We are developing new themes such as the composition of landscapes of abstraction between the centuries and relate these constructions with visual and spatial perceptions. Translations of shapes into signs/ emblems, and from emblems to symbols. New ways of writing. We would like to present the pieces as a period of time to be experienced/experimented, as an unlimited exchange, a state of encounter between centuries and theories, a point on a line. Particular experiences with moments of subjectivity: where the atoms become the world. We propose to develop concepts that aim to relate back to the users, to rethink their “Form” that turn into “Formations” and the

“History” attached to it: to reconstruct itself through the interpretation of the person who wears it. A reconstruction of the relationship between subject and object history. A negotiation with the comprehensible. An itinerary on different maps:

SS14 - FW14

“Ergonomic Territories” Reviewood “Alhambra” “Visions & Paradox” “Seven Summits” The advanced geometric pieces from the collection show extreme situations from everyday life: HOARFROST is the first state of water during the change of state from liquid to solid and THE PRIMITIVE CRYSTALS are a set of systems thats present a non diffuse and well defined diffraction, but above all, a set of solids with and origin based in the word “Kryos” which means cold. At the same time that water expands when freezes and the primitive crystals develop in the three directions of space, LOTOCOHO develops this new collection as a metaphor of that specific moment.

SS15 - FW15

“China” “From Primitive crystals to hoarfrost”

FW / 2015

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

“From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost” “A set of solids with an origin based in the word Kryos which means cold.”

T he advanced geometric pieces from the collection show extreme situations from everyday life: HOARFROST is the first state of water during the change of state from liquid to solid and THE PRIMITIVE CRYSTALS are a set of systems thats present a non diffuse and well defined diffraction, but above all, a set of solids with an origin based in the word “Kryos” which means cold. At the same time that water expands when freezes and the primitive crystals

develop in the three directions of space, LOTOCOHO develops this new collection as a metaphor of that specific moment. The collection has followed LOTOCOHO’s special fabrication methods: digital craftworks amde in Spain using the last high technology systems for both the finishing and the concept using SILVER as a transitional material. Remember that art is an state of the encounter.

HOARFROST ART double ring HF2004 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals ART IN JEWELRY PC 2011 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

Everyday life in nature:

Hoarfrost is the first step of water during the change of state from liquid to solid and the primitive crystals are a set of systems that present a non diffuse and well defined diffraction, but above all, a set of solids with an origin based in the word ‘’kryos’’ which means cold. WWW.LOTOCOHO.COM

primitive crystals ART IN JEWELRY

HOARFROST ART double ring HF2004 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

PC 2011 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

Each piece has been designed as


part of an infinite series (but finite production), promoting artisanal production with technological processes and the synergies between industry-production, pushing forward the idea and the design it generates new business models and links us to our cultural beginnings through “ornamental” objects, bringing together the past, the present and the future.

primitive crystals BRACELET PC2005


‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals BRACELET PC2005


‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals BRACELET PC2005 One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals EV RING PC2010


‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

An infinite design system

using geometry as a universal language, relating ecotones of those places (landscapes or any other concept) with people: learning the shapes, stories, myths or legends and changing our relationship with the landscape/environment/life.

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

At the same time that water

expands when freezes and the primitive crystals develop in the three directions of space, LOTOCOHO develops this new collection as a metaphor of that specific moment.


HOARFROST h triangle pendant HF4002 One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished


HOARFROST ring I HF2001 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals ART ring PC 2001 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals V RING II PC 2013 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

HOARFROST H DIAMOND PENDANT HF4003 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

The collection has followed


LOTOCOHO’s special fabrication methods: digital craftworks amde in Spain using the last high technology systems for both the finishing and the concept using SILVER as a transitional material.


‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals BRACELET



USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

One Size SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished


primitive crystals EV RING

‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

HOARFROST ring I HF2001 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals ART ring PC 2001 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished



generated a way of communicating with people through objects, uniting different branches of the latest innovative technology with artesan processes and a push for geometry as a universal language. Relating landscape, history, concepts, mythology, legends, with math and jewelry.

