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Early Giving Underway for Give Choose
The Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties will mark Give Choose, its annual day of community giving, March 28—and early giving is already underway.
Give Choose, an annual day of online giving hosted by the Community Foundation, challenges local residents to donate to local nonprofit organizations at givechoose.org. Last year, Give Choose raised a landmark $829,623 for local nonprofits. Since its inception in 2014, Give Choose has raised almost $3.5 million. The annual fundraiser begins with two weeks of early giving, which began March 14.
“Our dream is that as many people as possible in our community make a gift to support at least one local nonprofit during Give Choose day,” Community Foundation Vice President of Grants and Nonprofit Programs Nicole Acosta stated. “Give Choose gives everyone in our com- munity the opportunity to be a change maker whether you donate $25, $250, or more; or whether you choose one nonprofit or ten nonprofits. With so many local nonprofits participating, everyone can find a cause that’s important to them and maybe even learn about a new organization they didn’t know about before.”
More than 145 charities serving Loudoun and Northern Fauquier are registered, and visitors can choose to support nonprofits working in a range of fields like animal welfare, the environment, health, human services, education, youth, and arts and culture. Donations start at $10.

Local businesses also participate in Give Choose through sponsorships, which provide a prize pool to be awarded to participating nonprofits throughout the day of March 14.
Find a nonprofit to support and donate at givechoose.org. n