Hi T her e! I ’ ms oooex ci t edt ogett ophot ogr aphyourweddi ngday! Abi taboutme:Il ovet ot akepi ct ur es( obvi ous l y) .I naddi t i ont ot hi s , youcanof t enf i ndmecuddl i ngwi t hmypuppy+cat ,havi ngacof f eecompet i t i on wi t hmys el f( Ial wayswi n! )orment or i ngot herphot ogr apher s . I ' m af as hi onl overandIL ovet ot r avel .Myf avor i t epl acet ovi s i ti sI ndi a; I ' vebeent her e5t i mes . Ial s ohaveat hi ngf ors uccul entpl ant s . I ' m as eas onal gar dener ,meani ng,mypl ant sl i vef oral mos tas eas on. ButInevergi veup.Maybet hat ' swhyIl ovel ow mai nt enances uccul ent st hough? Igr ew upi nS weden,Engl and,andNew Yor kandIcar r yal l t hr eei mpeccabl y i nmyper s onal i t y. Il oves pendi ngmyf r eet i mei nmybeaut i f ul home. I ' ms obl es s edt ogett owor kwi t hmybes tf r i endsandhavebui l tanamaz i ngt eam t hathasbecomet hebackboneofL ot usEyesPhot ogr aphy. I ' mt hankf ul f ormycor por at ebackgr ound( wor kedf oracommer ci al i nves t or f or8year si nNYC) ,butI ' m evenmor et hankf ul f orbei ngabl et of ol l ow mydr eams . L i f ei st oos hor tt os i l enceourcal l i ng. Ican’ twai tt ogett oknow youmor eper s onal l yandt ohearyours t or y. Deni s s e
Hi T her e! I ’ ms oooex ci t edt ogett ophot ogr aphyourweddi ngday! Abi taboutme:Il ovet ot akepi ct ur es( obvi ous l y) .I naddi t i ont ot hi s , youcanof t enf i ndmecuddl i ngwi t hmypuppy+cat ,havi ngacof f eecompet i t i on wi t hmys el f( Ial wayswi n! )orment or i ngot herphot ogr apher s . I ' m af as hi onl overandIL ovet ot r avel .Myf avor i t epl acet ovi s i ti sI ndi a; I ' vebeent her e5t i mes . Ial s ohaveat hi ngf ors uccul entpl ant s . I ' m as eas onal gar dener ,meani ng,mypl ant sl i vef oral mos tas eas on. ButInevergi veup.Maybet hat ' swhyIl ovel ow mai nt enances uccul ent st hough? Igr ew upi nS weden,Engl and,andNew Yor kandIcar r yal l t hr eei mpeccabl y i nmyper s onal i t y. Il oves pendi ngmyf r eet i mei nmybeaut i f ul home. I ' ms obl es s edt ogett owor kwi t hmybes tf r i endsandhavebui l tanamaz i ngt eam t hathasbecomet hebackboneofL ot usEyesPhot ogr aphy. I ' mt hankf ul f ormycor por at ebackgr ound( wor kedf oracommer ci al i nves t or f or8year si nNYC) ,butI ' m evenmor et hankf ul f orbei ngabl et of ol l ow mydr eams . L i f ei st oos hor tt os i l enceourcal l i ng. Ican’ twai tt ogett oknow youmor eper s onal l yandt ohearyours t or y. Deni s s e
ENGAGEMENTS ES S I ON Engagements es s i onsar eagr eatoppor t uni t yt ocel ebr at et hi suni quephas eofl i f e.
I t ’ sgr eatt opr act i cebef or e t heweddi ngday!F orme,I wantt hepor t r ai tpr oces st o beass yner gi s t i caspos s i bl e, ands ohavi ngs omet i met o wor konpos i ngt oget heras wel l asgetaf eel f oryour t as t ebef or et hebi gdayi s es s ent i al t ot hepr oces s .
Youl ear nt ot r us tus .T r us ti s s oes s ent i al t oourr el at i ons hi ps wi t hourcl i ent sandwhenour cl i ent ss eet hatweunder s t and t hem,andt hatweknow how t o maket hem l ookf ant as t i ci n t hei rphot os ,wecangetdown t ot hebus i nes sofmaki ng gr eatphot os .
I t ’ sj us tpl ai nf un.Engagementphot osar eagr eatex cus et oputas i det hes t r es s f ul par t sofpl anni ngaweddi ngandj us tenj oyoneanot herandhaves omef un t oget her . . .andyougett ous et hephot osf ors avet hedat ecar ds ,gues tbooksand ot herpr eweddi ngi t emst omakeyours peci al dayevenbet t er .
WEDDI NG TI MELI NE Cr eat i ngaWeddi ngPhot ogr aphyt i mel i necans eem abi tconf us i ngonyourown. Res tas s ur edt hatwewi l l cr eat et heper f ectt i mel i nef oryoubas edonyourweddi ngday s chedul eandr eques t s .Al l ofourWeddi ngPackagesi ncl udesacus t omi z edt i mel i newhi ch wi l l beemai l t oyoupr i ort oyourweddi ngday.