Elements that amplify our scale and the way of relating ourselves primitive crystals DOUBLE RING V PC 2004 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished


‘From Primitive Crystals to Hoarfrost’

USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals ring CRYSTAL Xs PC2008 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished

primitive crystals V RING III PC 2014 USA Size 5 -13 SILVER Sandblast Matt / Polished


primitive crystals V CRYSTAL


SS / 2015


From the garden to desire. Window to China, Window of China. The Chinese Garden is a constant compromise between aesthetic and symbolic dimensions. The traditional Chinese garden symbolizes paradise in the world. According to ancient Chinese legend, this was paradise on the summit of a mountain that was in some distant islands that were in the middle of the sea. There the elixir of “eternal youth” which allowed access to immortality was.

landscapes and creating this miniature world and secondly, the triumph of desire over sanity, locked in the mythology associated with the Kunlun mountains, the Taoist paradise. (And some martial arts)

To get to know the eternal youth of China, we have translated its signs and have turned them into symbols, the garden and the Chinese desire turned into jewelry.

On the other hand, we have rebuilt that world in miniature through Kunlun, using its surroundings and imitating those landscapes. The Kunlun mountain peak was a symbol of virtue, stability and endurance in the philosophy, of Confucius and in the I Ching. A mountain peak on an island was also a central part of the legend of the Isles of the Immortals, and thus became a central element in many classical gardens, being this theory what creates LOTOCOHO’s collection China.

We have investigated the language of the garden through the relationships between its elements and geometries, and also legends, myths and symbols that make this art considered sacred, at the level of writing or poetry. We have developed two lines of research, on one hand the ideas in the language of the garden: - Adaptation, imitation of other

To build the pieces, we have developed the geometric language created by traditional windows that relate the interior and exterior to, from there, look from the inside out and the other way around.



The Chinese Garden is a constant compromise between aesthetic and symbolic dimensions.



Our great collaboration with Charlie de Navarro for our SS15 Campaign “China: Atlas of Jewelscapes” This collection was presented in Paris Fashion Week at PREMIERE CLASSE Tuileries and CREATIVE DOOR













FW / 2014

“Seven Summits”


‘Seven Summits’

Atlas of Jewelscapes Art in jewelry

‘Seven Summits’


‘Seven Summits’


‘Seven Summits’


SS / 2014

Alhambra ”My water is fused beads, ice that you see running (keep that to large great)”

We create a conversation between the geometrical constructions of the Alhambra (Islamic Art) with the Ulm School. We are describing generated geometric spaces applied to the body, a staging of different discourses: operative realism. Representing their reality applied to the body. To function like a jewel and show itself off, giving itself the use of an aesthetic object like geometric research of the strategists of the Alhambra and Ulm. The factor of production, the economic and the symbolic is at stake as Maldonado says. Plastic quality vs operational relevance: Ornamentation as a result of the mathematical Arab – Ulm research whose aim was to break the two-dimensional space: in Islamic architecture, the space is never separated from the shape. It is not the materialization of the abstract Euclide coordenates which provides a

framework where the “forms-formalization” are “located”. The space is defined by the contours-and-methods- that are found in it. Looking for the link between the meanings of the word ma´na: meaning and intangible. Representing a space between two complementary moments in the history of geometry and spatial analysis, developing some union simulations. The geometrical figures and numbers which are not only what they quantitatively appear: they have a symbolic aspect that, far from being imaginary, is as much a part of reality as it is to its material side. The body becomes prosthetic, as Maldonado said. And the study of semiotics...



Ibn Zamrak, 1333 - 1393





SS / 2014

Alhambra Black

‘Alhambra - Black’


”My water is fused beads, ice that you see running (keep that to large great)” Ibn Zamrak, 1333 - 1393

SS / 2014

Visions & Paradox ”Zero weight, infinite light: Things lie just like your pictures.”

