Lou Baker, Parts of me, 2021
Parts of me, 2021, is an ensemble of multiple, modular, sculptural parts that can be configured to respond to the available space. It could be different every time it’s installed.
In these images, the Parts are arranged as an ensemble, a series of 3 separate sculptural assemblages, in such a way that visitors can walk around and through the space.
Hand-knitting, wool, PVC, stitch, zips, steel, concrete, lead, the artist’s sandals, nuts and bolts
The assemblages are not free standing. The steel frame sections, once assembled, need to be secured using steel wire rope attached to the walls or ceiling.
It would obviously be possible, if space were limited, to condense the Parts into a smaller area or to install just one of the three assemblages.
Not all Parts have been used for the ensembles shown.
Part of me, 1, detail
Part of me, 1, detail
Part of me, 1, detail
Part of me, 2, detail
Part of me, 2, detail
Part of me, 2, detail