1: 15
T ai l endofget t i ngReadyCandi dsofBr i de& Gr oom
2: 30
F i r s tL ookal onebet weenBr i de& Gr oom
2: 45
Br i dal Par t yPhot osatPar k
3: 00
Br i de’ sF ami l y
3: 15
Gr oom’ sF ami l y
3: 30
Donewi t hpor t r ai t s ,br i dal par t ydr i vesbackt ocer emonyl ocat i on
4: 00
Weddi ngCer emony
4: 45
Recei vi ngL i ne
5: 30
Br i dal Phot osonBeach( 10mi nut edr i vet her e)
5: 50
L eaveBeachf orRecept i on
6: 15
Br i dal Par t yEnt er sRecept i on
6: 30
Recept i onDi nner / S peech/ T oas t s
7: 15
CakeCut t i ng
7: 30
F i r s tDance
8: 00
S uns etPhot os
8: 15
Phot ogr apherEx i t s
Go p iandVr aj aGo p al ’ sWe ddi ngAp r i l , 1 5 , 201 7 GopiKumar i :908642651 2Vr aj aGopal :51 07989961 Deni s s eSpr i nger :407353401 2,HoanNgyen:727501 5301
Get t i ngr eadyt i me:7: 30am f orBr i de,8: 00am f orGr oom Br i de’ sl ocat i on:1 0538NW Pal met t oBl vd,Al achuaFl Gr oom’ sl ocat i on:1 4502NW 1 48t hSt ,Al achuaFl Leavef orcer emonyt i me:
Fi stl ook?: Fi r stl ookt i me: Fi r stl ookl ocat i on:
Cer emonyLocat i on: Cer emonyt i me: Cer emonyends /l engt h: Fami l yf or malt i me: Fami l yf or mall ocat i on: Coupl esf or mal st i me: Coupl esf or mal sl ocat i on: Recept i ont i me: Recept i onLocat i on: Phot ogr apherdepar t s : Not es/Request s :
Wes pendt hemaj or i t yofourl i vespl uggedi nt os omedevi ce l apt op,phone,t v,et c. I ti scr uci al t hatwet aket het i met ounpl ugandbet r ul ypr es enti nt hemoment st hat mat t er . Byas ki ngyourgues t st ot ur nof ft hei rdevi ces ,youar eas ki ngt hem t oex per i ence t hedaywi t hyouandbepar toft hel ovet hatyouar ef eel i ngandwi s ht os har ewi t h t hem.Youar eas ki ngt hem t or el at et oyouandt hei rwor l dt hr ought hei rex per i ences , r at hert hanr el at i ngt hr ought hei rL CDs cr eens .As kyourgues t st obet r ul ypr es ent andpar t i ci pat er at hert hanbei ngobs er ver s . Addi t i onal l y,youhaveputal otoft i meandef f or ti nt ochoos i ngt heper f ect l y mat chedphot ogr apher st oyours t yl e,per s onal i t yandneeds .Whenyougetyour pi ct ur esbackdoyouwantt hem ofyourgues t senj oyi ngyourdayorofyour gues t sex per i enci ngt hedayt hr oughdownt ur nedf acest owar dt hei rdevi ces ? Whi l ewecanbet hef i r s tt oadmi tt ot hi s ,s t andupandpr oudl yannounceour , of t enobs es s i ve,l ovef ors mar tphones ,weal s obel i eves t r ongl yi nt hepowerof t ur ni ngt hem of fandbei ngpr es enti nt hemoment .
OURF AVORI T EVENDORS It akevendorr ecommendat i onsver ys er i ous l yandonl yl i s tt hos ewhom haveagood r eput at i onwi t hmys el fandot her s ,andwhom Ihavewor kedwi t hper s onal l y.
F L ORI S T Gr eener yPr oduct i ons
( 407)3639151
www. gr eener ypr oduct i ons . com
( 407)2964996
wwwcl as s i cdi s cj ockeys . com
( 407)9967753
www. or l andol i mor i de. com
( 407)4897699
www. event f ul l yyour s . com
( 407)3111993
www. ar t hur s cat er i ng. com
( 407)5782082
www. or l andocus t omcakes . com
DI S CJ OCKEY DJChuckJ ohns on
T RANS PORT Or l andoL i moRi de
WEDDI NG PL ANNER Event f ul l yYour s
CAT ERER Ar t hur ’ sCat er i ng
CAKES Par t yF l avor sCus t om Cakes
MAKEUP& BEAUT Y J i l l i anCar o
www. j i l l i ancar o. com
T hevendor sIr ecommendhaveex cel l entcus t omers er vi ceandpas s i onf ort hei rwor k
www. L ot usEyesPhot ogr aphy Cont act @l ot us eyes phot ogr aphy. com 407. 353. 4012