The construction of a theory of nostalgia on visual perversions. Modifying your vision and constructive paradoxes of the method. A method of description of three-dimensional objects that transports the scope of two dimensions: from line to volume or from volume to line, in this way resolving an issue that art of all ages. Perceptual hints that are provided by both eyes ... understanding depth as of the object perpendicular to the given surface. Physiological or psychological? The isometric projection arises in the industrial revolution in Great Britain (19 century) in order to present complex machinery designs in a way that could facilitate mass production. (Paradox: Modernity as if in ruins, the offense of the eternal present.) Scientific perspective methods are accurate to the observer, while the

isometric projection is with respect to the observed object. But neither the drawing methods nor the one using isometric perspective, are able to express the complex truth, intact, the one that really exists. The two begin to break down where the visual and the volumetric converge. These pieces exist in a dimension between two worlds, illusory, in the country that’s not completely flat, where multiple, and even contradictory, viewpoints can exist simultaneously without destroying the whole structure. We leave you with the list of axioms: “It is clear that the drawing of a person is not a person, but the drawing of a line is a line.” The drawing of a line without being a line.


‘Visions & Paradox’

Le Ricolais, 1894 - 1977

SS / 2014

Summer Hue RedGold

‘Summer Hue - Red Gold’


”Marble used to be a bird at one time; the gold, calls; the crystal, air or tear. Are they crying for their loss of breath? Aren’t they the memories of themselves and stopped they are observed forever?” Tribute to Enrique Morente and his red fortress La Alhambra Through the poem by María Zambrano: “Self-absorbed Water” which creates the song “Generalife”.

SS / 2014

Ergonomic Territories


‘Ergonomic Territories - ReviWood’


Ergonomic Territories is an infinite system of creation. Comprised of an idea that relates nature, artificial and abstract in a constant learning game. It is a field of opportunities where the act of derivative use in enjoyment causes expertise in stories accumulated trapped about “mountains” or its most basic geological structures (diamond-rocks).

Decontextualized landscapes are built in scale and multiplied in knowledge. The mountains contain stories not seen. We have extended the collection “Ergonomic Territories - Reviewood” developing it in wood. 70% handmade. Painted and finished by hand.

SS / 2014

Ergonomic Territories


‘Ergonomic Territories - Review Silver’

Review Silver

SS / 2014

Ergonomic Territories


‘Ergonomic Territories - Review Gold’

Review Gold

‘Ergonomic Territories - Review Gold’


















FW / SS / 2013


‘FW / SS / 2013’

“Ergonomic Territories” “World Peaks” “Lot of Sol”

‘FW / SS / 2013’


‘FW ‘Lookbook’ / SS / 2013’


‘FW / SS / 2013’


‘FW / SS / 2013’





“Galeries Lafayette - Beijing” “MoMA - New York City” “Anthropologie - USA” “Number 4 - Kuwait” “Aishti - Kuwait/Beirut”

Shops & Retailers

“107 Rivoli - Paris” “Luisa Via Roma- Florence” “We*Do Gallery - Bangkok” “G&B Negozio - Milan” “Phoenicia - Macau” “BD Madrid - Madrid” “Making Things - Madrid” “Piaff Boutique - Beirut”


“Ear Papillonner - Tokyo”


Shops & Retailers



LTER SHANGAI is a multi-designer lifestyle concept store in Shanghai. ALTER is synonymous with alternative, high quality and innovative fashion design, luxury perfume & scents and lifestyle wellbeing.

We are very happy to feel part of ALTER and share showroom with JAMIE WEI HUANG, Ground-Zero, Fringes, Daizy Shely, RISTO, MUUSE, Maison Michel, G.V.G.V, SOPHIE HULME and many other!

Le New Black is the first virtual B2B fashion platform tailored to cutting-edge brands and influential retailers. We are part of Le New Black. We are very pleased and honoured to share show-

room with Kris Van Assche, KENZO, AMI, JACQUEMUS, Etudes Studio, Paco Rabanne, Henrik Vibskov, Bernhard Willhelm, Bjørg Jewellery... and much more!

Shops & Retailers




Galeries Lafayette Beijing

Museum of Modern Art New York City

107 Rivoli Paris

Number 4 Kuwait

We*Do Gallery Bangkok

Plain People Tokyo

The Beast Shanghai

Piaff Boutique Beirut

Anthropologie USA

G&B Negozio Milan

BD Madrid Madrid

Making Things Madrid

Phoenicia Madrid

Aishti Kuwait/Beirut

Luisa Via Roma Florence

Ear Papillonner Tokyo


Shops & Retailers



“TELVA” “LAVANGUARDIA” “NEO2” “cooltery” “Pepe Jeans” “YATZER” “BITE” “C+accessories” “designboom” “CUORE” “Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin”









“Tina Loves” “Anna Ponsa” “ElianaKuo” “A.” “Ingrid G.-Jonsson” “Alba Mesa” “Maribel Verdú” “Antonia San Juan”






IngriD García Jonsson



CLASSE FW2015 and was honoured with the interest she had on our jewerly.

ANNA PONSA LOTOCOHO had the honor and pleas-


ctress Ingrid García-Jonsson attends the ‘Hermosa juventud’/ ‘Beautiful Youth’ photocall at the 67th Annual Cannes Film Festival on May 19, 2014 in Cannes, France wearing LOTOCOHO jewelry.

ure to receive & meet the beautiful Tina Loves in their stand in PREMIERE CLASSE Tuileries. She then insisted to wear them all week in Paris for Fashion Week!



OTOCOHO met Elianakuo during PREMIERE CLASSE FW2015 and we had the chance to collaborate with her.



pecial collaboration with Anna Ponsa during Paris Fashion Week FW 2015 and PREMIERE CLASSE - WHO’S NEXT.


lba Messa wearing LOTOCOHO Mt Hood golden necklace during the filming of a music video this weekend. We are very happy and honoured.




“Guggenheim Museum” “MoMA MuseumNew York” “REPSOL” “LOEWE - IED” “Marina Abramovic” “Vista Alegre Atlantis” “Jaime Hayon Studio” “Tina Loves - LOEWE” “Esperanza Spalding” “Nite Jewel” “CENTROCENTRO Madrid”

“Alhóndiga - Bilbao “Casa da Musica Porto” “Thyssen Museum Madrid” “Venice Biennale of Architecture” “Ibero-American Biennale of Design” “Joaquin Trias” “Isabel Muñoz” “Belen Vidal”




Art. Fashion. Architecture.


As a result, LOTOCOHO will create a special collection based on the structure of the proposal that will be presented this summer during the opening of the warm up sessions.

Jorge López Conde has worked as a

As a result, LOTOCOHO will create a special collection based on the structure of the proposal that will be presented this summer during the opening of the warm up sessions.


consultant for Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation for COSMO, selected as the winner of the annual Young Architects Program (YAP) in New York.

The Guggenheim Helsinki Design Com-

petition is the first open, international architectural competition to be organized by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. This initiative reflects the Guggenheim’s long history of engagement with architecture and design and its belief that outstanding original design can speak across cultures, refreshing and enlivening the urban environment.

Jorge López Conde has been proclaimed finalist of the Guggenheim Museum of Helsinki. From around 1715 teams, only 6 have been selected to be part of the final round. It has become the most relevant contest of history according to some critics.

consultant for Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation for COSMO, selected as the winner of the annual Young Architects Program (YAP) in New York.


Jorge López Conde has worked as a

the recognition of Enrique LOEWE’s support to the young and aspiring designers in the fashion world, given by The Instituto Europeo Di Design Madrid. LOTOCOHO has also been teaching in the interior design course, jewelry course and home design at IED Madrid.


TOCOHO with one of the most important worldwide brands: VISTA ALEGRE ATLANTIS, famous porcelain and glass factory established in 1824, located in Aveiro, Portugal. It offers LOTOCOHO the collaboration to carry out the new season in its facilities.

It is an honor to present our first collab-

One of the most important projects

The Teide volcano brooch, Ring A-VII Solid and Earrings P-VII.

The Design Central Matadero Madrid hosts the most important collective design show of Ibero-America, where the best works within this discipline made in the last few years are gathered. With a total of 400 pieces made by almost 450 designers.

oration with someone we have admired for many years and whom we consider to be a reference in the Art world. We received the invitation from Marina Abramovic; she was so thrilled by our pieces, she wanted to meet us. It was a pleasure and an honor. From now on, Marina will wear 3 jewels from our collection.

where LOTOCOHO has participated in 2014-2015: (exhibition design by Jorge Lopez Conde). The Ibero-American Biennial of Design


Casa da Música is a major concert hall

space in Porto, Portugal designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. LOTOCOHO has created specific rings in hommage to its great shape and concept and they are now on sale in the space.

uccio, Van Eyck, Carpaccio, Lucas Cranach, Dürer, Caravaggio, Rubens, Frans Hals, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Kirchner, Mondrian, Klee, Hopper, Rauschenberg ... These are just some of the great masters of art history whose works are on display at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. LOTOCOHO has created a special Vesuvius necklace based on one of the paintings in their main collection, as well as, vases inspired in the still lifes of Morandi.


his is the A- III ring, one of the very first LOTOCOHO pieces. It was hand made in the very same workshop of the jeweller of Jaime Hayon Studio in Treviso, Italy, 2010.


OTOCOHO has been selected to participate in the Spanish Pavillion in the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2012 for their investigation and development in their architectural theory.



LOTOCOHO designed the Medal for


LOTOCOHO will be collaborating with

Jorge López conde had the oportunity

to design the set of “Llora cuando te pase” an exhibition by Laida Lertxundi a young artist from bilbao who has been resident in L.A. The exhibitiont opened at



or us it is a real pleasure to see our pieces in the wonderful campaign for Loewe with our friend Tina Loves (www. Tina poses with LOTOCOHO’s A-III Solid ring for Loewe’s campaign for their newest Leo bag. LOTOCOHO had the honor and pleasure to receive & meet the beautiful Tina Loves in their stand in PREMIERE CLASSE Tuileries. She then insisted she where them all week in Paris for Fashion Week!


LOTOCOHO has created

special mountain piece exclusively for star NITE JEWEL, singer/songwriter from Los Angeles, (From the crew of “Italians do it better” / “Chromatics” / “Drive”) for her

Jorge López Conde had the opportuni-

ty to re-design the exhibition curated by Ana Dominguez ‘’D-Espacio: Recursos Humanos’’ that is going to become the permanent design area.


he winner of the Elle and Telva award 2011 and Spanish couturier with the most international projection, Joaquin Trias, has come to LOTOCOHO to create a special collection for his presentation in Paris Fashion Week 2011 at the Yvonne Lambert Gallery.

LOTOCOHO strutted the catwalk with

Belén Vidal during Madrid Fashion Week / Cibeles / El Ego.


LOTOCOHO had the honor in having

international renowned photographer, Isabel Muñoz, capture their pieces alongside Joaquin Trias and have them displayed on floor to ceiling canvases in the presentation at the Yvonne Lambert Gallery for Paris Fashion Week 2011.



renowed Jazz singer and upright bassist, Esperanza Spalding, on new additions to their collections and upcoming tours. Esperanza Spalding is two-time grammy



“Architectural Association Summer School London UK” “UMA School of Architecture - Umea SWEEDEN” “Architectural Association - London UK” “UPM Madrid School of Architecture - Madrid SPAIN” “Cartagena School of Architecture - Murcia SPAIN”

“Navarra School of Architecture - Pamplona SPAIN” “Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I - Madrid SPAIN” “COAM - Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid SPAIN”








“IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Madrid SPAIN” “ESNE - Escuela Universitaria de Diseño Madrid SPAIN” “COAM - Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid SPAIN”







LOTOCOHO is the course director of

Ephemeral Spaces a subject from the last academic year of the degree of Interior Design at ESNE - Unversidad Juan Carlos I University in Madrid, Spain.

LOTOCOHO has also been teaching

and taking part at IED Madrid’s Interior Design course, jewelry course and home design degree.


“Remember that art is a state of the encounter”


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